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marriage up an down 夏洛克


标签: 夏洛克 marriage down 关键词: 夏洛克
  Where do you think our clients come from?下面是中国招生考试网小编今天为大家精心准备了marriage up an down 夏洛克,希望对大家有所帮助!   marriage up an down 夏洛克(1)   白俄罗斯 明斯克   和我从头说下事情经过吧   Just tell me what happened from the beginning.   我们去了一间酒吧   We had been to a bar,   很棒 我和那边的一个女招待聊得火热   nice place, and, I got chatting with one of the waitresses,   凯伦就不高兴鸟[口音太重] 所以我们回了旅店   and Karen weren't happy with that, so...when we get back to the hotel, 之后便吵了起来   we end up having a bit of a ding-dong.   她总是数落我 说我不系真男人   She's always getting at me, saying I weren't a real man.   不"是"真男人   Wasn't a real man.   -啥 -语法错了 是"是" 不是"系"   - What? - It's not "weren't", it's "wasn't".   继续   Go on.   后来我就不知道怎么回事