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导读: 广东版开心英语六年级教材(共5篇)最新版 广东版 开心学英语 六年级上册 期末综合卷2015—2016学年度上学期小学六年级英语水平测试卷(综合)Listening 听力部分 45%一、Listen and tick 听录音,在括号里打“√”。(每题1 5分,共15分) 1 ( ) headache 2 ( ) purs...


最新版 广东版 开心学英语 六年级上册 期末综合卷



Listening 听力部分 45%

一、Listen and tick.听录音,在括号里打“√”。(每题1.5分,共15分) 1. ( ) headache 2. ( ) purse 3. ( ) short 4. ( ) forty 5. ( ) food ( ) toothache ( ) nurse ( ) sport ( ) fifty ( ) foot 6. ( ) sweater 7. ( ) cool 8. ( ) this 9. ( ) were 10. ( ) watch ( ) weather ( ) cold ( ) these ( ) where ( ) wash 二、Listen and write.听对话,将图片编号填在括号内。(每题1.5分,共9分)

( ) 1. A B ( ) 2. A B

( ) 3. A B ( ) 4. A B

( ) 5. A B ( ) 6. A B 三、Listen and tick.听短文,在表格内打“√”。(每空1.5分,共7.5分)

四、Listen and choose.听短文,选出最佳答案。(每题1.5分,共6分)

( ) 1. Where was Jenny yesterday?

A. At home. B. At school. C. At the Tree Planting Camp.

六年级英语水平测试卷 第1页 共4页 ( ) 2. What did Jenny do?

A. Watched TV. B. Planted trees. C. Painted a picture.

( ) 3. Where was Ben yesterday?

A. At home. B. At school. C. At the Tree Planting Camp. ( ) 4. What did Ben do in the morning?

A. Helped his mother. B. Watched TV. C. Painted a picture.

五、Listen and judge.听短文,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。(每题1.5分,共7.5分) ( ) 1. I was at the park in the morning. ( ) 2. My shoes were very dirty before.

( ) 3. I played basketball with my friends in the afternoon. ( ) 4. I watched TV in the evening. ( ) 5. Yesterday was Sunday.

Reading & Writing读写部分55%

A. ____________________ B. ____________________C._______________________ A. ____________________ B. ____________________C._______________________ A. ____________________ B. ____________________C._______________________ A. ____________________ B. ____________________C._______________________ A._____________________ B. ____________________C._______________________ 七、Choose the best answer.选择最佳答案。(每题1分,共4分) ( ) 1. What can trees do? ---They can __________.

A. clean the air B. clean the soil C. clean the animals ( ) 2. --- Animals need sun, air, and ________.

A. fruit B. water C. money ( ) 3. When’s Tree Planting Day? --- It's on ________.

A. October 1st. B. September 10th. C. March 12th. ( ) 4. _________ is good for our health.

A. Dirty air B. Clean air C. Plastic bags

六年级英语水平测试卷 第2页 共4页

八、Choose and write.根据上下文,从方框内选词填空。(每空1.5分,共12分) 1.

A: Where were you _______? B: I went at the park.

A: What was the ____ like there? B: It was cloudy and _______. A: What did you do there? B: I _______ a picture.

A: Did you have a good time? B: Yes, I did. 2.

A: What’s the matter with you? B: My ______ hurt. Ouch!

A: Did you eat too much ______? B: Yes, I did. Now what _____ I do? A: I think you should see a _______. B: You are right. 九、Read and write.根据图片内容,写出相应单词或词组。(每题1分,共4分)

1. --- What did you do last night? 2. --- What did he do yesterday? --- I ________ TV. --- He _______ a friend.

3. --- What was your desk like? 4. ---What was your shirt like yesterday? --- It was __. ----It was ______. 十、Reading.阅读短文,完成相关阅读任务。(每题1.5分,共15分)

(一)Read and choose.阅读短文,选择正确选项。

Today is December 31st. It’s the last day of the year. We call it New Year’s Eve. Tomorrow is January 1st. That’s the first day of the New Year. My brother Tom and I are helping our parents. We are going to have a big party. Mom and Dad always have a party on New Year’s Eve. They invite all their friends to our house. There is lots of food and drink. Tom and I love New Year’s Eve. On New Year’s Eve, we can stay up late, play games and eat tasty food and so on. Before midnight, we count the seconds until twelve o’clock. We all shout, “Ten…nine…eight…seven…six…five…four…three…two…one.” And then we shout,

六年级英语水平测试卷 第3页 共4页 “Happy New Year!” Everyone is singing and laughing. What a great day!

( ) 1. December 31st is the __________ of the year.

A. first day B. last day C. second day

( ) 2. _______ is the first day of the year.

A. December 1st B. December 31st C. January 1st

( ) 3. What do Tom’s parents always do on New Year’s Eve?

A. They have a party. B. They call a friend. C. They go to work.

( ) 4. People say “_________” right after midnight.

A. Thank you! B. Happy New Year! C. You’re welcome!

( ) 5. Which of the following sentences is wrong?

A. Children can stay up late on New Year’s Eve. B. People don’t eat anything on New Year’s Eve. C. People are very happy on New Year’s Eve.

(二)Read and judge.阅读短文,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。 At Ben’s home

Ben: I feel sick, Mom. I have a sore throat. And I have a headache. And I feel very tired. Mom: Hmm. You are hot. You need to see the doctor. Come on, let’s go to the hospital. In the hospital

Doctor: Ben, please say, “Aaah.” Ben: Aaah…

Doctor: Your throat looks very red, Ben. You have a bad cold. Go home and go to bed. Don't go to school tomorrow or the next day. Don't talk too much. And drink lots of water. Take this medicine every morning and every night. Ben: Okay. Thank you, doctor. ( ) 1. Ben has a headache.

( ) 2. Ben needs to go to the hospital to see a dentist. ( ) 3. Ben’s throat looks very red. ( ) 4. Ben shouldn’t talk too much.

( ) 5. Ben should go to school the next day.


题目:请根据以下提示,以Healthy life为题写一写如何保持健康。 What’s bad for you? What’s good for you? What should you do? What shouldn’t you do?


六年级英语水平测试卷 第4页 共4页



Hi, I’m Lisa. I eat plenty of vegetables. I drink a lot of water. And I go jogging every day. I’m healthy. Hello, I’m Peter. I don't like sports. I like ice cream. They’re yummy. I like to drink cola every day. I’m a little unhealthy. 四、

-- Jenny, where were you yesterday?

-- I was at the Tree Planting Camp with my friends. -- Oh, what did you do?

-- I planted some trees. Where were you yesterday, Ben? --- I was at home.

--- What did you do at home?

--- In the morning, I helped my mother clean the house. In the afternoon, I watched TV. --- Did you paint a picture? --- No, I didn't. 五、

Yesterday was Saturday. I didn't go to school. In the morning, it was hot. I stayed at home. I washed my dirty shoes. In the afternoon, I went to the park. I played basketball with my friends. We had a good time. In the evening, I did my homework and watched TV. Then I went to bed.

六年级英语水平测试卷 第1页 共4页 六年级英语水平测试卷第2页 共4页



Unit1 I wrote a long letter.

一 教学目标

1. 学会VOCABULARY 的单词。

2. 复习巩固上学期学习的句型:―Did you…‖ 、“Yes, I did./No, I didn’t”、―What

are you going to do? I’m going to...‖、“I’ll„”

3. 懂得“air”、“ear”、“ere”在单词中的发音。

二 教学重点

1 掌握“air”、“ear”、“ere”的正确读法和发音。

2 熟练运用句式“Did you„”、“I’ll…”进行交际。

三 教学难点


四. 教学用具

教学录音带 自制课件 学生自备的信封、邮票、课文中单词的实物

五 教学过程



1. revision :

 Say hello to the students

 Sing a song which they have learned in last term .

2. Presentation:

 Present the pictures of candy ice cream…with computer .

 Write down the Chinese 糖、雪糕„„

 Have students to work out the number-plus-classifier

 Take out all the objects and elicit all the nouns.

3. Practice(1) :

 Play a game and master the new words

 Line up a list of ―a‖ ,have Ss work out the English word of classifier, then

learn the new words together.

 Games: Make friends (match the number-plus-classifier and the noun


4.Practice(2) :

 T ask Ss a question and elicit Review.

 Listen to the tape

 Read together

 Redesign the dialogue

 Feedback


Go over the blackboard writing .

6 .Homework :

 Copy the new words four for each .

 Read the text to their parents


(Conversation、Chant activity1-2、Activity)

1.revision :

 Say hello to the students

 Listening test.


 T tell a story about Tony and Gogo, and demonstrate how can Tony send

a letter. As to elicit all the new knowledge points.

4. Practice :

 Listen to the tape and try to tell the story .

 Listen and repeat.

 Read together

 Group work as to act out the dialogue

 Listen to Chant activity and sing together.

 Finish the Exercises on Page6.

 Comes to Activity on Page7


Go over the blackboard writing .

5. Homework :

 Read the text to their parents

 Imitate the essay on page7 and rewrite a new one.


(Sounds and words、Listen and chant、workbook)

1.revision :

 Say hello to the students

 Chant together as warm up.


 Listen to the tape and find out what the features are .

 T demonstrate how to pronounce ―air‖ 、―ear‖、 ―ere‖.

 Ss read it one by one .

 Ss read the words freely, secondly ask them to set up more examples .

3.Practice :

 Listen to the tape and chant together .

 Group work then make performance .


Go over the blackboard writing .

5.Homework :

 Copy the words of ―The sounds and words‖ (4 for each)

 Read the text to their parents

Unit 2 I usually look for cookies.

The first period

Teaching contents:

Vocabulary and Target

Teaching key points:

New words: never sometimes usually always subway bus taxi bike

How do you get to school? I usually take the bus.

Do you ever take a taxi to school? No! I never take a taxi to school.

Teaching aids: recorder tape picture

Teaching procedure:

一、 T: How do you get to school?

S: I walk get to school.(引导学生理解用 usually的含义)

T: I usually get to school.

二、 利用卡片引导学生学习新的单词

①I never take a bus to school. 从句子中学习单词的意思(引导学生学习词组:take a taxi

ride a bike \take a subway)

②板书句子:How do you get to school?

I usually take the bus.

③ Read together and group by group


⑤ T: How does she get to school?

T: Do you ever take a taxi to school?

S: No ! I never take a taxi to school.

⑥Practice 1\ 2 (Page 11)

三、 要求学生能把其背出来。

四、 Do exercise: Look and write

\take a bus\


五、 Copy the new words and sentences.

Rev ise the Target

五:板书设计: How do you get to school? I usually take a bus.

……does she/he………? She/He…………..

The second period

Teaching contents:


Teaching key points:

New words: insects look for find of course lost found

I usually look for cookies. We’re lost.

Teaching aids: recorder tape picture

Teaching procedure:

一、 先放一篇课文读一次,后让学生理解课文的内容,引导其把不懂的说出


二、 重点教学生单词:find ---found insects look for

⑴ 每一幅图抽学生将他读一次。

⑵叫学生表演Gogo Tony Jenny


⑷唱歌---让学生边听歌边Finish the sentences.

(5)Activity ----Draw, ask and answer

⑹Do exercise : Writing Book Unit 2


Copy conversation and revise it.

The third period

Teaching contents:

Sounds and words

Teaching key points:

New words: ear hear near clear cheer beer

Teaching aids: recorder tape picture

Teaching procedure:

一、 教师将ear 的音标写出来,让学生看着书本上的相同字母,把字母同一


二、 播放录音,让学生跟读。

三、 学生通过充分练习后,教师发一个音,让学生指着相应的单词,游戏是


四、 玩游戏,小组间互相点和读。

五、 小练习:完成填空题。

六、 Let’s listen to the chant. 播放一次录音,全班跟着唱。

七、 Homework:

Copy the words and Listen chant.

Unit 3 How often do you go hiking?

The first period

(Vocabulary & Target)

Teaching objectives:



Teaching key points:


Teaching difficult points:


Teaching procedure:


1. (学生做动作)Ask and answer:

S1: Do you ever take the bus to school?【广东版开心英语六年级教材】

S2: Yes, I do.

S1: Does she ever take the bus to school?

S3: Yes, she does.

S1: How does she get to school?

S3: She always take the bus.


2. Sing the song: Every day I take the bus.


(一) 学习Vocabulary部分的单词及词组:

1、师创设情景(叫一位学生出来做钓鱼的动作,并出示日历)进行问答: T: How often do you go fishing?

T: (师代学生答) I go fishing once a week.

引出并教学单词及词组:how often go fishing once


twice three times go dancing go hiking

go ice-skating go swimming once a week

最新广东版开心学英语六年级下册Unit 2

Unit 2



一、Read and write. 写出下列动词的过去式。

use _________ study __________ play ____________ visit _____________

run _________ talk ____________ jump ___________ clean ____________


二、Listen and circle. 听录音,圈出正确的内容。

1. went 2. ate 3. ride 4. sing 5. driver

want at rode sang drink

三、Listen and number. 听对话,给图片标序号。

1. 2. 3.

( ) ( ) ( )

4. 5. 6.

( ) ( ) ( )

四、Listen and choose. 听短文,选择正确的答句。

1. A. No, I didn’t. B. No, I don't. C. No, I’m not.

2. A. I ate some cheese. B. The cheese was tasty. C. It was sunny.

3. A. They went to the beach. B. Yes, they did. C. Yes, they were.

4. A. She read some books. B. She went to France. C. She was a student.

5. A. We sang songs. B. We were happy. C. It was rainy.

五、Listen and judge. 听短文,判断句子对(T)错(F).

( ) 1. Tom and Mike are friends.

( ) 2. Tom is 12 years old.

( ) 3. Yesterday was Monday.

( ) 4. Tom did his homework and read some books.

( ) 5. Mike cleaned the living room.

(Tom and Mike are brothers. Tom is 12, Mike is 13. Yesterday was Sunday. Tom and Mike didn’t go to school. Tom did his homework and read some books. Then he went out and rode a bike. Mike cleaned his bedroom, and then he used a computer with his friends. They had a good time. )

六、Speaking. 口语训练。



A: Did you ….?

B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

2. Did you go to the ________? Yes, I did.

3. What did she do __________?

4. I _______ to the park yesterday.

5. Let’s _______ a song together.

八、Read and write. 看图,用单词的正确形式填空。


They ______ a song at the party.

2. She ______ an apple after lunch.

3. He likes ______ books.

4. Did you ______ a bike yesterday?


She wanted to _______ a letter.

B: I like music and art. ______________

A: I like them, too. ______________

B: ____________. I like listening to English songs.

A: Do you like P.E.?

B: Of course! I like playing basketball. ________________

A: I like playing basketball, too. _____________________

B: That’s a good idea!


zoo. First, they went to see the tigers. The tigers were _____. Next, they went to see the elephants. The elephants were very big, but they were ______. Tony rode on an elephant and took some _____. At last, they saw many beautiful birds. They had a _____day.


十一、Reading. 阅读理解。


Jim is an English boy. He comes to China with his father and mother. They come here to work. Jim comes here to study. He is in No.5 Middle School. He gets up early every day. He isn’t late for school. He studies hard. He can read English well. He often helps us with our English, and we often help him with his Chinese. After class he likes playing football, swimming, running, jumping and riding. He makes many friends here. We are glad to stay with him. On Sunday he often helps his mother clean the house, mend something or do the shopping. He likes Chinese food very much.。He likes living here. He likes Chinese students very much. We all like him, too.

True or false. 判读句子的对(T)错(F)。

( )1. He gets up late every day.

( )2. He often teaches us English.

( )3. After class , he likes singing and playing basketball.

( )4. On Sunday he often helps his mother clean the house.

( )5. He doesn’t like Chinese food.


Last holiday, I went on a vacation with my aunt. We went from Beijing to Australia by plane. It was in August. It was winter in Australia. But in Beijing, it was summer. I like it, because I like playing with snow. I went ice-skating there and took many pictures. I got many presents for my friends, too. I was excited, but I was tired, too. I should have a good rest to go back to school.

Choose the best answer. 根据短文选择最佳答案。

( )1. I went on a vacation with my _________.

A. parents B. aunt C. friends

( )2. It was _________ in Australia in August.

A. summer B. winter C. fall

( )3. What did I do in Australia?

A. I went ice-skating and got presents.

B. I played football and ate good food.

C. I went to school.

( )4. How did I get to Australia?

A. I went by subway. B. I went by plane. C. I went by boat.

( )5. How did I feel in the end ?

A.I was excited, but so tired. B.I was so bored. C. I was happy and not tired.



请根据下列提示,以“Last Sunday”为题用英语写一段话。不少于五个句子。

1. Where were you last Sunday?

2. What did you do?

3. Did you have a good time?


Unit 1 I wrote a long letter

一、 单词

a piece of candy一块糖; a carton of ice cream一盒冰激凌; a pair of socks一双袜子; a bag of chips一袋薯条; a bottle of shampoo一瓶洗发水;

a bar of soap一块肥皂 a box of tissues一盒纸巾; a roll of toilet paper一卷手纸 get-got得到,到; bring-brought带到; have/has-had有; find-found发现; buy-bought买


二、 句子

1. Did you buy a bag of chips at the store? No, I didn’t. I bought a bottle of shampoo.

2. Let’s buy some envelopes and some stamps.

3. 她明天打


三、 小短文

1. Yesterday was April 9thchips. My mom made a three piece of the cake. Then I ate a lot of ’t feel very well.

2. ’re going to the Big Blue Department Store.

I’’s going to buy a box X k B 1 . c o m

Unit 2 I usually look for cookies

一、 单词或短语

never从未 sometimes有时 usually通常 always总是、一直


take the subway搭乘地铁 take the bus搭乘公交 take the taxi搭乘出租车

ride my bike骑我的自行车 drive the car开车 walk to school走路去学校

by bus/by bike/by car….by短语放在句尾

二、 句子

1、How do you get to school? I usually take the bus.

2、How does she get to work? She usually take the subway.

3、How do they get to school? They always walk to school.

4、Do you ever take a taxi to school?No, I don’t. I never take a taxi to school.

5、Here we are. Let’s look for some insects.

6、I think we’re lost. But I found some cookies.

Unit 3 How often do you go hiking?

一、 单词及短语

Once一次; twice两次; three times三次; go dancing去跳舞; go hiking去远足; go ice-skating去滑冰; 去游泳。

Once a week一周一次; twice a month once a year一年一次; three times a day一天三次二、 重点句子




6、You must be good at ice-skating.你一定擅长溜冰。

三、 小短文

1. Hi, I’m Fred. What am I? That’s right. I’m a frog. My hobby is jumping. I usually

go jumping in the morning and in the evening, too. I love jumping.

2. I’m a Polar Bear and my name is Peter. I have an unusually hobby. I like to go ice

breaking. I go ice breaking every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.

3. Hi, I’m Pam. I like to go horse riding but I can’t go very often. I go horse riding in April and September every year. It’s so fun!

4. Hello Jenny,

My name is Mary. Let’s be email pen-friends. My hobbies are ice-skating, hiking and table tennis. There is an ice-skating rink in my town. I can get there on the subway. I usually go ice-skating once a week and I play table tennis twice a week. I also like to ride my bike. I always ride my bike to school.

I have to go now. I’box of tissues and a roll of toilet paper.

Bye bye.


Unit 5 It’一、 单词

Forty四十; fifty五十; sixty六十; eighty八十; ninety九十; a hundred一百; five hundred五百; 一千 cheap便宜的; expensive昂贵的; dollar yuan元

二、 句子

1. ’s $85. That’s expensive.

2. ’re $1. That’s cheap.

Unit 6 The turtle is faster

Hippo河马; elephant大象; turtle乌龟; snail蜗牛; big-bigger大的-更大的; small-smaller小的-更小的; fast-faster快的-更快的; slow-slower慢的-更慢的。


1.Is a hippo big? Yes, it is. It’s big.

2.Is an elephant big? Yes, it is. It is very big.

3.Which is bigger, an elephant or a hippo? An elephant is bigger.

一头大象和一只河马,哪一个更大? 一头大象更大。


(一)重点词组: Unit 1:Where did you buy that hat?

12.of course当然

13.come on加油,来呀


1.clown小丑 2.clock闹钟 3.clothes衣服(复数)

4.glass玻璃 5.glue胶水 6.glove手套

7.look看起来 8.think想 9.let让


二 、知识点学习:

(1) Where did you buy those shoes? 你在哪里买那些鞋子?





I bought an AK-47 yesterday. 时间状语是“昨天”

I usually buy an AK-47 in CF. 时间状语是“经常”


b.( )-I -Really(真的吗)?Where did you it

-I bought it in a grocery store,so my mother will not know it

-Wow,I often it through my classmates(同学),then(那样)

my parents will not know,haha!

A.bought;bought;bought B.bought;buy;buy C.buy;buy;bought



am/is—was; are—were; do/does—did;go—went; buy—bought; bring—brought; think—thought:

have/has—had; eat—ate

(2)— Was it expensive?它贵吗? —No, it was cheap.不,它便宜。



eg. How much is this book?

改为复数句:How much are these books?

改为同义句:What is the price(价格) of this book






-What time is it now?


II.问“……多少钱” —How much is your watch?


—look)nice and It’s two yuan.



A:—Do you have girlfriends ,kid?

B:—Of course.翻译:

A:—Then,how many girlfriends do you have?

B:—A lot.翻译: A:—Wow,unbelievable(难以置信的)!


Boy: —How much money do you have,old man?

Man: — Two thousand(千)dollars.翻译

Boy: —Wow,Then,

Man:—I’m old now,so I only eat a little(一点点),bowl)

IV.问“什么时候”—— When do you usually get up?你通常什么时候起床?

When is your birthday?翻译:

When you often go to school?你通常几点钟上学?

练习:when he play football?他什么时候踢足球?【广东版开心英语六年级教材】

V.问“要多久时间”——how long

How long have you lived here?你住这里已经多久了?

VI.问“多久一次”—— — How often do you play games?

— Twice/once a week. 一周两次/一次


-How do you usually go to school? -By bike.




What is the date today?几天几月几号啊?

X.问“年龄”—— How old is she?

XI.问“哪一个”—— Which is taller, you he?


Who are you?你是谁?

Who (teach)you English?

练习: 用特殊疑问词填空.

1.________did you buy the chocolate? At the supermarket.

2._______ did she get to the cinema? At 2:00.

3.______ did they study English? Four years.

4._______ did he eat hamburgers last year? Sometimes.

5.______ did you go to London? By air.

6._______ didn’t Jenny go to school? Because she was ill.

7._______ bought the sausages ?Sally did .

(3) You look cool!你看起来帅呆了!


它的第三人称单数是: 过去式是:

练习: She (look)a little (肥) after New Year’s Day.


①look after照顾,照看; look at 看,注视; look up查阅(字典等)

eg.I must look after my mother at home. She is ill. 我母亲生病了,我必须照顾她。

Look at A side! There are two enemies there! 看A点,有两个敌人在那。

You can look up this word “abnormal” in the dictionary. 你可以在词典里查“变态”这个单词



You look(看起来) really beautiful,Gogo!你看上去真漂亮,Gogo!

Bullets don’t taste(尝起来) good,man. 老兄,子弹尝起来可不好吃啊。

These flowers smell(闻起来) a little exciting. 这些花闻起来让人有点兴奋.

I ate too much on New Year’s Day,I don’t feel(感觉起来) well now.



ugly 丑陋的; handsome英俊的; rich 有钱的; poor穷的;




(4)But can you see,Gogo? 但是,Gogo 你看得见么?



a pen,he has three books and pens.

Do you know which has more,he?


You must be careful 你必须小心谨慎些。

Of course I can learn English well.我当然可以学好英语。

I will go to Beijing one day.有一天我将要去北京。

运动品牌匹克宣传语:I can play.


一般疑问句 肯定与否定回答Yes, No,

【注意】can还有另外的意思。本节课中我们还学了“a can of cola”这里面can的意思是“罐,罐装”是一


(5)Let’s run!Come on,I’m faster than you.让我们赛跑吧.来呀,我比你快哦。

这个句子中 Let’s是的缩写,

句型:let sb do sth.“让某人做某事”注意sb为人称代词的时候要用宾格

练习:( )—This box is so heavy. —Let you.

A.I;to help B.me;help C.I;help

come on意为“来呀,加油”用于鼓励别人,或者表示催促,当然,也不排除挑衅

如:Come on,come on!Catch me,catch me!来呀,来呀,有本事来抓我呀!哈哈哈!


let’s 与let us 有细微的区别,let’s表示说话的双方都包括而let us不包括

eg. Let’s go home,Gogo.让我们一起回家吧,Gogo。

Let us go home,Gogo.放我们回家吧,Gogo。

(6)What are you doing? I’m thinking.你在干什么? 我在思考呢,呵呵。



进行时态中的动词ing形式在语法中叫做现在分词,你还能清楚的说出现在分词的构成么? ①一般情况下,直接在动词后加ing:

play—; watch—;




lie(说谎,躺); die(死);




1、 祈使句的肯定句式

(1) 如:Open the door, please! 请把门打开!

Listen to me ! 听我说!

(2) 以Let 开头,可以表示建议和请求。

如:Let’s go to school . 我们去学校吧!

(3) 如:Be quiet ! 请安静!

Be careful ! 小心!

(4) No+名词/动名词,是警示语,表示禁止,在公共场合经常见到。

如:No photos ! 禁止拍照 !

No smoking ! 禁止吸烟!



如:Climb the mountains !(改为否定句)______________________________________ 练习:禁止停车 No (park)

不要玩电脑游戏: play computer games.



( )1.We′re thirsty,let′s buy three_____of cola.

A. cartons B.bars C.cans

( )2.A:How much______these flowers? B:They______50yuan?

A.were were B.was were C.are were

( ) 3.A:This Pair of glasses is 200 yuan. B:_____________

A.That′s cool. B.That′s expensive. C.That′s good.

( )4.What does Tony have for breakfast?

A. He had a loaf of bread and a carton of milk.

B.He has a bunch of flowers and a carton of milk.

C.He has a loaf of bread and a carton of milk.

( ) 5.A box of chocolates is_________than a box of chocolates.

A.more expensive. B.expensive C.cheaper

( )6.What _________ your brother _________ yesterday?

A.did;bought B.does;buy C.did;buy

( )7.He _________the history museum yesterday.

A.find B.found C.were find

( )8.My father is going to buy a________ of toilet paper

A.bar. B.roll. C.box.

( )9.Tony _________ cool.

A.look . B.looks C.does


me help you.

2.That is 那个小丑真有趣.


4.I am think)我在思考.

5.我要两杯牛奶glass) of ) your

,I can get up at 6 am.

8.Where did you (buy) that (帽子)

9.Don’t (be)late again,Tony.不要再迟到了,托尼

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