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2016-07-30 14:36:11 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 四年级上册英语听力下载译林版(共6篇)新版译林英语小学四年级上学期期末试卷(二)有听力和答案新版译林四年级上学期英语期末测试(二)姓名 得分听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍) (10分)( )1、A any B many C twenty( )2、A do...




姓名 得分听力部分(30分)

一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍) (10分)

( )1、A. any B. many C. twenty

( )2、A. dogs B. dolls C. balls

( )3、A. eyes B. ears C. nice

( )4、A. thirty B. thirsty C. thirteen

( )5、A. in the kitchen B. in the bedroom C. in the living room ( )6、A. a cup of coffee B. a glass of juice C. a glass of milk ( )7、A. seven B. eleven C. fifteen

( )8、A. big and red B. red and small C. fat and short ( )9、A. What would you like?

B. Would you like an orange?

C. What do you have?

( )10、A. 40 fat dogs B. 14 fat dogs C. 40 cats and dogs



( ) ( ) ( ) (


( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( )1.A. I have three bananas. B. I can see three. C.I like bananas .

( )2. A. Yes ,I can . B.I can see three. C.I can skate.

( )3.A. No, I can’t. B. No, I don’t . C. Yes , please.

( )4. A. They’re nice. B. Yes, I do. C. It’s very cute.

( )5.A.I like dogs . B. Some fruit salad. C. Yes, please.

四、听录音, 填入所缺的单词.(7分)

Hello! My name is Tom.I can _______, I can’t _______.This is Lucy, She’s


1 / 7

sister. She’s nine. She can play _______ _______. She can’t _______. That’s my brother, peter. He’s four. He can’t play football. He can _______ and _______.



da 2. ad

4. l r 6. re

7. th i 10. k chen 二、英汉互译。(10分)

1. 这些玩具熊猫__________________ 2. a glass of juice_________________

3. 多少钱_____ 4. eat some cakes_______________

5. 她的小鼻子 _________________ 6. love to skate___________________

7、喜欢大象________________ 8.anything else ___________________

9、一杯茶 10.Don’t be sad.


( )1.Can you ?

A. swimming B. swim C. swims

( )2.---What you like ?

---_____like a sandwich.

A. do ,I B. would, I’d C. would , I

( )3. —Do you like ________?

—No, I don’t.

A. cat B. monkey

( )4. —Look at our fruit salad.


A. Yes, I do. B. How nice!

( )5. —Can you play table tennis?

—No, I ________.

A. am not B. do not

( )6. —How many ________ do you have?


A. mango; Two B. mangoes; Two

( )7. —Where ________ my shoes?

—They’re in the ________, under the bed.

A. are; bedroom B. is; bedroom

( )8.---Can you see the boy 2 / 7

C. it C. Thank you. C. can’t C. mangoes; Too C. are; living room

----Yes ,I can.

A. with B.in C.on

( )9.I don’A.too B.either C.then

( )10.He can jump .

A.well B.good C.nice

( )11.—Do you like_____?

--- Yes ,I .

A. apples, do. B. apples,like C. an apple ,do

( )12.----Can you play _______? ----Yes,I can.

A.basketball B.a football C.the basketball

( )13.--- you like some grapes? ------No ,thank you .

A. Do B. Would C. Are

( toy cars do you have? ---Ten.

A. What about B. How many C. How much

( )15.I have some pens. A. It’s B. They’re C. I’m


1. you ,like , What, would(?)

2. at ,cakes ,those, look.(.)

3. jump, you, can(?)

4. you, any, Do, have, pies(?)

5. footballs, how ,have ,many ,do you.(?)

五、 在II栏中找出与I栏中相应的答句。(5分)


( )1. Look at this elephant. I like elephants

( )2. Would you like some fruit salad?

( )3. Do you like grapes?

( )4. Dad, where’s my cap?

( )5. Can you see the box?

3 / 7

A. Yes, I can. B. It’s cute. C. Yes, I’d like these apples. D. No, I don’t. E. It’s in your bedroom.


1. Thanks, Dad. Now, I’m hungry.

2. No, they aren’t.

3.OK,it’s in the fridge.

4.What about an egg?

5. Are they on the sofa?

6. No, I’d like a cake..

7.Dad,where are my socks?

七、阅读理解。(16分每空一分) (A)

This is Mary’s room. It’s big and nice. We can see some kites on the front wall (前墙). On the back wall(后墙), there’s a clock. Look, it is four fifty now!

We can see a desk and bed in her room. The desk is near the window. Where are her bag and pencil-box? They’re on the desk. What’s on the bed? We can see a pair of socks. Mary likes them, but they’re too short.

英语精品试卷免费下载 /retype/zoom/e7e63c2f55270722182ef719?pn=4&x=0&y=356&raww=181&rawh=162&o=png_6_0_0_0_0_0_0_782.46_1105.74&type=pic&aimh=162&md5sum=9ee8d6396bf0cc4e7528485ca80e75ae&sign=b8f2665a65&zoom=&png=77435-116831&jpg=1541-3608" target="_blank">四年级上册英语听力下载译林版(二)





( )1. A. live B. five C. long【四年级上册英语听力下载译林版】

( )2. A. box B. six C. fox

( )3. A. bike B. kite C. like【四年级上册英语听力下载译林版】

( )4. A. library B. lovely C. eleven

( )5. A. hurry B. horse C. have

( )6. A. try B. fly C. eye

( )7. A. fifty B. fifteen C. fourteen


( )8. A. swim B. skate C. small

( )9. A. hair B. horse C. hungry

( )10.A. thin B. thank C. thirty


( )1. A. I’d like a dog. B. I like dogs.

( )2.A. It’s ten yuan. B. They’re ten yuan.

( )3. A. He’s in the kitchen. B. She’s in the living room.

( )4. A. I have some toy cars. B. I like toy cars.

( )5. A. I can swim. B. Wonderful.

( )6. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can’t.

C. Yes, I’d like a hamburger.

( )7. A. It’s big. B. They’re small. C. It’s fat.

( )8. A. They’re five yuan. B. It’s five yuan.

C. I have five.

( )9. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I don’t.

C. I have some apples.

( )10. A. I have three pencils. B. I have three boxes.

C. My pencil is long.


1、Look at our . hair is long.

2. His and 3. These are very nice. How are ?

4.What you like? I’d like a cup of .

are my ’re on the .



1. his mouth___________ 2. a snack bar____________

3. have a try___________ 4. well done_____________

5. Me too. ____________ 6. 葡萄汁_______________

7. 大眼睛____________ 8. 一只肥猫_____________

9. 一杯咖啡____________ 10. 在冰箱里____________


( )1. A. short B. small C. snowman

( )2. A. fifty B. only C. nineteen

( )3. A. bed B. kitchen C. bedroom

( )4. A. horse B. animal C. lion

( )5. A. hot dog B. hamburger C. juice


1. Her hair is .

2. These are forty-eight yuan.

3. Mike can football.【四年级上册英语听力下载译林版】

4. I like .

5. I have five .

6.i’d like some .


( )1. I can play____.

A. basketball B. the basketball C. a basketball

( )2. This is my brother. ______ eyes are big.

A. His B. Her C. he

( )3. I ______ swim, but I can skate.

A. can B. like C. can’t

( )4. Those socks_______ nine yuan.

A. is B. are

C. am

( )5. This is______ elephant.

A. a B. an C. some

( )6.—Would you like some stickers? —______.

A. yes, I do B. Yes, I can C. No, thanks

( )7.— What do you have? —______.

A. I have some cats B. I like dogs C. Yes, please.

( )8.—______you play table tennis? —No, I can’t.

A. Can B. Do C. Are

( )9.—____ is this umbrella? —Twenty yuan.

A. How many B. How old C. How much

( )10. —_______? —Yes. I’d like some sweets.

A. What do you like B. What do you have

C. Can I help you


A. What about this blue one?

B. Thank you.

C. Can I help you?

D. Here you are.

E. Yes. I’d like a jacket.

F. It’s too(太) big. I’d like that yellow one.


1. A:_________ would you like?

B: A_______ of _______ and a ________.

A: Anything ________?

B: No, thank you. ________ ________ are they?

A: ________ yuan.

2. A: ________ you________ basketball?

B: ________, I can’t.

A: ________ can you do?

B: I_________ play football.


A.—How much is the sandwich? —It’

s six yuan.


最新整理 Unit 1 A Listen and number录音文字稿:1. —Is that a dog?—Yes, it is.—Do you like dogs?—No, I don’t. 2. —Look at my cat.—It’s nice.—Do you like cats?—Yes, I do. 3. —Look at that panda on the desk.—It’s cute and fat.—Do you like pandas?—Yes, I do. 4. —What’s in this box?Guess.—Is it a toy elephant?—Yes, it is. This toy elephant is for you.—Thank you. I like elephants. 5. —Look at these animals. I like lions.—I don’t like lions. I like tigers. 6. —Look at this monkey. It’s cute.—Do you like monkeys?—Yes, I do.参考答案:a. 5 b. 2 c. 1 d. 3 e. 4 f. 6 B Listen and match录音文字稿:—Look at these cats!—They’re cute, Mum.—I like cats. Do you like cats, Helen?—Yes, I do. I like dogs too.—Do you like dogs, Tim?—No, I don’t. I like monkeys and lions.—Do you like lions, Mike?—No, I don’t. I like pandas and elephants.参考答案: 1. c 2. b, c 3. a, f 4. d, e C Look and say参考答案:1. —Look at this dog!Do you like dogs?—No, I don’t. 2. —I like monkeys. Do you like monkeys?—Yes, I do. D Look, match and copy参考答案:1-e-tiger 2-f-horse 3-c-elephant 4-d-panda 5-a-monkey 6-b-lion E Read and tick参考答案:Yang Ling: cat, monkey, panda Wang Bing: horse, elephant Miss Li: dog F Look, find and write参考答案:1. like, horses, do, horses, cats 2. pandas, you, like, No, don’t, dogs Unit 2 A Listen and match录音文字稿:1. I’m Helen. I have some mangoes and grapes. 2. I’m Mike. I have a pineapple and some bananas. 3. I’m Bobby. I have a pineapple and some oranges. 4. I’m Sam. I have a pear and some grapes.参考答案:1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a B Listen and tick录音文字稿:—Do you have any toy animals, Su Hai?—Yes, I do. I have a cute toy elephant.—Do you have any toy cars?—No. I don’t.—Do you have any balls?—No, I don’t.—Do you have a robot?—Yes, I do.参考答案:1. √ 4. √ C Draw and say参考答案: 略D Look, read and order参考答案:a. 4 b. 2 c. 1 d. 3 E Look and write参考答案:

1. tiger, Yes 2. pencils, ruler, some/three F Look, read and write参考答案:make, have, bananas, any, apples, under


Unit 3 A Listen and tick录音文字稿:1. —Look at my stickers, Yang Ling.—Oh, how nice!How many stickers do you have, Wang Bing?—Sixteen.—They’re beautiful. 2. —Do you have any bananas, Su Hai?—No, I don’t.—What do you

have?—I have fifteen mangoes. 3. —Do you have any crayons, Mary?—Yes, I do.—How many crayons do you have?—Seventeen.—Can I have one?—Sure. 4. —I have many books. They’re on the desk.—Can I have a look?—Sure.—Oh, you have nineteen books.参考答案:1. a 2. a 3. b 4. a B Listen and circle录音文字稿:

1. Do you have any CDs,Tina?2. How old is your brother?3. What time is it,Mum?4. I have some hamburgers. What do you have?5. Can I have fourteen ice creams?6. How many ducks do you have,Grandma? 参考答案:1. a 2. b 3. a

4. b 5. b 6. a C Look and say参考答案:Miss Li: I have eighteen grapes. What do you have, Liu Tao? Liu Tao: I have some apples. Miss Li: How many apples do you have? Liu Tao: Six./I have six apples./I have six. Miss Li: What about you, Yang Ling? Yang Ling: I have eleven bananas. Miss Li: What do you have, Wang Bing? Wang Bing: I have fifteen oranges. Miss Li: Great!Let’s make a fruit salad. D Read and write参考答案:a. 1 b. 9 c. 11 d. 3 e. 12 f. 7 g. 18 E Read and order参考答案:1. I have fifteen pears. 2. Look at those cakes. 3. Do you have any hot dogs?

4. How many basketballs do you have? F Look, read and write参考答案:1. any, I, How many, Fifteen 2. Can, How many, Six, Here you are Unit 4 A Listen and tick录音文字稿:1. —Look at Bill!He can play football.—Oh, cool! 2. —Can Tom play basketball?—No, he can’t. But he can swim. 3. —Linda, can you skate?—Yes, I can.

4. —Can Lucy run very well?—Yes, she can.参考答案:1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a B Listen and circle录音文字稿:W: Hi,Peter. M: Hi,Kate. W: Look at the boy. He can play basketball very well. M: Yes. He’s Mike. He’s my friend. W: What about you?M: I can’t play basketball,but I can play table tennis. W: Great!I can play table tennis too.参考答案:1. a 2. b 3. b C Read and say参考答案:1. Jerry is my friend. He can play basketball very well. He can skate well too, but he can’t swim. 2. Tony is my friend. He can play table tennis very well. He can swim well too, but he can’t play football. 3. Kevin is my friend. He can jump and skate very well, but he can’t play football or basketball. 4. Emma is my friend. She can play basketball and table tennis, but she can’t skate or swim. 5. Judy is my friend. She can jump very well. She can skate very well too, but she can’t play football. D Read and match参考答案:1. b

2. a, e 3. b, d 4. b, c 5. e E Think and write参考答案:1. basketball 2. panda

3. skate 4. tiger 5. football 6. fly F Look and write参考答案:Sophia is my sister. She can swim and skate. She can jump too. But she cannot play football or basketball. She cannot fly either

Project 1 A Listen and number录音文字稿:1. —Do you like bananas, Amy?—Yes, I do. 2. —Can you play basketball?—No, I can’t. But I can play table tennis. 3. —Look at that dog and that cat.—How lovely! 4. —I have some stickers.—How nice!How many stickers do you have?—Sixteen. 5. —I have fifteen toy cars. Do you have any toy cars?—Yes, I do. I like cars too. 6. —Can you swim?—No, I can’t, but I can skate.参考答案:a. 5 b. 4 c. 3 d. 2 e. 1 f. 6 B Listen and match录音文字稿:—Let’s make a salad. What do you have,Miss Horse?—I have seven pineapples. Do you have any grapes,Mr Tiger?—Yes,I do. I have eighteen grapes. What do you have,Miss Panda?—I have thirteen bananas. Do you have any oranges,Mr Elephant?—Yes,I do. I have fifteen oranges.—Great! 参考答案:1. b, g 2. a, e 3. d, h 4. c, f C Listen and circle录音文字稿:1. —Can you play basketball?—Yes, I can. I can play basketball very well. 2. —Do you like lions?—Yes, I do. I have two toy lions. 3. —How many crayons do you have?—I have seventeen crayons. 4. —Let’s make a fruit salad. Do you have any apples?—No, I don’t .I have a pineapple.参考答案:1. b 2. b 3. c 4. b D Look and say参考答案:1. —I like lions. Do you like lions?—No, I don’t. I like monkeys. 2. —I have four bananas, two oranges and two cakes.—I have some grapes, three apples and two hot dogs. 3. —Look at my dolls.—How many dolls do you have?—I have sixteen dolls.

4. —Can you play table tennis?—Yes, I can. E Read and tick参考答案:Mum: monkey, elephant Dad: panda, elephant Mike: tiger, lion Helen: panda F Look, read and order参考答案:a. 3 b. 1 c. 4 d. 2 G Read and choose参考答案:1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. b H Look, read and write参考答案:1. dogs, dog, swim 2. some/seven, any, an 3. panda, pandas, tigers Unit 5 A Listen and match录音文字稿:1. —Where are my cat and my dog?—They’re in the kitchen.

2. —Where’s the sofa?—It’s in the living room. 3. —Where are my skirt and my






1. 单元测评卷(Unit 1) 12.单元测评卷(Unit 7)

2. 单元测评卷(Unit 2) 13.单元测评卷(Unit 8)

3. 阶段测评卷(Units 1~2) 14.阶段测评卷(Units 7~8)

4. 单元测评卷(Unit 3) 15.分类测评卷(一)

5. 单元测评卷(Unit 4) 16.分类测评卷(二)

6. 阶段测评卷(Units 3~4) 17.分类测评卷(三)

7. 期中测评卷(一) 18.分类测评卷(四)

8. 期中测评卷(二) 19.分类测评卷(五)

9. 单元测评卷(Unit 5) 20.期末测评卷(一)

10.单元测评卷(Unit 6) 21.期末测评卷(二)

11.阶段测评卷(Units 5~6) 22.期末测评卷(三)



(四年级英语 时限40分钟)



( )1. A. bhd B. dbh

( )2. A. NMWU B. MVUW

( )3. A. sad B. salad

( )4. A. three B. thirty

( )5. A. nice cake B. small cat

( )6. A. run fast

( )7. A. would like a pie

( )8. A. in the bedroom C. hbd C. VMUW C. sandwich C. thirteen C. sweet candy B. jump high C. swim well B. would like some juice C. like tea B. in the kitchen C. in the bathroom

二、听录音,选出合适的应答句(听两遍, 12分)

( ) 1. A. It’s in the fridge. B. They’re in the box.

C. Yes, here they are.

( ) 2. A. They’re pens. B. They’re books. C. It’s a pen.

( ) 3. A. Yes, I can. B. No, he can’t.

C. She can run fast.

( ) 4. A. It’s five o’clock. B. It’s time for home.

C. It’s time to eat cakes.

( ) 5. A. Four, please. B. Four yuan. C. I have four.

( ) 6. A. I’d like this doll. B. I like dolls.

C. I like this doll.


( ) 1. Mike and his friends are in the library.

( ) 2. Mike has (有)some mangoes.

( ) 3. Su Hai has some sweets.

( ) 4. Yang Ling has four cakes.

( ) 5. Liu Tao has many grapes.



mike can you play baseball well yes I can



1. 喜欢苹果 like ___________ 2. 跳得高 ________ high

3. 踢足球 ________ ________ 4. 开门 open the __________

5. 十八个球 __________ __________ 6. 看那匹马 _______ at that ________

7. 做水果沙拉 _______ a fruit __________ 8. 在课桌后 __________ the ________

9. 一条绿色的短裙 a ________ ________ 10. 在卧室里 in the ______________

11. pigs on the farm ________________________________________

12. so funny and lovely _____________________________________

13. I can’t fly either. ________________________________________

14. Your cap is in the kitchen. ________________________________________


( ) 1. --- ________ you like robots? --- No, we ________.

A. Can; can’t B. Do; do C. Do; don’t

( ) 2. I like dogs. ________ cute.

A. They’re B. It’s C. They

( ) 3. ---I have ______ oranges. Do you have _____ oranges? ---Yes, I do.

A. some; some B. any; some C. some; any

( ) 4. ---Is my clock_________ the living room? ---Yes, _________.

A. in; it is

A. have look

A. toy trains

A. a; It’s B. in; they are C. on; they are B. have a try B. toys trains B. some; They’re C. have a like C. toy train C. any; They’re ( ) 5. ---Can I ? ---OK! ( ) 6. ---How many _______ do you have? ---I have one. ( ) 7. I’d like_______ noodles. _______ five yuan.

( ) 8. This toy is ________ your brother.

A. with

A. Where are B. to C. for B. Where is C. What ( ) 9. ---______ my pencils? ---On the table.



4B Unit4 Drawing iin the park单词录音
4B Unit 4 Drawing in the park 图片声音

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