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导读: 六年级英语听力下载(共6篇)人教版(PEP)六年级下册英语听力mp3材料下载(unit1-unit4)以下是小编给大家整理的人教版(PEP)六年级下册英语听力mp3材料下载(unit1-unit4),非常方便大家学习英语,提高英语成绩,欢迎下载使用!人教版(PEP)六年级下册英语听力mp3材料下载(unit1-unit4)人教...







一、你将听到一个句子,根据听到的内容选择符合的一项。 ( ) 1. A. she B. he C. they


( ) 2. A. the shirt B. the skirt C. the girl ( ) 3. A. Mr B. Mrs C. Miss ( ) 1A.snow B. show C. slow D. slower

( ) 4. A. thin and short B. thin and tall C.

( ) 2. A. thank B.thirty C. thirsty D. think

short ant strong

( ) 3. A. breakfast B bread C. heavy D. great ( ) 5. A. China B. Canada C. USA

A. math class B. Chinese class C. science ( ) 4. A. learn B. listen C. lesson D. little ( ) 6.


( ) 5. A. Make noise B. make planes C. make kites


D. make puzzles

( ) 6. A. middle school B.train station C.History


二、听录音,判断下列句子是(T)否(F)与所听对话内容相符.(听两遍) (10分)

( ) 1. Mike is going to play the piano at the concert this evening.

( ) 2. Nancy likes autumn better than spring.

( ) 3. Helen is going to the cinema to watch a film with her friends.

( ) 4. Yang Lin wants to buy some birthday presents for her mother.

( ) 5. Peter does n’t have any brothers or sisters. 三、根据所听内容,选择正确答案 (听两遍) (10分) ( ) 1. A. Ben. B. Jim. C. We don’t know. ( ) 2. A. He went on an outing. B. He saw a play. C. He saw a Beijing opera.

( ) 3. A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus.

( ) 4. A. He wants a letter. B. He wants a stamp. C. He wants some paper

( ) 5. A. He is going to watch a football match. B. He is going to play football.

C. He is going to play a football match.

四、听短文,填入所缺单词。(听三遍。)(4分) Dear Ben: Thank you for your letter. I’m very glad to be

your .I’m in Grade Five. I’m eleven

years old. I’m one year than you. My

hobbies are stamps and reading. My favourite

subject is English. I can English stories

now. And I like English songs.I have a family

of three: my father, my mother and me. My parents

are . My address is Please to me soon. ( ) 7. A. on Sunday B. on Tuesday C. on Thursday

( ) 8. A. go hiking B. go shopping C. go swimming

( ) 9. A. new students B. new teachers C. new


( ) 10. A. play the piano B. play the violin C. play




( ) 1. Summer is hot and the days are long.

( ) 2. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. ( ) 3. He’s reading a book.

( ) 4. I’m answering the phone.

( ) 5. It’s Teachers’ day.

( ) 6. There are two birthdays in June.

( ) 7. She is collecting leaves.

( ) 8. They are playing together. ( ) 9. He does n’t like winter. ( ) 10. We have a big dinner and eat a birthday cake.

三.听录音,根据听到的问题,选择最合适的答句,将其前面的字母编号填在题号前的括号内。 ( ) 1. A. They are monkeys. B. I am Mike.

C. They are my teachers. ( ) 2. A. Yes, I can. B. Sure. C .Yes, I am.

( ) 3. A. He is young. B. He like cabbage. C. Yes, he is. ( ) 4. A. I often read books and go shopping on the

weekend. B. I often do homework every afternoon.

C. I’m going to take a trip this week. ( ) 5. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, I am. 四. 听句子或对话,根据其内容填入所缺的单词,使对话或句子的意思合理、完整,每空只填一词。

1. A: When do you _____ the _______in the afternoon? B:

At 4:50.

2. A: What do you do on the ________?

B: I usually ______ ______. What about you? A: I usually ______ ______ at home. But I ______ my ________ this weekend. 3. We ____ ________ ________at school every day. 4. Let’s ____ ________ together next Saturday. 5. A: Can you ______ ______? B: Yes, I can.


一、你将听到一个句子,根据听到的内容选择符合的一项。 ( ) 1. A. date B. today C. may ( ) 2. A. game B. make C. name ( ) 3. A. play basketball B. play games C. play computer

( ) 4. A. make a kite B. make the bed C. make a snowman

( ) 5. A. fruit B. foot C. food ( ) 6. A. what B. which C. week

( ) 7. A. rain B. windy C. spring

( ) 8. A. the weather B. the sweater C. the father

( ) 9. A. When is your father’s birthday? B. When is your mother’s birthday? C. When is your brother’s birthday? ( ) 10 .A. Tree-planting Day is in spring. B. National Day is in October. C. Today is Christmas Day.


( ) 1. My birthday is March 12th. ( ) 2. Wu Yifan is writing a report. ( ) 3. Mike likes fall best. ( ) 4. It is June 1st today

( ) 5. I play computer games on the weekend ( ) 6. I am making a birthday cake

( ) 7. we are doing an experiment on insects ( ) 8. We usually do some sports on the weekend ( ) 9. She likes tigers best ( ) 10. I’m washing the clothes


( ) 1. A. Yes, I’m a policeman. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, it is.

( ) 2. A. Usually I play the piano.

B. I often do morning exercises in the morning. C. I can play the piano. ( ) 3. A. I’m from America. B. I’m reading books. C. I’m a teacher.

( ) 4. A. I often go to work at 5:00. B. I often go home at 5:00.

C. I often have dinner at 5:00. ( ) 5. A. I go shopping every weekend. B. I go hiking every morning.

C. He plays football every weekend.

( ) 6. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, I am .

( ) 7. A. They are students. B. They are yellow. C. They are hungry.

( ) 8. A. Because it is too cold. B. Because it is too hot.

C. Because it is too windy. ( ) 9. A. She likes fall best. B. He likes playing football best. C. I like spring best.

( ) 10. A. I often have a picnic in a park. B. I would like to climb mountains. C. I can make a snowman.



( ) 1. A. B. . C.

( ) 2. A.

B. C.

( ) 3.

A. B. C.

( ) 4. A. B. C.

( ) 5. A. B.



1. A: Who has a birthday in ____________? B: Amy. 2. ______is from ______ to ____________ in China. 3. A: What do you do on Sunday? B: I _______ ___________. 4. A: Is she ______ _______? B: No, she isn’t. 5. A: What is Jack ______ in the woods? B: He is ______a ______.

6. I see mother _______. It’s ________.

7. I love all the ______. ________ all beautiful.

8. A: Is her birthday in ________? B: No. It’s in ________.

9. A: What’s the weather like in ______in Beijing? B: It’s ______ and ______.

10. A: What is your father doing?

B: He is ______ a book in the ______.

三. 听读短文,判断下列各句的正误,,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。


( ) 1. Tom and Mike can see many animals in the park. ( ) 2. The pandas can walk, eat bamboos and climb trees.

( ) 3. The animals are so cute.

( ) 4. Two pandas are climbing the big tree now ( ) 5. There are many animals in the zoo. 2

( ) 1. The elephants are drinking water in the park. ( ) 2. The animals are not happy in the nature park. ( ) 3. The monkeys are swinging in the tree.

( ) 4. Some tigers are sleeping under the trees. ( ) 5. Some kangaroos are under the trees.



1.I like playing games in snow in winter. 2. Can I have a glass of water? I’m thirsty. 3. What’s for breakfast?

4. Listen! Who is singing in the next room? 5. You shouldn’t make noise in the library . 6. I’ll go to the middle school next month. ( 1. A 2 C 3. A .4B 5. A 6A )


符,相符的在括号内写(T),不相符的在括号内写(F) (听两遍) (每小题2分, 共10分)

1. A: What’s your brother going to do this evening, Mike ?

B: He is going to play the piano at the concert. 2. A: Do you like spring , Nancy ?

B: Yes, I do. But I like autumn better . 3 A: What are you doing , Helen ?

B: I’m looking for my camera. I’m going to take photos with my friends in the park. 4. A: Where are you going, Yang Lin ?

B: I’m going to the shopping center. I want to buy some presents for my mother. It’s her birthday tomorrow.

5. A: Hello, Peter. What’s the weather like in London in summer ?

B: It’s not very hot. It’s usually sunny. I often go swimming with my brother and sister ( 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F )

三、根据所听内容,选择正确答案 (听两遍) (每小题2分, 共10分)

1.A: Does Jim jump farther than Ben ?

B: Yes, he does.

Q: Who jumps farther , Jim or Ben ?

2. A: Did you go on an outing last Sunday, Lin Tao ?

B: No, I didn’t. I went to see a Beijing opera show.

Q: What did Lin Tao do last Sunday?

3. A: Excuse me , is the zoo far from here ?

B: Yes, you can take bus No.3 there and get off at the fifth stop.

Q: How can the man go to the zoo ?

4. A: Hi, Lisa. Do you have any writing paper ?

B: What for, Mike ?【六年级英语听力下载】

A: I want to write a letter to my grandpa. B: Oh, here are some for you. Q: What does Mike want ?

going to watch it, Wang Bing ?

B: Of course.

Q: What’s Wang Bing going to do this afternoon ?

( 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A )


Dear Ben:

Thank you for your letter. I’m very glad to be your penfriend .I’m in Grade Five. I’m eleven years old. I’m one year younger than you. My hobbies are collecting stamps and reading. My favourite subject is English I can read English stories now. And I like singing English songs.I have a family of three: my father, my mother and me. My parents are doctors . My e-mail address is Please write to me soon.

Li Yang

星期三听力材料 一、你将听到一个句子,根据听到的内容选择符合的一项。

8. This is my sister. She goes home at 5:00 every day. 9. I like the skirt. It’ s pretty.

10. Mr. Zhong is my PE teacher. He is smart. 11. My English teacher is young. She is thin and tall. 12. I am a Chinese girl. I am from China. 13. We have science class on Wednesday. 14. On Thursday I have P.E. class. 15. I go hiking on Sunday.

16. There are five new students in the classroom. 17. Usually I play the piano on the weekend. 18. I go hiking on Sunday.

19. There are five new students in the classroom. 20. Usually I play the piano on the weekend.

二、你将听到一个句子或一组对话,根据所听到的内容,判断图片或句子是否与录音相符,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。 21. Is summer hot ? Yes, it is.

22. What is your aunt doing? She is cooking dinner in the kitchen.

24. What are you doing? I’m answering the phone. 25. What’s the date? It’s Oct. 9th.

26. My birthday is in June. My brother’s birthday is in July.

27. Is Sarah collecting stamps? No, she is collecting leaves.

28. Mike is playing football. John is playing football, too.

29. I am Lily. I don’t like winter. It’s too cold.

30. I have a big dinner and eat a birthday cake with my friends.

三.听录音,根据听到的问题,选择最合适的答句,将其前面的字母编号填在题号前的括号内。 1. Who are they? 2. May I have a look? 3. What’s our principal like?

4. What do you often do on weekends? 5. Are you helpful at home?

四. 听句子或对话,根据其内容填入所缺的单词,使对话或句子的意思合理、完整,每空只填一词。

B: At 4:50.

A: I usually at home. But I my 4. Let’ B: Yes, I can.



I can make kites.

I am going to play basketball on Sunday. I like winter best, because I can make a snowman. What’s your favorite fruit? Which season do you like best? I don’t like spring, I like winter. What’s the weather like in Beijing? When is your brother’s birthday? Tree-planting Day is in spring


31. Today is Tree -Planting Day. It’s my birthday. 32. Where is Wu Yifan? He is in the study. He is writing a letter.

33. What’s your favourite season? I like fall. 34. Are you happy? Yes, today is Children’s Day. 35. I play computer game on Sunday. 36. Today is my birthday.

My mother is making a birthday for me.

37. What are you doing there? I am doing an experiment? What experiment?

What do the ants like to eat?

38. We play ping-pong on Saturday morning. We play football on Sunday afternoon.

39. Which animal do you like best? I like my pet dog best.

What about you, John? I like tigers best. 40. A: Hello, This is Mike. B: Hello, Mike. This is Chenjie.

B: I am washing the clothes with my mother. 三.听录音,根据听到的问题,选择最合适的答句,将其前面的字母编号填在题号前的括号内。 1、Is he a policeman? 2、What do you often do? 3、What are you doing? 4、When do you go home? 5、What do you do every weekend? 6. Do you like winter? 7. Who are they?【六年级英语听力下载】

8. You don’t like summer. Why? 9. Which season do you like best? 10. What can you do in winter?



1. They are fighting.

2. I go shopping on the weekend.

3. I like drawing pictures.

4. I can play the piano.

5. What are they doing? They are drinking water.


B: Amy. 13. A: What do you do on Sunday? B: I B: No, she isn’t. ’18. A: Is her birthday in B: No. It’s in 19. A: What’ B: It’20. A: What is your father doing? B: He is 三、听读短文,判断下列各句的正误,,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。 1

Tom and Mike are at the zoo. They are very happy. They can see many animals. Now they’re talking. Tom: Look, Mike. I can see some pandas.

Mike: Oh, Yeah. They’re so cute. Let’s go and have a look.

Tom: They can walk, eat bamboos and climb trees. Mike: What? Climb trees?

Tom: Yes. Look, the two pandas are climbing the big

tree now.


2 In the nature park. The animals are very happy and

active. They are doing many things. The elephants are

drinking water in the river. The monkeys are swinging in

the tree. Some kangaroos are sleeping under the trees. Some tigers are walking in the woods.

小学六年级英语听力 专项练习

小学六年级英语听力 专项练习(三)

一.Listen and answer( 根据你在录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的括号里)

( )1. A. I like swimming. B. My favourite food is fish. C. I like bananas

( )2. A. He is forty years old. B. He is sixty k

g. C. He is 172 cm.

( )3. A.I am going to go fishing. B. I want to be a policema

n. C. I am going to be sad.

( )4. A.I do my homework at home. B. I was at hom

e. C.I went shopping.

( )5. A. He is a student. B. He is my brothe

r C. He works in a hospital.

( ) 6.A. I want a bag. B. I want a pen.

C. I like that red bag.

( ) 7.A. He is forty years old. B. He is sixty kg. C. He is 172 cm.

( ) 8.A. We are going to have a picnic. B. I am going to be a teacher. C. I am going to have a headache.【六年级英语听力下载】

( )9.A. I watch TV. B. I was at home. C. I went to see my uncle.

( )10.A. That tall young man. B. A woman. C. A teacher.

( )11.A. It's next to the nature park. B. You can get there by the No.10 bus. C. You can get there at 3 o'clock.

( )12.A. She works in a hospital. B. She is an actress.C. She goes to school every day.

( )13.A. I am very tall. B. I am taller than you. C. I am 1.65 meters tall.

( )14.A. I have a good bike. B. I am very happy. C. I have a headache.

( )15.A. I was in the classroom. B. I went fishing. C. I clean my bedroom.

( )16.A. I walked there. B. My father took me to the hospital. C. I get there by bus.

( )17.A. It is warm. B. I like spring. C. Winter is a good season.

( )18.A. I am 160 cm. B. I am heavier than you. C. I am 48 kg.

( )19.A. I go to school every day. B. I like playing football. C. I like bananas.

( )20.A. I didn't go to school. B. I went fishing.C. I did my homework.

( )21.A. It's next to the nature park B. You can get there by No.10 bus. C. You can get there at 3 0'clock.

( )22.A. It is warm. B. I like spring. C. Winter is a good season.

( )23.A. I am very tall. B. I am taller than you. C. I am 165 cm tall.

( )24.A. I go to school every day. B. I like playing football.C. I like bananas.

( )25.A. I was in the classroom. B. I went fishing. C. I clean my bedroom.

( )26.A. I like running. B. I like apples. C. I like riding a bike.

( )27.A. I am 50 kg. B. I'm 12. C. I'm 150 cm.

( )28.A. I am going to be sad. B. I'm going to go shopping. C. I want to be a teacher.

小学六年级英语听力 专项练习(四)

Listen and answer( 根据你在录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的括号里)

1.What's your favourite fruit?

2.How heavy is he?

3.What are you going to do tomorrow?

4.What did you do yesterday?

5.Where does your brother work?

6.Which bag do you like?

7.How tall is your father?

8.What are you going to do next weekend?

9.Where were you yesterday evening?

10.Who is your math teacher?

11.How can I get to the zoo?

12.What does your sister do?

13.How tall are you?

14.What's the matter with you?

15.What did you do yesterday?

16.How did you go to the hospital yesterday?

17.What's your favourite season?

18.How heavy are you?

19.What's your hobby?

20.Where did you go last Monday?

21.Where is the zoo?

22.What's the weather like in spring?

23.How tall are you?

24.What's your hobby?

25.What do you usually do on the weekend?

26.What's your favourite fruit?

27.How heavy are you?

28.What are you going to be?

小学六年级英语听力 专项练习(五)

1. ( )John is 17 years old.

2. ( )John is shorter than Tom.

3. ( )Tom is 9kg heavier than John.

4. ( )Tom is smaller than John.

5. ( )Tom and John usually go to school and go home on foot. (二)

1. ( )Mary is 13 years old this year.

2. ( )Mary is going to have her birthday party at home.

3. ( )We are going to go to Mary's birthday party on foot.

4. ( )My present for Mary is a teady bear.

5. ( )Mary doesn't like Li Hua's present.


1. ( )Li Hua felt sick yesterday morning.

2. ( )Li Hua hurt his leg yesterday morning.

3. ( )Li Hua must take some medicine and drink more hot water.

4. ( )The doctor said Li Hua must go to school in the afternoon.

5. ( )If you get the flu, you usually have a fever and a headache. (四)

1. ( )My home is near the park.

2. ( )I have to walk to the subway station.

3. ( )I go to the No. 12 bus stop by subway.

4. ( )I go to the post office by bus.

5. ( )I have to take a bus to the park from the post office. (五)

1. ( )Zhang Peng went to Beijing last weekend.

2. ( )He took many pictures.

3. ( )He went fishing with his friend.

4. ( )He was happy.

5. ( )He was sick at last.


1. ( ) Sarah, Mike and Amy are cousins.

2. ( ) Mike is an English boy.

3. ( ) Sarah is 10 cm shorter than Mike.


UNIT 3 My weekend plan

Part A Let’s try


Sarah:Good morning!Mike,today is so warm.Let’s go swimming. Mike:Sorry.I can’t.I have to do my homework now.

Sarah:OK!What about this afternoon?

Mike:No,I can’t .I’m going fishing.

Part B Let’s try

John:Amy,where are you going?

Amy:I’m going to buy some fruits.

John:Nice!I’m going to buy ice cream.

Amy:Do you like ice cream?

John:No,it’s for my cousin Jack.

Part C Let’s check

1.Mike:Hi!John,what are you going to do tomorrow?

John:Not much!I’m just going to do my homework and buy a postcard tomorrow morning.And you?

Mike:I’m going to see a film tomorrow afternoon.

John:Great!Can I go to?

Q1:What is John going to do tomorrow morning?

2.Boy:Amy,did you see my new comic book?I’m going to read it this evening. Girl:Oh!It looks good .Can I read it after you?

Boy:Yes,I can give it to you tomorrow.


Q2:What is the boy going to do this evening?

3.Boy:I’m going to the bookstore to buy a new dictionary.

Girl:Oh!When are you going?

Boy:This afternoon,the bookstore is open this evening.

Q3:Where is the boy going?

4.Man:I’m going to buy some milk and a newspaper.

Woman:Where are you going to buy them?

Man:I’m going to buy them at the small shop near the post office. Woman:Really?I’m going to buy a postcard there.Can I go with you? Man:Sure!Let’s go together.

Q4:What is the woman going to buy?

Unit 4 I have a pen pal

Part A let’s try

Zhang Peng:Look!I have a new pen pal.He is from New Zealand.

Oliver:That’s good.What’s his name?

Zhang Peng:His name is Peter.He likes playing basketball.

Oliver:Oh!Is he very tall?

Zhang Peng:Yes,he is.

Part B let’s try

Miss White:On the pen pal website,we have a student from Australian.Wu Yifan ,would you like to be his pen pal?

Wu Yifan:Sure.Does he study in Primary School,too?

Miss White:Yes,he is 11 years old.

Wu Yifan:Great!I’ll write an email to him today.

Miss White:Good!Thank you!

Part C Let’s check

1.A:Who’s that?

B:That’s Andy.

A:Does he like playing basketball?

B:No,he likes playing football.

2.A:Does Mike go to school by bike?


B:Yes,he does.

3.A:Does Amy read the newspaper every day?

B:No,she doesn’t,but she loves to read stories.

4.A:Does your mother like watching TV at night,John?

B:No,she likes watching TV in the morning.

Unit 5 What does he do?

Part A Let’s try

Oliver:Sarah,today is Parents’ Day.

Sarah:Yes,my mother is coming ,but my father is too busy.

Oliver:I see.What does your father do?

Sarah:He is a doctor.

Part B Let’s try

Mike:Hi!Xiao Yu,who is that tall man?

Xiao Yu:My uncle.

Mike:He is so big.What does he do?

Xiao Yu:He is a police officer.

Mike:Cool!How does he go to work?On foot?

Xiao Yu:No,he goes by car.He ofter take me to school on his way to work. Part C Let’s check

Xiao Yu:Hi!Wei Fang .Let’s go home.

Wei Fang:Sorry.Xiao Yu ,my father will come to get me.

Xiao Yu:OK!What does your father do?

Wei Fang:My father is a police officer.What about your father? Xiao Yu:My father is a coach.My grandfather is a scientist.

Wei Fang:Cool!My uncle is a postman,but he wants to be a scientist.

Unit 6 How do you feel?

Part A Let’s try

Sam:Feew!It’s so cold in Junuary.

Sarah:Yes,but we can stay inside and watch films.

Sam:Great!I like cartoons.

Sarah:Yes,me too.They make me feel happy.

Part B Let’s try


B:Bless you!Oh,no!You have a fever. You should see a doctor. A:Oh,but what about the zoo?

B:I will take the kids.

Part C Let’s check

1.John:Mike,it’s snowing outside.

Mike:That’s great,John.

John:Really?The cold weather makes me sad.

Mike:Why?Look at the snow.It’s so beautiful.

John:Yes,I guess so.

Mike:It makes me feel so happy.

2.Robin:Are you OK?Wu Yifan?

Wu Yifan:No ,I feel ill.

Robin:Oh,dear!Do you have a headache?

Wu Yifan::Yes,I do.

Robin:Mmm.You should see a doctor.

Sarah:Oliver,what’s wrong?

Oliver:I’m so angry.

Sarah:Oh!You should count to ten.Why are you angry? Oliver:Someone steals my sunglasses.

Sarah:No,they are on your head.


4.Sarah:Ah-trooh!Are you OK?Zhang Peng?

Zhang Peng:Yes,I’m fine.

Sarah:Wear more coats.It’s cold outside.

Zhang Peng:I will.Thanks.


小学英语六年级上册第一二单元质量检测试题 听力部分


1. by subway 2. turn left 3. hospital 4. bookstore 5. West 6. north 7. where 8. How can I get to the bookstore? 9. It’s next to the post office. 10. Is there a museum near here?



1. You can go by plane.

2. Excuse me, is there a cinema near here? Yes, there is.

3. You can go straight.

4. Wait at a yellow light.

5. Excuse me, is there a post office near here? Yes, it’s here.


1. How do you go to Canada?

2. How can I get to Zhongshan Park?

3. Where is the cinema, please?

4. Remember the traffic rules.

5. Can I go on foot?

小学英语六年级上册第三单元至期中质量检测试题 听力部分


1. C. north 2. B. turn right

4. C. newspaper 3. A. pet shop 5. B. post card

6. How do you go to school? Usually I go to school by ship.

7. Wait at a yellow light.

8. How can I get to Zhong Shan Park? You can go by the No.15 bus.

9. Where is the library, please?

10. I’m going to buy a comic book.


1.How can I get there?

2. Where is the science museum?

3. Is there a cinema near here?

4. Where are you going?

5. What are you going to do this weekend?


I’m going to visit my grandparents this Sunday. I get there by train. Their home is next to the hospital. I turn left at the traffic lights, then go straight. Their home is on the right.

小学英语六年级上册第四五单元质量检测试题 听力部分


1. hobby 2. funny 3. writer 4. drive

6. She likes diving.

8. She is a TV reporter.

10. It’s a shirt. 5. She goes to work by motor cycle. 7. She likes playing the violin. 9. He is an actor.


1. He’s an accountant.

2. She’s an engineer.

3. He is a policeman.

4. She is a salesperson.

5. She is a singer.


1. What’s your hobby?

2. Does she watch TV in the evening?

3. What does your mother do?

4. Where does your father work?

5. How does Mr. Wang go to work?

小学英语六年级上册第六单元至期末质量检测试题 听力部分


1. diving 2. sun 3. month

7. a stamp. 8. cloud 9. sprout 4. drop 10. artist 5. east 6. shine


A.1. I like playing the violin.

2. I like collecting stamps.

3. My hobby is making kites.

4. I like riding a bike.

5. Diving is my hobby.

B. 1. Plant the seeds in the soil.

2. Put the pot in the sun.

3. And water often.

4. Wait for a sprout.

5. Wait for a flower to grow.


Hello, I’m your friend, John. I live in Australia with my parents. I like playing football. My father teaches math in my school. I go to school by bike with my friend. My father goes to work on foot. My mother is a TV reporter. She’s very busy every day.




1. south 2. ride 3. wait 4. dictionary 5. foot

6. cinema 7. by subway 8. comic book 9. an actor 10. flower



1. Stop at a red light.

2. Turn left. 4. He is diving. 3. It’s a science museum.

5. He is a doctor.

6. In England, drivers drive on the left side of the road.

7. The cinema is next to the post office.

8. John is going to visit his grandparents this weekend.

9. Wu Yifan lives in China.

10. My mother read magazines in the evening.


1.How can I get to the hospital?

2. Where is the bookstore?

3. When are you going to visit your grandpa?

4. What’s your hobby?

5. Where does the rain come from?




A. grow vegetables B. feed the pigs C. plant trees

D. milk the cow E. cook food


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 三、听问句三遍,选出最佳答语,把其字母编号写在括号内。(10分)






What are the teacher doing ? What do farmers grow on the farm ? Are you picking apples ? Do you have some geese on your farm ? Where do you live?


Kitty and Jim are good friends. They live in the countryside. They study at the same school but different classes. Kitty is in Class One and Jim is in Class Two. But they go to school and go back home together. They usually go to school by bike. It takes about 15 minutes. They study hard at school. After school, they help the farmers with the field work. Jim likes animals. He usually helps the farmer feed the animals. Kitty likes plants. She often helps the farmers grow vegetable and cut grass. They are always busy but never feel tired.



A. a modern city B. countryside C. theatre D. a supermarket E. a postcard 二、听句子三遍,写出句子中所缺的单词。(5分) 三、听问句,请用阿拉伯数字给答句编号。(10分)

1. What’s the traffic in Guangzhou like?

2. Where are you from?

3. How do you go to school?

4. Do you live in Tianhe?

5.When do you get up?



Mr Green is from New York. He is in Guangzhou now. He lives in a small house near a big farm. In the morning, he can see many ladies milk the cows. There are many fields on the farm. Some people work in the field in the morning. And other people work in the garden. Mr Green sometimes helps the farmers with gardening in the afternoon. In the evening, Mr Green always has some fun with the farmers. He likes the life in Guangzhou. He thinks it’s a healthy life.



1. I have a broken finger.

2. We should sleep at least 8 hours each night.

3.The most important thing for a healthy life is to be happy.

4. May always has a smile on her face.

5. We should take plenty of exercise to stay healthy.


A. have a cold B. have a fever C. have a headache

D. have a toothache E. have a broken hand F. have a broken foot

G. smile every day H. brush teeth

三、听句子,写出句子所缺的单词。(8分,每写对一个单词得1分) 3. What’


Mike: Hello, Doctor Lee. I feel bad.

Doctor: Don’t’ worry, Mike. Let me give you a check-up first. Open your mouth and say, “Ahh” Mike: What’s the matter with me?

Doctor: Oh, Mike. I think you have a cold.

Mike: What should I do?

Doctor: Take the medicine 3 times a day and stay in bed for 2 days.

Mike: Thank you. Oh, how much is the medicine?

Doctor: 5 dollars.

Mike: OK. Bye-bye, Doctor Lee.

Doctor: Bye. Take good care of yourself.



A.read books B. played basketball C. had a party

D. saw a film E. rode a bike F. had dinner

G. got up H. went shopping



A. How did you go to America last week?

B. What did you do yesterday?

C. What do you think of your trip to New York?

D. When did you go to London?

E. Were you angry with Sally?

四、听短文三遍,判断句子是否与短文意思一致,如一致,请在括号内写“T”,否则写“F”。 Hi, I am Tom. I’m from London. My parents and I went to Zhuhai to have a trip last month. We went there by plane. Zhuhai is a modern city. But it’s crowded and noisy, too. We just stay there for three days. Then we went to Beijing for a five-day trip.



A. Before then, my school was small. But now, it’s large and modern.

B. The lady should keep on a good diet.

C. My brother worked in the field last Saturday.

D. Tony cried a lot when he was a baby.

E. I took exercise at a quarter past seven this morning.



1. A:It’s a quarter to sever. It’s time to get up, Jude.

B: OK, Mum.

Q: What time does Jude get up?

2. A: Do you go to work by bus now, Mr Pan?

B: No, I went to work by underground 2years ago. But I drive to work now. Q: How does Mr Pan go to work now?

3. A: How many students were there in your school last year?

B: There were 170, and there were 10 teachers. But now we have 500 students in

the new school.

Q: How many students were there last year?

4. A: Did you come to Guangzhou before, Ms Ling?

B: Yes, I came to Guangzhou twice 3 months ago.

Q: How many times does Ms Ling come to Guangzhou?

5. A: Were you short ten years ago, Lily?

B: Sure. I was a baby ten years ago. Ha-ha.

Q: Was Lily a baby ten years ago?

四、听短文判断句子是否与短文意思一致,如一致,在( )写“T”,否则写“F”。


Hello, boys and girls! My name is Billy. I’m tall and fat. I have a long nose and two big ears. My mouth is not too big. My teeth are very long. My body looks like a wall. I have four strong legs and a short tail, too. Do you know me? What me I ?



1. I hope every day is Christmas.

2. There are a lot of presents under the Christmas tree.

3. I think Father Christmas is kind and friendly.

4. I wish people a happy Spring Festival.

5. People give children some lucky money at Spring Festival.


A. I wish I can meet Father Christmas.

B. I had a beautiful tree last Christmas.

C. Children get lucky money at Spring Festival.

D. People eat mooncakes at Mid-autumn Festival.

E. People row the dragon boat at Dragon Boat Festival.


1. What’s the most important festival in China?

2. Look, there are many presents in our stocking .

Question: What holiday are they on?

3. When is the Spring Festival?

4. What did your family do last Mid-autumn Festival?

5. What’s your new school like?


Man: There are so many people here.

Lady:Yes. They are doing shopping for Christmas.

Man: What do they buy?

Lady:Presents and food.

Man: How long is the Christmas holiday in Britain?

Lady:Usually two weeks.

Man: What do people usually do at Christmas holiday?

Lady:Some people stay at home with their family. Some go travelling.

Man: Are the shops open or closed at Christmas?

Lady:Most shops are not open.

Man: That’s why people buy so much food. Right?

Lady:You’re right.

Man: Let’s go out. There are too many people and it’s too crowded here.

Lady:OK, let’s go.




A. The doctor is giving the man a check-up.

B. New York is a large city in America.

C. I like Spring Festival.

D. Xiao Ming is going to surf the Net at the library this afternoon.

E. I like to milk the cow in the morning.


A. The girl went shopping last night. She was happy.

B. I saw a film with my family yesterday.

C. Christmas is coming.

D. Bruce had a fever last night.

E. It’s nine o’clock now. The girl needs to take a rest.


1. ’s quite noisy.

2. 3. Sally a 4. I 5.


1. A: What did you do yesterday, Yongxian?

B: I washed my dog.

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