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2016-01-09 08:37:44 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 英文面试剧本篇一:英文短剧《面试》剧本 ...






石,王,刘:接受面试大学生。其中石很优秀,王是富二代,刘女生 施:HI,ladies and gentlemen.I am the manager of the MOONGROW

company.Today I am glad to introduce our company to you.

Moongrow Power Supply Co., Ltd. is a National high-tech enterprise specialized in research, development, marketing and sales of renewable energy products especially for solar and wind power. As a leading specialist in inverters technology and material, MOONGROW is committed to research, development, manufacturing, and marketing of innovative and superb renewable energy products that meet and surpass international standards and customer demands worldwide.

But There is a question.The products from some famous companies,such like:sungrow,sunteck and sunup,can only work in a sunny day,at night they are out of work.Our products not only work at daytime,but also can transform the moonlight into green energy.So you see our company has a great future.

Welcome to join us,thank you.

Let’s welcome the head of HR to tell you the details about the interview.

苗:Good morning,everyone.I’m the HR of the moongrow company.

Today,we will have an interview. Our company is seeking for talented person. As the staff of technology or marketing. After several examinations, three outstanding interviewees are here. But only one of them can win the opportunity to enter our company.

Now,please come in.

施:Good morning,first,introduce yourselves. Mr. Shi please.

石:Good morning,everyone. I’m very happy to be here.I’d like to

introduce myself.My name is Shi Rongliang. I’ll graduate from XX University in July next year. And,my major is Power Electronics and Powers Drives,which is one of the most famous majors in our university. In my way of thinking,education is an important aspect of my life.And I get first class scholarship and national scholarships every year. I appreciate that our professors put great emphasize on the academic teaching of the electric theory foundation during our four year course.

I have a good command of power conversion technology. Not only do my qualification make me a perfect candidate,my personality,strong will and indomitable spirit. I thingk I have the excellent ability of working independently or with a diverse work force as well. Apart from the above mentioned,my scholastic pursuit make me spare no effort to get down to everything.

With my pious enthusiasm and sincerity,I want to join you to work for your company. I believe that I can because I think I can.

施:And you Mr. Wang.

王:Good morning. It is really my honor to have the opportunity for an

interview. I hope I can make a good performance today and I am confident that I can succeed.

My name is Wang Ye. My father is “Li Gang”. And Mr. Shi,we have known each other right? Last night you and I had our dinner together and I wonder if you have lost something. I believe that this book must belong to you.


施:Ke ke… You know, what you are doing now is very harmful to our

company and also to yourself. So I hope this kind of behaviour would not happened again. Ok ,let’s go on.

王:Ok, I have just graduated from XX University with good aility. And

also, I have a powerful family background. I think it will be helpful to both of us if I can entre this company. That’s all, and I believe it is enough. Thank you.

施:What about you,Miss Liu.

刘:Good morning. It is a pleasur for me to be here in front of you to

present myself. My name is Liu Di. I am a candidate for the position

of electrical engineer.

My background and work experience are tailor-made for this position. I studied power system in XX University, and then I received my master’s degree from XX univercity.

As is known to us all, moongrow is a forward-looking company, I am award that your company is developping new energy, particularly in the electric energy. Thus you are going to need an aggressive engineer.

A position with your company would be a learning experience and a great opportunity. I look forward to becoming part of your company. Thank you.

苗:Now we will ask you some questions. First,what are your greatest

strengths and weakness? Mr. Shi please.

石:With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking,

responsible and diligent in any project I undertook. Your organization could enefit from my analytic and interpersonal skills. However I tend to drive myself too hard and I like to see a job done quickly, and I am critical if it isn’t. But I think I can conquer them in the future.

王:My strength is that I am confident and brave enough to do things that

others can’t achieve. Well my weakness is that,you know,I am not tall enough, not handsome enough. Otherwise I would be a perfect

rich second generation.(富二代)

刘:I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get

them done. And I am afraid that my weakness is I am a poor talker. I am not comfortable talking with people whom I have just met for the first time. That is not very good for business, so I have been studying public speaking.

施:Miss Liu, you know, this year our company does not plan to recruit

female students. Why do you come here?

刘:I understand your company’s plan, but sex is not the key to elect

personnel, it also based on the individual level. I have excellent performance in all aspects. Some boys do not better than me.(扭过头看看王,暗示说的就是他…) I can play the advantages of girls.

施:Then, how do you handle your failure?

刘:None of us was born perfect. I am sure I will be given a second

chance to correct my mistake.

苗:Mr. Wang, why do you think you are worth to us?

王:As I just said, I have a powerful family background. My entering your

company may bring a lot of benefit to both the company and me. This is a Win-Win situation.

苗:What kind of staff would you like to join in?


苗:And what makes you think you would be successful in this position?

英文面试剧本篇二:面试剧本 英文版

1 Hello, you are all here for this interview, ha ha

234 yeah,and you?

1 me too, I saw the company on the Internet ,it is good, do you know, my job experiences are so rough, this time I have prepared for a long time, Let's fight together ah, friendship goes the first, work goes second,

2 well, ha ha. Why don't you tell us sth about your experience?

3\4 yeah,yeah tell sth

1 Well, anyway, there are ten minutes left. the first timeI went to Microsoft The interviewer asked me:How much is windows 7 in china?

I saied 5 yuan

Then he saied “Go out”

2 I also have a similar experience

34 really

2 yeah,I got the chance to google to interview.

He asked me Where did you get the news that we will interview? I Said Baidu。Then

He let me Go out too。

1234 hahahaha

A It's time tohave the interview. All the interviewees, please come in 1234 let’s go

A:Good morning,everyone.I’m the HR of the company. Today,we are seeking for a talented person to hold the post of Chemical engineer。

First each of you should have an self-introduction,and then I will ask you some questions, finally I will report to the company to decide who will stay. Are you ready?

1234:ok .

A:ok,one by one firstly 1

1 ladies and gentlemen, hello. My name is Zhang Dongmin, I've come to apply for the expensive unit advertisement for the post of an accountant. This is my personal resume. Please have a look.

Took the resume (ice)




To 1 Why did you leave your last job?

1 I feel I have reached the “glass ceiling ”in my current job. Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, I will take

TO 2 You don't have any work experience, how are you qualified for our job 2 I major in chemical engineering and technology, the knowledge I learned can make me be qualified for the job of your company

To 3 what are your greatest strengths and weakness?

3 My strength is that I am confident and brave enough to do things that

others can’t achieve. And I am afraid that my weakness is I am a poor talker. I am not comfortable talking with people whom I have just met for the first time. That is not very good for business, so I have been studying public speaking.

To 4 why do you think you are worth to us?

4 in fact I have a powerful family background. My entering your company

may bring a lot of benefit to both the company and me. This is a Win-Win situation.

To 2 what’s Your requirements of the salary

2 I don't have rigid requirements on wages. I believe that your company can deal with the problem reasonably. I Pay attention to the job opportunities, so if the conditions are fair, I will not care about too much.

To 4 How do you handle your failure

4 All of us are not born perfectly, I believe I will be given a second chance to correct my mistake

To 1 Why do you choose our company

1 I have seen reports of your company in the newspapers and magazines And your performance in the industry is obvious of all, and there are fair systems on the training and promotion of the staff

To 3 if it is hard to get along with colleagues, superiors, what would you do?

3 I will obey the leadership of the leaders, cooperate with colleagues andI will also find reasons from myself, and strive to be the best

To all In fact, we would like to hire a boy, Who can say some reasons to let me hire you,a girl。

Do you have any other questions。

the day after tomorrow 。you can check it on our company website 。Good luck!

四个人1234来参加某公司的面试,面试前在交谈.其中1有一定的工作经验,应聘过程较坎坷。234就均没有工作经验,3 缺点 poor talking




Ladies and gentlemen, this is an original drama, and here is a personnel department, the manager 包拯is going to interview some wierdapplicants. Round one

First one


I:Oops, sorry, today we don’t hold judgement, I’m going to have a interview. (knock the door)I:Come in!

I:Hope this doesn’t embarrass you,but I found the best way to do with the interviewee is to size them up with a long hard stare.(long hard读音拖长) I:So!


I:First time!




I:Don’t be scared! (训斥状)

A:Oh I’m not really scared.(大方地笑)

I: Well you should be. (教育状)

A:Well I’m a little bit scared.(装害怕,声音压低)

I:What? don’t be!

A:Make up your mind!你决定吧!(很无奈,语气稍轻)

I:So ,here you are.(好吧,你说吧)

A:Well, my name is Snow White, I own a big castle as you can see(手伸向PPT), and I have seven dwarfs as butlers. Besides, I’ve won champianships in the“avenue of stars”、“let’s shake it”(星光大道、舞林大会),so I’m looking forward to....(手交叉转圈比划)

I:Well you said on your CV(简历) you had lots of experience with dancing! A:I did say that yes... I have lots of experience with the whole...dancing..thing, JAZZ、latin、belly dance、hip-hop...I could show you



I:(大笑)Ah ha!well you certainly seem to be professional, but seemingly we don’t a dancer here.


I:Ah ha, not bad.I’m gonna give you the chance to round two.


I:Don’t flirt me!Just get out!

A:OK, bye~

Second one(略带口吃)

I: Ok next !

I:En hen~handsome old man~

B: En hen~black boy~

I:are you Du Fu?

B:No no no ,I’m Li Bai, Du Fu is my best friend, he is too busy to come I:Too busy?

B:Yeah~(PPT上图片依次反映,一边播放“杜甫很忙”歌曲)Look, he was learning motorcycle,and went to the Carribbean,and he enjoyed eating MCDONALD’S. He played basketball in NBA, and he went to Shanghai for F1 racing. Rencently ,he wrote a song called Du Fu is very busy. Yesterday, he found his truelove, so he won’t come.

I:Well, sounds we miss a talented people,it’s OK.So,what about you?what are your personal strengths?

B:Well well well well well,my improvisation ability is very very very very very good.

I:Really?You do? Show me.

B:(念诗加上动作,念诗之前潇洒地摘下眼镜并且甩开事后记得拿回来!)Let me create a poem immediately


So bright a gleam on the foot of my bed

Could there have been a frost already?

Lifting myself to look, I found that it was moonlight.

Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home.


I:g、g、good job for you(这里被传染口吃), handsome old man, but we don’t need poet at present...

B(偷偷地)Here !Li Hei’s autograph..(亲笔签名)It’s yours now~

I:OK OK, for your brother Li Hei’s sake,please go outside right now and wait my annoncement.


I:next!next!!!!!!(大声喊)where~~~are~~~~you~~~(手作扩音状,拖长音) Third one

C:only you背景音乐响起。(很吃力地把一堆证书放在桌子上)Hope you don’t mind~

I: Holy god! (翻阅证书拖时间)Bond certificate, assurance certificate, accounting certificate....

C:Oh, a peace of cake! I got these when heading towards West for Buddhist scripture.

I:I’m sorry, are you good at all these stuff?

C:Not only these...I’m also a wonderful singer!It happened that recently I learned a chinese nursery rhyme from 方臻。

(猛然站起来,摇道具唱歌。饮料和手电筒都摇)(唱歌的时候靠近、闪躲动作) 孩子孩子为何你这么坏欺负欺骗为何你做出来






I: S...s...s..stop!What the hell are you singing!Go away go away..

C:(QQ表情委屈手指表情)Oh no!Please!Just give me one more chance!I heard you are finding a vice-management? i’m absolutely suitable for it!

I:(拿剧本遮脸)But ...we’ve already have a person selected

C:How about accountant? Or assistant ? I can even clean the toilet!Or I can help you kill monster!(拿起法杖挥几下)嘿,white bone demon,嘿,pig demon,I’m not afraid of you!(停顿一会儿,从袈裟里拿出)You see this certificate? “three good student”!

I:(很无奈的样子,又带着嫌弃)Ok ok , I will consider. You should really get out now...there is still a person waiting..

Forth one



I:Sorry,I’m 包拯, not 采臣

D:Of course ! 采臣 can’t be the same black as you.

I:Aren’t you here for interview?Or you just make fun of me?

D:Oh I’m here to apply for a job. Myname is 小倩。I have a talent for using computer!

I:oh my!you?You kidding me!

D:Seriously, sometimes I use QQ to chat with 采臣。

I:How many years have you learned computer?


I:Wow!three years?that’s really a long time!

D:No...I mean ..three days


D:Three days is enough!My teacheris master Chen!

I:Who? Which Chen?


I:Wow....You mean the crazy、dirty boy 鹏峰.钱’s roommate?



I:So, you must have played many games!

D:You don’t say!(那必须的)

I:What do you enjoy?LOL?WOW?CS?


I:(喷水)Ok , what can you do?

D:(顿一顿,思考状)Well...you know,e mails, sending E,receiving E,delating E...and...using mouse, mices, clicking, double-clicking(做动作)

I:Ah ha!you mean you are good at IT! Great!I think you may be the right woman whom we are searching for! I’ll give you an extra chance,you can still participate round two.

D:Oh ,you are so nice!(激动)

Round two

I:Now every body come in!

I:You’ve already knew that we only want one person to take this job,so I’m gonna ask you guys some “easy”(拖长音,显得很神秘狡猾) questions and see who scores more,who is the smartest person. Are you ready?are you ?you? you?and you?

I:Ok,first one: One day you went hiking,when you woke up in the night,you see stars shining brightly, and what would you think for? A:Your tent had been stolen!

I: Exactly!!!

I:Next: a man is sleeping, suddenly his baby starts crying because of hunger.So which part of this man’s body can he choose to feed the bady?

B:(举手)Me me me „(A举手被B压制,按了下去)Sorry,I’m a little bit excited.The answer is his feet! Because feet can wake mom up and feed the baby ! I:(拿纸巾擦了擦冷汗)You are right...Ok,third:One day a pig tried to across a bridge, its weight is three hundred pounds,and the bridge’s weight is five hundred pounds. Why the bridge collapsed when the pig was acrossing? C:(马上站起来)So easy, this pig was driving!

A、B、D:A pig can drive?!

I: Be quiet!Her answer is correct,sit down please(C很嚣张地对大家依次作揖,大家掉头不理她。对面试官作揖,面试官默默拿剧本挡住脸)

I:All right!Every one pay attention!It’s the last one, prick up your ears!(顿一会儿)Usually we devide pain into twelve levels,the first level is bitten by mosquito. The twelfth level is the deliver process of a pregnant woman.So?what’s the thirteenth level?

(众人先是陷入沉思)D:I got it!It’s a pregnant womanbitten by mosquito when she is delivering!

I:Bingo!嗯。。。。Every one got one score,now that’s a tough situation. How about

the audience?Let them decide it.OK, let’s turn to our audience!all of you, hands up and vote your favorite interviewer!


The end(bow to everyone)


I:嗯。。。。Every one got one score,now that’s a tough situation. I don’t have the right to pick one of you,so let’s turn to our beautiful teacher.Mrs.Lin~~~Mrs.Lin,you choose one.



面试官:L 应聘者一:Z 应聘者二:T

出场 室内

L:(上来擦桌子,摆放文件,然后回头)Today is the first day of Foxconn Group´s job interview. I´m responsible for the recruitment 。I´m Li. We recruit all kinds of elite from nationwide . Swift horse is very often but bole is hard to find。I´m just the bole . It is well known,Our company´s benefits occupy a certain height in the world, Foxconn second, who would dare to say the first?

Welcome to the job fair today. Let's start the interview with some questions. Now please make a simple introduce about yourself.

Z:Good morning. It is really my honor to have the opportunity for an interview. I hope I can make a good performance today and I am confident that I can succeed. My name is Wang Ye. My father is “Li Gang”. Li,we have known each other ,right? Last night you and I had our dinner together and I wonder if you have lost something. I believe that this book must belong to you. (Z拿出一本书,书中夹着几张100元钱,施接过书,把钱收起来,咳嗽两声,假装正经继续面

试。) I have just graduated from XX University with good aility. And also, I have a powerful family background. I think it will be helpful to both of us if I can entre this company. That’s all, and I believe it is enough. Thank you.

L: I am very optimistic about you.

T:I am almost a saint, I have no shortcoming. It does not matter where I come from or where I will go. Never expcet me to question, I am not a good questioner. you do not need to keep my words in your mind, because what I say is trivial. If beauty is a sin, I have committed heinous crimes; if there is wrong with a type, I have made the same mistake again and again; if wise must be punished, I will be hacked in pieces; if modesty is subjected to be torture, how could I ever escaped in succeed?

L: I can felt your modesty .

L: What is your ideal? Z

Z: Don,t talk about ideal with me , I´m giving up.

L: Do you have an ideal?T

T: Never try to spy out my thought, it is an extremely dangerous thing. In such a reality world, I am not sure it is right or not to talk about the dreams. But anyway, everyone should have a dream, in case it comes true, right? I once had many dreams in my life, big or small, but now, I just want to get the offer of this joy. L: Ideal is very plentiful, reality is very skinny. 4 years of age I dreams of being the kindergarten teacher, because the teacher unlimited to eat noodles, also can eat while chatting. I can only eat a bowl, can not eat too slow, can not speak, nor can spill soup on the table or someone else's pants. 10 years old my ambition was to be the daughter of an English teacher, so she would not call me up and recite every day, nor will pulling my ears I have stuttered back. But then I saw her daughter who came back from the United States , Her ears is surprisingly large. 14 years old my ideal is to have a high nose, I often do my homework near a lamp, then squinted to see my silhouette reflected on the wall , I´m very sad to find the silhouette of my face looks like a monkeys, no wonder no one from small to big said I look good.......

Z and T: Stop!!!

L: OH. I,m sorry. It is too sad to recall the past. let's back to the topic. Z. Why shoud I choose you from so many candidates ?

Z:Just as i

said, I have a powerful family background. My entering your company will bring a lot of benefit to both the company and me. This is a Win-Win situation.

L:Talk about your understanding of gender.

Z: I understand your company’s plan, but sex is not the key to elect

personnel, it also based on the individual level. I have excellent performance in all aspects. Some boys do not better than me.I can play the advantages of girls.And I am so beautiful~~

L: You want to apply for what position.

Z: Marketing.


Z:I have a huge drinking capacity. I will not drunk even after a thousand

cups of wine. This is a greatest advantage in marketing.

L: T. Tell me What are your greatest strengths?

T: My biggest advantage is that I have no shortcoming, Everybody who knows me all suppose that. And I think I am quite modest, really.

L:Why did you come to apply for our company

T:Do not ask me so much why, it makes you look like very stupid. Nevertheless, everyone deserves a joy, me too, Since I do not have a joy yet. I have to earn my live, also, I have no a adopted father to depend on like others.

L: What do you think of the decision still difficult to do?

T: If your mother and your girlfriend are drowning at the same time, which one you will save first. I think this question is the difficult one to answer. You know there can be too much truth in any relationships. L: Can you give me an example of team activities to prove your leadership ?

T: Of course. But I need a minute to think since that there is so much to say. And it is a little difficult to me to think of the old thing. But as an old saying, every mountain is unclimbable until someone climbs. I am a student cadres in my college, and I always organized my classmates to participate in the labor activities. So, they all hated me in bones.

L: Now let me test your intelligence. The first question ,Cut a cake three times then give to five people, so

how to cut ?

Z: How to cut?

T: Just like this, cut, cut, cut, ok.

L: You don't want to add? The second question . A total of 25 people in a class, the 15 is not female and the 16 is not male , so how many people in this class?

Z: Has anyone is neither male nor female?

T: Are you sure to question me this stupid question? It is a huge insult to me. Twenty-five, by the way, never ask me such question again, thank you.

L: OK. About this interview, we decide to hire both of you. Z, you have the background and strength, you are very suitable for sale. T, You're unique, You can go to planning department exert your talent. About the distribution of the work, do you have any questions? If not , tomorrow can be reported to the company. 这时L的手机响了起来

L:What? Fang Zou zi, Anti-Counterfeit? Now I,m going back to the company clean up the mess? Well, so be it.

Z: What happend?

L: The company is out of question, I Gotta GO.

T and Z: What about us?

L:You don't have to work in the company.

T: Previously said that?

L: All invalid.

英文面试剧本篇五:英语口语考试四人剧本之interview 面试


一家公司要招聘Rose和Jack 是面试官,Ada和Awen是应聘者




A:Hello,Miss Awen,Miss Ada,I ‘m Rose

B:I’m Jack,,nice to meet you ,now you two should make a introduction first.

C: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview. I hope I can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can

succeed. Now I will introduce myself briefly. I am 26 years old, born in Shandong province. I graduated from Qingdao University. My major is electronics. And I got my bachelor

degree after my graduation in the year of 2003. I spent most of my time on study, and I’ve passed CET-6 during my university. And I’ve acquired basic knowledge of my major. It is my long cherished dream to be an engineer and I am eager to get an opportunity to fully play my ability.

I think I'm a good team player and a person of great honesty to others. Also,I am able to work under great pressure. I am confident that I am qualified for the post of engineer in your company.

That’s all. Thank you for giving me the chance.

D: Good monring. It's a pleasure for me to be here in front of you to present myself. My name is Philip Wong, and I am a candidate for the position of Overseas Sales


My background and work experience are tailor-made for this position. I studied marketing as an undergrad here in Taiwan, and in 1985, I received my MBA from the University of Texas School of Business. For five years now, I have utilized my skills and knowledge as the Assistant Director of Exports for magic kitchen Supplies.

A position with your company would be both a learning experience and a great opportunity. I look forward to becoming part of the Action team. Thank you.

A:Are you a multi-tasked individual?(你是一位可以同时承担数项工作的人吗?)or Do youwork well under stress or pressure?(你能承受工作上的压力吗?)

C:Yes, I think so.

The trait is needed in my current(or previous) position and I know I can handle it well. (这种特点就是我目前(先前)工作所需要的,我知道我能应付自如。)

B:What is your strongest trait(s)?(你个性上最大的特点是什么?)

D:Helpfulness and caring.(乐于助人和关心他人。)

Adaptability and sense of humor.(适应能力和幽默感。)

Cheerfulness and friendliness.(乐观和友爱。)

A: How would your friends or colleagues describe you?(你的朋友或同事怎样形容你?) C: (pause a few seconds) (稍等几秒钟再答,表示慎重考虑。) They say Mr. Chen is anhonest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and

friends. (他们说陈先生是位诚实、工作努力,负责任的人,他对家庭和朋友都很关心。) D:They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person. (他们说陈先生是位很友好、敏感、关心他人和有决心的人。)

B:What personality traits do you admire?(你欣赏哪种性格的人?)

C: (I admire a person who is)honest, flexible and easy-going. (诚实、不死板而且容易相处的人。)

D:(I like) people who possess the “can do” spirit. (有“实际行动”的人。)

A:What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel?(作为行政人员,


C:I feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as a team will be the major goal of my leadership. (我觉得学习如何把人们的积极性调动起来,以及如何配合协同的团队精神,是我行政工作的主要目标。)

D:I have refined my management style by using an open-door policy. (我以开放式的政策,改进我的行政管理方式。)

B:How do you normally handle criticism?(你通常如何处理別人的批评?)

C:Silence is golden. Just don‘t say anything; otherwise the situation could become worse. I do,however, accept constructive criticism. (沈默是金。不必说什么,否则情况更糟,不过我会接受建设性的批评。)

D:When we cool off, we will discuss it later. (我会等大家冷靜下来再讨论。)

B: What do you find frustrating in a work situation?(在工作中,什么事令你不高兴?) C: Sometimes, the narrow-minded people make me frustrated. (胸襟狭窄的人,有时使我泄气。)

D:Minds that are not receptive to new ideas. (不能接受新思想的那些取。)

A:How do you handle your conflict with your colleagues in your work? (你如何处理与


C:I will try to present my ideas in a more clear and civilized manner in order to get my points across. (我要以更清楚文明的方式,提出我的看法,使对方了解我的观点。) B:How do you handle your failure?(你怎样对待自己的失敗?)

C: None of us was born “perfect”。I am sure I will be given a second chance to correct my mistake. (我们大家生来都不是十全十美的,我相信我有第二个机会改正我的错误。) D:Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If an opportunity knocks, I will take it.我希望能获得一份更好的工作,如果机会来临,我会抓住。所以我亦有此打算。" A:OK,Thank you very much

B:we need time to think it over

A:We will email you in 2days,please wait in patence

C:thank you ,see you

D:see you















旁白:part one














赵杰:可是我也注意到你的每份工作的持久性不强,由此可见你得端正自己的爱情观呀 肖海:我对感情很认真的,谢谢赵大哥关心



赵岩:谢谢你对我们公司的认可,你觉得你的报酬在那个范围内是合理的? 肖海:都听老杜的(朝杜一鸣会心的笑了笑)
















旁白:part one












面试剧情:超凡正处于一个快速发展的阶段,通过面试不断的引进新鲜血液。本文通 过蒙太奇的手法,见历史、小说、现实中的任务引入一场面试,来展现超凡未来 的发展方向、超凡的经营理念以及超凡的人才观。 人物:面试官甲(谭) 、乙(蒋);诸葛暗(刘) 、 ;孔乙己(西) ;凤姐(石)大 学生(万) 。 道具:一张桌子,7 把椅子。 服饰:面试官尽量正式;诸葛暗羽扇纶巾;孔乙己青袍;凤姐还没想过;大学生 休闲。 布景:舞台右方一张面试用的桌子,上有牌子面试官,桌子后边为考官座椅;靠 桌子前方一把椅子,面向观众,舞台靠左四把椅子。 剧情:面试官上场,点题。 甲:超凡发展快步跑,人才紧缺不好找,母总要求要规模,急的我是啊,整宿整 宿睡不着。这不,刚刚母总又说了,明年要开分公司,忙的我是 招聘网站贴广 告,各大高校把人要,邦信集佳挖墙脚,求爹求妈把人找。可这招聘人数呀还是 达不到。。 今天据说来了几位重量级的人物。 。 一会儿就要过来面试了。 礼子,嗨,我说小礼子。 乙:唉,来了,来了(边走边往后面看) 甲:哎——看什么呢,今天台下这么多老总,一点都不积极。 乙(摸透,疑惑状) :刚刚我好像看见去年年会打专利广告那个的吴开磊了。 甲(指乙) :就知道你小子看上人家专利部了,天天堵到人家门口献殷勤,有点 出息没有啊。 (特自信)依超凡现在的速度,你要是跟着我(拍拍胸脯) ,保管没 几年就坐上 大(同时手比划一个大的姿势)中华区人力总监。 乙(点头微笑) :是,是,是。。 。 甲(看手表) :走吧,时间快到了。 (甲乙二位考官坐定) 诸葛暗(上台,摇扇) :小生南阳一卧龙,蜗居在家志无穷;可怜刘备去世早, 至今无人把我要啊。。 。(边叹气边摇头) (抬头)前两天,在 58 同城上看到, 超凡知识产权在招聘,这个公司还比较大,看我轰度翩翩,才-高八斗(演员自 己加动作)(低调)勉强(点头)配的上这里就投了简历。 前天收到通知,昨 , 天就打了个灰机灰就过来了(配动作)(进面试室) 你好。 。 。 小 乙:来面试的吧,先填张表。(递张纸) 。 (诸葛坐定) 孔乙丙(拿报纸上台) :以前听说四川是宝地,现在逛一圈也不咋地,都说四川 好酒多,也不觉得有绍兴酒好喝。 都莫得了。 管他的呢,混口饭吃。 (进面试室) 乙:面试啊,先填张表。 (孔坐定) 凤(打电话上台) :喂,都说了,要北大清华经济学专业的,你怎么又给我推荐 知识产权专业的啊。 上次那个啊,别提上次那个了,吃了饭,两毛钱的小费都 不给

,太小气了。 啊 奥巴马啊,奥巴马可以考虑。 什么,奥巴马听说 后压力很大,你跟她说,我不嫌他皮肤黑,对对对,嗯就这样。 (挂掉电话面向 观众) 我谁啊,我姓罗名玉凤,字凤姐。 来干嘛啊,你说我来干嘛是吧。昨 天接到一个叫周洪的打来电话,说是邀请我来参加面试,所以就过来看看。是这 儿吧。 。 (进面试室) 面试。 乙:面试啊,填张表先。 (凤姐坐定,左右瞄) 万(背书包低头缓缓上台羞射东北味儿) :大家不要笑嗷,我今年刚毕业,哪所 大学啊,哈尔滨农业大学包谷系,大家简称哈农保。昨天收到超凡知识产权的面 试通知,今天是来这里面试滴~。 (进面试室,爹声爹气)您好,我是来面试滴~。 乙:面试啊,先填张表。 (万坐定几秒后) 乙:表都填好了吗?(四位起身交表) 好了,按照刚刚出场你顺序,你们排成 1 到 4 号。待会儿一个个来好吧, (四位点头,退回) (低头看报)唉呀,来四川这么久了,钱 你好,我面试的。 这有招聘,超凡知识产权____,抬头看观众, (疑惑)什么玩意儿。第二幕乙:1 号,1 号 诸葛暗,做在面试官前面。 甲:介绍下自己吧。 诸葛:臣本布衣,躬耕南阳。不求大富大贵,但求衣食无忧。 甲:诸葛亮先生吧。 诸葛(摇扇) :非也,非也,家兄早随刘皇叔驾鹤西游,吾乃诸葛----暗 乙:说说你为什么要来超凡呢? 诸葛:自改革开放以来,代理并起,跨省连市者不可胜数。然则数量众多,良莠 不齐,唯有超凡,规范经营已十载;如今超凡,招兵买马,休养生息,必有雄霸 天下之意;加上我上知天文,下晓地理,能掐会算,料事如神,超凡有我并将如 虎添翼,攻城拔寨,所向披靡。 (这段需演员自由发挥,要求要谈出傲视群雄的 感觉) 甲:哦。 那你看你准备在公司招一个什么职位的工作呢? 诸葛:北美那边听说缺一个主管,我是来应聘北美主管的。 甲:哦~ 那边是要说英语的,不知先生英语如何,能说两句吗? If you nothing to 诸葛: no problem。 body if you have something to say, let say. Hi say let'go. 甲:这句是什么意思呢? 诸葛(一拍腿气势汹汹) :嗨,哥们儿,有事就说,有屁快放。 甲:这么翻译英语可不行啊。 诸葛:我可以翻译的更文雅“众爱卿,有事起奏,无事退朝” 甲:好了好了,你到旁边等等吧。 (诸葛下台)叫下一个吧。 乙:二号,二号。第三幕孔:子曰:甲乙丙丁,子丑寅卯。你是让我坐呢还是不让我做? 甲:先自我介绍一下吧。 孔:我姓孔,名乙甲。 乙:孔老啊,好久不见,这些年你都干什么了? 孔:新中国让我重新站立了起来(站立,摆一个文

化大革命时期的典型姿势) , 不光有了老酒喝,还有机会继续深造。这些年在绍兴闭门苦读,博览经文,虽然 只是一个秀才, 但是我笔耕不辍, 发表了不少文章。 例如, 《论茴字的集中写法》 , 《咸亨酒店老酒与拉动内需》等等。 甲(翻看推荐信):看来你的理论功底还算不错,你觉得自己这些对你在知识产 权界工作有哪些帮助? 孔:通过理论学习和去酒馆实践,我牢固树立了快速相应客户需求,为客户服务 的意识,我相信自己可以很快转变和适应。 甲:怎么说呢? 孔:第一,我有服务意识,在酒馆实践的时候,客官吆喝一声,我立马就把酒送 到,外加一盘茴香豆。第二,我有奉献精神。我从不过问公司能为我做什么,而 要问我能为公司做什么(站立,摆一个奉献的姿势,然后一拍大腿) ,以后公司 换水的事情我包了。第三,我有执着的精神。直到现在,我还在与最高人民法院 申诉,读书人窃书不能算偷(略显激动) 。 (三位考官点头,表示肯定。) 孔: 现在的社会太浮躁, 像我这样理论深厚的人, 现在很少了。 自我陶醉中。。。 ( 。。) 甲:好了,好了,先下去吧(孔老下去) 甲:叫下一个。 (示意乙,叫下一位) 乙:3 号,3 号第四幕甲:你就是大名鼎鼎的凤姐啊。你怎么到我们公司来面试来了呢。 凤姐(起身,找) :周洪呢,周洪在哪呢。出来,昨天就是他找我来面试的,要 不然这地方,我都瞧不上呢。 甲乙起身拉住凤姐。 甲:哦,别生气,别生气,既然是周总介绍来的。有话好说,有话好说。 凤姐瞪眼面试官:这还差不多。 甲: 看你简历上写的应聘的是我们的知识产权顾问,你为什么想做这个职位呢? 凤姐:这还不简单啊,这些顾问接触的都是像台下坐着的高素质的人,说不定还 能顺便把我的终身给托付了呢! 甲:既然是销售类型的岗位,你也看了台下坐了这么多企业的老总,你看看能不 能现场打个广告,推销推销我们的商标和专利业务啊。 凤:各位领导,各位看官,走过路过千万不要错过,这里是超凡知识产权代理有 限公司,今天,超凡成立十周年,特大优惠活动,平时需要 2222 一件的注册商 标,活动期间只要 8888,只要 8888.你还在犹豫什么,赶快拨打电话注册吧。你 没有听错 8888,成功订购之后,还将获得我们价值 6000 元的专利申请礼包。机 会不多,不容错过。 甲(打断) :好了好了,我们都了解了。你的能力确实还是不错。我们将想母总 推荐你。 凤:母总是谁。 甲:我们公司老大啊。 。 凤:居然不是母总给我打电话,太不可思议了。福特老总还亲自邀请我呢,你们 公司太没有

诚意了(说着要下舞台,甲乙都没能挽回) 乙:这什么意思啊。 甲:哎呀,算了算了,下一个吧 乙:四号、四号第五幕丙:请坐。 (万吓一跳,坐地上,慌慌张张站起来,坐定,不停搓手。) 丙:你叫万碟吧。 (万一时手脚不知往哪放,片刻,起身点了下头。考官示意坐下。杨坐下低头搓 着大腿。) 丙:介绍下自己的名字吧。 万:我。 。爷爷姓姓万,所所以我爸也姓。 。万,然后。后我就跟着姓万了。我姓 万名乾,叫叫万碟。万是万碟的碟,碟是万碟的万。 甲:大学刚毕业吧。 (杨点头) 。不用紧张。 万:我吃糖吧,吃糖我就不紧张了。 (拿出糖也不顾考官同意没,放了块在嘴里, 抬头问考官)你们吃吗?可好吃了。 (也不顾考官是否同意,放糖在三位考官面 前) (万回座位坐定,情绪不那么紧张。) 丙:看你简历,你当过班长?是什么时候? 万:小学五年级的时候,俺在俺们班当生活班长。 丙:生活班长? 万夸张的点头,带娘娘腔的嗯了声。 丙:你们班有多少班长啊。 。 万:12 个, (伸手出来数)有管学习的,有管文艺的,有关卫生的。。 。 丙(伸手做暂停姿势) :好了,好了 我了解了。大学里面有没有得过什么奖。 万(起身特自信):奖学金,三号学生,优秀干部。。这些我都没得过。 。 (回头看 考官)统一来一桶的过三次奖,康师傅来一瓶得过五次。 丙:那你总该有什么特长吧? 万跳了只现编的杰克逊的舞蹈,将腿放在椅子上。 乙:什么情况? 万:腿特长。。 。 丙:我们是问你善长。 万:我们那嘎达,夏天蚊子特别多,那扇子吧就特别长。 甲:我们这儿,虽然不唯学历,但是特别看重能力,你有没有什么工作经验。 万:大姐,我小学班长不算工作经验哪。 (小激动)那初中班长哩。。 。 乙:好了,好了,回去等结果吧。 。 (杨跑向桌子,拉着甲的手) 万:哎呀大姐,不能这样啊,给我一个机会吧,我一定好好做人好好做事,我感 谢你八辈祖宗。我做鬼都不会放过你,我给你当牛做马。 乙:你怎么说话哩。 (杨各种夸张的动作。) 乙:别激动哈,只是让你回去等通知。 (万情绪稍稍平静) 万:那我回去了哈,感谢你,感谢你八辈祖宗。 万(几步路后回头) :那糖你们还吃不? 乙:不吃,不吃了。 万(跑回) :不吃我拿回去了哈。 (拿走糖下舞台) 下面的戏就不算戏了 面试官(起身走向诸葛和老孔) :恭喜二位,顺利进入本公司。在进入公司之前 呢,希望二位谈谈今后在公司的发展。 刘: 我先来吧, 超凡是一个快速发展的公司, 在专利方面我们虽然才刚刚做两年, 但是两年的发展迅速,

我们相信超凡专利业务会越来越好。 蒋:超凡的发展,也离不开很多大客户的支持,我们将继续全心全意的为超凡的 大客户们提供专利的服务。我们超凡愿同所有的客户共同取得更大的成功。 演员都上台,致谢!祝福语。。。 。。

英文面试剧本篇九:Exam 终级面试英文台词全


You deserve this

You do.

You've earned it.


I can do all things. All things.

Come on

Come on, come on


I am the Invigilator.

Listen carefully to every word I say.

There will be no repetition.

I won't apologise for the hardships you've endured reaching this room

'cause the pressures and pains were necessary.

Resilience is a key attribute in these dark times,

and if you can't survive our selection process, you won't survive in the job. Many highly-qualified candidates tried to get this far and failed.

You have succeeded.

And now the final stage lies before you.

One last hurdle separates you from your goal -which is to join our esteemed ranks. The test is simple in comparison, yet it will determine who leaves this room with a contract of employment and who leaves with the bus fare home.

Through these trials, you've gained some idea of the power of this organisation, so believe me when I tell you that there's no law in this room but our law.

And the only rules in here are our rules.

There's one question before you, and one answer is required.

If you try to communicate with myself or the guard, you will be disqualified. If you spoil your paper, intentionally or accidentally,you will be disqualified. If you choose to leave the room for any reason,you will be disqualified.

Any questions?

Best of luck, ladies and gentlemen.

We're giving the eight of you 80 minutes.

80 minutes to convince us you have what it takes to join us.

80 minutes to determine the next 80 years of your lives.


I'm not finished.

No, please. You can't! This isn't a proper test!

Please, I'll start over! Just give me a chance!




Listen, listen, listen, listen.

It's not about what he said, you know.

It's what he didn't say.

lf you attempt to communicate with myself or the guard you will be disqualified. He didn't say we can't speak to each other.

Now you're talking. Is this the ultimate mind-fuck or what?

Has anyone figured out the answer? No.

It's not about the answer. It's about the question.

What's the question? We've got 74 minutes left to figure out.

(WOMAN) If the answer takes one minute to write down.

If it takes 73 minutes to write,we have one minute to guess the question.

We're short on writing space. I'm betting it's the former.

We've gotta help each other.

We're in competition. Why should I help you to beat me?

We may be in competition to answer the question,

but to establish the question we have to cooperate.

They expect us to cooperate, don't they?

What'd you expect, you're gonna win this job,with all the rewards that come with it,by giving them a little simple written answer?

Facts and opinions? Compare and contrast (!)

They're not looking for that.

A job like this needs initiative,observation


Teamwork. He's right. (WOMAN) We're in a stress scenario.

A confusing, time-critical situation

designed to test our intelligence, and resilience.

To bring out the worst in us. (MAN) Or the best.

We help each other until the playing field is open then it's every man for themselves no offence, girls.

Are we all agreed? Yes.


Let's go, Gandhi. My name isn't Gandhi, friend. It's No names. Not real ones, anyway. They're not written on this for a reason.

We'll use nicknames, then.

All right, let's make this easy. We already have numbers.

Yeah, and visual.

You're Black.

I'm White.

You're Brown.

We've got Blonde here,

Brunette there

Dark, I suppose.

And last as well as least we've got Deaf.

Tough last round. Yeah, whatever.

Any objections?

Apart from your grossly insensitive sexual and racial stereotyping?

If you're the sensitive type, you shouldn't be here, love.

I'll take Brown over Gandhi,we're talking about something that matters.

I'll take that as a yes.


So, what else hasn't he forbidden?

He hasn't forbidden us to stand, has he?

Well, l guess moving about is OK too. What's that gonna achieve?

I don't know, Brown. But sitting wasn't getting us anywhere exciting.

What if the question is written down but we just can't see it?

That's what l'm talking about!

You mean like invisible ink? Or a watermark.

It's possible. It's probable. Where else would it be?

(BRUNETTE) We'd need something to reveal it. Like light.

Right. Those are halogen.

Those aren't.

They won't bite, you know.

They're not gonna make it that easy, are they?

We're on the clock. How hard can they afford to make it?

What if the pencil isn't just for writing the answer?

What if it reveals the question too? By shading the page, like tracing paper? Try it, Blonde. No. Remember what he said.

If you spoil your paper, intentionally or accidentally you'll be disqualified. Is anyone certain they know what his definition of spoiling is?

Look, let's crack this. Throw out some ideas.

What if the questions are hidden in the paper,

but each of us has to write a different answer? He said

There's one question before you, and one answer is required.

That doesn't mean it's the same question for each of us.

There could be eight different questions and answers.

If we find one question, we can find them all.

Not necessarily. Not if our eight individual questions

can only be revealed using eight different methods.

Perhaps we're not meant to cooperate at all.

I like that idea.

Or there's only one question, printed on only one of our sheets.

Then we'd need to cooperate Time-out for some testing.

Everyone up to the light. I said it won't be that easy.

Unless you want to make a list of our brainwaves, White,I say we cross a few off as we go.


(WHITE) Allow me.

Thank you.

Yeah, join in any time, Deaf (!)

Not one for small talk, are you?


Relax, you'll get it back (!)

Like l said, l think we can strike light off the list.

Light is a spectrum.

There's light we can see,but there's light we can't see.

Like ultraviolet, infra-red, X-rays.

If we can't see it, how are we supposed to find it?

The source must be visible, even if the light isn't. Right?


Find the light switches.

There aren't any, not in here anyway. And If you choose to leave the room for any reason we'll be disqualified.

There must be some way to trigger these.

This is emergency lighting.

So let's create an emergency.

That would be very risky.

It's less risky than doing nothing. He's right.

If we try this and fail, we can't go back. Blackout.

We vote.

Those too.

Nice! Very nice!

Touch of blue, what you wanted?

This is black light.

The kind credit card firms use to reveal their security symbols.

(WHITE) Shame we didn't apply to work for Visa (!)

Our gamble might have paid off. (BROWN) lt did pay off.

Just not in the way you wanted.

You acted, and the room reacted.

We've entered a dialogue now, we should keep going.

Yeah, maybe Maybe not.

Sorry, it was invisible light you said you wanted.

This looks pretty fucking visible to me.

Scientific term for it is near-ultraviolet.

It didn't work, but it was worth trying.

If nothing else we'll come out of this with great tans.

We've got to knock these out too.

The top halves of these strips aren't lit.


Infrared. The other option.

That exposes something too? It's less common than UV, but yes.

Art historians use it to make reflectograms

of the sketch outlines beneath paintings.

If there's a hidden layer in our papers


Let me guess, near-infrared?

All right, everyone, try again.

Anyone? Anything? (DARK) No.


Now can we get off the lighting? If you can provide a better alternative. Any alternative. We've burned a quarter of our time already.

Perhaps they company's Japanese-owned and this is an origami exam. Be our guest. That sheet is yours to spoil.

Yes, it is, but only your sheet.

It's a piece of paper. No, it's more than that now.

This is experimental material.

If you spoil your paper.

Your paper! you will be disqualified.

This isn't mine. This is hers.

(lN HIGH-PlTCHED VOlCE) It's not fair (!)

And she's gone. So


Well, congratulations, Blonde. Your idea sucks too.

This could all be a distraction, you know.

We could be missing something obvious.

Yeah, yeah, yeah! All right!

Light does not work, lead does not work


Oh, yeah


Lick it, spit on it, get it wet.

If the question's watermarked we need some liquid to bring it out. (BLACK) What are you doing with yours? You don't wanna know.

Actually, we do. Well, you can come and watch.

You can hold it for me too if you like.

Though I'd prefer it if Blonde did. (BLACK) That's disgusting.

By any means necessary, right, brother?

If we can do it, we should. (URlNATES)

That's not gonna burn the question out. Urine's sterile. You can drink it (TO HIMSELF) Wish you would. Great. A pissing contest.

(BLACK) Anything?

I can't tell yet. lt's all yellow. (BLACK) Hold it up and let us see. If you'll lend me a glove, l'll oblige.

Well, l'm running out of ideas.

Giving up so easily, Black, with 57 minutes on the clock?



背景: Spring goeth all in white, 春之女神着素装,

Crowned with milk-white may; 山楂花冠乳白光;

in fleecy flocks of light, 天上分明一群羊,

o'er heaven the white clouds stray; 白云朵朵自来往;

white butterflies in the air; 粉蝶空中时蹁跹;

white daisies prank the ground; 廷命菊花饰郊原;

the cherry and hoary pear, 樱桃梨树共争艳,

scatter their snow around. 四处非花如雪片。


A fall in love with Lily in this wonderful season。 Tomorrow they will meet with A‘s mother。

A: 幸福的,幸福的夜啊!我怕我只是在晚上做了一个梦,这样美满的事不会是真实 的。 A; blessed, a blessed night! i m afraid it just a dream, something like this isn't true.

L: 嘘!罗密欧!嘘!唉!我希望我会发出呼鹰的声音,招这只鹰儿回来。我不能高 声说话,否则我要让我的喊声传进厄科(注:希腊神话中的回声女妖)的洞穴, 让她的无形的喉咙因为反复叫喊着我的罗密欧的名字而变成嘶哑。

C: oh!Agusting! oh! (sigh!) i wish i can whitsle as eagle, summon this little bird back, i cant talk aloud, or my voice will go in echo(ps: the greece fairy)'s cave, her invinsible throat will raucity by keep yelling my Agusting's name

A: 那是我的灵魂在叫喊着我的名字。 恋人的声音在晚间多么清婉,听上去就像最柔 和的音乐!

A: that's my spirit calling my name, lover's voice are so clear in the night, its the most soft music in the world



罗密欧: 我的爱!

A: my love

罗密欧: 我但愿我是你的鸟儿。

A: i wish i m your bird

朱丽叶: 好人, 我也但愿这样;可是我怕你会死在我的过分的爱抚里。晚安! 晚安!离别是这样甜蜜的凄清,我真要向你道晚安直到天明!

C: i wish that too my love; but i m afraid you might die under my excessive placate, good night my love, sepreate is always sweet, i really want to say goodnight til morning.

They see A‘s mother。

A:Hey,mom,this is my lover,C。

M:oh,my son.is this girl your lover.

A:ye,mom.i love her.

M:I don’t like this girl.

A与C回到学校后 A and C have gone back to school.

A: Lady, I swear by the blessed moon, that tips all theses fruit-tree tops with silver-

A 姑娘,凭着这一轮皎洁的月亮,它的银光涂染着这些果树的梢端,我发誓——

C: Oh, don't swear by the moon, that inconstant moon, that changes every month in her orbit, in case you love should prove equally unreliable.

C 啊!不要指着月亮起誓,它是变化无常的,每个月都有盈亏圆缺;你要是指着它起誓,也许你的爱情也会像它一样无常。

A: What shall swear by?

罗密欧 那么我指着什么起誓呢?

C: do not swear at all, or if you will, swear by your gracious self, which is my god, and I'll believe you.

朱丽叶 不用起誓吧;或者要是你愿意的话,就凭着你优美的自身起誓,那是我所崇拜的偶像,我一定会相信你的。

A: If my heart’'s dear love-

A 要是我的出自深心的爱情——

Juliet: well, do not swear. Although you bring me joy, I have no joy in this contract tonight. It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden; too like the lightning, which ceases to be before we can say it lightens. Sweet, good night! This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath, may prove a beautiful flower when we next meet. Good night, good night! As sweet repose and rest come to your heart, as that within my *.

C 好,别起誓啦。我虽然喜欢你,却不喜欢今天晚上的密约;它太仓卒、太轻率、太出人意外了,正像一闪电光,等不及人家开一声口,已经消隐了下去。好人,再会吧!这一朵爱的蓓蕾,靠着夏天的暖风的吹拂,也许会在我们下次相见的时候,开出鲜艳的花来。晚安,晚安!但愿恬静的安息同样降临到你我两人的心头!

A: It is the east, and C is the sun.we will be together, no matter what my mother say!.

那是东方,而C就是太阳。 我们会在一起无论我的妈妈说什么!




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