中国招生考试网 专题列表



dream it possible歌词


标签: possible 歌词 dream 关键词:
  《Dream It Possible》是由国际著名音乐人Andy Love作曲,来自洛杉矶的歌手Delacey(有小Adele之称)演唱的歌曲。以下是中国招生考试网分享的dream it possible歌词,希望能帮助到大家!   dream it possible歌词   I will run, I will climb, I will soar   我奔跑,我攀爬,我会飞翔   I'm undefeated   永不言败   Jumpiing out of my skin, pull the chord   跳出我的皮肤,拨弄琴弦   Yeah I believe it   哦,我相信。   The past, is everything we were   往昔,逝去的光阴   don't make us who we are   不会决定现在   So I'll dream, until I make it real,   所以我们梦想,直到变成真,   and all I see is stars   看到满天星光   Its not until you fall that you fly   不怕跌倒,所以飞翔   When your dreams come alive you're unstoppable   当你的梦想成真,你是不可阻挡   Take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful   挥着翅膀,追逐太阳,寻找美丽   We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold   在黑暗中闪耀点石成金   And we'll dream it possible   我们会