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2016-02-21 09:05:56 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 大姑姨生日贺卡祝福语篇一《祝伯、叔、姑、姨生日快乐祝福语》 ...




it’s fun to send these wishes for an especially happy to an uncle who is nice in every way.

在特别欢乐的一天,给完美无缺的伯父祝寿,真叫我喜悦满心间。 to a very special uncle,

because you're always thought of in a very special way, sure

wouldn't miss a chance like this to tell you so today, happy birthday! 献给豁达宽厚的叔叔,




an aunt who is as sweet as you should get a birthday bug or two and after that a birthday kiss

have a very happy birthday!








5. 祝伯、叔、姑、姨生日

it’s fun to send these wishes for an especially happy to an uncle who is nice in every way.


to a very special uncle,

because you're always thought of in a very special way, sure wouldn't miss a chance like this to tell you so today, happy birthday! 献给豁达宽厚的叔叔,




an aunt who is as sweet as you should get a birthday bug or two and after that a birthday kiss

have a very happy birthday!











摘 要:英语中人称代词学习时一般是记忆一个表格,密密麻麻的单词困扰了一大批初学者,而把人称代词描述为“七大姑八大姨”就容易多了,在本篇文章中大家一起学习一下。 关键词:人称代词;英语;规律

人称代词我,你,三个他/她/它,复数是我们、你们和他们,正好是“八大姨”。主格和宾格分别如下:I me;you you;he him;she her;it it;we us;you you;they them。记忆you和it主宾同形,可以说成“你不小心就和不是人的它一样了”。主格是作句子主语的,宾格是作动词、介词宾语的。

物主代词表示物的主人是谁,就是所有关系。形容词性物主代词相当于一个形容词来修饰名词,后面必须加名词;而名词性物主代词本身就等于一个名词了,后面不能再加名词了。形容词性物主代词加上名词就等于相应的名词性物主代词。但是名词性物主代词更加灵活,在不同的语境中hers还可以指代属于“她的”某个东西,并非只是her bag。


我要特立独行,没有规律;有s结尾的his,its,没有办法加s了;剩下的全在形容词性物主代词后加上s构成名词性物主代词。于是名词性物主代词分别是: mine, yours, his,hers,its,ours,yours,theirs。

通过以上分析,我们发现“你”和“你们”在主宾格、物主代词上都是一样的,所以,可以称之为“七大姑”。现在可以找些人称代词的试题实战一下,希望能够真正把人称代词掌握了。 (作者单位 山东师范大学)

?誗编辑 张珍珍



看老友记Friends学英语 第一季第一集



Monica: Hi, come in! Paul, this is.. (They are all lined up next to the door.)... everybody, everybody, this is Paul.

All: Hey! Paul! Hi! The Wine Guy! Hey!

Chandler: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Paul, was it?

Monica: Okay, umm-umm, I'll just--I'll be right back, I just gotta go ah, go ah...

Ross: A wandering?

Monica: Change! Okay, sit down. (Shows Paul in) Two seconds.

Phoebe: Ooh, I just pulled out four eyelashes. That can't be good. Joey: Hey, Paul!

Paul: Yeah?

Joey:Here's a little tip, she really likes it when you rub her neck in the same spot over and over and over again until it starts to get a little red.

Monica: (yelling from the bedroom) Shut up, Joey!

Ross: So Rachel, what're you, uh... what're you up to tonight?

Rachel: Well, I was kinda supposed to be headed for Aruba on my honeymoon, so nothing!

Ross: Right, you're not even getting your honeymoon, God.. No, no, although, Aruba, this time of year... talk about your- (thinks) -big lizards... Anyway, if you don't feel like being alone tonight, Joey and Chandler are coming over to help me put together my new furniture. Chandler: (deadpan) Yes, and we're very excited about it.

Rachel: Well actually thanks, but I think I'm just gonna hang out here tonight. It's been kinda a long day.

Ross: Okay, sure.

Joey: Hey Pheebs, you wanna help?

Phoebe: Oh, I wish I could, but I don't want to.

【口语讲解】1. I didn't catch your name. 我没听清你的名字。

2. Here's a little tip. 给你个温馨小贴士吧。

3. what're you up to tonight? 你今晚有什么打算?

up to sb. 计划做某事

4. if you don't feel like being alone tonight 如果你不想今晚一个人落单的话

5. I think I'm just gonna hang out here tonight. 我今晚就待这儿吧。

hang out 闲逛

6. It's been kinda a long day.被折磨了一天了。

a long day 痛苦而漫长的一天

7. I wish I could, but I don't want to. 我也希望我能去,但是我不想诶。



看老友记Friends学英语 第一季第一集



Monica: Hi, come in! Paul, this is.. (They are all lined up next to the door.)... everybody, everybody, this is Paul.

All: Hey! Paul! Hi! The Wine Guy! Hey!

Chandler: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Paul, was it?

Monica: Okay, umm-umm, I'll just--I'll be right back, I just gotta go ah, go ah...

Ross: A wandering?

Monica: Change! Okay, sit down. (Shows Paul in) Two seconds.

Phoebe: Ooh, I just pulled out four eyelashes. That can't be good. Joey: Hey, Paul!

Paul: Yeah?

Joey:Here's a little tip, she really likes it when you rub her neck in the same spot over and over and over again until it starts to get a little red.

Monica: (yelling from the bedroom) Shut up, Joey!

Ross: So Rachel, what're you, uh... what're you up to tonight?

Rachel: Well, I was kinda supposed to be headed for Aruba on my honeymoon, so nothing!

Ross: Right, you're not even getting your honeymoon, God.. No, no, although, Aruba, this time of year... talk about your- (thinks) -big lizards... Anyway, if you don't feel like being alone tonight, Joey and Chandler are coming over to help me put together my new furniture. Chandler: (deadpan) Yes, and we're very excited about it.

Rachel: Well actually thanks, but I think I'm just gonna hang out here tonight. It's been kinda a long day.

Ross: Okay, sure.

Joey: Hey Pheebs, you wanna help?

Phoebe: Oh, I wish I could, but I don't want to.

【口语讲解】1. I didn't catch your name. 我没听清你的名字。

2. Here's a little tip. 给你个温馨小贴士吧。

3. what're you up to tonight? 你今晚有什么打算?

up to sb. 计划做某事

4. if you don't feel like being alone tonight 如果你不想今晚一个人落单的话

5. I think I'm just gonna hang out here tonight. 我今晚就待这儿吧。

hang out 闲逛

6. It's been kinda a long day.被折磨了一天了。

a long day 痛苦而漫长的一天

7. I wish I could, but I don't want to. 我也希望我能去,但是我不想诶。



看老友记Friends学英语 第一季第一集



Monica: Hi, come in! Paul, this is.. (They are all lined up next to the door.)... everybody, everybody, this is Paul.

All: Hey! Paul! Hi! The Wine Guy! Hey!

Chandler: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Paul, was it?

Monica: Okay, umm-umm, I'll just--I'll be right back, I just gotta go ah, go ah...

Ross: A wandering?

Monica: Change! Okay, sit down. (Shows Paul in) Two seconds.

Phoebe: Ooh, I just pulled out four eyelashes. That can't be good. Joey: Hey, Paul!

Paul: Yeah?

Joey:Here's a little tip, she really likes it when you rub her neck in the same spot over and over and over again until it starts to get a little red.

Monica: (yelling from the bedroom) Shut up, Joey!

Ross: So Rachel, what're you, uh... what're you up to tonight?

Rachel: Well, I was kinda supposed to be headed for Aruba on my honeymoon, so nothing!

Ross: Right, you're not even getting your honeymoon, God.. No, no, although, Aruba, this time of year... talk about your- (thinks) -big lizards... Anyway, if you don't feel like being alone tonight, Joey and Chandler are coming over to help me put together my new furniture. Chandler: (deadpan) Yes, and we're very excited about it.

Rachel: Well actually thanks, but I think I'm just gonna hang out here tonight. It's been kinda a long day.

Ross: Okay, sure.

Joey: Hey Pheebs, you wanna help?

Phoebe: Oh, I wish I could, but I don't want to.

【口语讲解】1. I didn't catch your name. 我没听清你的名字。

2. Here's a little tip. 给你个温馨小贴士吧。

3. what're you up to tonight? 你今晚有什么打算?

up to sb. 计划做某事

4. if you don't feel like being alone tonight 如果你不想今晚一个人落单的话

5. I think I'm just gonna hang out here tonight. 我今晚就待这儿吧。

hang out 闲逛

6. It's been kinda a long day.被折磨了一天了。

a long day 痛苦而漫长的一天

7. I wish I could, but I don't want to. 我也希望我能去,但是我不想诶。

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