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导读: 江苏,英语四年级使用版本(共5篇)江苏省2013版小学英语四年级下册 unit2Unit 2 after schoolStory time1 Hi, Mike Let’s go and play table tennis What day is it today?It’s Wednesday Sorry, I have...

江苏省2013版小学英语四年级下册 unit2

Unit 2 after school

Story time

1. Hi, Mike. Let’s go and play table tennis.

What day is it today?

It’s Wednesday.

Sorry, I have a football match today.

2. Hi, Su Hai. Come and play table tennis. Sorry, I have a swimming lesson.

3. What about Su Yang?

She has a swimming lesson too.

What a pity!

4. What about Saturday? We don’t have

any lessons on Saturday.

All right.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Fun time

What day is it today?

It’s Monday.

What lessons do you have?

I have Chinese and Maths.

Cartoon time

1 . Get up! Get up!

2. Good morning, Bobby.

When do you get up every day? At six.

3. I get up at five!

4. What lessons do you have today? What day is it?

5. It’s Saturday.

Ah ! I don’t have any lessons on Saturday!

Sound time

Dad ,Dad, where’s the cat?

Where’s my cap and where’s my bag?

bag cap hamburger sandwich snack

Song time

Ticking time

I can say the days of the week.

I can use “have” and “has” to talk about the lessons.

I know the sound of the letter “ a”.

江苏省2013版 小学英语 四年级下册 Unit 1

Unit 1 Our school subjects Story time

1. Welcome back to school ,class. Nice to see you ,Miss Li.

Nice to see you ,too.

2. This is our new timetable. We have English , Chinese , Maths, Art , PE, Music and Science.

3. What subjects do you like ,Wang Bing? I like Chinese and Maths.

4. What about you Yang Ling?

I like English. It’s fun.

5. Oh! It’s time for PE.

Let’s go to the playground.

Art Chinese English Maths Music PE Science.

Cartoon time

1. Hi,billy. What lessons do we have【江苏,英语四年级使用版本】

this morning ?

Hi Bobby. It’s Monday. We have

Music and Maths . I like Music.

2. What lessons do we have this

afternoon ,Sam?

We have PE and Science. I like PE. It’s fun.

3. Ouch! But I don’t like that.

Sound time

Kate ,Kate ,don’t skate.

Come and make a cake.

cake grape make skate

Rhyme time


Music , Music , they like Music. Chinese ,Chinese ,you like Chinese . English ,English ,we all like English . Ticking time

I can say and write the names of some school subjects.

I can use “what” to ask about subjets.

I know the sound of the letter “a”


江苏省2013版小学英语四年级下册 unit6

Unit 6 Whose dress in this Story time

1. Look at my dress, Su Yang. It’s too short. Yes. Try this , Su Hai.

2. Your trousers are too long. Su Yang. Try these.

All right .

3. Now, let’s go to the party.

4. Look at Su Yang’s gloves, Helen. They are so big.

5. Whose gloves are these ,Su Yang? They are my father’s


6. Whose dress is this ,Helen?

It’s my cousin’s.

It’s so beautiful.

Thank you.


A coat a dress a shirt a sweater gloves jeans shorts trousers

Fun time

Guess and say

1. Whose sweater is this ? Guess! Is it Dan’s?

No .your are wrong.

2. Is it Joe’s?

Yes. You are right.


Cartoon time

1. What’s this ? It can move.

2. Is this a ball,Sam?

I think so.

Let’s play.

3. Ouch!


What’s the matter?

My hand hurt.

4. Hi! Nice to meet you.

Hi! Nice to meet you too. Sound time


before eating fish , Let’s listen to

some English .






Rhyme time

Whose cake is this ?

Oh ,Chris! Oh , Chris!

Whose cake is this ?

It’s my cake.

Let’s ear it by the lake.

Ticking time

I can say and write the names of some clothes.

I can us “ whose ” to ask questions. I know the sound of the letter “I ”

江苏省2013版小学英语四年级下册 unit4

Unit 4 Drawing in the park Story time

1. Let’s draw some pictures here.

Good idea!

2. What can you see over there?

I can see a tree and some flowers.

Can you draw them?

Sure. It’s easy.

3. This is the tree and these are the flowers. Well done.

4. Can you see the boat on the river?

Yes .

Can you draw it?

It’s difficult, but I can try.

Is this a boat?

单词a boat a flower a tree a hill a lake a river

Fun time

1. What can you do, Mary?

2. I can draw and I can make a cake【江苏,英语四年级使用版本】

Mary can draw and she can make a cake… Cartoon time

1. What’s in the big box?

Have a look bobby.

It’s great fun.

2. What can you see in it ?

I can see a boat on the lake?

3. Try again. What can you see mow?

4. It’s a tiger!

Sound time


Ken, it’s ten to ten.

Co to bed before ten.

bed desk pen red ten

Song time

Checkout time

ask and answer

look at this picture. What can you see?

I can see a boat on the river. I can …

Ticking time

I can talk about things in the park.

I can use “What can you do

questions .

I know the sound of the letter “ e ”.

”to ask ?

江苏,英语四年级使用版本相关热词搜索:四年级上册英语 小学四年级英语


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