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2016-02-17 09:09:31 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 关于听说的句子篇一《英语听说句子》 ...



• 1. 这本书有什么问题?

• What’s the problem of the book?

• 2. 你和你的室友相处得如何?

• How do you get along with your roommates? 3. 你的老师的建议是什么? What are your teacher’s suggestions? /What is your teacher’s advice? 4. 我为什么不能与朋友们一起开车? Why can’t I drive with my friends? 5. 我真的需要这些规则吗? Do I really need these rules? / Are these rules necessary for me? 6. 这些规则有什么用处? What are these rules for? / What’s the use of these rules? 7. 这本书有什么问题? What’s the problem of the book? 8. 为什么你认为情节难以相信?

• Why do you think the plot is hard to believe/ unbelievable?

• 9. 报纸怎么评论这本书?

• How do the newspapers comment on/upon this book?/ What are the newspapers’

comments on this book?

• 1.James像你一样热爱音乐吗?

• Does James love/like music like you?/Is James interested in music like you? • 2.James 小时候对什么感兴趣?

• What was James interested in when he was a child?

• What was James’interest when he was young?

• What was James fond of when he was young?

• 3.谁给你们的影响最大?

• Who had the greatest influence on you?/ Who had an effect on you most? 4.你说的学习风格是什么意思? What do you mean by “learning styles”?/What does “Learning style”mean? 5.你是如何学习外语的?

• How do you learn a foreign language?

• 6.那么我该做些什么呢?

• What should I do then/next?

• 7.我还有什么需要注意的?

• Is there anything else that I need to pay attention to?

• Do I need to pay attention to something else?

• 8.你觉得我需要吃药吗?

• Do you think that I need to take some medicine?

• 9.你的什么意思?

• What do you mean?

• 10.英国人不太在乎穿什么衣服,对吗?

• The British people care little about clothes, do they?

• 11.你的意思是什么?

• What do you mean?

• 12 你是怎么为舞蹈比赛做参赛准备的?

• 1. How do you prepare for the dancing contest?

• 13 你喜欢俱乐部里的老师吗?

• 2. Do you like the teachers in the club / here?

• 14 我怎样才能成为这个俱乐部的成员呢?

• 3.How can I become a member of this club?/ How can I join?

• 15.你能把那个小偷描述一下么?

• 15.Can you describe the thief?

• 16.他怎么能这么快把车偷走呢?

• 16.How did he steal it so quickly?

• 17.能告诉我你的姓名和电话号码吗?

• 17.Could I have your name and phone number, please?

• 18 你想过搬到一个干净点的地方吗?

• 18.Have you ever thought about moving somewhere cleaner?

• 19.我在哪能买到西班牙语的书呢?

• 19.Where can I buy books in Spanish?

• 20这里的日本人口有多少?

• 20. What is the Japanese population here?

• 21: 你喜欢穿什么颜色的衣服?

• 21.What colours do you prefer to wear?

• 22.你有没有自己为妻子买过衣服?

• 22. Have you ever bought clothes for your wife?

• 23.你花在衣服上的钱是否比花在食物上多?

• 23.Do you spend more on clothes than on food? 2011听说一模 A卷 1) 你是怎么为舞蹈比赛做参赛准备的?

• 1. How do you prepare for the dancing contest?

• 2) 你喜欢俱乐部里的老师吗?

• 2. Do you like the teachers in the club / here?

• 3) 我怎样才能成为这个俱乐部的成员呢?

• 3.How can I become a member of this club?/ How can I join?

• B卷

• 1.你能把那个小偷描述一下么?

• 1.Can you describe the thief?

• 2.他怎么能这么快把车偷走呢?

• 2.How did he steal it so quickly?

• 3.能告诉我你的姓名和电话号码吗?

• 3.Could I have your name and phone number, please?

• *2011听说一模系统测试题

• Test1

• 1: 你想过搬到一个干净点的地方吗?

• 1.Have you ever thought about moving somewhere cleaner?

• 2.有什么快速解决问题的办法吗?

• 2.Is there any quick solution to this problem?

• Do you have any ways to solve this problem?

• 3.你觉得我们普通人在环保方面能做些什么呢?

• 3.What do you think we ordinary people can do to protect the environment? • Test2

• 1.我在哪能买到西班牙语的书呢?

• 1.Where can I buy books in Spanish?

• 2.这里的日本人口有多少?

• 2. What is the Japanese population here?

• 3.大部分的美国城市都有如此多的不同种类的人吗?

• 3.Do most American cities have so many different kinds of people? • Test3

• 1: 你喜欢穿什么颜色的衣服?

• 1.What colours do you prefer to wear?

• 2.你有没有自己为妻子买过衣服?

• 2.Have you ever bought clothes for your wife?

• 3.你花在衣服上的钱是否比花在食物上多?

• 3.Do you spend more on clothes than on food? *2012听说一模 A卷 门票贵吗?

• 1. Are the tickets expensive?

• 在这次节日活动中表演什么种类的音乐?

• 2. What stlye /kind of music is there at the Festival?

• 这次节日里你最欣赏什么?

• 3. What did you enjoy most at the Festival?


商务英语听说句子整理 1. (asking for latest product catalogue) A: I’your cookware in this market and we want to make an inquiry. 2. 出厂价

3. Do you mind if I take a copy of this catalogue?


5. 6.

7. the quality.

8. B: We will work them out for you very soon.

9. 1. (describing the price) This is our rock-bottom price. 最低价

2. This is our bed-rock price. 最低价

3. This is our lowest price.

4. Our price is both reasonable and practical.

5. Our price is in line with the prevailing market.

6. Your price is not competitive compared with what is quoted by other suppliers.

7. (negotiating the price) You drive a hard bargain.

8. If you could come up with a really competitive price, we might be able to place a very large order.

9. May I suggest that we go fifty-fifty and close the deal? 各让一步

10. Shall we meet each other half way to fill the gap? = How about splitting the difference fifty-fifty?

11. (price & quality) A: Your price is higher than that of other companies.

B: It may appear a little higher, but the quality is much higher than that of other suppliers.

A: I don’t that your product is of top quality, but if you could come up with a really competitive price, we might

be able to place a large order.

12. We’ve compared your price with those from the other suppliers and your price is almost 5% higher than that from the American and German suppliers.

13. A: I appreciate your counter-offer, but find it too low to be acceptable. As you are well aware, the price of cotton yarn has been rising steadily in the international market and at present demand exceeds supply.

B: I know the market trends quite well. At such high prices, it will be hard to make any sales.

14. (Validity of an offer) B: oh yes. This is our lowest price in reference to the world market.

B: it will be good for three days.

15. (talk about commission) B: as a rule, we don’t allow any commission. You know, these articles are our best ’A: but we’’s a new product and we’ll

have to spend a lot of money on advertising. So commission transactions will surely help to push the sales of your products.

B: well, our price is already very It leaves us with little profit margin. It is 16. 反复订货 ’ 1. (placing an order) B: I’2. A: we’I’m sorry to tell you they’3. A: WB 23. Double the second item, please. B: no problem.

4. B: I’m terribly sorry. Your order has already been delivered. There’s nothing we can do.

5. A: well, your order is quite substantial, so we’ll grant you a 2% discount. following items.

7. Please confirm that you’ll the end of November so that we can be ready for the 8. (availability of goods & supply shortage) Supply exceeds demand.

9. Demand exceeds supply.

10. The stock is insufficient to meet the requirements.

11. I’12.

13. ’14. We’ll approach the suppliers once more and see if they are in a position to meet your present requirements.

15. We’ll go to the suppliers again and see if there is any chance of increasing the quantity.

16. We’把询盘记录在卷

17. We’ll contact the suppliers again and see if it is possible to fill your order.

18. No discount will be allowed unless you increase your quantity to 50,000 yards or over.

19. You’d better make your decision and place the order earlier; otherwise, I’m afraid you won’t be granted 2%

commission. 1. 2. 3.



6. 7. 承付,兑付,一经提示 贴现 Our draft No. 36 was dishonoured. 拒付 We’光票,向你方 We’光票托收 We’re sending our draft through Bank of China for documentary collection.

8. We’ll draw a sight bill in favour of the Export Bank Singapore.即期账单,以。。。为受益人

9. We’ve already remitted the amount by cheque.

10. 11. We can’延期

12. What’s your reason for the refusal of payment?

13. We’货运单据

14. of course payment might be refuses if anything goes wrong with the documents.

15. A. well, we’ve settled the problems of price, the quality of the product and the size of the order. Now what about

the terms of payment?

A: but could you make an exception and accept D/A or D/P?

B: I’m afraid not. (D/A documents against acceptance 承兑交单 D/P document against payment 付款交单) A: well, a letter of credit will increase the cost of my import. I have to pay a deposit when I establish an L/C in a bank and there will be bank charges. All these will tie up my money and add to my cost.

B: I’m sorry I can’t help you. what you can do in my opinion is to consult your bank to see whether they can reduce the required deposit to the minimum.

16. For such a large order, I think it necessary to pay by L/C in order to get the bank’s guarantee.

17. I’m sorry I can’t accept D/A or D/P. we always require L/C for our exports and the other way round we pay by

L/C for our imports.

18. A: Good. We can pay by installment. Can you accept payment by three installments?

B: Yes, if the first installment can be paid 10 working days before the shipment, and second installment paid two working days before the shipment and the last installment paid when the documents are accepted.

19. A. Please make sure that the L/C will reach us a month before the delivery date. 交货

B: I’m sorry we simply can’t afford to tie up our capital in the bank for such a long time. Will 20 days do?

A: You can’t expect us to make delivery in less than 30 days, for it will take us a lot of time to get the goods ready and book the shipping space.

20. A: When should we open the L/C if we want the good delivered before May?

B: The L/C must reach us one month before shipment. Since the goods are supplied from stock, you should open an L/C as soon as possible, otherwise, it may delay the shipment.

21. A: We will accept L/C payment if you promise to effect shipment 15 working days earlier. 发货, 提前

B: we will be happy to do that, but your L/C must reach us 20 working days before delivery.

22. I’m afraid it 延期,按期交货

B: It will be no problem for me to extend the L/ to meet your requirement. But remember the commodities are seasonal goods. Please try your best to solve the problem..

23. A: How long should the L/C be valid?

B: It should be valid for 15 days after the date of shipment.

A: Could you tell me what documents we should provide?

B: A complete set of three invoices, six packing lists, an export license, an insurance policy, a 提单,检验证书,原产地证明 1. A: As for the packing of the products, we’B: This is not a problem; we can accept it.

2. Do you have any specific request for packing?



5. Packing should meet the requirements of different means of transportation. For instance, seaworthy packing

should be strong and protective against squeezing and bumping, packages for air transportation should be light and compact.

6. What I meant was that even though we needed special packing materials, we still wanted to use the most


7. ’

8. A: Do you have other requirements? “Keep Dry” and “Fragile”指示性标志,钢印

9. All bags contain an inner waterproof lining.


11. Because the goods will be transshipped, I hope each case will be marked with details of weight, symbols of

warnings and directions, as well as your own marks.


13. Your products are good, there’s no question on that. but your packaging needs to be improved.

14. A: Although the cartons are light and easy to handle, we think it is not strong enough to be shipped. 标准化的 紧急订单 a timely delivery 及时交货 B: By the end of July. 快递发货

B:I’m sorry that’s impossible. It would be difficult for us to get the goods ready within such a short time.

3. A: Could you deliver 200 tons immediately?

库存 B: We expect thirty to come in before the end of May. 及时交货

B: We can guarantee delivery before June tenth.


7. 8. Is there any way to make earlier shipment?

9. If the goods are not shipped within three weeks, we have to cancel the order.

10. The goods must be shipped before October, or we won’t be ready for the season.

11. Maybe it’

12. Since there is no direct vessel, we have to arrange combined transport by rail and by sea.

13. 多模式联运的

14. Since the goods are needed urgently, we’

15. 货运成本,结关(海关放行)

16. insurance. 报价,托运、交货,装卸

17. We have not received your yet, please inform us by return mail whether 装运通知,

18. 装运手续和保险,提货单,商务发票,保险证书/凭证

19. 定舱位,一收到……就

20. Could you pick them up and handle all the shipping formalities and insurance?

21. A: Don’t you think it’s acceptable to have the goods transshipped at Hong Kong? 22. 分批装运

23. To make it easier for us to get the goods ready for shipment, we hope that partial shipment is allowed.

24. We prefer direct shipment, but if you can’t get hold of a direct vessel, we have no choice but to make the goods


25. A: I made a special trip to come .here to talk to you about the delayed shipment of my order two months ago.

B: I apologize for the delay. The problem was caused by our factory. They had a shortage of raw materials.

26. Owing to the late arrival of your L/C, shipment will be delayed for some time.

27. The contract stipulates the shipment in July, but no shipment has been received so far. Please check what


28. 溢装,磅

29. Short shipment 短装 1. A: CIF—cost, insurance & freight 到岸价 WPA= with particular average 水渍费

2. B: Sure. We’3. 保险条款

B: We can cover various kinds of insurance, including ,F.P.A平安险,单独海损不赔; W.P.A 水渍险,单独海损赔偿; A.R 一切险;T.L.O 全损险

4. A: What is the scope of All Risks?

B: That’s fine. All Risks, 110%. 为货物投保,为发票金额的110%

4. A: Could you tell me under which insurance company our cargo is covered?

B: Sure. In our country, the insurance business is solely conducted by the People’s Insurance Company of China. All types of insurance in our import and export business are handled by them.

A: In that case, should shortage or damage be found in the cargo after it arrives in the U.S., where can I make the insurance claim?

B: PICC has cargo surveying and claims settlement agents in the U.S. You can obtain indemnification locally by presenting the insurance policy.

5. 基本险,附加险

6. Basic insurance is also called main insurance which may be underwritten independently. It is classified into three

conditions: Free from Particular Average, With Particular Average, and All Risks.

7. 其他风险,一般附加险,殊附加险

8. Perils are mainly divided into two kinds, i.e., general perils of the sea and extraneous risks.一般海险,外来险

9. 自然灾害,偶然事故、海上风险

10. “”海运风险,附带风险

11. They generally do all it on the basis of a Warehouse to Warehouse clause. In other words, the coverage is in effect

when the cargo has left the consigner’s warehouse and all the way through transit to the consignee’s warehouse. 我们通常按仓至仓条款,即,当货物离开发货人的仓库时,保险即开始生效,直至运程全部完毕并当货物




1.Emi need medicine

2.She is sick


1.You don't look* so good today.

2.I feel* terrible*.

3.You have* a* fever*.

4.OK, open-up* . . . Say "ahh" . . .

5.You need some medication*.

6.You have-a sinus infection*, so I'm giving you some Azithromycin.

7.You need to take-it* for five* days.

8.Take-it to the pharmacy*, and they'll fill-it* for you.

9.Oh, and-I know you're busy, but you need to take-it* easy* for-a few days, OK?


detailed comprehension

1.Good health

2.You seem sick today

3.Take it for five days

4.A prescription for some medicine

5.What do I do with this

6.You need to take it easy for a few days


More listening

1.Fever,headache,sore throat

2.For 2 or 3 days

3.Her throat hurts a lot




1.She has a terrible cold

2.lie down and have a rest

3.can hardly breathe













Vocabulary and Usage


1.What conditions....=Can you describe

2.His pain is sudden...=Jack has a sharp ...

3.I can't breathe well through...=My nose is...

4.She's been taking...=Rose has been ..

5.My pain is contnuous...=Sometimes I have ...



2.some rest





feeling,feel,think,have,looks,seem,taking,need,usually eat,often have


1.I love

2.I like their steak

3.I am taking antibiotics

4.She seems tired

5.I think it is



1.That's because you've got a cold and a stuffyed-up nose

2.Yes,I get a dull pain in my chest when I breathe

3.Oh,I feel horrible

4.Yes,I'm taking the medication my doctor gave me

5.I've got a pain in my chest and a sore throat



1. I'm-in* the office.

2. It's on Ashby, 3121 Ashby, near* Telegraph Avenue.

3. Be sure* to* bring* the Lucid file.

4. I put-it-on* your desk this morning.

5. I put-it next-to* your computer.

6. Oh, right*.

7. And Luis*, please hurry*.

8. OK, we'll talk-about-it when I get* there.


detailed comprehension

1.Be sure to bring the Lucid file

2.We'll talk about it when I get there

3.At his office

4.By car

5.On Ashby Avenue

6.On Luis's desk

7.Yes, he finds it after looking for a minute

8. At Lucid Systems


More listening

1.First Street

2.Highway 17 North to Highway 880

3.At the Civic Arena Station




1.Near the liquor store

2.Turn left out of the driveway,and then left again at the next street

3.Turn left at the lights and then turn right




一、 听说能力既考查句子的书写、词语的读音、词语的意思以及情境问答;很多学生错在拼音,还有第四题对消息的内容听不详细,以及第五题情境问答表述不具体。

二、 积累与运用部分,知识层次安排比较符合学生的思维方式。先从古诗名句开始,接着是名著知识,最后是综合性学习。我们的学生所反映的共性问题是:

1、 基础性的题目没有把握好,暴露出学生知识巩固方面的不足。比如,字形方面形近字容易混淆,古诗名句方面出现尤其突出,




2、 名著题对八年级学生来说,本次考核的内容较为基础,难度不是很大,但学生存在的问题还是很多。在今后的教学中应加强


3、 综合性学习难度较大,学生失分较多。一方面学生的概括力不强,另一方面对对联的解题技巧还没娴熟。

三、 阅读部分,主要体现在现代文阅读的欠缺上,这一点在普通班尤其明显。具体情况如下:

1、 文言文阅读 基础性相当强,但只有少数学生能拿上满分,大多数只能得七分。要说丢分,主要是第12小题。翻译不准确。

2、 ①《人类未来的食品来源—昆虫》阅读 第14小题学生混淆了说明方法和修辞手法、写作手法等,16题存在答题不严密。17、


读 第20小题主要是对文章整体理解不够,概括不全面而导致丢分,第20小题由于学生对文章感情把握不准或表达欠缺,导致丢分。21题是赏析题,A句的赏析还不错,但B 句的赏析学生就不全面了,有内容没枝干,或有枝干没内容。第22小题对于句子含义的理解,难度较大,没有把握文章的感情。学生大多只得2分。23题失分在于不能较好的结合现实,只是就事论事。


四、 写作 本次作文为命题作文与话题作文相结合,二选一。题目













































Establishing Business Relations


Brief Introduction


Basic Expressions

1. We’ve come to know your name and address from the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Chinese Embassy in London.


2. By the courtesy of Mr. Black, we are given to understand the name and address of your f.mp3.


3. We are willing to enter into business relations with your f.mp3.


4. Your f.mp3 has been introduced (recommended, passed on) to us by Maple Company.


5. Our mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly result in important business.


6. We express our desire to establish business relations with your f.mp3.


7. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with you.


8. We now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you with a view to entering into business relations with you.


9. We are now writing you for the purpose of establishing business relations with you.


10. Your desire to establish business relations coincides with ours.


11. We specialize in the export of Japanese Light Industrial Products and would like to trade with you in this line.


12. Our lines are mainly arts and crafts.


13. We have been in this line of business for more than twenty years.




Price 今天是一些有关价格的句子.

1. If you can reduce the price by 5%, we shall be able to order 200 metric tons.


2. Business is possible if you increase the price by 2%.


3. We are not interested unless your price is reduced to a level in line with the market price.


4. We have been informed that the current price on your side is much higher than what you say.


5. Sellers decide to wait no matter when the price picks up. 不管价格何时回升,卖方决定再等一等。

6. Our prices are highly competitive when you consider quality.


7. Our price is net without commission.


8. To meet your requirements, we would like to reduce our price by 2%, which, I hope, will be satisfactory to you.


9. I’m awfully sorry. This is our floor price. If you find it unworkable, we may as well call the deal off.


10. Will you please quote F.O.B Brussels in U.S. dollar?


11. It’s better for us to have a talk on price terms, because it is one of the key points in our dealings.


12. I’ll have to consult my home office before I can give you a definite answer on the price terms.


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