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2017届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Lifestyles 北师大版必修1

Unit 1 Lifestyles



1.suppose vt. 认为,猜想 2.complain vi. 抱怨;投诉 3.switch vt. 转换,转变 4.midnight n. 午夜,半夜 5.expert n. 专家 6.reduce vt. 减少;降低 7.stand vt. 忍耐,忍受 8.design n.&vt. 设计 9.sickness n. 疾病

10.matter vi. 要紧,有重大关系





1.A satisfied customer is the ①bear vt. 忍受 best

advertisement ②tolerate vt. 忍受,容忍

(advertise) that we hope to ③stand vt. 忍受,忍耐 have.

④endure vt. 忍耐;容忍

2.Mr. Green is leaving on a ⑤put up with 忍受,容忍 trip tomorrow and needs these 2.聚焦后缀­ness名词 papers urgently (urgent).

①sickness/illness 疾病

3.The president invited him to ②loneliness 孤独,寂寞 his private study for an ③darkness 黑暗

④blindness 失明

4.The word “business” also ⑤kindness 善良

11.peaceful adj.平静的;和平的→peace informal (formal) talk.

n.和平→peacefully adv.和平地;平静地

12.relaxing adj.轻松的,放松的→relax refers to an organisation ⑥carelessness 粗心

vt.&vi.放松→relaxed adj.松懈的;放松的 (organise) that provides goods ⑦goodness 仁慈

13.urgent adj.急迫的,紧急的→urgently and services. ⑧usefulness 有用 adv.急迫地,紧急地→urgency n.紧急;催5.Not only will I earn much ⑨sadness 悲伤 促→urge vt.催促;极力主张 money but I will also gain some ⑩happiness 快乐

14.bored adj.厌烦的,不感兴趣的→boring social (society) experience 3.盘点­ial结尾形容词


15.stress n.压力→stressful adj.充满压力的,紧张的→pressure n.压力(同义词) 16.suffer vi.遭受(痛苦),感到疼痛→suffering n.痛苦,苦难→sufferer n.受苦者,受难者;患者

through it.

①beneficial 有益的

6.Soon I found children got ②commercial 商业的 bored (bore) with staying ③facial 表面的 indoors.

④financial 金融的

7.I don't want to work under ⑤social 社会的 stress and I am eager for a job ⑥official 官方的 8.The peaceful people hoped ⑧influential 有影响的 that the dispute was to be 4.“支持,拥护”家族 solved peacefully and a peace ①advocate vt. 提倡;拥

17.social adj.社交的;社会的→society that isn't stressful.(stress) ⑦special 特别的


18.organise vt.组织→organisation n.组织→organiser n.组织者

19.prefer vt.更喜欢;宁愿→preference agreement could be signed as 护


20.volunteer n.志愿者 vt.&vi.自愿去做→voluntary adj.自愿的;志愿的

21.graduate vi.毕业 n.毕业生→graduation n.毕业

22.challenge n.挑战 vt.向„„挑战→challenging adj.有挑战性的

soon as possible.(peace) 9.Nowadays


②back vt. 支持 the ③support vt.支持,帮助

development of society, many ④stand by/for 支持 volunteers



do ⑤in favour of 支持,赞同

voluntary work without any 5.后缀­ance名词集锦 pay.(volunteer)

①assistance 援助,协助

10.As a graduate who graduated ②performance 表演,演奏

23.support vt.&n.支持;支撑→supporter from a key university, he was ③appearance 出现,露面


24.advertisement n.广告→advertise v.做

offered a satisfactory job ④acquaintance 熟人 after graduation.(graduate)

⑤acceptance 接受;认可

广告→advertiser n.登广告的人;广告商 11.In a way, challenges are ⑥reliance 信赖,依赖 25.distance n.距离→distant adj.遥远的 good for developing our strong ⑦distance 距离 26.formal adj.正式的,合礼仪的→informal characters and I like doing ⑧disturbance 扰乱

adj.非正式的 challenging work.(challenge) ⑨importance 重要性 12.Generally speaking, we feel ⑩insurance 保险 relaxed while listening to some relaxing music.(relax) 13.Lucy prefers sweets as her snacks while Lily has a preference for nuts.(prefer)


2.take_up 占据;开始从事; 拿起

3.be_filled_with 充满着 4.suffer_from 忍受,遭受 5.at_the_moment 此刻,目前 6.over_the_years 数年间 7.make_sure 弄清,查明 8.as_a_result 结果 9.get_changed 换衣服,更衣 10.take_turns_to_do_sth. 轮流做某事

11.play_a_role/part_in 在„„中起作用

12.come_up_with 追上,赶上;想出, 找到

13.look_forward_to 盼望,期望 14.as_well_as 除„„之外还;和 15.make_a_difference 有影响;起作用



1.What kind of lifestyle do you think the people have?




你认为谁应该对这次事故负责? Who_do_you_think is to blame for the accident?

选用左栏短语填空 1.We



really 全

looking_forward_to seeing you ②get dressed 穿好衣服 again.

③get hurt 受伤

2.The thieves ran away when the ④get lost 迷路 burglar alarm went_off.

⑤get arrested 被捕

3.Maria's mother isn't well. She ⑥get married 结婚 often suffers_from headaches.

⑦get promoted 升职

4.It is often the little details ⑧get bored 生厌 that make_a_difference.


5.They came_up_with a good ①hope for/to do 希望/suggestion for putting out more 期待(做) cars at the meeting yesterday.

②long for/to do 渴望/盼望

6.He was_filled_with horror when (做) he heard the bad news.

③look forward to 盼望,期

7.He drank too much last 望

night.As_a_result,_he overslept ④be eager for 渴望,期待 this morning.

⑤be dying for/to do 渴望/

8.I'm sorry I've already taken_up 盼望(做) so much of your valuable time.

⑥desire to do 渴望做

do you think 用作插入语。

2.I always take my portable TV and I sit on the stone wall while the dog walks round in a circle.


while 引导并列句,表转折对比。


The son was having a good meal at home whilethe parents were working hard in the fields.


3.I am always the first person to get 序数词+名词+to the office.



季奥运会,又举办冬奥会的城市。 As we all know, Beijing has become the _first_city_to_host both the summer and the winter Olympics.


4.I find painting or drawing very relaxing.




Sometimes you may find_life_boring _and_dull and you are eager to change a bit.

5.Usually, it's so crowded that I can't find anywhere to sit. 通常地铁很拥挤,以至于我找不到坐的地方。


so ...that ...引导结果状语从句。


The song Small Apples sounds so_sweet_that I want to listen to it again and again.

我们英语老师穿着昨天的那件衣服。 Our




wore did

6.We don't have the same work hours that office workers in the city have. 我们和城市里在办公室工作的人的上班时间不同。

the same ... that ...“和„„一样”。

the_same_clothes_that yesterday.

第一板块| 核心单词归纳集释

1.matter vi.要紧,重要;有重大关系n.物质;问题;毛病

[教材原句] As long as I get good marks in my tests, it doesn't matter if I can speak English or not.


it comes from your inner heart.(2014·重庆高考写作)

(礼物)贵不贵不重要,真正重要的是它是否来自你的内心。 ②I take this seriously. It's a_matter_of principle. 我对此很认真。这是原则问题。

2.suppose v.理解;认为,猜想;假想;设想


经典例句] Getting a visa isn't as simple as you might suppose.(牛津P2030) 办签证不像你想的那么容易。

他所有的同事都认为他是这个领域的专家。 ②—Will she come with us?

—No, I_suppose_not/I_don't_suppose_so. ——她会跟我们来吗? ——不,我想不会吧。

③I beg your pardon. I suppose I should_have_knocked (knock) at the door. 请原谅,我想我本应该敲门的。

[名师指津] suppose/supposing (that)以及assuming (that), providing/provided (that), given (that)可以作连词,引导条件状语从句,意为“如果,假如”,表示一种假设条件。

④Supposing/Suppose/Assuming/Providing/Provided/Given_(that) your car should break down on the road, what would you do then?【北师大版高中英语必修1第一单元一轮复习】

假如你的车子在路上抛锚,那你怎么办? 3.complain vi.抱怨;投诉


北师大版一轮复习必修一 单元练习 Unit 1 Lifestyles


1.—How‟s your tour around the North Lake?Is it beautiful?

—It ________ be,but it is now heavily polluted.

A.will B.would

C.should D.must

2.The train________ arrive at 11∶30,but was an hour late.

A.was about to B.was likely to

C.was supposed to D.was certain to

3.Progress so far has been very good.________,we are sure that the project will be completed on


A.However B.Otherwise

C.Therefore D.Besides

4.During the war,he________ much pain.

A.is suffered B.suffered

C.was suffered D.was suffered from

5.I would keep my________ from that dog,if I were you—it will bite.

A.space B.distance

C.length D.reach

6.The old lady came in,________ herself with a walking stick.

A.raising B.supporting

C.lifting D.rising

7.Ladies and gentlemen,please switch________ your mobile phones!The plane is taking off.

A.over B.on

C.to D.off

8.—Would you like me________ the radio a bit?

—No,it‟s all right.I‟m used to________ with the radio________. A.to turn up;work;on

B.to turn down;working;off

C.turning up;working;off D.to turn down;working;on

9.After studying in a medical college for five years,Jane________ her job as a doctor in the


A.set out B.took over

C.took up D.set up

10.—Four dollars a pair?I think it‟s a bit too much.

—If you buy three pairs,the price for each will________ to three fifty.

A.come down B.take down

C.turn over D.go over

11.When day broke,we found ourselves________ on the shore.

A.lying B.lain

C.lay D.to lie

12.—Have you finished your homework?


A.How about you B.How come

C.How so D.How about it

13.—John!Is this bag yours?

—Yes.It is the same bag________ I lost yesterday.Where did you find it?

A.which B.as


C.that D.so

14.________ about the economic crisis that he decided to look for more information about it.

A.So curious he was B.So curious was he

C.Such curious he was D.Such curious was he

15.Does___s_____ matter whether he can finish the job on time?

A.this B.that

C.he D.it


“Two books per visit per week,” said the unsmiling librarian as she handed a library card.Neither the limits nor her attitude__16__ me,a 9-year-old Jewish girl growing up in Berlin in the 1950s.I needed those visits.The books were filled with stories in which,however __17__things seemed,everything__18__well in the end,__19__justice,bravery,and wisdom—a striking contrast(对比) to my everyday experiences.

Thirty years later,I,a recent immigrant to the US with a daughter aged 13,stood in front of another librarian.This librarian was__20__ .

“What did she say?”I asked my daughter,who already knew a little English and often__21__as my interpreter.

“She said,„Can I help you?‟”

“Ask if they have any books in__22__,”I requested.

“No,they don‟t.” translated my daughter.

While hunting for a job,I was told that the library needed people to__23__books.The interview was short—the job didn‟t require much English,just a__24__of the alphabet.I started the next day.Every day,I handled hundreds of books whose meaning was__25__from me,mentally dividing them by size and color.One day,while shelving,I found English for Beginners and began studying it on my own.__26__English letters started forming words I could__27__,words combined into phrases,and—oh,__28__!—I was reading.It was a slow process,supported by dictionaries and__29__by tears,but it was progress.Afterwards I got promoted to the front desk—__30__books in and out and answering simple questions.

Every day I receive dozens of people.Sometimes I spot new immigrants.They come from all over the world,so they look different,but the hesitant expression on their faces and their__31__manners are similar.My heart goes out to them,__32__they are people like me.I fully understand the__33__roads on which they have stepped.“They‟ve come to the right place,”I think to__34__.Then I smile and say—just the__35__a librarian said to me a long time ago—“Can I help you?”

16.A.surprised B.comforted

C.puzzled D.shocked

17.A.attractive B.dull

C.terrible D.strange

18.A.went out B.turned out

C.ended in D.came up

19.A.rewarding B.affecting

C.completing D.denying

20.A.chatting B.staring

C.reading D.smiling

21.A.introduced B.instructed

C.guided D.served

22.A.Spanish B.French

C.Russian D.German

23.A.shelve B.register

C.record D.mark

24.A.list B.knowledge

C.line D.competence

25.A.vague B.simple

C.hidden D.clear

26.A.All of a sudden B.In no time

C.Step by step D.Now and then

27.A.recognize B.realize

C.define D.interpret

28.A.challenge B.wonder

C.opportunity D.news

29.A.inspired B.accompanied

C.blocked D.excited

30.A.checking B.classifying

C.borrowing D.lending

31.A.rough B.elegant

C.polite D.shy

32.A.though B.until

C.for D.unless

33.A.difficult B.smooth

C.endless D.straight

34.A.me B.myself

C.them D.themselves

35.A.means B.approach

C.method D.way


A tent can be one of the more costly items on your camping equipment shopping list.It is definitely something that you need to consider carefully.

By seeing a tent for real you will be able to get a better impression of its size and construction in the traditional shop.However,the downside is that,unless you are experienced,you may miss out some of the details that the manufacturer‟s promotional material makes clear.Cheap tents often look similar to the quality models they are mimicking(模仿),but you can be sure that they use inferior(次的) materials and probably have lower design standards.

Shop staff are often campers themselves.That means they usually can give lots of advice.If a shop assistant agrees with your own conclusions,that will be great;if they try to change your decision

with a clear and reasonable argument,then that will be worth considering;if they just try to bamboozle(欺骗),or even bully,you then walk away.

The Internet is a wonderful tool,and so long as you know how to make the most of search engines and put in a little effort,you really have the perfect answer waiting to be found.That answer will be different for every camper as each of us has different needs.Don‟t be surprised to see your favourite criticized somewhere,but if you see too much criticism,then you had better start thinking again.No problem.You won‟t have spent anything yet,so think of it positively as a large expense saved.

Probably the best approach,if you have the time,is to research tents online and make a short list.Then try to inspect those tents at nearby shops.Then you can make a final decision on where to buy your chosen model based purely on total cost.

36.When you go camping,what you should consider most is ________.

A.the shopping list

B.the costly item

C.the tent

D.the equipment

37.The underlined word “downside” in Paragraph 2 means “________”.





38.It can be concluded from the third paragraph that ________.

A.shop assistants usually enjoy going camping

B.shop assistants usually have practical advice

C.you should consider your idea repeatedly

D.it is impolite for you to trouble shop assistants

39.You can make use of the Internet to ________.

A.meet your different needs

B.find the answer for every camper

C.help you out of trouble

D.find your favourite tent

40.Which of the following would be the main idea of this passage?

A.It is good to buy your tent in the traditional shop.

B.You‟d better buy a tent with the help of the Internet.

C.Better buy sa tent combining seeing tents for real in shops and researching them online.

D.Going camping is really beneficial to your health.


1.C 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.D 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.A 12.A 13.C

14.B 15.D 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.D 21.D 22.D 23.A 24.B

25.C 26.C 27.A 28.B 29.B 30.A 31.D 32.C 33.A 34.B 35.D

36.C 37.A 38.B 39.D 40.C

2015届高考英语一轮复习:Unit 1 Lifestyles 单元测试(北师大版必修1)

2015届高考英语一轮复习:Unit 1 Lifestyles


1.—Would you like to join us in hiking this weekend?

—________ Honestly speaking,I prefer to try something new.

A.Why not? B.Sounds great.

C.Not really. D.Not a little.

2.Women are playing ________ more and more important role in ________ society in modern China—they hold up half the sky.

A.a;the B.the;the

C.the;/ D.a;/

3.Oil prices keep going up.________,many people now choose to take the bus instead of driving their own cars.

A. As a result B.By the way

C.In other words D.At the same time

4.It is not easy for me to solve all these difficult problems on my own,but I like ________.

A.challenges B.presentations

C.advertisements D.forecasts

5.Father is coming.What present________for your birthday?


A.you expect he has got

B.you expect has he got

C.do you expect he has got

D.do you expect has he got

6.The Browns have decided to go to Xi'an for holiday next month.They ________ there for two or three days.

A.stayed B.are staying

C.have stayed D.have been staying

7.—Here you are at last,James! We were about to ________.

—Sorry to keep you waiting.My bike broke down on the way.

A.give in B.pull through

C.get through D.give up

8.Will you drive me to the airport,Mike? I'm flying to Paris and my plane ________ off at three this afternoon.

A.takes B.will take

C.is taking D.has taken

9.Mr Green goes to the gym almost every day ________ his wife Mrs Green takes no exercise at all.

A.since B.while

C.though D.unless

10.—Could you be here a bit earlier next time? I can't stand ________ waiting.

—Sorry,Lucy.I was caught in heavy traffic.

A.to keep B.keeping

C.to be kept D.being kept


I completed a degree in Marketing but found it hard to find employment in that field,so I looked for management services.I had__11__ with travel agents and a large company as an assistant manager before deciding to__12__.

So far,volunteering has been so__13__ to me.I started doing voluntary work for Jewish Care in June 2009,which I did for about three months.At present I am out of__14__ so three days a week I volunteer at the new Amélie House to__15__ my day.It is a privilege to__16__ in such an amazing modern building.Such modern facilities make the working experience very__17__.

I became a volunteer__18__ being able to come in and give something back to people means a lot to me.I__19__ being around people and being able to help them and talk to them and listen to their interesting stories.Putting a__20__ on someone's face really makes my day.It is a joy being able to work as part of a__21__ with people of all different cultures.You learn a lot.Throughout my time volunteering for Jewish Care, I have__22__ a number of different projects and have__23__ enjoyed them all.

I have__24__ a lot of confidence through being a volunteer.My friends would tell you that before I started at Jewish Care I was this__25__ little thing but now full of __26__,determined to succeed and I'm now__27__ as the Activity Organizer at Jewish Care!

Volunteers are very important to our society.Without our volunteers,it couldn't__28__ so well.Whether old or young,working,unemployed or__29__,there are opportunities to help others in need.__30__ helping others,volunteers will get the chance to develop skills,build confidence and make new friends.

11.A.activities B.jobs

C.competitions D.markets

12.A.quit B.volunteer

C.retire D.graduate

13.A.peaceful B.fierce

C.fortunate D.enjoyable

14.A.control B.shape

C.sight D.work

15.A.fill B.measure

C.record D.decide

16.A.study B.live

C.work D.play

17.A.pleasant B.dull

C.difficult D.hopeful

18.A.though B.unless

C.because D.if

19.A.avoid B.love

C.risk D.practise

20.A.tear B.smile

C.hope D.juice

21.A.team B.class

C.club D.family

22.A.set up B.handed down

C.gone over D.worked on

23.A.greatly B.normally

C.possibly D.slightly

24.A.lost B.lacked

C.gained D.showed

25.A.active B.brave

C.shy D.generous

26.A.energy B.humour

C.imagination D.confidence

27.A.employed B.regarded

C.compared D.classified

28.A.entertain B.react

C.function D.advance

29.A.united B.retired

C.defeated D.respected

30.A.Rather than B.Instead of

C.In spite of D.As well as



What is freedom?

I recently reread the book Man's Search for Meaning by psychiatrist (精神病医师) Viktor Frankl,and thought I'd share some of his understanding with you.Frankl survived several years in concentration camps (集中营),only to discover that his parents and wife did not make it out alive.While in the camps,he further developed his theory that man is happy only when he finds meaning in life.After the war he remarried,wrote another twenty-five books,founded a school of psychotherapy,built an institute bearing his name in Vienna,lectured around the world,and saw Man's Search for Meaning sell at least nine million copies.

One of Frankl's most powerful ideas is that we have the ability to choose our attitude,even in the most difficult situations.This is,basically,what true freedom is.The_world_will_not_always_hand_you_roses,but it's your decision how you react to trial that determines your own happiness.People can take many things from you,but they can never control your thoughts,emotions or behaviours.You are the one in control of these things.

So what connection does Frankl's theory have to our everyday lives? First,it can help us learn that,whatever troubles we might be faced with,we can still be happy and joyful.Second,Frankl believes that valuing our own lives and finding what makes life worthwhile can give us hope.Last of all,we can feel inspired by the way Frankl remained,at heart,a positive man who appreciated life no matter what the situations are.Frankl passed away in 1997 at the age of 92,but we can all learn valuable lessons from the inspiring life he led.

31.What can we learn about Frankl from the passage?

A.He wrote 25 books while in concentration camps.

B.His first marriage was not at all a happy one.

C.His book Man's Search for Meaning didn't sell well.

D.Both his parents died in concentration camps.

32.What is true freedom according to Frankl?

A.Being free to choose attitude to life.

B.Being free to choose way of life.


C.Being free to give lectures around the world.

D.Being free to found schools and institutes.

33.The underlined sentence means that ________.

A.people should learn to share joys and sorrows

B.life is a mixture of joys and sorrows

C.where there is a will,there is a way

D.people should learn to find beauty in life

34.Which of the following words best describe Frankl's personality?

A.Brave and devoted.

B.Kind-hearted and generous.

C.Optimistic and determined.

D.Gifted and creative.


I was blind,but I was ashamed of it if it was known.I refused to use a white stick and hated asking for help.After all,I was a teenage girl,and I couldn't bear people to look at me and think I was not like them.I must have been a terrible danger on the roads.Coming across me wandering through the traffic,motorists probably would have to stop rapidly on their brakes.Apart from that,there were all sorts of disasters that used to occur on the way to and from work.

One evening,I got off the bus about halfway home where I had to change buses,and as usual I ran into something.“I'm awfully sorry,” I said and stepped forward only to run into it again.When it happened a third time,I realized I had been apologizing to a lamppost.This was just one of the stupid things that constantly happened to me.So I carried on and found the bus stop,which was a request stop,where the bus wouldn't stop unless passengers wanted to get on or off.No one else was there and I had to try to guess if the bus had arrived.

Generally in this situation,I hated showing I was blind by asking for help,I tried to guess at the sound.Sometimes I would stop a big lorry and stand there feeling stupid as it drew away.In the end,I usually managed to swallow my pride and ask someone at the stop for help.

But on this particular evening no one joined me at the stop;it seemed that everyone had suddenly decided not to travel by bus.Of course I heard plenty of buses pass,or I thought I did.But because I had given up stopping them for fear of making a fool of myself,I let them all go by.I stood there alone for half an hour without stopping one.Then I gave up.I decided to walk on to the next stop.

35.The girl refused to ask for help because she thought ________.

A.she might be recognized

B.asking for help looked silly

C.she was normal and independent

D.being found blind was embarrassing

36.After the girl got off the bus that evening,she ________.

A.began to run

B.hit a person as usual

C.hit a lamppost by accident

D.was caught by something

37.At the request stop that evening,the girl ________.

A.stopped a big lorry

B.stopped the wrong bus

C.made no attempt to stop the bus

D.was not noticed by other people

38.What was the problem with guessing at the sound to stop a bus?

A.Other vehicles also stopped there.

B.It was unreliable for making judgments.

C.More lorries than buses responded to the girl.

D.It took too much time for the girl to catch the bus.

39.Finally the girl decided to walk to the next stop,hoping ________.

A.to find people there

B.to find more buses there

C.to find the bus by herself there

D.to find people more helpful there


Unit 1 Lifestyles


1.Rather than ________(ride) on a crowded bus,he always prefers ________(ride) a bicycle.

2.He is so ________(bore)with the TV series that he switches over.

3.Over the years,he has spent his spare time on the ________(distant) learning on the Internet.

4.When I hear the word “football” I switch ________ because I am not interested in it.

5.It's not easy for many students to find a job after ________(graduate)from colleges in present situation.

6.We had a ________(peace) afternoon without the children.

7.If someone is always complaining ________ life,he won't experience the real happiness of life.

8.The sunshine is ________ beautiful that I'd like to go swimming in the sea.

9.This is the same skirt ________ she was wearing a year ago.

10.________(suffer) such heavy pollution already,the river can't be cleaned up. 答案 1.ride;to ride 2.bored 3.distance 4.off 5.graduating 6.peaceful

7.about 8.so 9.that 10.Having suffered



suffered shock.


2.They are so interesting novels that I want to read them once again. ____________

3.Le Jia has the same hairstyle that Meng Fei. ____________

4.The reference book,mainly designing for colleges,is a bestseller this year.


5.I prefer writing a term paper to take an examination. ____________

6.She looks forward every spring to walk in the flower-lined garden. ____________ The operation was successfully performed,but the patient

7.We should strictly and voluntarily follow traffic rules,stopping at the red light rather than complain about traffic jams. ____________

8.Whom do you guess is chosen to take charge of the company instead of Tom?


答案 1.suffered 后加from 2.so→such 3.that→as 4.designing→designed

5.take→taking 6.walk→walking 7.complain→complaining 8.Whom→Who


1.He is the first person ____________ a BMW in our school. 他是我们学校第一个买宝马车的人。

2.There's plenty of rain in the southeast,____________.


3.This is ________ electric bike ________ I lost the other day. 这就是我前几天丢的那辆电动车。

4.The song Gangnam style sounds ____________ we all like it.


5.I ____________ watching NBA.


答案 1.to buy 2.while there's little in the northwest 3.the same;that 4.so beautiful that 5.find my father interested in



1.过去汤姆放学回家,总是把电视打开。(switch on)


2.看电视花去了他大部分的业余时间,这使他患了近视。(take up,suffer from) __________________________________________________________________

3.意识到这个问题之后,他决心半年不看电视,这对他来说是个挑战。(challenge) ___________________________________________________________________






1.Tom used to switch on TV after he returned home from school.

2.Watching TV took up most of his spare time,which made him suffer from short-sightedness.

3.Recognizing this problem,he decided not to watch TV for half a year,which was a challenge for him.

4.With his family's support,his promise came true.【北师大版高中英语必修1第一单元一轮复习】

5.He did so well that his sight returned to normal.



Tom used to switch on TV after he returned home from school.Watching TV took up most of his spare time,which made him suffer from short-sightedness.Recognizing this problem,he decided not to watch TV for half a year,which was a challenge for him.However,with his family's support,his promise came true.In the end,he did so well that his sight returned to normal.

2012届高考英语一轮复习 Unit1 Lifestyles基础强化 北师大版必修1

2012届高考英语一轮复习基础强化:Unit1 Lifestyles(北师大版必



1.After he g__________________from the university,he found a job in a computer company.


2.Study hard,o__________________you will not pass the final exam.


3.I find stamp-collecting r__________________and it takes my mind off the stress of my work.


4.In fact,life is full of different__________________ (挑战)when one is born into this world.


5.It is reported that there were about 100,000 Games-time__________________ (志愿者)taking

part in the 2008 Olympic Games.


6.Some students__________________ (抱怨)that their homework is too much.They almost have no

enough time to finish it.

句子译文____________________________________________________________________ Ⅱ.短语识境

talk show; come up with; suffer from; switch off; get bored;

be filled with; be free of; work one’s way through sth.

1.She is sitting at her desk and__________________a lot of documents.


2.I shall retire next year and__________________the trouble from all kinds of work.


3.I__________________anger when I saw the middle-aged man kicking the dog.


4.The scientists are beating their brains trying to__________________a solution to the problem.


5.Eventually the lights in the house were__________________,and everything went black.


6.The glasses are really necessary to the man__________________shortsightedness.

句子译文____________________________________________________________________ Ⅲ.翻译句子

1.我们将帮助你的孩子在他们空闲时学习功课。(in one’s spare time)




3.我每天早上锻炼后吃早饭。(do some exercise)




5.现在的年轻人有很多事情要做。(to do)

_______________________________________________________________________________ Ⅳ.单项填空

1.China has just launched_________ series of gold and silver coins with the theme of the 60-year

anniversary of_______ founding of the People’s Republic of China.

A./;the B.a;the C.a;/ D.the;the

2.—What do you think of your English teacher?

—He is a strict teacher,but_________ all his students show respect for.

A.that B.the one C.who D.one


one指代上文提到的可数名词的单数,是泛指;the one指代上文提到的可数名词的单数,是特指;that指代上文提到的可数名词的单数或不可数名词;it指代上文提到的可数名词本身。

3.—Where is your mother working?

—In a hospital_________ our town.

A.is located in B.located in C.set in D.is set in

4.—Oh,how depressed!I’m bound to lose to him in tomorrow’s competition.

—Cheer up!In fact,he is_________ than you.

A.not more nervous B.no more nervous

C.no less nervous D.a little less nervous


英语中A is no+形容词比较级+than B表示 “A和B都不„„”;A is not+形容词比较级+than B表示 “A不如B”。如:

I am no richer than you. 我和你一样穷。

I am not richer than you. 我不如你富裕。

5.He was,after all,the manager,and did not appreciate________to feel like an ignorant schoolboy.

A.being made B.to make C.making D.to be made

6.It is necessary that teachers should be in time kept_________ of students’ needs to provide

adequate guide and help to them.

A.to be informed B.on informing C.informed D.informing

7.—The research on the new bird flu virus vaccine is challenging and demanding.Who do you think

can do the job?

—_________ my students have a try?

A.Shall B.Must C.Will D.May

8.He found three specific examples, and one more general case, _________ changes in diet

appeared to have had beneficial effects.

A.why B.which C.that D.where

9.The steel works in which David has worked for five years_________ us with raw material in large

quantities in the past two years.

A.has been supplying B.was supplying

C.have been supplying D.were supplying

10.—Why were so many people trapped into buying the stock of the company?

—_________ enough money within one night.

A.Get B.Getting C.To get D.To be getting


Last evening I was watching the evening news on television.The news was about a prize for forgot what it was.The announcer,whose name was Ralph Sorry,said something that caught my .“All great discoveries,”he said,“are made by people between the ages of twenty-five and thirty.”wants to think that he is past the age of making any discovery.The next day I happened to be in the public of famous people and their discoveries.Ralph discoveries.One of the earliest discoveries,the famous fall at the same speed,was made by Galileo when he was 26.Madam Curie started her research to the Nobel Prize when she was

28.Einstein was 26 when he published his worldchanging Theory of Relativity.Well, if those“best years”Then how about the field ?Surely it needs the wisdom of age to make a good their career.Winston Churchill was elected the life of a country lawyer and elected to the government at what age?Twentysix.

,most people do not want to take risks or ways.Then I thought of people like Shakespeare and Picasso.The former was writing wonderful works at the ripe age of fifty,while the latter new ways of 1. A.invention B.discovery C.experiment D.progress

2.A.mind B.idea C.attention D.thought

3. A.As B.Being C.However D.Beyond

4. A.Everybody B.Somebody C.Nobody D.Whoever

5.A.names B.ages C.address D.edvcation

6. A.modern B.scientific C.last D.oldest

7. A.heights B.sizes C.weights D.things

8. A.led B.meant C.stuck D.referred

9. A.plenty B.enough C.much D.none

10. A.believed B.trusted C.wondered D.asked

11. A.fields B.countries C.course D.ages

12. A.agriculture B.politics C.industry D.society

13. A.is B.will C.has D.does

14. A.finished B.went C.started D.failed

15. A.devoted B.gave up C.began D.led

16. A.don’t B.the C.can D.not

17. A.believe B.agree C.guess D.disagree

18. A.other B.their C.best D.still

19. A.always B.still C.seldom D.enjoying

20. A.discovery B.problem C.wish D.hope













The lecturer on evolution had been going on for nearly two hours. then he started again, and said he:" Let me ask the evolutionist a question --- if we had tails like a baboon, where are they?"

"I'll venture an answer, " said an old lady. "We have worn them off sitting here so long.".






1.graduated 2.otherwise/or 3.relaxing 4.challenges 5.volunteers 6.complain


1.volunteers 2.be free of 3.was filled with 4.come up with 5.switched off 6.suffering from


1.We will help your children in learning lessons in their spare time.

2.He likes playing football while I like reading.

3.Every morning after I do some exercise,I have breakfast.

4.Cars often travel so fast that a sudden stop is dangerous.

5.Today’s young people have a lot of things to do.


1.解析:考查冠词。a series of意为 “一系列”;第二空处用定冠词the,特指 “中华人民共和国的成立”。所以本题选B项。


2.解析:考查代词。根据题意可知,空格部分指代a teacher,泛指这样一个既对学生严格又深受学生尊敬的老师。所以选D项。


知识拓展:one指代上文提到的可数名词的单数,是泛指;the one指代上文提到的可数名词的单数,是特指;that指代上文提到的可数名词的单数或不可数名词;it指代上文提到的可数名词本身。

3.解析:分析句子结构可知,空格部分作后置定语,这里的意思是 “位于我们镇上的一家医院”,故用locate,且动词locate与名词hospital之间存在动宾关系,故选B项。


4.解析:根据语意 “事实上,他跟你一样紧张” 可知,C项正确。


知识拓展:英语中A is no+形容词比较级+than B表示 “A和B都不„„”;A is not+形容词比较级+than B表示 “A不如B”。如:I am no richer than you.(我和你一样穷);I am not richer than you.(我不如你富裕)。

5.解析:考查非谓语动词。语意:毕竟他是一个经理,他不喜欢被人当做一个无知的学生来看。appreciate之后用v.ing形式,此处还有 “被人当做„„” 之意,故用v.ing形式的被动式。 答案:A

6.解析:考查非谓语动词。语意:教师应及时了解学生的需求以便为他们提供足够的指导和帮助,这是必要的。keep sb.informed “使某人知道„„”,informed是过去分词作宾补。 答案:C





9.解析:考查主谓一致和时态。语意:在过去的两年中,David工作过五年的那家钢厂一直给我们提供大量的原材料。根据时间状语in the past two years可知用完成进行时,此题主语是works,虽是s形式,却表单数意义,意为 “工厂”,因此谓语动词用单数形式。


10.解析:考查省略句。根据语意 “为了能一夜暴富” 可知,这里承前省略了句子的主谓部分,不定式 “to get...” 作目的状语。





2.解析:catch one’s attention吸引某人的注意力。




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