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导读: 小学英语5年级语文人教版听写(共5篇)...



Unit1 partA

1、年轻的___________ 2、严厉的___________ 3、年纪大的___________

4、滑稽可笑的________ 5、慈祥的___________





10、know___________ 11、our___________

Unit1 partB

1、有礼貌的___________ 2、辛勤的___________ 3、有用的___________

4、聪明的_____________ 5、害羞的___________

6、What’s she like? ____________________________________________

7、She’s hard-working. ___________________________________________

8、robot___________ 9、him___________ 10、speak___________

11、will___________ 12、sometimes___________ 13、Ms___________

14、Mr ___________ 15、finish___________

Unit2 partA

1、星期一___________ 2、星期二___________ 3、星期三___________

4、星期四___________ 5、星期五___________ 6、星期六___________

7、星期日___________ 8、周末 ___________ 9、烹饪___________




13、Do you often read books in this park? _______________________________

Unit2 partB

1、看电视___________ 2、读书___________ 3、读书___________

4、踢足球___________ 5、做作业_______________ 6、洗我的衣服____________________





11、park___________ 12、sport___________ 13、 play sports___________

14、疲倦的___________ 15、every day___________

Unit3 partA

1、沙拉___________ 2、汉堡包___________ 3、冰激凌___________

4、三明治___________ 5、茶水___________ 6、喝___________

7、吃___________ 8、口渴的___________



Unit3 partB

1、 健康的___________ 2、美味的___________ 3、甜的___________

4、辣的___________ 5、新鲜的___________ 6、dear___________






Unit4 partA

1、唱英语歌___________ 2、画漫画___________ 3、练武术___________

4、弹琵琶___________ 5、party___________ 6、wonderful___________



9、Who can dance? ____________________________________________

10、What can you do for the party,children? _________________________

11、I can sing English songs. _____________________________

Unit4 partB

1、 烹饪___________ 2、游泳___________ 3、打篮球___________

4、打乒乓球___________ 5、说英语___________ 6、no promblem___________

7、want___________ 8、send an email___________ 9、learn___________




13、Can you do any Kung fu,John? _____________________________

14、Yes,I can. _____________________________

Unit5 partA

1、时钟,钟表___________ 2、植物___________ 3、瓶子___________

4、水瓶________ 5、自行车___________ 6、照片___________




Unit5 partB

1、在…之前___________ 2、在…旁边___________ 3、在…中间___________

4、在…之后_____________ 5、在…上面___________

6、球在哪里? ____________________________________________

7、它在狗的前面. ___________________________________________

8、grandparent___________ 9、their___________ 10、house___________

11、lots of___________ 12、flower___________ 13、move___________

14、dirty ___________ 15、everywhere___________


Unit6 partA

1、森林___________ 2、河,江___________ 3、湖泊__________

4、高山___________ 5、小山,山丘___________



12、boating___________13、go boating_______________________________

14、Is there a river in the forest, Miss White? _________________________________

15、No,there isn’t. _________________________________

Unit6 partB

1、树___________ 2、桥___________ 3、建筑物,楼房___________

4、村庄___________ 5、房子__________ 6、aren’t =___________




11、Are there any tall buildings in the nature park? ______________________________

12、No, there aren’t_______________________________________________________


Unit 1

班级 姓名 座号


进行体育运动 做早操 吃早饭 打扫我的房间

吃晚饭 上英语课 散步 去购物

上舞蹈课 什么时候 语文 数学 美术

盘子 聪明 时钟 请 茄子


1. 你们上午的课什么时候结束? do you in the ? 我们一点钟结束上午的课。 finish 1 . 2. 你什么时候起床? you ?

我通常六点二十分起床。 I usually

3. 你周末做什么? do you the 我经常看电视,也和我爸爸一起打乒乓球。

I and with my

班级 姓名 座号


季节 春天 夏天 秋天 冬天 去野餐 摘苹果 堆雪人 去游泳

哪一个 为什么 因为 最 图书馆

雨伞 兄弟 葡萄 爷爷 生长


1. 你最喜欢哪个季节? do you ? 我最喜欢秋天。 I .

2. 你为什么喜欢夏天? do like ?

因为我喜欢暑假。 I like .

3.春天我们可以种树。 We can in .

班级 姓名 座号


一月 二月 三月 四月 五月

六月 七月 八月 九月 十月

十一月 十二月 旅行 年 将要 短裤

中国 老师 小鸡 绵羊 衬衫


1. 聚会在什么时候? the ?

在4月。 . 2. 今年的旅行在什么时候? is 在十一月。 is

3. 我们将去长城。 4. 母亲节我将为妈妈做饭。 for my mum on Mother’s Day .

班级 姓名 座号


第一 第二 第三 第四 第五

第十二 第二十 第三十 第二十一 第二十三

生日 煮面条 三 十三 瘦的

数学 这 那 妈妈 兄弟


1. 愚人节是哪天? Day ?

它在4月1日。 It’s . 2. 你的生日是哪天? 我的生日是7月3日。 My is on .

班级 姓名 座号


我的 你(们)的 他的 她的 他们的

我们的 正在吃 正在玩耍 正在睡觉 正在攀爬

正在跳 正在喝 唱歌 响 长的 年轻的

墨水 粉红色的 思考 象鼻


1. 那幅黄色的画是我的。 That is . 2. 这些都是我们的画吗? ?

3. 这是谁的书包? schoolbag this ?

是艾米的。 It’s 4.他在喝水吗? he ?

不是。他在吃东西。 No, . He .


Unit 1 Classmates 单元1 同班同学

Get ready. 预备

Who are Bill's new friends? 谁是比尔的新朋友?

Tom / clever, careless 汤姆 / 聪明,粗心

Helen / polite, quiet 海伦 / 礼貌,安静

Mary / cute, friendly, helpful 玛丽 / 可爱,友好,乐于助人

Peter / active, popular 彼得 / 活跃,受欢迎 Who's this? 这是谁?

That's Helen. 那是海伦。

She's polite and quiet. 她有礼貌,又安静。

Lesson 1 第一课

A. Listen and match. 听,匹配。

Look at these pictures. 看这些照片。

These are my new friends. 这些是我的新朋友。

Who is she? 她是谁?

Her name is Helen. 她的名字是海伦。

She likes reading. 她喜欢阅读。

She is polite and quiet. 她有礼貌,又安静。

Who is he? 他是谁?

He's Peter. 他是彼得。

He is very popular in our school. 他在我们学校很受欢迎。

He likes playing basketball. 他喜欢打篮球。

And he is active in class and in ... too. 他在课堂上和...都很活跃。

That girl looks very friendly. 那个女孩看起来很友善。 That's Mary. 那是玛丽。

Yes, she's always friendly and very helpful. 是的,她总是友好而乐于助人。

Her hobby is dancing. 她的爱好是跳舞。【小学英语5年级语文人教版听写】

Wow, that dog is so cute.哇,那只狗好可爱。 That's Tom's dog. 那是汤姆的狗。

Tom is clever and good at math. 汤姆很聪明,数学很好。

But sometimes he is careless and he forgets to feed his dog. 但有时他粗心,会忘了喂狗。

Oh, the poor dog. 哦,可怜的狗狗。

Lesson 2 第二课

A. Look, listen and answer. 看,听,回答。

Tom is Bill's new friend. 汤姆是比尔的新朋友。

Bill takes Yaoyao to Tom's birthday party. 比尔带瑶瑶去汤姆的生日聚会。

Yaoyao: Wow, there are so many model planes. 哇,这么多的飞机模型。

Bill: Yeah, Tom likes making model planes. 是呀,汤姆喜欢制作飞机模型。

Yaoyao: What's Tom like? 汤姆什么样?

Bill: He's clever and helpful. 他很聪明,而且爱帮忙。 He's very popular too. 他也很受欢迎。

We all like him. 我们都喜欢他。

But sometimes he's careless. 不过有时他有些粗心。 Yaoyao: Oh, listen, a dog is barking. 哦,听,一只狗在叫。

Bill: It's Tom's pet dog, Coco. 那是汤姆的宠物狗,可可。 Tom often forgets to feed Coco. 汤姆经常忘了喂可可。 Yaoyao: Ah... 啊...

Lesson 3 第三课

A. Let's read. 阅读

Tom has a new friend Joe from the USA. 汤姆有一个来自美国的新朋友。

Joe stays with Tom's family. 乔和汤姆一家住在一起。 He goes to school with Tom every day. 他每天和汤姆一起去上学。

Joe is very active. 乔很活跃。

He often answers questions in English class. 他经常在英语课上回答问题。

He plays football with his classmates every day. 他和同学们每天踢足球。

Joe is clever. 乔很聪明。


He is good at science. 他科学学得很好。

He also likes reading and thinking, 他也喜欢阅读和思考,

so sometimes he is quiet. 所以有时他很安静。

Joe is polite and helpful, too. 乔有礼貌,而且也喜欢帮助别人。

He often says "Hello" and "Thank you" to everyone in the family. 他经常对家里的每个人都说“你好”和“谢




1. 动词短语:

P23: borrow books, read stories, make things

P26: do experiments, do listening, observe things, do speaking

P29: play the violin, listen to music

P39: do project work, study plants and animals, do printing on the paper

P42: do exercises

P59: do maths problems, go on a field trip, go to a concert, go to the music club

2. 球类运动:

P42: play football, play volleyball, play basketball, play hockey, play rugby

3. 学校功能教室:

P24: classroom, art room, music room, dance room

P39: computer corner, science corner, art corner

4. 生活用品:

P49: comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, towel

P55: shorts, swimming trunks, sandals, sports shoes


P59: stomachache, headache, toothache, cough, fever

P62: My elbow hurts. My neck hurts. My knee hurts. Open your mouth. Lower your head. Move your knee.


1. P6 What do you call it? We call it a kid.

2. P9 What can we call it? We can call it a cub.

3. P16 What can the dogs do? They can run(替换P19动词短语).

4. P26 Do you often read in the library? Yes, we do. No, we don’t.


5. P29 What do you do in the music club? We often sing and dance.


P39 What do you do in the library? We read storybooks.

6. P42 Where do you play football? We play football on the field.

7. P49 Can I have a look at the lamp? Yes. Sure. Certainly. Here you are.

8. P52 How much is it? It’s eighty-five yuan.

P55 How much are they? They are sixty-five yuan.

9. P62 What’s wrong with you? My neck hurts.


L11 关于动物

This is a circus! The animals are performing. They can do a lot of things. The tiger can jump through a ring. The lion can climb up a ladder. The bear can ride a bike and the dog can walk and dance. The cat can swing. The monkey can ride a horse. Look! The tiger cubs can’t jump through a ring. The lion cubs can’t climb up a ladder. But they want to learn.

L17 关于学校功能教室

Look at this new building. It’s our meeting hall. It’s great. We often have meetings in it. We also have performances in it on Children’s Day and New Year’s Day. Here is our music club. We often sing and dance here. We have two music classes a week. I am interested in music. And I’m good at playing the piano. Now I can play it for you..

L23 关于课内、课外活动

I’m Bill Johnson. I come from America. Our school is in a small city in America. I like my school because our lessons are very interesting and our teachers are friendly. My name’s Betty. I come from America, too. I like my school and I like my studies. We often go on field trips. We go to the forests or farms. We study real things on the field trips.

U5 关于买东西

Gao Wei and his father are going shopping. They want to buy a recorder. Gao Wei wants to listen English. The recorder is very small, he can put it in his schoolbag. He can also listen to music when he is roller-skating. Bob asks the salesman to pass him a blue recorder, he likes the colour. But it’s too big. Then the salesman shows them another one. It’s ninety-eight yuan. Gao Wei and his father both like it and they pay for it. They are very happy.

U6 关于生病

Kate doesn’t feel well today. She can’t go to school. So she calls her teacher, Miss Liu. She tells Miss Liu that she has a bad cold and her mother will take her to the hospital. Miss Liu tells Kate to take care of herself and don’t worry about the lessons. There are many children in the hospital. They are waiting outside the doctor’s office. The doctor asks Kate to stay in bed and take some medicine. Kate’s classmates come to see her after school, they bring her a lot of fruits. Kate feels very happy.






( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



()1. ()

2. ()3. ()4. ()5.










A B C A B C ()5.



( )1. A. I go to work at 6:30. B. He goes to bed at 9:30.

C. I go to bed at 9:30.

( ) 2. A. They’re jumping. B. They like jumping. C. It’s jumping.

( ) 3. A. Yes, he is. B. No, she’s doing her homework.

C. Yes, he’s doing kung fu.

( ) 4. A. It is June 9th. B. It is Tuesday. C. It is warm.

( ) 5. A. I like swimming. B. I like summer best.

C. I can swim in summer.


1. Which season do you like best? I like best.

2. What are they doing? They’re .

3. When is Women’s Day? It’s on .

4. Whose dog is this? Oh, it’s.

5. Why are you today? Because my mum worked last night.



1.3. 一月 2. 第二 tumn 第九 4. 九月

周末 6.d 兴奋地 5.7.9. 练习 8. 假日 秋天 10.ted 季节


( ) 1. A.

( ) 2. A.

( ) 3. A.

( ) 4. A.

( ) 5. A. 三.写出下列单词的相应形式。(10分)

1. five ( 序数词 ) 2. have ( 第三人称单数 ) 3. sun ( 形容词性物主代词 4. I ( 名词性物主代词 )

5. hot ( 反义词 ) 6. we ( 宾格 )

7. aren’t ( 完全形式 ) 8. sea ( 同音词 ) 9. watch ( 第三人称单数 ) 10. write ( 现在分词 )


( ) 1. New Year’s Day A. October 1st

( ) 2. Teachers’ Day B. June 1st

( ) 3. Tree Planting Day C. September 10th

( ) 4. Children’s Day D. January 1st

( ) 5. China’s National Day E. March 12th

1. 基数词:

2. 序数词:

3. 名词性物主代词:

4. 月份:

5.现在分词: 六.给问句找答语,填序号。(10分)

( ) 1. When do you finish class in the morning? A. Yes, we do.

( ) 2. Why are you shopping today? B. It’s on the second Sunday in


( ) 3. Which season do you like best?C. Because my mum worked last


( ) 4. Do you like the music, children? D. We finish class at 1 o’clock.

( ) 5. When is Mother’s Day? E. Winter.

( ) 6. Are these all ours? F. No, he isn’t.

( ) 7. Whose book is that? G. Of course!

( ) 8. Is he drinking water? H. Yes, they are.

( ) 9. Where is Fido? I. It’s Amy’s book.

( ) 10. Can you take him to the park? J. He’s in the kitchen.


( ) 1. ---- do you go to school?

---- 7:30.

A. How, At B. When, At C. What, In

( ) 2. What do you do Sundays?

A. on B. in C. at

( ) 3. your sister singing and dancing?

A. Do, like B. Does, like C. Do, likes

( ) 4. your favourite season?

A. What B. What’s C. Which

( ) 5. I hope you can come and share us.

A. some with B. any with C. some and

( ) 6. do you get up in the morning?

At 7 o’clock.

A. What day B. What date C. What time

( ) 7. is the fifth month of the year?

A. March B. May C. April

( ) 8. Today is my birthday.

A. Thank you. B. Happy birthday. C. You’re welcome.

( ) 9. This is not bag, is green.

A. hers, hers B. hers, her C. her,hers

( ) 10. The fish is in the river.

A. flying B. jumping C. swimming


Sue: Hello, John! John: I like winter best.


John: Because I can play in the snow and make a snowman.

Sue: I don’t like winter. I only want to stay at home and sleep a long time.

John: What’s your favourite season?


John: Why?

Sue: Because I can eat ice cream.

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相关热词搜索:人教版5年级上册英语 小学三年级英语人教版


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