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collecting stamps is my hobby课件

2016-09-29 11:52:01 编辑:zhangyanqing 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

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下面是中国招生考试网www.chinazhaokao.com  为大家整理的collecting stamps is my hobby课件,供大家参考。

  collecting stamps is my hobby课件

  Teaching aims and requisitions:

  1. To know how to introduce their hobbies, and try to talk about hobbies with their partners.

  2. To learn sentences (What’s your hobby? Have you got any stamps from China /America /Canada? ) to make dialogues with their partners.

  3. Try to know their classmates and get along well with them.

  Teaching importance

  1. To learn the dialogue and know whose hobby is collecting stamps.

  2. To grasp the sentence patterns:

  Have you got any stamps from China?

  Yes, I have.

  3. To know the difference between stamp and stamps.

  4. To finish exercises of the activity books to consolidate the dialogue.

  Teaching difficulties

  1. To learn and grasp the dialogue, then try to use it freely.

  2. To pronounce these two words correctly:

  this , these

  Teaching aids

  1. Teaching charts.

  2. Picture cards and word cards.

  3. CD-ROM

  4. Different stamps.

  Time delimitation of the unit:

  Two periods.

  Teaching procedures and ways:

  Period: 1

  一 Organize teaching

  1. Greetings with students.

  2. Class begins.

  二 Warmer and presentation

  1. T: I like cats very much, so I collect lots of pictures of them. Look!(show pictures and talk about these cats with class)

  Do you like cats?

  T : Collecting cats is my hobby.(show word cards: collect收集 hobby爱好)

  What’s your hobby?

  Find someone to answer.

  2. T : Do you want to know what Simon’s hobby is.(let students guess)

  Ok, open your books, and turn to page 10. Let’s learn module3 unit 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby.

  3. Read the dialogue between Daming and Simon . And try to find the answer: What’s Simon’s hobby?

  (If you meet new words, circle it with your pencils please.)

  4. Students read and answer: Collecting stamps is Simon’s hobby.

  5. Teacher reads the dialogue and teaches it.

  6. Listen to the tape recorder, and students read following it.

  三 To teach the new words.

  1. Show the word cards and learn:

  collect, stamp, stamp, hobby, men, women, another

  2. Teacher translates words one by one, and makes sentences with them.

  Pay attention to “ men , women”.

  3. Students try to make sentences with them.


  1. Read the dialogue in pairs.

  2. Read words in groups.

  五 Homework.

  Read the dialogue after class and do activity books.

  六Board writing design:

  Module 3

  Unit 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby.

  1.Ask and answer:

  What’s Simon’s hobby?

  Collecting stamps is Simon’s hobby.


  collect stamp hobby another this these

  men(man) women(woman)

  Unit1 Collecting stamps is my hobby.教案(一)


  I’ve got lots of stamps.

  These are some stamps from Canada.

  This stamp is from China.





  2) 听写上一单元的单词。


  T: What’s your favoutite sport/games/food…?

  Ss:My favourite sport/games/food… is…

  T: Do you like…?

  Ss:Yes I do/No, I don’t. I like…

  2. 导入:对话之后,老师拿出一本集邮册给学生们看。老师问学生:“What’s this?”然后回答…It s a stamp album.”引导学生通过实物理解“stamp”和“album”的意思。老师一边向学生们展示集邮册里的邮票一边讲述:“I like stamps very much. I collect them. Look, this is a Chinese stamp. It’s very beautiful. Do you like these stamps? These stamps are from Canada. I like them very much. Collecting stamps is my hobby.”





  将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,通过播放录音呈SB 活动1,请学生们仔细听一听Darning和Simon之问的对话。听完以后向学生提问:“What’s Simon’s hobby?”


  请学生试着回答老师刚才提出的问题:“What’s Simon’s hobby?”学生此时应该能够回答出: “Simon’s hobby is collecting stamps.”可以再分段放录音,向学生提出一些更加具体的问题,帮助他们理解课文内容,例如:

  Where are the stamps from?

  Has Simon got any stamps from China?



  5. 活动二:


  如:My hobby is collecting stamps from America.

  My hobby is collecting Jay’s CD.

  6. 活动三:


  7. 课后作业:



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