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2016-01-09 10:15:36 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

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College Life


1G)George(男国强)- He majors in Environment Science. His roommates are Ken and Tida. They have a bad relationship. He thinks happiness is more important. His girlfriend is Mancy. 2(K)Ken(男帅军)- He fools around all the time. He doesn’t know what kind of life he wants. He hates studying and doesn’t like to be blamed.

3(T)Tida(男东旭)- He doesn’t want to spend time making friends with Ken and George. He likes to communicate with others by computer. Computer is his life.

4(M)Mancy(女史卓)-She is George’s girlfriend. She doesn’t have her own ideas. She wants to be with George all the time. Because of the reason, she ignores Annie’s feelings.

5(A)Annie(女金晶) -She is Mancy’s good friend. She likes Mancy. She is very weird so she hates Mancy’s friends. She wishes Mancy and George to break up. But she doesn’t like her evil thinking.

旁白(宪红)Plot(情节): There are three roommates who have a bad relationship, but a motorcycle accident changes their lives…..

SceneⅠ(场景一)In Girls’ Dorm(女生宿舍)

M史: I like to eat noodles at Hung-Lin because everything’s so cheap there.

A金: I know your favorite food is noodles because you can eat it as much as you can. So your lunch is noodles, and dinner noodles, too. You always say, “Annie, let’s go eat at Hung-Lin. (They walk hand in hand.)

M史: We’re friends. Our friendship will last forever. (They look at each other, and cross their fingers.)

OS: Contrary to the girls, Tida, Ken and George have a bad relationship. They don’t like each other.

SceneⅡ(场景二)Boys’ Dorm(男生宿舍)

Mancy and George go to the room with laughter.

M史: What’s the most important thing for you?

G国: Happiness. I think happiness is the most important thing in the world.

M史: Wow….I like your point. When you laugh, the whole world laughs with you. But when you’re sad, you’re the only one that’s sad.

T东: Be quiet, OK? I can’t concentrate on playing the computer games. Oh! I lost.

K帅: It’s too lousy for me to fall asleep.

(George and Mancy just keep talking.)

M史: George, you’re so humorous.

T东: (hits the desk) No more talking. (At the same time, Ken runs out of the room by slamming the door loudly.Annie calls Mancy.)

M史: Hello, this is Mancy.

A金: Mancy, it’s Annie. Where are you? I’ve been waiting for you for an hour. What happened?

M史: I’m sorry, Annie, I forgot our appointment. Now I’m with …George…..

A金: It’s okay, but I hope you can spend some time with your friends.

M史: I know. Next time we’ll go out to have fun together. SceneⅢ(场景三)In class

K帅: Sorry, I’m late.

(Everyone laughs at Ken because he looks funny.)

K帅: Why did you lock me out? I could’t take my book bag, or change. I told you that I was just going to the toilet for a minute.

G国: Oh. It’s not my fault. I went out first, you can ask Tida.

T东: I didn’t hear what you said. I just concentrated on my computer games.

K帅: Come on! Are you kidding? I’m not happy about that. Please don’t do that again.

T东: Oh…OK.

A金: Hey, Mancy. How was the movie yesterday?

M史: Hmm…I’d like to see the movie, but I had a date.

A金: Who was with you? George?

M史: Yes….

A金: Mancy, I’m so disappointed that you fell in love with George, and you forgot me. You said we were friends forever. But ….now George is all your life.

M史: No matter what you said, we are friends forever.

A金: I don’t think so.

K: Hey, Tida, George and Mancy are glued together all day. I think they come to our room too often to bother me doing homework.

T: I agree with you. I can’t play my computer games well. (The bell is ringing. Everyone is out of class.)

Scene Ⅳ(场景四)On the road(在路上)

M史: Where are we going?

G国: We’re going to a nice place. I have a big surprise for you. You’ll be very interested in it.

M史: Wow, I’m so excited. But you’re riding too fast.




旁白:Dear teacher and students. I am honoured here to tell you a warm story. Maybe, it is your story, his story or her syory.

In the south of our village lives a family. There is a hard-working and kind couple. They have two lovely children, the sister Guo Lin is two years older than her brother Guo Hang. Guo Lin is always the top student in her senior high. She’ll graduate from her senior high school next year. But her brother will to be a senior high school student next year. So ,their parents meet a big problem----lacking money to afford the children’s study. Here , they have a big decision.(父母已经准备好行李放在桌上,墙上贴着两个孩子的奖状)

背景:墙,墙上有奖状,中间为全家福,饭桌,小床(国杭卧室的) 李国林:Mum, Dad. Don’t leave us. If we lack money, I’ll leave off my study. Let Guo Hang finish his education. I give up. Please don’t leave us. 母亲 :No, never say that again! Dear! Look at the whole wall of your certificate of merits. You are always the best student in your school. You are the hope of our family. Neither of you will give up study! Just the education can change your fate and future.母亲在说话时,父亲在拼命地吸烟。)

父亲:(扔掉烟头) We have made a decision. Your mother and I will go to the city to find jobs. People said the salary in cities is higher than our

income. The train is at 10 o’clock, we’ll leave soon.

母亲: (环顾四周,寻找儿子,此刻儿子在自己的房间收拾行李)

Where is Guo Hang?

李国林: In his bedroom.


父亲:What do you want to do?

国杭: To go with you, to work with you. I’m poor in my study, I don’t want to continue. Earning money to help my sister to finish her education is my mind. I’ll work with you.

父亲: I’m poor in this village. Your mother is poor in her health.

You are poor in your study. How poor we are! How poor we are! Tell me, tell me.(扔掉国杭的行李) Look at this house, worn , ugly, frazzle.

I don’t want my children have been living here all of their life.What we can do is to earn more money to pay for your study. What you can do is to study hard to change this condition.(推儿子一把,拉着妻子的手,提着行李拂袖而去。)

走远后回头大叫:Li Guo Hang, Remember for me! From now on you are the only man in this family! To be a true man.

旁白:Guo Hang is crying in the heavy rain. He doesn’t know what is waiting for him and what should he do to look after his family. But the words“To be a true man”is resounding around his ears.






旁白:After a week, both of Guo Hang’s parents have gotten jobs. The work is heavy and tiring, but the couple did hard.

At 4 o’clock every morning, everyone is still sleeping in their dreams. Mum must get up to do her job。



三四个喝醉的青年勾肩搭背地唱着歌出来,一人走到母亲刚扫光的地上吐起来,此处离垃圾桶不到时厘米。 母亲: (面露难色):Sir, please! Don’t spit here. The trash bin is over there. 呕吐男: So what?

I like spitting here.

I spit , you clean it.

You have cleaned, I spit.

I have spat, you clean again.

Clean, spit. Clean, spit. Clean, spit.

呕吐男的女朋友: This is your job. The government pays you money, so you should serve us. Have you got it?


旁白:mom is crying. She takes out a photo, her family photo. Her son and daughter are laughing under the sun in front of their house. She knows no matter what happens, no matter how hard the work is.she must persist, persist ,persist.



父亲: Please Sir, where is the NO.2 building.

保安:Go down this road, look at the first turning, turn left. Then you

will see NO.2. Brother? Which floor asked the water?

父亲: eight.

保安:Eight? There is no elevator in that building, you should carry it

by yourself. Oh, eight.

父亲: No elevator? Oh, No! I should carry it by my shoulder. Damn!

The eight floor.


人物:老师,李国航,被打同学, 邻居姐姐

老师:LiGuoHang, please look at his face, his eyes and here, here. What happened?

李国航: He said I stole his money.

老师 :Did you?

李国航: No, I didn’t.

被打同学:who can prove?

李国航: Nobody

老师: SO? (怀疑地质问)

李国航: I repeat. I didn’t steel his money.

The truth is that I am poor but I am not a thief.

My father said I am a man . A true man can’t be a thief.

This guy, loving playing computer gamers always lacks money.



邻居姐姐:GuoHang, go with me. Your grandma is ill, in the hospital.



The rhythm of love

Actors: 孔上海 丁宗玉 冯杰 朱媛媛 赵红玉 冯芳


X:孔上海 J: 冯杰 W:朱媛媛 D:丁宗玉 Y: 冯芳 Z: 赵红玉




人物:孔上海 冯杰 朱媛媛

(冯杰and 朱媛媛 唱歌入场 《Girlfriend》艾薇儿)

(冯杰 and 朱媛媛 唱完后 找个凳子坐下 做聊天状)

孔上海: Today, there is a dance party, I join in and want to find my girl!! Where are you, my girl!!!(手势动作)

(孔上海走到朱媛媛面前端详, 当朱媛媛伸出手以为要请她跳舞时候,孔上海马上跳到冯杰面前,给棒棒糖,唱老鼠爱大米英文版,然后两人到台前)

孔上海: I have fell in love with you!

冯杰: It’s too rapid! I can’t confront it.

孔上海: Ok! Shall we try to live some day to be suitable to each other?

冯杰: Although I admit you are a food boy, but…

孔上海: Ok. So much for today. I will send text messages to you tonight, wait for me, my sweet! 冯杰:…….

(孔,冯杰退下 朱媛媛起身 上前走一步,先回头张望)(背景音乐响起《Right Here Waiting》) 朱媛媛: Not every one you loved is suitable to you, and you will lose a chance to get a better one.. I will be waiting for you until I change my mind….(语速变缓)



人物:孔上海 冯杰 朱媛媛

(朱媛媛先进来,带上饭盒 放在孔上海的座位上,恋恋不舍离开并一边回头张望,然后坐到自己位置上,拿起书看)


孔上海:It’s strange! 朱媛媛,is it yours?

朱媛媛: No ! it’s yours.

孔上海: Ok that’s fine . No matter who it belongs , I’m hungry now , eating is a good choice. (冯杰进来,看到孔上海在吃饭)

冯杰: Is it delicious? Wish you have a good time!

(冯杰然后走开 走到门外)

(孔上海走向前台 指着冯杰)

孔上海: It’s she bring the food! She is concerned about me!!

(高兴状,然后回去, 睡觉了)

(朱媛媛看到孔上海睡觉了就偷偷摸摸的过去,给他加衣服,此时冯杰在门口进来 刚好看到)

(朱媛媛做出可爱状 恋恋不舍状,慢慢走开 碰到冯杰)

朱媛媛: Hi 冯杰!

冯杰: Hi 朱媛媛! Nice to meet you .

(朱媛媛急急忙忙走开,冯杰走进去,回了回头 很用力的砸书,孔上海被惊醒)


道具: 纸做的棒子一个,木棒子一个,水桶(纸做的也可以), 新华字典,新华字典书皮,大话西游草稿。(音乐:敢问路在何方)

赵红玉: Hi, boy! It looks like you have lost your girl friend, right?

孔上海: Yes. How do you get to know?

赵红玉: 贫道..

冯芳: first blood! (打赵红玉….)

赵红玉: 贫僧 come from china! I’m the master of Buddhism.

孔上海: I know you! You have three students: a monkey a pig and a monster. It’s you 去西天取经

赵红玉: no ! not 去西天取经,but 去西天拜堂成亲.


赵红玉: I have a good book only sold ten yuan … do you want to get one?

孔上海: 葵花宝典?

赵红玉: no no no .. 新华字典!!!(撕下书皮)

Once upon a time, there was a true love in front of me, I didn’t cherish it, if I was to meet him again, I wish to say I love you. if you would ask me how long I would love him, I would say ten thousands years. That man is you the only man I love in this world is you .only you(sing)

冯芳: stop! Double kill! (并打赵红玉…) 孔上海, listen carefully and then answer the questions, do you like eating pork?

孔上海: yes! It’s my favorite!

冯芳: tripe kill!! (并打孔上海…) I’m 猪八戒 , the most clever beautiful handsome bright pig in the world!!!

赵红玉: 八戒! I persuade you many times that you not play too many computer games! especially 魔兽争霸 and dota!!

冯芳: I had a girl called 嫦娥… I have a dream that one day this love will rise up ,it’s a dream deeply rooted in the dream! Oh!!嫦娥!!! I miss you!!!!

孔上海: oh??? 高翠兰is there.

冯芳: where? Where? 翠兰!!I’m coming!!

(冯芳马上跑了过去,赵红玉追了过去 边喊 八戒!八戒!)

孔上海: a silly pig. My classmates had three girl friends called 嫦娥.


(冯杰 丁宗玉上场)

冯杰: 丁宗玉, I’m your girl friend now. Tomorrow, would you love me as today?

丁宗玉: oh my silly girl, why would you say so ? I’m a man with responsibility, you are my first girl !

冯杰: 丁宗玉, I trust you forever…….

(冯杰,丁宗玉开始拿到冰激凌的盒子, 丁宗玉喂冯杰吃,此时孔上海上场,做四处张望状) 孔上海: 冯杰! Where are you!! You are my girl!

(此时看到冯杰,丁宗玉 在亲密, 孔上海 冲了过去)

孔上海: 冯杰 ! You are here! I’m looking for you all night! (生气 惊讶状)who is he? Why will you get along with him?

冯杰: get out! I hate you! you are a cheat , 朱媛媛 is your girl , right?

孔上海: no!朱媛媛is just my classmate, why do you think so? (此时孔上海上前想要解释 不小心把冯杰推倒, 冯杰做倒地状)….

(此时丁宗玉 上前,一把打倒孔上海, 孔上海倒地)

孔上海: 冯杰! I defeat him! You know you are my only girl and I love you so much that I can do anything for you!

(此时 赵红玉,冯芳上场 看到丁宗玉 做出惊讶状 )

赵红玉: Wukong(丁宗玉)! Why do you stay here? We are going to Xitian!

丁宗玉: oh my god!!! Master tang …. I just have some little thing, could you wait a moment?

赵红玉: Wukong ! You are as naughty as before.(开始念紧箍咒)

(丁宗玉 开始痛苦)

冯杰: No !! 丁宗玉!! You are not my boy! You are sun wukong! Oh my lady gaga!!! You are just a monkey!!!

冯芳: Brother monkey! What are you doing! I will tell all happened to 紫霞仙子… 丁宗玉: Oh no!! You silly pig!!! Wait!! Wait!!

(赵红玉,冯芳 开始走了, 丁宗玉马上追上)

(音乐: 梁静茹《可惜不是你》)



(孔上海 继续倒在地上, 朱媛媛 走过来 扶起他)

朱媛媛: You know you can lose a chance but no second to get a better one.. I will be waiting for you and miss you until I change my mind…

孔上海: Really? I’m sure you are the best girl for me..

(朱媛媛 拿出奶茶)

朱媛媛: Do you know who you are?

孔上海: I’m 孔上海! Any wrong?

朱媛媛: No ! You are this !

孔上海: Am I just a milky tea?

朱媛媛: You are my 优乐美!!!


(两人相扶而起,冯杰 进入视野,冯杰开始告白)

(冯杰看到孔上海,朱媛媛在一起了,先顿了顿 然后走了过去)

冯杰: I know ,I know …. Not everyone I loved is suitable to me, and I will lose a chance to get one ...

孔上海: And no second choice to get a better one.

The End





2、剧本可以为经典再现或剧本原创. 要求参赛作品青春、积极向上、思想健康、有创意。(参赛作品可原创,支持并且鼓励原创作品。原创作品能适当加分)




6、 本次话剧比赛要求选手在表演时必须用英文表达。

(四) 比赛评分标准(满分为100分)

1.剧本内容与创意(Content & Creativity)(20%)



3.英语表现能力(Language) (50%)

发音 60%:发音是否正确清晰、流利







(五) 评审人员

赛: 学院文艺一位、对方学院英语理事会代表一位、自己学院的英语理事会代表一位 、上届英语话剧比赛获奖队伍代表两位 决赛:由高校英语专业外教、老师。






1 敏敏(M)和安南(N):老乡,高中同学,大学相遇,N沉迷于网络,M拯救了他。共同奋斗,出国,走出家乡。

2 雪(S)和睿(R):异地恋,雪为了配上优秀的R,努力。最后结婚。

3 臻(Z)和龙(L):Z是女强人,L是小跟班。最后成功创立自己的公司。

4 钰Y和朋P:Y和M逛街,遇到小偷(光),P英雄救美。

5 安琪A:追星,打扮,虚荣,为了见到偶像,奋起。最后成为北大的研究生。

Part 1 (寝室)

M :how exciting!明天,我会参加一个老乡会,Y go with me ! there must be many handsome


Y :I’d love to,but you know, winter is coming ,I must prepare some gloves and clothes.A,你对


A :别烦我,我正在打扮呢!有个好消息,我亲爱的偶像周杰伦快来哈尔滨了,我一定要

去看到他!(自拍中)恩……真漂亮!(拿镜子),镜子,镜子,谁是最漂亮的女孩? S : 当然是我!(口头语:亲爱的),dear friends,明天是我最开心的一天,因为,我最亲爱

的 男朋友要来看我了,oh,dear , 他是那么帅,oh ,dear ,他是那么优秀,oh ,dear…… Z :OH,dear,don’t say “oh,dear”any more,OK?在21世纪,什么是最有贵的?人才!(指着自




N : HELLO,M(吃惊)

M: HELLO,N(吃惊状),这是在做梦吗?(揉眼睛),我们竟然在一个学校!

N:我也不能相信我的眼睛,你是我遇到的唯一一个以前的同学,真是命运的安排啊! 一起唱:……


Y: (带着手套和帽子),这么漂亮的帽子,这么漂亮的手套!


P:hey,man !what are you doing !



Y (惊讶),真正的男人啊,这么勇敢,真么快,真么帅!



P(害羞了):thank you,en…..what …what…,my name is peng,what’s your name? i….i….i’m from


Y;oh ,really? i’m from HEU,too

P (摸头),这条街不太安全,我们……我们……我们一起回去吧。



S 亲爱的,你来了!

R 我想你,宝贝儿,你想我么?

S 当然,好久都没有看到你了。

R 我们现在去哪儿?

S 去看电影吧。好么?

R 当然,陪亲爱的看电影很幸福。走吧。



Z: 今天我们学习部要举办一个讲座,,你(指着龙),去复印这个……

L 哦

Z 这里太脏了,你赶快打扫一下


Z 快点,准备一个演讲稿给我

L 哦,但是……我应该先做哪一个?

Z 自己看着办,我很忙

L 我知道……(低头) ,(抬头——自言自语)我知道什么了


M 姐妹们,我今天遇到一个朋友,我们是一个高中的!

Y 你真幸运,我也是,我在路上遇到了一个小偷,然后……我们学校的一个英雄救了我,


M Z ; are you ok? 你受伤了吗?

Y 我没事,我和那个男孩一起回校了,但是我感觉安琪is not ok

(一起看安琪)安琪唱:我送你离开,千里之外……JAY ,你听到我的歌声了吗?这是为你而唱

Z 我的天啊,,她疯了(摇头)但是雪呢?

Y 她和她男朋友出去了,她还没回来

Z 不行,我们给她打个电话……雪,你在哪呢?

S.R(握手) 我们在吃西餐,臻,我……我今晚不想回去了,我男朋友快走了,我想好好陪陪他

Z 不,你不能。我们都很担心你。

Y 你快回来,你不回来我就打你

A 快使用双节棍,哼哼哈黑……

S 好吧……我会回去的,我知道自己该怎么做

S 亲爱的,我不想回去,我想和你在一起。

R 那怎么可以,你应该回去的。

S 那好吧,我回去。

R 那我送你回去吧。


M (打电话—)早上好,南,我们一起去图书馆学习吧

N 学习?你在开玩笑吗?我正在玩游戏呢

M OH,不,南,你不能再这样了!我们来自同一个地方,我多么希望我们能够一起奋斗啊…… N all right,thank you

(M N 坐在了一起)

Y :P,谢谢你救了我,我们一起去上自习好吗?

P : Ok……ok ….that …that’s a good idea

Z ;(对龙—)你完成任务了吗?快点,快点,过来学习,我们的目标是创办一个属于自己


L Ok,I know 不要总是对我大吼大叫,我是你的朋友不是仆人


S 安琪,安琪,你不能总是活在梦里,如果你真这么喜欢你的偶像,你就应该好好学习,


A 恩,我知道自己该怎么做了……你也要努力!不要总是想着你的男友,他那么优秀,你


S 是吗?那我一定要好好学习,我要配上 他……

S 让我们一起努力吧

PART 8(婚礼上)

( S R 等待着……)

A 出现……

S 啊,安琪,安琪,我想死你了……你现在过得怎么样?

A HA HA ,我现在是北大的博士生了……

S 这么厉害啊……太帅了

(Z 拽着L说,快点走,快点走,要迟到了……)

S 你们???你们怎么样了

Z 嘿嘿,我现在和龙创立了一个公司


M N 一起出现,:不好意思,不好意思,我们刚从国外赶回来……


Y 出现了……

S 小钰啊,你最近怎么样了……

Y (害羞),我现在是一名老师了……

P 出现了……


P (摸头) 我是一名警察了……



P 我……那个……

Y 我想看电影了……

P 哦,哦,哦,那我们一起去看电影吧……


齐:开始了,婚礼开始了 光:你愿意嫁给他吗?


光:你愿意娶她 吗?


S 你们愿意跟我友谊长存吗? 齐 WE DO

R 你们愿意为了梦想奋斗终生吗> 齐 WE DO




作者:佚名 文章来源:本站原创 点击数:











旁白:A quiet villageiscoveredwithwhitesnow .

Birdsaredancinginthecold .

Amaniswalkingalongthestreet ,stepbystep .


Another mysteriousmanapproaches .


X:oH ,Iamsorrytoknockyou !

Y:Haha, Nevermindbaybay.

X:Excuseme, whoareyouonearth? couldyoutellmeyourname?

Y:ha ha ,Iwon’tchangemyname! nomatterwhathappens. I’mthemostfamous-------YeGucheng. Whoareyou?


Y惊讶:Ar, ximenchui xue?


Y:IheardthatyouarethebestingMartialArts? 15943 更新时间:2009-3-19

X:Great, youknowme !

Y抱腿:Please, please…… Don’tkillme! letmeyougo!

X:No, Imustkillyou !

Y:Idon''''''''''''''''twanttobekilled.Thereare aeighty-year-oldmotheandathree-yearold sontobelookedafterbyme!

X:Noway! Becausewearefightingnow!youknow?

Y突然站起冷冷的说:Don''''''''''''''''t forceme!



X抢过牛奶:milk, verygood! Ilikedrinkingit. howdoyouknowthat?


X喝完牛奶:Thanks, ha,ha


X:Sure, must! milkismilk.

Y(恼怒+冷酷):Verygood! verygood! Ihopeyouwillnotforgetwhatyousaid!?


Y:Imustgiveyoualesson!IfIdon''''''''''''''''tbeatyourthistime, you’llneverbehaveproperly!3-2-1-0!

X捂着肚子,蹲下:Oach,Oach !


X可怜状: help! help! Whereisthewashroom?

Y:What ?


Y:What ?

X:The “WC”?

Y:Oh,I see ,goalongthisstreetandturnrightwhenyouseeacorssingroad!





H:Hua---man----lou! Haveyouseenximenchuixue?

Y:Yes, hewasbeatenbymeandisin“WC” now,ha……



H:Teriffic!youaretheonemykinglookingfor! doyouwantjoininus?


H:Ok, followme, Let’sgotoseemyking!

Y:Ok,Let’s go!


H:Mydearest ! letmeintroduce yeguchengtoyou! (指Y) thisisyegucheng.

K:sitdownplese, yegucheng.

H走到Y前,《婚礼进行曲》起,H神甫状:Yegucheng! Doyouwanttofollowmykingnomatterwhathappenssuchascold headache,sair and aids? Y: Yes,Ido.

K: Huamanlou, come . puttheringonhisfinger!(音乐停)

X唱着上:Onlyyou……(看到戒子) thisringshouldbemine!

K:Butwhoareyou? whyshoulditbelongyou?

Y急切: king! dearking!Imustgonow,mybrotherislookingforme!huoxi(维语再见)

K:huoxi? Whatdoesthatmean? ItisnotEnglish, isn’t it ?

Y:How clever……

X冷酷:yegucheng! comehere!Iwanttotellyousomething!

Y抱X的腿:oldbrother ! Forgiveme!

X:Forgiveme? Why?

Y: Oncetherewasachangebeforeme,Ilostit. Ifthegodgivemeantherchance, I’lltellyou“I love you”,Iftheremustbea limited period,Ihopeitisthousandyear!

X:Youshall cheat me!all you did are wrong!how can youtell thelady’s“WC”!

Y:Ilikegoinglady’s WC .I……I……IthinkthatyoulikewhatIlike.(Y又拿出一袋牛奶)

X: m-i-l-k?haha, ayixidailu!(我爱你的意思)

K: ayixidailu?What’sthemeaning? whyIalsocan’tunderstandyou?

X:Youarestupid! Itmeans“I love you”.

K:Don’t saythat“you love me”. I’llkillyouforyousayingdirtywordtome!

X:What? (侧耳装着听不到) You---kill----me?come, come…(X上去抓住K)

K:Fuckyou. Imustkillyou!

X:Howcanyoukillme? haha……

Y:Letmehaveatry! 3-2-1-0(X捂着肚子,蹲下)

K: thankyouverymuch, yousaveme. Now, I’llgiveyoutheticketforAmericantoletyou


Y:That’s good. butthereisonemorething. canyougivemea MM ?IwanttogoAmericanwithher.

K:ofcouse.Youaretheonewhohasthesimilartastewithme! Hahaha……小品剧本大全.





X:Yes,I……I…… do.

H顶着摇头:X,no, no, youcan’tgotoLady’s “WC”. Thatisnottheplacewhereyoucangointo ! becauseyouareX ! youarethe bestmanofChinesekongfu!

X: whatifI’mthebestintheword? !whyItrymybesttolivebutI’mstillsomiserable ? whencanIgetmyfreedom? mustbethedeadday ? !

K: youareright. onewillnotbecleveruntilthedayhedie. Inthatcase ,whywill you die in such a bad sorrow way !gointo theLady’s WC , thendie , comfortablly ! goahead !

H: you , stupid , bad behavior ! goaway !

K; why ? whydoyouhelphim ! whoacturallyareyou ?

H: myreal name isLuXiaofeng------the wifeofX .I’maspy.

K惊讶: !you---you---YouareLuXiaofeng ? X’wife ?

Y: Ihavealreadyrecognizedyou . atricker ! doyouknow, youarethefirst person who cheated me ! because of you ,Ideeide never believe anyone else ,including myself .you have destroyed my looking for you for many years ,just for today ! (轻声说)Xwilldie ,goandseehim ,please . H扑倒在X的身边:X,do’t die ,you should be alive ,there are much hope inthe fature and tomorrow is a goodbeginning !

K:what amoving story !I was impressed !

Y:life is a progress ,but it is depressed that it can not resume !

H: life isa progress ,and it is delight that itneedn’t resume !


Y痛苦状:don’tleave me here , you know I love you and I have nothing except you now ,please notabandon me !realizethat I’m wrong .help me,I intend to be back ,helpme ,I keyyou ,beg you------help me . I’ll never dothat again !(Y死,音乐停)


H: X , oh , no ,you can’t die ,we will go home together .

X:gohome ! ?

H:Tomorrow is another day !evenyou have thelast secondto live,youshould be alive ,not only for me , but for ourlove !

X:doyouwant melivealifeinsuchasorrow way ? ok , ok , Ipromise I willbealive for you .but !youknow, Ihavenot timeleft ,but you have ,promisethatyou will be happy everyday !Youmustdome this honor... promise meyou will survive... that youwillnevergiveup... nomatter what happens... no matter howhopeless... promise me now ,andnever let go of that promise.

H: I promise .

X:Never let go .

H:Ipromise . Iwill never let go ,

X.I''''''''ll never letgo.(X死)

H:be alive !yeah , bealive ! bealivewithout ahendance !lifecanbechanceliketimecangotoback . thereisbeatifulsnowbutinsping , solifecancomefromthebeginning ! (H自刎,艰难的爬到X身边死.音乐停。)


英语话剧原创篇七:Broken Dream(原创英语剧本

Broken Dream(原创英语剧本)

Broken Dream (Thriller)

Aside(Vicky):In a gloomy forest ,there are two girls who live in a frame house.They are always happy every day.

Jessie:"What will we have for supper?Christine"

Christine:"I think salad is OK."

Jessie:Yum,I love salad.”

Robber 1(Arwen):"Their voise sound like girls."

Robber 2(Spirit):"Yeah,I think so."

Arwen:"Then we can succeed.Tt will be easy”."

Spirit:"Of course.This should be fun"

(Two robbers came into the house )

Jessie:"Ahhh what will you do?"

Spirit:"Do you know what “robbers” are?They are just like us.Surrender your expensive things at once!"

Christine:"No way!"

Arwen:”No way?You are so stupid!Quickly!Or you will die!”

(Then the robbers killed the two girls with knives and ran away ,The two girls became two ghost,and at this moment an angel appeared.)


Angel(Candy):"Was you death willing,or unwilling?"



Angel:"Do you want to come back to life?"

Christine:"That would be great if we can."

Angel:"It’s not difficult for you to come back to life.But you must kill five girls before the sun rise tomorrow.After finishing the work ,you can be alive again.But if you don’t finish it,you’ll disappear forever."

Christine:"Really?But the girls killed by us must be pitiful.They must deserve to die.”

Jessie:"I don’t understand.”

Christine:"Me ,too."

Angel:"I believe that your dream will come true.You will live again."

(Angel disappeared)

Arwen:"How gloomy the forest is!"

Spirit:"Yeah,I also feel chills on my back."

Arwen:"Look behind you!Oh my god!What are you doing?"”Ahhh”(screams)

(At this time , Arwen and Sprint were killed by the two girls.Their souls flew away.And then ,another two girls were coming into the forest.)


Jessie:"Look ,another two girls are coming here."

Christine:"They will be our goals."


Vicky:"I heard someone crying just now."

Candy:"Uh,I did too.Who is there?"

Vicky:”I’m scared.”

(At that time ,two ghosts rubbed their hands along the two girls’ backs.)

(After a while,two girls were killed by two ghost)

Jessie:"There will only be one left for us to kill.Who should it be? "


(They don’t feel as guilt this time as last time,the two girls have big smiles on their face and they don’t know another girl was standing behing a tree near them ,and she saw everything at that time .)

Lesley":What were you doing just now?Are you ghosts?Why did you kill the girls?"

(Lesley was who saw everything they did ,came out from behind a tree.)

Christine:"We don’t want to do it,but we were killed and we never did anything wrong to others,we must do this to get our lives back ."

Jessie:"So we want to come back to life."

Lesley:"Really?But if that’s true ,you also can’t hurt other people who are innccent.

Christine:Yes ,you may be right.I’m very sorry,but you must be the last prey."

Lesley:"Okey.I know I can’t run away .I have already had premonitions since I went into the forest.I’m afraid my fate is doomed."

(Two ghost felt so surprised,so they just beated her for a while .She lay down on the grass and didn’t make any noise .Two ghost thought she had already died.)

Jessie:”We have succeeded at last ,right?”

Chrstine:”Yes.Now all we must do is to wait for the sun to rise.”

Jessie:”Look,there is light in the east !!!”

Aside:”The sun will rise soon.”

(A few minutes passed,Lesley wake up ,the ghosts look at her already,but they could do nothing because the sun has risen.)

Jessie:”Why aren’t we be alive?”

Chritine:”Um……We did wrong ,right?We are dead ,we have been doing wrong things since we killed the first two girls.But we have worked so hard ,it’s not fair that we can’t come back to life at last.”


Aside:”After saying .Two ghosts disappeared forever.The little girl also died because of her serious wounds.”

Angel:”I really think you never came to understand what death means.”

Aside:”The sun has risen.Two girls’ dream were broken.Life is for anoning wrongdoing,life is not for causing more destruction.Christine and Jessie will be ghosts forever. Dying is like a chance to start again.Life is like the transition between living and dying,but for these two girls there will only be a broken dream.”





英语口语考试 材料


Eddie(陈东东) Andy(刘康乐) Bob(闫 萌) Tony(毛 尚)

题目: What do you want to be ?

Eddie : Hi, Tony and Andy.

Tony : Hi, Eddie.

Andy : Hi, Eddie.

Eddie : What are you doing ?

Tony : We are a blackboard paper.

Eddie : Hi, Bob.

Bob : Hi, Eddie.

Eddie : This is a good topic. Ten years later, what will we be like ? Hi

Andy what do you want to be ?

Andy : I don’t know, maybe we are still students — old students.

Bob : Ok. Why don't we discuss our future life ?

Tony : This is a good idea, now let us discuss our future .

Eddie : OK.

Andy : OK. Listen to me, maybe I’m still studying.

Eddie : What ? Do you still want to be a student — an old student ?

Bob : I know you do well in studying and you like studying, but we can

not always be students.

Tony : Yes, I don’t think student is a good job, we must go to work and

have a good life.

Andy : No. I don’t want to be an old student, in fact, I want to be a


Bob : The same as Stephen Hawking to explore the wonders of the

universe, or like Yuan Longping, to study all kinds of rice.

Andy : Probably I will be successful like both of them.

Tony : But science is very tedious, can you stand for loneliness ?

Bob : Even if you can stand loneliness, but can you have that kind of

determination ?

Eddie : Yes, decades of exploration and probably you can get nothing,

will you not feel sad ?

Andy : Maybe you are right, but the process of quest is also fine,

probably I will become the first person who understands

something unknown.

Bob : Maybe you are right, and I hope you become a scientist, to be

frank, I want to be an official.

Andy : Corrupt official.

Eddie: Do you want to be a corrupt official ?

Tony : No, he just wants to be an official, and earn much money.

Andy : And then become a corrupt official ?

Eddie : Right, to be a corrupt official. And then you will be put into

prison, and then killed.

Bob : No, I want to be a good official, I'd like to serve the people

whole-heartedly. Maybe I can earn a lot of money and get

people's respect.

Andy : Wish you become a good official.

Tony : Wish you would make a huge sum of money.

Eddie : Right, much money and respect.

Bob : Tony, what do you want to be ?

Tony : I want to be a hero.

Eddie : Hero? The hero in the film? Like Sylvester Stallone and Li

Xiaolong ?

Bob : Maybe like a spider and superman.

Tony : I want to become a real social hero — a real hero.

Andy : You should join the army.

Bob : Right, you should join the army, become a general, then become a


Eddie : But, the world is peaceful now. So I do not think you can become

a hero.

Tony : You’re wrong, I just want to help others, like Lei Feng .

Andy : You are really great!

Bob : I think so, too.

Eddie : Me too, I hope you can help more people.

Tony : Yes, I will , I think that's a delightful thing.

Andy : Eddie, what do you want to be ?

Bob : Do you also want to become a hero ?

Tony : You can also help others like me.

Eddie : No, I do not want to be a hero, um, I want to be a farmer.

Andy : A farmer? Are you cheating us ?

Eddie : No, I never tell a lie.

Bob : The farmer is not a good job, If you do the work, you will find it

tired to do.

Tony : You’re right, the farmer's income is very low in China.

Eddie : Therefore, I'd like to change this concept, I want to be a rich


Andy : Depends on science? If so, I can help you.

Bob : Study hard, and you will become a rich farmer.

Tony : Yes, you will be a good farmer, a rich farmer.

Eddie : Yes, I will. You want to be ….

Andy : I want to be a scientist.

Bob : I want to be an official.

Tony : I want to be a hero.

Eddie : I want to be a farmer —a rich farmer.

Andy : I hope everyone can realize his dream. <完>

陈东东 闫萌 刘康乐 毛尚 冯志鹏 姚超 马栋溪 方超 黄婉茹





The Fox and the Tiger(狐假虎威)

Tiger: I’m a great tiger. I’m very athletic. I’m very brave. I’m the king of the forest.But now I’m very hungry. I must find a little food. Oh, there’s nothing here. Oh, I’m very hungry. (Sleep soundly)

老虎: 我是一只伟大的老虎。 我非常强壮。 我是非常勇敢的。 我是森林的国王。但现在我非常饿。 我必须发现些食物。噢,我好饿。 (酣然昏眠)

Fox: I’m a fox. You can see, I’m pretty and lovely. I’m good at cheating and telling lies. Just now I cheated a crew out of a piece of meat. Mm, Mm, Mm. How delicious it is!

狐狸: 我是狐狸。 您能看,我是俏丽和可爱的。 我是擅长于欺诈0and告诉谎言。 我刚才欺诈了乘员组在肉片外面。 毫米,毫米,毫米。 多么可口它是!

Tiger: Ah, a fox. A good meal. Ah, a good meal.

老虎:Ah,一只狐狸。 一顿好午餐。 Ah,一顿好午餐。

Fox: Oh, my God! What should I do? Yes, I have a good idea. Yes, a good idea. Hello! Tiger sister! How are you?

狐狸: 噢,我的上帝! 我该怎么办? 是,我有一个好想法。 是,一个好想法。 你好! 老虎姐妹! 你好吗?

Tiger: Not so good. I’m very hungry now. I want to eat you.

老虎: 不那么好。 我现在非常饿。 我想要吃您。

Fox: Oh, my dear! I’m the king of the forest! You can not eat me

狐狸: 噢,我亲爱!我是森林的国王!你不能吃我!


Fox: If you don’t believe me, just follow me and see who is the king of the forest.

狐狸: 如果您不相信我,正义跟我学和看见谁是森林的国王。

Tiger: Ok. Let’s go.

老虎: 好。 我们去。

Rabbit: I’m a rabbit. I like to eat a Carrot. Ah, a big Carrot.

兔子: 我是兔子。 我喜欢吃胡萝卜。Ah,一个大胡萝卜。

Bird: I’m a bird.

鸟: 我是鸟。

Rabbit: Hi!

兔子: 喂!

Bird: Hi! What are you doing, Miss Rabbit? Can I help you?

鸟: 喂! 什么这里做着, Rabbit小姐? 我可以帮助您?

Rabbit: Yes, please.

兔子: 是,请。

Frog: I’m a frog. Hello! What are you doing? What can I do for you?

青蛙: 我是青蛙。 你好! 您这里做着什么? 我可以为您做什么?

Rabbit: Yes, come on!

兔子: 是,来吧!

Frog : Ok! I’m coming!

青蛙: 好! 我来拉!

Fox: Hello, Frog!

狐狸: 你好,青蛙!

Frog: Hi, Fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away)

青蛙: 喂,狐狸。 噢,老虎! (跑掉)

Fox: Hello, Bird!

狐狸: 你好,鸟!

Bird: Hi, Fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away)

鸟: 喂,狐狸。 噢,老虎! (跑掉)

Fox: Hello, Rabbit!

狐狸: 你好,兔子!

Rabbit: Hi, Fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away)

兔子: 喂,狐狸。 噢,老虎! (跑掉)

Fox: Tiger, Now, you see. I’m very athletic.! They all run away!

狐狸: 老虎,现在,您看见。 我太强大了! 他们全都跑掉!

Tiger: Yes, you are right. I’m very sorry. That’s all right.you are the king.

老虎: 是,您正确。 我非常抱歉。这是对的,你是国王。

Fox: Wa! There is a big Carrot. Now, the Carrot belongs to me.

狐狸: Wa! 有一个大胡萝卜。 现在,胡萝卜属于我。


L:梁山伯 Z:祝英台 M:马文才 旁:旁白

旁:话说梁山伯和祝英台三年前一同来到刚刚成立的武汉新东方书院学习英语。梁山伯酷爱口语师从口语老师邓大付学习美国口语,尤其擅长模仿马丁•路德•金的演讲。(旁白暂停,邓英文“I have a dream ”)。祝英台一心梦想出国,梦想有朝一日成为BBC主持人(旁白暂停,祝英文“this is BBC….)最终祝英台以托福和GRE高分的成绩被哥伦比亚大学录取。在祝英台临走的那一天,梁山伯十八里相送在天河机场与祝英台缠绵告别。

L: Yingtai ,I love you so much and I’ll miss you so much.!

Z: I love you, too! Don’t worry. Shanbo I only love you in this wild world. I’ll marry you as soon as I’m back. Wait for me just for two years.

L: I’ll kiss you across the Pacific Ocean.

Z: I’ll kiss you from the other side. Wait for me. BoBo


L: Oh, Sweetie, Yintai I miss you so much, miss you every minute every second. Oh my dear. Are you listening to me?

Z: Listen, Liang Shanbo. I’m calling to tell you that I loved you. But I think you’d better find a better girl.

L: What? Pardon?

Z: Because I’ll get married.

L: Married ? to who?

Z: To 英俊潇洒风流倜傥玉树临风的Ma Wencai.. He is so handsome. So rich, even richer than Yu Minhong. And he is good at 葵花宝典。I love his money and I love his body.

L: What are you talking about? You wait and see. I’ll give you some color to see see. I’ll kill you! I will kill you in America!

Z: America? You can come to America? Hahahaha

旁:祝英台的无端背叛深深伤害了梁山伯脆弱的心灵,他发下毒誓:不杀祝英台誓不为人。于是重新来到新东方书院学习托福和GRE。当然他没有忘记用老生证可以优惠20块钱。为了能飞越重洋去杀掉祝英台,他每天提醒自己有一个梦想。 I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and lives out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men



主办单位:机电工程学院研究生会 承办单位:机电工程学院研11-5班



此次英语话剧活动的主题为:Colorful English , Colorful life! 二、活动宗旨

本次活动本着丰富广大研究生的校园文化生活,激发大家学习英语、应用英语的兴趣与热情,拓宽文化视野、增强团队协作能力的宗旨,致力于为大家提供一个展示自我风采的舞台。 三、活动时间及地点

时间:2011年11月X日 上午/下午 几点 地点:大学生活动中心四楼 四、活动对象

此次活动主要面向机电学院热爱英语、敢于挑战和突破、富有创新和表演热情的研一新生。 五、活动要求 (一)基本要求



1、剧本采用独幕剧的形式,时间限制为15-20分钟; 2、要求所有参加演员在表演时必须用英文表达; 3、每个剧目的人数为2-10名;

4、本次英语话剧参赛剧目不限,但话剧内容要求积极向上,具有一定寓意,且能反映当代大学生的精神面貌,同时力求新颖独特。 六 评分标准 (一)评分要求




4、服装,背景,音乐等元素在话剧中应有所体现。 (二)评分及计时方式






七 前期准备

月 日 至 月 日 进行前期宣传工作;(包括海报宣传、bbs宣传、院内宣传)

月 日 至 月 日 各班上报表演剧目及参数人数(参赛人员可调整) (注:各班参赛小组应提前上交剧本以便审核和后续工作的安排) 月 日 至 月 日 各班练习及老师指导阶段 月 日 进行彩排 月 日 正式演出 报名表格(部分)

八 邀请评委和嘉宾


特邀嘉宾:院领导及辅导员老师。 (此项工作负责人:李艳丽 蒋帅) 九 活动安排


为了活动能顺利有序的进行,承办单位成立三个小组,各组相互协调,共同负责完成此次活动。 总负责人:李艳丽 蒋帅 李婷婷 节目组:负责人( 崔娜 )

1)负责剧本前期的修改工作,同时组织和安排节目的彩排; 2)组织联系各班服装道具准备工作,并在话剧表演当天进行管理,同时安排人员搬道具。



5)负责准备开场前的音乐以及话剧背景音乐。 6)负责话剧现场的灯光。(不知需不需要灯光)

以上就是中国招生考试网http://www.chinazhaokao.com/带给大家不一样的精彩成考报名。想要了解更多《英语话剧原创》的朋友可以持续关注中国招生考试网,我们将会为你奉上最全最新鲜的成考报名内容哦! 中国招生考试网,因你而精彩。

相关热词搜索:原创话剧剧本 原创话剧 原创话剧生命密码


3、"英语话剧原创" 地址:http://www.chinazhaokao.com/yingyu/yingyuziyuan/119262.html,复制分享给你身边的朋友!