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my summer holiday英语作文

2015-09-16 10:41:45 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: my summer holiday英语作文篇一《小学英语作文my summer holiday》ming How exciting! It will last for two months What ...

本文是中国招生考试网(www.chinazhaokao.com)成考报名频道为大家整理的《my summer holiday英语作文》,供大家学习参考。

my summer holiday英语作文篇一
《小学英语作文my summer holiday》

ming. How exciting! It will last for two months. What shall I do in my summer holiday? Let me tell you.

In the morning, I get up at 7:00, and read some books in the yard. Then I have breakfast with my family. After breakfast, I help my father with the farm work. I look after the cow when it eats grass in the fields. It’s very hot, but I’m happy.

In the afternoon, I do my homework at home. Sometimes I help my mother cook supper. After supper, I watch TV. I like to watch cartoons. It’s very interesting.

I go to bed early, because I’ll get up early the next day.

my summer holiday英语作文篇二
《How did I spend my summer holiday》

the passage of time ,the summer vacation is over half.School is just around the corner.


② In the past month,I did a lot of things.What impressed me most is the 在过去的一个月里,我做了许多事。令我印象最深的就是旅游 tourist.When I arrived at Guiling together with my parents,I was very excited. 当我和我的父母一起抵达桂林的时候,我非常的兴奋

The scenery in front of my eyes was very beautiful,green mountain、clear brook and 呈现在我眼前的风景特别的美丽,青山、清澈的小溪以及

different kinds of flowers.High altitude singing birds also added a tough of life for 各种各样的花。高空歌唱的鸟儿也为这美景增添了一丝生机 the beauty.The beauty of this let me deeply intoxicated.


③ In addition,i also listened to a lot of music,for example:Avatar want to be your


lover,I represent myself,boys,and so on.These music made me feel relaxed. 我为自己代言,Boys等等。这些歌让我感觉很放松

Besides,I also read some books,《The Story of the Stone》、《Remote City 》and otherwise.


my summer holiday英语作文篇三
《My summer holiday》

mmer holiday of mine, I’ve got so many words to say. I feel it was awesome. Let me share one of those great experiences with you!


I joined the Activity-Happy Farm in July, which was organized by my English school. 我在7月参加了由我的英语学校组织的开心农场活动

Actually, I felt it was awful at first, because I spent money on my own working in the 事实上起初感觉糟透了,我自己花钱在地里干活

field. That was extremely tired after pulling grass, digging potatoes, and picking tomatoes and cucumbers.


Wow~(停顿3秒) But now just smiles, happiness and excited moments … stay in my mind. It leaves me productive memories.

哇塞~ 但是现在回想起来只有笑容和很激动人心的瞬间,那次经历带给我都是印象深刻的回忆。

Well, that is the first time I know potatoes grow underground not on the tree. 是啊,那也是我一次知道土豆是长在地下而不是树上。

I still remember a girl of us was crying hard when she saw the noodles in a poor bowl, which she never ever ate. She’d got so much suffering from the food she didn’t like, but she had no choice. I knew she kept eating snacks on the way to the farm. We all laughed at her and ate as quickly as possible. 我仍然记得,有一个女孩,当看到中午在农家吃的面条时,她嚎嚎大哭,那可能是她从来没有吃过的东西。看到那碗面条像是受到什么酷刑似的,但是她又没有选择。我知道她一路上都在不停的吃零食,我们都在笑话她,并快速吃下那碗手中面。

Through this experience, I realized that the more you suffered, the more you would 通过这次经历,我意识到:受苦越多,就会越懂得珍惜。

cherish. It taught me what was valuable and how to appreciate!


Well!That’s all. Thank you for listening!


my summer holiday英语作文篇四
《mu summer holiday 作文》

ings I hate to do(我讨厌做的事情) I want to do something for my school (我想为学校做件事)

作文必须包含以下几个问题 以下问题仅供参考

Writing Write at least 60 words about the topic “My Summer Holiday”.

Use the following points as a guide. (短文须包含 下列要点)
1. What did you do in your summer holiday? 2分 2. How did you feel?1分 3. What do you think of your summer holiday?1分 4. What will you do in the coming new term?1分




1. 要点未答到,按每个问题分值扣分;

2. 时态没有根据提示问题,或者通篇一般现在时,扣一分
3. 逻辑混乱,前言不搭后语 4. 典型语言错误: 1)work hard, hard work, hardworking 2)everyday, every day

3)think of
4)because 5)fun, funny

During my holiday, I enjoyed my life. I traveled to Hainan to have relaxation. I read many interesting books which I hadn’t read before. I finished my homework and learned something by having lessons.

I felt excited and a little tired as well.
I think my summer holiday is outstanding and wonderful. I plan to study hard in the coming new term and I will enjoy my life.

My summer holiday is interesting. I did a lot of things besides doing my homework. I learned a little knowledge about chemistry. I played my guitar every day during the holiday. I also helped a girl with her English. I felt happy and excited. I think my summer holiday is full of fun and makes me enjoyable. But now, the new term is coming. I will be more careful with my study. I believe I can be better. Goodbye, my summer holiday!

Our English Class
Use the following points as a guide. 1. How is your English Class? 2. What do you usually do in the class? 3. What do you expect your teacher to do to make the class more interesting?

my summer holiday英语作文篇五
《Unit 2 My summer holiday》

1. be ---- was/were 2. go---- went 3. take ----took 4. have --- had 5. see---saw


the Great Wall 询问某事如何? How is sb/sth? 长城

一件有趣的事 fun (不可数名词) 参观,拜访 visit sb/sth

go to the beach 也 also(be后实前)/too(句尾) 去海滩

family 家庭/家人 玩球类游戏 play ball games

go swimming 去游泳 天安门广场 Tian’anmen Square

the Palace Museum famous 故宫 著名的

take a lot of photos 拍了许多照片 许多 a lot of+可数名词复数/不可数名词

see your photos sure 看看你的照片 当然

展示给某人某物 show sb sth=show sth to sb 一些 some+可数名词复数/不可数名词

How/What about doing? during the summer holiday 做某事如何? 暑假期间

How about...?/What about...? ...好吗?(询问与上文相同的情况)

have a wonderful summer holiday




How was your summer holiday? It was fun.


I also went to the beach with my family.


We played ball games there and went swimming in the sea.


How about your summer holiday? It was wonderful.


I went to Beijing and visited my uncle.;


We also went to some famous parks in Beijing,and I took a lot of photos.


Can I see your photos?


I’ll show you tomorrow.


my summer holiday英语作文篇六

>It was Saturday. Mr, Li was going to go fishing.He put a fishing pole on his shoulder. His dogs were running after him.But he forgot there was something wrong with his bike, and he hadn't mended it.He was so excited that he couldn't watch buses and ears carefully.Suddenly, a truck was coming and he didn't notice.He was hit by the truck and he threw away the pole. His bike was broken and a lump appeared on his forehead. 那是个星期六,李先生打算去钓鱼。他肩上扛着鱼杆,爱犬在后面跟随。

但他忘了他的自行车有毛病,还没修理。他特别兴奋,没注意来往车辆。突然一辆大卡车开过来,他没看见。他被撞着了, 鱼杆扔了,自行车也坏了,前额还起了个大包。

Working for My Mother


The summer vacation began. I decided to work to make money for the next term.

But I didn't know what work I could do.At that time, my mother was writing a book.I decided to type for her for pay. She agreed and paid me 5 yuan for 1000 words.

I began to work.I typed so slowly that I could type only several hundred words a day.It was a hard job for me.I kept typing all day long.

I finished the work two weeks later.I came to know how hard it was to make money.


但我不知道我能做什么工作。那时,妈妈在写一本书。我想为她有偿打字,她同意了,答应每千字付我5元钱。 我开始工作。我打字很慢,每天才能打几百字。对我来说这是一项辛苦的工作,我只能整天工作着。 两周后我终于完成了这项工作。我认识到挣钱是多么的不容易啊!

My Life in Summer Holiday


Good morning, my dear fellows.I am happy to see all of our classmates come back to school.I would like to share my life in holiday with you.This summer holiday, I spent most of my time in playing, like watching TV, playing games, outing with friends and so on.But I also pay attention to my study.For example, I like watching the educational TV programs, so that I can both have fun and learn something new at the same time.Besides, I get up early to do some morning reading to practice my English.Of course, I finish my summer exercises on time.In short, my summer holiday is colorful and meaningful.How about your life in summer holiday?I am eager to know.

my summer holiday英语作文篇七

y best time--summer holiday is soon over.It was busy but meaningful. During summer holiday,I went to Ruian Library every day.I read some books by many famous writers in the world.Those books not only open my mind to the outside world,but also improve my writing skills.

At the same time,I learned to swim every afternoon.At the beginning,it was very hard for me to swim.But I didn’t give it up.Today I can swim well.It teaches me that whatever difficulties we face,we shouldn’t give up.

As a student,in order to improve my English,I also took part in some activities such as making friends with foreigners and so on.From it I improve my English a lot.

It has been a unforgettable summer holiday for me now. (131words)







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