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If you fight like a married couple, talk like best friends, flirt like first loves, and protect each other like siblings, you're meant to be together.——如果你们像夫妻那样争吵,朋友那样交谈,初恋那样打情骂俏,兄妹那样保护对方,那你们便是命中注定要在一起。

Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams. Live the life you want to live. Be the person you want to remember years from now——推动你向前的,不是困难,而是梦想。过一种你想要的生活,做一个许多年后值得回忆的人

You’ll never find the right person, if you can’t let go of the wrong one. 如果你放不下那个错的人,那么你永远也找不到那个对的人。

He lies. She cries. He's not sorry, but he apologizes. She complains, he doesn't change. But yet, she still stays.男人撒谎了,然后女人哭了。他不觉得有错,但他会道歉。她一直抱怨,他从不改变。但是,她还是留在他身边。

Life only comes around once. So do whatever makes you happy and be with whoever makes you smile——生命只有一次,一定要做自己开心的事,要和让自己开心的人在一起。

Friendship means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting. It means the memories last, even if contact is lost.友谊是理解,不是妥协;是原谅,不是遗忘。友谊是两个人即使不联系,感情也还在那里

When the words “I love you” were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms. 第一次听到你对我说”我爱你”,我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。

A woman's Loyalty is tested when her man has NOTHING.

A man’s Loyalty is tested when he has EVERYTHING. 当她的男人一无所有,女人的忠诚度就受到考验。当男人拥有了一切,那他的忠诚度就受到了考验。

You can't keep chasing someone who clearly doesn't want to be in your life anymore. Let them go, you'll thank yourself one day.那些明显不想留在你生命中的人,再怎么追也没用。放手吧,某天你会感激自己这么做了

When you can fly, do not give up flying. When you can dream, do not give up the dream. When you can love, do not give

up on love.当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞。当你能梦的时候就不要放弃梦。当你能爱的时候就不要放弃爱。

I enjoy warm in time. I forget blooms in the internal.——我在时光里享受温暖,我在流年里忘记花开。

"Loved" isn't a word. There is no past tense for the word love. If you love someone, you'll always love them no matter what. “爱过”不是一个词。爱这个词没有过去式。如果你爱某个人,你无论如何都会都会爱他们。

It has not been the time yet to give up as long as you still feel it is not the end.~ 只要心里还存着不甘心,就还不到放弃的时候。

:Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams. Live the life you want to live. Be the person you want to remember years from now.推动你向前的,不是困难,而是梦想。过一种你想要的生活,做一个许多年后值得回忆的人。 As long as you reach the destination on time,there are few people who care whether it was Benz or pusher tractor.只要你按时到达目的地,很少有人在乎你开的是奔驰还是手扶拖拉机

Beauty only captures attention but personality captures the heart.

心。 美貌只能勾住人的眼球,而个性却能勾住人的If a man tells you that he likes you,believe him.If he says he no longer loves you,believe him as well.如果一个男人对你说他喜欢你,相信他。如果他说不再爱你,也相信他。 The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest——最先道歉的人最勇敢;最先原谅的人最坚强;最先释怀的人最幸福。

I am right there. Affection is right there. Love is right there. Come into my arms and heart Or Let me live into your heart „我就在那里。情就在那里。爱就在那里。来我的怀里或让我住进你的心里。。。晚安~

Life is like freshly fallen snow. Be careful where you walk because every step will show. 人生,就像一场新雪,谨慎的走好每一步,因为每次落脚都会留下痕迹。

Would you remember me tomorrow if I died today? 如果我今天死掉了,明天你还会记得我吗?As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest

appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. -John F. Kennedy 当我们表达感谢时,我们必须永远记住最大的感激不是言语能表达的,而是要常怀感恩之心。——肯尼迪 You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think——你比你想象中更勇敢,比你看起来更强大,也比你以为的更聪明。

I act like such a happy person. But deep down, I'm not. 我装作是个快乐的人,但是我内心并不是这样

When you have something you really love but it causes you pain, God is just testing you to see if you are strong enough to hold it. 当你真正喜欢一样东西,但它又常常给你带来伤害的时候,其实这是老天在考验你是否足够坚持。

A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else.真正的朋友就是,在你蒙蔽了所有人的时候,还能看穿你真实的样子和心底的痛楚。



If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered.


I would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry,when my heart is broken ,is it needed to fix?


No one indebted for others,while many people don't know how to cherish others.

4。命里有时钟需有 命里无时莫强求

You will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you don't kvetch for it if it doesn't appear in your life.


When a cigarette falls in love with a match,it is destined to be hurt.

6。爱情„在指缝间承诺 指缝„。在爱情下交缠。

Love ,promised between the fingers

Finger rift,twisted in the love


No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry.


Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten.Alter what is changeable, and accept what is unchangeable.

Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.


If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.


At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.


Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me.


Distance makes the hearts grow fonder.


I need him like I need the air to breathe.


If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.


Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.


If I know what love is, it is because of you.


Love is the greatest refreshment in life.


Love never dies.


The darkness is no darkness with thee.


We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.


There is no remedy for love but to love more.


When love is not madness, it is not love.


A heart that loves is always young.


Love is blind.


1.A bad workman always blames his tools. 拙匠总怪工具差。

2.A contented mind is a perpetual feast. 知足长乐。

3.A good beginning is half the battle. 好的开端等于成功一半。

4.A little pot is soon hot. 壶小易热,量小易怒。

5.All lay loads on a willing horse. 好马重负。

6.A merry heart goes all the way. 心情愉快,万事顺利 。

7.Bad excuses are worse than none. 狡辩比不辩护还糟 。

8.Character is the first and last word in the success circle.


9.Cleanliness is next to godliness. 整洁近于美德 。

10.Courtesy costs nothing. 彬彬有礼,惠而不费 。

11.Doing nothing is doing ill. 无所事事,必干坏事。

12.Early to bed, early to rise, make a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

睡得早,起得早,聪明、富裕、身体好 。

13.Empty vessels make the most noise. 满瓶子不响,半瓶子晃荡 。

14.Every man hath his weak side. 人皆有弱点 。

15.Everything ought to be beautiful in a human being: face, dress, soul and idea.


16.Extremes are dangerous. 凡事走向极端是危险的 。

17.Good advice is harsh to the ear. 忠言逆耳 。

18.Grasp all, lose all. 欲尽得,必尽失 。

19.Great hopes make great men. 伟大的理想造就伟大的人物。

20.Handsome is he who does handsomely. 行为美者才真美。

21.Have but few friends, though many acquaintances. 结交可广,知己宜少。

22.Hear all parties.兼听则明,偏听则暗 。

23.He is a wise man who speaks little. 智者寡言。

24.He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first.


25.He is rich enough that wants nothing.


26.He is truly happy who makes others happy.


27.Honesty is the best policy. 诚实乃上策。

28.Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.?? 抱最好的希望,作最坏的准备 。

29.Idleness is the root of all evil. 懒惰是万恶之源 。

30.If we dream, everything is possible. 敢于梦想,一切都将成为可能。

31.Kind hearts are the gardens, kind thoughts are the roots, kind words are flowers and kind deeds are the fruits.


32.Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep lone.

欢笑,整个世界伴你欢笑。哭泣,只有你独自向隅而泣 。

33.Life is measured by thought and action not by time.


34.Life is not all beer and skittles. 人生并非尽是乐事 。

35.Long absent, soon forgotten. 别久情疏 。

36.Look before you leap. 三思而后行 。

37.Lookers-on see most of the game. 旁观者清,当局者迷。

38.Manners make the man.观其待人而知其人 。

39.Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends. 患难识知交。

40.No cross, no crown.没有苦难,就没有快乐 。

41.Nobody's enemy but his own. 自寻苦恼 。

42.One man's fault is another man's lesson. 前车之覆,后车之鉴 。

43.Pardon all men, but never thyself. 严以律已,宽以待人。

44.Reason is the guide and light of life. 理智是人生的灯塔 。

45.Sadness and gladness succeed one another. 乐极生悲,苦尽甘来 。

46.Still waters run deep.流静水深,人静心深 。

47.The fire is the test of gold; adversity of strong men. 烈火炼真金,逆境炼壮士 。

48.The fox may grow grey, but never good. 江山易改,本性难移 。

49.The more a man learns, the more he sees his ignorance. 知识越广博,越感已无知 。

50.Virtue is a jewel of great price. 美德是无价之宝 。

51.Weak things united become strong. 一根筷子易折断,十根筷子硬如铁 。

52.We can't judge a person by what he says but by what he does.

判断一个人,不听言语看行动 。

53.Where there is a will there is a way. 有志者,事竟成 。

54.Will is power. 意志就是力量 。



The sooner you can tell yourself that greater opportunities are waiting for you. The sooner you trust the process, the sooner the next step of your life will unveil itself.


You can be as mad as a mad dog at the way things went, you can swear and curse the fates, but when it comes to the end, you have to let go. 你可以像疯狗那样对周围的一切愤愤不平,你可以诅咒命运,但是等到最后一刻到来之时,你还得平静的放手而去。

Strength does not lie in what you have. It lies in what you can give.


I am just folk. I have mood swings.


A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour.


Be truthful. Do what you know is right, put forth effort when it is called for and persist. The more you do so, the more easily you’ll be able to do so.


A true love is what doesn’t strive for busyness, for extravagance, for luxury, and moreover for hokum.


Faith is to believe what you do not yet see, the reward for this faith is to see what you believe.



I love you for my life past. 我爱你,爱了整整一个曾经。

Sometimes,you just have to pretend that you are happy just to stop everyone from asking you that the hell happened.有时候,你不得不假装很快乐,只是为了不让别人问"你怎么了?"

Nothing can't be figured out.The past just can't be reached again.没有什么过不去,只有回不去。

Sometimes there is no way out exlept to say goodbye.有时候,除了说再见,别无选择。 It's lucying to gain and fated to miss.得之,我幸;不得,我命。

Love remained short,but the memory lasts long.爱那么短,遗忘那么长。

I don't mind if you heat me.It doesn't matter at all.I'm not living to please you.我并不在乎你讨厌我,我不是为了取悦你而活.

You are so lucky,because you can choose to love me or not ,but myself only have to choose from loving you or loveing you more.你是幸运的,因为你可以选择爱我或是不爱我,而我只能选择爱你或是更爱你。

I desire to grow old with you without paying.多想一个不小心,就跟你白头到老。 Don't surrender to this dark woeld.别向这个混蛋的世界投降。

What you are doing now reflets how you will live in the future.现在怎么做代表着你以后怎么活。

Plan the worst scnario with the best hope.抱最好的希望,做最坏的准备。

Someday i'll make a wish that when i wake up ,i'll be a place where all of my troblems have disappeared。有一天我会许愿,希望当我醒来 时身处一个没有烦恼的地方。

Bing single means that you are strong enough and patient to wait for the one who deseres you.单身意味着你足够坚强,有足够的耐心去等待值得拥有你的那个人。

If you don't travel around,you'd think this is the world.如果你不走出去,你就会认为这就是世界。

One shows up in your dream,it is because he/she is thinking of you.你们梦到了一个人,是因为那个人在想你。

Life is like angry birds.There are always several pigs laughing when you lose.人生就像愤怒的小鸟,当你失败时总有几只猪在笑。

It's funny how the people that hurt you the most are the ones who said they never would.有意思的是,伤害你最深的人,往往是那些声称永远不会伤害你的人。

Love is a chord in life,not a solo.爱是生命的和弦,而不是独奏。

Don't forget the things you once you owned.keep those lost things in memory.Don't

give up the things that belong to you and treasure the things you can't get.曾经拥有的,不要忘记;已经失去的,留作回忆;属于自己的,不要放弃;不能得到的,更要珍惜。

Don't cross the bridge till you come to it.既来之,则安之。

I would like now to seriously indifferent room of wonderful.我只想现在过得精彩,无所谓好坏。

Warmness is luxury ——which is reflected by deep cold and hurt.温暖是奢侈的东西,奢侈到要用很深的寒冷和疼痛才能出现。

It's not only the goodbye that hurts ,but also the flashback that follows.让人心痛的不是离别,而是离别后的回忆。

Being someone's first love maybe great ,but to be the last is byond perfect.成为别人的初恋固然好,但更好的是成为他们最终的爱人。

A said thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you ,only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just hvae to let go .生命中令人悲伤的一件事是你遇到了一个对你很重要的人,但最终发现你们有缘无分,因此你不得不放弃。

From now on,i will expect nothing ,and just take what i get .从现在起,我将不再期待,只珍惜我所拥有的。

No matter the ending is perfect or not ,you cannot disappear from my world.我的世界不允许你消失,不管结局是否完美。

You are not really happy,your happiness is just your camouflage.你不是真正的快乐,你的快乐只是你的保护色。

Shurt out all of your past except that which will help you weather your tomorrows.放下那些不能帮助你前行的过去。

What is courage?Is it making you love me with tears or letting you go with tears?勇气是什么?是哭着要你爱我,还是哭着要你离开?

最喜欢I love you for my life past.AND Sometimes there is no way out exlept to say goodbye.

You may not know. When you feel sad. My tears flood in.


Your heart is too crowded but is no more room for me


Have not much, importance, are no longer care.


Don't try to wait after all no one can save a rotten heart


Don't wake up to the body can not prolapse is the soul.


Quartier des fleurs, à Face résiduelle rire, rire les gens du commun . 一季花落,落满地,一脸残笑,笑苍生。

Você chorou muito triste, eu ri muito artificial


J'ai été trop faible, préférant garder toutes les erreurs sont enterrées 是我太懦弱,宁愿将所有错都埋没

Belle mélodie, en fait, est le c?ur derrière


Trop souvent, l'illusion de confondre nos yeux


Toujours utiliser le texte,l'interprétation de la douleur 总是用文字,诠释着悲伤

Avec tout le courage de mettre en place le plus brillant sourire.


Greif sous le soleil, qui peut lire?


Perguntou-me forte, eu posso ter no overexert


Do not touch the world's warm, feel his own happiness, in short hide his grief. 触摸不到世界的温暖,感觉不到自己的快乐,总之掩饰自己的悲伤。

Forget, I admit that I eventually forget you deadly commitment.


Forgive my soul, I worry about slow can't find my world.


Dazzling white, let me understand what is pure damage.


I called the love is a man that belong to your pain scored.


Gradually fade out the E life let you, a person lead.




——第一集 1、Love makes man grow up or sink down.


2、Happiness is to find someone who can give you warm and share your life together.


3、I acted like it wasn’t a big deal, when really it was breaking my heart. 我装作一切都无所谓,虽然我已心力交瘁。

4、Sometimes I miss you so much that I can hardly stand it. 有时候我好想你,想到无法承受。

5、You’re not making me jealous. You’re making me wonder what I saw you in the first place.


6、If you fall in love with your Mr. Right, every day is like Valentine’s Day.


7、Sometimes our vision clears only after our eyes are washed away with tears.


8、Love is not a matter of counting the days. It’s making the days count. 爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。

9、It takes three seconds to say “I love you”, three hours to explain it, and a lifetime to prove it.

“我爱你”三个字,讲出来只要三秒钟,解释要三小时,证明却要一辈子。 1

10、Sometimes when you think the sky is about to fall down, you might be standing tilted!


11、Often likes a person, does not need any reason; Don’t like a person, but have a lot of excuses!


12、When you really love something when you will find language how fragile and limp. Text and feeling always have the estrangement.


13、The strongest man in the world is the man who stands alone. 这世界上最强大的人,就是那些能一个人孤单生活的人。

14、I am not addicted to text. I am addicted to who I am texting. 我不是对发短信上瘾,而是对和我发短信那人上瘾。

15、It’s easy to forget things you want to remember. It’s hard to forget things you don’t want to remember.


16、When I’m with you, time stands still.


17、When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better hold and cherish the one you love.


18、If someone hurts you, please continue good good, to enjoy life, hurt the same. One day, that person will be sorry to miss you.



19、If you want to conquer fear, don’t sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy.


20、If you do not leave, I will in life and death.


21、The struggle you're in today is saving the strength you need for tomorrow. Don't give up.


22、 Be the actor of your own life, not a spectator of others lives. 做自己生命的主角,而不是别人生命中的看客。

23、Your every trauma is a mature, every time you lose is a gain. 人生每一次创伤都是一种成熟,每一次失去都是一种获得。

24、Don't let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past or for the future, if you live at every moment, you will live every day of my life.


25、How can I make you see me at the moment when I’m the most beautiful. 如何让你遇见我,在我最美丽的时刻。

26、What you see reflects what your heart is like.


27、Never give up on something you really want. Remember, it’s difficult to wait but more difficult to regret.

对自己的真爱,永远不要放弃。请记着,等待固然折磨人,但后悔会更折磨人。 3

28、Every living person has problems. A problem-free life is an illusion, a mirage in the desert. Accept that fact.


29、I want to sleep but my brain won’t stop talking to itself. 我想睡觉,但我的脑子在那儿自言自语,无休无止。

30、There’s always that one person, no matter how long it’s been or how badly they treated you, you always find an excuse to forgive them. 总有那么一个人,不管他如何对你,你总会找到原谅他的理由。

31、The same love that makes me laugh makes cry.


32、I always concerned about you with the way you know and the way you don’t know.


33、Eternity is not a distance but a decision.


34、Trust is like a paper. Once it’s crumbled, it can’t be perfect. 人与人间的信任,就像是纸片,一旦破损,就不会再回到原来的样子。

35、Avril Lavigne: If you hate me, you’re the loser, not me. 艾薇儿:如果你恨我,那么你就是失败者,而不是我。

36、I don’t know where I am going, but I am on my way.


37、A great man is one who climbs upward arduously while others are sleeping soundly.


38、If you wanna be with someone, listen to your heart and not the voices from all the people around you.



39、Distance could make you forget about them, but the memories would always be there.


40、Life is a kind of pressure. We should learn to prop up ourselves. 人生是一种承受,我们要学会支撑自己。

41、I wish you be happy, because it is my biggest wish. I’m also afraid you are happy, because then you will forget me.


42、Less matters less pain; less speech less offensiveness; less food less sickness; less desire less anxiety.


43、If you would be loved, love and be lovable.


44、Nobody could ever replace you.


45、If you avoid your problems, your problems will steer the course of your life.


46、The purpose of life, is to love it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. 人生的目标,是热爱生活,尝尽世间百态,热情接触新事物以及不惧更新更丰富的经历。

47、Anything that is of value in life only multiplies when it is given. 生活中任何有价值的事只有在被给予时才会展现。



Nostalgia is a file that removes the rough edges from the good old days.


promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover。 承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞盘旋然后不见。

Don't worry too much about the ambiguous future, just make effort for explicit being present.


The happiest people are not those who own all the best things, but the ones who can really appreciate the beauty of life. 最幸福的人们并不一定什么都是最好,只是因为他们懂得欣赏生活的美好。

Distance, it is a test of love. Many will fail, but for those who can withstand it, it has the answer :true love!


Retaining a childish heart is a matter of pride.


The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.


While our dream is confronted with the reality. Just trample on the pain, or you’ll be beat down by it. 当梦想和现实直面时,总是很痛苦的。而你要么被痛苦击倒,要么把痛苦踩在脚下。

There are always some people, miss in life, but disappear in life.


Happiness is, two pairs of eyes, see a future. 幸福是,两双眼睛,看一个未来。 To love someone is very simple actually. Although he makes you cry and disappoints you, you will still can’t help holding his hand wherever he is.


Coffee is lonely without cups just as I am lonely without you.


You gotta learn to bend and not break even when your world caves in. 你得学会弯而不折,就算你的世界将崩塌。

Remember all things are possible for those who believes.记住,只要相信了,什么都是可能的。

Honesty doesn’t mean loving only one person in the whole life. it carries the unique love from all your heart and soul when you are in love with someone. 专一不是一辈子只喜欢一人,是喜欢一个人的时候一心一意、不离不弃。

Preeness is not an attitude, it is one kind of satisfaction.


Please be kind, no matter how cold the world is.


Your dream is not what you find in your sleep, but what makes you not sleep. 所谓梦想,不是你睡觉时梦到了什么,而是想到了什么令你激动的没法睡觉。

For the love of dream, so everything for the dream to pay is worth it. 因为热爱梦想,所以一切为了梦想的付出都是值得的。

Life is like a rolling coaster. Live it. Be happy. Enjoy life. 生活就像过山车。体验它,保持快乐,享受生活。

Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. 生活教会我们,爱并不在于长久地凝视,而在于眺望远方同一方向的希望。

If we do only the stuff we are good at, we never learn anything now.


We grow hether better nor worse as we grow old but more like ourselves.

随着年龄的增长,我们不会变得更好也 不会变得更坏,而是变得更像我们自己。 Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it .


Happy is that you are here for the breakfast in the morning and night after dinner. 幸福就是,早安后的早餐,到晚餐后的晚安,你都在。

If you believe in yourself and with a tiny pinch of magic, all your dreams can come true.

如果你相信自己,然后再加上一点点运气,那你所有的梦想都能实现。 Slow down, to listen to the sound of a bloom.


If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.


Live like you’re dying and never stop trying.


Good love is to let you see the whole world through someone while bad love is to make you give up the world. 好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃整个世界。

I love three things in this world. Sun, moon and you. Sun for morning, moon for night and you forever.


Never expect, never assume, and never demand. Just let it be, because if it’s meant to be, it will happen the way you want it to.


Every new day is a chance to change something in your life.


Now,slowly began to understand, good love can stand the plain is fleeting. 如今,开始慢慢懂得,好的爱情是经得起平淡流年的。

Freedom isn’t about doing what we want, but not doing what we don’t want. 真正的自由不是想做什么就做什么,而是不想做什么就可以不做什么。

Remember that not getting what you want is something a wonderful stroke of luck. 请记住未能获得你想要的东西,有时或许是某种绝妙的幸运。

Love what you do, do what you love.


If winter comes, can spring be far behind?


Going to bed with a dream, waking up with a purpose.


With this hand, I will lift you sorrows, your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in the darkness . with this ring, I ask you to be mine.


None of us knew the road ahead, so we just concentrated on the step before us. 由于无法预知未来的路,我们只得集中精力走好脚下的每一步。

Failure does not imply you have wasted time and life. It shows you have reasons to start again.


Sometimes when you think the sky is about to fall down, you might be standing tited! 有时候你以为天要塌下来了,其实是你自己站歪了。

It doesn’t matter how slow you are, as long as you’re determined to get there, you’ll get there.

不管你多慢,都要要紧,只要你有决心,你最终会到达你想去的地方。 Be the actor of your own life, not a spectator of others live.


As rough and tough as the world is, don’t forget to find beauty in the simple things. 尽管这个世界是如此艰难,但也不要忘记发现简单的美。

Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side.


Love like a pearl, is years honed the small universe, is the endless sea, broad and profound, silently waiting.

爱似珍珠,是经年磨砺的小宇宙,是无尽的海,博大深沉,静静守候。 The warm smile, if the quality.


The most valuable thing in life is not your own material , but to accompany the people around you.


We are never so happy nor so unhappy as we imagine.

我们永远不会像自己所想象的那么幸福,也永远不会像自己所想象的那么痛苦。 An optimistic attitude is not a luxury; it’s a necessity.





No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world.


Love is a carefully designed lie.


Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover.


Fading is true while flowering is past.


If you wept for the missing sunset, you would miss all the shining stars


to feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing, when all the romance is far away, the eternity is always there 如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不见。

If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other, then I wish we had never encountered.



When keeping the ambiguity with you ,I fear I will fall in love with you, and I fear I will cry after your leaving. 当香烟爱上火柴,就注定受伤害。

When a cigarette falls in love with a match, it is destined to be hurt.


I found one day that I had nothing except the love. 人活着,总是要得罪一些人的,就要看那些人是否值得得罪。

When alive , we may probably offend some people. However, we must think about whether they are deserved offended. 命里有时钟需有,命里无时莫强求。

You will have it if it belongs to you, whereas you don't kveth for it if it doesn't appear in your life.


No one indebted for others, while many people don't know how to cherish others.


Eternity is not a distance but a decision.


Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell.

Where there is great love, there are always miracles. 哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。

Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.


If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.

假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。 Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.

有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。 At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.


Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。

Distance makes the hearts grow fonder.


I need him like I need the air to breathe.


If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me. 如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱的多一些。

Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.


If I know what love is, it is because of you.


Love is the greatest refreshment in life.


Love never dies.


The darkness is no darkness with thee.


We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.


There is no remedy for love but to love more.


When love is not madness, it is not love.


A heart that loves is always young.


Love is blind.


Love is like the moon, when it does not increase,


The soul cannot live without love. decreases. it


Brief is life, but love is long.


Who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one. 在爱人眼里,一千里的旅程不过一里。

Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak.


Take away love, and our earth is a tomb.


My heart is with you.


I miss you so much already and I haven't even left yet! 尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!

I'll think of you every step of the way.


Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.


Passionate love is a quenchless thirst.


The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart.


1.❤I'm nice.I don't quarrel and never show off.No grievance,no sneer and no need to be noticed.❤我很好,不吵不闹不炫耀,不要委屈不要嘲笑,也不需要别人知道。

2.Don't worry too much about the ambiguous future,just make effort for explicit being present.不为模糊不清的未来过分担忧,只为清清楚楚的现在努力。

3.❤Tied memories of our time, our memories of the time tearing.❤ 回忆绑住了我们的时间,时间扯断了我们的回忆。

4.I don't know what to say...I'm just thinking of you a lot at this moment.我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在这一刻,很想你。

5.❤I held tight to the world,but rejected,if I had saved the effort,would the pain be less?❤我用力抓紧世界,最终却仍被世界淘汰,如果一开始就松手,我的痛苦会不会少些?

6.Even though you only have the shadow of yourself with you,don't forget to smile to yourself.就算只有自己的影子陪伴,也不要忘记对自己微笑。

7.❤Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others ,can not keep it form themselves.❤把阳光带给别人的人,自己的生命里也充满阳光。

8.You have a pretty smile. You should wear more often. ❤你笑起来真好看。你应该多笑笑的。

The world is small and the city is big.People who lack for luck would not see one another again for the rest of life.世界很小,城市很大,欠缺缘分的人也许终生也不会再见了。

Working is like old-time marriage,obviously you got no happiness,but still you have to live with it.上班就像旧时代的婚姻,明明不幸福,还得长相厮守。



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