中国招生考试网 专题列表



what time do you go to school课件


标签: 课件 school what time you 关键词: 课件
  上学是人们为未成年人所定制的一种学习过程,一般有小学、初中、高中、大学。而现代则为学龄前的儿童开设了幼儿园。小学到初中为九年义务教育,政府有义务承担各地儿童上学,而高中、大学,以致幼儿园,则是自行出学。中国招生考试网  小编精心为大家整理了what time do you go to school课件,希望对你有帮助。   what time do you go to school课件   《What time do you go to school?》PPT课件   Do you often play basketball?   Do you often go to a movie?   Can you paint?   On weekends, do you help your parents   with their housework?   Do you usually sing?   Do you usually do your homework?   Do you usually read books?   Can you say out the following   numbers quickly?   four eleven fourteen twenty   thirty thirty-three forty fifty-seven   six eighteen twenty-one   fifty-eight thirty-nine   ... ... ...   1. 点钟数+分钟数   6: 10 six ten   7: 25 seven twenty-five   2. 分钟数+past +点钟数(分钟数不超过30分)   6: 15 a quar

what is the movie theater?SectionB(1a-1e)教学设计


  教学设计是根据课程标准的要求和教学对象的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定合适的教学方案的设想和计划。一般包括教学目标、教学重难点、教学方法、教学步骤与时间分配等环节。下面是中国招生考试网  为大家整理的what is the movie theater?SectionB(1a-1e)教学设计,供大家参考。   what is the movie theater?SectionB(1a-1e)教学设计   unit 4 what`s the best movie theater?(section a 1a-2d)教学设计与反思   教学基本信息   题目unit 4 what`s the best movie theater?(section a 1a-2d)   学科 英语年级 八年级上册   教材内容人教版2003年第1版 unit 4   个人信息   设计者姓名单位   周高龙 江西省崇仁县白路中学   1. 教材分析   1.discuss preferences;making comparisons   2. superlatives with –(i)est and most, irregular comparisons;curriulum words & useful expressions;the difference between movie and theater;本单元是初中英语基本语法课中重要的学习,也是学期最重要的课之一,继巩固unit3 比较级之后拓展比较对象。   2. 学情分析   1.初二同学具有一定的形象思维和抽象思维,特别是发散思维,要及时引导学生对于学习主题的讨论。   2. 根据争强好胜的性格特征,分成小组进行对比,结合同学的评

what can you do课件


标签: 课件 what you 关键词: 课件
  课件(courseware)是根据教学大纲的要求,经过教学目标确定,教学内容和任务分析,教学活动结构及界面设计等环节,而加以制作的课程软件。中国招生考试网 小编为大家整理的相关的what can you do课件供大家参考选择。   what can you do课件   Geese: What can you do, birds?   Birds: We can fly. What can you do, geese?   Geese: We can swim.   Tortoise: What can you do, cat?   Cat: I can catch the mouse. What can you do, tortoise?   Tortoise: I can walk, and I can swim.   Parrot: What can you do, monkey?   Monkey: I can jump and I can run. I can climb the hill, can you?   Parrot: No, I can’t. But I can fly.   Frog: Hello! What can you do, fish?   Fish: I can swim.   Frog: Oh, I can do that too. And I can jump, can you?   Fish: No, I can’t.   Panda: Hello! I’m panda.   All: What can you do, panda?   Panda: I can walk. And I can play with a

what were you doing when the rainstorm came? 课件


标签: 课件 rainstorm doing came what 关键词: 课件
  沃尔what you doing rainstorm came工程。下面是中国招生考试网  为大家整理的what were you doing when the rainstorm came? 课件,供大家参考。   what were you doing when the rainstorm came? 课件   Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?   第一课时Section A (1a-2d)   【Free talk】What were you doing when it rained yesterday?   【学习目标】   1. 能掌握下列单词和短语: rainstorm, suddenly, alarm, strange, report, go off,at the time of the rainstorm, pick up, at the bus stop, walk home, take a hot shower, begin to rain heavily, so many times   2. 重点掌握以下句型:   1) —What was he doing when the rainstorm came?   —He was reading in the library.   2) I was in the kitchen helping my mom.   3) While you were sleeping, I called Jenny and she helped me.   3. 重点语法: 学会谈论过去正在发生的事件—学习过去进行时的用法。   【导学案



标签: 听力下载 english what 关键词: what english this in is
what,is,this,in,english听力下载(一)What‘sthisinEnglish Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English? 一、单元教材分析 Go for it! 学生用书的每个单元有6页,其中包括Section A、Section B和Self Check。Section A为目标句型提供分步示例和指导性练习;Section B使学生能够对已经学过的目标句型运用自如;Self Check使学生对自己现阶段的英语水平,即对本单元的语音目标的掌握程度有较为明确的认识。 Starter Unit 2是Go for it! 预备篇三个单元中的第二单元。预备篇是为了使没有英语学习基础的学生更好地使用本套教材而编写的。它的主要内容为26个英文字母和最基本的英语日常用语。



标签: weekend what last you did 关键词: did what you do ppt
what,did,you,do,last,weekend学案(一)Unit12What did you do last weekend?导学案 Unit12What did you do last weekend? 第一课时1a-2c 学习目标: 1. 学习并掌握词汇:camp, lake, beach, badminton, sheep 2. 学习目标语言:What did you do last weekend? Well,„„ 3. 情感态度目标:通过描述过去的事情,使学生学会尊重和理解别人,学会了解他人的喜好,增进情谊。 学习重点: 熟练拼写和运用新单词。



whats,the,highest,mountain课件(一)Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world 使用教师: 学科 :English 教学内容:Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?时间 : 5.4 年级 :Eight 主备教师: 备课组长签名:【whats,the,highest,mountain课件】 使用教师: 学科 :English 教学内容:Unit7 时间 : 5.5 :Eight 主备教师: 备课组长签名:



标签: 教案 weekend what last you 关键词: did can what you do
what,did,you,do,last,weekend,教案(一)Unit 12 What did you do last weekend 教案 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? Section A 1 (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1)掌握以下单词: camp, lake, beach, badminton, sheep, as, natural, butterfly, visitor, tired, stay, stay up late. 能掌握以下句型:



标签: 教案 like what he 关键词: like课件 he what like is
what,is,he,like教案(一)新五年级英语Unit1 what's he likeA教案 Unit1 What’s he like?(第一课时) 一.教学内容 Main scene Part A (let’s try let’s talk) 二.教学目标 1.能正确听,说,朗读“Who is …? He/She is…What’s he/she like? He/She is … Is he/she…?Yes,he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.” 2. 能正确听,说,认读表示人物外貌与性格特征的形容词old,young,funny,kind,strict,polite,hard-working,clever.



标签: whats like he 关键词: he does what like d
whats,he,like,说课稿(一)What’he like? (B Let's talk)说课稿 小学英语(PEP)五年级上册Unit1 What’s he like? Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk说课稿 石泉县喜河镇长阳小学 陈代健 一、说教材 本课是人教版小学英语五年级上册第一单元B部分,对话课,涉及Let’s try和Let’s talk两个环节。 Let’s try部分是针对本单元核心句型What’s he/she like? 而设计的听力活动。旨在使学生能够借助图片及核心词的提示听懂简短对话,抓住关键信息,提高听的能力。