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导读: 外研版三年级起点四册下英语课件(共1篇)小学四年级下册新标准外研版英语三年级起点第四册全册教案本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网新标准英语三年级起点第四册教案Module 1 FriendsUnit 1 she’s a nice teacher Teaching objectives:1 Words and phrases: nic...





Module 1 Friends

Unit 1 she’s a nice teacher.

Teaching objectives:

1. Words and phrases: nice \ a bit \ shy \ clever \


2. Sentences: This is Ms Smart.

She is a nice teacher.

3. Grammar: Using adjectives to describe person.

Teaching properties: cards \ pictures \ photo \ Tape-recorder \ CAI

Teaching procedures:

A: Song: There are twelve months in the year.

B: Free talk: Talk about your holiday.

C: New concepts:

Step one:

One :利用CAI课件, 以此引出本单元新单词:nice \ a bit \ shy \ clever \ naughty

Two: Learn the new lesson.

Read the text, boys and girls.

Step Two: Talk about the pictures.

, Maomao, Ms Smart)

Example :( 1) This is Parrot.

He‘s a clever pupil.

(Describe the person using the adjectives

Game: 接龙游戏

Example: A: I‘m XiaoLan. I‘m a bit shy.

B: XiaoLan is a bit shy. I‘m ZhangYong. I‘m very nayghty.

C: ZhangYong is very naughty. I‘m Jim, I‘m a nice boy.

Designs: Module One: Friends


Module 1 Friends

Unit 2 He’s cool.

Teaching objectives:


1. Words and phrases: cool \ little \ cute.

2. Sentences: This is this is my big brother, He‘s cool.

Teaching properties: cards \ Tape-recorder \ CAI

Teaching procedures:

A: Song: Row Row Row your boat.

B: Free talk: Using adjectives to describe the poem.

C: New concepts:

Step one: Warmer:

Using the adjectives to describe your classmates.

Example: ① This is Xiaoyong.

He is a clever pupil.

② This is Yuanjiaqi.

She‘s very clever, but she‘s a bit shy.

Step Two: Listen and point.

(1) Point out the different meanings of the word ―cool‖.

word ―cool‖ has other meanings as well, but they are ones are unlikely to

come across in the future.


board, and then learn these new words.

Listen to the tape again. Read the text.

the pictures.



Step four:

of three or four.


Choose some words to write about your friend.

Example: This is my friend×××. She is a clever pupil. At

school, she‘s a bit shy, but at home, she is very naughty girl.


Explain that they are going to play a game where they

have to whisper some information to their classmate. That

classmate has to whisper the information to the next person.

The last person. That person has to say that he \she heard.

Then, the other students listen carefully to find out if the message has changed at all.


Unit 2 He‘s cool.

mother --- nice

big brother --- cool


little sister --- cute

father --- clever

friend --- naughty


Module 2 London

Unit 1 London is the capital of England.

Teaching objectives:

1、Words and phrases: capital, about, beautiful,

be from

2、Sentences: I‘m from London.

London is the capital of England.【外研版三年级起点四册下英语课件】

It‘s very big and very beautiful.

3、Grammar: the present tense

Teaching properties: cards, pictures, tape—recorder

Teaching procedures:

A: Chant:B: Talk Free:

T: Hello! Boys and girls. I‘S1: No, I‘m not.

S2: No, I‘m a pupil.

T: Are you naughty?

S3: No, I‘m not.

T: Are you clever?

S4: Yes, I am.


naughty, shy, clever, nice,


C: Step 一、导入

利用卡片教授“capital”, 反复领读,读熟之后带入句子“London is the capital of

England.”中。Then translate it into Chinese. 找生用英语说出“北京是中国的首都。”鼓励


Step 二、新授

在愉快的氛围中,师告诉学生:“Amy 和Lingling 是同班同学。一天,Amy 带来

了一本关于自己家乡—伦敦的书。Lingling 看见这本书后非常好奇,于是就请Amy 向她

介绍伦敦的情况。现在我们就来跟 Amy 学一学怎样描述城市和景物。 今天学习过后,


请学生听录音,听一听Amy 和 Lingling 之间的对话。师:“Where is London?” 生在地



再放一遍录音,让学生在自己的书上勾出描述城市的形容词 (nice, big, beautiful,






Step 三、练习

完成SB 第一单元活动3。 把全班分成两人一组,分别扮演 Amy 和 Lingling,进


例如:1、A: What‘s this? B: It‘s a book about London. It‘s very nice.

2、A: What‘s the capital of England? B: It‘s London.

Step 四、作业


say which


T: It‘s big. S1: (points to London) London.

S2: (points to elephant) Elephant. S3: (points to Beijing) Beijing.

Do more examples with the class.

Step 二、Listen, point and say:

1、Listen, point and find out the new words and underlime them. Then revise them using

cards or pictures. (Write down these words on the board.)

2、After doing this, tell the students to close their books. I am going to say the first word of

a two-word place name. These places are all in London. The students have to say the second

word of the two-word name.


T: Buckingham„ Ss: „Palace.

T: Hyde„ Ss:„Park.


3、Have the students continue the activity in pairs. They should take turn to say the first


4、Showing four pictures on the screen about "the River Thames", "Big Ben", "Hyde Park",

and "Tower Bridge". (Write down these words.) The same time, I am going to read the text for

the students. Have them remember the sentences. The second times, ask some students to

introduce the pictures.

5、Games: Guessing game.

6、Do AB Unit 2 exercise 1. Quiz: Listen and say the answers.

7、Showing AB Unit2 exercise 2 on the screen. Do this exercise together.

Step 三、 Practice

1、Do SB Unit2 activity 4. Listen and point. First, have students say something about these

pictures. Then listen and guess which one is right.

2、Do AB Unit2 exercise 4. Write about your school building.

Step 四、 Learn to sing

1、 2、 3、 4、Step 五、 Make a is „It's



1、Guessing game

Tell the students that I am going to say adjectives and they have to think of some places in

China that these adjectives describe.


T: Old. S1: Great Wall. S2: Palace Museum.

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