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2016-09-07 12:10:48 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 全国创新英语大赛大连培训机构(共5篇)第十四届全国创新英语大赛参赛通知“第十四届全国创新英语大赛”参赛通知“全国创新英语大赛”由教育部高校学生司指导、中国高校招生研究会主办的《高校招生》杂志社与北京大学、清华大学、北京师范大学等数十所名牌高校联合举办,大赛原称“全国创新英语作文大赛”,从2009年第八届开始,大赛增加了听力和口语项目,并...


全国创新英语大赛大连培训机构 第一篇













西南 省份(自治区、直辖市) 北京 天津、山东、河北、山西、内蒙古 上海、江苏、浙江、安徽 广东、广西、福建、海南 河南、湖南、湖北、江西 辽宁、黑龙江、吉林 陕西、新疆、甘肃、宁夏、青海 四川、重庆、云南、贵州、西藏 拟设赛点 北京 泰安(石家庄、太原) 南京(合肥) 广州 郑州、长沙 沈阳(哈尔滨、长春) 西安 重庆、成都


第十四届大赛初赛报名于2014年9月10日正式启动,所有高一、高二学生均可报名参赛。 现将大赛有关事项通知如下

一. 活动组织:




二. 参赛对象:全国高一、高二学生

三. 初赛

(一) 时间:

为了方便选手报名后及时参赛,给选手提供更多公平考试的机会,本届大赛的初赛分两个阶段进行。 ● 初赛第一阶段(已结束)




● 初赛第二阶段(正在报名中)




(二) 报名方式:

参赛选手可根据自己的条件选择以下任意一种报名方式,同一身份证号码只能报名一次,初赛第一阶段没有进入复赛的选手,可以免费参加第二阶段初赛(报名信息一经填写不予更改,请认真填写)。 注:参赛选手报名后,系统将根据选手所在学校等相关信息自动划分赛区,原则上不得跨赛区报名。个别选手需跨区报名比赛,须经大赛组委会同意。

① 团体报名:由学校组织团体报名,报名表发送至2924209586@qq.com,报名表另附。

② 个人报名:参赛选手登陆大赛官方网站()在线提交选手详细个人资料,获得参赛资格证号,并设置比赛系统登录密码。咨询电话:010-56277398。

(三) 参赛费及交费方式:


① 银行转账:通过银行转账汇款(收款银行账号登陆大赛官方网站查询),适用于团体报名。 ② 网上支付:网络报名成功后,通过网站提供的在线支付方式交费,适用于个人报名。

(四) 初赛内容与形式:


(五) 评审





四. 复赛

(一) 报名时间:



(二) 报名方式:

获得复赛资格的参赛选手登录大赛官方网站,在线选择赛点(赛点一经确认不可修改),确认报名。咨询电话:010-56277398 许老师。



(四) 获取复赛资格,在线打印参赛资格证:


(五) 复赛时间、地点:


(六) 复赛内容与形式:


(七) 评审

复赛成绩由作文(占总成绩60%)、听力(占总成绩20%)和口语(占总成绩20%)三部分组成。 复赛评委全部由联办高校英语专任教师组成。


五. 决赛

决赛定于2015年7月25日—7月29日,以夏令营的形式在北京举行。 联办高校招生负责人参加大赛颁奖晚会。


六. 奖励

1. 全国优胜者:全国复赛选手的复赛成绩从高到低排序,取复赛实际参赛人数的前10%优秀学生为本届大赛全国优胜者(优胜者按3:3:4的人数比例分设一二三等奖)。

2. 分赛区优胜者:每个分赛区复赛选手的复赛成绩从高到低排序,除获得全国优胜者的选手外,本赛区复赛实际参赛人数的前30%的优秀学生作为分赛区优胜者(优胜者按3:3:4的人数比例分设一二三


3. 夏令营将评出冠、亚、季军各一名和全国二十强,并将追加部分全国和分赛区优胜者名额。

4. 进入复赛的选手均发给“复赛证明”(在线打印)。

5. 复赛和决赛选出的“优胜者”可获得联办高校的自主选拔录取考核资格或其它部分非自主招生高校相应录取优惠条件,经该校自主招生测试(审查)合格后,按该校自主招生办法录取。联办高校名单及录取优惠条件将于每年11月起陆续在大赛官方网站 、《高校招生》杂志及《高校招生》杂志网站()等媒体上公布。

6. 为了表彰广大高中教师积极组织、指导选手参赛,大赛将评选出大赛最佳组织奖(指导参赛选手超过50人的老师)、特级辅导老师(全国一等奖辅导老师)、高级辅导老师(全国二、三等奖辅导老师)、优秀辅导老师(分赛区优胜者辅导老师)。并在大赛官方网站设立专题,展示教师风采,对老师进行专题报道,并在大赛合作媒体同时发布。

7. 为表彰中学对大赛的积极支持,大赛将向初赛参与人数超过200人的学校颁发“全国创新英语大赛人才培养基地”奖牌,对大赛全国优胜者人数超过5人或者产生全国二十强选手的学校颁发“全国创新英语大赛优秀生源基地”奖牌。并在大赛官方网站设立专题,展示学校风采,对学校进行专题报道,并在大赛合作媒体同时发布。(请相关的中学提前准备相关资料,于2015年9月1日前发送至大赛官方邮箱engshow@sooxue.com。)

8. 在总决赛晚会上,组委会将举行“人才培养基地”、“优秀生源基地”、“优秀辅导老师”的颁奖授牌仪式,届时将邀请获奖中学负责人和获奖老师参加。

七. 补充说明:


2.通联地址:北京市海淀区玉渊潭南路3号水科院万方程科技楼3层 “全国创新英语大赛组委会秘书处” 邮编:100038 联系电话:010-56277398 。









全国创新英语大赛大连培训机构 第二篇













西南 省份(自治区、直辖市) 北京 天津、山东、河北、山西、内蒙古 上海、江苏、浙江、安徽 广东、广西、福建、海南 河南、湖南、湖北、江西 辽宁、黑龙江、吉林 陕西、新疆、甘肃、宁夏、青海 四川、重庆、云南、贵州、西藏 拟设赛点 北京 泰安(石家庄、太原) 南京(合肥) 广州 郑州、长沙 沈阳(哈尔滨、长春) 西安 重庆、成都


第十四届大赛初赛报名于2014年9月10日正式启动,所有高一、高二学生均可报名参赛。 现将大赛有关事项通知如下

一. 活动组织:




二. 参赛对象:全国高一、高二学生

三. 初赛

(一) 时间:

为了方便选手报名后及时参赛,给选手提供更多公平考试的机会,本届大赛的初赛分两个阶段进行。 ● 初赛第一阶段(正在报名中)




● 初赛第二阶段




(二) 报名方式:

参赛选手可根据自己的条件选择以下任意一种报名方式,同一身份证号码只能报名一次,初赛第一阶段没有进入复赛的选手,可以免费参加第二阶段初赛(报名信息一经填写不予更改,请认真填写)。 注:参赛选手报名后,系统将根据选手所在学校等相关信息自动划分赛区,原则上不得跨赛区报名。个别选手需跨区报名比赛,须经大赛组委会同意。

① 团体报名:由学校组织团体报名,报名表发送至936284166@qq.com,报名表另附。

② 个人报名:参赛选手登陆大赛官方网站()在线提交选手详细个人资料,获得参赛资格证号,并设置比赛系统登录密码。咨询电话:010-57275626。

(三) 参赛费及交费方式:


① 银行转账:通过银行转账汇款(收款银行账号登陆大赛官方网站查询),适用于团体报名。 ② 网上支付:网络报名成功后,通过网站提供的在线支付方式交费,适用于个人报名。

(四) 初赛内容与形式:


(五) 评审





四. 复赛

(一) 报名时间:



(二) 报名方式:

获得复赛资格的参赛选手登录大赛官方网站,在线选择赛点(赛点一经确认不可修改),确认报名。咨询电话:010-57275626 吴老师。



(四) 获取复赛资格,在线打印参赛资格证:


(五) 复赛时间、地点:


(六) 复赛内容与形式:【全国创新英语大赛大连培训机构】


(七) 评审

复赛成绩由作文(占总成绩60%)、听力(占总成绩20%)和口语(占总成绩20%)三部分组成。 复赛评委全部由联办高校英语专任教师组成。


五. 决赛

决赛定于2015年7月25日—7月29日,以夏令营的形式在北京举行。 联办高校招生负责人参加大赛颁奖晚会。


六. 奖励

1. 全国优胜者:全国复赛选手的复赛成绩从高到低排序,取复赛实际参赛人数的前10%优秀学生为本届大赛全国优胜者(优胜者按3:3:4的人数比例分设一二三等奖)。

2. 分赛区优胜者:每个分赛区复赛选手的复赛成绩从高到低排序,除获得全国优胜者的选手外,本赛区复赛实际参赛人数的前30%的优秀学生作为分赛区优胜者(优胜者按3:3:4的人数比例分设一二三


3. 夏令营将评出冠、亚、季军各一名和全国二十强,并将追加部分全国和分赛区优胜者名额。

4. 进入复赛的选手均发给“复赛证明”(在线打印)。

5. 复赛和决赛选出的“优胜者”可获得联办高校的自主选拔录取考核资格或其它部分非自主招生高校相应录取优惠条件,经该校自主招生测试(审查)合格后,按该校自主招生办法录取。联办高校名单及录取优惠条件将于每年11月起陆续在大赛官方网站 、《高校招生》杂志及《高校招生》杂志网站()等媒体上公布。

6. 为了表彰广大高中教师积极组织、指导选手参赛,大赛将评选出大赛最佳组织奖(指导参赛选手超过50人的老师)、特级辅导老师(全国一等奖辅导老师)、高级辅导老师(全国二、三等奖辅导老师)、优秀辅导老师(分赛区优胜者辅导老师)。并在大赛官方网站设立专题,展示教师风采,对老师进行专题报道,并在大赛合作媒体同时发布。

7. 为表彰中学对大赛的积极支持,大赛将向初赛参与人数超过200人的学校颁发“全国创新英语大赛人才培养基地”奖牌,对大赛全国优胜者人数超过5人或者产生全国二十强选手的学校颁发“全国创新英语大赛优秀生源基地”奖牌。并在大赛官方网站设立专题,展示学校风采,对学校进行专题报道,并在大赛合作媒体同时发布。(请相关的中学提前准备相关资料,于2015年9月1日前发送至大赛官方邮箱engshow@sooxue.com。)

8. 在总决赛晚会上,组委会将举行“人才培养基地”、“优秀生源基地”、“优秀辅导老师”的颁奖授牌仪式,届时将邀请获奖中学负责人和获奖老师参加。

七. 补充说明:


2.通联地址:北京市海淀区玉渊潭南路3号水科院万方程科技楼3层 “全国创新英语大赛组委会秘书处” 邮编:100038 联系电话:010-57275626 。








全国创新英语大赛大连培训机构 第三篇


文章来源:创新英语组委会 作者:佚名 点击数:18671 更新日期:2014/9/15












西南 省份(自治区、直辖市) 北京 天津、山东、河北、山西、内蒙古 上海、江苏、浙江、安徽 广东、广西、福建、海南 河南、湖南、湖北、江西 辽宁、黑龙江、吉林 陕西、新疆、甘肃、宁夏、青海 四川、重庆、云南、贵州、西藏 拟设赛点 北京 泰安(石家庄、太原)南京(合肥) 广州 郑州、长沙 沈阳(哈尔滨、长春)西安 重庆、成都


第十四届大赛初赛报名于2014年9月10日正式启动,所有高一、高二学生均可报名参赛。 现将大赛有关事项通知如下。

一. 活动组织:




组委会主任:朱 彤(《高校招生》杂志社社长)






黄 钢(清华大学博士,安博教育集团副总裁)【全国创新英语大赛大连培训机构】





二. 参赛对象:全国高一、高二学生

三. 初赛



● 初赛第一阶段




● 初赛第二阶段







① 网络报名:参赛选手登陆大赛官方网站()在线提交选手详细个人资料,获得参赛资格证号,并设置比赛系统登录密码,咨询电话:010-56277507、56277508。

② 现场报名:参赛选手可在报名时间内到大赛指定报名点报名交费,各地指定报名点将通过大赛官方网站()陆续发布。目前可接受现场报名地点为:

【四川成都】四川省成都市学道街42号(原四川省招办)4楼 联系电话:028-86654103

【北京】北京市海淀区玉渊潭南路3号水科院万方程科技楼3层 联系电话:010-56277507、56277508

③ 团体报名:中学组织团体报名(《团体报名表》请到大赛官方网站下载,填报完成后,将报名表电子文件发送至大赛官方邮箱engshow2013@163.com或engshow@sooxue.com),并电话确认,报名费由中学指定老师统一收取后通过以下任一方式交费。

(三) 参赛费及交费方式:


① 网上支付:网络报名成功后,通过网站提供的在线支付方式交费。

② 银行转账:通过银行转账汇款(收款银行账号登陆大赛官方网站查询,节假日期间建议网上交费)。

③ 现场交费:在指定报名点办理报名手续时将参赛费交给财务人员。




初赛作文由联办高校英语专任教师和重点中学英语教师组成的评阅组集中评阅。 初赛按成绩排序,每阶段成绩全国排名前30%的选手进入复赛。



四. 复赛


初赛第一阶段入围选手报名交费时间:2014年12月29日—2015年1月15日。 初赛第二阶段入围选手报名交费时间:2015年3月11日—2015年3月20日。















五. 决赛

决赛定于2015年7月25日—7月29日,以夏令营的形式在北京举行。 联办高校招生负责人参加大赛颁奖晚会。


六. 奖励

1. 全国优胜者:全国复赛选手的复赛成绩从高到低排序,取复赛实际参赛人数的前10%优秀学生为本届大赛全国优胜者(优胜者按3:3:4的人数比例分设一二三等奖)。

2. 分赛区优胜者:每个分赛区复赛选手的复赛成绩从高到低排序,除获得全国优胜者的选手外,本赛区复赛实际参赛人数的前30%的优秀学生作为分赛区优胜者(优胜者按3:3:4的人数比例分设一二三等奖)。

3. 夏令营将评出冠、亚、季军各一名和全国二十强,并将追加部分全国和分赛区优胜者名额。

4. 进入复赛的选手均发给“复赛证明”(在线打印)。

5. 复赛和决赛选出的“优胜者”可获得联办高校的自主选拔录取考核资格或其它部分非自主招生高校相应录取优惠条件,经该校自主招生测试(审查)合格后,按该校自主招生办法录取。联办高校名单及录取优惠条件将于每年11月起陆续在大赛官方网站 、《高校招生》杂志及《高校招生》杂志网站()、搜学网()等媒体上公布。

6. 为了表彰广大高中教师积极组织、指导选手参赛,大赛将评选出大赛组织奖(指导参赛选手超过50人的老师)、特级辅导老师(全国一等奖辅导老师)、高级辅导老师(全国二、三等奖辅导老师)、优秀辅导老师(分赛区优胜者辅导老师)。并在大赛官方网站设立专题,展示教师风采,对老师进行专题报道,并在大赛合作媒体同时发布。

7. 为表彰中学对大赛的积极支持,大赛将向初赛参与人数超过200人的学校颁发“全国创新英语大赛人才培养基地”奖牌,对大赛全国优胜者人数超过5人或者产生全国二十强选手的学校颁发“全国创新英语大赛优秀生源基地”奖牌。并在大赛官方网站设立专题,展示学校风采,


8. 在总决赛晚会上,组委会将举行“人才培养基地”、“优秀生源基地”、“优秀辅导老师”的颁奖授牌仪式,届时将邀请获奖中学负责人和获奖老师参加。

七. 补充说明:


2.通联地址:北京市海淀区玉渊潭南路3号水科院万方程科技楼3层 “全国创新英语大赛组委会秘书处” 邮编:100038 联系电话:010-56277507、56277508 。








全国创新英语大赛大连培训机构 第四篇

四川省平昌中学 指导教师:吴昌荣

The Benefits of Watching American TV Dramas

Zhao Junzhou

Nowadays, with more and more accesses to America, watching American TV dramas has gradually become a prevailing trend among the youths, who are high on them. However, various people hold distinctive views on it. Some people believe that watching American TV dramas can foster their sense of language, while others maintain that the American TV dramas may play a negative role in young people's lives and study on account of different cultural backgrounds. To be frank, I sustain that watching American TV dramas can bring a variety of advantages to us. There are some justifications listed to support my argument.

To begin with, it is indisputable that watching American TV dramas can enhance the youths’ sense of language. For one thing, it can help them to practice oral English and listening competence as well as learn some idioms. The reason is that it is widely considered to be one of the most effective approaches to make the youths be exposed to authentic commutative context. For another, watching American TV dramas is conducive to them to consolidate what they have acquired in classroom. In addition, American TV dramas can broaden the youths’ horizon. They can avail themselves of this opportunity to have a good command of American culture, customs, lifestyles, science and so on. Furthermore, watching American TV dramas can cultivate the youths’ interest in English. Appreciating the fantastic and interesting stories, they can acquire some fixed expressions, obtain pleasure and experience exotic taste. Therefore, many English teachers adopt American TV dramas to trigger students’ study motivation. Last but not least, they can attain American self-made spirit. The youths can learn how to strive to pursue and achieve their dream. To some

extent, it can develop their independent personality and persistent and creative spirit.

In a nutshell, we can naturally draw a reasonable and solid conclusion that watching American TV dramas not only can promote the youth’s English proficiency and broaden their horizon, but also it fosters their study interest and self-made spirit. Therefore, I strongly and firmly uphold the youth to watch American TV dramas on account their numerous benefits.

The Benefits of Watching American TV Dramas

Zhou Jing

Nowadays, the original American TV dramas are so prevailing among the youths in China with the growth of internet TV. Considering that they bring a variety of benefits to the youths, they are extremely high on American TV dramas. However, people’s views on them vary from person to person, which causes heated debate on it. Some people believe that watching American TV dramas can foster their language sense while other people maintain the American TV dramas may play a negative role in young people's lives and study on account of different cultural background and social system. As for me, I prefer the former view rather than the latter. There are some justifications listed to support my argument.

To begin with, it is generally accepted that watching American TV dramas can promote the youths’ English proficiency. Firstly, appreciating the fantastic and amusing stories, they can enhance their listening competence and oral English by means of imitating the native speakers’ pronunciation and intonation. Secondly, they can improve their overall range of vocabulary and help them with their sentence structures, and ultimately, they have to make the English their own. In addition, definitely, it can foster the youths’ pragmatic ability. In terms of Chinese English learners, they don’t know to appropriately use English in special context. The learner will have to get some genuine interaction going in order to use the language he has learnt. The youths can be exposed to genuine context so that they enhance their commutative ability via watching American TV dramas. Eventually, watching American TV dramas are generally considered to be one effective means to broaden the youths’ horizon. On the one hand, watching American TV dramas can make the youths have acquaintance with American culture, including lifestyles, customs, economy and science and technology and so on. On the other hand, it can help them have access to American spirit, covering self-made spirit, adventurous spirit and innovative spirit.

In short, we can naturally draw a reasonable and solid conclusion that watching American TV dramas can promote the youths’ English proficiency; meanwhile it can foster the youths’ communicative competency and broaden their horizon. By all means, I uphold the youths to be exposed to American TV dramas.

The Benefits of Watching American TV Dramas

Yang Xing

With the development Chinese and western cultural communication and confluence, more and more American films and TV dramas swarm into Chinese film and TV market. Nowadays, there is a hot trend for the youths to watch American TV dramas, which causes an heated debate whether watching American TV dramas can bring benefits to the youths or not. However, people’s views on them vary from person to person. Some people hold that watching American TV dramas can enhance the youths’ language sense while others hold the opposite views. As for me, I maintain that watching American TV dramas can promote the youths’ language sense. In the following part, I will list some solid evidences to specify my argument.

To begin with, watching American TV dramas plays an irreplaceable role in enhancing the youths’ language sense. Enjoying American TV dramas, they can listen to the dialogues with double subtitles made by actors, which can practice their oral English and listening. At the same time, they can acquire some authentic expressions and improve their overall a range of vocabulary and help you master sentence structures. What’s more, there is on denying that the youths can have acquaintance with western culture by means of watching American TV dramas. The reason is that American TV dramas reflect and embody western history, numerous etiquettes, and fashion and so on. Therefore, watching American TV dramas enriches their cultural knowledge. It is a fact that learning related culture knowledge can promote language acquisition. Ultimately, American TV dramas demonstrate some American brilliant spirit. The youths can have a good knowledge of American spirit to explore, self-made spirit, perseverance spirit and so on via appreciating American TV dramas, which are conducive to the youths’ growth.

Taking all these factors into consideration, we can naturally draw a reasonable conclusion that watching American TV dramas can enhance the youths’ language and enrich their cultural knowledge; meanwhile, it can foster their some marvelous qualities. Thus, anyhow, I uphold the youth to watch American TV dramas.

American TV Dramas Follow the Trend of the Times

He Qilang

In recent years, with the growth of internet, the original American TV dramas are so prevalent in China. More and more the youths would rather stay at home to watching TV rather that hangs out with their friends. Chinese English learners benefit a lot from watching and enjoying those TV dramas. Respecting the phenomenon, people’s views on them vary from person to person. The youths believe that watching American TV dramas propels them English study while their parents holds it will consume their much time. Personally, I maintain that watching American TV dramas can enhance the youths’ language sense. My argument generally stems from several aspects.

To begin with, exposure to American TV dramas can be conducive to study English. For one thing, watching American TV dramas can enhance the youths’ listening competence and oral English. For another, it can trigger their interest in English in that interest is the best teacher. Therefore, watching American TV dramas and improving English proficiency is complementary instead of contradictory relationship. Besides, there is on denying that watching American TV dramas bring them pleasure. When the youths fulfill their study and feel exhausted, they turn on TV and watch amusing American TV dramas, which help them to relax and release stress. Ultimately, it is extremely definite that watching American TV dramas can foster the youths’ cross-cultural communicative capability. For example, when the youths, along with their parents go aboard and encounter the native speakers, supposing that they can communicate with them with fluent and authentic English, their parents fell astonished. At this moment, they can proudly tell them they acquire these expressions by means of watching American TV dramas, and their parents will take pride in their ability.

In a nutshell, taking all these factors into consideration, we can naturally arrive at a reasonable conclusion that American TV dramas are products which follow the trend of the times, and they enhance the youths’ English proficiency and cross-cultural communicative capability, and bring pleasure to their mind and body. Thus, I advocate the youths to appropriately watch American TV dramas.


American TV Dramas Follow the Trend of the Times

Gou Guiming

In recent years, technology and science change rapidly and continuously, more and more American TV dramas swarm into Chinese film and TV market and the youths are extremely wild on American TV dramas. Regarding this phenomenon, various people hold distinctive standpoints. Some people suppose they can bring a variety of benefits to the youths while others hold the opposite view. Personally, I would rather espouse the former view rather the latter. I will list some rational evidences to sustain my argument.

First of all, I will highlight watching American TV dramas can enhance the youths’ English proficiency. On the one hand, they can provide a good chance to the youths to practice their oral English and listening ability by means of imitating the actors’ conversations. On the other, they can make the spectators integrate into genuine commutative context to improve their communicative ability. Moreover, it is obvious that watching American TV dramas offers the youths to have access to western culture. Actually, provided that the youths desire to have a good command of English, they should be familiar with American culture, which covers social system, lifestyle, customs, economy and science and so on. Eventually, admittedly, watching American TV dramas can broaden the youths’ horizon and enrich their knowledge. As we all know, American TV dramas and films are made by high-technology. Enjoying American TV dramas, the youths can attain visual pleasure and shock. In a sense, they will encourage the youths to pursue their dream to be fond of science. When they grow up, they will be determined to make contribution to our technological advancement.

To sum up, we can come to a reasonable conclusion that watching American TV dramas not only provides a brilliant chance for the youths to enhance their English proficiency and know western culture, but also they can stimulate them to be fond of science. Therefore, we should advocate the youths to be exposed to American TV dramas owing to their benefits.

全国创新英语大赛大连培训机构 第五篇




Read the following paragraph and write a composition as stated at about 300 words in 60 minutes. Your composition will be graded according to clarity, accuracy and meaningfulness. In accordance with CRI news, the spirit of Chinese volunteers, from responding to the May 12 earthquake to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, not only touched the Chinese people, but also generated worldwide attention. Official statistics show that china has accumulated about 8 billion hours of volunteer work from 380 million volunteers since 1993 and is going to have more and more volunteers, especially the youth.

How do you understand volunteer work? In what way(s) is it important to promote the well-being of individuals, families, communities and the world at large? Your writing ought to contain three parts, your viewpoint, the supporting ideas, and the conclusion.

Come and join us in volunteer work right now!



Dear grandfather:

How are you?

I am writing to invite you to join us, in the next year, to be a voluntear in the great event, which is to hold in Shanghai. We, a generation born in the 90s in our city, have made a team to do the volunteer work. And you are welcomed by all our team members awing to your great amount of knowledge about Chinese traditions and culture. Please don't tell me you are too old to do this job. I believe you are sure to accept my invitation after reading my following explannation of the importance of the volunteer work.

Nowadays, volunteer work, which has raised public interest and concern, is becomming more and more popular throughout the world. As is known to all, volunteer work is not only meaningful but also necessary. One my personal wete, what's more, it's interesting and pleasant! It help us develop oursel .

Firstly, for individuals, especially those young, to do volunteer work is an awailuabe wany to goin social experience. By doing volunteer work, they can meet vorrious people and they may run across all kinds of troubles. They however, can become mature and determined by solving these problems. You know, no pains, no gains. Also, individuals will realize that they do make a difference in someone else's life, even the whole event, the world! Their confidence can be rovised and confidence is what it takes to do any job well.

For families, if you're the side that received the help of the volunteers, of couse your issue will be more easily dealt with. If you're the side who give others your hand, you will realize there exists no better way to educate your children that “a virtwre deserues amother” because you'll get the best present - smile deeply from one's heart, in the whole world.

It is a great chance for all members getting closer to each other in communities by taking

part in volunteer work. Their team spirits, their co-operation will be great improued. So, why not?

The most importantly, for the whole world, for the entire human race, volunteer work will make earth a better place to live in, it is through volunteer work that we know there are so many people are willing to help others although they can't get money from it. It is through volunteer work that we know we are all brothers and sisters, that we are all families.

My dear grandfather, canre on! Join us and help introduce owr great Chinese culture to the world. 21 centuring is on open cewtury. You can trust yourself and please trust us, too! We'll help you and we need you help! Let's make the world a better place by being a volunteer! It's a small step for us but it is a leurge one for the whole world!

Love you.

Your granddaught.





To be a volunteer ,Bring a ray of sunshine



Dear Tom:

It is a great pleasure for me to have the wondeful chance to put pen to paper and send my greetings to you. You said that you wanted to be a volunteer and didn't know whether you should or not. I want to help you analyse it.

In my opinion. I think it is not noly a good chance to help others but also a good opportunity to make selp-improvement. You'd better participate in the volunteer work. If we compane youth to flouers, as is often the case, then the young volunteers are the most beautiful flowers. By joining in the vounteer work, you will leam how to help others and how to love others. What's more you can also find it out that there are many people suffering from disaster and then you will value your comfortable life. Although you may feel very tired as a volunteer and it may cost you much time to help others, I still insist that you should be a volunteer because the advantages bright about by volunteer work overweigh the disadvantages.

It all the people refused to be volunteers, the people suffered from the may 12 earthquake could lose heart and most of them wouldn't have the chance to survive from that disaster. If none of the people wanted to be a volunteer, the Beijing olympic Games would be a failure. If every people didn't feel like being a volunteer, there would be no people cleaning the environment and protecting the beautiful scenery automatically. It was terrible! From all mentioned above,

volunteers play a very important part in our daily life. To be a volunteer will gain glory for China. As is brow to all, Chinese children are always laughed at for lack of practice. So to be a volunteer is a good chance to canpensate for it.【全国创新英语大赛大连培训机构】

From my point of view, it's high time that you became a volunteer and learned to help others. If everyone makes a contribution to helping others, the world will be much more beautiful!

At last, wish you all the best!

Yours sincerely.





文章二三段的结构很混乱,建议这样的文章段落都应写成总、分、总的形式更能突出文章的逻辑性,并在“分”的部分也一条一条分开写,而不是都堆在一段内,让人分不清哪句是观点哪句是论证,很混乱。另外注意同义词的替换已是文章表达更丰富,比如文章中多次出现的帮助他人就都是使用:help others就显得过于单一了~

The importance of volunteer work



In my opinion, volunteer work is quite an important part of the modern society. The reasons are as follows.

In the modern time, thanks to the deselopment of economy and technolodge, material enjoyment 13 earned both in higher quality and larger quantiy. At a price of this, individunls are taking the risk of losing their own values and even sparing no effert to make their fartane even at the price of the interest of the society. So the volunteer work has been playing an important part as a spiritual comfort not only to the receivers but also to the volunteers, promoting the well-being of the love-givers, making ertra value for others and keeping a perfect balance of the whole society.

In families, volunteer work will help to emphasize the importance of morality, meet emotional needs and even become a vivid educational lesson. Parents, who are widely regarded as the first and most important teachers of their children, are teaching their children through the activities which must truely toach the deepest part of the young souls, instead of serious, traditional crivical words. Also, during the process, in which every member showstus true love, other members are able to recognize him from a difference point of view. This kind of awarness is promised to promote the communication of the family in the future. In the whole world, the volunteer work can be considered to be an appropriate part of the globalization, during which the

world is becoming a Global village. And the natural and economic chisasters are driving people from different cultaral back grounds to stand together on the same side, emphasizing the interest of the whole world, which must not be deffended without any country's participation. And it is the volunteer work that can be granted the role of offering help in its hour of marimum need. All in all, volunteer work is truely an inreplacable part of the society and it is our responsibility to give our hands to make the world a better place.





Volunteer Life



As we know, “volunteer” is a kind of “work” that you offer to do it, and also, it is for free. From schools to shops, from Olympics to world wars, volunteers are everywhere. And to Chinese people, last year is an impresive(impressive) year because of volunteers. In May 12 earthquake and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Gams, volunteers played a really important role. They touched every Chinese's heart, including me.

I don't usually have chances to do volunteer's work, but I have some creative ideas about it. In my opinion, helping others is a kind of volunteer and it is important to our lives. We can't become a volunteer in poor rural area, but we can help classmates sowe(solve) a math problem; we can't join the Olympics, but we can take part in a sports meeting in school and develope the spirit of “higher, faster, stronger” in other ways; we can't go to Wenchuan, but we can send our “gifts” there. In fact, we are volunteering everyday and everywhere, but we ignore it sometimes. Volunteer is not a simple matter about yourself, it also has great influence to your life, your family, even the world. If there are not volunteers any more, everyone is selfish and vain, the world will be a lonely place. Volunteer can bring people warm and kind feelings and help improve your personality. When you are volunteering, you'll find the beauty of the world and life and you really feel and touch some hard experience, it is able to lead you to treat your family, your life, your fridends(friends) more previously. My dad once told me a story: at the time of Beijing Olympic Games one year's flashback, some volunteers said that time was really a hard but valuable memory. Sometimes, they had to stand, it was not permitted to argue with tourists;

sometimes, they even wanted to cry, but smiles had to be on theirs faces all the time. Volunteer was not an easy job, but they said that they didn't regret at all —— they responded to China, they won reputation for our nation!

So, volunteer is worth joining and valuing, though it is hard, you have gained the best award —— a kind heart.

Start your volunteer life now!




文章思路清晰,叙述条理清楚,但句子之间的衔接做得不够,要多用连接词。此外,应多掌握一些词语的同义词,这样避免重复。在句式变换方便也要多下些功夫。 Volunteer work: an unique lesson



With the rapid development of techndogy(technology) and communication in our society, the sense of competitiveness and cooperation filled our mind steadily. At the same time, the owarness(awareness) of helping others in people's mind also became stronger and stronger. This situation led to the start of a new “job”—volunteer.

We just found from the passage that the increasing number of the vdunteer(volunteer) touched all the people home and abroad. And I argue the point that volunteer work plays an integral part in our daily life especially for the youth in China.

First and foremest(foremost), nowadays, parents can only have one child and he or she may be given the best care of the other members in the family. As a consequence, the only clild(child) may become selfish and self-centered unconciously(unconsciously).

The volunteer work, as a special lessons can help the youngster put the other people's feeling before theirs and ask for their opinion before taking actions. Second volunreer(volunteer) work is not only a training of do others a favour but a process of improving your cooperation ability as well.

Last but not least, volunteer work is an unique lesson that we cant(cannot) get in our school. Former leader Jiangzemin said: the main goal in education is making students more creative and helping them reach their full potential. And in my poirt(point) view, it is volunteer work which can help them reach their full potential but not our school lessons. This kind of pratical practise can make us know more about what is going on in our society and in the world, for instance, the May 12 earthquake in wenchuan and the wonderful 2008 Beijing Olympic Game and so on.

All the evidence discussed in the above awalysis the points to my conclusion that volunteer work is an unique lesson for our teenagers as it make us know more. do more and think more.

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