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导读: 2016年五年级下册英语冀教版(共6篇)2016最新冀教版小学五年级英语下册3月月考信义中心小学五年级英语三月份月考试题班级:__________ 姓名:__________ 考号:__________第一部分 听力部分(共计23分)一、 听录音,选出对应的图片。(2*4=8分)( )1 A B C...



班级:__________ 姓名:__________ 考号:__________

第一部分 听力部分(共计23分)

一、 听录音,选出对应的图片。(2*4=8分)

( )1. A. B. C.

( )2. A.



( )3. A.



( )4. A.



二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(3*5=15分) ( )1. A. I see a big brown cow. B. I see a big black cow.

C. I see a big white cow.

( )2. A. Jenny is pointing at the red school.

- 1 - - 2 -

B. Jenny is drawing a picture. C. Jenny is reading a book.

( )3. A. Would you like some tea?

B. Would you like some milk? C. Would you like some milk? ( )4. A. The baby is sleeping.

B. The baby is crying. C. The baby is playing.

( )5. A. Jenny is singing a song to her mother.

B. Danny is singing a song to his mother. C. Li Ming is singing a song to his mother.

第二部分 笔试部分(共计77分)


( )1. d ____ n(向下的,朝下的) A.se B.ce C.ca ( )2. j ____ mp(跳,跳跃) A. a B. e C. u

( )3. so ____ y(对不起) A. tt B. rr C. ee ( )4. t ____ k(讨论,交谈) A. al B. ai C. el

( )5. wom ____ n(女人) A. i B. u C. a 二、单词大变身。(3*4=12分)

1. man(对应词)_________ 2. dance(现在分词)_________ 3. picture(复数)_________ 4. up(反义词)_________ 三、想一想,选一选。(2*10=20分)

( )1. It’s seven o’clock. The Greens _______ breakfast now. A. has B. are having C. is having ( )2. The man behind _______ is talking. A. I B. me C. my ( )3. Danny would _______ some tea.

A. likes B. like C. to like

( )4. I _______ my homework in the evening. How about you?

A. write B. do C. have

( )5. Li Ming, would you like _______ water?

A. some B. a C. /

( )6. I am hungry. I want _______ some bread and water.

A. to have B. have C. having

( )7. ——_______ for this book? —— Five yuan.

A. How many B. How tall C. How much

( )8. Here are _______ on the table.

A. some tea B. two cups of teas C. two cups of tea ( )9. ——Would you like some water? ——_______.

A. Yes, I like. B. No, please. C. No, thanks.

( )10. ——I can’t go shopping with you. I’m writing a letter.

- 3 - - 4 -


A. I can’t go shopping. B. Let me do it. C. That’s OK.


looking, of, sleeping, out, drawing

1. —— What are you doing? —— I’m _________ a picture. 2. —— What is Jenny doing? —— She is _________. She is quiet. 3. Jenny is looking _________ of the window on the train. 4. Would you like a glass(玻璃杯)_________ milk.

5. —— What are you doing? —— I’m _________ at the red school.

五、下列句子均有一处错误,请选出来并改在横线上。(4*5=20分) ( ) A B C

( ) A B C

( )

A B C ( )

A B C ( )5. Please doesn’t drink in the library. ______________





姓名:_________ 成绩:________

一、 根据汉语提示写出正确的单词

1. _________(礼物) 2. _________ (熊猫)

3. _________(经常) 4. _________ (昨天)

5. _________(底部) 6. _________ (顶部)

7. _________(拐角) 8. _________ (电脑)

9. _________(电子邮件) 10. _________(信封)

11._________(左边) 12. _________(右边)

13. _________(信) 14. _________ (邮票)

15. _________(发送) 16. _________(受伤的)

17._________(照相机) 18. _________(帮助)

19. _________(婴儿) 20. _________(睡觉)


big man quietly easy putting

children sunny arriving father loudly

1. men(单数)_________ 2. small(反义词)_________

3.mother(对应词)_____ 4. quiet(副词)_________

5. sun(形容词)_________ 6. loud(副词)_________

7. put(现在分词)_______8. child(复数)_________

9. arrive(现在分词)______10. hard(反义词)


三、选择正确的过去式并写在相应的词后面(10分) ate went had did looked

walked talked shopped saw played

1. eat( ) 2.go( ) 3. have ( )

4. do( ) 5. look( ) 6.walk( )

7. talk( ) 8.shop( ) 9. see ( )10.play( )


放风筝 到达北京 在邮局 拍照 一杯茶 散步 指向 在火车站 信封的顶部 当


7.the top of the enevlope


( )1. It’s too_______for me. A. to B. small C. look【2016年五年级下册英语冀教版】

()2. This kite is for______. A. are B. you C. am

()3. We saw people____kites. A. on B. flying C. at

()4. It is too______. A. some B. hard C. / ()5. Would you like some noodles? _________ .

A. Yes ,please B. No, please C. Yes, good ()6. Where do you ___ the stamp?A. on B. put C. do

( ) 7. Yesterday Jenny _____ home from Beijing.

A. arrived B. arrive C. arrives

()8. I __a friend in Canada. A. has B. have C. quick

( )9.What’s my mother’s___. A.corner B.address C. am

( )10.You write a letter on___A. letter B.paper C. lot


1.What are you __now? 2.Their tea __too hot to drink.

3.__I have some grapes?4.The men and women walk __.

5.Danny ____ his nose.



( ) 1. A. right B. east C. west

( ) 2. A. Canada B. China C. Chinese ( ) 3. A. sweater B. shirt C. clothes ( ) 4. A. these B. those C. this

( ) 5. A. nurse B. store C. waitress

二.按要求写出下列词的相应形式。 1. this ( 复数 ) _____ 2. big ( 反

义词) _______3. young (比较级) ________ 4. too (同音词) _______

5. I ( 宾格) ________

三.补全下列单词。( )1.h__tel A. o B. a C. u ( )2.gr_ _ t A.ee B. ea C.ae

( )3.w_ _ k A.oo B. or C.ol

( )4.c_me A.e B. u C.o

( )5.ar_ _ve A.ea B. oi C.ri


( ) 1. My grandfather wears ______. A. glass B. class C. glasses

( ) 2. I love to go ______ trips! A. on B. in C. for

( ) 3. It’s a map of _______ . A. China B. china C. Chinese

( ) 4. We go to Beijing ______ bus. A. in B. on C. by

( ) 5. How far is it ______ Beijing to Shijiazhuang? A. from B. to

C. for

( ) 6. This is ______ airplane. A. a B. an C. the

( ) 7. How much _____ one ticket? A. for B. \ C. the

( ) 8. A train is ______ than a plane. A. faster B. slower C. slow

( ) 9. I need four _______ , please. A. tickets B. ticket C. station

( ) 10. I’m _______. A. excite B. excited C. excites


1. they what do like look _________?

2. look a Let’s map at ______. 3. go Beijing to I may _____?

4. how do have many you shirts ?_____? 5. are where tickets the__ ?


China A. Tian’anmen Square Australia B. Kangaroo

The U.S, C.

Statue of Liberty Canada D. Niagara Falls The U.K. E. Buckingham Palace

七. 根据短文内容判断正误(正确“T”,错误“F”)

My uncle and aunt invited us to Beijing to have a trip .So my family will leave for Beijing tomorrow. It’s five thousand one hundred kilometers from my city to Beijing. It’s very far. We are going there by plane and arrive at 7:00 in the evening .We need jackets , sweaters and pyjamas. But I don’t like these sweaters. They are too old . We are going to visit the Tian’anmen Square,the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace. I am very excited now.

( ) 1. My family will arrive in Beijing tomorrow.

( ) 2. Beijing is far from my city.

( ) 3. I like these sweaters.

( ) 4. I am very excited now.

( ) 5. We needn’t jackets , sweaters and pyjamas.




2015-2016学年度第二学期 五年级英语期中测试卷

Ⅰ听力部分(30分) 一、 根据听到的内容,选择单词。(10分) ( )1、A. men B. man C. tree ( ) 2、A. make B. book C. look ( ) 3、A. many B. woman C. ten ( ) 4、A. car B. park C. hard ( ) 5、A. hurt B. clerk C. picture ( ) 6、A.tea B. help C. hotel ( ) 7、A. quickly B..slowly C. loudly ( ) 8、A. picture B. play C. people ( ) 9、A. evening B. easy C. everyone ( )10、A. camera B. careful C. can 二、选出你所听到的句子。(将答案序号写入括号内)(10分)

( )1、A、What are you doing? B、Danny is sleeping.

( )2、A、Who is singing? B﹑The baby is crying.

( )3、A、Would you like some tea? B、Would you like some water?

( )4、A、The bus is slow. B、It goes slowly

( )5、A、This is a camera. B、This is film.

三、听录音,选出文中所缺的内容。 (10分)【2016年五年级下册英语冀教版】

. He gets up in the morning. Then he

washes his . After that , he . He at school.

( ) 1. A.from Monday to Friday B. five times a week

( ) 2.A. at 6:30 B. at 6:50

( ) 3.A. hands and face B. face and hands

( )4. A. has breakfast B. goes to school

( )5. A. has breakfast B. works hard


一、 按要求写单词。(10分)

1、woman(复数) _______ 2、sit( ing形式) _______

3、boy(反义词) _______ 4、men(单数) _______

5、two(同音词) _______ 6、easy(反义词) _______

7、eat (过去式)______ 8、down(反义词) ______

9、young(反义词) ______ 10、child(复数)________


1、arrive in Beijing _________ 2、in the train station _________

3、take a picture__________ 4、去上学 __________________


5、向…外看________ 6、a cup of tea __________________ 7、on the street ___________ 8、读书__________________ 9、fly a kite _________10、Be careful __________________ 三、单项选择.(将正确答案的序号填入括号内)(15分) ( )1. Would you like________ tea? A. some B. any C. / ( )2. The baby's father is a ________ . A. man B. woman C. girl ( )3 What 's Lily doing? She is__________ . A. laughs B. laughing C. laugh ( )4 These are five __________ . A. man B. women C. baby ( )5 Women and children are __________ . A. people B. person C. men ( )6 Boys and girls are _________ . A. men B. women C. children

( )7. I see some children __________ .

A. play B. plays C. playing

( )8. Jenny is _________ out the window.

A. look B. looking C. looks

( )9. What ________ you doing?

A. am B. is C. are

( )10.I am playing________ the baby.

A. am B. with C. Are

四、 将问句的正确答案前的字母序号写在括号内(15分)

( )1、May I take your picture? A、Sure.

( )2、What time is it? B、No, he can't.

( )3. It's hard, can you help me? C、I am eating chicken.

( )4、What are you doing now? D、No, thanks.

( )5、Can Danny fly a kite? E、It’s 3:00.


1. Is loud Danny or quiet ? __________________

2. The behind me woman singing is . __________________

3. go shopping Everyone to wants . __________________

4. Would like tea some you ? __________________

5. looking out window is of Jenny the . __________________









(冀教版)六年级英语下册 期中测试听力材料

2016年五年级下册英语冀教版相关热词搜索:冀教版五年级上册英语 冀教版五年级英语教案


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