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On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the

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导读: On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the篇一:初三英语第一学期期末考试试卷 ...

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On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the篇一:初三英语第一学期期末考试试卷




第一节 讲话理解(共15小题,30分;每小题2分)


听第一段对话,回答第(1) ~ (2)小题。

(1) What is the man doing now?

A. He is cooking. B. He is reading a newspaper. C. He is writing a letter.

(2) Where will they work together?

A. Near the garden. B. In the garden. C. Outside the garden.


(3)How long haven’t they seen each other?

A. For about 10 years. B. For about 50 years. C. For about 15 years.

(4) What are they going to do?

A. Ask the other classmates. B. Have dinner together. C. Go shopping.

(5) What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Classmates in the same middle school. B. Deskmates in the same university.

C. Workmates in the same company.


(6) What colour of the t-Shirt does the woman like?

A. White. B. Yellow. C. Dark blue.

(7) What are the woman and her husband going to do next weekend?

A. To go to the cinema. B. To go to a party. C. To buy shoes.

(8) What did the woman buy at last?

A. Nothing. B. T-shirt and shoes. C. A T-shirt.


(9) How will Steven go to London?

A. By train. B. By bus. C. By plane.

(10) How much does a student travel card cost for a year ?

A. £ 16. B. £ 32. C. £ 60.

(11) How can Lily get a student travel card Except For?

A. Two photos. B. Her ID card. C. A letter permitted (同意) from her school.


(12) Whom is the letter to?

A. Mandy. B. Jessica. C. Willis.

(13) When will Jessica come to Boston?

A. In a few days. B. Tomorrow. C. At the end of the month.

(14) What was the weather like when Jessica came to Boston last time?

A. Very hot. B. Very cold. C. Very rainy.

(15) Why didn’t Jessica tell her friend about her visit on the phone?

A. Because she changed her phone.

B. Because she forgot her phone number.

C. Because her friend changed her phone number.

第二节 听取信息(共5小题,5分;每小题1分)




第一节 单项选择(共10小题,10分,每小题1分)

(16) If you go by________ train, you can have quite a comfortable trip, but make sure you

get________ fast one.

A. the; the B. /; a C. the; a D. /; /

(17) We will stay in the hospital until the boy’s mother ________.

A. reaches B. will come C. arrives D. get to see him

(18) This morning Sally went to the shopping centre in such a hurry that she________ the key at


A. failed B. missed C. lost D. left

(19) --- Kelly, you _____ be thirsty and hungry after a long walk.

--- Yes, of course.

A. must B. can C. have to D. should

(20) — Did you go to Sam’s weekend party?

— No, I ______________.

A. am not invited B. wasn’t invited

C. haven’t invited D. didn’t invite

(21) “I have ______ the Golf Club for over 10 years,” said Jack.

A. been in B. joined in C. taken part in D. joined

(22) Mary had breakfast at seven, ______ she?

A. hadn’t B. had C. did D. didn’t

(23) --- I find it quite hard to understand the passage.

--- Yes, _____ there are few new words in it.

A. because B. so C. though D. or

(24)--- Tom wants to know_____________.

--- I don’t know, either. He said he would phone me as soon as he came back.

A. when Dad comes back B. when did Dad come back

C. when Dad will come back D. when does Dad come back

(25)--When are you leaving?

--- We are ____________ to the airport at 7:00.

A. setting up B. setting out C. setting about D. setting off


Dear Yang Min, fantastic, but we don’t want to ever see a plane again—we to a different place nearly every day. South America is a beautiful continent. We have seen the deserts and mountains in Chile, the Amazon rainforest. Now we are in Sao Paulo, is a huge, and big crowded city in Brazil. Some people who live in the cities are very rich but some people have no home and no jobs—it’s very sad. Your granddad likes it here everyone talks about soccer. The Brazilians, soccer team is one of the best in the world, all love soccer. We went to watch a match in a famous football stadium. Your granddad loved it. I preferred all the countryside, which is so beautiful here and the animals. We’ve seen so many beautiful animals like

We will be home 5 days to have a rest. Hope you your English test. Give our love to Mum and Dad.

(26) A. in B. at C. by D. to

(27) A. is B. was C. has been D. had been

(28) A. have moved B. moved C. move D. will move

(29) A. where B. that C. who D. which

(30) A. if B. though C. because D. as

(31) A. which B. whose C. who D. whom

(32) A. to see B. see C. in seeing D. seeing

(33) A. macaws and snakes B. a macaw and a snake

C. macaw and snake D. the macaws and the snakes

(34) A. after B. for C. in D. within

(35) A. will pass B. passed C. pass D. to pass

三、完形填空(共10 小题,10 分;每小题1分)


On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the road. She was worried. Her had broken down. Just then a poor man named Robert came. He was on his way back home from

work as usual.

The lady wondered, “” But to her surprise, he stopped and said with a smile. “What’s wrong, madam?” The lady told him what was happening.

After a while, the car was at last fixed by Robert. The lady wanted to pay him. “No, that is ” he said, “me back, I hope whenever you see someone in trouble, you should give him a hand.” A few minutes later, the lady a shabby(破旧的)house by the road. She remembered Robert’s words, so she stopped. The hostess(女主人)warmly asked her the 500 dollars on a table and went away quietly. Robert came home later than “Don’t worry, dear! A stranger has helped us out!”

Let’s always be ready to help others because helping others is helping ourselves.

(36) A. bike B. motorbike C. bus D. car

(37) A. help B. save C. kill D. find

(38) A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything

(39) A. picture B. rain C. need D. danger

(40) A. saw B. heard C. smelt D. felt

(41) A. out B. in C. away D. along

(42) A. terrible B. sad C. rich D. poor

(43) A. dropped B. forgot C. left D. lay

(44) A. exciting B. hard C. happy D. interesting

(45) A. many B. some C. enough D. few




A well-trained teacher is not nervous, because she has the confident which comes of they have not understood what she has explained, she is able to repeat her explanation again in different ways. Above all, she must never cause her pupils to lose confidence(信心). She must always speak to them kindly and when one of them turns red with shame at having answered a question after a long delay instead of easily, she must quickly make him or her feel at ease again. I was once sad to see a teacher being unkind to a girl who put up her hand and then answered a question with mistakes.

(46) A well-train teacher is never nervous because ___________.

A. she knows she has not got everything ready

B. she has enough confidence to do it ready

C. she never knows it is a shame

D. she’d like to be anything but a teacher

(47) The underline sentence “She can help all her pupils, from the brightest to the slowest” means

that she can help____________.

A. neither the brightest pupils of hers nor the slowest ones

B. either the brightest pupils of hers or the slowest ones

C. not only the brightest pupils of hers but also the slowest ones

D. all her pupils with the white skins or dark skins

(48) When well-trained teacher sees the silence of her class, _______________.

A. she will teach them a good lesson

B. she would get angry

C. she will not explain it any more

D. she is sure to explain what she has explained over and over again

(49) When the pupils can’t give her correct answers, ________________.

A. she will be kind and patient to them

B. she will let them turn red with shame

C. she will keep them standing for a long time

D. she will order them to think over the question

(50) Seeing a teacher was once unkind to a girl, ____________.

A. the writer got very unhappy

B. the writer put up his hand

C. the writer answered the question instead of the girl

D. the writer was asked to stand up


Each year, thousands of Chinese middle school students go to study in foreign countries. Recent research shows among 428 middle school students in Shanghai, nearly half of them would like to study abroad(国外). “Chinese children are eager to go abroad to get a wider view, less academic (学业) competition or even family honour,” said Chen Yi, a Chinese writer who has lived in the USA for 16 years. “But life in foreign countries can be hard for young people.”

“We have to face the culture shock(差异) and language problems,” said Hong Guang, a Chinese student in London. However, these are not always the most difficult things to overcome. To most children, controlling themselves when studying alone in a foreign country is a big challenge.

Zhang Jia, a 16-year-old student from Shanghai, entered high school in Melbourne, Australia last October. To his surprise, his teachers there seldom pushed students to study. And usually there wasn’t much homework. Some of his friends spent their whole year’s money in the first two months of the new term.

“Studying abroad at a young age can help students learn foreign languages quickly and broaden their minds, but students and parents should know about the challenges,” Chen said.

(51) What does the research tell us?

A. Half of the students in China would like to study abroad.

B. Half of the students in Shanghai would like to study abroad.

On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the篇二:八年级英语月考试卷及答案


(考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分)

命题人: 陈伟

第Ⅰ卷 ( 选择题 共85分 )


第一部分 听对话,回答问题。

本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话, 每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。

( )1. What is David looking for?

A. B. C.


)2. Which sign can they see?

A. B. C.

( )3. What’s Jim going to do next Sunday?

A. B. C.

( )4. What does the boy’s father do?

A. B. C.

( )5. What’s the girl’s favourite bird?

A. Sparrow. B. Swan. C. Swallow.

( )6. Who has a big nose?

A. Jim does. B. Jack does. C. Both Jim and Jack.

( )7. Where is Paul going?

A. To a cinema. B. To a museum. C. To a hospital.

( )8. Where are the two speakers?

A. On the bus. B. At the bus stop. C. In the Children’s House.

( )9. How many hectares(公顷)does the nature reserve have?

A. 210,000 . B.21,000 . C. 2,100,000.

( )10. Which team won the game?

A. The Rockets. B. The USA. C. The Lakers.

第二部分 听对话或短文,回答问题。



( )11. How is the weather in Beijing tomorrow?

A. Snowy. B. Sunny. C. Windy.

( )12.How many seasons are mentioned(提到)in the conversation?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three.


( )13. A. the school gate B. the cinema gate C. Wildlife Restaurant

( )14. A. 9:15am B. 9:20am C. 9:25am

( )15. A. Wildlife Restaurant B. the school restaurant C. Zhalong Restaurant 听第二篇短文,回答16-20题。

( )16. Whose house was the hole(洞)?

A. A mouse’s. B. The little mouse’s. C. The snake’s.

( )17. What were the snakes doing?

A. They were sleeping. B. They were chatting. C. They were eating.

( )18. How did the little mouse’s mother feel?

A. She felt sleepy. B. She felt afraid of the snakes. C. She wasn’t afraid of the snakes.

( )19. When did the story take place?

A. On a winter afternoon. B. On an autumn morning. C. On a spring morning.

( )20. What can we learn from the story?

A. Snakes never eat mice. B. Snakes usually sleep in winter. C. Mice like to live next to snakes.

二、单项选择 从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。(20分)

( )21. Jim is ______excellent runner. He often comes _____first in the race.

A. an, the B. the, the C. a, / D. an, /

( )22. Not only English but also maths _______ my favourite subject.

A. is B. are C. be D. am

( )23. --- Will it be sunny this afternoon?

--- It _______ fine. Who knows? The weather (天气) always changes quickly.

A. must be B. will be C. may be D. maybe

( )24. The boy didn’t go to see the film with his parents yesterday the coming exam.

A. if B. because C. because of D. so

( )25. They think wolves are dangerous ____ humans, so this leads ____ the danger of wolves.

A. for; to B. as; for C. to; to D. at; in

( )26. We must hurry up. There are few minutes _______.

A. left B. leaving C. to leave D. leave

( )27. We should tell hunters _______tigers.

A. don’t kill B. not kill C. killing D. not to kill

( )28. What great fun we had ______ and ______ together at the party yesterday!

A. to sing, to dance B. sang, danced C. singing, dancing D. to sing, dance

( )29. --- Sandy, please don’t tell anybody about our secret, OK? --- _______.

A. OK, I do. B. OK, I will C. OK, I don’t D. OK, I won’t

( )30. The little boy often makes his mother _____him _____.

A. talk, something interesting B. tell, something interesting

C. say, interesting something D. speak, interesting something

( )31. There are ________ bears on the earth because they have ________ space on it.

A. fewer and fewer; less and less B. more and more; fewer and fewer

C. less and less; fewer and fewer D. more and more; less and less

( )32. --- ______did the baby panda Xi Wang ______ when she was born?

--- About 100 grams.

A. How heavy, weigh B. What, weight

C. How many, weight D. How much, weigh

( )33. Sandy’s drawing is ________ than ________.

A. much better; her B. more beautiful; his

C. a little beautiful; Peter’s D. even worse; Peter

( )34. Now the Chinese government has made laws ______ the people ______ in some public

places like schools and hospitals.

A. to protect, to smoke B. to protect, smoking

C. to prevent, to smoke D. to prevent, smoking

( )35. Is Zhalong one of the world’s ________?

A. important wetland B. the most important wetlands

C. most important wetlands D. more important wetlands

( )36. --- I lost my bike yesterday and had to walk home. --- __________.

A. It doesn’t matter B. It’s a pleasure

C. I’m sorry to hear that D. Not at all

( )37. --I’m sorry I ______ my exercise book at home.

---Don’t forget _______ it to school tomorrow, please.

A. forgot, to take B. left, to bring C. forgot, to bring D. left, to take

( )38. --- What a heavy rain! Will it last long?

--- ______________. We are getting into the rainy season now.

A. I’m afraid so B. Of course not C. That’s impossible D. I’m afraid not

( )39. We all know that lions ____________ meat.

A. live on B. live for C. live at D. live in

( )40. --- What is your best friend like? --- A. He is fine. Thank you. B. He is a doctor.

C. He likes watching TV. D. He is helpful and generous.

三、完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(15分)

On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the road. She was very worried. Her __41__ had broken down(抛锚了). Just then a poor man named Robert came. He was on his __42__ back home from work as usual.

The lady wondered, “Is the man going to __43__ me? He looks very cold and hungry.” But to her surprise, __44__ stopped and said with a smile, “Can I help you, Madam?”

After forty __45__, the car was at last fixed by Robert. The lady wanted to pay him.

“No, that’s __46__, Madam,” he said. “I was just helping someone in __47__. If you really want to pay me back, I __48__ whenever(无论何时) you see someone in need, you should give him a hand.”

A few minutes later, the lady __49__ a shabby(破旧的) house by the road. She remembered Robert’s words, so she stopped.

The hostess(女主人) warmly asked her__50__. The lady could see that was a __51__ family and that they needed help. When the hostess was making tea in the kitchen, the lady __52__ on a table 500 dollars and went away quietly.

Robert came home later than before, thinking how __53__ their life was. His wife was pregnant(怀孕) and the baby would be born the next month but there was not __54__ money. His wife went up to him, gave him a kiss and said softly, “Don’t worry, dear! Everything’s going to be all __55__. A stranger has helped us out.”

Let’s always be ready to help others because helping others is helping ourselves.

( )41. A. bike B. motorbike C. bus D. car

( )42. A. street B. way C. road D. life

( )43. A. help B. save C. kill D. find

( )44. A. she B. he C. I D. they

( )45. A. days B. hours C. minutes D. years

( )46. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything

( )47. A. picture B. rain C. need D. danger

( )48. A. want B. hope C. believe D. wish

( )49. A. saw B. heard C. smelt D. felt

( )50. A. out B. away C. in D. along

( )51. A. terrible B. sad C. rich D. poor

( )52. A. dropped B. forgot C. lay D. left

( )53. A. exciting B. hard C. happy D. interesting

( )54. A. many B. some C. enough D. few ( )55. A. right B. wrong C. glad D. well

四、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案,每题2分。(30分)


( )56.What do people want to do at Nancy’s Gym?

A. To enjoy swimming B. To learn skating

C. To become thinner D. To become taller

( )57. Lucy likes skating. Which advertisement is she interested in?

A. Ice World B. Water World C. Nancy’s Gym D. Keep fit

( )58. You can call at _________ when you want to swim.

A. 45562233 B. 88682526 C. 21518296 D. 85882526

( )59. You can go to swim in Water World at___________.

A. 8:00 a.m. B. 9:30 a.m. C. 10:00 p.m. D. 11:00 p.m.

( )60. Which activity costs the most for an adult?

A. Keeping fit at Nancy’s Gym. B. Skating in Ice World.

C. Swimming in Water World. D. Making the Telephone.


Many animals hide(躲藏) to stay alive. They hide in many ways. Some animals hide in leaves; some animals hide in snow. Usually their colors or shapes(形状) help protect them. It’s hard to see an Arctic bear in snow. Its white fur helps protect it. Chameleons(变色龙) can hide by changing colors. Their skin turns the same color as what is around them. Some chameleons can change colors in five minutes.

Many animals try to look bigger than they are to stay alive. Some animals can make other animals think they are very big. If they look very big, animals that are looking for food will run away. Bears can walk on two legs. They look very, very scary(可怕的). Some animals will run away from them.

Many animals try to stay around other animals. This helps them stay alive. Zebras stay close together so that they can help each other look out for danger. Seeing many stripes(条纹) at once can also confuse(使混乱) animals that want to eat them. Some birds stay in a circle, each toward a different direction. In this way they can also help each other stay alive by looking around for animals that may want to eat one of them.

( )61. Animals have ways to stay alive. Which animal try to look bigger than they are to stay

alive in the passage?

A. Zebras. B. Chameleons. C. Birds. D. Bears.

( )62. Why do animals hide?

A. Because they like to play hide-and-seek. B. Because they are shy.

C. Because they want to catch other animals. D. Because they want to protect themselves.

( )63. How do Chameleons hide?

A. They change colors. B. They change shapes.

C. They hide in snow. D. They hide in leaves.

( )64. How do zebras hide?

A. Become good friends. B. Talk to each other.

C. Help each other look out for danger. D. Eat and play together.

( )65. Why do animals try to look bigger than they are?

A. They want other animals to run away from them. B. They want other animals to follow them.

C. They want other animals to see them. D. They want other animals to like them


Do you want to save(节省) money when you take our train to travel? Here are some ways. Day Returns

This kind of ticket can save you 45% on the fare. You have to travel before 8:00 a.m. and after 6:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday, but you can travel at any time on Saturday or Sunday.

Big City Savers

You can save much money with these tickets. You have to buy them by 4:00 p.m. the day

On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the篇三:高中招生模拟考试英语试题及答案

绝密★启用前 试卷类型:A



(满分120分 时间120分钟)


将I卷所有答案填入II 卷答题纸内,只交II卷即可。



(一)录音中有5个句子, 每个句子只听一遍,然后从A,B,C三个选项中, 选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。

1. A. I‟m sorry to hear that, too. B. Oh, that's all right. C. Thank you all the same.

2.A. Sure, I will. B. I'm sorry, it‟s possible. C. Sorry, I won‟t.

3. A. Don‟t say that again. B. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

C. Come here again, welcome you.

4.A. Really? Why not? B. Goodbye, congratulations to you!

C. Well, goodbye and have a good trip!

5. A. I think so. B. Thanks. You too! C. I‟ll go to the park.

(二)录音中有5组对话和5个问题, 听对话和问题两遍后, 从每小题A,B,C三个选项中, 选出能回答录音中每个问题的正确答案。

6. A. California . B. Beijing. C. there.

7. A. They are talking and laughing. B. They are introducing to each other.

C. They are speaking on the phone.

8. A. They are in a shop. B. They are in a doctor‟s room.

C. There are something wrong with the baby.

9. A. on a bus. B. at a traffic light C. by car.

10. A. By car B. on foot C. By bike.

(三)录音中有一段对话和5个问题,听对话和问题两遍后, 从每小题A,B,C中三个选项中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。

11. Why does the man buy his wife a gift?

A. for Christmas B. for her birthday C. for her friend‟s party.

12. What does the man want to buy?

A. an expensive evening dress. B. a cheap hat. C. something expensive and beautiful.

13.What does he buy at last?

A. a lovely hat B. an evening dress. C. a pair of pants.

14. How much does the gift?

A. Two hundred dollars. B. Two hundred yuan C. One hundred dollars.

15. Where is the shop?

A. in Beijing B. in New York C. in Paris


21. — Have you both ever listened to foreign music?

— _________ .

A. Yes. We did. B. No, we have often. C. Yes, I have. D. No, never.

22.—Have you finished your work yet?

—No, not yet. I think it‟ll take _____ ten minutes

A. another B. other C. others D. more

23. .—Will you please show me how to operate the new machine?

—Sure. It‟s a piece of cake. Now let me tell you _____ to do first.

A. what B. how C. whether D. which

24. — Shopping with me ?

—Sorry, I have a lot of clothes ___________ .

A. to wash B. washed C. wash D. to be washed

25. —Will you come to the net bars with me﹖

—Sorry.My mother always tells me ______ there.

A. not go B. go C. not to go D. to go

26. — __________?

—Quite well, thank you.

A. What do you do B. What do you think of it.

C. How are you getting on with your English D. Are you good at English

27. —Everyone knows the earth moves round the sun.

—But long long ago, people didn‟t know the earth___ round the sun.

A. moving B. moved C. moves D. went

28. —Tom‟s ill. When shall we go to see him, tonight or tomorrow night?

—____. Either night is OK.

A. I don‟t know B. I don‟t mind C. I‟m not sure D. I„m afraid not

29.— It‟s necessary to slow down the population growth.

—________ .

A. No problem B. I agree C . I‟m afraid not D. All right

30. —Is anyone at home?

— Yes, _________ ?

A. Who are you B. What are you doing

C. What are you looking for D. Who is it

31. —What’s your ________ name, please?

—Robert Thomas Brown, but you can call me Mr. Brown.

A. family B. given C. first D. full

32. — Do you still have a headache, Bill?

— No, it’s _________. I‟m all right now, mum.

A. dropped B. run C. left D. gone

33. —Is Mr. Smith really very ill?

—________. He‟s in hospital.

A. I don’t think so B. No, he isn‟t C. I hope so D. I’m afraid so

34. — I don’t think your team can beat theirs.

—____.But we could if Lin Tao were on the team.

A. No, we can’t B. Yes ,we can’t C. Yes, we can D. No, we can

35. — How is everything going on?

—________ .

A. Everything is finished. B. Everything is well.

C. Not too bad. D. Not doing wrong, you know.



On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the road. She was very worried. Her had broken down. Just then a poor man named Robert came. He was on his back home from work as usual.

The lady wondered, “Is the man going to me? He looks very cold and hungry." But to her surprise, “Can I help you, madam?"

After forty “No, that's 41 , madam." he said, “I was just helping someone in 42 . If you really want to pay me back, I hope you see someone in need, you should give him a hand."

A few minutes later, the lady a shabby (破旧的)house by the road. She remembered Robert's words, so she stopped. 

The hostess(女主人) warmly asked her . The lady could see that was a family and that they needed help. When the hostess was making tea in the kitchen, the lady on a table 500 dollars and went away quietly.

Robert came home later than before, thinking how their life was. His wife was pregnant(怀孕money. His wife went up to him, gave him a kiss and said softly, “Don't worry, dear! Everything's going to be all

Let's always be ready to help others because helping others is helping ourselves.

35. A. bike B. motorbike C. bus D. car

37. A. step B. way C. road D. life  38 A. help B. save C. kill D. find

39. A. she B. he C. I D. they

40. A. days B. hours C. minutes D. years

41. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything

42. A. picture B. rain C. need D. danger

43. A. whatever B. whenever C. however D. whichever

44. A. saw B. heard C. smelt D. felt

45. A. out B. away C. in D. along

46. A. terrible B. sad C. rich D. poor

47. A. dropped B. forgot C. lay D. left

48. A. exciting B. hard C. happy D. interesting

49. A. many B. some C. enough D. few

50. A. right B. wrong C. glad D. well



A: Hello. Is Meimei in, please?

B: . Who is that?

A: This is Zhu Lei here. Have you watched the performance by Tai Lihua at CCTV. Spring Festival Gala for 2005?

B: .

A: I haven‟t either. But it‟s said this is a very beautiful dance.

B: . Was it given by Tai Lihua only?

A: No, it was given by Tai Lihua and other 19 girls. And many people in the country were excited by it.

B: Why are so many people excited? Was there something special about it?

A: Yes. There 20 girls are all deaf and mute (哑的)ones.

B:Oh, I understand. I hope I can have a chance to watch it.

A: Don‟t worry. Here comes the chance. Look, I nave got two tickets for their performance in Wuhan Theatre tonight. .

B: Sure. How shall we get there?

‟s not far from here.

B: OK. I‟ll wait for you at home at two. See you here.


所给句子的最佳选项。(共13小题,计13分) A

56. Who wrote this poem?

A. We don‟t know. B. Chairman Mao.

C. Zhou Enlai D. Li Bai.

57. Which season did the writer write about?

A . Winter B. Spring

On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the篇四:初三英语一模试题


英 语







一. 听力(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 听力理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



1. Who did Rocky go to the concert with last night?

A. His friends. B. His children. C. His parents.

2. What was the concert held for?

A. Collecting money for poor children at home and abroad.

B. Showing the singers‟ love for the children.

C. Singing some good songs for children.


3. Where is the talk most likely to happen?

A. At home. B. At the railway station. C. At a bus stop.

4. Where has John been?

A. He‟s been to the station. B. He went to buy tickets. C. He went shopping.

5. What‟s wrong with John?

A. His foot is hurt. B. His leg is hurt. C. He lost his ticket. 听第三段对话,回答第6~8三个小题。

6. Why does the man make a call?

A. To invite his friends to go out for dinner.

B. To book a dining room for supper.

C. To book a big room for dinner tomorrow.

7. How many persons are there in the man‟s group?

A. 6. B. 7. C. 8.

8. When will the man get to Pompas?

A. At 6:45 pm. B. At 7:15 pm. C. At 7:45 pm.


9. How is the weather today? It is ________.

A. fine B. rainy C. windy

10. What will the woman do this weekend?

A. Go for a holiday with her friends.

B. Go for a picnic with her family.

C. Go camping in Everland.

11. Where will the man perhaps stay tonight?

A. In Sam‟s house. B. Somewhere outside. C. At the cinema.


12. Where is the new shopping mall(大型购物中心)?

A. In the old center of the city. B. Next to the airport.

C. Next to the bank.

13. How many supermarkets are there in the mall?

A. 3. B. 4. C.2.

14. You can‟t _______ in the new shopping mall.

A. buy clothes B. play sports C. see movies

15. What do the owners(主人) of the small stores think of the new shopping mall?

A. They are happy with the news.

B. They are unhappy with the news.

C. They really want to take a look.

第二节 听取信息 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


二. 语言知识与运用 (共20小题,20分; 每小题1分)

1)在下列各题的四个答案中选择一个最佳答案. (共10小题, 10分; 每小题1分)

16. The town ________ we visited last month is the one ________ the famous artist was born.

A. where; which B. where; where C. that; which D. that; where

17. Here‟s my little cat. Please __________ it while I‟m away.

A. look after B. look up C. look for D. look at

18. —Do you know __________ the MP3 player last week?

—Sorry, I have no idea.

A. how much did she pay for

C. how much she paid for B. how much will she pay for D. how much she will pay for

19. —Would you like to see the film with me?

—I‟m sorry I __________it twice.

A. see B. will see C. have seen D. am seeing

20. —What good weather! Let‟s go boating on the lake.


A. That‟s all right

C. It doesn‟t matter B. Thank you very much D. That‟s a good idea

21.-Must I stay at home and take care of her ?

-No, you ________.

A.mustn„t B. won‟t C can„t D. needn‟t

22. This maths problem is ________that one.

A. so easy as B. as difficult as

C. much difficult than D. less easier than

23. — Tom, is this your dictionary?

— No, it's not________. It's David's.

A. yours B. mine C. his D. hers

24. Wake up, Nick. It's time to_______ , or you‟ll be late for school.

A. get up B. get back C. get away D. get off

25. I was reading a newspaper when I heard someone_____ my name.

A. to call B. calling C. calls D. called

2)语法选择 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Li Mei was born on a farm in the west China. He lived there with his family fifteen years. The whole family grew their own food and animals. But one year there

was a flood so they made the to move to another village. first home in the new village was a small house. The house by his family like their former home. Then Jack‟s uncle was a skillful builder made another house with wood and stones so the family had somewhere Now, each day Jack went to other people‟s farms to do hard work. He also sells vegetables in the market and made the newly to his farm in the hills one day.

26. A.for B.after C. since D. until

27 A. feed B. feeding C. fed D.feeds

28. A. deciding B. decision C. decided D. decides

29. A. Their B. Its C.His D. They

30. A. was built B. built C was building D is built

31. A. he B. who C. which D.whom

32. A. best B better C. good D god

33. A. many B. few C. a lot D. a little

34. A to B with C at D in

35. A. return B returned C. to return D. returning



On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the road. She was worried. Her had broken down. Just then a poor man named Robert came. He was on his way back home from work as usual.

The lady wondered, “” But to her surprise, he stopped and said with a smile. “What‟s wrong, madam?” The lady told him what was happening.

After a while, the car was at last fixed by Robert. The lady wanted to pay him. “No, that is madam.” he said, “I was just helping someone in If you really want to pay me back, I hope whenever you see someone in trouble, you should give him a hand.” A few minutes later, the lady a shabby(破旧的)house by the road. She remembered Robert‟s words, so she stopped. The hostess(女主人)warmly asked her was making tea in the kitchen, the 500 dollars on a table and went away quietly. Robert came home later than before, thinking how their life was. Their gave him a kiss and said softly, “Don‟t worry, dear! A stranger has helped us out!”

Let‟s always be ready to help others because helping others is helping ourselves.

(36) A. bike B. motorbike C. bus D. car

(37) A. help B. save C. kill D. find

(38) A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything

(39) A. picture B. rain C. need D. danger

(40) A. saw B. heard C. smelt D. felt

(41) A. out B. in C. away D. along

(42) A. terrible B. sad C. rich D. poor

(43) A. dropped B. forgot C. left D. lay

(44) A. exciting B. hard C. happy D. interesting

(45) A. many B. some C. enough D. few

四、阅读理解 (共20小题;满分40分;每小题2分)



There once was a blind man. He decided to visit Texas. When he got on the plane, he felt the seats and said, “Wow, these seats are big!” The person next to him answered, “Everything is big in Texas.”

When he arrived in Texas, he decided to visit a bar first. In the bar, he ordered a glass of beer. “Wow, the glass is big!” he said. “Everything is big in Texas,” the waiter replied. After two glasses of beer, the blind man asked the waiter where the bathroom was. The waiter answered, “Second door to the right.” The blind man headed for the bathroom, but accidentally he tripped over and skipped the second door. Instead, he entered the third door which led to a swimming pool. The blind man fell into the pool by accident.

Frightened to death, the blind man started shouting, “Don‟ flush(冲洗厕所)! Don‟t flush!”

46. The blind man decided to _________.

A. visit his friend in Texas B. drink beer in Texas

C. pay a visit to Texas D. find out which is the biggest in Texas

47. How did the blind man go to Texas?

A. By plane. B. By bus. C. By taxi. D. By train.

48. Where did the blind man go first when he arrived in Texas?

A. A library. B. A swimming pool. C. A bar. D. A bathroom.

49. Actually(事实上), what did the blind man want to do after drinking too much beer?

A. To have a swim. B. To go to the toilet.

C. To take a bath. D. To leave the bar.

50. When the man fell into the swimming pool, he thought he fell into the __________.

A. pool B. lake C. river D. toilet


For most people, the word “fashion(时尚)” means “clothes”. But people may ask the question, “What clothes are in fashion?” And they use the adjective “fashionable” in the

On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the篇五:初二第二学期英语期末试卷及答案1548


第一部分 选择题(共85分)

一、 听力(共20小题;每小题1分,计20分)

第一部分 听对话回答问题 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。(10分)

1.What does Mr Zhao mean?


2. What people are they talking about?


3. What charity does Daniel know about?


4.What does Andy think of living a green life?

A B C 5.Which book is the most interesting to the man? A. The science book. B. The history book. book. 6.What is Jack doing all day? A. Practicing the violin. B. Singing. 7. How was Frank

interesting. A. It was boring. ’s winter camp? B. It was relaxing.

8. Where are the man and the woman probably talking?

9.Why doesnA. At a supermarket. ’t Mike like New York? B. At a bus stop.

A. Because there is too much noise. B. Because there is too much rain. C. Because it is too hot there. 10.Where is the party going to be held?

C. The story C. Dancing. C. It was C. On the bus.

A.At Dad’s home. home. B. In the classroom. C. At Jack’s 第二部分 听对话和独白回答问题。(每小题1分,计10分)



11.When is Fred going to the United States? A. Next Monday. B. Next Tuesday. C. Next Wednesday. 12.How will Fred and Lily keep in touch with each other? A. By writing letters. B. By making phone calls. C. By chatting online.


door first 14.A. American 15.A. Finishing B. European B. Tasting C. African C. Smelling


16.How long has Jiajia’s mother been away? A. 7 days. B. 10 days. C. 11 days. 17. What does Jiajia do every evening? A. She plays the piano. B. She does her homework. C. She draws pictures. 18.What’s the weather like in Jiajia’s city? A. Cool. B. Warm. C.Hot. 19. Where did Jiajia and her father go last Sunday? A. To the park. B. To the zoo. C. To the museum. 20. Where is Jiajia’s mother now? A. In China. B. In Canada. C. In America.

二、选择填空 从下列每题所给的选项中选出一个最佳答案(共20小题;每小题1分,计


21. British people say “please” and “thank you” all______ time, and they always keep their voice down in ______ public.

A. a; the B.the; / C. /, a D. /;/

22. They got married_______ 1960. That means they have been married _______ 1960.

A. at; since B. on; in C. in; since D. for; since

23.—If you want to know more about ________ city, please click on this icon here. — OK, thanks.

A. other B. the others C. another D. others

24.—Wow, how beautiful your garden is!

— Yes.And more trees and flowers _______ tomorrow. It will be more beautiful.

A.were planted B. are planted C. will plant D. will be planted

25.— Sir, please put out your cigarette (香烟). — Sorry. I the sign.

A. don’t notice B. didn’t notice D. won’t notice

26.—Sally, 1 went to the concert last night. How big the hall is!

—Yes. It is______ to hold more than one thousand people.

A. big enough B. enough big C. too big D. too small

27.It is _______ of this young man to donate his pocket money to Project Hope.

A. possible B. kind C. easy D.


28.To keep healthy, you had better _______ eating fast food and keep exercising.

A. put up B. get up C. give up D. wake up

29.Every year, quite a lot of food ______ around the world. It’s really time for us to do something.

A. was wasted B.is wasted C. wasted D. will be wasted

30.By _____ these old students, we hope ______ them good at looking after the younger students.

A. train, make B. training, to make C. training, making

D. train, making

31.Drivers______ wear seat belts(安全带) while they drive on the road.

A. need B. can C. must D. may

32.Many people in that area are so poor that they can’t ______ to go to hospital.

A. avoid B.afford C. allow D. achieve

33.We should try not to use ______ too much because it costs very much and will run out in the future.

A.wind B. water C. coal D. the sun

34.—_______? — I’ve got toothache. It hurts.

A. How are you B. What’s wrong with you

C. What are you doing D. How do you do

35.—What a nice bike! How long ____ you ____it? —Just two weeks.

A have, bought B did, buy C have, had D are, having

36.The match was really fantastic, ______ when Smith scored in the last minute.

A. probably B. exactly C. especially D. mostly

37.We joined the competition last week. Our aim was not to win the first place, ______ to take part.

A. or B. so C. and D.but

38.Both my father and my mother ______ able to use a computer now, However, my grandparents aren’t.

A. is B. was C. are D. were

39.Don’t ________ others too much, we should do things on our own.

A. agree with B. think about C. look after D. depend on

40.— We should give our friends help when they need it. — Yes, I agree. ______.

A. No pain, no gain B. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

C. Practice makes perfect D. Burn the candle at both ends.

三、完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)

On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the road. She was very worried. Her 41 had broken down. Just then a poor man

named Robert came. He was on his way back 42 from work as usual.

The lady wondered, “Is the man going to 43 me? He looks


cold and hungry.” But to her surprise, he 44 and said with a smile, “Can I help you, madam?” After forty 45 , the car was at last fixed by Robert. The lady wanted to pay him.

“No, that’ s 46 , madam,” he said. “ I was just helping someone in 47 . If you hope when you find someone need help, A few minutes later, the lady 48 a shabby(破旧的) house by the road. She remembered Robert’s words, The hostess(女主人) in. The lady could see that was a 50 family and that they need help. When the hostess was making tea in the kitchen, wife was pregnant(怀孕)not 54 money. His wife went up to him, gave him a kiss and said softly, “Don’t is going to be all right. A 55 has helped us out.” Let’s always be ready to help others others is helping ourselves.

41. A. bike B. car C. truck D. bus

42.A.factory B. shop C. office D.home

43. A. help B. save C. punish D. eat

44. A. ran B. agreed C. stopped D. left

45. A. days B. hours C. minutes D. years

46. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

47. A. picture B. rain C. danger D. need

48. A. saw B. heard C. smelt D. felt

49.A. so B.if C. because D.since

50. A. terrible B. sad C. poor D. rich

51. A. threw B. forgot C. gave D. left

52.A.quietly B. noisily C. gently D.sadly

53. A. exciting B. interesting C. hard D. happy

54. A. many B. enough C. some D. few

55. A. friend B. relative C. stranger D. classmate

四、阅读理解 阅读下列内容,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(共20小题;每小题2分,


56. Sunny English Club is for .

A. nurses B. policemen C. businessmen D. students

57. You will pay _________if you want to stay in the English Club for half a year .

A.300 yuan B. 600 yuan C. 1,200 yuan D. 2,400 yuan

58. You can visit Ocean Museum ______________________.

A. on Saturday . B. on Wednesday C. on Monday D. anytime

59. One can get free examinations in Health Centre if he is .

A. 9 B. 17 C. 67 D.73

60. If you are interested in the life of fish , you should go to .

A. Health Centre B. Ocean Museum

C. Sunny English Club D. 16 Yong Le Street


Americans usually eat three meals a day. Breakfast usually comes before 8 o’clock in the morning. They usually have eggs, some meat, bread, fruit juice and coffee. Lunch is between twelve and one o’clock. It is like a light meal and working people must take lunch with them or get it near workplace.

Children in school take sandwiches, fruit, and cookies with them and eat in school. Supper, the most important meal, is between six and eight in the evening. People cook it carefully. They may have meat or chicken, turkey or duck. They may all have potatoes or rice, vegetables or salad. The drink is coffee, tea or milk. Then comes the dessert(甜食).

61. Americans have breakfast__________ in the morning.

A. after eight o’clock B. at eight o’clock

C. before eight o’clock D. around eight o’clock

62. _______is the most important meal in a day in America..

A. Breakfast B. Lunch C. Meals D. Supper

63. What does “light” mean in Chinese? _______.

A. 重的 B. 轻的 C. 重要的 D.不太重要的

64. When Americans have supper, _______ comes last.

A. drink B. meat C. dessert D. vegetables

65. What is the passage(文章) about? ________.

A. Breakfast in America

B. Lunch in America

C. Supper in America D. Meals in America


When I was seven years old, my family made me an ant farm(蚂

蚁窝). First, we put clean sand in a thin glass box.Then we waited

for the ants to arrive.

After the ants were in the glass farm, they started to make

tunnels (地道). I was amazed that each one knew exactly what to

do. Each had its own job.

On the fifth day something terrible happened. I put my face so close to the

On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the篇六:完型填空学案

Students’ handout


较易题 : 反馈测试1 :

On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the road. She was very worried. Her ___36__ had broken down. Just then a poor man named Robert came. He was on his way back home from work as usual.

The lady thought, “Is the man going to help me? ___37__ looks very cold and hungry.” But to her surprise, he stopped and said with a smile, “What’s wrong, madam?” The lady told him what was happening.

After forty minutes, the car was at last fixed by Robert.

( )36. A. bike B. motorbike C. bus D. car

( )37. A. He B. She C. I D. They

中等题 :反馈测试2

There was a woman in Detroit. She has two sons. She was worried about them, especially(特别是) the younger one, Ben, ___39___ he was not doing well in school. Ben seemed so slow ,__40___ boys in his class made jokes about him .

39. A. because B. so C. but D. though

40. A. if B. but C. so D. unless

较难题 :反馈测验3

Lucy and I are in the same class. She ___46__ behind me in the classroom. She is a __47__ student and is always the best in the class in her studies. She often goes to school by bike because her home is a little far from the school. Lucy likes ___48___ very much and often takes exercise after school. She often helps me with my studies and I like her very much.

( )46. A. dances B. stands C. sits D. plays

( )47. A. good B. beautiful C. young D. bad

( )48. A. animals B. clothes C. food D. sports


Last year, I learned from a newspaper that some sick kids needed help. I phoned the newspaper and I was asked to __1__ a little girl named Lisa, who had mental illness.

A short time later, I went for a __2__ to Lisa. After having been at the mental hospital for years, she had recently been allowed to be at home. In the beginning, I did most of the 1

On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the篇七:2011-2012上初四英语期末测试


初 四 英






( )1. A B C

( )2. A B C

( )3. A B C

( )4. A B C

( )5. A B C


( )6. A. Home. B. School. C. Hospital.

( )7. A. The man. B. The woman. C. Nobody.

( )8. A. Behind the museum. B. At the third crossing. C. Next to the bank.

( )9. A. Because it isn’ the right color. B. Because it isn’t the right style.

C. Because it isn’t the right size.

( )10.A. Sixteen. B. Twenty-five. C. Twenty-six.


( )11._____ is from America.

A. Lucy B. Nobody C. Tim

( )12.Lucy often does some jobs as a_____ to help others.

A. worker B. doctor C. volunteer

( )13.Lucy doesn’t_____ recently in her free time.

A. watch TV B. listen to the radio C. play games

( )14.There is an activity held by _____ .

A. Lucy B. Tim C. the music radio

( )15.They want to help the children who _____.

A. are disabled B. are ill C. have no money to go to school


Giving is the true meaning of life. Sometimes giving may , but it’s very easy.

Maybe your smile, your warm words can help a depressed man escape from sadness or pain. doesn’t cost you much, but it means a lot to the people who you help. Those who enjoy the pleasure of giving will pass on the warmth in their hearts to others. Giving is love. loving others and being loved is one of the greatest pleasures in this world. to you, just when you need it the most.

( )16. A. difficult B. different C. Easy

( )17. A. always B. often C. sometimes

( )18. A. possibly B. certainly C. carefully

( )19. A. don’t mind B. don’t forget C. don’t care

( )20. A. kept B. borrowed C. returned

二、单项选择 选择最佳答案。(本题共15分,每小题1分) ’t decide what to buy for my mother’s birthday.

— You may _____ your father for _____.

A. ask, advice B. take, advice C. follow, advices ( )22. — Will you do me _____? I don’t know how to work out the problem.

—I’ll be glad to help.

A. some favors B. favor C. a favor

( )23. — I spent much time in _____ the campaign speech. But I lost the election.

—You should make promises that you can keep.

A. prepare B. preparing for C. prepare for

( )24. —When _____ you _____ Jennifer for dinner?

—Last winter. She just came to China with her parents.

A. do, invite B. did, invite C. did, invited ( )25. —What do athletes think of winning?

—Some think winning is _____ important _____ they forget to be good people,

others think winning isn’t everything.

A. so, to B. such, that C. so, that ( )26. —How did the Americans and Soviets help the two gray whales during the Cold


—They used an icebreaker to cut a pathway _____ ice.

A. across B. through C. over

( )27. — Some people look _____ outside, but they can’t do everything _____ in fact. —That’s true.

A. successful, successfully B. successfully, successful C. successful, successful

( )28. —What do you know about the International Red Cross?

—The Red Cross has helped _____ victims of earthquakes and other disasters.

A. two millions of B. millions of C. million of

( )29. —_____ you _____to help others?

— No, but I know helping others is helping myself now. I’d like to do so.

A. Do, use B. Were, used C. Did, use

( )30.—You must have been to Los Angeles, _____?

—How do you know?

A. haven’t you B. have you C. mustn’t you

( )31.—_____ will the Smiths go back home ?

—Maybe in a year.

A. When B. How soon C. How long

( )32.—Who is Susan? Have I ever seen her?

—The girl _____ yesterday is Susan. Maybe you don’t know her name.

A. Whom I spoke to her B. I spoke C. I spoke to

( )33. If a foreign friend gives you a present for your birthday. What should you do?

A. Take it and say nothing. B. Open it and say “Thank you”.

C. If you have got one, tell the friend to change it.

( )34. — The 28th Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival will open in January. Mr.

Chen, together with his 6-year-old son, will come to Harbin to enjoy it. How much

will they save if they go there in the daytime? —______. A.¥100 B.¥180 C.¥300 ( )35. Which stress of the following words is


A. repay B. punish C. elect

三、完形填空(本题共10分,每小题1分) 根据短文内容 ,选择最佳答案。

On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the road. She was very worried. had broken down. Just then a poor man named Robert came. He was on his way back home from work as usual.

The lady wondered, “Is the man going to help me? He looks very cold and hungry.” But to “Can I help you, madam?”

After forty “No, that’s , madam.” he said, “I was just helping someone in want to pay me back, I hope you see someone in need, you should give him a hand.”

破旧的) house by the road. She remembered Robert’s words, so she stopped.

The hostess (女主人) warmly asked her The lady could see that was a poor family and that they needed help. When the hostess was making tea in the kitchen, the lady left on a table 500 dollars and went away quietly.

Robert came home later than before, thinking how their life was. His wife was pregnant(怀孕) and the baby was to be born the next month, but there was not money. His wife went up to him, gave him a kiss and said softly, “Don’t worry, dear! Everything’s going to be all right. A stranger has helped us out.”Let’s always be ready to help others because helping others is helping ourselves.

( )36. A. bike B. bus C. car

( )37. A. she B. he C. I

( )38. A. days B. hours C. minutes

( )39. A. nothing B. something C. anything

( )40. A. rain B. need C. danger

( )41. A. whatever B. whenever C. however

( )42. A. saw B. heard C. smelt

( )43. A. out B. away C. in

( )44. A. exciting B. hard C. happy

B. few C. enough

四、阅读理解(本题共20分,每小题1分) (A)

When we have small cuts in the skin(皮肤), something strange may happen. The cuts are able to heal(痊愈) themselves in a couple of days. How does this happen? Read on, and you will find out the secret.

Every living thing on the earth is made up of cells(细胞). Cells grow and make new cells. Most cells are very tiny and we can’t see them with our eyes. Different cells have different uses. Our skin cells are special ones. The cells on the surface(表面) of our skin are old dead cells. New skin cells are right under the surface. These are the living skin cells. They do work for our bodies. They help protect our bodies and heal cuts.Our bodies make skin cells all the time. As the old cells fall off, new cells grow in the same place. Each person makes about 1 8 kg of skin cells during his or her life. Surface skin cells fit(合适)them. When you cut or burn yourself, you can harm(伤害)your skin cells. A small cut will not do much harm. Your skin will quickly heal itself by making new skin cells. How do skin cells

work? First, the cells near the cut get bigger and move into the gap. Next, these bigger cells meet in the middle. They form a new layer(层)of skin cells. Finally, new cells will grow until the gap disappears completely. In this way, your skin can grow and get well itself.How amazing the tiny cells are! Next time you have a cut, don’t worry about it. Maybe in a few days, you will be surprised to find it healed.


( )46. The underlined word “gaps” in the passage means “______”in Chinese.

A. 突起 B. 条纹 C. 缝隙

( )47. From the passage, we know that cells ______.

A. are large and we can see them with our eyes B. can grow and make new cells

C. aren’t in most living things

( )48. Skin cells heal cuts in three steps.______ is the right order.

A. a→b→c B. b→c→a C. a→c→b

( )49. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Each person can make 18 kg of skin cells every day.

B. Different cells have different uses in our bodies.

C. The skin cells have little work to do in the body.

( )50. The best title for this passage should be ______.




On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the篇八:完型填空



When an earthquake hit a small town, many houses fell down. After the earthquake, all the newspapers reported many stories about some of the families who were , a special picture touched me. It gave the sizes of each family member. I thought that this would be a good chance to than themselves. I said to my seven-year-old twins, Brad and Brett, and three-year-old Meghan. “We have so , and these poor people now have nothing. We’ll I filled a box with foods and clothes. While I was doing this, I encouraged the boys to quietly as the boys took out their old toys and games and put them together. Then she put the doll on top of the other boys. “Oh, dear,” I said. “You don’t have to give Lucy. You love her so much.” Meghan said, “Lucy makes me happy, Mommy. Maybe she’ll make another little girl happy, too.”

me a lesson. It’s easy to give something that we don’t want any more, but to give what we cherish(珍爱), isn’t it?

36. A. rich B. happy C. in danger D. in trouble 37. A. book B. newspaper C. magazine D. note 38. A. clothing B. house C. shoes D. food 39. A. clean B. safe C. beautiful D. lucky 40. A. many B. little C. large house D. much 41. A. share B. eat C. give D. lend 42. A. books B. clothing C. food D. toys 43. A. dog B. dress C. doll D. watch 44. A. taught B. let C. told D. asked 45. A. easier B. harder C. happier D. more interesting


On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the road. She was worried. Her

had broken down. Just then a poor man named Robert came. He was on his way back home from work as usual.

The lady wondered, “Is the man going to me? He looks very cold and hungry.” But to her surprise, he stopped and said with a smile. “What’s wrong, madam?” The lady told him what was happening.

After a while, the car was at last fixed by Robert. The lady wanted to pay him. “No, ” he said, “want to pay me back, I hope whenever you see someone in trouble, you should give him a hand.”破旧的)house by the road. She remembered Robert’s words, so she stopped. The hostess(女主人)warmly asked her up to him, gave him a kiss and said softly, “Don’t worry, dear! A stranger has helped us out!”

Let’s always be ready to help others because helping others is helping ourselves. (36) A. bike B. motorbike C. bus D. car (37) A. help B. save C. kill D. find (38) A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything (39) A. picture B. rain C. need D. danger (40) A. saw B. heard C. smelt D. felt (41) A. out B. in C. away D. along (42) A. terrible B. sad C. rich D. poor (43) A. dropped B. forgot C. left D. lay (44) A. exciting B. hard C. happy D. interesting (45) A. many B. some C. enough D. few


As soon as he finished his homework, Eric jumped onto his bicycle and rode off in the direction of the beach. While he was along, he thought about the whales(鲸鱼). He hoped he would see them again today. After he got to the beach, Eric 37 his bicycle behind a bush(丛林)so that no one could see it from the road. Then he ran

down onto the sand. it was only four in the afternoon, the sky was already growing dark. Eric frowned(皱眉). If it he wouldn’t be able to see the whales because they would stay in deeper water. He hurried along the beach the rocks. They were the best place to watch the whales from because of their . Before Eric reached the rocks he felt a drop of water on his head. “Oh no!” he thought. “Now the whales will stay in the deep water and I won’t be able to them!” But just then he saw a large shape on the beach. It was a young whale! The whale had come too close to the shore (海岸)and got stuck(搁浅). Then he saw its tail move weakly. Eric turned and ran through the rain as fast as he could back to his bicycle. He had to get ! Unless they got the whale back in the water soon, it would die and Eric couldn’t let that happen. 36. A. riding 37. A. sent 38. A. As 39. A. shone 40. A. into 41. A. length 42. A. watch 43. A. rock 44. A. dead 45. A. care

B. running B. hid B. Since B. snowed B. off B. size B. kill B. beach B. pretty B. water

C. getting C. took C. Because C. rained C. to C. height C. catch C. grass C. lovely C. medicine

D. walking D. got D. Although D. blew D. from D. shape D. save D. water D. alive D. help


Summer is coming, and many of you are probably planning vacations. A trip to Florida nice, doesn’t it? How about Mexico? Well, we people of the Tennessee Tourist Association have a(an) to make---why not your vacation here? Think of all the money you’ll about hotels and plane reservations(预定). The people of Tennessee have always been proud of the of our state. There are the Smoky Mountains which are as nice any mountains in the world. There is the historic Civil War battle ground near Chattanooga(查塔努加). in most of Tennessee’s lakes and rivers is wonderful. So why are people to go away for their vacations? Don’t forget that people from New York and California travel thousands of miles to come and spend time in our state. Perhaps they

know something you don’t know. . 36.A. sounds 37.A. idea 38.A. taking 39.A. have 40.A. know 41.A. fruit 42.A. as

43.A. Fishes 44.A. pollute

B. smells B. advice B. cost

C. likes

D. turns

D. custom D. to take D. lose D. people D. from

D. Vegetables D. exciting D. unpolluted

C. suggestion

B. spend C. to spend C. save

B. learn B. animals

B. to

C. ask D. worry

C. beauty C. with C. Fishing C. polluted 番禺区

B. Swim B. planning

B. pollution

45.A. pleasant C. interesting

A teenage girl couldn't stand her parents' family rules, so she left home. she had to ask for food on the street for a living. Now her father has died. Her mother is an old woman. But she is still her daughter. She has been to every corner of the city. Everywhere she goes, she wall. At the lower part of the photo she writes, " I still love you., One day, the daughter saw one of the photos. The face was familiar (熟悉). "Is that my mother?” She moved closer and She cried. When she got home, it was early morning. She The door opened itself. She rushed to her mother's Her mother was sleeping. She woke her mother up, “ is back home!”The mother and daughter held each other, full (眼泪). The daughter asked, “Why is the door not locked? A thief could get in. ”The mother answered “The door has never been locked since you left. ”

The door of parents' love for their children will never be closed. 36. A. famous 38. A. looks at

B. poor

C. pretty

D. polite D. looking over D. puts up D. get back

37. A. looking through B. looking after 39. A. come back

B. go back

C. looking for C. run back

B. puts on C. finds out

40. A. photo 42. A. bathroom 43. A. son

44. A. happy 45. A. loudly

B. words C. poster

D. news

41. A. pulled open B. unlocked B. daughter B. sad

B. angrily


C. knocked on D. closed

D. bedroom

D. children D. frightening

C. grandchild C. angry

B. living-room C. kitchen

C. gently D. lovely

One day last year I went to a small but beautiful place. The lake before me, blue and peaceful. I sat down by the side of the lake, and pulled my shoes and socks, put my in the water. It was cold, like ice. After a moment I bent over and got some of the water onto my hot face. I could myself in the water looking at me like a How tired I was after the long journey. It was so beautiful here for a few days, out of noise and busy work. I wanted a bed and some food. While I tried to for it, I found a small house on the far side of the with some smoke coming from its roof. As I watched, a man came out of the house and down to a little at the lakeside. He got into it and began to move towards my side. I could not see his face at first. He went on moving the lake, and when he got close to me, he raised a hand in a friendly way of greeting. I saw his face clearly now, it was Higgs ---- one of my best friends! 36. A. lied 38. A. feet 39. A. look 41. A. that 43. A. river 44. A. bike

B. lay B. on


Man has invented four kinds of satellites . The first kind of satellite studies the

C. laid C. off

D. lain D. up D. body D. see D. friend D. and D. mountains D. boat

37. A. down

B. hands B. watch B. but

C. head C. meet C. stranger C. so

40. A. classmate B. workmate

42. A. make a mistake B. make a plan

B. lake B. bus

C. make a guess

C. hills C. car

D. make friends

45. A. through B. to C. above D. across

On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the篇九:2013年中考模拟英语



时量:90分钟 满分:100分

I. 听力技能(四节,共20个小题,计20分)

第一节 根据所听内容,选择相应的图画。

1. A. B. C.

2. A B. C.

3. A.

B. C. 4. A.



第二节 听对话,然后选择正确答案。 5. Who is going to Paris?

A. Tom. B. John. C. Mary. 6. What does John’s pen pal do in England?

A. A teacher. B. A writer. C. A doctor. 7. How many pairs of socks can the man buy? A. Four. B. Six. C. Eight. 8. Why did the boy crying?

A. Because he lost his way home. B. Because he lost his wallet. C. Because he lost his pen. 听下面一段对话,回答9-10小题。 9. What will the man buy? A. A coat. B. A shirt. C. A jacket. 10. How much will the man pay? A. $ 30. B. $ 50. C. $ 80. 听下面一段对话,回答11-12小题。 11. Where is Susan going next month?

A. To England. B. To Australia. C. To America. 12. How long will Susan stay there?

A. Two weeks. B. Two months. C. Two years.

第三节 听短文,然后根据短文内容判断下列句子的正误(T/ F)。 13. Sally is busy on Tuesday, November 12.

14. At 9:00 Sally has science, it’s difficult and boring. 15. Sally likes her music teacher, Mr Cooper. 16. Sally has volleyball for two hours after class.


II. 知识运用(两节,共20个小题,计20分)

第一节 单项填空。(共10个小题,每小题1分) 21. People often go skating in _________ winter. A. × B. a C. the 22. Kate has made _________ mistakes in her homework. A. little B. a little C. a few 23. The bread made in the bakery is _________ than those cakes. A. more delicious B. much delicious C. very delicious 24. The skirt still looks pretty on you, _________ it is kind of out of style. A. because B. for C. though 25. _________ to ask me for help?

A. Why don't come B. Why not come C. Why not to come 26. I'll buy _________ of them, so I can give one to my friend Helen. A. all B. both C. neither 27. Jeet Kune Do is a type of kung fu, which was___________ by Bruce Lee. A. invented B. found C. discovered

28. Physics _______ an easy subject for me when I was young. I usually got high marks then. A. is B. are C. was

29. There are lots of rocks in the cave. They come in different _________. Some look like trees. A. sizes B. ages C. shapes 30. Those pictures will show you _________. A. what our school looks like B. what does our school look like C. how our school looks like 第二节 完形填空。(共10个小题,每小题1分)

On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the road. She was very worried. Her had broken back home from work as usual.

The lady wondered, ―Is the man going to surprise, he stopped and said with a smile, ―Can I help you, madam?"

After forty , the car was at last fixed by Robert. The lady wanted to pay him.

―No, that's , madam." he said, ―I was just helping someone in . If you really want to pay me back, I hope whenever you see someone in trouble, you should give him a hand."

A few minutes later, the lady saw a shabby (破旧的)house by the road. She remembered Robert's words, so she stopped. The hostess(女主人) warmly asked her in . The lady could see that was a family and that they needed help. When the hostess was making tea in the kitchen, the lady on a table 500 dollars and went away quietly.

Robert came home later than before, thinking how hard their life was. His wife was pregnant(怀孕) and the baby was to be born the next month but there was not gave him a kiss and said softly, ―Don't worry, dear! Everything's going to be all right. A stranger has helped us out." Let's always be to help others because helping others is helping ourselves. 31. A. bike B. bus C. car 32. A. step B. way C. road 33. A. help B. kill C. save 34. A. hours B. minutes C. days 35. A. something B. everything C. nothing 36. A. picture B. rain C. need 37. A. terrible B. poor C. rich 38. A. lay B. left C. dropped 39. A. enough B. many C. some 40. A. right B. ready C. easy III. 阅读技能(三节,共19个小题,计34分) 第一节 阅读判断 与短文内容符合的写(T),不符合的写(F),短文未涉及的写(N)。(共4个小


Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has died aged 87. She had a stroke at The Ritz Hotel in London after being in poor health for many years. Mrs Thatcher became

famous after becoming the U.K.'s first ever female leader. She was in power





the longest time in office for a Prime Minister in over 150 years. Her tough style earned her the nickname the "Iron Lady". Her 11 years of leadership greatly changed British society. Margaret Thatcher loved this country and served it with all she had. For that, she has her well-earned place in history. The British people would respect and thank her forever.

41. Mrs Thatcher was in poor health for many years before her death. 42. Mrs Thatcher was in power for 12 years. 43. ―Iron Lady‖ was Mrs Thatcher’s nickname. 44. Mrs Thatcher had many children.

第二节 阅读选择。从每题所给的A B C选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。(共12个小




A jobless man wanted very much to have the position of ―office boy‖ at Microsoft. The HR manager interviewed him and then watched him cleaning the floor as a test. ―You have passed the test,‖ he said. ―Give me your e-mail address and I’ll send you the form to fill in the date when you may start.‖ The man replied, ―But I don’t have a computer, neither an e-mail.‖ ―I’m sorry,‖ said the HR manager. ―If you don’t have an e-mail, that means you are not living. And anyone who isn’t living cannot have the job.‖

The man left with no hope at all. He didn’t know what to do with only $10 in his pocket. He thought and thought. Then he went to the supermarket and bought 10 kilos of tomatoes. He sold the tomatoes from door to door. In less than two hours, he had 20 dollars. He repeated the operation three times, and started to go early every day, and returned home late. Shortly, he bought a cart, then a truck, then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles (运货车队). Five years later, the man was one of the biggest food retailers (零售商) in the US.

One day, one of his friends asked him for his e-mail. He said, ―I haven’t got one.‖ His friend couldn’t believe his ears. ―Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an e-mail?‖ The man thought for a while and replied, ―Yes, I’d be an office boy at Microsoft!‖ 45. What did the man do for the test?

A. He sent e-mails. B. He did the cleaning. C. He sold computers. 46. The man didn’t get the job because he_____________. A. disliked such a job B. didn’t pass the test C. didn’t have an e-mail 47. The man ___________ after he left Microsoft. A. went to look for another job B. asked for food C. thought of an idea to make money 48. What does the story want to tell us?

A. Computers are very important in our daily life. B. Everyone can make a lot of money with only $10. C. Nothing in the world is impossible if we work hard. B Dear Mom and Dad,

The time has come: I’m graduating, and I thank you both for all your help during these years. I still remember when you used to say, ―You can be whatever you want‖ I’m so glad you are my parents, especially when I hear kids say they don’t get on well with theirs.

Dad, I remember when you first took me fishing. I loved going even though I never caught anything. I also remember when you would get angry with me. I realize you were only trying to show me the right way. That’s what I call a good, loving, caring dad. Sometimes you and Mom don’t agree with me, but you are there by my side in anything that I do, and that’s why I love you both so much.

Mom, I enjoy going out with you and having our happy time every Friday night, and I hope that never changes. I love telling you everything; the best part about you is that you listen. I’m glad we do a lot Thank you for bringing me up. Love always, Allison 49. Allison writes the letter to show ________to her parents. A. wishes B. thanks C. help

50. In Allison’s opinion, other kids of her age may_____ their parents.

A. have problems with B. get on well with C. like to talk to 51. The underlined part ―

A. and Dad is funny, too B. and Dad also loves to have fun C. and Dad has, too

52. What makes Allison and her mother good friends? A. Cheering up each other. B. Listening to each other and having fun together. C. Encouraging each other.

A. British football B. A bike tour and race C. Rock climbing A. the People’s Park B. the Football Club C. the Worker’s Stadium 55. You should at least pay to take part in all the three sports events on June26-27.

A. ¥60 B. ¥80 C.¥140

56. If you want to see some famous football stars, you will call to book your tickets. A. 3369-8211 B. 3369-8212 C. 2626-7733 第三节 阅读答问。 (共3个小题,每小题2分)

Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness. Here are some suggestions.

The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often, we spend so much time thinking about the future —for example, getting into college or getting a good job —that we fail to enjoy the present. You should enjoy life’s simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, or spending time with close friends. People who have several close friends often live happier and healthier lives.

Another secret to living a happy life is to be active, and have hobbies where you forget your problems and time. Many people experience this dancing, or playing a sport, such as swimming. You can forget about your problems, and only think about the activity.

Finally, many people find happiness in helping others. Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time helping others. If you want to feel happier, do good things for someone. 57. How many secrets of happiness can you find in the passage? _____________________ 58. How can we be helpful in our life? ________________________________________ 59. What do you think of happiness? __________________________________________

IV. 写作技能(四节, 计26分)

第一节 单词拼写 根据所给汉语或英语首字母写出短文中所缺英语单 词的正确形式。(共6个小题,每小题1分)

person. However, many people don’t smile because they think they have teeth. For example, one of my classmates, Mike, doesn’t have very nice teeth, so that is why he seldom opens his for help. They can help improve your teeth and tell laugh. So please take this chance to smile and laugh now. 第二节 英汉互译。(共5个小题,每小题1分)

Mr. Zhang was a sports fan. 热。 He went swimming in the river. Suddenly he saw a beautiful bird in a big tree. He began to pick some flowers in the forest and before long he lost his way.

all the bread and eggs. When he was going to have the tea, he found there was a fly in the glass. ―What’s in my tea?‖ Mr. Zhang called out, ―A fly‖

―It’s impossible, sir.‖ said the owner of the restaurant, ―‖

66. ____________________________________ 67. ______________________________________ 68. ____________________________________ 69. ______________________________________ 70.____________________________________ 第三节 补全对话。(共5个小题,每小题1分) A: Hello, Dr Lee.

B: Hello, Mary. 71.___________________________?

A: I’m not feeling well. B: 73._____________________________? A: Two days ago.

B: Oh, only a bad cold. I’ll give you some medicine. Take it three times a day after meals. It’s important to drink lots of water.

A: 74._____________________________?

B: No, you can’t. You’ll have to stay in bed for a few days. You can go back to school on Friday. I hope you feel better soon.

A: 75.________________________. 第四节 作文(计10分)

76. 请你给你以“Four seasons in my hometown”为题写一篇60词的英语短文,介绍你想家乡一年四季的天气情况,你最喜欢或不喜欢的季节以及其原因。


On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the篇十:英语测试一



1、-----Are there any_in the picture?

----Yes,there are.

A.fidh B.pork C.beef

2、I don’t think looking after children is just _work.

A.woman B.women C.woman’s D.women’s

3、Please pick up the_.Don’t keep it on the floor.

A.water B. books C.paper D.bottles

4、Sandy didn’t tell her parents that she was going home because she wanted to give them a_.

A.gift B.call C.suprise D.note

5、—Are these _?

—No, they aren’t. They are _.

A.sheep;cow B.sheeps;cow C.sheep;cows D.sheeps;cows

6、He has some_that hard work will lead to his success one day.

A.belief B.beliefs C.believes D.believe

7、I saw_were running after the thief.

A.two police B.several police C.the police D.one police

8、After having_rest,they went on with their work.

A.uncle’s B.tne uncle’s C.uncle D.the uncle

9、That was the second time in their_that they had gone to Beijing.

A.live B.life C.lives D.lifes

10、There are four_and two_in the group.

A.Japanese;Germen B. Japaneses;Germen C.Japanese;German D. Japanese;Germans

11、Jone can play_guitar,but he can’t play_chess.

A.the;/ B./;the C.the;the D./;/

12、Look at_young lady with curly hair.She is _English teacher.

A.a;the B.the;a C.the;an D.the;the

13.You left _“s” in spelling of the word “address”.

A.the;the B.a;the C.an;the D.the;a

14. ---I’d like _information about the management of your


----Well,you could have _word with the manager.He might be helpful.

A.an;a B.some;some C.an ;some D.some;a

15、He is _teacher and _writer.(用冠词填空)

16、 There is “h” in the word “photo”.

A.a B.an C.the D./

17、 There are two windows in the room. They _______ face east.

A. all B. both C. every D. either

18、 Here are two dictionaries. You may use _______of them.

A. all B. every C. each D. either

19、 The teacher put__________ the books he could find on the desk.

A. all B. any C. much D. some

20、 ChenBin has read lots of stories by Chinese writers, now he would like to read______

stories by writers from_______ countries.

A. some, any B. other, other C. other, some D. some, other

21、 I can’t go there. There is__________ bus.

A. not B. not any C. no D. none

22、 Five times five is _______.

A. five B. zero C. ten D. twenty-five

23、 _______ are in the army.

A. Two their sons B. Their two sons C. Their sons two D. Two sons their

24、 My sister is a student of _______.

A. the First Class B. Class One C. One Class D. Class First

25、 The boy can count from one to _______.

A. hundred B. a hundred C. one hundreds D. hundreds

26、 Their house is about _______ as big as ours.

A. times three B. three time C. time three D. three times

27、 --- Would you like some fruit, madam? --- Oh, yes. _______, please.

A. 5 kilo bananas B. 5 kilos of bananas C. 5 kilo of bananas D. 5 kilos of banana

28、 This building is for a _______.

A. family of three B. three people C. three peoples family D. three people’s family

29、 There was ______ smoke that they couldn’t see anything clearly.

A. too B. too many C. so much D. so many

30、 The two friends were ______ pleased to see each other that forgot everything.

A. so B. too C. very D. much

31、 He had ______ much work to do that he couldn’t go out.

A. so B. much C. as D. or

32、 Tom has been in the factory ______ he left school.

A. when B. since C. as soon as D. whether

33、 The nurse doesn’t feel well today, ______ she still works very hard.

A. but B. and C. or D. when

34、 ______ my mother ______ my sister watches TV plays these days.

A. Either, not B. Both, and C. Neither, or D .Neither, nor

35、. Lucy knew nothing about it ______ her sister told her.

A. because B. until C. if D. since

36、 I left my umbrella in my room. Could you wait ______ I go back to get it?

A. when B. if C. while D. before

37、Study hard, ______ you will fall behind the other.

A. and B. but C. or D. though

2. There’s a red ball in the boy’s hand and an apple in his _______ hand.

3. ______ child enjoys Christmas. They ______ have some presents.

4.She did better than I. There are ______ mistakes in her test than in my test

5.Mum, I am so hungry. I want to eat ______. _______ will do.

三 完形填空

Passage 2 On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the road. She was very worried. Her had broken down. Just then a poor man named Robert came. He was on his way back home from work as usual. 新|课 |标 |第 | 一| 网

The lady wondered, “Is the man going to me? He looks very cold and hungry.” But to her surprise, he and said with a smile, “Can I help you, madam?”

After forty , the car was at last fixed by Robert. The lady wanted to pay him.

“No, that’s , madam,” he said. “ I was just helping someone in . If you really want to pay me back, I hope whenever you see someone in need, you should give him a hand.” A few minutes later, the lady a shabby(破旧的) house by the road. She remembered Robert’s words, so she stopped.

The hostess warmly asked her in. The lady could see that was a family and that they need help. When the hostess was making tea in the kitchen, the lady 500 dollars on a table and went away quietly.

Robert came home later than before, thinking how their life was. His wife was pregnant(怀孕)and the baby was to be born the next month but there was not money. His wife went up to him, gave him a kiss and said softly, “Don’t worry, dear! Everything is going to be all right. A has helped us out.”

Let’s always be ready to help others because helping others is helping


( ) 1. A. bike

( ) 2. A. help

( ) 3. A. ran

( ) 4. A. days

B. car B. save C. boat C. kill D. left D. years D. need D. bus D. find B. agreed C. stopped B. homes B. nothing B. rain C. minutes C. danger ( ) 5. A. something ( ) 6. A. picture C. everything D. anything

( ) 7. A. saw

( ) 8. A. terrible

( ) 9. A. threw

( ) 10. A. exciting

( ) 11. A. many

( ) 12. A. driver

B. heard C. smelt B. sad C. poor B. forgot C. gave B. interesting C. hard B. enough C. some B. doctor C. stranger D. felt D. rich D. left D. happy D. few D. teacher

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相关热词搜索:onasnowyevening ladyareyourich snowy


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