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2016-04-07 12:44:26 编辑:hongyaping 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读: 用英语说一件自己难忘的事(三篇)  我经历过许许许多多的事,但最令我难忘的是那天发生的事,它一直深深地印在我的脑海里,让我难以忘怀。下 ...




  One day I was taking a bus to the park. Therewere so many people on the bus that some people had to stand.英语说一件自己难忘的事(三篇)

  Suddenly an old man got on the bus. The driver said to the passengers,"Please give the old man a seat." But nobody gave his seat to him.

  I was angry at this. In our society respecting the old and cherishing the young is a traditional virtue. I'd like to say "Please offer your love to others!"





  One day Mon said to me "I love you. son". I was very happy that day and went to school.

  At 6 o'clock in the afternoon, i went back home.Dad was also back and there was a big cake

  on the table. I asked him "why there is a cake? can i eat it?"用英语说一件自己难忘的事(三篇)

  Dad answered "No.Mom should eat first."

  "why?"I asked again.

  "because it's your mom's birthday"

  then i remembered mom said "i love you" to me in the morning.

  it was mom's birthday,but i didn't know that.

  and she said "i love you"to me.


  A memorable event in the road I was growing up, there is one thing to make me never forget. Gone through that matter, I seem to grow up a lot. That was New Year's Eve last year; the students send each other greeting cards. Cards with their own wishes and sent to good friends. I have also been infected by this atmosphere and ready to join the crowd, suddenly, I saw a student sitting there alone. That is not the famous "naughty King" Liu Kai do? But now, he seems like a changed man. How he got it? I looked at him puzzled. Suddenly, I wake up. Certainly because no one sent him a greeting card, and no one said to him words of wish I could not help feel sad for him. So I handed him a greeting card ,and said to him: “ happy holiday!" He looked at me then looked at the cards, said happily: “Thank you!" His eyes filled with happiness. He stood up and said: “I also have a beautiful card Looked at him, and I smiled. How important Group is !用英语说一件自己难忘的事(三篇)



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