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2016-09-23 13:43:30 编辑: 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读: 2016年商丘中招分数线(共7篇)2016商丘中考分数线预测中国招生考试网中考频道为您提供2016商丘中考分数线,2016年商丘中考分数线查询,商丘中考分数线预测,商丘中考录取分数线最新信息,欢迎广大考生访问中国招生考试网中考分数线栏目!  目前,2016年商丘中考录取分数线尚未公布,预计公布时间为7月初,为了提供给各位考生及家长们...


  中国招生考试网中考频道为您提供2016商丘中考分数线,2016年商丘中考分数线查询,商丘中考分数线预测,商丘中考录取分数线最新信息,欢迎广大考生访问中国招生考试网中考分数线栏目!  目前,2016年商丘中考录取分数线尚未公布,预计公布时间为7月初,为了提供给各位考生及家长们一个参考,下面是中国招生考试网小编为大家整理的2016年商丘中考分数线预测版,根据2015年情况进行整理,信息仅供参考使用,最新2016年商丘中考分数线小编将在公布后第一时间更新,敬请期待!2015年商丘中考录取分数线已公布  商丘市2015年商丘市普通高中录取分数线公布,市直高中录取分数线:  商丘市一高统招582,择校559,招生计划2200人;  商丘市回中统招497,择校396,招生总计划2300人;  商丘实验中学统招416,择校354,招生计划1400人;  商丘市三高统招335,择校335,招生计划800人;  商丘市第二高级中学统招512,择校451,招生计划2000人;  商丘四高统招422,择校365,招生计划1800人;  夏邑县高级中学统招530,择校436,招生计划2700人;  虞城县高级中学统招535,择校477,招生计划2700人;  柘城县高级中学统招485,择校413,招生计划2328;  宁陵县高级中学统招473,择校393,招生计划1800;  睢县高级中学统招537,择校443,招生计划2400人;  民权高级中学统招499,择校428,招生计划2370.









商丘市2015中招政策发布 商广网 2015-06-10 08:55

商广网讯 我市《关于2015年普通高中招生工作的意见》已经出台。记者昨日从市教育局获悉,今年我市高中招生政策出现多处明显变化,中招考试总成绩分值、考场设置、志愿设置和填报、中招录取等方面与往年差异明显,考生和家长需要详细了解和把握。










批次录取志愿设置两个志愿,每一个志愿后均设置有 “是否同意择校”选项。












被录取未报到考生 丧失报名资格



今年是全省教育系统“依法治教年”,省教育厅在严肃招生纪律方面,出台了新的规定。如:任何地方和学校不得突破计划招生,不得录取最低控制分数线以下的考生。除经省教育厅批准的面向全省招生和市教育局批准的面向全市招生的学校外,任何学校不得跨区域招生。严禁普通高中学校以国际班名义变相招收普通类考生,凡被录入国际班的学生一律不得转入普通班。严禁普通高中学校采取不正当的手段争抢生源。 未参加中招考试和未在网上填报志愿的学生,一律不能被普通高中录取。未经统一网上录取的学生一律不予注册普通高中学籍。被学校正常录取后未按规定时间报到的考生,视为放弃普通高中学业资格,省内一律不予注册普通高中学籍。如违反我省中招规定,涉及省级示范性高中的,省教育厅将给予通报批评直至撤销其省级示范性高中称号。涉及民办普通高中的,将责令其限期整改、停止招生直至吊销办学许可证。 政策详解






填报时间结束后,网络系统将关闭,无法再接受考生填报志愿。 民办初中填报志愿两种方式






题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分



( )1.—What _____ heavy rain it was!

—Yes, but I love ___ air after it rains. It smells so fresh. A. the; a B. a; the C. the; the D. a; a

( )2. At present, children mean____ to most parents in China.

A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something ( )3. —You may go to Milan for a free trip.

—It’s a very kind _____, but I really can’t accept it. A. excuse B. offer C. promise D. decision ( )4—Where shall we eat tonight?

—Let’s call Harry. He ____ knows the best places to go. A. only B. nearly C. seldom D. always

( )5. He finds watching movies ______because the people speak too quickly. A. frustrating B. frustrated C. frustrate D. frustration

( )6. This bus doesn’t go to the rain station. I’m afraid you’ll have to ____ at the

library and take the A52.

A. take off B. put off C. get off D. turn off ( A. laugh to B. laugh with C. laugh of D. laugh at ( Jenny’s. There is her name on it.

A. might be B. could be C. can’t be D. must be

( )9. He’s not a perfect child. He sometimes talks back ____ his parents talk with him.

A. if B. before C. when D. until

( )10. When Tim ___ why he was late for school, he just kept silent. A. was asked B. asked C. was asking D. is asked ( )11. --- I don’t know ______ with this problem. It’s too hard. --- You can ask Mr Wang for help.

A. which to do B. when to do C. what to do D. how to do

( )12. ---What a beautiful skirt! How long _____ you ______ it? --- For two months.

A. will; buy B. did ; buy C. are; having D. have; had ( )13. In the company of Microsoft, _____ of the workers are young men.

乡(镇) 学 班 姓 考号 …………沿……………………………此…………………………线………………………答………………………题…………

A. three fifth B. three fifths C. third five D. third fifth ( )14. —Excuse me, can you tell me ____?

—Sorry, I don’t. You can go to the information desk.

A. that there is a train B. when the train leaves C. which train can I take D. where does the train go. ( )15 .All of the following are traffic signs except ______.【2016年商丘中招分数线】


A B C D 二、完形填空:(10分)

At one of the school in London, the students can go into town in the afternoon. But they must to the school before six. One afternoon, Bob went to see a film. When he came back to the school, the school gate had already been closed. He went around the building to door. That one was closed, too. Then he saw

office, Bob looked chair.



an open window on the the room, but no one was in. He quickly into the room. Just then he heard a voice. Bob looked round and hid (躲藏) himself a

headteacher came in and sat down on the chair. He read a book for an hour. At last the headteacher stood up and went towards the door. “Thank goodness, he didn't ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

me.” Bob thought. he left the room, the headteacher spoke to the )16. A.come )18. A.first )20. A.at



D.get D.open

chair, “” ( )17. A.the other B.another C.small

B.second C.third B.out of




D.jumped D.find

)19. A. teacher's B. headteacher's C. door keeper's D. students' )21. A.climbed )23. A.see

B.went B.hear

C.ran C.catch

)22.A.behind B.in front of C.beside D.under )24. A.As soon as B.After




乡(镇) 学 校 班 姓 名 考 …………沿……………………………此…………………………线………………………答………………………题…………

Check to see if there are any water parks around you. Many are indoor facilities. So even if it isn’t warm enough where you live to swim outdoors, you can enjoy swimming in a temperature controlled area.

The prices are usually good. For example, one ticket to Water World, a water park, is only $5.

Some teens like to get a part time job over the summer to make some pocket money. Older teens shouldn’t have much trouble finding jobs.

An idea is to get some teens together to form your own summer job business. You can walk dogs, bring in the newspapers, feed the cats, collect rubbish, water flowers, etc.

Being that it’s summer, many people go on vacation and could use someone to look after their houses while they’re away. You can also think about other jobs you can do for them.

Teens love freedom. Sure you would like to get to such places as the small, movie theaters, the zoo, the beach, picnic, bowling and local amusement park


instead of staying home all summer. Then a summer bus pass will be helpful. Check to see if your area has one for you teens.

Such a pass costs only $10 for the whole summer. The price is reasonable(合乎情理的) and also your parents don’t have to always drive.

( )36. Who is the text written for?

A. Teachers B. Parents C. Teens D. Travelers

( )37. What is NOT mentioned as a part tome job for teens?

A. Washing cars B. Feeding cats C. Walking dogs D. Watering flowers ( )38. If Sally goes to Water World with two friends, they should pay________. A. $5 B. $10 C. $15 D. $20【2016年商丘中招分数线】

( )39. A summer bus pass is helpful for teens to ______. A. find part time jobs B. go out for fun C. go to summer classes D. do outdoor sports ( )40. What’s the text mainly about?

A. Part time jobs B. A summer pass

C. Water park swimming D. Things to do in summer


Your parents might not realize how important their health is to you. Now it’s your chance to let them know!

Think about it before starting.

Before you talk with your parents, it helps to get clear on what you want them to do. Get more exercise? Get more sleep? If you want a parent to lose



题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分



( )1.—What _____ heavy rain it was!

—Yes, but I love ___ air after it rains. It smells so fresh.

A. the; a B. a; the C. the; the D. a; a

( )2. At present, children mean____ to most parents in China. A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something

( )3. —You may go to Milan for a free trip.

—It’s a very kind _____, but I really can’t accept it.

A. excuse B. offer C. promise D. decision

( )4—Where shall we eat tonight?

—Let’s call Harry. He ____ knows the best places to go.

A. only B. nearly C. seldom D. always

( )5. He finds watching movies ______because the people speak too quickly.

A. frustrating B. frustrated C. frustrate D. frustration

( )6. This bus doesn’t go to the rain station. I’m afraid you’ll have to ____ at the

library and take the A52.

A. take off B. put off C. get off D. turn off

( those persons in trouble.

A. laugh to B. laugh with C. laugh of D. laugh at

( Jenny’s. There is her name on it.

A. might be B. could be C. can’t be D. must be

( )9. He’s not a perfect child. He sometimes talks back ____ his parents talk with him.

A. if B. before C. when D. until

( )10. When Tim ___ why he was late for school, he just kept silent.

A. was asked B. asked C. was asking D. is asked

( )11. --- I don’t know ______ with this problem. It’s too hard.

--- You can ask Mr Wang for help.

A. which to do B. when to do C. what to do D. how to do

( )12. ---What a beautiful skirt! How long _____ you ______ it?

--- For two months.

A. will; buy B. did ; buy C. are; having D. have; had

( )13. In the company of Microsoft, _____ of the workers are young men.

A. three fifth B. three fifths C. third five D. third fifth

( )14. —Excuse me, can you tell me ____?

—Sorry, I don’t. You can go to the information desk.

A. that there is a train B. when the train leaves

C. which train can I take D. where does the train go.

( )15 .All of the following are traffic signs except ______.



At one of the school in London, the students can go into town in the afternoon. But they must to the school before six. One afternoon, Bob went to see a film. When he came back to the school, the school gate had already been closed. He went around the building to door. That one was closed, too. Then he saw an open window on the but no one was in. He quickly office, Bob looked the room, into the room. Just then he heard a voice. Bob looked round and hid (躲藏) himself a chair. Then the headteacher came in and sat down on the chair. He read a book for an hour. At last the headteacher stood up and went towards the door. “Thank goodness, he didn't me.” Bob thought. (







( he left the room, the headteacher spoke to the chair, “Would you please )16. A.come )18. A.first )20. A.at B.go C.return D.get D.open D.fourth D.from D.jumped D.find the lights when you leave?” ( )17. A.the other B.another C.small B.second C.third B.out of C.into B.went B.hear )19. A. teacher's B. headteacher's C. door keeper's D. students' )21. A.climbed )23. A.see C.ran C.catch )22.A.behind B.in front of C.beside D.under )24. A.As soon as B.After C.Before D.When

2016年商丘中招分数线相关热词搜索:2016年商丘中招考试 2016年河南商丘中招


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