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2016-01-09 09:55:14 编辑: 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

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Population aging has become a world-wide phenomenon. It has not only come to stay but, especially in the developing countries, it will become more acute with the passage of time. Its influences are so wide-ranging and manifold that they can only be ignored at a tremendous cost to society. In order to ensure a sustainable development for the elderly population, be it the state, non-government

organizations, the community, the family members and last but not least, the older persons themselves, each has a very important role to play.


China will develop its economy further and open itself wider to the outside world, which offers more business opportunities to overseas enterprises. Since China’s reform and opening up, Chinese enterprises have been cooperating with overseas enterprises in terms of economy and technology, and have scored great/ tremendous achievement. Overseas enterprises have not only helped Chinese enterprises with their growth, but also benefited from the cooperation. Chinese government will continue to offer favorable policies and conditions to promote the further cooperation between Chinese and overseas enterprises.


The phenomenon of holiday economy shows that Chinese people's consumption concept is undertaking great changes. According to statistics, the demands for Chinese consumers are shifting from the basic necessities of life to leisure, comfort and personal development. (Chinese consumers’ demand for basic necessities of life has given way to leisure, comfort and personal development.) Therefore, the

structure of products should be adjusted accordingly to adapt to social development. On the other hand, services should be improved to satisfy people's demand for an improved quality of life.

中国五年前根本没有高速铁路。但是现在高铁列车(high-speed trains)的票经常很快就售罄,尽管发车间隔比较短。人们能够很方便地以两倍于美国火车最髙速的速度在全国

周游。高速铁路系统的运菅非常成功,它运载的乘客是全国民航 (

civil aviation)系统运载的乘客的两倍。中国有世界上最先进的、低排放的快速运输系统之一,而做到这一点仅仅用了五年。


China didn't have a high-speed rail five years ago.But now the tickets of high-speed trains are usually sold out very quickly, even though the departure interval is quite short.And people can conveniently travel around the nation at a speed that doubles the speed of the fastest American train.The operation of

high-speed rail system is very successful; it carries twice as many passengers as the nation's civil aviation system.China has one of the most advanced rapid transit systems with low emissions in the world, and it only takes five years to achieve this.




3 远离毒品的建议


In modern society, drugs are becoming a more and more serious problem in the world. The trade of drugs is widespread, which costs up to $800 billion every year.

As we all know, drugs do great harm to our health, not only causing people to die at an early age,but also directly contributing to the happening of crimes. As is shown on the chart above, 30% of the teenagers taking drugs are cheated into doing it, and 50% are driven by curiosity. Another 15% just seek excitements or try to get rid of their anxieties, and the rest try it for some other reasons.

In my opinion, in order to protect us students from drugs, we should be careful to make friends and stay away from those who always behave badly. Also, it's very important for us to lead a healthy lifestyle and hold positive attitudes towards life.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Can Money Buy Happiness? You should write no less than 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1.有人认为金钱是幸福之本(source of happiness)

2.也有人认为金钱是万恶之源(root of all evil)



Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, money can bring comfort, security, and so on. Money, as they think, is the source of happiness.

But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evil. Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to break the law. A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money. And in the Western countries, there is nothing that can't be bought by money. Many people lose their own lives when hunting it.

I think that money is essential to life and we cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it can't buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life, it can't buy happiness.

随着智能时代的到来,越来越多的人不自觉的成为了新科技的奴隶,智能手机的使用尤能说明这一点。无论是上下班的路上,还是赋闲在家,无论是休闲娱乐,还是聊天购物,智能手机总是与我们形影不离,对于智能手机带给人们的便利之处我们不可否认,但是其弊端也日益显现,看看“低头族”“僵尸族”这些网络热词吧,从中我们不难发现无时无刻使用智能手机给我们造成的危害,但这些危害常常为沉迷于智能手机的人们所忽略。分析利弊,是四六级考试中写作部分的关键,只知其利,不知其弊,也不是一篇完美的作文。下面我们就来分享一篇文章——刷屏刷到吐你得“晕屏症”了(Do you suffer from cybersickness It causes nausea while scrolling on phones),认识到智能手机可能会带给我们的危害,希望它能警醒我们,让我们能够更加合理的使用智能手机。



Do you suffer from cybersickness It causes nausea while scrolling on phones The rise of mobile phones has been blamed for a number of social ills, but your smart phone may also be making you physically sick as well. Scientists have

identified a condition called "cybersickness", which they say is the digital version of motion sickness. The phenomenon, which affects up to 80 percent of the population who own smartphones or tablets, leads to feelings of nausea and unsteadiness. It is caused by seeing fast motion on a screen and covers anything from a car chase in a film to scrolling through web pages on your phone. The more realistic the visual content is, the higher your chances of getting cybersickness. The condition was identified in a piece in the New York Times in which British and US experts said that it needed addressing. Cyriel Diels, a cognitive psychologist and human factors researcher at Coventry University’s centre for Mobility and Transport, said: "It’s a fundamental problem that’s kind of been swept under the carpet in the tech industry.""It’s a natural response to an unnatural environment." Motion sickness leaves sufferers feeling ill because they feel movement in your muscles and your inner ear but do not see it. The mismatch in digital sickness is the opposite—you see movement on the screen but do not feel it. The effect is the same and the symptoms include a headache, wanting to throw up, confusion and the need to sit down. Often cybersickness manifests itself in a subtle way and sufferers put it down to stress or eyestrain.Steven Rauch, a professor of otolaryngology at Harvard Medical School, said: "Your sense of balance is different than other senses in that it has lots of inputs." When those inputs don’t agree, that’s when you feel dizziness and nausea "Some studies that have been carried out into cybersickness found that women are more susceptible than men, the New York Times reported. Those who have Type A’ personalities—meaning they are confident and assertive—are more likely to suffer from cybersickness as well. Among those who have reported experiencing the condition have been video gamers who spend hours playing fast paced games. Cinema-goers have struggled with some scenes in action movies which have quick cuts and fast editing—and virtual reality has made the problem even worse. Jonathan Weinstein, a professor at the Kanbar Institute for Film and Television at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, said: "The idea is to get audiences to feel like participants in the action rather than outside observers of the action. Engineers at Oculus VR, the virtual headset manufacturer, have admitted that digital motion sickness is one of their biggest problems.


cybersickness 晕屏症

scrolling on phone 刷屏

smartphones 智能手机

tablets 平板

nausea 眩晕,恶心

sweep sth. Under the carpet 掩盖错误

susceptible 易受影响的





China has woven the largest basic health care network in the world. In 2015, over 1.3 billion people participated in Urban Employee Basic Medical Insurance, Urban Resident Basic Medical Insurance, and New Rural Cooperative Medical Insurance. The insured rate remained at more than 95 percent, increasing by 3 percentage points compared with that of 2010. In 2015, NRCMI and URBMI per capita funding increased to 500 yuan, with an increase to 380 yuan in government subsidies, which has grown by 2.2 times compared to the figure in 2010 (120 yuan). In 2014, more than 70 percent of hospitalization expenses were reimbursable under the three basic medical



College Students and Luxuries

1. 现在不少大学生都拥有奢侈品

2. 大学生获得奢侈品的途径有„„

3. 我认为„„


College Students and Luxuries

Walking on the campus, you’ll find luxuries are not far away for students. Some wear CK clothes and some carry LV bags. According to an online survey conducted by Tencent in May this year, there are 37 percent students claiming to have a certain luxury.

On the basis of the survey, the way of obtaining luxuries is quite different. Some students get them from their parents, as their families are in good financial condition. Some take part-time jobs to buy luxuries by themselves. For example, a college student named Xiao Mei said she worked as a tutor for three months in order to get a bottle of Dior perfume. Some receive luxuries as a gift from their friends or relatives.

As for me, I object to students’ using luxuries. It is known that luxuries are notable for their super prices. However, students are not economically independent and their attention should be paid to study. In this sense, using luxuries is improper for students.


On the Importance of Imagination

1. 有人说想象力很重要

2. 也有人觉得想象力无关紧要

3. 我认为„„

【范文】On the Importance of Imagination

Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived through the senses. As to the attitude towards

imagination, it varies from person to person. Some people think that imagination is good for many things. First, imagination makes it possible to experience a whole world inside the mind. Secondly, imagination has a great role and value in each one’s life.

However, some people hold a negative view on it. They think it does not matter whether you have imagination or not. First, imagination is not practical, which makes people daydreamers. Second, people sometimes do not have to be imaginative in life or work. If they follow the step-by-step schedule, they also would succeed. In their eyes, imagination is a creative power but it is not necessary to achieve success in any field. As I am concerned, I think we should recognize the importance of the power of the imagination, maintain, and develop our imagination as time steps. Understanding how to use your imagination correctly will put you on the golden path to success, satisfaction, and happiness.


My View on Major Ranking

1. 当今社会,专业排名很流行

2. 各人看法不同

3. 我自己的观点

【范文】My View on Major Ranking

In recent years, it is very popular to rank majors. Major ranking lists based on a variety of criteria can be found on some educational websites or newspapers. These lists have great influence on students and many of them have come to rely on these lists to make their major-choice decisions. To this phenomenon, people’s opinions vary from each other. Some think that the results of the ranking are helpful for high school students to choose a major field of study, e.g., some lists tell people what majors

will lead to decent jobs after graduation. Some people, however, believe that many lists are actually useless. Rankings are only about numbers and they do not tell you anything about the distinct nature of the major. Besides, some majors may be listed as hot majors when students enter colleges, but will be unpopular when they graduate.

As far as I’m concerned, we should not over-stress major ranking. It should be remembered that rankings can play a big role in the selection of a major but it should not be the only criterion. Many factors including your own perception of the major should matter in your final choice. 预测四:人口老龄化

Aging of the Population

1. 我国人口老龄化现象日趋明显

2. 人口老龄化带来的问题

3. 如何妥善解决人口老龄化问题


Aging of the Population

Population officials and demographers have much to worry about China’s increasingly aging population. It is estimated that the proportion of people aged 60 or older in China will rise to 11.8 percent in 2020. By the middle of this century, people aged beyond 60 will take up 27.4 percent of the total population — that means one out of every four people will be senior!

The aging population poses a serious challenge to families and the society. On the one hand, with families becoming smaller and living pace escalating, it is even graver for families to care for aged members adequately. On the other hand, aging causes a relative decline in working force. Consequently, the productivity of the whole society will be affected to some extent.

The rapidity of the population’s aging has made it more urgent for the adoption of countermeasures. There is no doubt that the key is to build a solid economic foundation. Meanwhile, importance should be attached to overall social progress by changing the backward situation in social security, welfare and service. What’s more, family care and community-based services should also be encouraged.


Decline in Morals

1. 现在社会道德滑坡现象严重,比如„„

2. 我认为应该如何改变这一现状


Decline in Morals

In modern society, the decline in morals is becoming more and more severe. For example, there have been a few cases in which a senior woman pretended to have fallen over and then blackmailed the person who tried to help her. There was also another case where a little girl was hit by a car and no passers-by gave her a hand.

To solve this problem, we need first to find out the reasons. For one, the fast pace of modern society is driving people apart from each other, thus people are losing the patience to care for others. For another, with technology developing, it’s much easier for people to know what is happening in the world today. In order to draw people’s attention, some media would lay stress on negative news and overemphasize the negative effects.

To reestablish social morals, we must work together. People should learn to care for the others, while the media should treat negative news more properly.


1. 现在有不少人业余时间喜欢“宅”在家里

2. 人们对这种做法有不同看法

3. 我的看法


Killing Time Indoors

Nowadays a growing number of people, especially the 20s or 30s, tend to stay indoors for most of their spare time, especially on holidays. Some spend the majority of the time online chatting, blogging, shopping, dating or playing computer games. Some sit with their eyes glued to the television screen, day and night.

People’s opinions vary when it comes to this way of killing time.

A great number of people maintain that staying indoors is cheap,

comfortable, and most importantly, very safe. Others, however, frown upon staying indoors for too long. They are worried that lack of physical exercise and face-to-face communication with others will do harm to people’s body and mind.

Personally, I don’t think staying indoors for most of the day should be advocated. Instead, people in all ages, their physical conditions permitting, should be encouraged to spend more time outdoors. The

brilliant sunshine, the pleasant green space, the interactions with other people, etc. are all good for people’s health, both physically and psychologically.


1. 目前许多大学校园里出现“大四空巢”现象

2. 出现这一现象的原?因

3. 我对这一现象的看法和建议


On the Senior Empty Nests






There are many ways of traveling. People may travel by plane if they want to travel far and reach their destination in a shorter time. It is the most comfortable but expensive way. Most people travel by train because it is a less expensive way but the compartments are cramped and stuffy. Bus journey is a cheaper way but it is spent on narrow, bumpy roads which are crowded with traffic. Trips by ship may be the cheapest and most comfortable way but it takes too much time.

I like traveling by bike. I can set out when I like and stop when I like. I can go wherever I like so that I can enjoy delightful spots rarely visited by other travelers. When I feel tired, I sit down by the bike and have a good rest. Besides, I can save much money for tickets and much time in waiting for the train or bus. I can cover more places by riding a bike than going on foot.

Traveling by bike is good to health. It is really a sort of good exercise to strengthen one's muscles and to test one's will. Moreover, it brings no pollution to the air. So it helps to clean the atmosphere.


The Most Important Quality of a College Student(大学生素质)

Many people describe their college years as the best time of their lives. However, not every student achieves the same level of success. This raise the question: What is the most essential quality needed to succeed in one’s higher education

Personally, of all attributes that can contribute to a successful college career, the most important one is effective time management. To begin with, students who know how to manage their time effectively will be able to ensure strong academic performance. While getting high grades in by no means the only aspect of success for undergraduates, students who fail in most or all of their courses could hardly be considered successful. In addition, time-management consciousness can enable students to become more socially successful. University is not just an academic experience, but also a social one. Students who fail to budget their time and, in turn, fall behind in their studies, will have fewer opportunities to hang out with friends and classmates. For the above reasons, I believe that time management is the most important quality for a college students.



很多人将他们的大学时代描述为生活中最美好的时光。不过,并不是每个学生都能取得同样的成功。这也提出了一个问题:大学生要在高等教育中取得成功最重要的素质是什么 我认为,在可以促成大学生活成功的品质中,最重要的是有效的时间管理。首先,那些知道如何有效管理时间的学生也能够保证较高的学业成绩。虽然,对于大学生来说,高分并不是大学成功的唯一方面,但那些大多数科目或者全部考试不及格的学生几乎也不会被认为是成功的。另外,具有时间管理意识也能促进学生在社交方面更加成功。大学不仅是学业经历,也是社会体验。那些没有合理安排时间的学生在学习上也会被落下,也就没什么机会跟他们的朋友和同学交往。



首段从大学生活叹气,随后通过一问一答形式引出全文论点:大学生最重要的素质是有效管理时间。下文阐释了两点原因:1. 有效地时间管理能保证较高的学业成绩;2. 能拥有积极的社交生活。末端再次强调观点。


1. describe A as B 将A描述为B

2. raise the question 提出问题

3. higher education 高等教育(注意不是high education 高中教育)

4. attributes 同义替换qualities 品性

5. contribute to 促成

6. by no means 决不

7. budget their time 同义替换manage their time 管理时间

8. hang out with sb. 与某人出去玩儿


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then give your comments. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.




In the picture above, a child flies from one cage to the other cage like a bird.One cage is named school, and the other is named cram school. What a sarcastic picture. There is no freedom left for the children who cannot enjoy the supposed cheerful vacation.

Why cannot the children enjoy the vacation that belongs to them Who push the children from one cage to the other What should we do to help the trapped children The three questions solved, the above picture will not exist any more. The answer to the first question is hidden with the superficial one being acquiring more knowledge, and the fundamental one is that parents demand more scores from their children. They expect their children to be able to score more through attending various cram schools at the cost of their children’s supposedly splendid vocation. So it is the parents who pursue quick success that push the children from one cage to the other. To free the children, the parents should put emphasis on the children’s physical and mental health rather than the score.

As is known to all that pursuit of high scores has long been a phenomenon in China, the cause of this phenomenon is hard to be uprooted. Therefore, we should emancipate the children in the mind and return the joy of childhood to children gradually.


supposed 本该的

trapped 受困的

attend various cram schools 参加各种辅导班

pursue quick success 急功近利







There are many ways of traveling. People may travel by plane if they want to travel far and reach their destination in a shorter time. It is the most comfortable but expensive way. Most people travel by train because it is a less expensive way but the compartments are cramped and stuffy. Bus journey is a cheaper way but it is spent on narrow, bumpy roads which are crowded with traffic. Trips by ship may be the cheapest and most comfortable way but it takes too much time.

I like traveling by bike. I can set out when I like and stop when I like. I can go wherever I like so that I can enjoy delightful spots rarely visited by other travelers. When I feel tired, I sit down by the bike and have a good rest. Besides, I can save much money for tickets and much time in waiting for the train or bus. I can cover more places by riding a bike than going on foot.

Traveling by bike is good to health. It is really a sort of good exercise to strengthen one's muscles and to test one's will. Moreover, it brings no pollution to the air. So it helps to clean the atmosphere.


The Most Important Quality of a College Student(大学生素质)

Many people describe their college years as the best time of their lives. However, not every student achieves the same level of success. This raise the question: What is the most essential quality needed to succeed in one’s higher education

Personally, of all attributes that can contribute to a successful college career, the most important one is effective time management. To begin with, students who know how to manage their time effectively will be able to ensure strong academic performance. While getting high grades in by no means the only aspect of success for undergraduates, students who fail in most or all of their courses could hardly be considered successful. In addition, time-management consciousness can enable students to become more socially successful. University is not just an academic experience, but also a social one. Students who fail to budget their time and, in turn, fall behind in their studies, will have fewer opportunities to hang out with friends and classmates.

For the above reasons, I believe that time management is the most important quality for a college students.



很多人将他们的大学时代描述为生活中最美好的时光。不过,并不是每个学生都能取得同样的成功。这也提出了一个问题:大学生要在高等教育中取得成功最重要的素质是什么 我认为,在可以促成大学生活成功的品质中,最重要的是有效的时间管理。首先,那些知道如何有效管理时间的学生也能够保证较高的学业成绩。虽然,对于大学生来说,高分并不是大学成功的唯一方面,但那些大多数科目或者全部考试不及格的学生几乎也不会被认为是成功的。另外,具有时间管理意识也能促进学生在社交方面更加成功。大学不仅是学业经历,也是社会体验。那些没有合理安排时间的学生在学习上也会被落下,也就没什么机会跟他们的朋友和同学交往。



首段从大学生活叹气,随后通过一问一答形式引出全文论点:大学生最重要的素质是有效管理时间。下文阐释了两点原因:1. 有效地时间管理能保证较高的学业成绩;2. 能拥有积极的社交生活。末端再次强调观点。


1. describe A as B 将A描述为B

2. raise the question 提出问题

3. higher education 高等教育(注意不是high education 高中教育)

4. attributes 同义替换qualities 品性

5. contribute to 促成

6. by no means 决不

7. budget their time 同义替换manage their time 管理时间

8. hang out with sb. 与某人出去玩儿


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then give your comments. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.




In the picture above, a child flies from one cage to the other cage like a bird.One cage is named school, and the other is named cram school. What a sarcastic picture. There is no freedom left for the children who cannot enjoy the supposed cheerful vacation.

Why cannot the children enjoy the vacation that belongs to them Who push the children from one cage to the other What should we do to help the trapped children The three questions solved, the above picture will not exist any more. The answer to

the first question is hidden with the superficial one being acquiring more knowledge, and the fundamental one is that parents demand more scores from their children. They expect their children to be able to score more through attending various cram schools at the cost of their children’s supposedly splendid vocation. So it is the parents who pursue quick success that push the children from one cage to the other. To free the children, the parents should put emphasis on the children’s physical and mental health rather than the score.

As is known to all that pursuit of high scores has long been a phenomenon in China, the cause of this phenomenon is hard to be uprooted. Therefore, we should emancipate the children in the mind and return the joy of childhood to children gradually.


supposed 本该的

trapped 受困的

attend various cram schools 参加各种辅导班

pursue quick success 急功


4. Directions:

For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled “My View on University Ranking” You should write at least 150 words .

以”高校排名之我见“为题,写一篇不少于150字的短文,限时30分钟。 参考范文:

My View on University Ranking

The past years have seen the huge development of higher education in China and in contemporary society, it becomes a trend for universities to be ranked according to certain standards each year.Meanwhile, an increasing number of people deem it rather convenient to acquire information about quality of some universities.Searching the Internet, people can notice several editions of ranks very year.

A number of individuals favor this ranking because of its advantages.To begin with, without these ranks, it is impossible for people to make a direct comparison between different colleges.In addition, it is this ranking that enables China to build up a system of assessing higher education and to enhance its overall development.Even so, others hold the opposite view that university ranking carries some doubts.First, ranking all universities means a great amount of time and human resources; however, the quality and authority is not as satisfactory as expected.Second, what worries many experts is that some colleges may focus too much eyesight on ranking itself, ignoring the needs of students.By and large, the advantage derived the annual university ranking far outweigh the disadvantages. An effective ranking will bring colleges motivation, arouses their enthusiasm to strive, and helps China to enhance higher education.However, it is advisable for this ranking to be scientific, practical and impartial.


1. Should Food Be Banned on the Subway?

1. 对于禁止在地铁和公交车上吃东西,有人表示赞成

2. 有人则表示反对

3. 你的看法


Should Food Be Banned on the Subway?

Currently, some cities are considering a food ban on subways, which has sparked heated discussion. Some people say food should be banned because of the trash and rats they attract. And, garbage from discarded food can cause track fires. Beyond sanitary and mechanical concerns, food can also fiiel fist fights, as was discovered last week by one passenger who criticized a woman eating steamed stuffed bun on the subway.

However, some others are opposed to the idea. They argue that peopk like eating in the train in the morning because they don’t have enough time to eat at their houses or restaurants. Sometimes that may be the only time or meal a transit rider may be able to eat especially when traveling long distances. Besides, there are people, for example diabetics, who do require food at various times to maintain blood-sugar levels.

Personalty, rm against the ban becmise of the huge inconvenience it would cause commuters, and the expense involved in enforcing it. Still, I believe we should have a little common courtesy. I think we all have responsibility to try to treat our subway system and fellow riders with respect, and that extends to food as well


Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The Impact of the Cellphone on Interpersonal Communication. Your essay should start with a brief description of the picture. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


The Impact of the Cellphone on Interpersonal Communication

The picture depicts a couple dating in the park. While the man just focuses on his cellphones, and doesn’t pay any attention to his partner or the nature beauty in the park. This picture reflects a common phenomenon in today’s society: people spend too much time with their cellphones and communicate less and less with the people around them.

In nowadays, the smart-cellphones become more and more important in our daily life. They have made our life more convenient. We are timely aware of the most latest news around or faraway from us.

However, everything has two sides. Except for all the advantages, the smart-cellphones also have brought some problems. First, when you’re focus on the cellphone, you may ignore the beautiful scene around you. What’s worse, you are just absorbed in your own small world, rather than share your happiness and sorrows with the family. You hardly talk with your family and the ones around you. You become indifferent to them.

All in all, let’s put down the cellphones and spend more time communicating with our family and friends face to face directly.

7.Hiring Celebrities as Visiting Professors

1. 目前有不少大学请明星当客座教授

2. 对这一现象人们看法不同

3. 我的看法


Hiring Celebrities as Mating Professors

Via Internet or other means of mass media,it is commoE to team that some super stars are employed as a guest professor of a universityT Whether it is helpful to hire personages for a university's development on hot debate from the very beginning.

There are two voices: Some people think that stars’ social influence can do good to the enrollment of a university and raise its social degrees of approval. Besides, universities should open to society and take advantage of various social resources,inclusive of celebrities1 life experience and struggling adventure. However, others hold the opposite viewpoint. They think that a professor under a star's name is just ai) advertising stunt, and has no practical meaning to the development of the imiversity. It also diverts students* attention from their academic study.

In my view, just as a coin has two sides, the inviting of celebrities as guest professors has both good and bad efFecU. Thus I think colleges should evaliiate the possible results thoroughly, and their choices should be based on the improvement of teaching standards and students, development. Universities should also take the features of their relevant disciplines into consideration before hiring some celebrity as a visiting professor.


Your Sleeping Position and Your Personality

Everyone has got two personalities — the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real.You don’t show your secret personality when you’re awake because you can control your behavior, but when you’re asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you. In a normal night, of course, people frequently change their position. The important position is the one that you go to sleep in.

If you go to sleep on your back, you’re a very open person. You normally trust people and you are easily influenced by fashion or new ideas. You don’t like to upset people, so you never express your real feelings. You’re quite shy and you aren’t very confident.

If you sleep on your stomach, you are a rather secretive person. You worry a lot and you’re always easily upset. You’re very stubborn, but you aren’t very ambitious. You usually live for today but not tomorrow. This means that you enjoy having a good time.

If you sleep curled up, you are probably a very nervous person. You have a low opinion of yourself and so You’re often defensive. You’re shy and you don’t normally like meeting people. You prefer to be on your own. You’re easily hurt.

If you sleep on your side, you have usually got a well-balanced personality. You know your strengths and weaknesses. You’re usually careful. You have a confident personality. You sometimes feel anxious, but you don’t often get depressed. You always say what you think even if it annoys people.


首段:提出当前许多年轻人有一种不好的心态,遇到困难就容易退缩甚至放弃,并举例说明,比如学英语记单词的例子,或是工作中遇到的具体困难。 关键点:不好的心态+举例说明







Never Give Up

―Never give up‖ can be very encouraging words, but the majority of youngsters are likely to give up regardless when dealing with the ordinary difficulties of life. As one example, many young people are reluctant to continue their English study when they feel difficulty learning new words. But if one takes ―never give up‖ as a motto, possibilities and opportunities are expanded.

It is true that giving up may make things temporarily easier, but what cannot be

denied is that new opportunities arise from perseverance. Never giving up can expand one’s possibility for success. When confronted with something unknown, a little bravery can result in the possibility of success, like when Dr. Fleming discovered penicillin. Meanwhile, the sense of never giving up enhances one’s self-confidence. This makes one more likely to try new things, opening up even more new opportunities. It can even be a benefit to personal relationships.

In view of all factors, never giving up is crucial to the pursuit of dreams. Even though toils lie in the way, success is at the other end.








be reluctant to do sth.:不情愿做某事(这个短语带有否定意义)

it is true that ... but what cannot be denied is that ...:没错……但不可否认的是……

when confronted with something unknown, A can result

in the possibility of success:在面对未知事物时,A可能带来成功(这句话可以用来表达主题对于成功的正面影响)

in view of all factors, A is crucial to ...:考虑到所有这些因素,A对于……非常重要(这句话可以用于最后一段的主题句,起强调作用)

even though toils lie in the way, success is at the other end:尽管过程中会有艰

Nowadays, campus love is popular. Some college teachers argue that students should give up love for the sake of learning. They maintain that love is time consuming and influences one’s learning. Some students, however, hold that a student who falls in love will study harder and will make greater progress. They don't believe that a person in love lags behind in his studies.

There are different kinds of love on campus. Some students regard love as killing time or adding color; some are pragmatic, thinking it's difficult to find a better partner after graduation; the purpose of others is for seeking the impetus of study. Anyhow, far away from home and alone, seeking friendship, understanding and love, the boys

and girls easily find comfort and appreciation from one another.

As a mater of fact, love is a sharp double-bladed knife. Having it will make you very happy; while losing it, you always feel disappointed and depressed. When the bond of love broken, going on studying as usual or sinking lament or even being crazy depend on us. We will not let romantic entanglement interfere with our studies.

Love is a natural and quiet. During the process of love we will experience romantic love, frustrating love and critical love and real love. True love will overcome our pain and dismay, warm our heart, and spark our spirit with delight forces but not resistance.

Displaying Wealth Online

Nowadays, it is not rare to see people displaying their wealth on the Internet. Some post pictures of luxury goods, such as brand clothes and bags, luxurious automobiles or jewelries. Some write about their experiences in which a lot of money is spent.

People have different responses to this phenomenon. Some say that it is people’s right to share their possessions or experiences with others on the Internet, as

long as the things are legal and the experiences real. However, some criticize that the rich people are too arrogant. What’s worse, there are also a few who are not actually rich but put fake photos only to satisfy their vanity.

In my opinion, sharing is a good thing, and it is exactly the spirit of the Internet.

But people should make careful choice on what they are sharing. After all,showing off problem. About a decade ago, university students could find satisfactory and enviable jobs after graduation, while at current situation, about 30% of graduate students can’t find a job but stay at home after graduation. Employment difficulty of college students is due to the following reasons. Among these, the increasing recruitment of colleges and universities plays a vital role. In addition, many colleges and universities fail to adapt their courses to the development of economy. Considering such a rough job market, I think it is high time that we took effective measures to solve the problem. Above all, college students should realize their own defects and further improve themselves to keep their competitive edge in society. Moreover, colleges or universities should provide more trainings and internship opportunities before the students enter the society. Besides, college students should hold a right attitude towards jobs and set their job expectations at a suitable level. Only through these



中段:通过具体事例来论述细节的重要性。考生可以选择用两个正面例子来阐述,比如苹果公司对细节的关注造就了该公司的卓越;也可以采用一正例一反例的论述方式,反例可以举某个公司因对细节的疏忽而走向衰落的例子。 关键点:选择有说服力的论据来论证观点,事实论据更胜于讲道理。





Details Make a Difference

That details make a difference is an old saying known to people all over the world. Details are important to success in business and in every walk of life. Details can make the difference between two things that appear similar, but in reality are very different in quality.

There are several examples which can be cited to illustrate this concept. The first one is the Apple Corporation. The late CEO, Steve Jobs, was addicted to details. He could not stop pushing his staff to pursue perfection in design and production. Due to his focus on details, Apple made great success in the mobile field, producing products that were not only innovative, but also superior. Immediately, others copied these ideas, but they did not take the importance of details into account. Some manufacturers did not follow strict rules in their production and turned a blind eye to tiny problems.Their products looked similar to Apple’s, but closer inspection showed they were not as good. This is just one example that shows the importance of stressing details. Another example is the great masterpiece of Chinese paintings which consists of thousands of skills for mountains, figures or rivers. All of these need focus on details.

From my perspective, it is important to emphasize details in daily life and work. Success can only come by this kind of conscientiousness.




许多例子可以用来证明这一点。首先以苹果公司为例。已故CEO 史蒂夫·乔布斯沉迷于细节,一直推动他的员工在设计和生产中追求完美。正是由于他对细节的关注,苹果公司在移动通讯领域取得了巨大成功,其打造的产品不仅具有独创性,而且性能优越。很快,其他公司开始抄袭这些想法,但他们没有考虑到细节的重要性。一些制造商在生产中没有遵循严格的规定,对于细微的问题也是视而不见。这些公司的产品和苹果公司的产品很像,然而,仔细一看,就会发现这些产品比不上苹果的产品。这只是体现重视细节的重要性的一个例子。再以中国的一些国画杰作为例,画中包含人物和山水的数千种技法,所有这些均需要注重细节。





... is an old saying known to people all over the world:……的古话众所周知 every walk of life:各行各业

be addicted to:沉迷于

turn a blind eye to:对……视而不见

closer inspection :进一步的检查


Failure Is Not Bad




Many people describe their college years as the best time of their lives. However, not every student achieves the same level of success. This raise the question: What is the most essential quality needed to succeed in one’s higher education

Personally, of all attributes that can contribute to a successful college career, the most important one is effective time management. To begin with, students who know how to manage their time effectively will be able to ensure strong academic performance. While getting high grades in by no means the only aspect of success for undergraduates, students who fail in most or all of their courses could hardly be considered successful. In addition, time-management consciousness can enable students to become more socially successful. University is not just an academic experience, but also a social one. Students who fail to budget their time and, in turn, fall behind in their studies, will have fewer opportunities to hang out with friends and classmates.

For the above reasons, I believe that time management is the most important quality for a college students.





201512月六级作文押题篇六: 2015年12月六级作文预测10篇



1.手机控 .................................................................................................. 2

2.低头族 .................................................................................................. 3

3.食品安全 .............................................................................................. 3

4.如何寻找游伴 ...................................................................................... 5

5.论金钱的重要性 .................................................................................. 5

6.将休闲时间利用起来 ........................................................................... 6

7.科学能否解决世界难题 ...................................................................... 7

8.成功与汗水 .......................................................................................... 7

9.大学生人际关系 .................................................................................. 8

10.逆境 ................................................................................................... 8



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your view on people’s addiction to smartphones. You should give sound argument to support your views and write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Addiction to Smartphones

Do you check your smartphone frequently? Do you feel distracted if your smartphone is not with you? When there’s no wifi or signal for your smartphone, will you get irritated? If you say yes, then you’ve got addiction to smartphones. Smartphone addiction is a phenomenon that causes a lot of troubles to people.

In the first place, it may cause some problems to your health, such as visual fatigue, cervical spondylosis, and even neurasthenia. A friend of mine suffers from a serious spine collapse due to her addiction to smartphones during pregnancy.

Secondly, if you keep playing with your phone when you are with your friends or family, you will spend less time talking to them. In fact, it is they who need and deserve to be cared for.

Lastly, an excessive reliance on smartphones may weaken your interpersonal skills. When you cannot find a place, you consult your GPS instead of consulting local people. You spare more time playing mobile games than playing real games with real people. As time passes, it’s possible that you may have difficulty in communicating with people.

Therefore, isn’

t it better to get rid of smartphone addiction?



Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The Impact of the Cellphone on Interpersonal Communication. Your essay should start with a brief description of the picture. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


The Impact of the Cellphone on Interpersonal Communication

The picture depicts a couple dating in the park. While the man just focuses on his cellphones, and doesn’t pay any attention to his partner or the nature beauty in the park. This picture reflects a common phenomenon in today’s society: people spend too much time with their cellphones and communicate less and less with the people around them.

In nowadays, the smart-cellphones become more and more important in our daily life. They have made our life more convenient. We are timely aware of the most latest news around or faraway from us.

However, everything has two sides. Except for all the advantages, the smart-cellphones also have brought some problems. First, when you’re focus on the cellphone, you may ignore the beautiful scene around you. What’s worse, you are just absorbed in your own small world, rather than share your happiness and sorrows with the family. You hardly talk with your family and the ones around you. You become indifferent to them.

All in all, let’s put down the cellphones and spend more time communicating with our family and friends face to face directly.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitle Food

Safety. Your essay should start with a brief description of the picture. You should write at least

150 words but no more than 200 words.


From the cartoons given above, we can see that the doctor is checking the pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables. It wisely reflects the food safety issues which occur in recent years. Food safety related to people’s health and it concerns about people’s basic livelihood. Since the Sanlu Incident occurred in 2008, the entire society was increasingly concerned about food safety issue. It was in this context that the food safety issue has been referred to an unprecedented height.

Problems leading to food safety are as follows: 1) using poor quality raw materials in the food manufacturing process; 2) adding toxic substances; 3) excessive use of food additives; 4) abusing of chemical additives and so on. There are many reasons that cause this problem. It is regulators, producers, and even consumers who share the responsibilities.

As Confucius instructed: better late than never. Prompt and strict measures should be taken to turn back this evil trend. The government should launch a massive moral campaign to educate all citizens and draw up tougher laws to crack down on those irresponsible corporations and prohibit them from entering the food industry again. I am firmly convinced that through our combined efforts we are bound to enjoy more risk-free foods in the days ahead.











Travel-mate Wanted

I’m a 19-year-old female sophomore named Fu Ping. I hereby earnestly invite a foreign young lady—college student preferred—to make a three – week touring trip with me.

My plan is to set off next weekend, when the vacation officially begins. The first stop is Kunming, the world-renowned city for its beauty and mild temperature. We’ll get there by train and stay there for 2 days, and then we’ll head for Jinggangshan, a former revolutionary base as well as a natural beauty spot. After a 3-day visit there , we will take a long-distance coach to a nearby port city by the Changjiang River and board a downstream ship to Shanghai, so that we can enjoy the great scenery alongside the third longest river in the world. As everybody knows, Shanghai is the busiest and fastest developing city in China. I’d like to have a look at its prosperity, so the stay there will be about half a week. And a famous Chinese saying goes, ”Just as there is Paradise in heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on Earth ”, so a 4-day visit to these two cities near Shanghai is must. All together, our trip will last about three weeks.

I only expect that my travel-mate could split the expenses with me and talk with me in beautiful English, and I would be an excellent guide for her since I major in tourist guiding.

Those interested please contact me either through email (fuping@126.com) or phone call (52222221) .




How Important Is Money?



No one would argue, I think, that money is unimportant. There are certain things that human beings need — food, shelter, medical care and these things cost money. But if one has enough money to live on, to pay for the basic essentials of life, is it important to have a lot more money than that? Will your life improve in proportion to the amount of money that you have? Well, there is no denying that money can buy a lot. Maybe you do not need much money to pay for a simple shelter, but how about if you want a nice big apartment in a nice neighbourhood,



With the development of the society, with the advent of _____________ (相关事物或现象), we have to face a problem that ______________________ (主题问题). What are the reasons for it? In the following paragraphs, I’ll venture to explore the reasons. To start with, _____________________ (阐述原因1). Moreover, __________________ (阐述原因2). In addition,

_______________________ (阐述原因3). In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures should be taken. For one thing, it is high time that people all over China realized the importance of

__________________ (解决主题问题). For another, the government should issue strict laws and regulations in order to put the situation under control.


Nowadays many people prefer __________ (主题) because it plays a significant role in our daily life. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. On the one hand, ________________ (主题的优点1). On the other hand, ___________________ (主题的优点2). But everything can be divided into two. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that ___________________ (主题的缺点1). To make matters

worse, __________________________ (主题的缺点2). Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects far outweigh its negative

aspects. Whatever effects it has, one thing is certain, ________ (主题) itself is neither good nor bad. It is the uses to which it is put that determine its value to our society.


With the development of science and human civilization, many formerly unimaginable things come into reality. Some of them have

positive effects on our life, but some are distasteful. The phenomenon of _______ (主题现象) is an example of the former / latter one. There are many factors that may account for it, and the following are the most conspicuous aspects. To start with, __________________ (原因1).

Furthermore, ______________________ (原因2). Eventually,

__________________________ (原因3). Good as ____________ (主题现象) is, it has, unfortunately, its disadvantages. The apparent example is that

___________ (缺点例子1). In addition, ___________ (缺点例子2). On the whole, the phenomenon is one of the results of the progress of the modern society. There is still a long way for us to improve / eliminate __________ (主题现象) and make our life more comfortable.



第二段、阐述提纲中列举的第一种看法,给出理由或者举例说明: 主题句+理由/举例1+理由/举例2+理由/举例3

第三段、阐述提纲中列举的第一种看法,给出理由或者举例说明: 主题句+理由/举例1+理由/举例2+理由/举例3 第四段、表明自己的观点结束全文 在结尾的时候,一定要表明自己的观点。


directions:for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic china jointing wto. you should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline below:






开篇句句:________finally succeeded in _____ after many's efforts. 扩展句:_____ will influence _____ greatly.


主题句:____ brings ____ many benefits and opportunities. 扩展句:1、as _____ , ______ can ______. 2、what's more, __________.


主题句:every thing has two aspects.

扩展句:1、___ can also bring us some challenges. for example, ______.

2、in addition, it will be more difficult for _____ to _____, as ____.


结尾句:however, ____ does more good than harm to ____. 扩展句:what we should do is to ______.



开篇句句:china finally succeeded in jointing the wto after many's efforts. 扩展句:this event will influence the economy in china greatly


主题句:jointing the wto brings china many benefits and


扩展句:1、as a member coutry, china can enjoy many rights that can boost the development of the economy in china. 2、what's more, the chinese people can buy productd of high quality with less pay.


主题句:every thing has two aspects.

扩展句:1、joining the wto can also bring us some challenges. for example, some producers may be wiped out because of the intense

competition. 2、in addition, it will be more difficult for us to get a job, as the requirement for the employees will become higher.


结尾句:however, this great event does more good than harm to us. 扩展句:what we should do is to improve ourselves to become qualified for certain positions and live a better life.

第三部分 范文



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then discuss the heavier and heavier burden on pupils. You should give sound arguments to support your views and write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

参考范文:The Burdens on the Shoulders of Pupils

What is delineated in the picture is that more and more pupils are becoming overweight not because of their own weights but because of their heavier backpacks. We may wonder why pupils' backpacks become heavier and heavier under the

quality-oriented education. As far as I'm concerned, there are several reasons to explain it.

First of all, they have to take a lot of courses at school. Many pupils have to take many exams by the end of the term. The pressure on learning makes them carry many books to school every day. Secondly, in addition to taking many courses at school, they need to gain knowledge and skills in some cram schools. Many parents feel worried that their kids would lag behind others if they do not go to tutoring centers. Thirdly, in their spare time they also have to take part in such contests as math contests and English contests in order to get themselves more opportunities to enter key schools.

Undoubtedly, pupils should have a happy time in their childhood. I hope they can be carefree without somany learning burdens on their slim shoulders.







Nowadays, digital media has permeated almost every aspect of our daily life. It is changing the way that

individuals, especially young people, learn, play, socialize, and participate in the society.

As a result, the function of digital media has turned into a major topic for the public. Some people pay tribute to its positive role as very convenient news sources, being available almost anywhere and anytime. While some people condemn the negative influence it has brought on privacy, morality, and independent thinking, which some people used to have and enjoy. And still others have been fighting between the merits and demerits of digital media for a final conclusion.

In my view, digital media is good for us students as it introduces a new way of learning which encourages more interaction and participation rather than rote learning. Besides, digital media makes it easier to produce and share things.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark "Variety is the spice of life." You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 参考范文:On Variety of Life

There is a famous proverb going like this, "Variety is the spice of life. " Some people may be in favor of it while some others may be not. In my opinion, we should not simply label it as right or wrong, but explore it in depth.

This proverb is especially true for the following reasons. For one thing, variety, which means more changes and experiences, brings us new feelings and ideas which are vital for us to understand the essence of life. For another, if we desire to improve ourselves, we are required to make new attempts. Besides, conscious changes can make us more creative and energetic. For these reasons, most people enjoy colorful rather than monotonous life. Nevertheless, the proverb is not wholly true. Many things, in my belief, should be kept unchanged no matter how time flies. For instance, we should hold on to our dreams if we want to turn them into reality. And, we should always be loyal to our parents, partners and friends.

In a nutshell, in most cases it is safe to say that "Variety is the spice of life." But in certain circumstances, staying unchanged seems to be a better choice.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark "Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there. " You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

参考范文:Character Can Keep You at the Top

As the saying goes, "Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there." On the long journey of our life, we will definitely need a wealth of abilities to solve mountains of problems. But it is good character that keeps us overcoming difficulties. There is no denying that character education is more important than developing abilities.

Character education plays an important role in individual discipline as well as the development of the society. For an individual, it prevents him from being selfish, indifferent, conceited, dependent or impolite in daily life. What's more, it teaches him how to learn efficiently, how to live a colorful life, how to strive for the best, and so on, which can make his life meaningful and valuable. For the society, it promotes social harmony and advances social civilization.

In conclusion, one should not only acquire various abilities to survive, but also pay much attention to shape good character, including qualities of honesty and filial piety. Character education should also be accented at schools. One may achieve a success by ability, but he may achieve successes by good character.

2015年12月英语六级作文范文:志愿者活动 作文题目:





In recent years, there has been a growing popularity of volunteer activities. The volunteer spirit is spreading among college students. They actively take part in various volunteer activities, such as rescue work in earthquakes and service work in the Olympic Games.

There is no doubt that volunteer activities are of remarkable benefits to both the society and the volunteers themselves. For one thing, college students' active participation in volunteer activities not only helps those in need but also calls on more people to join them, which influences the society in a positive way. For another, when engaging in volunteer activities, college students can gain a lot of social experiences. In this sense, it is volunteer work that enables students to learn the importance of devoting spirit, which contributes to their all- round development.

As a college student, I think volunteer activities should be greatly advocated. In the process of voluntary activities, we can develop our humanism spirit and cooperative ability which are essential to our growth.







Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your view on people’s tendency to job-hopping. You should give sound argument to support your

views and write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


As is dipicted in the picture, a man is jumping from one job to another, thinking that

man should struggle upwards.

Nowadays jobhopping has become a common phenomenon. Many people tend to look for other jobs if they are unsatisfied with their current jobs. As for this phenomenon, opinions vary from person to person. Some people hold the view that it is irresponsible to change jobs frequently. However, other people do not agree. They say that if the salary is not satisfying or if they get

bored with the working environment, they will definitely change their jobs.

In my opinion, job-hopping is a way for us to find what we really want. However, we should not change our jobs too frequently, because it takes a long time to equip ourselves with the working experience and professional competence we’re supposed to have. Besides, if one becomes a job-hopper, employers may think of him as an irresponsible person. Therefore, before

you make a decision to change your job, do think twice.



件来源:文都教育 违者本站将依法追究责任。

201512月六级作文押题篇十:2015年12月CET-6 作文预测




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topicExpenditure on Fast Food. You should write at least

Expenditure on Fast Food

The bar chart demonstrates the expenditure on fast foods of different income groups. Overall, people of high income group spend the most money on fast foods (a little more than 80 pence per person per week). In comparison, people who have an average income and low income spend less, around 70 pence and 40 pence respectively.

The high income group prefers hamburgers and spends 43 pence per week on them. This is more than twice the amount of money they spend on pizza (20 pence) and fish and chips (17 pence). Hamburgers also rank first among the choices of the average income group at 34 pence. Compared with the high income group, the average income group spends more onfish and chips– 25 pence per person per week. They only spend a little more than 10 pence on pizza.

Fish and chips replace hamburgers and become the most popular choice in the low income group – people spend an average 18 pence per week on them. Money spent on hamburgers is only 14 pence per person per week, which is almost one third of that of the high income group whereas money spent on pizza is a mere 7 pence.




第一段中different income group意为“不同收入群体”,in comparison意为“相比较而言”,respectively意为“分别”;第二段中rank first意为“排第一”,fish and chips意为“炸鱼和薯条”,per person per week意为“每人每周”;第三段中whereas意为“然而”,mere意为“仅仅”。


Directions:Several cities in China have introduced a new electronic systemto guarantee fair enrollment for middle schools. Under the new system, a student’s household registration determines which school he would be admitted to. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on A Balanced Education, You should write at least words but no more than


A Balanced Education

It can be inferred from the picture above that the enrollment policy of compulsory education in China – an automatic selection according to one’s registered residence –was designed to ensure that every child,

regardless their family background and social status, can enjoy equal chance.

Admittedly, with such a policy, students no longer have to take examination and schools can no longer pick the students they deem most potential. Students will be judged only by their registered address, not their intelligence. Nevertheless, in my opinion, these measures are only palliatives. The reason why parents and children have been competing for all these years is that the educational resources areunevenly distributed in China. Some of the schools recruit better teachers and possess better equipments while others don’t. One of the most obvious results of the current enrollment policy is a surge in the price of the real estate that guarantees enrollment to a more promising school.

It is no denying that this policy would work within a short period of time. But to sustain the balance in education, the government should probably put more money in cultivating outstanding teachers and encouraging them to support education in less developed regions.




第一段中enrollment policy意为“招生政策”,compulsory education意为“义务教育”,automatic意为“自动的”,be designed to意为“目的是”;第二段中palliative意为“缓和剂”,unevenly意为“不平均地”, distribute意为“分配”,promising意为“有前途的”;第三段中It is no denying that意为“不可否认的是”,sustain the balance意为“保持平衡”。


Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Time Spent on Housework. You should write at least

Time Spent on Housework

The bar chart demonstrates the amount of time men and women of different employment groups spend on housework in 1995, 2005, and 2015. Overall, regardless of the employment status, the amount of time women spend on housework dropped slightly in 2005 and rallies in 2015 whereas that of men increased by 0.5 in total.

Women with no employment spend the most time on housework in all three years and the number fluctuates slightly from 7 hours in 1995 to

6.5 hours in 2005, and returns to 7 in 2015. Women with part-time employment spend a little less time on housework. The number of hours they spend on housework is 5.5, 5, and 6 in 1995, 2005, and 2015 respectively. Women who are full-time employed spend 2 hours on housework in 1995, 1.5 in 2005, and 2.5 in 2015. They only spend around one-third the time other women spend on housework.

In comparison, men with full-time employment spend the least hours on housework, with an overall uprising trend. In 1995 and 2005, they spend only 1 hour on housework per day and in 2015, the figure increase by 0.5 to 1.5.




第一段中regardless of意为“不管„„”,employment status意为“就业情况”,increase by意为“增长了”;第二段中fluctuate意为“波动”,the declining of scholars’;第三段中uprising trend意为“上升趋势”,figure意为“数据”。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Handle Criticism and Compliments Properly based on the picture below. You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least words but no more than

Handle Criticism and Compliments Properly

What we can see from the picture above is that a salesman in an office trying to promote a kind of hearing aid says: “It’s a special hearing aid. It filters out criticism and amplifies compliments.” Funny though it sounds, it reflects the improper way of handling criticism and compliments, which is not uncommon among some people.

There is no doubt that criticism can sometimes do harm to people’s confidence and dignity and compliments can be encouraging. However, it is improper,even wrong to simply reject criticism and amplify compliments. On the one hand, criticism has a tremendous value for one’s growth and development as a human being, such as helping people to know their defects and adding to one’s self-knowledge, stopping one from erring, etc. On the other hand, compliments, especially deceptive ones made on purpose, will lead to blind optimism, which will hinder one from making right judgments, decisions or choices.

To conclude, one cannot simply take a negative attitude toward criticism and welcome compliments excessively. A proper way is to accept pertinent and beneficial criticism and refuse insincere compliments.

201512月六级作文押题相关热词搜索:2015六级押题作文 2015年12月六级押题 201512押题六级


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