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2016-02-11 17:35:14 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 姐妹短句子篇一《短句子》 800个有趣 ...




400. In the discussion I discovered that the lost cover was recovered. 在讨论中我发

现盖子失而复得。 401. The beloved novelist put her lovely gloves above the stove. 敬爱的小说家把她美丽的手套放在火炉上方。 402. It's proved that the approver improved waterproof roof. (来源:英语麦当劳-英语快餐EnglishCN.com) 经证实,赞同者改善了防水屋顶。 403. In the reaction, the fraction acts as an agent. 在反应中,这些碎片起一种媒剂的作用。 404. Actually the actor and actress reacted actively to the activity. 实际上男演员和女演员对这个活动作出了积极的反应。 405. In the racial horse-race, the white racer's race-horse won. 在种族赛马运动中,白人赛手的马获

胜。 406. I feel a trace of disgrace for the gracious man's embracing her bracelet. 我对仁慈男子拥抱她的手镯感到一丝耻辱。 (来源:英语麦当劳407. The preface is written on the surface of the furnace that faces the space facilities. 序言写在面对太空设施的火炉表面。 408. "In fact, some factors are unsatisfactory to the factory,"the dissatisfied manager said. “事实上有些因素对工厂来说是不满意的。”不满的经理说。 409. The manufacturer manually manufactured many machines for the manufactory. 制造商为工厂手工制造了很多机器。 410. The exact contact with practice has practical impact on me.

411. To make the contract attractive, the contractor subtracted a tractor from it. 为了使合同有吸引力,承包商从中减去了一台拖拉机。 412. In this chapter, the capture characterized the characteristics of the characters. (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com) 俘虏在本章描述了字符的特性。 (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com) 413. The captive captivated by the apt adaptation rapped the cavity with rapture. 被灵巧的改编迷住了的被捕者着迷地敲打空腔。 414. I'm in charge of discharging a large amount of charcoal and coal at the coal mine. (来源:英语麦当劳-英语快餐EnglishCN.com) 我负责在煤矿卸一大堆木炭和煤。 415. With shortcomings overcome, the outcome become welcome. 随着缺点被克服,结果变得受

欢迎。 416. At the station the statesman hesitates to state the status of the statue. 在车站政治家不愿陈述雕像的状况。 417. The limitation on the imitations is preliminarily eliminated. 对模仿的限制初步被消除。 418. The unconventional convention put many people to inconvenience. (来源:EnglishCN英语博客基地) 那个不合惯例的大会使很多人感到不便。 419. The ventilator inventor's adventure prevented him from venturing revenge. 通风机发明家的奇遇阻止了他冒险复仇。 420. Even the evening event couldn't eventually spoil the joy of the New Year's Eve. (来源:EnglishCN英语问答中心[e问e答]) 即便是傍晚的事件最终也无损除夕的欢乐。 421. After an

explosion the explorer restored the storage of the explosive in the exploiter's storehouse. 爆炸过后勘探者恢复了剥削者仓库里炸药的储量。 (来源:EnglishCN英语问答中心[e问e答]) 422. The sore is orally ignored by the

ignorant immoral man. 疮痛被无知的不道德者口头忽视了。 423. The boring boy bored ashore for ore core at the score. 讨厌的男孩在海岸上的刻线处钻探矿核。 424. In the famine I got familiar with this famous family name/surname. 在饥荒中,我熟悉了这个有名的姓。 (来源:英语麦当劳-英语快餐EnglishCN.com) 425. The tame tigers play the same game on the frame. 温顺的老虎在框架上玩同一游戏。 426. The shameless lame man is to blame for the flaming frame. 无耻的跛子应为燃烧的框架负责。 427. The plain woman

explained to me why she complained about the chain. 长相平平的女人向我解释她为什么抱怨那条链子。 428. After the entertainment the captain obtained an entrance fee. 娱乐表演之后,船长获得了一笔入场费。 429. It's acertained that the certificate is behind the curtain of the stainless steel container. 经查实证书在不锈钢容器的帘子后面。 430. In the building, the wild child hurt his mild chin on the china. 在大楼里,那个粗野的孩子在瓷器上弄伤了温柔的下巴。 431. The feeble man feels an ache on his heels and knees when he kneels on the steel steering wheel. 当虚弱男子跪在钢舵轮上时他的脚跟和双膝感到疼痛。 432. The bee paid the fee of coffee, beef and beer for the cheerful deer. 蜜蜂为欢快的鹿付了咖啡、牛肉和啤酒的费用。 433. To the ants, the infant elephant is a giant in the plantation. 对蚂蚁们来说,幼小的大象是种植园里的庞然大物。 (来源:EnglishCN英语问答中心[e问e答]) 434. The merciful merchant wants to grant some merchandise to the panting immigrants. 仁慈的商人要给喘气的移民们一些商品。 435. The lengthened long fishing rod alongside the lake belongs to me. 靠在湖边的加长长钓竿属于我。 436. The strong man among us strongly hates the wrongdoing. 我们当中的壮汉强烈憎恶这件坏事。 437. In occasional case the phrase emphasizes the importance of the phase to the laser. 在偶然情况下该短句强调了相位对于激光的重要性。 438. Based on the basic case, the purchaser found the vase in the basin in the basement. 根据这个基本情况,购买者在地下室的盆子里找到了花瓶。 439. On the camp of the campus the campaign champion put the camera on the camel. 在校园的营地上运动冠军将摄影机放在骆驼上。 440. He stamped on the stamps and slammed the lamp on the damp dam. 他用脚踩邮票并将灯砰地摔在潮湿的坝上。 (来源:英语麦当劳441. When the boat floats through the throat, the goat in overcoat goes to the goal. 当船漂过狭口时,穿大衣的山羊朝目标走去。 442. The competitor is compelled to complete the competition. (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com) 竞争者被迫完成了比赛。 443. I'm perplexed by the flexible complex index of sex and age. 我被

灵活复杂的性别与年龄索引迷惑住了。 (来源:EnglishCN英语问答中心[e问e答]) 444. Since then the sincere princess has known the principal principle. 从那时起诚实的公主就知道该主要原理。 445. The bead is put on the forehead of the dead shepherd ahead of the herd.

珠子被戴在牧群前面的死牧羊人的前额上。 (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com) 446. The misleader let me use the lead instead of the unsteady metal. 误导者让我用铅代替不稳定的金属。 447. The reader already readily spread the thread on the ready-made bread. 那位读者已经欣然将丝线铺散在现成的面包上。 448. "Ten percent of the cents are made in recent centuries," he said with strong accent. “百分之十的分币是最近几个世纪制造的,”他带着浓重的口音说。 449. The neutral scent of kerosene is concentrated in the center of the scene. (来源:EnglishCN英语博客基地) 煤油的中性气味在场景中心被浓缩。 450. Those innocent adolescents ascending the hill are the tribe's descendants of decent descent. 这些爬山的天真青少年是这个部落具有正派血统的后代。 451. The tenant is discontented with the content of the agreement for renting the tennis tent. (来源:EnglishCN英语博客基地) 承租人对租用网球帐篷的协议内容不满。 (来源:EnglishCN英语博客基地) 452. The current occurrence of torrent spurs him to buy fur and sulfur. 现行的倾泻事件驱使他买毛皮衣服和硫磺。 (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com) 453. I'm confident that the dentist will deny the confidential accidental incident. (来源:EnglishCN英语问答中心[e问e答]) 我确信牙医会否认那个机密的意外事件。 454. The student identified the identical idiom on the identity cards. 学生辨认出了身份证上相同的成语。 455. The stupid student rapidly studied the accident in the studio. (来源:英语麦当劳

愚蠢的学生在画室里快速研究了事故。 456. Considering considerable spiders outside, I stay in the president's residence. 考虑到外面有相当多的蜘蛛,我呆在总统的住宅里。 457. Besides this side, I considered both the inside and outside. (来源:英语麦当劳除了这一面外我还考虑了内外两面。 458. It's evident that the evil devil inevitably goes to ruin. 很明显,邪恶的魔鬼必然灭亡。 459. In the company my companion accompanied me until I accomplished polishing the shoes. 在公司里同伴陪着我直到我完成擦鞋(任务)。 460. I prepare to compare the two comparable parallel companies. 我准备比较那两个可比较的类似的公司。 461. My neighbor knows the height and weight of the highjacked freight. 我邻居知道被劫持货船的高度和重量。 (来源:EnglishCN英语问答中心[e问e答]) 462. The rebels labeled the labor laboring in the laboratory and lavatory. 反叛者给在实验室和舆洗室劳动的劳工贴上标签。 463. At 8 o'clock the clerk

locked the flock of cocks in the room. (来源:英语麦当劳八点钟时办事员将那群公鸡锁在房间里。 (来源:英语麦当劳464. The mocker knocked the stock with the knots on the stocking and sock. 嘲笑者用长袜和短裤上的结击打存货。 465. I'm determined to permit the permanent term on detergent. (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com) 我决心同意有关洗涤剂的永久条款。 466. The committee admits it committed an omission in commissioning the mission. (来源:英语麦当劳委员会承认它在委任使团时犯的疏忽。 467. The odd man added an additional riddle to the middle of the saddle. 那个怪人把一个额外的谜语添加到鞍座

中间。 468. The insult to the adult consulter results in multiplication of the faulty faucets. 对成年咨询者的侮辱导致有缺陷水龙头成倍增加。 469. The detective detected that the arch was under the marching Arctic architects' protection. 侦察察觉到拱门受到行进的北极建筑师们的保护。 470. In the college, I alleged that I recollected the dialog in dialect about the dial collection. 在学院里我宣称回忆起关于收集到度盘用方言进行的对话。 471. In the selection the lecturer neglected the negligible negative reflection on the election. (来源:英语麦当劳-英语快餐EnglishCN.com) 在选集中演讲者忽视了对选举的微不足道的消极反思。 472. The electrical connection in the photoelectric elevator involves electronics. 光电升降机内的电气连接涉及到电子学。 473. The rising risk arises from the surprised fund raiser's praise of the appraisal. 上升的风险起因于受惊的资金聚集者对评估的赞美。 474. The efficient ancient

scientist had conscience in science. (来源:英语麦当劳-英语快餐EnglishCN.com) 那个能干的古代科学家在科学上有良知。 (来源:EnglishCN英语博客基地) 475. The eagle is eager to anger the tiger in danger. 鹰渴望激怒处在危险中的老虎。 (来源:英语麦当劳476. The language angel hanged up the gang and banged them at the angle of the triangle. 语言天使将那伙人吊起朝三角形的角上猛撞。 (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com) 477. equal, equator, equation, equivalent, quiver. 相等的赤道方程式均等颤动。 478. Qualified quality and adequate quantity are equally important. 合格的质量和足够的数量同等重要。 479. Televisions and telescopes give the

visitors visual ability to see the casual casualty. (来源:EnglishCN英语博客基地) 电视和望远镜赋予参观者们看见偶然伤亡事故的视觉能力。 (来源:英语麦当劳-英语快餐EnglishCN.com) 480. The grown-up growled at a crowd of crows. 那个成年人对着一群公鸡咆哮。 (来源:英语麦当劳481. I threw a row of arrows, which narrowly passed the narrow-minded man's eyebrows. 我掷了一排箭,箭紧擦心胸狭窄的人的眉毛而过。 482. "Sorry, I'll borrow the lorry tomorrow," the sorrowful man said with worry in the corridor. “对不起,明天我要借用这辆卡车。”那个悲伤的人在走廊里担心

地说。 (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com) 483. The signalman's signature

sign is significant to the vacant vacation. (来源:EnglishCN英语问答中心[e问e答]) 信号员的签字符号对空假期具有重要意义。 484. The resigned designer is designated to an assignment of reigning the foreigners. 辞职的设计者被指派了一个去统治外国人的任务。 485. Because of the temperature tempo, I temporarily lost temper to my contemporary in the temple. 由于温度进度的原因,我在庙里一时地对同代人发了脾气。 486. The empty empire's emperor made an attempt to tempt the contemptuous man. 空虚帝国的皇帝试图诱惑那个轻蔑的人。 487. The one-eyed man obeyed the obedient audience's order. (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com) 独眼人服从了顺从的听众的命令。 488. The patriot's radar made the radical patient impatient. 爱国者的雷达使激进病人不耐烦。 489. From the experiment the experienced expert gained an unexpected expertise. 有经验的专家从实验中获得一项意外技能。 490. Details about the tailor's tail are available from the prevailing dailies. 有关裁缝尾巴的细节可从流行的日报上得到。 491. The sailor was nailed on the rail for he failed to trail the mail. 水手被钉在横木上,因为他未能跟踪邮件。 (来源:EnglishCN英语博客基地) 492. The frank man put the first-rank blank blanket into the tan tank. 直率的男

子将一流空白毛毯放进黝黑的大容器。 (来源:英语麦当劳-英语快餐EnglishCN.com) 493. Thanks to the bankrupt banker, my ankle avoided an injury. 多亏那位破产的银行家,我的脚踝免受伤害。 (来源:英语麦当劳-英语快餐EnglishCN.com) 494. After a shot the foot began to root and shoot in the boot. 打了一针后,脚开始在靴子里生根发芽。 495. The academic topic is why the blade of the spade is still sharp after decades' decay. 学术话题是为什么铁锨刃口经过几十年的腐烂之后仍然锋利。 (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com) 496. The invader saw the shadow of the lampshade fade away. 入侵者看见灯罩的影子渐渐消失。 497. The graduated comrade gradually graded the trademarks after the parade. (来源:英语麦当劳-英语快餐EnglishCN.com) 阅兵过后,那位毕了业的同志逐渐将商标分了等级。 498. Both the math pathfinders bathed in the bathtub. 两个数学先驱都在浴盆里洗过澡。 499. In the thesis the synthetic symbol symbolizes sympathy. (来源:英语麦当劳-英语快餐EnglishCN.com) 在论文中这个综合符号代表同情。 500. For unity the units united into a unique union. 为了统一,这些单位联合成一个独特的联盟。 (来源:英语麦当劳-英语快餐EnglishCN.com) 501. The commonsense commonwealth government no longer uses the uncommon commonplace. 有常识的联邦政府不再使用不寻常的陈腐之言。 502. The communist communicated communism to this municipal community. (来源:英语麦当劳那个共产党员把共产主义传入该市立社区。 503. In the bar the barber bargained for a jar of jam, then got over the barrier of barrels. 在酒巴里理发师为一罐果酱讲了价然后越过桶作的屏障。 (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com) 504. The quarrelsome general quarreled about a quarter quart of oil in the headquarters. 好争吵的将军在司令部为四分之一夸脱油而争吵。 505. On the wedding I saw blooms embeded in the bed of the bedroom. 在婚礼上,我看见卧室的床上镶嵌着花朵。

506. The fisherman wishes to finish the dish of reddish fish. 渔夫希望做完那盘略带红色的鱼。 (来源:英语麦当劳-英语快餐EnglishCN.com) 507. On the Christmas the Christian's assistant fisted Pistol Piston and twisted his wrist. 在圣诞节,基督徒的助手拳击了“手枪活塞”并扭了他的手腕。 (来源:英语麦当劳508. My sister insists consistently on persistent resistance to transistor radios. (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com) 妹妹一贯坚决主张持久抵制晶体管收音机。 509. The chemist and the mistress insist that the mist consists of several chemicals. 化学家和女教师坚持认为薄雾由几

种化学物品构成。 510. My nephew found a few dewdrops on the Jewish jeweler's jewel. 侄儿发现犹太珠宝商的珠宝上有几滴露珠。 511. The crew unscrewed the screws from the sewing-machine and chewed them. 船员们从缝纫机上旋下螺钉并咀嚼它们。 512. The interviewer reviewed the newspaper and renewed his viewpoint on the news. 采访者再次查看了

报纸并更新了他对该新闻的看法。 (来源:英语麦当劳513. The refiner defined a definite confine with her fine finger. (来源:英语麦当劳-英语快餐EnglishCN.com) 提炼者用她精细的手指定义了一个明确的界限。 514. The sugared vinegar is refined from the sugarcane and pine. 加糖的醋是从甘蔗和松木中精炼出来的。 515. We are dined and wined in the inner dining-room of the inn. 在旅店的内部餐厅,我们受到了酒宴款待。 (来源:EnglishCN英语博客基地) 516. I'm inclined to underline

these disciplines in the outline written on linen. (来源:英语麦当劳我倾向于给写在亚麻布上的大纲中的这些学科划下画线。 517. The engineer examined

the engine of the mining machine for stomach. 工程师检查采矿机的发动机是否有肚子痛。 (来源:英语麦当劳518. The submitted submarine on the magic magazine is shining and magnificent. 魔术杂志上那艘提交的潜艇闪亮而壮观。 519. Thus the enthusiastic dumb man thumbed the humble man's umbrella. 于是热情的哑巴用拇指拨弄谦卑男子的伞。 520. The trembles of the umbrella assembly lines have resemblances. (来

源:英语麦当劳这些雨伞装配线的抖动有相似之处。 (来源:英语麦当劳-英语快餐EnglishCN.com) 521. I'm interested in why he is arrested while resting in aural restaurant in the forest. 我对他为何在森林里的香味餐馆歇息的时候被捕感兴趣。 522. I guess the guest's gesture suggested that he could not digest well. 我猜想客人的手势暗示了他消化不良。 523. The pretty priest protested the contest of protein test. 漂亮牧师抗议蛋白质化验赛。 524. "What a marvelous carving!" the starving harvester in vest said. “好一件神奇的雕刻!”挨饿的穿着背心的收割者说。 525. During the festival the investor investigated his ancestor. (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com) 节日期间投资者调查了他的祖宗。 526. Subsequently the eloquent man frequently asked the consequence of quenching in sequence. (来源:EnglishCN英语问答中心[e问e答]) 其

后雄辩者频繁地询问顺序灭火的结果。 (来源:EnglishCN英语问答中心[e问e答]) 527. In this semester the westerner thinks Chest Orchestra is the best. 这学期西方人认为箱子乐队是最好的乐队。 (来源:英语麦当劳528. Henceforth, the

north wind is worthless to the northerners. (来源:英语麦当劳从今以后,北风对北方人没有益处。 529. On the eastern Easter feast, at least one beast's breasts were tested with yeast. 在东部复活节宴会上,至少有一头牲畜的乳房被用酵母做了试验。 530. The young youths lounged in the south mouth of the cave for one month. 无经验的青年们在南洞口闲荡了一个月。 531. The bird nests only in northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest lest it be found. 此鸟只在东北、西北、东南和西南筑巢,以免被发现。 532. The airport and seaport are important to import and export of portable goods. 机场和海港对于进口和出口轻便商品很重要。 533. On the porter's passport a portion of the portrait isn't proportional. 在搬运工的护照上,部分肖像不成比例。 534. With the reporter's support, the sportsmen are transported to the airport. (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com) 在记者的支持下,运动员们被运送到了机场。 535. After a fortnight's torture, the unfortunate man got an opportunity to escape the misfortune. (来源:EnglishCN英语问答中心[e问e答]) 经过两星期的拷打后那个不幸的人得到了逃脱不幸的机会。 536. I got this sort of comfortable soft shorts with no efforts. 我不费吹灰之力弄到了这种柔软舒适的短裤。


什么叫快乐?就是掩饰自己的悲伤对每个人微笑。   喜欢一个人没有错,错就错在喜欢一个不喜欢自己的人。 不是不死心是死不了心。 不是每一次努力都会有收获,但是,每一次收获都必须努力,这是一个不公平的不可逆转的命题 。 不幸的人才要更坚强。 不要轻易说爱,许下的承诺就是欠下的债! 当你真正爱一样东西的时候你就会发现语言多么的脆弱和无力。文字与感觉永远有隔阂 。 当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。 等待也许并不容易;伤害却轻而易举。-多谢你的绝情,让我学会死心。 躲在某一时间,想念一段时光的掌纹;躲在某一地点,想念一个站在来路也站在去路的,让我牵挂的 人。凡世的喧嚣和明亮,世俗的快乐和幸福,如同清亮的溪涧,在风里,在我眼前,汨汨而过,温暖如同 泉水一样涌出来,我没有奢望,我只要你快乐,不要哀伤````` 风吹起如花般破碎的流年,而你的笑容摇晃摇晃,成为我命途中最美的点缀,看天,看雪,看季节深 深的暗影。 风空空洞洞地吹过。一年又这么过去。而来年,还要这么过去。我不知道是安稳的背后隐藏着沮丧, 还是沮丧里终归有安稳。只是我们,无法找到。 歌声形成的空间,任凭年华来去自由,所以依然保护着的人的容颜不曾改和一场庞大而没有落幕的恨 记忆想是倒在掌心的水 不论你摊开还是紧握 终究还是会从指缝中 一滴一滴 流淌干净。 寂寞的人总是会用心的记住他生命中出现过的每一个人,于是我总是意犹未尽地想起你 在每个星光陨 落的晚上一遍一遍数我的寂寞 假如有一天我们不在一起了,也要像在一起一样。坚硬的城市里没有柔软的爱情 离去,让事情变得简单,人们变得善良,像个孩子一样,我们重新开始。 脸上的快乐,别人看得到。心里的痛又有谁能感觉到。 淋过雨的空气, 疲倦了的伤心,我记忆里的童话已经慢慢的融化。 每当我看天的时候 我就不喜欢再说话 每当我说话的时候 我却不敢再看天 那些刻在椅子背后的爱情,会不会像水泥上的花朵,开出没有风的,寂寞的森林 那些我们以为永远不会忘记的事情,就在我们念念不忘的过程里,被我们忘记了那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。 那些曾经以为念念不忘的事情就在我们念念不忘的过程里,被我们遗忘了。 你是我猜不到的不知所措,我是你想不到的无关痛痒。你笑一次,我就可以高兴好几天;可看你哭一次,我就难过了好几年。 你永远也看不到我最寂寞时候的样子,因为

只有你不在我身边的时候,我才最寂寞。 你走的那天,我决定不掉泪,迎着风撑着眼帘用力不眨眼。 牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路 。 青春是一道明媚的忧伤~~~~ 我没哭,可是眼泪流下来了~~~ 青春是一滩水,无论是摊开还是紧握,都无法从指缝中淌过单薄的年华~~~~ 人生若只如初见,当时只道是寻常。 人生最遗憾的,莫过于,轻易地放弃了不该放弃的,固执地,坚持了不该坚持的。 人永远看不破的镜花水月,不过我指间烟云 世间千年如我一瞬 如果上帝要毁灭一个人必先令其疯狂可我疯狂了这么久为何上帝还不把我毁掉 如果我们都是孩子,就可以留在时光的原地,坐在一起一边听那些永不老去的故事一边慢慢皓首 伤口就像我一样,是个倔强的孩子,不肯愈合,因为内心是温暖潮湿的地方,适合任何东西生长。 上一次微笑着入睡是什么时候? 生活不是林黛玉,不会因为忧伤而风情万种什么叫快乐?就是掩饰自己的悲伤对每个人微笑。 谁把谁真的当真,谁为谁心疼。 谁是谁生命中的过客,谁是谁生命的转轮,前世的尘,今世的风,无穷无尽的哀伤的精魂思念一个人的滋味,就象是喝了一杯冰冷的水,然后一滴一滴凝成热泪。 所谓最难忘的,就是从来不曾想起,却永远也不会忘记 。 痛过之后就不会觉得痛了,有的只会是一颗冷漠的心 。 我不喜欢说话却每天说最多的话,我不喜欢笑却总笑个不停,身边的每个人都说我的生活好快乐,于 是我也就认为自己真的快乐。可是为什么我会在一大群朋友中突然地就沉默,为什么在人群中看到个 相似的背影就难过,看见秋天树木疯狂地掉叶子我就忘记了说话,看见天色渐晚路上暖黄色的灯火就 忘记了自己原来的方向 我放下了尊严,放下了个性,放下了固执,都只是因为放不下你。我回过头去看自己成长的道路,一天一天地观望,我站在路边上,双手插在风衣的兜里看到无数的人 群从我身边面无表情地走过,偶尔有人停下来对我微笑,灿若桃花。我知道这些停留下来的人终究会 成为我生命中的温暖,看到他们,我会想起不离不弃。我就像现在一样看着你微笑,沉默,得意,失落,于是我跟着你开心也跟着你难过,只是我一直站在现在而 你却永远停留过去 我每天都在数着你的笑,可是你连笑的时候,都好寂寞。他们说你的笑容,又漂亮又落拓。 我生命里的温暖就那么多,我全部给了你,但是你离开了我,你叫我以后怎么再对别人笑 我突然就觉得自己像个华丽的木偶,演尽了所有的悲欢离合,可是背上

总是有无数闪亮的银色丝线,操纵 我的哪怕一举手一投足 我忘记了哪年哪月的哪一天 我在哪面墙上刻下了一张脸 一张微笑着 忧伤着 凝望着我的脸 那些 刻在椅背后的爱情 会不会像水泥地上的花朵 开出地老天荒的 没有风的森林 我忘了哪年哪月的哪一日 我在哪面墙上刻下一张脸 一张微笑着 忧伤着 凝望我的脸 我们微笑着说 我们停留在 时光的 原处 其实 早已被洪流 无声地 卷走 我希望有一天可以和你背上行囊,看没有看过的山,走没有走过的水,挥霍没有挥霍完的青春,纪念无法 纪念的纪念~~~~ 我想哭,可是我已经不知道该怎么流泪了。 我赢了所有人,但却输掉了你。我在过马路,你人在哪里。 我真的爱你,闭上眼,以为我能忘记,但流下的眼泪,却没有骗到自己。 无法拒绝的是开始 ,无法抗拒的是结束。 想你的时候有些幸福,幸福得有些难过。幸福对我说,你还太小。 一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本费 尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就这么忘记了。 一只野兽受了伤,它可以自己跑到一个山洞躲起来,然后自己舔舔伤口,自己坚持,可是一旦被嘘寒 问暖,它就受不了 遗忘 是我们不可更改的宿命所有的一切都像是没有对齐的图纸 从前的一切回不到过去 就这样慢慢延伸 一点一点的错开来。也许 错开了的东西 我们真的应该遗忘了 因为我知道你是个容易担心的小孩,所以我将线交你手中却也不敢飞得太远。不管我随着风飞翔到云 间我都希望你能看见,就算我偶尔会贪玩了迷了路也知道你在等我 有时,爱也是种伤害。残忍的人,选择伤害别人,善良的人,选择伤害自己。 有些人会一直刻在记忆里的,即使忘记了他的声音,忘记了他的笑容,忘记了他的脸,但是每当想起 他时的那种感受,是永远都不会改变的 有些事情还没讲完那就算了吧每个人都是一个国王,在自己的世界里纵横跋扈,你不要听我的,但你也 不要让我听你的 鱼上钩了,那是因为鱼爱上了渔夫,它愿用生命来博渔夫一笑。 原来和文字沾上边的孩子从来都是不快乐的,他们的快乐象贪玩的小孩,游荡到天光,游荡到天光却 还不肯回来 在原谅与绝望之间游荡,唯一的感觉是伤 伤 伤! 在这个忧伤而明媚的三月,我从我单薄的青春里打马而过,穿过紫堇,穿过木棉,穿过时隐时现的悲喜 和无常。 曾经也有一个笑容出现在我的生命里,可是最后还是如雾般消散,而那个笑容,就成为我心中深深埋 藏的

一条湍急河流,无法泅渡,那河流的声音,就成为我每日每夜绝望的歌唱。 这个城市没有草长莺飞的传说,它永远活在现实里面,快速的鼓点,匆忙的身影,麻木的眼神,虚假的笑容 ,而我正在被同化 真心离伤心最近 。 总有一天都会面目全非,时光没有教会我任何东西,却教会了我不要轻易去相信神话 总有一天我会从你身边默默地走开,不带任何声响我错过了很多,我总是一个人难过 走完同一条街,回到两个世界。


英语短句子 001 See you later.待会见;再联络 A: I have to go.B: See you later. 002 What’s up?近来过得如何? A: Hey! What’s up?B: Nothing much! As usual. 003 It’s on me.我来付 A: The beer is on me.B: Thank you. 004 I mean it.我是说真的 A: Do you really want to quit your job?B: I mean it. 005 Check, please.买单 A: Check, please.B: Yes, sir. 006 Mind your own business.别多管闲事 A: What were you talking about?B: Mind your own business. 007 Hold on.请稍等 A: May I leave a message, please?B: Hold on. 008 Whatever!随你的便 A: Shall I tell him tonight or tomorrow?B: Whatever! 009 After you.你先(请) A: Please come in.B: After you. 010 Nonsense!胡说八道! A: Tell me the truth. I don’t want nonsense.B: I am telling the truth. 011 Cheer up!振作点 A: We lost the game again!B: Cheer up! You’ll do better next time. 012 No way!不行 A: Let’s have pizza for lunch.B: No way! I hate pizza. 013 Go for it!加油! A: It’s an important test.B: Yes, I will go for it! 014 You’ve got me there. / (it) beats me.我想不出来:我不知道:你考倒我了 A: Do you know the height of that building?B: You’ve got me there. (Beats me) 015 Who Cares!谁管你呀! A: I can’t finish my homework. Can you help me to do some?B: Who cares! 016 I’ll get it.我来接(电话) A: The phone is ringing.B: I’ll get it. 017 It depends.看情形 A: When will you wake up?B: It depends. 018 Out of the question!不可能的 A: Could I borrow your bike?B: Out of the question! 019 Allow me.让我来 A: Please allow me to open the door for you.B: Thank you. 020 Calm down冷静一点 A: Calm down. It’s not such a big deal.B: You won’t understand. 021 Thank you.谢谢 A: You are beautiful!B: Thank you. 022 You’re welcome.不客气 A: Thank you for the flowers.B: You’re welcome. 023 Goodbye.再见 A: Take care!B: You too! Goodbye! 024 How are you(doing)?你好吗? A: How are you?B: Not very good. I got a cold. 025 I have had enough!我真是受够了! A: I have had enough!B: Why? What did he do? 026 Let’s call it a day.今天到此为止吧! A: Let’s call it a day. I am so tired.B: All right! 027 Not again!不会吧! A: Everyone’s late.B: Not again! 028 Knock it off!住手!不要吵! A: Knock it off! I am trying to study.B: Sorry, I didn’t know that you are studying. 029 Good night.晚安 A: Good night, everybody.B: Good night, Jill! Have a sweet dream. 030 Sure!可以呀! A: Could I use your computer?B: Sure! 031 Of course.当然! A: Could I borrow your car?B: Of course. 032 Yes.是的 A: Is this your cell phone?B: Yes, it is mine. 033 Why?为什么? A: Sarah is not coming.B: Why? 034 Be careful on the road.路上小心 A: Be careful on the road. It’s getting dark.B: Ok! 035 You decide.你决定吧! A: Do you want the black tie or the red one?B: You decide. 036 Never mind.没关系;不要紧

A: I am sorry that I broke your radio.B: Never mind. 037 That’s all right.没关系 A: I didn’t mean to be bump into you.B: That’s all right038 I don’t know.我不知道 A: Do you know where the police station is?B: I don’t know. 039 Is there anything wrong?有问题吗? A: The boss was every angry at the meeting.B: Why? Is there anything wrong? 040 No problem.没问题 A: Could I borrow your car tomorrow?B: Sure! No problem. 041 You are joking! (No kidding)别开玩笑了 A: Did you know that Linda’s uncle is Jacky Chen?B: You are joking! How did you know that? 042 Why not?为什么不行? A: You can’t go out today.B: Why not? 043 I don’t understand….我不懂 A: Betty broke up with her new boyfriend.B: I don’t understand how could this happen?044 And then?然后呢? A: You should take this form to the first counter.B: And then? What should I do? 045 So what?那又如何?那又怎样? A: Do you know there is a new theater down the street?B: Yeah. So what? 046 It’s alright.还好 A: How’s your steak?B: It’s alright.047 I am OK.我没事 A: Are you hurt?B: I am OK. 048 Bon voyage.一路顺风 A: We are leaving for Boston tonight.B: Bon voyage. 049 What happened?发生了什么事? A: Lucy is crying.B: Why? What happened? 050 Come on!来嘛!拜托! A: I don’t want to go to the party.B: Come on! Don’t be shy.

《描写兄弟姐妹句子 词语》

描写兄弟姐妹句子 词语

描写外貌的句子 弟弟胖乎乎的脸蛋儿上,长着一对调皮的大眼睛,眼珠子忽闪忽闪的,好像两颗水灵发亮的黑宝石。 弟弟喝汤时,烫得圆圆的小嘴一歪一歪的,简直成了歪歪嘴了;两只眼睛一闭一闭的,样子滑稽极了。 小弟挺起胸膛,眼望前方,站得笔直,就像一棵挺拔的小白杨。 弟弟咧开的嘴角依然露出那颗好看的小虎牙,只是没有以前那样洁白光亮。 妹妹的眼睛亮晶晶的,眉毛弯弯的,就像一对优美的弯弓。 鲜艳的红领巾披戴在妹妹细嫩白净的脖颈上,让她感到格外高兴。 妹妹的两条雪白的小胳膊肉嘟嘟的,就像秋天的莲藕一样。 一双水汪汪的大眼睛像两粒葡萄似的,嵌在妹妹那红扑扑的小脸上。



哥哥从巷子深处走出来,乌黑浓密的头发,一身蓝色的学生装,虽不很新,但洗得非常干净,一支闪亮的钢笔插在他的上衣口袋里。 哥哥扁圆脸当中高耸着一只尖尖的鹰嘴鼻子,像要叼住什么似的。 哥哥嘴巴略张,微微一笑,便露出细密的小白牙,齐齐的、亮亮的。


姐姐穿着一件粉色的连衣裙,亭亭玉立,站在远处看,她是天边的一抹云霞,是田野里的一株鲜花。 姐姐穿着新式夏装,露出两只浑圆、光洁的胳膊,展现着她的青春和健美。 姐姐脸色阴暗得像夏季乌云满布的天空一样,随时都会雨点似的落下泪来。 描写哥哥姐姐弟弟妹妹的词语 二字词: 方脸 长脸 圆脸 平头 长发 柳眉 门牙 长腿 短腿 肌肤 土气 巴掌 步伐 酒窝 眉梢 发辫 孝顺 懂事 天真 活泼 朴素 清秀 俏丽 文静 文雅 水灵 清澈 勇敢 可爱 聪明 伶俐 乖巧 调皮 茁壮 谦让 榜样 表率 漂亮 美丽 整洁 细嫩 洁白 光滑 光润 粉红 羞涩 害羞 时髦 洋气

三字词: 鸭蛋脸 娃娃脸 瓜子脸 水汪汪 圆溜溜 骨碌碌 细眯眼 弯月眉 柳叶眉 八字眉 披肩发 飞毛腿 大板牙 学生头 近视眼 大块头 眼巴巴 眼睁睁 直勾勾 傻乎乎 兴冲冲 细高挑 脏兮兮 黏糊糊 甜丝丝 暖洋洋 热腾腾

四字词: 眉清目秀 浓眉大眼 洁白无瑕 张口结舌 拾金不昧 朴实无华 娓娓动听 兴致勃勃 风华正茂 年少有为 少年老成 志向远大 奶声奶气 伶牙俐齿 花里胡哨 手舞足蹈 天真活泼 得意洋洋 欢声笑语 摩拳擦掌 面红耳赤 挤眉弄眼 虎头虎脑 娇生惯养 指手画脚 童言无忌 嬉皮笑脸 强词夺理 打打闹闹 助人为乐 鼻青脸肿 破涕为笑 喜形于色 心满意足 描写哥哥姐姐弟弟妹妹语言的句子 哥哥说:“常言道„男儿有泪不轻弹‟,你也像个小男子汉了,还哭得像个大姑娘,你就不害羞?” 哥哥“哼”了一声,嘲笑我们说:“胆小鬼!笨蛋!你们看我坐在这小椅子上多神气呀!” 姐姐说话的嗓音,就像甘蔗的汁液一样清甜,一字字、一句句都带着心窝里的笑声。 “弟弟妹妹们,你们懂点事吧,别再管爹妈要这要那的了,你看他们从早忙到晚,多累呀”姐姐劝我们说。

姐姐那快嘴又喊起来:“你看你写的字,弯弯曲曲像虫子爬,怎么有脸见人呢?” 姐姐看书正入迷,见我们在院中大跳大叫,便发起火来:“小祖宗们!再闹,我可不给你们做午饭了!” 一天下午,弟弟突然神秘地对我说:“今天咱们去科技馆玩,我带你看一个神奇的东西。” 弟弟的嗓音纯正、浑厚,真有点像播音员的韵味,连我都有点羡慕他。

妹妹一边抽泣一边说:“我看花的叶子已经发黄了,就每天浇一次,后来浇两次,可它还是死了,呜呜�6�7�6�7” 妹妹央求道:“妈妈,你别打小兔子,它不懂事儿,你打它,它会伤心的。” “叔叔,能让我�6�7�6�7看看您的画儿吗?”妹妹用很轻很细、怯怯的声音问,眼睛里流露出渴望的光。 描写哥哥姐姐弟弟妹妹心理的句子 哥哥心里像灌了蜜,眉角含笑,连那四方的紫脸膛上隐隐约约的麻瘢也泛着红光。 哥哥心惊肉跳,无处躲藏,脸上一会儿白,一会儿红,一会儿紫,好像一条变色龙。

看到那个大风筝又飞起来了,哥哥心里那个高兴劲儿就甭提了,全身每一根汗毛都活跃得跳了起来。 哥哥羞

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第一次见面看你不太顺眼 谁知道后来关系那么密切

我们一个像夏天一个像秋天 却总能把冬天变成了春天


What are you trying to say?(你到底想说什么?)

Don't be silly.(别胡闹了。)

How strong are your glasses?(你近视多少度?)

Just because.(没有别的原因。)

It isn't the way I hoped it would be.(这不是我所盼望的。)

You will never guess.(你永远猜不到。)

No one could do anything about it.(众人对此束手无措。)

I saw something deeply disturbing.(深感事情不妙。)

Money is a good servant but a bad master.(要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。) I am not available.(我正忙着)

Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(脑中的知识比手中的金钱更重要) Never say die.it's a piece of cake.别泄气,那只是小菜一碟。

Don't worry.you'll get use to it soon.别担心,很快你就会习惯的。

I konw how you feel.我明白你的感受。

You win some.you lose some.胜败乃兵家常事。

Don't bury your head in the sand.不要逃避现实。

I didn't expect you to such a good job.我没想到你干得这么好。

You are coming alone well.你做得挺顺利。

She is well-build.她的身材真棒。

You look neat and fresh.你看起来很清纯。

You have a beautiful personality.你的气质很好。

You flatter me immensely.你过奖啦。

You should be slow to judge others.你不应该随意评论别人。

I hope you will excuse me if i make any mistake.如有任何错误,请你原谅

It was most careless ofme.我太粗心了。

It was quite by accident.真是始料不及。

I wish i had all the time i'd ever wasted,so i could waste it all over again.我希望所有被我浪费的时间重新回来,让我再浪费一遍。

I like you the way you were.我喜欢你以前的样子。

You two go ahead to the movie without me,i don't want to be a third wheel.你们两个自己去看电影吧,我不想当电灯泡。

Do you have anyone in mind?你有心上人吗?

How long have you known her?你认识她多久了?

It was love at frist sight.一见钟情

I'd bettle hit the books.我要复习功课啦。

a piece of one's mind .直言不讳

He gave me a piece of mind,"Don't shift responsibility onto others."他责备道:“不要把责任推卸到别人身上。”

a cat and dog life 水火不容的生活

The husband and his wife are always quarrelling,and they are leading a cat and dog life.这对夫妇老是吵架,相互之间水火不容。

a dog's life 潦倒的生活

The man lived a dog's life.这个人生活潦倒。

A to Z 从头至尾

I know that from A to Z. 我很了解这件事。

above somebody 深奥

Well,this sort of talk is above me.我不懂你们在讲什么。

all ears 全神贯注地倾听着

When you tell Mary some gossip,she is all ears.跟Mary讲一些小道消息,她会听地仔仔细细。

all the more 更加,益发

You'll be all the better for a holiday.度一次假,对你会更有好处。

all dressed up 打扮得整整齐齐

She is all dressed up and nowhere to go.她打扮得整整齐却无处炫耀。

all in all 总的说来;最心爱的东西

The daughter is all in all to him.女儿是他的无价宝。

all out 竭尽全力

They went all out.他们鼓足了干劲。

all over 全部结束;浑身,到处

Glad,it is all over.这事全部结束了,好得很。

I'm wet all over.我浑身都湿了。

all set 准备就绪

He is all set for an early morning start.他已做好清晨出发的一切准备。

all you have to do 需要做得是

All you have to do is to calm yourself down and wait for the good news.你需要做得是静下心来等好消息。

as easy as falling of a log /as easy as snapping your fingers /as easy as ABC 容易得很 To me,a good story teller,it would be as easy as falling of a log.


as busy as a bee 非常忙

Mum is always as busy as a bee in the moring.妈妈每天早上都忙得不可开交。

at one's fingertips 了如指掌

How to get at that little island is at his fingertips.他知道怎么去那个小岛。

at one's wit's end 智穷

Don't ask him.It is also at his wit's end.不要问他了,他也不知道。

big shot 大人物,大亨

He is a big shot in our little town.

black sheep 败家子,害群之马

Every family has a black sheep.家家有本难念的经。

black and blue 遍体鳞伤

The thief was caught of red-handed and beaten black and blue.那个小偷当场被抓住并被打得青一块紫一块的。

black and white 白纸黑字

The proof is in black and white and the murderer has no any excuses.证据确凿,凶手再也无话可说。

blind alley 死胡同

You are heading into a blind alley.你正在钻牛角尖。

blow hot and cold 摇摆不定

This guy seemed to have no own idea.He always blew hot and cold.这家伙好象没什么主张,总是摇摆不定。

blow one's own trumpet 自吹自擂

Don't blow your own tumpet.Let us see what on earth you can do.不要自吹自擂了,让我们看看你到底能做什么。

born with a silver in one's mouth 出生在富贵人家

He is born with a silver in one's mouth.他是含着金钥匙出生的。

bland new 崭新的

a bland new coat 新衣服

break the ice 打破沉默

The couple hadn't spoken to each other for a week.They were both waiting for the other one to break the ice.这对夫妇已经一个星期没说过话了。两人都在等另一方先开口。 by a blow 无意中的一击

He is beaten to the ground by a blow.他被击到在地。

can't stand it any longer 不能再忍受了

I can't stand it any longer,I quit.我再也忍受不了了,我走。

carry something too far 过火了

You are carrying your joke too far.你玩笑开得太过分了。

castle in the sky 海市蜃楼

You plan is nearly a castle in the sky.你的计划简直就是空想。

cats got one's tongue 哑口无言

chain smoker 老烟枪

come up with 产生,想出

Let me come up with some ideas.让我想一想。

come easily 容易

Languages come easily to some people.有些人能够很容易地掌握语言。

cup of tea 喜欢

Movies are not my cup of tea.我不喜欢看电影。

cut it out 停止,住嘴

Cut it out!I can't stand you any longer.

call it a day 不再做下去,停止(某种活动)

Let us call it a day,stop.这一天工作够了,停工吧! dark horse 黑马

Nobody considered that John would win the game.He was a dark horse in the final. dear John letter 绝交信

Jack received a dear John letter from his girlfriend because he had broken her heart. do somone good 对某人有好处

Having some moring exercises does you good.

Do you get me? 你明白我的意思吗?

doesn't count 这次不算

It doesn't count this time,try again.

doesn't make sense 不懂;没有任何意义

The sentence you made doesn't make any sense to me.

down and out 穷困潦倒

Being down and out,he couldn't support his family.

drive at 用意,意欲

What's he driving at?他用意何在?

drop in 偶然拜访

I dropped him in on my way to the hospital.

drop me a line 写信给我

On arriving the University,please drop me a line.

early bird 早起的人

An early bird catchs worms。捷足先登

easy come easy go 来得快去得也快

eat my words 收回前言,认错道歉

I said something bad to my mum.Although I want to eat my words back, it didn't work,for I had hurt my mum's feeling.

face the music 直面困难

He knew he'd never get away with it so he decided to face the music and give himself up to the police.他知道自己不可能逃脱,因此决定一人做事一人当——向警察自首。

face up to 勇敢地面对某事

You must learn to face up to your responsibilities.

fed up 厌倦

I am rather fed up with your complaints.

feel free to do something 不要拘束

Please feel free to make suggestions.

few and far between 很少,稀少

Human beings are few and far between in this zone.

French leave 不辞而别

give me a headache 让人头痛

The naughty boy gave me a headache.

give me a hand 帮我一下

go Dutch AA制

God bless you 上帝保佑你

God bless you with your examinations.

God knows 天知道

Got it? 明白了吗?

green thumbs /fingers 园艺技能

hands are full 非常忙

have a ball 勇敢

have had it 受够了

I have had it with all your excuses.我受够了你的借口。

hold water 站得住脚

Non of his arguements seem to hold water.

in every sense of word 在某种意义上说

It's a lie in every sense of word.这是不折不扣的谎言。

keep an eye on 提高警惕

kill time打发时间

lazy bones 懒骨头

Get up lazy bones!

leave it to me 让我来吧

leave me alone 别管我

like father like son 有其父必有其子

like it or not 不管你喜不喜欢

make a fool of oneself 愚弄某人

make a big money 赚大钱

make both ends need 收支平衡

We have to cut our expenses to make both ends need.

make waves 引起轰动;兴风作浪

His achievement made waves in his country.

make yourself at home 别拘束

no good 没有好结果

Bad mam comes to no good.

no kidding 不要开玩笑

none of your bussiness 不关你的事

not really 也不是……

old hand 老手

He is an old hand at stealing.

old story 老一套

I am tired of it,same old story.

on one's word of honor 以某人的人格担保

on occasion 间或

of one's own accord 自愿地

packed like sardins 拥挤

During the holidays,people in the trains are packed like sardins. pass away 去世

pay the price 付出代价

You are playing with the fire and you must pay the poice one day. put up with 忍受

I cann't put up with your rudeness any more;leave my room. red-letter day 重要的或值得纪念的日子

red tape 繁文缛节

red carpet 红地毯

run into 偶遇

I ran into an old friend in the shop yesterday.

run out of 用尽,缺少

Quick,quick,we are running out of time.

show up 炫耀

small potatos 小人物

so what? 那怎么样呢?

stand up for 忍受

suit one's taste 对某人的胃口

sunday dress 最好的衣服




谦虚 灵巧 机灵 木讷 腼腆 狡猾 顽劣 健壮 帅气 毛躁 安分 沉默 开朗 热心 孝顺 害羞 谦让 嗫嚅 呆滞 倔强 磨蹭 文弱 勇敢 整洁 聪颖 刁蛮 恬静

水灵灵 胖墩墩 眼巴巴 骨碌碌 粉嘟嘟 脏兮兮 滴溜溜 喜笑颜开 怪声怪调 慢条斯理 聪明伶俐 心花怒放 活泼可爱 天真无邪 梦寐以求 嘻嘻哈哈

手舞足蹈 调皮捣蛋 毛手毛脚 装模作样 沾沾自喜 闷闷不乐 理直气壮 面若鹅卵 心惊胆战


我们全家都“亲切”地称呼弟弟为“导弹”,恰好和“捣蛋”谐音。 他圆圆的脑袋,走起路来挺着个大肚子,一摇一摆的,活像只可爱的小企鹅,我经常叫他“企鹅”表弟。 小姐姐只比我大一岁,长着一双明亮的眼睛,头上扎了两个“小刷子”,还穿着一条粉色的小裙子。 正在这时,门“砰”的一声开了,蹦进来一只“小猴子”。我吓了一跳,定神一看,原来是弟弟。 哥哥走起路来,挺着胸,昂着头,手臂还一摆一摆的,真像个解放军战士呀。 我的小表妹长着一张圆圆的脸,头上两个小辫子总是一蹦一跳的,十分可爱。 弟弟太淘气了,只要爸爸妈妈不在家,他就会把自己当成超人奥特曼,这时候,家里总是乱糟糟的。 姐姐好吃零食,见了零食简直像花朵见了太阳,为此,爸爸妈妈

常批评她。 小表哥最爱做的事情就是捉弄人,他经常搞些恶作剧让你哭笑不得,而你又拿他没办法。











真的很高兴很憧憬然我非常希望我起逛街煮饭吃,寿面试的时候我呢。但是我知道你的目标是房地产不是保险,所以不要因为这个而对我感到抱歉和歉疚, 人各有志,“海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞”,我懂的。我不会因为眼前的迷茫而耽误大家的前程(呵呵,我不想成为历史的罪人)。





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