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2016-12-15 11:19:16 编辑: 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读: 形容天气英语的句子有哪些(共9篇)英语谈论天气常用句子英语谈论天气常用句子询问天气:Whats the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?Whats the weather like in winter in beijing? 北京冬天天气怎么样? Whats it like outside today? 今天...

形容天气英语的句子有哪些 第一篇



What's the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?

What's the weather like in winter in beijing? 北京冬天天气怎么样? What's it like outside today? 今天外面天气怎么样?

How is the weather tomorrow? 明天的天气怎么样?

What's the weather going to be tomorrow? 明天天气怎样?

What does the weather forecast say? 天气预报怎么说的?

Have you heard the weather forecast? 你听天气预报了吗?

What's the weather report for tomorrow? 天气预报明天怎么样? What will it be after the clear weather? 晴天以后天气怎么样? Is the weather always like this? 天气老是这样的吗?

Is it always as hot as this? 天气总是这样热吗?

Do you like the weather here? 你喜欢这儿的天气吗?

What do you think of the weather here? 你觉得这儿的天气怎么样? Which seasins dou you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?

What's your favorite season? 你最喜欢哪个季节?


What a nice day! 多好的天气呀!

What great weather we're having today! 今天天气真好!

It's a beautiful/lovely day. 今天是个好天气

It's Sunny 是晴天

It's cool/warm/pleasant 天气很凉爽/温暖/舒适

It's very crisp and cool 天气干爽

Today is a sunny day 今天真是阳光灿烂的一天

The sun is shining 阳光明媚

The weather is much better than yesterday 天气比昨天好多了

The air is warm,but there's a nice breeze 空气很热,但是有怡人的微风 It's going to be fine tomorrow 明天将会有好天气

we'll have fine weather for the next few days 以后几天天气晴朗

I hope the weather will stay this way 我希望这种天气持续下去

It's good to see the sun again 真是太好了,太阳又出来了

Lovely weather,isn't it? 天气真好,是吗?

Fine day,isn't it? 今天是个好天气,是吧?


The weather is terrible 天气真糟糕

The weather forecast says it isn't good 天气预报说今天天气不好


What's the temperature? 温度是多少?

It will get warmer as the day goes by 天气会一天天地变暖和

Spring is warm 春天是温暖的

It's a warm day 是温暖的天气

It's warmer than yesterday (今天)比昨天暖和

How hot is it outside? 外面有多热?

It's so hot/cold 是如此的热/冷

It's burning hot! 燃烧般的热!

It's Africa hot 非洲般的热

It's very sultry 天气非常的闷热

It's extremely hot and muggy 天气非常炎热闷人

It's blazing hot outside 外面很炽热

With all this moisture,it feels very muggy outside 由于湿气很重,外面很闷热 I felt like I was roasting inside house 在屋里我觉得跟火烤一样

This morning is cooler than expected 今天早上比预计的要凉快

It's cools down in the fall 到了秋天天气渐渐凉了

I hope the weather there is cold enough 我希望那儿天气够冷

The temperature has dropped a lot today. 今天温度低多了

It's going to get cold fast 天气很快会变冷的

It's a little bit chilly out 外面有点寒冷

It's freezing outside 外面很冷

It's twenty degrees Centigrade today 今天是摄氏二十度

The temperature will drop below zero 气温将降到零度以下

It's two below zero. 零下二度。

It's seven degrees below zero. 今天是零下七度。(摄氏)

You know global warming may raise the temperature 你知道全球变暖会使气温上


as long as it doesn't rain 只要不下雨就行

It's going to be cloudy tomorrow 明天将是阴天

It looks like rain. 看起来要下雨

I guess it's going to tain 我想要下雨了

The paper says it might rain this evening 报纸说今天傍晚可能要下雨

It's wet and cloudy 天气潮湿阴沉

It's rainy and wet 天下雨并且潮湿

Oh,the rain is coming down 呕,雨已经下下来了

It's drizzling/sprinkling outside 外面在下毛毛雨

It's really raining 雨下的可真大

It's raining pretty hard right now 现在雨下得很大

The rain is pouring down 大雨倾盆而下

It's coming down outside 外面在下倾盆大雨

It's raining cats and dogs. 天正下瓢泼大雨

It's raining buckets 雨量像水桶倒出来一样

It's thundering and lightening. 雷电交加

I hope the rain will stop soon 我希望这场雨会很快停下来

The rain seems to be stopping 雨看来渐渐停了

It'll clear up soon 天很快就会放晴

It seems to be cleaning up. 天似乎要转晴


Some of the street are almost flooded with rain 有些街道几乎被雨水淹了 We had a lot of rain this winter though 但是我们今年冬天下了很多雨


I think there will be a strong wind 我想可能要刮大风了

Today's a windy day 今天外面刮大风

It's a windy day 刮风了

It's blowing hard. 风刮得很大


It's rainy/cloudy/windy/snowy/wet/dry. 今天是雨天/阴天/刮风/下雪/潮湿/干燥。 I'm afraid it won't be cold enough for a snowfall 我恐怕天不会冷的下雪 It's starting to snow outside 外面开始下雪了

It's snowing heavily. 正在下大雪。

The snow won’t last long. 雪不会持续太久。

How much snow do you have in the winter in this area? 你们这个地区冬天下多少雪?

The average snowfall each year is about two feet 每年平均降雪量大约两英尺


It's very foggy. 雾很大。

The fog is beginning to lift. 正在收雾。


形容天气英语的句子有哪些 第二篇



AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴

AM Showers=上午阵雨

AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪

AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨



Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风

Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴

Drifting Snow=飘雪




Few Showers=短暂阵雨

Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪

Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风




Heavy Rain=大雨

Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨

Heavy Snow=大雪

Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨

Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨

Light Drizzle=微雨

Light Rain=小雨

Light Rain Shower=小阵雨

Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风

Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声

Light Snow=小雪

Light Snow Fall=小降雪

Light Snow Grains=小粒雪

Light Snow Shower=小阵雪



Mostly Clear=大部晴朗

Mostly Cloudy=大部多云

Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风

Mostly Sunny=晴时多云

Partly Cloudy=局部多云【形容天气英语的句子有哪些】

Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风

PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风

PM Light Rain=下午小雨

PM Showers=下午阵雨

PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪

PM T-Storms=下午雷雨


Rain Shower=阵雨

Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风

Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪

Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪

Rain / Wind=雨时有风

Rain and Snow=雨夹雪

Scattered Showers=零星阵雨

Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风

Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪

Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有风

Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨

Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨


Showers Early=早有阵雨

Showers Late=晚有阵雨

Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风

Showers in the Vicinity=周围有阵雨



Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夹雪

Snow and Fog=雾夹雪

Snow Shower=阵雪



Sunny / Wind=晴时有风

Sunny Day=晴天


Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨


T-Storms Early=早有持续雷雨

T-Storms Late=晚有持续雷雨


Windy / Snowy=有风/有雪

Windy Rain=刮风下雨

Wintry Mix=雨雪混合


天气预报 weather forecast]

晴 clear

阴天 cloudy day

炎热 scorching heat

闷热天气 muggy weather

反常天气 freakish weather

虹 rainbow

雾 fog

凉 cool

霜 frost

露 dew

雪 snow

雹 hail

雷 thunder

冰 ice

雪堆 snowdrift

雪花 snow flake

闪电 lightning

零度 zero

寒冷 chilly

冰点 freezing point

冰柱 icicle

地形雨 local rains

雨量 rainfall

雨季 rainy season

雨点 raindrops

间歇雨 intermittent rain

大雨 heavy rain

甘霖 welcome rain

滂沱大雨 downpour

风级 wind scale

气压 barometric pressure

气团 air mass

风眼 eye of a storm

气旋 cyclone

低气压 low-pressure

高气压 high-pressure

锋面 frontal edge

暖锋 warm front

冷峰 cold front


恒风 constant wind

微风 breeze

无风 calm

轻风 light breeze

信风 trade wind

微风 gentle breeze【形容天气英语的句子有哪些】

和风 moderate breeze

逆风 headwind

台风 typhoon

清风 fresh breeze

强风 strong breeze

西北风 northwester

疾风 near gale

大风 gale

狂风 squall

烈风 strong gale

东北风 northeaster

狂风 storm

暴风 violent storm

东北信风 northeast trades

飓风 hurricane

东南风 southeaster

台风 typhoon

龙卷风 tornado

西南风 southwester

北风 north wind

疾风 gusty wind

顺风 favorable wind

东风 east wind


热浪 heat wave

强浪 high seas

微浪 smooth wavelets

细浪 light seas

小浪 moderate seas

中浪 rough seas

大浪 very rough seas

巨浪 very high seas

微波 rippled

狂浪 monster waves


自然灾害 Natural Disaster

地震 earthquake

火山地震 volcanic earthquake

海啸 tidal wave

山崩 landslide

雪崩 avalanche

火山泥流 lahar

泥石流 mudflow/landslide

超级火山爆发 supervolcano

洪水 flood

大(或急剧的)漩涡 maelstrom

海啸 Tsunami

暴风雪 blizzard

干旱 Drought

雹暴 Hailstorm

热浪 heat wave

飓风(台风)Hurricanes, Tropical cyclones, and Typhoons 冰雹 ice storm

龙卷风 tornado

冰河时代 ice age

森林大火 wildfire

流行病 Epidemic

饥荒 Famine

太阳耀斑 Solar flare


山地气候 mountain climate

冬季季风气候 winter monsoon climate

季风气候 monsoon climate

亚热带气候 sub-tropical climate

高原气候 plateau climate

海滨气候 littoral climate

极地气候 polar climate

热带气候 tropical climate

温带沙漠气候 temperate desert climate

温带干燥气候 temperate arid climate

热带季风气候 tropical monsson climate

大陆气候 continental climate

沙漠气候 desert climate

沿海气候 coastal climate

高地气候 highland climate

海洋气候 marine climate

森林气候 forest climate

温带气候 temperate climate

湿润气候 humid climate

温带草原气候 temperate grassy climate

形容天气英语的句子有哪些 第三篇



AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴 AM Showers=上午阵雨

AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪

AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨



Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风

Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪




Few Showers=短暂阵雨

Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪

Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风 Fog=雾



Heavy Rain=大雨

Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨

Heavy Snow=大雪

Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨

Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨

Light Drizzle=微雨

Light Rain=小雨

Light Rain Shower=小阵雨

Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风 Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声

Light Snow=小雪

Light Snow Fall=小降雪

Light Snow Grains=小粒雪

Light Snow Shower=小阵雪



Mostly Clear=大部晴朗

Mostly Cloudy=大部多云

Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风

Mostly Sunny=晴时多云

Partly Cloudy=局部多云

Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风

PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风

PM Light Rain=下午小雨

PM Showers=下午阵雨

PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪

PM T-Storms=下午雷雨


Rain Shower=阵雨【形容天气英语的句子有哪些】

Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风

Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪

Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪 Rain / Wind=雨时有风

Rain and Snow=雨夹雪

Scattered Showers=零星阵雨

Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风 Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪

Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有风 Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨 Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨


Showers Early=早有阵雨

Showers Late=晚有阵雨

Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风

Showers in the Vicinity=周围有阵雨 Smoke=烟雾


Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夹雪 Snow and Fog=雾夹雪

Snow Shower=阵雪



Sunny / Wind=晴时有风

Sunny Day=晴天


Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨 T-Storms=雷雨

T-Storms Early=早有持续雷雨 T-Storms Late=晚有持续雷雨 Windy=有风

Windy / Snowy=有风/有雪

Windy Rain=刮风下雨

Wintry Mix=雨雪混合


天气预报 weather forecast] 晴 clear

阴天 cloudy day

炎热 scorching heat

闷热天气 muggy weather 反常天气 freakish weather

虹 rainbow

雾 fog

凉 cool

霜 frost

露 dew

雪 snow

雹 hail

雷 thunder

冰 ice

雪堆 snowdrift

雪花 snow flake 闪电 lightning

零度 zero

寒冷 chilly

冰点 freezing point 冰柱 icicle

地形雨 local rains 雨量 rainfall

雨季 rainy season

形容天气英语的句子有哪些 第四篇



it never rains but it pours 祸不单行

thrown caution to the wind 冒险

a storm in teacup 大惊小怪

twisting in the wind 孤立无援

rainy day 艰难的时刻/困境

ill wind that blows nobody any good 有祸也有福/有人愁有人喜

every cloud has a silver lining(每一块乌云后面都有银色的一面) 困难中必有希望

bolt from the blue 突如其来的

under the weather 身体不舒服

weather the storm 渡过危机

as right as rain 万事顺利


1. What's up with him today? He has a face like thunder!


2. I'm a bit disappointed in John and David. It turned out they were only fair-weather friends.


3. We don't have a snowball's chance of winning that contract!


4. Don't worry about those two arguing. it's just a storm in a teacup.


5. The exam was a breeze.


6. We're snowed under at work.


7. They're blowing hot and cold over this issue. It's impossible to know what they want!


8. He's always working in his garden - come rain or shine.


9. It's going to get very busy on Thursday. Today and tomorrow are just the lull before the storm.


10. I don't want to spend this extra money. I'll save it up for a rainy day.


11. I'm going to see which way the wind blows before asking her about a raise.


12. You'll steal her thunder if you wear that dress tonight!


13. I'm feeling a bit under the weather at the moment.

14. This recession is quite serious and it's becoming difficult to weather the storm.




Sunny 晴天 Fair 晴 cloudy 多云 overcast 阴天 Calm 无风 light 微风 moderate

风力不大 strong 大风 gale强风 Light Drizzle 微雨 Drizzle 毛毛雨Showers 阵雨 light

rain 小雨 moderate rain 中雨 heavy rain 大雨 rainstorm暴雨 thunderstorm雷雨 Drifting

Snow 飘雪 light snow 小雪 moderate snow中雪 heavy snow 大雪 sleet 雨夹雪

fog雾 Haze(mist) 薄雾 frost霜冻 typhoon台风

Dust 灰尘 Sandstorm 沙尘暴 Hail 冰雹 warm up天气转暖 clear up 天气放晴

scattered showers 局部阵雨 sunny/bright 阳光充足 clear/fair/fine 晴朗 partly cloudy 局部


cloudy 多云 overcast/dull 阴 freezing 冰冷 cold 冷 cool 凉爽 mild 温和 warm 暖和

hot 炎热 fine/clear/good weather 好天气 sunny/fine 晴天 bad weather 坏天气 sleet 雨夹雪 lightning 闪 电 cloudy then rainy sunny then cloudy 晴转阴

1. weather forecast 气象预报

2. weatherman 气象员

3. weather station 气象站

4. cold wave 寒流

5. partly cloud 少云

9. drop in temperature降温

Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风

Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风 Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声

Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风

Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风

PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨

PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪 PM T-Storms=下午雷雨


1、春雨:Spring Rain 2、春分:vernal equinox 3、清明:clear and bright 4、惊蛰:excited insects

5、春风:spring breeze

二、夏: summer 1、夏令营:summer camp 2、连衣裙:one-piece dress 3、电风扇:electric fan

4、空调:air conditioner



三、秋: autumn 1、秋分:the autumnal equinox 2、秋播:fall seeding 3、秋海棠:elephant's-ear

4、秋菜:autumn vegetable 5、秋千:swing

四、冬: winter 1、雪花:snowflake 2、滑雪:skiing 3、溜冰:ice-skating 4、冰棍:forzen

sucker 5、雪雕:Snow sculpt

come rain or shine 无论如何、不管怎样

It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行。

get wind of sth. 听到……的风声

get the wind up 变得紧张/害怕

do a snow-job on sb. 对某人花言巧语

storm into or out of someplace 怒气冲冲地走进或走出

1) weird weather 天气很反常

we've had some really weird weather lately! 我们最近天气很反常!

2) pop-up storm 雷阵雨

in the summer, it seems like d.c. is hit by pop-up storm every day! 夏天的时候,华盛顿每天好像



3) raining cats and dogs 瓢泼大雨

we got hit by a pop up storm yesterday! all of a sudden it started raining cats and dogs and i didn't have an umbrella!! 我们昨天赶上雷阵雨!突然开始瓢泼大雨!而我又没带雨伞!

4) storm clouds 乌云

5) roll in 飘过来

you know it's gonna rain when you see big storm clouds rolling in! 看着乌云飘过来,就知道快下雨了。



A: It looks like it's going to be sunny.今天看来像是个晴天。

B: Yes, it's much better than yesterday.是的,比昨天好多了。

A: They say we're going to get some rain later.据说待会儿要下雨。

B: Oh, let's just hope it stays[维持某种状态]哦,我只希望一直暖和下去。 PART 2

A: I think it's going to be a nice day.我想今天会是一个好天。

B: It's certainly a big improvement over yesterday.肯定比昨天大有好转。

A: But it's supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon.但是,据说今天下午又要转阴刮风了。

B: Well, the worst of the winter should be over.不过,冬天最糟糕的一段日子总该过去了。 PART 3

A: It seems to be clearing up.看来天要放晴了。

B: It's such a nice change.真实令人高兴的转变。

A: I really don't think this weather will last.我确实认为这样的好天长不了。 B: Let's just hope it doesn't get cold again.但愿不会再冷。


A: Beautiful day, isn't it?


B: Yes, it's not like what the radio said at all.是的,一点也不像收音机里说的那样。 A: I wish it would stay this way for the weekend.但愿整个周末都能保持这样的好天气。 B: As long as it doesn't snow!



A: It looks like it's going to be sunny. 今天看来像是个晴天。

B: Yes, it's much better than yesterday. 是的,比昨天好多了。

A: They say we're going to get some rain later. 据说待会儿要下雨。

B: Oh, let's just hope it stays[维持某种状态]warm. 哦,我只希望一直暖和下去。 A: I think it's going to be a nice day.我想今天会是一个好天。

B: It's certainly a big improvement over yesterday. 肯定比昨天大有好转。

A: But it's supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon. 但是,据说今天下午又要转阴刮风了。

B: Well, the worst of the winter should be over. 不过,冬天最糟糕的日子该过去了。 A: It seems to be clearing up. 看来天要放晴了。

B: It's such a nice change. 真实令人高兴的转变。

A: I really don't think this weather will last. 我确实认为这样的好天长不了。

B: Let's just hope it doesn't get cold again. 但愿不会再冷。

A: Beautiful day, isn't it? 今天天气真好,是不是?

B: Yes, it's not like what the radio said at all. 是的,一点也不像收音机里说的那样。 A: I wish it would stay this way for the weekend. 但愿整个周末都能保持这样的好天气。 B: As long as it doesn't snow! 只要不下雪就行啊!

形容天气英语句子有哪些 第五篇




1. Have you heard the weather forecast?


2. No, what does it say?


3. We'll have fine weather for the next few days?


4. But it's still raining today!


5. It is said it will clear up tonight.


6. What will it be after the clear weather?


7. It says a storm may come next month.


8. And it may get colder, it's already November.


9. Yes, and I hope we can have some snow this winter.


10. I'm afraid it won't be cold enough for a snowfall.


11. But last year we had a big one.


12. Yes, but you know global warming may raise the temperature.


13. You are probably right.


14. I'm going skating in the Alps next month.


15. I hope the weather there is cold enough.


形容天气英语的句子有哪些 第六篇


1、Elsewhere is mainly dry with some sunshine, but heavy showers possible central and southeast England on Tuesday.


2、It's going to rain.


3、I hope the weather stays this way.


4、Pretty warm, isn't it?


5、We're going to have a snowfall today.


6、I think there'll be a storm soon.


7、It looks as if it's going to rain.


8、I don't think the rain would last long.


9、Terrible weather, isn't it?


10、Elsewhere is largely dry with sunny spells and just a scattering of light showers, but becoming cloudier in Northern Ireland towards evening.


11、It looks like rain [raining].


12、Thicker cloud with occasional rain or drizzle will spread into some western areas during the night.


13、It seems to be clearing up.


14、Nice and warm today, isn't it?


15、I'm so sorry it has turned out wet.


16、Rather cold today, isn't it?


17、It's getting warmer (and warmer)。


18、Saturday will be a cloudier day with outbreaks of mainly light rain in western areas, spreading slowly eastwards, though many central and eastern areas should remain dry.


19、I hope it will keep fine.


20、It's going to be fine tomorrow.


21、Very hot today, isn't it?


22、I think the rain is going to last all day.


23、I hope it won't rain.


24、From Sunday to Tuesday, it will be cloudy with occasional drizzle in western and northwestern areas, especially around coasts and hills.


25、Lovely day [weather], isn't it?


26、It's beginning to rain.


27、The rain has stopped.


28、It's clearing up.


29、I'm so glad it has turned out fine.


30、The rain is setting in.


31、Tonight has any showers dying away to leave a dry evening with some clear periods.


32、There will be occasional showers in southeast England, some of them perhaps heavy.



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形容天气英语的句子有哪些 第七篇

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形容天气英语的句子有哪些 第八篇


1、The boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival are traditional customs to attempts to rescue the patriotic poet Chu Yuan. Chu Yuan drowned on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 277 B.C. Chinese citizens now throw bamboo leaves filled with cooked rice into the water. Therefore the fish could eat the rice rather than the hero poet. This later on turned into the custom of eating tzungtzu and rice dumplings.

2、Parental love is the greatest.And in the disaster, our soldiers are like our parents, give our boundless love.

3、It is big and very modern with a population of …

4、It used to be a small town, where people made a living by fishing.

5、Disaster areas will not cry. The deceased had gone to the heavens already; the survivors must continue to live on, and to live more exciting. All of this will be over and our stength of them are rising .

6、People love this city, and they will make it a better place.

7、May 12, 2008, a magnitude about 8.0 large earthquake has taken place in Wenchuan County at Sichuan Province,China. In spite of the big earthquake, we will not shake the resolve and even bigger rain, we poured immortal love. Without frontiers, Chinese people’s love spread in the disaster.

8、In the rescue site, a haggard middle-aged man sticked about the forefront, whenever a student was rescued by rescue personnels, he would approached to have a look, and shouted out their names. He is the old school’s principals ----Kang Yulong. These principals joined to rescue in the forefront, even though he knew the death of his family members. He did not cry, and refused to leave the rescue site. He love his family, only in this disaster, he’s love for their students is more than the love for their families. This is a special assistance, and this is a dangerous serious rescue, however, people were touched by that, in the ruins of the teaching building, soldiers rescued more than 300 after a day’s efforts, this has created a miracle of life, and, this is the miracle of love.

9、In this disaster, because of the advent of aftershocks, commanding officers ordered rescue soldiers to save the persons who were under the rubble immediately withdraw. At this time, one of the soldiers found an alive child under the ruins , he stormed into the ruins, while his comrades-in-chief pulled him and denied his action, He cried out to his comrades-in-chief "PLEASE, let me do, I also get rescued one person!" and at this time, collapsed the ruins .In the end, this child has no breath any more, this soldier took the child's body, Cring ,Crying. This display the human nature, a love of tears. A major disaster love!

10、The celebration's is a time for protection from evil and disease for the rest of the year. It is done so by different practices such as hanging healthy herbs on the front door, drinking nutritious concoctions, and displaying portraits of evil's nemesis, Chung Kuei. If one manages to stand an egg on it's end at exactly 12:00 noon, the following year will be a lucky one.

11、State leaders WEN arrived immediately to comfort victims; People’s Liberation Army use their own lives to created the miracle of lives; Young teachers used their own body to resist the students who are facing collapse of rubble; Husband and wife kissed each other to let the other side have the strength to live; Health care workers use their own due diligence to guard life; Victims were in mutual consolation, All the Chinese people attepmt their own strength in this moisture-torn land of the Sichuan. And, this is love, true love, can not be copied in other countries like ours.

12、The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons. Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first.

13、It has developed very fast in the past years,more and more people come here to seek opportunities.

14、After the disaster, victims were crying, parents were crying, Sichuan was crying, China was crying, Every Chinese was crying. However, Premier Wen said, "Do not cry, children, every thing will be all right." Yes, we should not cry, because this world is full of love, because China is full of love.

15、There are many tourist attractions here,lots of people come here for holidays.

16、May 13 afternoon, Dujiangyan, a collapse of the riverside homes, dozens of rescue personnel were in the their relief efforts. Suddenly, a shocking scene in front of the rescue workers took place: a young mother used her two hands to protect her three or four months-old baby away from the ruins, with her head low, kneeling on the ground, both hands were holding up the body. Her T-shirt was in a mess, and had already lost her breath. With some efforts, people managed to clean up the ruins, in her body was her child who was wrapped in a small yard . Because of the asylum of her mother , the baby was not injured, even she was in a quiet sleep, her sleeping face made all the people feel the love of warmth. Doctors opened the quilts to examine the child, and they found a cell phone in the yard, on the screen written the message :Dear Baby, if you can live, you must remember that I love you” The great maternal love, gave her children a rebirth.


形容天气英语的句子有哪些 第九篇


1、Turnip cabbage, all have love.


2、Each heart love, raw onions and leeks.


3、Any kind of interest include nature have tendencies to cry, maybe also contains a kind of in a state of nature in the flash of genius.


4、Where there is no interest, there is no memory.


5、I think for all situations, only the“ love” is the best teacher.


6、On other people's footprints, as open their own territory, hit the south wall and never look back, who say love it is nothing, nothing is impossible dreams, only to wake up early.


7、Read a book is I most loves, it increased my knowledge, broaden my horizons, so I know more truth.


8、Good to finish.


9、Every time I read a book being immersed in the ocean of books, forget everything, forget myself.


10、When I was young, due to interest in a wide range, easy to forget things; old, due to lack of interest and forgetful.


11、Things get to the good.


12、Such is life, feet long on yourself, go straight on, until the yearning for the scenery, a passing place.


13、Looks worship, each having a good.


14、In principle to produce a problem, be firm as a rock; in the interest issue, should conform to the trend.


15、Love is the beginning of knowledge.


16、Interested in their interest in us.


17、Wear clothes, everyone has his hobby.


18、The more addicted to like, the engineering skills.


19、Knowledge must be according to their own interests, can benefit.


20、The book will always be my teacher and friend! I love to read a book.


21、Life is just a field of improvisation, until every journey, be my stage.


22、Love is the first step to knowledge.



形容天气英语的句子有哪些相关热词搜索:问天气的英语句子 关于天气的英语句子

1、英语回答天气的句子(共9篇)英语谈论天气常用句子英语谈论天气常用句子询问天气:Whats the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?Whats the weather like in winter in beijing? 北京冬天天气怎么样? Whats it like outside today? 今天英语回答天气的句子(2016-12-03)


3、"形容天气英语的句子有哪些" 地址:http://www.chinazhaokao.com/zuowen/haocihaoju/777028.html,复制分享给你身边的朋友!