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2016-09-21 12:23:39 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: go,for,it听力材料(共5篇)新目标(Go for it) 九年级英语全册综合(一) 听力材料及参考答案新目标(Go for it) 九年级英语全册综合(一) 听力材料一、根据你听到的对话,选择正确的答案回答问题。据你听到的对话,选择正确的答案回答问题。听下面5段对话,每听完一段对话后,做1个小题。1 M: I used t...


新目标(Go for it) 九年级英语全册综合(一) 听力材料及参考答案

新目标(Go for it) 九年级英语全册综合(一) 听力材料




1. M: I used to cut it in half. Could you lend me your scissors?

W: Sure. Here you are.

2. M: Excuse me, how can I get to the bookstore?

W: It’s a bit far. You can take the underground.

3. W: How time flies! It has been 3 years since we saw last year.

M: You have changed a lot, and I remember your hair used to be short.

4. M: Do you have any special memories at your junior high school?

W: I remembered winning first place in the school piano contest.

5. W: Mike, your spoken English is excellent. How do you do it? M: Well, I like listening to VOA news on the radio and repeating the pronucation. 听第六段对话,做第6-7小题。

W: Have you returned the book, Jim?

M: No, I haven’t. By the time I got to the library, it had been closed.

W: What time did it close?

M: It closed at 6:30. I was five minutes late.


M: What will the weather be like the day after tomorrow?

W: The weather man says it’s going to rain.

M: What a pity!

W: Are you going to do something in the open air?

M:Yes, we are going to help clean the city park. But we have to stay at home if it rains. 听第八段对话,做第10—12小题。

M: Hi, Amy! Do you know that there will be a history exam tomorrow?

W: Really? That’s too bad.

M: Haha, April Fool! Do you forget what day is it today?

W: Wow, I was really fooled.

M: All right. Now let’s serious. Actually,we will have a history exam the day after tomorrow. W: What? It seems that I can’t go shopping tomorrow.

M: Why?

W: I have to prepare for the exam. You know, I’m not good at history.


W: Hello, Lisa’s speaking.

M: Hello, Lisa. This is Jack.

W: Jack, what’s up?

M: I’m having a party at my house this Saturday. Would you like to come?

W: Cool. Who out ot our class do you invite?

M: Helen and John will come, too. Everyone will bring a dish.

W: Maybe I’ll bring something to drink. You know I’m a terrible cook.

M: You could bring some juice.

W: Good idea. See you then.

M: See you.

第二节 笔录要点 根据你所听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空不超过3个单词。

My name is Zhao Bing. I enjoy travelling. I have travelled to 13 cities. But my favorite city is Hangzhou. I went to Hangzhou with my new friend Shao Lei on October 1st 2013. I have an old friend Liu Jie, who lives in Hangzhou. We used to live in the neighborhood, but his family moved to Hangzhou in 2008. I felt very happy to see him again. I introduced Shao Lei to Liu Jie. They were glad to meet each other. The weather was fine. On the first day, Liu Jie invited us to have lunch in a special restaurant. After lunch, we went to the West Lake. It was very beautiful. We went boating in the lake. How exciting! We came back at 5:30. In the following two days, we visited other places of interest there. We enjoyed ourselves very much.

XX外国语学校Go for it! 八年级上期英语阶段性测试听力材料及答案

XX外国语学校Go for it! 八年级上期英语阶段性测试听力材料及答案 听力材料及答案


1. Where did you go on vacation last summer?

2. How often do you exercise?

3. Which singer do you think is the best?

4. What’s the best movie theater?

5. How do you like Nelly’s performance?

6. Which program do you think is more educational?


7. I like watching Mr. Bean. He is the funniest person I know.

8. I ride bicycles to school twice a week to exercise.

9. I’d like to go to Hong Kong and visit Disneyland.

10. Miss Black, I want to ask for a leave. My mother was ill in hospital.


11. W: Hello, Sam! Why are you so late today?

M: Oh, my bike is broken, so I have to run to school.

Question: How did Sam go to school today?

12. W: What kind of friends do you want to make?

M: I want to make friends with people who are out going and creative.

Question: What kind of friends does the man want to make with?

13. W: I want to have a big dinner with my old friends. Which is the best restaurant in town? M: It’s hard to say. Miller’s has the most delicious food, but Green Vegetables cooks the healthiest food. And don’t forget Blue Moon. It’s the cleanest.

W: I choose the one with the healthiest food.

Question: Which restaurant will the woman go?

14. W: I play tennis three times a week. What about you?

M: Me? I never play it. But my sister plays it as often as you.

Question: How often does the man's sister play tennis?

15. W: What's your favorite TV show?

M: Animal world of course. What about you?

W: Me, too!

Question: Are talk shows the women’s the favorite TV program?

16. W: Nice weather, isn't it?

M: Yes, it is. But it is going to rain soon.

W: Really, but the radio says it is going to be sunny for a week.

Question: What does the man think the weather will be like?

17. M: Julie, I heard you have a sister.

W: Right. She's two years younger than me.

M: Do you look similar?

W: Not really. She is tall and thin, but you see, I'm heavy and short. But we both have long hair.

Q; Do they both have short hair?

18. M: Mary, what are you doing next Saturday?

W: Well, we are going hiking in the mountains. Can you join us?

M: I'm sorry, I have to study for my physics test.

W: Oh, what a pity!

Q: Can the boy go hiking next Saturday?

19. M: What’s wrong? You look so tired.

W: Oh, my grandmother is ill in hospital. I walk eight miles to the subway station and I take the train to the hospital. It’s ten miles from the station to the hospital.

Q; How far is it from the subway station to the hospital?

20. W: I plan to watch Little Daddy tonight.

M: Come on, I don’t like the actor, Wen Zhang. But his son is very lovely.

W: Wen Zhang is funny. Maybe you will like him after seeing Little Daddy.

M: I really want to see it night, but I want to see CCTV News, too.

W: They are not at the same time! So you can …

Q: What will the woman see tonight?

四.听短文,选择正确答案,短文念三遍。 (每小题1分;计5分)

Hello, boys and girls! This is school radio station. Do you like travelling? Would you like to travel with us this summer vacation? Travelling is popular with people for a long time. Many of today’s young travellers are trying to have an unusual vacation. Hiking may be a good choice. If you don’t want to spend your vacation on a bus, in a hotel or sit on the beach, you may want to try hiking. Hiking is a great way to travel. You will get close to nature and take exercise at the same time. Hiking is easy to do and doesn’t have to be very

expensive. You can hike close to home or travel to other places. What you need for hiking is simple: good shoes, clothes and a backpack. You can hike in the mountains, in a forest or along a river. You can also go for a hike in the city.Our price is low: 300 yuan a person for a 4-day trip in Chengdu! And half the price for children below 10.

A 卷


1---5 ABBCA 6---10 CDBAC 11---15 ABBCC 16---20 ABAAB

21---25 CCAAC


26---30 CBCAB 31---35 ACCBC 36---40 CAACB 41---45 BABBA

46---50 BCDAB 51---55 AACCA 56---60 CCBBA 61--- 65 CBACB 66---70 ACBCA 71---75 BBBAA 76---80 ACABC 81---85 ACCAC


一、 适当形式填空:

1. seriously 2.creating 3.to listen4.surprised 5.sharing

6.less7.herself 8.(the)most successfully 9.action 10.planned


1.Long 2.full\busy 3.come 4.kind 5.Althoug\Though

6.keep7.Twice 8.want\hope\expect\wish 9.waiting 10.worry


1.was,2. creator, 3.us, 4.even, 5.more,

6.As,7. only, 8. interesting, 9.around,10. differently

四、 A. 文本还原:DABFC


1. she was seven.

2. when I’m relaxing

3. talented (in music)

4. she is famous or not

5. herself




新目标(Go for it) 八年级英语期中检测题听力材料及参考答案





1. M: What do you expect to be, Sarah?

W: I hope to be a TV reporter.

2. W: Where is your home, Danny?

M: My home is close to the park.

3. W: I’m always afraid to talk to Mr. Smith.

M: Yes, he is a serious man.

4. M: What is your new friend Mary like?

W: She has long and straight hair.

5. M: Hi, Tara. Let’s go to the movies this evening. There’s a comedy showing.

W: Good idea. I like comedies very much.


W: Where is Anna?

M: Look. She’s sitting by the pool.

W: No, that’s Mary. Anna has short hair, but Mary’s hair is long.

M: You are right, Linda.


M: Which restaurant has the most delicious dumplings, Jane? I want to eat some. W: Big Dumplings has the most delicious dumplings. You can eat there.

M: Where is it?

W: It’s on Bridge Street. You can take the No. 12 bus.


W: It’s too hot. Let’s go swimming, Dennis.

M: Great, Mom. What’s the best swimming pool?

W: Centre Swimming Pool, I think. It is the largest, but it’s the most expensive.

M: What about Green Swimming Pool?

W: Well, it is the cheapest and has the friendliest service, but it’s the most crowded.

M: I think we should go to the Park Swimming Pool. The water is good, and the price is not too


high. It is large enough.

W: OK. Let’s go.


M: Hello, welcome to our talk show, Miss Walt.

W: Thank you very much. I’m happy to be here.

M: I want to ask you some questions. What’s your job?

W: I’m an actress and play roles in different films.

M: Do you watch TV shows?

W: Yes, I like the news.

M: Can you tell me why you like it?

W: Because I hope to find out what’s going on around the world.

第二节 笔录要点 根据你所听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空不超过3个单词。

It’s Saturday today. Berry, Steve and Greg had no lessons. In the morning, they went shopping. They went to three clothes stores and bought some clothes in the third store. That store has the best service. Then they went to the nearest restaurant for lunch. The food was cheap but not delicious. In the afternoon, they went to see an action movie. It’s Greg’s favorite. After that, they watched a talent show in the theater. The theater has the most comfortable seats. At about 4:30, they took a bus home. They were tired but happy.【go,for,it听力材料】

go for it 8年级第一次月考听力材料


一、 听对话,选择正确的图片。

1、 A: Does your sister want to be a nurse or a teacher?

B:She wants to be a nurse.

2、A: What will you do this Sunday,Lily?

B:I’ll go skating.

3、A: What will you keep as a pet in the future, Li Lei?

B:I like a dog. So I’ll keep it as my pet.

4、A: Mum, my skirt is out of style. I want to buy a new one.

B:OK. Let’s go shoopping this afternoon.


5、A: Do you think there will be more buildings in the school?

B:No, I don’t think so. I think there will be more and more trees. Because we plant lots of treees every year.

二、 听对话,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。


A: What will you do next week, Nancy?

B:I have an important interview.What about you, Kate?

A:I want to go shopping with my mother. I want to buy a suit.


A:What does your father do, Dave?

B:He is a policeman. He is very busy.

A:Does he like his job?

B:Yes, he thinks his job is very interesting.

A:How does your fatcher relax?


B:He likes watching TV at home.

A:What do you often do for him?

B:I often cook delicious food. My fatcher is very happy when he eats food I cook for him?

A:You are great.


Dear Mom and Dad,

Please don’t feel surprised that I am writing to you. Last week you argued with each other about my English test. I failed again. You two didn’t talk to each other. I know you two are worrying about my stoudies. But don’t youknow? I want a warm family. I want both of you. So please get on well with each other, OK?

Dad, you are a man.Mother works in an office. She has to do the【go,for,it听力材料】

house work. I think you shouldn't be angry with her. Mom, you should understand Dad. He is a reporter. He has to talk with lots of people. Sometimes he has to work late into the night. He works very hard for our family. He is too tired.

As for my studies, please do not worry. I will work harder. I am sure I will pass the next English test!



2013中考英Go for it版九(全)Units 6—10测试卷【听力材料】

2013中考英Go for it版九(全)Units 6—10测试卷【听力材料】




(Text 1)

W: Don’t you know that you are an hour late?

M: I’m terribly sorry, madam. My bicycle broke down on the way and I had to mend it myself. (停顿10秒)

(Text 2)【go,for,it听力材料】

W: Can you tell me how you are getting on with your job?

M: Not bad, I think I have improved a lot. (停顿10秒)

(Text 3)

W: What’s the time by your watch?

M: Two thirty, but it’s five minutes fast. (停顿10秒)

(Text 4)

W: Hello, Mr Sun .Welcome to Shanghai.How was your journey?

M: It was awful.You know, the plane was late and the weather was too bad. (停顿10秒) (Text 5)

W: John, I heard Rose won the first prize in the English speech competition.

M: So she did.And Mike won the first prize, too.They got the same score. (停顿10秒)




(Text 6)

M: Hi, Alice.Look at my new camera.

W: Where did you get it ?

M: My uncle Robert sent it to me last week.

W: Who’s your uncle Robert?

M: He’s my mother’s brother.He lives in New York City.

W: Is it a good camera?

M: Yes, it’s a very good one.

W: That’s wonderful.Are you taking a lot of pictures?

M: Yes, I am.Do you want to see a few?

W: Yes.Who’s that?

M: That’ s my sister.She gave me a present, too.She gave me a blue tie.

W: Why did they give you presents?

M: Because it was my birthday.My mother and father gave me a new suit.


(Text 7)

W: Can I help you, sir?

M: Yes, please. Can you tell me where the research department is?

W: The research department? It’s on the fourth floor. You can go with me. I am going there myself.

M: Oh, that’s very nice of you. By the way, my name is Richard Johnson. I am a new engineer of the research department.

W: Nice to meet you. I am Ellen Simons, secretary of the research department.

M: Oh, that’s so good, Miss Simons.

W: Please call me Ellen.

M: Oh, sure, Ellen. How lon g have you worked in the research department?

W: I’ve been in the department for four years.

M: Well, that ’s a long time

W: N ow exactly. Most engineers have worked in the department for five or six years. Some have even worked in the department for more than ten years.

M: Wow, unbelievable. They must be very important members of the company.

W: You are right. Three of them are famous design engineers in t he field. They like this department and they say only here can they work so well. You’ll find this out in time.

M: I am sure. (停2秒,然后重复,后再停15秒)

三、 听独白,回答问题


Hello, everyone. Welcome to join us in the game. Now please look at the table below. What is it? Can you guess? Yes, they are the top ten songs this week. The songs are in the order of popularity. OK, let’s look at the changes of the order of the songs, compared with that of last week. Would you please take up your pen and make Arrow Up if the song goes up, just like the song A, of course Arrow Down if t he song goes down, just like the song C. Here we go. The son g B stays the same. The songs D, G, and H are the same as the song A. However, the songs E, F and I all go down. Attention, please, the song J which is sung by Wilson is popular with the people. So it is a new one in the top ten.

Are you clear? Here is the problem for you: Since w e have known the change of every song goes between one and two. This means the songs which go up and down between o ne and two. Do you know what songs were in top 1, 5 and 7 last week?


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