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导读: 四年级英语上册课件闽教版练习题第一单元(共5篇)闽教版2013-2014学年小学英语四年级 上册第一单元练习四年级 上册第一单元练习 Our Classroom语法:1. 几年几班的表示法:先班级,后年级。且几年几班级的每一个字母要大写:如:四年一班:Class One,Grade Four 表示“在… 几班或几年级”,介词要用“in” 如:在一...


闽教版2013-2014学年小学英语四年级 上册第一单元练习

四年级 上册第一单元练习 Our Classroom


1. 几年几班的表示法:先班级,后年级。且几年几班级的每一个字母要大写:

如:四年一班:Class One,Grade Four.

表示“在….几班或几年级”,介词要用“in”.如:在一年级- in Grade One.

(1) 五年二班:_______________ (2)六年三班_______________

(3) 三年四班:_______________ (4)二年八班_______________

(5) 在七年级_________________ (6) 在九班_______________

2. 句型:

A. 我在(几年级几班)的表示法:I’m in …..如:我在四年三班。I’m in Class Three,Grade Four.

我在五班。______ ______ Class Five.

B.我喜欢…..的表示法:I like……. 如:我喜欢我的书。I like my book.

我喜欢我们的老师。______ ______ our teachers.


1.Look at the balckboard.__________________2.Class Six, Grade Nine________________

3.It’s a nice classroom____________________4.Let’s go and see our classroom.______________

5.Read after me____________________6.in the classroom__________________

7.on the wall____________________8.I like my chair._______________________

9.It isn’t a tiger._______________________.


1.看见___________ 2.再次____________3.年级____________4.我们的__________

5.教室___________6.班级,课_________7.椅子__________ 8.书桌___________



5.ar,er的读音。 ar读与字母R同音:arm, car, card, park, star






一.听字母写单词,并在括号里写出中文意思。 12%

1( ) ( ) ( )

4、5( ) ( ) ( )

二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子,将序号a或b填在括号里。(5分) ( )1. A.Let’s go and see our classroom B. Let’s go and see our teacher

( )2. A.It’s a cat. B. It’s a tiger.

( )3. A.Class One,Grade Two. B. Class Two,Grade One.

( )4. A. Look at the balckboard A. Look at the window

( )5. A. I like my desk. B. I like my chair.


1.看着窗户________________2. 五年六班________________3.跟我读____________



( ) 1 We ______ in Grade Four now. A: is B: am C: are

( ) 2 Let’s______ and ______ our teacher. A: going/see B: going/seeing C: go/see

( ) 3 it is _____ nice classroom. A: the B: an C: a

( )4.A:_____________ B:Nice to see you,too.

A.Hello,Wang Tao B.Nice to see you again C.I’m fine, thank you.

( )5.It_______a tiger, It’s a cat. A.is B.isn’t C.aren’t

( )6.It’s so sweet. I ______ it. A.like B.don’t like C. can’t like

( )7.Look!________________.

A.class one,grade four B.Grade Four,Class One C. Class One, Grade Four

( )8.Please look______ the blackboard, boys and girls. A.on B.at C. for

( )9.There are __________ in the classroom. A. a chair B.chair C.chairs


Look,Class One,Grade Four,it is our classroom, Let’s go and see our classroom. It’s a nice classroom.We like our chairs, We like our desks,too. Mr Yang is our teacher. Miss Gao is our teacher,too. We like our classroom.

1.( ). We’re in Class One, Grade Four.

2.( ) Our classroom isn’t a nice classroom.

3.( ) Miss Gao is our teacher.

4.( ) We like our chairs and desks.





I、 听音,写单词,并在括号里写出中文意思。(6分)

1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) II、 听音,圈出你所听到的图的序号。(12分)

1、 2、





5、 6、

B 五【四年级英语上册课件闽教版练习题第一单元】

III、 听音标号。(12分)

Part A


Part B

Part C

IV、 听音,如果图片与录音内容相符请打“√”,不符请打“×”。(12分)

1、 2、

3、 4、

5、 6、

V、 听音,用阿拉伯数字写出下列食物的数量。(8分)

I have ________ , _____________ , _________

and ________ .


I、 按字母表顺序填入所缺字母。(8分)

II、 正确抄写下列单词和句子,并写出中文意思(注意大小写和标点)(10分) classroom farm cousin

( ) ( ) ( )

I’m in class one, grade one

( )

III、 找一找,抄一抄,将短语或句子抄在相应的图下。(10分)

It’s ten ten. It’s eight o’clock.

in the classroom my sports shoes have a sleep


1、A: How much is seventeen and three? B: It’s _________.

A. twenty B. thirty

2、I have ten ______ .

A. sheep B. dog

3、A: What’s the time? B: It’s nine ________.

A. o’clock B. clock

4、Wow, so many _________.

A. desks B. chair

5、She is my ________.

A. brother B. cousin

6、Which class are you ______?

A. in B. on

V、 根据情景,将句子前的序号填入对话框中。(10分)

A. Nice to see you, too. B. It’s eighteen.

C. Look. Class One, Grade Four. D. Wow, so many books.

1、 2、

3、 4、







U1 Our Classroom:

1.Nice to see you again. 再次见到你真高兴。

易混淆: again:再次 begin:开始

2.Let’s go and see our classroom. 一起去看看我们的教室吧。

①易混淆 our:我们的 we:我们 my:我的 I:我

②classroom:教室(复合词,不能写成 class room)

3.I’m in Class One,Grade Four. 我在四年一班。

Class One,Grade Four 书写注意两点:①首字母大写②逗号

4.Look at the blackboard. 看着黑板。

blackboard:黑板(复合词,不能写成black board)

5.Read after me. 跟我读


6.It isn’t a„它不是„

isn’t=is not 不是

U2 Our School

1. Who’s that girl? 那个女孩是谁?

①区分:this 这个(近) that 那个(远)

②who's= who is 是谁 whose 谁的

2. That’s Ma Li. 那是玛丽。

that’s=that is那是(可能出现在填空题)

3.She’s from Taiwan. 她来自台湾。

① she’s =she is(可能出现在填空题)


② be from:来自 you


he、she、某人 is

③Taiwan 地名、国家名首字母大写

4.Which class are you in? 你在哪个班级?

5.This is our playground. 这是我们的操场。

6.Wow,so many books! 哇,这么多书!

so many +名词复数。如:so many computers so many potatoes U3 Numbers and Animals1.数字单词的掌握。(重点)其中:twenty 20 常考,但错误率高。


eleven 十一和twelve 十二。

2. thirteen cows fourteen horses

fifteen sheep sixteen pigs

sheep 单复数同形,所以不发生变化。

3.How much is seventeen and four? 17+4=?

It’s twenty-one.是21

① how much 多少(此处为求和)

② twenty-one 表示几十几的数字书写,中间有连词符。

4.Thirteen and seven is twenty.13+7=20 (听得懂英文表达的含义)

U4Numbers and Time

1.It’s nine thirty.9:30

It’s nine fifty. 9:50

2.thirty /forty/fifty:表示几十的单词,常以“ty”结尾,读法



连词符,如:twenty-five 25)

4.I can haveasleep. 我可以睡一觉。对比 have a sheep 有一 只绵羊



Unit 5 Daily Activities

1.When do you get up? 你什么时候起床?

I get up at six forty-five.=At six forty-five. 我在六点四十五分起床。(表达在某个具体时间点,用介词 at)

When do you have breakfast? 你什么时候吃早餐?

2.have的用法:have thirteen cows

have a sleep

have breakfast




It(它)某have get has gets go goes



4.a.m 上午 p.m 下午

Unit 6 Meals

1. 一日三餐英文表达。

2. What’s for breakfast? 早餐吃什么?

3. milk bread beef 不可数名词

tomato potato 可数名词复数:tomatoes potatoes Have some...

Have some milk. Have some bread. Have some beef. Have some tomatoes. Have some potatoes.

4. Do you like vegetables? 你喜欢蔬菜吗?

Yes, I do. 是的。

5. I’m full. 我饱了。

The bus is full. 公交车挤满了。

Unit 7 Christmas

1.Christmas 圣诞节(注意首字母大写)

Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!(注意首字母大写)

2.a Christmas tree a Christmas card (大写)




一.听读音,选出正确的图画,并在括号里打“√”。(10分) 1. 2.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3. 4. 、

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5.


( ) ( )

二.听读音,判断图画是否与读音相符,相符的请打“√”,否则打“×”。(10分) 1. 2.

( ) ( )

3. 4. 5.

( ) ( ) ( ) 三.听读音,用“√”勾出下列人物喜欢的食物。(10分)



( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 五.听读音,选出你所听到的单词或数字。(10分) ( ) 1. A. plate B. play C. paint ( ) 2. A. chicken B. kitchen C. three ( ) 3. A. four B. tall C. fork ( ) 4. A. nice B. knife C, nine ( ) 5. A. school B. spoon C. soup ( ) 6. A. mouse B. music C. milk ( ) 7. A. black B. bread C. breakfast ( ) 8. A. home B. room C. phone ( ) 9. A. 18 B. 58 C. 88 ( ) 10. A. 45 B. 37 C. 63


( ) 1. A. It’s on the book. B. It’s in the desk. C. It’s near the window. ( ) 2. A. They’re my parents and me. B. There are four. C. My parents and me. ( ) 3. A. My father is a doctor. B. She’s a doctor. C. My mother likes music. ( ) 4. A. No, they aren’t. B. Yes, he is. C. No, you’re right. ( ) 5. A. He’s a driver. B. He’s my brother. C. He looks strong.

七.根据读音,完成下列句子,每空一词。(10分) 1. Welcome to my .

2. Amy



is a .

3. I have an uncle. He’ .【四年级英语上册课件闽教版练习题第一单元】




1. We are .

2. Chen Jie is a . She’s quiet.

3. This is my English . Her name is Miss White.

4. The is in the desk.

5. Look, I have a long .

九.找出下列句子正确的答句,并将其编号填在题前的括号里。(10分) A. Yes. Pass me a spoon, please. B. It’s ¥15. C. Good idea. D. I’d like some hot dogs. E. Thank you very much! ( ) 1. What would you like for breakfast? ( ) 2. Can I help you? ( ) 3. Everything’s ready. 十.阅读短文,判断对错。(10分)

Look, this is a photo of my family. I put it on the desk in my bedroom. Look! They are my grandparents. They are not very old. My dad is strong. My mom is thin. Oh, this is my sister. She’s quiet. She’s 10. She’s a good student. She likes English and sports. The boy is me. I like music and books.

( ) 1. I am a girl. I like music and books. ( ) 2. My grandpa and grandma are very old.

( ) 3. My sister is 10. She’s a good teacher.

( ) 4. How much is the plate? ( ) 5. Let’s clean the classroom

( ) 4. My sister likes English and sports. ( ) 5. There are 6 members in my family.

听力材料 一. 听读音,选出正确的图画,并在括号里打“√”。 1. Look, the floor is clean.

2. ---What’s in the classroom? ---Many desks and chairs.

3. This is my good friend. She has long hair, small eyes and a mouths. 4. Looks, this is my new chair. 5. Let me clean the board. 二. 听读音,判断图画是否与读音相符,相符的请打“√”,否则打“×”。 1. Put the schoolbag in the desk.

2. Write down small letters bdpq, please. 3. The girl likes listening to music. 4. Put the book on your head.

5. Zhang peng is my new friend. He likes painting. 三. 听读音,用“√”勾出下列人物喜欢的食物。

1. ---Hello. Sarah. What would you like? ---I’d like som,e noodles and two eggs. 2. I’m Amy. I’d like some rice, fish and soup.

3. Give Mike some soup, 3 hamburgers and some chicken. What about you, Johen? I’d like some chicken and some juice. 四. 听读音,给下列图画标上正确的数字序号。 1. The boy is my brother. He likes playing computer games. 2. Put the pencil-case on the chair.

3. The girl is my friend. She has short hair, big eyes and mouth. 4. Turn on the lights, please.

5. My friend has big eyes and small mouth. He likes sports. 五. 听读音,选出你所听到的单词或数字。

1. ahgk 2. RIYL 3. 35 4. 72 5. eleven 6. who 7.nice 8. math 9. board 10. bed 六. 根据你所听到的句子,找出每题中正确的答句。 1. Where’s your seat?

2. How many people are there in your family? 3. What’s your mother? 4. Are they nurses? 5. Who’s that man?

七. 根据读音,完成下列句子,每空一词。

1. Welcome to my home. 2. Amy’s brother is a doctor. 3. I have an uncle. He’s a farmer. 4. My parents are teachers.

答案 一.

1. 2.

( √ ) ( ) ( √ ) ( ) 3. 4. 、

( ) ( √ ) ( √ ) ( ) 5.

( ) ( √ ) 二.

1.× 2.× 3.√ 4.√ 5.×

四.5 2 4 3 1

五.1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C 6.B 7. A 8.A 9. C 10. A 六.1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B

七.1. home 2. brother doctor 3. farmer 4. teacher 八.1. friends 2. student 3. teacher 4. pencil 5. ruler 九.1. D 2. A 3. E 4. B 5. C 十.

1.× 2.× 3.× 4.√ 5.√

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相关热词搜索:闽教版四年级下册英语 闽教版三年级上册英语


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