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导读: 一句爱的英文语录(共5篇)关于爱情的英文经典语句Love is the reward of love 爱就是爱的报酬。Love lives in cottage as well as in courts 爱情不分贫贱与高贵。Love me, love my dog 爱屋及乌。Love should not be all on...


一句爱的英文语录 第一篇

Love is the reward of love.爱就是爱的报酬。

Love lives in cottage as well as in courts.爱情不分贫贱与高贵。

Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌。

Love should not be all on one side.单恋不成爱。

Faults are sick when love is thin.一朝情义淡,样样不顺眼。

He knows not what love is that has no children.没有孩子的人不知道什么叫爱。

One love drives out another.新的爱情来, 旧的爱情去。

Unlucky in love, lucky at play.情场失意, 赌场得意。

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.情人眼里出西施。

I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you.


No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is ,won’t make you cry.


The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can’t have them.


Never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.


To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.


Don’t waste your time on a man/woman,who isn’t willing to waste their time on you.


Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to,doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.


Don’t try to hard,the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one,so that when we finally meet the person,we will know how to be grateful.


Don’t cry because it is over,smile because it happened.


All the love that history knows ,is said tobe in every rose.Yet all that could be found in two , is less than what Ifeel for you .


Love and be silent. ------<李尔王>

People love others not for who they are,but for how they make them feel. (Invin Federman)

一个人爱别人并不在意对方本身,而是在意对方给自己的感受 。

To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose,the next best. (William Thackeray)


Love is a master key which opens the gate of happiness. (Oliver Wedell Holms)


Do you to know the easiest way to fall in love? Just associate with all your pleasant experience with someone, and disassociate from all the unpleasant ones.

(Richard Bandler)


……healings occur easiest in atmosphere of love. (Sri Harold Klemp) ……在爱的气氛中最易康复。

The vital importance of love is to love all life without qualms, without wisdom or religion uppermost in the mind of the lover. (Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad)

一句爱的英文语录 第二篇

? 随身英语:小经典

? Love is not about who hurt you and broke you down, it's about who was

always there to make you smile again.


? If you start to miss me, remember, I didn't walk away. You let me go.


? No one can change a person.But someone can be a reason for a person to



? Never forget the things that once make you smile.


? Sometimes it's better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you.


? Everything happens just in the right moment.


? You just have to make her understand what she means to you.



? Never say goodbye because saying goodbye means going away and going

away means forgetting.


? You’ll never realize how strong you are until you have no other choice but

to be strong.


? Not what I miss, but I can not go back the past.


? It’s not easy to change friendship into love. But it's harder to turn love into



? No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my

world. 不管结局是否完美,我的世界不允许你的消失

? You can always be a worse version of "him", or better version of yourself.


? When I wake up every morning, the greatest joy is gazing upon you and

sunshine, that is the future I desire.


? First I need your hand ,then forever can begin.


? It all comes to the end about the past and you.For the future,about me,to

be continued.

关于过去,关于你,告一段落。 关于未来,关于我,敬请期待。

? A girl doesn’t need anyone who doesn’t need her.--Marilyn Monroe


? I want to make a mental the rascal lives on a nice girl, physically

tenderness, his mental deformation.


? When you really matter to someone, that person will always make time for

you. No excuse, no lies, and no broken promises.



? You might be worthless to one person, but you're priceless to

another.Don’t forget your value.


? If you're brave enough to say GOODBYE, life will reward you with a new



? The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment.


? It's not the goodbye that hurts, but the flashbacks that follow.


? Specificity is not life just like a person, is when you love someone



? It is well worth of falling love in someone,even can keep up with the

unavoidable damage.


? The best way to get over someone, is to get under someone else.

忘记某个人最好的方法,就是喜欢上其他人——《Gossip Girl》

? Be true to who you are. Stop trying to please other people or be someone

else. It’s better to be an original version of yourself than an exact duplicate

of someone else.



? know when to stop.I know when to let things go.I know when to move on.

But “I know” is different from “I can”. 我知道何时止步,何时放手,何时前行。但是,我“知道”不代表我“能够”

? The best way to get over someone, is to get under someone else 。——

《Gossip Girl》


一句爱的英文语录 第三篇

Human nature is so constructed that it gives affection most readily to those who seem least to demand it. ------Bertrand Russell

人的天性就是如此,他最乐意将爱给予那些似乎最不强求爱的人。 -----罗素【一句爱的英文语录】

Love is an endless mystery, for it has nothing else to explain it. -----Tagore 爱是一个无穷无尽的迷,因为没有任何其他东西能够解释它。 ----泰戈尔

There's noting half so sweet in life as love's young dream. -----Thomas Moore 生命中没有任何东西能像进入充满活力的爱之梦那样甜美。 ----托马斯。莫尔

Love is the joy of the good, the wonder of the wise, the amazement of the gods; desired by those who have no part in him , and precious to those who have the better part in him. ---Plato

爱是美好带来的欢欣,智慧创造的奇观,神仙赋予的惊奇。缺乏爱的人渴望得到它,拥有爱的人又万般珍惜它。 ---柏拉图


One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.


Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off, you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last.


Love makes you grow up or sink down.

举得起放得下的叫举重,举得起放不下的叫负重。可惜,大多数人的爱情,都是负重的。 If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down, it's called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.


One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love.


When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as timegoes on, you will realize

that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love. All this needs a very big mind.


When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your memory, we suddenly realize that we are pushed forwardby time. This is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by. It is the truth that we've all grown up. And we become different.



If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.


Don’t forget the things you once you owned. Treasure the things you can’t get. Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.


I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things.Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time. For example, when you love someone, changes are all around. Then I step backward and watching it silently, then I see the true feelings.


We shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves. And then begin to love. Have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to loveor how long it will be. Just wait for one love. Maybe no one will come out, but this kind of waiting is the love itself.


Is there anyone who hasn't suffered for the secret love? We always think that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing inthe world. But one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize thatit's always light, light. We all thought love was very deep, but in fact it's very thin. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time.


I don't think that when people grow up, they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's a selecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's the least. And then be a simple man.


When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop. Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us. If the sky is still vast, clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn't take away the world that belongs to you

Hope to be loved, to love others first, and to be lovable. -----U.S. franklin

希望被人爱的人, 首先要爱别人, 同时要使自己可爱。 - 美· 富兰克林

Like song, listen, like people, far away look


A lot of us thought that'll never forget things, as we remember days, we're forgotten.

很多我们以为一辈子都不会忘记的事情,就在我们念念不忘的日子里,被我们遗忘了 。

一句爱的英文语录 第四篇

1、with love one can live even without haooiness。

2、listen, my heart, to the whispers of the world with which it makes love to you。

3、maybe god wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful。

4、never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile。
纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,5、love is not a matter of counting the days。 it's making the days count。

6、i love you not because of who you are, but because of who i am when i am with you。

7、ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation。

8、the road to a lover's house is never long。

9、i love you not because who you are,but because who i am when i am with you。

10、love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence。

11、where there is love, there are always wishes。

12、the worst way to miss some one is to be sitting right beside him knowing you can't have him。

13、make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you。

14、never frown,even when you are sad,because youn ever know who is falling in love with your smile。

15、let this be my last word , i trust thy love。

16、no man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is,won't make you cry。

17、just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have。

18、the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them。

19、to the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world。

20、first love is unforgettable all one's life。

21、no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry。

22、it is never too late to fall in love。

23、don't waste your time on a man (woman), who isn't willing to waste their time on you。

24、with the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines。

25、love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered。

26、atrue friend is some one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart。

27、life is apure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us。

28、being with you is like walking on a very clear morning。

29、in the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair。

30、don't cry because it is over,smile because it happened。

31、don't try so hard, the best things e when you least expect them to。

32、don't try so hard,the best things e when you lease expect them to。

33、why do the good girls, always want the bad boys。

34、you don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her。

一句爱的英文语录 第五篇

distance makes the hearts grow fonder。

if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden。关于爱的英文句子

happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights inone's hand。 it's about having each tiny wish e true, or havingsomething to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when youneed love。

if you can hold something up and put it down, it is calledweight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it's called burden-bearing。 pitifully, most of people are bearing heavyburdens when they are in love。

no man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is, won't make you cry。

at the touch of love everyone bees a poet。

love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow。 when the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere。 friend is who can give youstrength at last。

love makes man grow up or sink down。

i love you not because of who you are, but because of who i am when i am with you。

look into my eyes —— you will see what you mean to me。

within you i lose myself, without you i find myself wanting to be lost again。

i love you not for who you are, but for who i am in your heart。

相关热词搜索:英文一句话经典语录 一句话语录


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