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should food be baned on subway

should food be baned on subway篇一:Food should be banned on the subway Food should be banned on the subway Keeping up with the fast-speeding of modern life requires less time on meals, people gradually start eating on their way to work, especially on the subway.Considering bad effects brought by having food on public transportation, it is hoped that we would not take our food while on the subway. To begin with, the fact can't be ignored is that carriages of the subway is airtight and thus getting fresh and clean air is not an easy thing, the funny smell just worse the situation. Secondly, whenever it comes to this iss

should the university students go in for business

should the university students go in for business篇一:Should university students go in for business Should university students go in for business Recently it is reported that some students in a provincial university had opened six small shops near their university. Their attempt of doing business leads to a discussion by their teachers and classmates. Some hold that doing business unfit their student’s life, because it would occupy too much of their time more than the occupation to their study. Some other people hold a positive attitude to their behavior. They think dong business in university can bring benefits. As a college student, I support the latter viewpoint that university st

should food be banned on the subway


should food be banned on the subway篇一:Food should be banned on the subway Food should be banned on the subway Keeping up with the fast-speeding of modern life requires less time on meals, people gradually start eating on their way to work, especially on the subway.Considering bad effects brought by having food on public transportation, it is hoped that we would not take our food while on the subway. To begin with, the fact can't be ignored is that carriages of the subway is airtight and thus getting fresh and clean air is not an easy thing, the funny smell just worse the situation. Secondly, whenever it comes to thi

Should Eating Be Banned on the Subway?

Should Eating Be Banned on the Subway?篇一:Should Food Be Banned on the Subway Should Food Be Banned on the Subway? 1. 对于禁止在地铁和公交车上吃东西,有人表示赞成 2. 有人则表示反对 3. 你的看法 【范文】 Should Food Be Banned on the Subway? Currently, some cities are considering a food ban on subways, which has sparked heated discussion. Some people say food should be banned because of the trash and rats they at