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导读: 表达婚姻的句子的英语(共5篇)英语优秀句子表达Unit 1A2008年5月12日下午,汶川发生了里氏8 0级地震,导致该地区成为一片废墟。On the afternoon of May 12th, 2008, an earthquake, with a magnitude of 8 0 on the Richter scale,...


表达婚姻的句子的英语 第一篇

Unit 1A


On the afternoon of May 12th, 2008, an earthquake, with a magnitude of 8.0 on the Richter scale, broke out in Wenchuan, leaving the region with ruins.


Usually very agreeable, he now quit speaking altogether and no amount of words could penetrate the vacant expression he wore on his face.


Usually famous for its scenic beauty, the place now lay in ruins and no amount of imagination could restore its past landscape.


No matter what a high risk they might face amid aftershocks, even the soldiers resolved that they should get to the epicenter as early as possible.


In fact, effecting the rescue of the victims who remain as firm and know to appreciate our efforts as much as the people there do has cleansed our souls more than anything else ever could have.

无法得到来自震中的消息,指挥官命令空降兵空降,没去理会当地气象条件复杂这一事实。 Unable to get any news from the epicenter, the commander ordered the airborne troops to land from the air, ignoring the fact that the local meteorological conditions were complex. 对于这位小英雄来说,士兵对他及时施救,是他心中额外的礼物,而他原先更想看到的,是班里所有其他同学都获救。

For the little hero, soldiers’ timely rescue of him was a welcome bonus, but mostly he had just wanted to see everyone else in his class get saved as well.


As the disaster relief efforts were in full swing, the victims were gradually reminded that care and love from the governments and compatriots would get them through the times of adversity in time.

地震后中国发生的一切证实:中华民族的大爱可以征服一切,这是任何东西都限制不了的。 What happened to China in the aftermath of the massive earthquake proves that there are no limitations to what the boundless love of the Chinese nation could accomplish.


In face of the great disaster, the Chinese communists held the whole nation together through their own role models.


Through unyielding effort, they managed to track down the shortest way to the epicenter. 尽管他认为社会和他过不去,我仍坚持认为他是拿自己的无耻做秀。

While he grasped that our society was picking on him, I held that he was picking on his own shamelessness for showoff.


Many of the earthquake-made orphans haven’t adjusted yet to living without good care from their biological parents.


The power of boundless love did not hit home until in the wake of this terrible earthquake. 仍不可忽视的,是成功者的表象对孩子们产生的副作用。

What remains to be reckoned with is the negative effect the superficial phenomena of achievers exert on the children.


According to some quake experts, in a long time leading up to the earthquake, few signs of an impending massive one were found.


Although they carried out the rescue of him with all of the energy left in their souls, he still failed to survive the disaster.


There needs to be a lot of psychological interference that helps get the orphans through the periods of grief.


The Chinese people are reconciling their actions with their promise of great love. Unit 1B

[句型]Sth. inspire sth. else.

 Sth. cause sb. to react in a particular way or give sb. the idea for sth. else. 某事使



Her art of conducting herself in society inspired respect even among her rivals.


His attachment to his love inspired the touching poem of his.


His heroic deeds inspired more love from people.

[短语] push up

 push about / around 驱使;摆布

 push ahead (with sth.) 推进

 push aside 搁置;推到边上


The development of bio-fuel pushed up the prices of grains.


Preoccupied with the quest for fame and fortune, people tend to push aside their thankful hearts.

[短语] pick out

 choose sb. / sth. from a group 选出

 pick apart 吹毛求疵

 pick off 摘下;逐个瞄准打死

 pick up 学会;挣(外快)

他一味追求奢侈, 在任何饭店都是选菜单上最好的菜。

As a blind slave to luxury, he always picks out the best items on the menu in any restaurant.


Mary watched other dancers attentively to see if she could pick up any tips.

[搭配] not much of a …

 be not good at … 在……方面不怎么样

 be more of … than … 与其说是…… ,



As result of her bad conduct, the so-called movie star is not much of a popular figure. 在学生的眼里,与其说他是教师,倒不如说他是懦夫。

In the eyes of his students, he is more of a coward than a teacher.

[句型] It takes sb. sth. to learn that …

 某人经过…才明白…


It took us great pain to learn that a nation couldn’t go without super love.


It takes one many years of struggle to learn that success never comes easy.

[搭配] hedge to bet

 dare say 敢说


Without tests of wind and rain, I would hedge to bet, saplings would stand little chance of growing into towering trees.


So long as you remain crazy about each other as ever, I would hedge to bet, you will finally get united in marriage.

[搭配] be comparable to …

 be compared to 被比作

人生如攀岩, 失足之处则是跌落的开端。

Life is comparable to climbing the rock. Where you miss your step you begin to drop. 幸福的婚姻好比熔炉,它使夫妻间的任何差异变得和谐统一。

A happy marriage is compared to a melting pot, where any differences between husband and wife can be integrated into harmony with each other.

[搭配] ups and downs


 rises and falls 沉浮;兴衰;沧桑


According to his argument, it is impossible for one’s life to grow into its glory without ups and downs.


Full of ups and downs as life is, she has been faithful as ever to her original wish.

[搭配] grow into one’s … glory

 develop into one’s … prime 发展到鼎盛期


Some people who have grown into their material glory have failed to reckon with their ethical attainments.


The most beautiful thing about life is that it grows into its both physical and spiritual glory.

[单词] manipulate


At home with flattery, she is sure to manipulate the issue with great ease.


Expert at manipulating the public opinion, he is more than adequate to the task.

[短语] speed up


 (make sth.) go faster or happen faster 加速


The linkup of Baocheng railroad sped up the transportation of relief supplies.


Frequent access to the Internet speeds up our communication with the world.

[句型] It is sad when …, when …, and when …

 如果…,如果…,如果…,那真令人痛心。


It is sad when you have no compass in studies, when you give up in face of setbacks, and when you complain much about your tough luck.


It is sad when we are short of sympathy, when we think only of ourselves in the event of disaster, and when we rejoice over our own good luck.

[短语] fall apart

 stop being effective or successful 破碎;瓦解;脱落 fall back on 求助于 fall down on 未尽到 fall in with 赞成;同意

 fall short of 未达到;未实现

起初,他们的关系密不可分, 但不久就掰了。

At first, their tie was so close that they were inseparable, but before long that link fell apart. 由于夫妻间不再有信任,他们的婚姻以破裂而告终。

There being no more trust between husband and wife, their marriage ended up falling apart.

[短语] give up on

 stop hoping that sb. or sth. will change or improve 对某人/事不再抱希望 尽管因丈夫不检点而苦恼,但她仍不放弃他能变好的希望。

Although cursed with her imprudent husband, she refuses to give up on his change for the better.


Now that you have never held your evil tongue, I have to give up on you.

[句型] Too often sb. do sth. without due thought and end up doing sth. else.

 某人常常未能深思熟虑而做了某事,结果……(苦果)


Too often we make friends without due thought, and end up suffering a lot from it. 我们一些人常常未能深思熟虑就确定了人生目标,结果半途而废。

Too often some of us set their life targets without due thought, and end up stopping halfway.

[短语] saddle sb. with sth.

 give sb. sth. that is difficult to deal with使负担


Saddled with too heavy social duties, some athletes are less than likely to offer the best performance in the arena of competition.


What is worthy of esteem is that he, though saddled with debts, remains positive about life.

[短语] on impulse

 because of an impulse 一时冲动

靠一时冲动做事, 常以人的悔恨而告终。【表达婚姻的句子的英语】

What is done on impulse often ends up leaving one with regret.


Evidence suggests that, the older one grows, the less liable one is to act on impulse.

[搭配] be at great risk to sth.

 risk the great loss to sth. 冒着某事受损的大风险


At great risk to their lives, the PLA men pushed ahead amid aftershocks, without intent to turn back.


This group of volunteers, though at great risk to their lives, got the sublime of love in return.

[短语] mislead sb. into doing sth.

 cause sb. to do sth. that is incorrect or not true 误导某人做某事


Never let the shining ring of achievers mislead you into thinking that their success can be attained at one go.


What on earth misled him into going astray stemmed from violence games online.

[短语] let go

 stop holding sth.; (fig) stop thinking about sth. 放手;不去想某事


The art of living is to know what to get hold of and when to let go of it.


The ability to let go can determine whether one is optimistic or pessimistic.

[搭配] send one’s spirits / hopes soaring

 begin to feel very happy or hopeful 感到兴高采烈


Any video game that helps excite his nerves normally sends his spirits soaring.


For those accustomed to do things in accord with their superiors’ likes and dislikes, a smile from the latter tends to send their hopes soaring.

《常用英语口语8000句:恋爱结婚:离婚 -(韦博分享)》
表达婚姻的句子的英语 第二篇

常用英语口语8000句:恋爱结婚:离婚 -(韦博分享)

常用英语口语8000句:恋爱结婚:离婚 -(韦博分享)




We fight a lot.

Do you two fight? (你们吵架吗?)

Yes, we fight a lot. (嗯,我们常吵架。)


I don't love my wife any more.


My wife's cheating on me. *cheat on...“在男女关系上表现的不忠”。

My wife's a two-timer.

My wife's secretly dating someone else.

My wife's having an affair.


We had a falling-out. *falling-out“感情不和”、“失和”。

We had a big disagreement. (我们之间意见分歧很大。)

We don't get along anymore. (我们再也不能在一起了。)


I've changed my mind.

I've reconsidered. (我想重新考虑。)


You have changed.

You're not the same as before. (你和以前不一样了。)


Are you seeing someone now?

Are you seeing someone now? (你现在是不是和谁交往呢?)

Actually, no. (没有,谁也没有。)


I don't see eye to eye with my wife. *see eye to eye with...“和……意见一致”。 How's married life? (婚后生活怎么样?)

I don't see eye to eye with my wife. (我和妻子没什么共同语言。)


We just don't get along.


I thought I knew you.


I had an affair with my secretary.


I don't enjoy being with you.

We don't have any fun anymore.


Let's get divorced. *divorce“离婚”。

I don't love you anymore. (我不再爱你了。)

Let's get divorced. (我们离婚吧。)


I'm separated from my wife. *separate“夫妻分居”。

We are living separately now.


I can't get over losing you. *get over“(从疾病、痛苦中)恢复,重新站起”。

I can't recover from breaking up with you. (我无法接受和你的分手。)

I can't forget you. (我无法忘记你。)


Breaking up is hard to do. *break up“朋友、夫妻间的分手”。

make up (和好,言归于好)【表达婚姻的句子的英语】


Don't break my heart. *break one's heart“使……万分痛苦,让对方因失恋而痛苦”。 I want to break up. (我想和你分手。)

Don't break my heart. (请不要伤我的心。)

Don't make me sad.


We argued for hours. *argue“是用理论来说服对方”或“各自坚持自己的主张而争论不休”。

常用英语口语8000句:恋爱结婚:离婚 -(韦博分享)

《常用英语口语8000句:恋爱结婚:喜欢、爱上 -(韦博分享)》
表达婚姻的句子的英语 第三篇

常用英语口语8000句:恋爱结婚:喜欢、爱上 -(韦博分享)

常用英语口语8000句:恋爱结婚:喜欢、爱上 -(韦博分享)



Tom is a lady-killer. *lady-killer直译是“少女杀手”,其实不是杀手,而是指一下子就能迷住女人的男子。

Tom dates around a lot. (汤姆和好多女人来往。)

Tom is a real playboy. (汤姆真是个花花公子。)


Tom really turns me on. *turn...on“有性方面的吸引力”、“使人着迷”。

Tom really turns me on. (汤姆真让我神魂颠倒。)

I didn't know you felt that way. (我一点儿都不知道你的感觉。)

I'm crazy about Tom.

I have strong feelings for Tom.

I love Tom.

I have the hots for Tom. *俚语。


Chris is really a heartbreaker. *用heartbreaker表示“长得很帅,对异性有吸引力的人”。进一步讲,“heartbreaker”是指给异性带来撕心裂肺的痛苦和失望的人,魅惑他人,让人沉醉的人。Elvis Presley (爱尔维斯·普里斯利)有一首成名曲“Heartbreak Hotel”,指的就是“(因恋爱而)绝望的人住的饭店”。

Chris breaks a lot of hearts. (克里斯使很多女人尝到了失恋的痛苦。)

Chris dates a lot of women. (克里斯和许多女人有来往。)


Janet is a knockout. *如同拳击中的“knock out”一样,表示极具魅力、使对方晕头转向的人,多指女性。

Janet is a knockout. (珍妮特真迷人呀。)

You can say that again! (颇有同感。)

Janet is sexy.

Janet is beautiful.


I think he has a crush on you. *have a crush on...“看上……”。

I think he has a crush on you. (他好像看上你了。)

Give me a break. (别随便瞎说。)

I think he is infatuated with you. * be infatuated with...“被……迷住,为……神魂颠倒”。 I think he likes you.


Jane seems to like me. *seem“好像,看上去像……”。

I've got the feeling that Jane likes me.

I think Jane likes me.

I have a hunch (that) Jane likes me.


Diana's been coming on to Jack.


I can't handle a girl like her. * handle 表示“对待,对待(人)”。

She's too much for me.


I'm dying to see her. *dying to“忍耐不住地想做某事”。


I'm trying to make a pass at her. *make a pass at...“(特别是对女性)挑逗,求爱”。 I'm trying to make a pass at her. (我想追求她。)

I don't blame you. ([她对你来说很有魅力,]我理解你的心情。)

I'm trying to pick her up. (我打算把她弄到手。) *pick up 是口语“把异性弄到手”、“勾


I'm trying to get a date with her. (我打算和她约会。) *get a date with...“和……约会”、“约会”。


You broke my heart. *break...heart在恋爱中“使……十分痛苦”,用于甩掉自己的人。 You broke my heart. (你也太狠心了。)

I didn't mean to... (我不是那个意思……)

常用英语口语8000句:恋爱结婚:喜欢、爱上 -(韦博分享)

表达婚姻的句子的英语 第四篇

1、blessing a new love, similar to a permanent! congratulations on your wedding day!

2、marriage is like a maze, build a marriage on the people themselves have been lost before。

3、love for ever!

4、happy wedding!

5、have a sweet honeymoon!

6、i wish you to tie the knot, a harmonious union lasting a hundred years! a happy newlywed, sweet sweet honey!

7、i just want to wish you a happy marriage, happy, be deeply attached to each other forever!

8、i wish you a happy birthday when the door of happiness, the keep for long time!

9、wish you a happy wedding,happiness, passion, said of a couple!

10、wishing you were enenaiai, benedict italian love eternal love, life, love grow with each passing day!

表达婚姻的句子的英语 第五篇

1、love for ever!

2、happy wedding!

3、marriage is a promise for two hearts to give―one word, one love, one life to live。 best wishes… today and always。关于婚礼的英文句子

4、the sweetness of sharing a dream made for two is one life's greatest treasures。 wishing you both much happiness and a wonderful life。

5、every good wish on your wedding day。关于婚礼的英文句子。 wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams e true。

6、as you start your married life together hand in hand, may all the things you're hoping for turn out the way you've planned。

7、to the happy couple, congratulations on this happy occasion and best wishes for everything good in the years to e。

8、have a sweet honeymoon!

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相关热词搜索:婚姻句子表达说说 表达感谢的英语句子


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