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2016-01-09 08:54:23 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: myhouse英语作文篇一:英语作文(附翻译) ...



Dear Frank:

Long time no see. Howare you recently?

I am very happy toreceive your letter and glad to hear that you will come to my city and staywith us for a few weeks. My house is on theHeaven Streetwith five rooms, one ofwhich is living room, two bed rooms, the other two are kitchen and bathroom. Ihave cleaned a guest room for you. There is a bed, a sofa and three chairs inthis 25 square-meters room. If this room is not suitable enough, please writeto me and I will prepare another one for you. There is a bus stop near myhouse, and you can take number 1 bus to the cinema, number 2 to the supermarketin where you can always choose the commodities you need.

If you have otherrequests, please feel free to write to me. I will try my best to meet yourneeds. I wish you can come soon and have good days here.

Sincerely yours,




我很开心收到你的来信,听到你将要来我这里和我待几周我很高兴。我家住在天街,有五个房间,其中一个是客厅,两个卧室,另外两个是厨房和浴室。我已经帮你把客房打扫干净了。这个25平米的房间有一张床,一张沙发和三把椅子。如果这间放不合适的话请写信告诉我,我会给你准备另一间。我家附近有一个站牌,你可以乘坐 1路去电影院,2路到超市,在那里你可以买到你需要的商品。



Dear Mary,

It has been a long time since our last meeting. I heard that you have been promoted to be the manager of your company, congratulations! I believe you can do it well.

I’m writing this letter to tell you that our college classmates plan to hold a party on the New Year’s Day. On that day, we will invite all of our classmates and some of our professors. I believe you miss them very much, don’t you? So on that day, we can see each other again. The party will be held in the New Century Hotel of TongXiang on 1st Oct. please remember to come! By the way, can you send this information to the classmates who keep in touch with you?

I wish that day would come sooner!

Best wishes!

Yours faithfully




我写此信是要告诉你,我们的大学同学计划在元旦举行一个聚会。在那一天,我们将邀请我们所有的同学和我们的一些教授。我相信你非常想念他们,不是吗?所以在那一天,我们能再次相见。晚会将在10月第一在桐乡新世纪大酒店举行请记得回来!顺便说一下,你能把这个信息,谁和你保持联系的同学吗? 我希望这一天早点到来!




My Hobbies(爱好)

I have many hobbies, such as sports, singing, playing the violin and

keeping a diary.

In school, I often hear the P.E. teacher say, sports do good to one's health, and will make one live longer. So, I like sports very much. I go running at five o'clock in the morning, and after classes in the afternoon. I play pingpong with my friends. These sports have kept me


At home, I like to sing and play the violin. I hope I will be a singer

and a violinist when I grow up. In order to attain these goals I go to the teacher's home for a lesson every Saturday, and practise singing and playing the violin every day. Busy as I am, I am quite happy. 我的爱好(爱好)




My Family(家庭)

My name is Li Hua. I am from a worker's family. There are six people in my family. They are my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and I.

Every member in my family works for his or her own trade. My grandfather and grandmother are peasants. They do farm work every day in my hometown. My father is a senior engineer. He is now working in Africa, helping to build a power station. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a middle school. My sister, five years older than I, is a doctor in the People's Hospital of our county. She loves her work and does it well. I am a middle school student.That is my family. All the members in my family live in harmony






Sport plays an important role in our daily life. Most of us begin our day with some kind of exercise or sport. Athletics is part of our university curriculum. Many students play on either the departmental or university sports team after a hard day of class.

Some people take sports far too seriously. Some people are only interested in how their favourite sports team does: they don't care much about their country or the rest of the world. These people often get into fights if their team loses.

When I have time for sports there is one that I like more than any other. I find bas ketball both a physical and a mental challenge. Runing, jumping, and shooting, are also enjoyable and healthful sports.




An Interesting Story(有趣的经历)

Long long ago, there was a kind girl living in a small village. Her family was very poor but the girl was happy and she was friendly to everyone.

One day, she met a frog on her way home. The frog was ill and it would die soon. The girl took the frog home and looked after it until the frog got stronger and stronger.

Very soon, the frog grew very very big. So the girl had to build a house for the frog. After a few days, the house was built and it was beautiful. The frog was

very happy. The girl and the frog lived happily together.

But one evening, a robber went into the girl's house and he wanted to kill the girl. When the frog knew it, it was very angry. It jumped onto the girl's bed and woke her up. The girl wasn't afraid of the robber. She shouted and when her neighbours heard it, they ran into the girl's house and drove the robber away. The girl was thankful to the frog for saving her.






A Beautiful City

Do you know Nanjing? I went to Nanjing on the holidays. If you don't know it, I'll tell you something about the beautiful city.

Nanjing is very large. There are many tall buildings, and lots of flowers and trees. It takes 30 minutes to get to the center by car. When you go there, you must be very excited.

I went to Fuzimiao. I don't think you'll know it, so I'll tell you something unusual about it. Fuzimiao is a good place to go shopping. There are many nice streets in it. On the streets there are lots of shops, like clothes shops, bookshops and shoeshops. You can buy anything you like in the shops and you can find souvenirs in Fuzimiao. I like going there because there are a lot of interesting things in it and they make me happy.



姓名: 总分:

口 语 部 分(65分)

一、 单词、短语。(25分) (一) 英译中(12分)。

Standard room Luggage Storage Identification Department time (二) 中译英(13分)。

直走 向左/右拐 坐电梯上楼 五楼 在第一个拐弯处向左转 大堂副理 贵宾楼餐厅 商务中心 客房 钥匙卡 到达时间 请出示您的护照 请您签名

三、翻译。(40分) (一)英译中(12分)

1. I’d like to reserve a room in your hotel.

2. Would you mind giving me some information on your services? 3. I’d like to book 10 double rooms with twin beds for five days. 4. Is there a special rate for a group reservation?

5. How much do you charge for a single room with breakfast? 6. could you tell me about your hotel services? 7. Have you got an indoor swimming pool here?

8. I’d like to fly to Guilin on Saturday.Could you book tickets for me? 9. Could you tell us some places of historical interest in Liuzhou?

10. Could you tell me how to go to the KFC? I can’t find the exact spot on the map.

11. I’d like to change some US dollars and I’d like to know today’s exchange rate. 12. Can you change the room for me? It’s too noisy.


1.您预订过吗? 2.您将要住多久?

3.您能告诉我您的名字与房间号码吗? 4.这是您的钥匙卡,住店期间请包管好。

5.谢谢您打电话来,我们期待为您服务,再见。 6.我们应该把帐单寄给谁?

7.那天晚上各种类型的房间都预约额满了。 8.能出示一下您的护照吗?


10.我们的行李员会帮您拿行李,并领您去房间。 11.很抱歉,这违反酒店的规章制度。

12.中午12:00前未离店的客人需加收50%的房费。 13.您包里有贵重或易碎物品吗? 14.您可以去收银处兑换钱。

15.对不起,先生,这里有些错,请您稍候,让我更正一下。 16.请把这张字条交给出租车司机,他会送您到那里的。 17.这儿用说明酒店的服务手册。 18.总台有存放贵物品的保险箱。

19.根据酒店规定,对于没有预订的客人,我们要收一天的费用作为押金。 20.请问您要地图或是酒店名片吗?

21.先生,您可将房间保留至下午6时,但根据宾馆规定,恐怕我们要收半天房租。 22.对不起,国内电话是没有对方付费的,您得自己付款。 23.打外线请先按9,听到声响后再按您的要的号码。 24.您最好要求叫醒服务。 25.请问需要帮您叫车吗?

26.我们发出传真后,会把您的原文送到您房间去的。 27.您包里有贵重或易碎物品吗? 28.请去那边帐台付款。

笔 试 部 分(35分)

一、 选词填空(10分)。

1、Do you have a a room?请问你有预定吗? 请问你订过房吗?

2、What of room would you like (or prefer)?您希望要什么样的房间?



5、How would you like to your bill? By cash or credit card?你打算怎样付款呢? 现金还是信用卡?

6、Please pay 600 RMB as for one night stay according to our hotel regulations/policy!根据本酒店的规定(制度)住一夜需要预付600元人民币。 7、这是您的帐单,请您过目。 8、你想要退房吗?

9、Please wait a moment while the room attendant you room.麻烦你等一下服务员正在查房。 二、


Reservations – R Mr. Bellow – B

••B: I booked a twin-bed room with bath three weeks ago. I’m Henry Bellow

•R: Mr.Bllow. Yes, you have reserved a Standard Double Room start today to the 29th.

•B: Yes, exactly.

•R: •B: Here you are. Is it all right?

•R: ? •B: Could I pay with traveler’s checks?

•R: Certainly. Here’s the key to room 908. Please keep it.And the bellman will show you

•B: Thank you.Good night! •

A:Welcome to our hotel. B:Good morning.

C: How many days/nights will you plan to stay here? D:Hello!

E: Can I help you

F: What kind of room would you like

G: How long do you intend to stay in this hotel H: May I have your name please

I: May I have your credit card for a while J: Have a nice evening K: Just a moment, please L: Could I see your passport

M: What would you like to pay, in cash or by credit card






elevator / lift telephone table TV set night table telephone bath room laundry bagtoilet paperslippers 汉译英(13分)。

直走 向左/右拐 坐电梯上楼 五楼 在第一个拐弯处向左转 贵宾楼餐厅 商务中心 客房 钥匙卡 大堂 清扫 夜床服务



1.先生,我可以领您到房间吗? May I show you to your room, sir? 2.希望您在我们饭店生活得愉快。

We hope you have a pleasant stay in our hotel. 1.题:我非常高兴为您服务。 I’m glad to serve you.


I’m an attendant on this floor, what can I do for you ? 3.对不起,让您久等了。

Sorry to have kept you waiting so long.


If you have laundry, leave it iv the laundry bag, it’ll be collected at 09:00 every morning.


myhouse英语作文篇三:布拉格麦豪斯公寓(MyHouse Apartments)

布拉格麦豪斯公寓(MyHouse Apartments)


中文名称 布拉格麦豪斯公寓 英文名称 MyHouse Apartments 酒店星级 4星级 地理位置 旧城区 酒店地址 Maiselova 17, 布拉格01, 布拉格, 捷克 周围景观 布拉格主队球场、魔幻灯光、布拉格环球蓝联退税点、Karlovy Lázně夜店、布拉格地下室夜总会、布拉格电影院、纳普利科佩街、bordo夜店、CineStar电影院、Palladium商场、影像剧院


1. 酒店位置优越,旁边很多超市和餐馆

2. 班车很准时,总能恰到好处得到达目的地,一切都很满意 3. 电视很棒,小孩子很喜欢在电视前面看,很温馨 4. 接机服务很好,因为飞机航班延误了3个小时,但接机的酒店工作人员依然在等待游客,很感动



酒店交通比较方便,以各主要景点的距离如下: 布拉格环球蓝联退税点:步行13分钟

布拉格主队球场:步行20分钟,或打车5分钟,车程约2.5公里 布拉格地下室夜总会:打车7分钟,车程约4.1公里

bordo夜店:步行25分钟,或打车7分钟,车程约4.2公里 影像剧院:步行3分钟

Karlovy Lázně夜店:步行8分钟 布拉格电影院:步行11分钟

CineStar电影院:打车7分钟,车程约3.9公里 纳普利科佩街:步行9分钟 Palladium商场:步行11分钟 魔幻灯光:步行14分钟

如果你想查询酒店到更多景点的距离和交通路线,以及周边有哪些超市按摩店等生活设施, 请访问


每个客房都配有暖气,阳台/露台,迷你吧,电风扇,卫星频道/有线电视,液晶电视/等离子电视,笔记本电脑保险箱,房内保险箱,小厨房,冰箱,微波炉,洗碗机,洗漱用品,吹风机,休息区,洗衣机,茶/咖啡机,熨衣设施,厨具,希望能让客户在入住时更加愉快惬意。酒店的房型有多种选择,提供了小型套房、豪华套房、高级大床房、公寓(两名成人)、公寓(三名成人)、行政套房,房间布置都到位,服务员也很热情。简而言之,客人在布拉格麦豪斯公寓享受的服务与设施会有宾至如归的感觉。 再讲究的客人也能在酒店得到满意的服务。






游客提到的优点:有周边餐厅 有班车服务 有电视 有接机服务 有咖啡机


好巧网综合打分是基于100多个酒店预订网站的评分综合算出。以上是该酒店在几家酒店预订网站上的评分,供您参考。 好巧网对酒店特色的分析数据,来自主流的酒店预订网站、旅游社区网站提到该酒店的评论,尽量展示客观中立的分析。


myhouse英语作文篇四:人教新版英语七年级下第八单元Is there a post office SectionB


Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from?

Section A period 1 (1a --- 2d)

主备人: 王丹 审核人:初一英语备课组


1. Where is your pen pal from? 2. Where is John‘s pen pal from? 3. Where does he live? 二.重点:

Where... from? be from Where ... live? live in... 三.难点:

Where... from? be from Where ... live? live in...


pen pal____________Canada___________France _____________Japan_________ the United States __________ Australia___________ Singapore_______________ the United Kingdom______________ country__________ New York ____________ Sydney___________ Paris___________ Toronto__________ Tokyo_________ 五.合作探究。

1. Practice converssations in 1a, and make conversations in 1a on p1. 2. Talk about the information in the chart in 2c on p2. 六.精讲归纳。 1. Japan n.日本

Japanese 日本人,日语, 日本人的 做名词时单复数同行。 2.live v. 居住

live in 居住在... He lives in Chengdu. 他住在成都。

live on 靠...生存 He lives on his pension. 他靠他的养老金生活。 3. be from = come from 来自... 4. Where 为疑问副词, 常询问地点

Where does he live? 七.练习反馈。

1.根据旬意及首字母提示完成单词。 (1)--Where is his pen p_________from? ---From China.

(2)They come from Japan.They're J__________. (3) ---What language d_______she speak? ---She speaks English. (4)--Where is Sydney?

--In A__________.

(5)--Where does his friend l____________? ---In Paris. 2.单项选择。

( )(1) --__________is your pen pal from? 一He‘s from Beijing.

A.What B.Where C.Which ( )(2)--What does this baby live________?


A in B.on C.for ( )(3)--________does he live?

一He lives in Sydney.

A.Where B Which city C What place

( )(4)一_________language does your pen pal speak?

一Eng1ish and a little Chinese. A.Which B.Whose C .What

( )(5)Tokyo is in _________ and Toronto is in_________.

A Canada;France B.Japan;Canada C. Singapore;Australia


(1)Mary does her homework at home every day.(改为一般疑问句)

________________________________________________________________ (2)John is from Japan.(写出同义句)

________________________________________________________________ (对画线部分提问)

________________________________________________________________ (4)Mary has some friends in China.(改为否定句)

________________________________________________________________ .(对画线部分提问) ________________________________________________________________

Section A period 2 (3a --- 4)

主备人: 王丹 审核人:初一英语备课组


1. What language do they speak? 2. She speaks English. 3. This is my new pen pal. 4. She‘s from Australia. 二.重点: What language English, Chinese,

三.自主学习:阅读p3找出下列单词,并注明意思。 Language________

This is my new pen pal.__________________________

What language does she speak?__________________________________ 英国______________ 美国_____________ 新加坡_______________ 四.合作探究。

Imagine you have a pen pal from one of the conversation in 3b on p3. 五.练习反馈。 一、 单项选择。

( ) 1. ____________Mary from?

A. What's A. Are A. like

B. Where B. Can B. about

C. Where's C. Does C. of C. Yes, he is C. to have

( ) 2.____________you speak English or Spanish? ( ) 3.I am from China. What ____________ you? ( ) 4.—Is he from America? —____________.

A. Yes, he does A. has A. and A. a A. in A. and

B. No, he doesn't B. have

( ) 5. Does he ____________ any brothers? ( ) 6. Do you have brothers _________ sisters?


C. with

C. /

C. from C. but

( ) 7.His father is ____________ English teacher.

B. an

( ) 8.Where is Tokyo? It's ____________ Japan.

B. on B. or

( ) 9.Is she your friend ____________ your pen pal?

( ) 10.Do the students play games ____________ Monday and Thursday?

A. in A. to A. with A. on


B. from C. at C. to

C. on

( )11. Please write _________ me soon.

B. from B. about

( )12. My mother often tells me _________ her study. ( )13. My birthday is _________________ 1st, October..

B. in C. at


① _____________________________? He _______________ USA. ② _____________________________? He _______________ USA. 2. 我来自中山。 I ________ _________ _________ . 3. 他想要一个美国的笔友。

He __________ a pen pal ___________ USA.. 4. Amy 会说一点法语。

my _______ ______ _______ ________ French. 5. 他们喜欢每天做运动。

They ________ _______ _________ every day. 6. 我的生日是在10月份。

My birthday ________ ___________ October. 8. 请来信介绍你自己。

Please write and ________ me ________ yourself. 9. 我住在中山民众。

I _______ ________ _________ __________. 10. 你的笔友来自哪里?

________ ______ you pen pal _________? 三、连词成句。

1. her, pen pal, the United States, in, live

__________________________________________________________ 2. come, the United Kingdom, from, Nick.

__________________________________________________________ 3. is, your, where,pen, from, friend,

__________________________________________________________ 5. my, lives, uncle, Canada,.in,


Section B period 1 (1 --- 2c)

主备人: 王丹 审核人:初一英语备课组


1.Talk about countries, nationalities and languages. 谈论国家、国籍和语言 2.Ask and tell where people live 询问和告知人们住在哪里 二.重点:

1.Where is your pen pal from? He is from Sydney 2.Where is Sydney? It is in Australia. 3.Where does he live? He lives in Paris. 三.难点:

1.Which city does he live in? He lives in Paris. 2.What language does he speak? He speaks English. 四.自主学习:阅读p4找出下列单词。

1. 在中国:___________ 2.一个有趣的国家__________ 3. 十四岁__________ 4. 一点日语____________ 5. 去看电影 _____________ 6. 做运动_________ 五.合作探究。

You are Lucy. Your partner is Lucy‘s mom. Ask and answer questions about Lucy‘s pen pal. 2c on P4.


1. Japanese n.日语;日本人。典例:I can speak Japanese我会讲日语。

[拓展]Japanese adj.日本的;日本人的;日语的。典例:She is a Japanese girl.她是一个日本女孩。 ’

2.French n.法语;法国人。典例:They can speak French.他们能讲法语。[拓展](1)Frenchman法国人。其复数形式为Frenchmen。注意:与此类似的词

还有:English一Englishman—Englishmen。(2)French删.法国的;法国人的;法语的。 3.world n.世界(通常与the连用)。典例:I want to take a trip around the world。我想周游世界。常用短语:in the world世界上;all over the workt全世界

[拓展]world还可意为“世界上的人;„„界”。典例:The whole world knows about it。全世界的人都知道这事。the world of sport/art体育/艺术界。 七.练习反馈。

l.将下列所给单词连成完整的句子。 (1)old,am,years,14,I(.)

___________________________________________________________________ (2)very.is,think,China,interesting,a,country,I(.)

___________________________________________________________________ (3)P.E.,my,in,is,subject,school,favorite(.)


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