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2016-09-21 09:35:12 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 东莞第六中学和东莞实验中学比(共5篇)2014东莞中考录取分数线(准确)2014东莞各中学中考录取分数线广东省东莞实验中学2016届高三上学期第三次月考东莞实验中学2015-2016学年度上学期高三第三次月考英 语2015 11 12命题人:刘蕾 曾真本试卷满分120分。考试用时120分钟。第I卷第一部分:阅读理解(共20小题...






英 语


命题人:刘蕾 曾真







Mobile Showers for the Homeless

Our Story

Doniece Sandoval has arranged marketing and development for both private and nonprofit organizations. Her passion is to find special solutions to problems that matter to her. Homelessness has been on her radar for quite some time but she was at a loss as to how to truly help—until she passed a young woman on the street crying over and over and saying that she would never be clean. Lava Mae is Doniece‟s answer.

Our Partners

Lava Mae recognizes the power and truth behind the proverb “it takes a village” and we have combined this concept with our model. To most effectively deliver our service, we are partnering with other organizations: nonprofits working with the homeless, local government, and the private sectors. We are thrilled and honored to be working with each partner. Thank you all for your faithful support.

Our Mission

To deliver dignity and unlock opportunity for those experiencing homelessness—one mobile shower at a time. Fundamental to this mission are three beliefs: First, everyone has the right to be clean. Second, those experiencing homelessness can‟t access jobs and housing or maintain health and wellbeing (福利) if they can‟t get clean. Third, with hygiene (卫生) comes dignity; with dignity comes opportunity.

Our Schedule

Wednesdays: 9:30 am-1:00 pm; YWAM in the Tenderloin; 344 Ellis St. between Taylor and Jones. Thursdays: 9:30 am-3:30 pm; API Wellness in the Tenderloin.

Fridays: 9:30 am-2:30 pm; YWAM in the Tenderloin; 344 Ellis St. between Taylor and Jones. Saturdays: 7:00 am-1:00 pm; Mission Neighborhood Resource Center.

Our Invitation

Help us deliver hygiene and dignity literally! Sign up to volunteer and make a difference—one mobile shower at a time. Please click here!

1. We can learn from Paragraph 1 that Doniece Sandoval __________.

A. has donate a lot of researches on helping the homeless

B. got her special idea to help the homeless accidentally

C. helped the homeless along the street out of their trouble

D. has been merely enthusiastic about organizing activities

2. When can the homeless take a shower according to the passage?

A. At 11:00 am on Tuesday. B. At 2:00 pm on Wednesday.

C. At 10:00 am on Friday. D. At 2:00 pm on Saturday.

3. What are you invited to do according to the passage?

A. Volunteer in the organization. B. Try to take a shower there.

C. Click the page and donate. D. Introduce the program to others.


Twelve years ago, I arrived in Central Florida from Puerto Rico. I had heard of a job opportunity and decided to pursue it. But it never became a reality. I quickly learned that being alone without resources in an unfamiliar city was not a comfortable situation to be in.

Once my limited funds ran out I became homeless and spent a year and a half living on the streets of Orlando. Apart from feeling not being noticed and missing my family, I had to face another challenge—hunger.

For the first time in my life, I, as a foreign man, who had lived my life in the relative comfort of the middle class, understood the desperation someone feels when they don‟t get enough to eat. I clearly remembered having run a distance of more than 7 miles on many occasions just to make it to a local feeding program before they closed at 7 pm.

Once the need for food was met, the next challenge would arise—where to find a place to sleep for the night. Fortunately, local programs like the Coalition for the Homeless, Second Harvest Food Bank and the Wayne Densch Center were an important part of my ability to survive my painful experience.

With the assistance of these programs, I was accepted by a college scholarship program through the Coalition and obtained two degrees from Valencia.

My experience has helped me understand that devoting my life to helping others offers lasting rewards. Today, I am employed as Childhood Hunger Programs Manager at Second Harvest Food Bank and oversee the summer feeding, Hi-Five Kids Pack, and Kids Café programs. I am so proud to be able to distribute food resources to those wonderful programs and help hundreds more like me.

4. What can be inferred from Paragraph 1?

A. It was impossible for the author to get a job then.

B. Many local people were out of work in Florida.

C. Florida was not a good place for people living there.

D. The author rejected many chances to get a job in Florida.

5. Why did the author run a distance of over 7 miles on many occasions?

A. Because he didn‟t want to be late for work there.

B. Because he desired to get some food to eat.

C. Because he went there to help the poor.

D. Because he helped distribute food resources to the poor.

6. Before being accepted by a college scholarship program, the author________________.

A. had lived with his relatives happily

B. had won his degree in a university

C. had been struggling financially

D. had lost hope of facing the future

7. From his experience, the author learns that ________________.

A. misfortune may be an actual blessing

B. a friend in need is a friend indeed

C. where there is a will there is a way

D. one good turn deserves another


On the banks of Tanzania‟s Lake Eyasi lives the world‟s last hunter-gatherer tribe (部落) — the Hadza. They don‟t grow food, raise animals or build houses. Instead they live a life unchanged for more than ten thousand years.

Their world is one of complete freedom — something modern society can barely imagine and is unlikely to ever experience, let alone have the skills to stay alive. Text messages and phone calls don‟t exist. Nor do cars and electricity. No jobs, timetables, and social structures. No laws, taxes and unbelievably, no money — the closest thing to currency is the trade for a pair of shorts with a neighboring tribe.

We spent our time with the Hadza hunting baboons (狒狒), a daily activity for the men. Their land is packed with sharp bushes, poisonous snakes and man-eating lions. But a successful hunting trip is the difference between eating or going hungry.

The Hadza diet consists mainly of honey, fruit and meat. Men often hunt in pairs to shoot animals with bows and arrows. The Hadza show us how to track animals, from baboons to snakes to lions. They are hugely skilled with their handmade bows and arrows — we have a go and barely get the arrow to go three feet in front of us.

The language of the Hadza is believed to be the oldest still-spoken language known to man. The Hadza don‟t have conflict, and have no memory of starvation. Their population never reaches numbers that cannot be supported through hunting or gathering. They never get from their land more than they need.

Unlike modern-day office workers, the Hadza enjoy an extraordinary amount of free time. Their “work” — hunting for food — takes up around five hours of their day. They‟ve been in such a state of peaceful existence for thousands of years.

8. We can learn from the text that the Hadza_______.

A. lead a very primitive life

B. live on traditional agriculture

C. have their own system of currency

D. show a lot of interest in new technology

9. Which of the following can describe the Hadza’s environment?

A. Stressful. B. Comfortable.

C. Exciting. D. Dangerous.

10. The relationship between the Hadza and nature_______.

A. is going wrong

B. is full of conflict

C. is in perfect harmony

D. is changing all the time

11. Why does the author come to visit the Hadza?

A. To study their native language.


B. To get to know their way of life.

C. To learn survival skills from them.

D. To persuade them to protect animals.


Children are hooked on (着迷) computers. Some spend up to six hours a day on their gadgets. They can be playing games live with others elsewhere in the world, updating their status on social media, texting friends or looking for the latest app to download to their tablets or smart phones.

This worried Martin Strott, headmaster of the Old Hall School in Wellington, in the west of England. He was so concerned that he challenged his students to take part in a week of „digital detox‟ (戒毒). Strott told the local newspaper, the Shropshire Star, that he encourages the pupils to have a good knowledge of the computer from a young age, but is concerned that too much screen time will affect the development of their social skills. He said that this over-reliance on digital devices “family time and they‟re missing out on messages from body language and facial expressions from those around them”.

According to the headmaster, the parents are happy with the movement. But what about the children? Nine-year-old Fred usually spends around two hours on his gadgets at home after school and around 12 hours on weekends. For him, the digital detox experience was “really hard”. Fred spent it playing outside, especially basketball. He said that he would probably engage in different activities from now on but he did miss his phone and online games.

The idea of keeping children away from their tech for a while to prevent „addiction‟ is not particularly new. There have been similar movements in the US. But are they effective in the long run? Well, even if kids go back to their gadgets, the hope is that at least they‟ll think about how they use their time.

What about you: do you spend too many hours hooked on your digital devices?

12. According to the passage, which of the following is not the reason why children are hooked on computers __________.

A. developing their social skills by having some online conversations.

B. searching for the newest app and install them to their smart phones.

C. playing games live with people who are living elsewhere in the world.

D. releasing some new information about their status on social media

13. Which of the following words can replace the word “” in Para 2?

A. enriches B. saves

C. adjusts D. ruins

14. According to the article, where else can you find digital detox movements?

A. In Korea

B. In the US

C. In Japan

D. In China

15. Why did the headmaster challenge his students to take part in digital detox?

A. Because he wanted them to have a good knowledge of computer science.

B. Because he wanted them to have a better understanding of body language.

C. Because he hoped to transfer children‟s attention to something meaningful.

D. Because he was pushed by many worried parents and concerned authorities.

第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


Travel Tips That Are No Longer True

We all love a great trip, but some of the classic tips for travelers no longer hold true.

1. Book a plane ticket far in advance to save money.

This myth may have been true back in the 1960s, when flights were less common than they are

today. Back then, the demand for a flight would naturally increase as the date approached, there being few other options. According to recent studies, the best time to buy a domestic ticket was between six and seven weeks before.


Don‟t ignore the benefits of going straight to the hotel to negotiate a good deal on a room. Many hotel chains offer rate guarantees and encourage customers to book directly. Hotels also frequently have discounts or some offers that third-party websites don‟t know. Apart from this, hotels give the upgrades, not the booking agents.

3. Avoid street food.

If this means standing up at a cheap street stall (摊位), then follow the crowd. Don‟t sit down at a restaurant and spend four times more, on the simple assumption that it‟s the only safe option. Can you see what‟s going on in the kitchen?

4. Carry your money in a special pocket or pouch.

This is the fastest way to stand out from locals — who will have their money in a wallet or purse. Only take what you need when you leave your hotel room.

A. When in Rome, do what the Romans do.

B. The best hotel prices are on travel websites.

C. And make sure to put your wallet in a front pocket.

D. This is only true if you are buying products that are heavily taxed.

E. Let yourself relax in a warm room for one or two people in single beds.

F. These days, many alternatives for the most popular routes mean that demand stays steady.

G. Check the updates on these tall tales (无稽之谈) to save cash and add experience to your trip.





A couple of months ago, I made a promise to myself.

I had put some money in an envelope in my __21__ and set an intention to give this envelope __22__ to the first person I came across who __23__ it.

Months passed by, and__24__ my daily life got busy, I was __25__ to keep my own promise. Whenever I opened my wallet and saw the __26__, I was reminded of my __27__ for it, and I would feel a little ___28___ for having not acted upon it.

The voice within told me to do____29___ .

Today, while walking to work on a busy street, I passed a ___30___ elderly lady with her hands out on the sidewalk. Seeing her wrinkled face and sightless eyes, I stopped ___31___ . Waves of sympathy washed over me, and I ___32___ the envelope of money that had been lying in my wallet all these months.

I ___33___ the money from the envelope and bent down to her level. ___34___ , I took her hand, pressed the dollar bills into her hand, and closed her fingers over them so that she could __35__ the money and understand my gesture.

When I got up, I slowly moved away. I felt like I had ___36___ something. I had kept my word to myself. The lady slightly nodded her head. I felt ___37___ and moved on.

___38___, I thought about why such a ___39____ act had taken so long. This small act was a huge step toward facing and walking through my own fears around____40___ . What a blessing it is to complete these generous little gestures!









东华高级中学面向全市招生的公办班最低录取分数线为第一志愿740分,第二志愿770分。 东莞市光明中学面向全市招生的公办班最低录取分数线为第一志愿725分,第二志愿755分。


东莞中学、东莞中学松山湖学校、东莞市第一中学、东莞实验中学、东莞高级中学以及东华高级中学和光明中学公办班录取工作已于日前结束,同属列入第一批录取的其他普通高中及中高职连贯培养国际班”、“中高职连贯培养实验班”和中高职三二分段专业录取工作于今天开始,根据志愿顺序,按照综合素质评价等级和学业考试成绩从高分到低分录取的原则,这部分学校的最低录取分数线如下: 一、本批次普通高中最低录取分数线【东莞第六中学和东莞实验中学比】

















2014年东莞高中排名榜单,2015东莞重点高中排名 - 东莞学校大全

1 东莞中学
2 东莞东华高级中学
3 东莞市高级中学
4 东莞市实验中学
5 东莞第一中学
6 东莞中学松山湖学校
7 东莞常平中学
8 东莞市厚街中学
9 东莞光明中学
10 东莞望牛墩中学
11 东莞市虎门中学
12 东莞市长安实验中学
13 东莞群英学校
14 桥头镇桥头中学
15 东莞明珠学校
16 东莞新世纪英才学校
17 东莞市石龙中学
18 东莞东坑中学
19 东莞新星高级中学
20 东莞竹溪中学
21 东莞市大岭山中学
22 东莞台商子弟学校
23 东莞樟木头中学
24 东莞启明学校中学部
25 东莞市石碣中学
26 东莞济川中学
27 东莞市樟木头职业高级中学
28 石碣职业中学
29 东莞市虎门第二中学
30 东莞市清溪中学
31 东莞市长安中学
32 东莞白沙中学
33 东莞市万江中学
34 东莞雁田镇田学校初中部
35 东莞市高埗中学
36 东莞中堂中学
37 东莞道滘中学
38 沙田镇沙田中学
39 东莞第十高级中学
40 大岭山镇中学
41 东莞湖景中学
42 东莞市麻涌镇麻涌职业高级中学
43 东莞麻涌中学
44 东莞市企石镇企石中学
45 东莞第五高级中学
46 东莞市大朗中学
47 樟木头职业中学
48 东莞清溪中学
49 东莞大朗中学
50 东莞宝石中学
51 东莞市常平中学
52 东莞新风中学
53 东莞厚街中学
54 东莞城区业余中学
55 东莞南城职业中学
56 大岭山中学
57 东莞高明新圩中学
58 黄江镇中学
59 东莞振安中学
60 东莞黄水职业中学
61 东莞市塘厦中学
62 东莞方肇彝中学
63 东莞万江中学
64 东莞育英中学
65 虎门则徐中学
66 东莞宏伟中学
67 中堂实验中学
68 东莞汇英中学
69 东莞创业中学
70 东莞广荣中学
71 东莞肇彝中学
72 东莞崇焕中学
73 东莞篁村中学
74 东莞市篁村职业中学
75 东莞寮步中学
76 东莞桥头中学
77 东莞石排中学
78 东莞茶山中学
79 东莞市万江大汾中学
80 东莞潢涌中学
81 东莞高埗中学
82 虎门职工业余中学
83 东莞洪梅中学
84 东莞城区职工业余中学
85 东莞市谢岗中学
86 东莞东华中学
87 东莞养贤中学
88 东莞新建中学
89 东莞金石中学
90 东莞达斡尔中学
91 东莞四甲中学
92 东莞大汾中学
93 东莞东安中学
94 东莞群英中学
95 东莞市高中学
96 东莞振兴中学
97 东莞香市中学
98 东莞南城中学
99 东莞横沥中学

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