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2016-09-26 13:18:15 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 山东省专用英语四年级上册(共5篇)...



正大教育四年级英语上册期末复习资料(二) (重点句子


1. 会读

2. 会翻译

1. we have chinese

2. what’s your favourite subject?

3. we sing here.

4. Do you like running ?

5. she likes dancing.

6. what’s your hobby?

7. what day is today?

8. I can dance on Friday.

9. what do you do on Saturday?

10. It’s spring

11. It’s warm in spring

12. what season do you like?

13. It’s sunny. It’s snowing. It will snow

14. My father has short hair

15. what does your mother do?

16. she works in a hospital.

17. This is Jenny speaking

18. I’m writing an email

19. Guo Yang is running

20. May I speak to Li Ming?

21. Hold on,please

22. Sports Day is coming,Let’s do some training tomorrow

23. Tomorrow is Saturday,Let’s go to the park

24. what are you doing?

25. May I have a look? Sure

26. I’m writing an Email to Tom

27. can he see the pictures,yes,he can

28. what are you doing? I’m singing

29. New Year is coming,Let’s write an email to our teacher

30. Guo Yang is running.Guo Yang is the winner

31. she’s doing the long jump

32. Danny is dong the high jump He’s skipping

33. my father has short hair. Is that your father?

34. My father has short hair. Is that your mother?

35. No,my mother has long hair. Look,my parents are coming

36. He has big eyes,he likes swimming

37. How beautiful! Yes,It’s my mother’s work she’s an art teacher

38. He’s a businessman ,This is Huan huan,my good friend. She’s cute

39. she’s a nurse ,she works in a hospital.

40. That’s Liulei’s father ,he’s a policeman He’s a cook


41. .That’s my grandpa.he’s a gardener,he works in a park

42. It’s sunny today.Let’s go and climb the hill. Oh!It’s cloudy now

43. It’s windy.It’s cold. Put on your jacket

44. It’s windy. It’s cool .Let’s go to the park It’s snowing

45. How’s the weather in BeiJing,Jenny?

46. It’s raining. It’s time for school. Put on your raincoat

47. How’s the weather in shanghai?

48. how’s the weather tomorrow? Come and watch TV. It will snow in Shenyang. It will rain in Hong Kong. It will be sunny tomorrow.

49. shall we go to the zoo? What about Qingdao? Put on your coat

50. we have four seasons in a year .what season is it?

51. It's spring. It's summer. It's autumn It's winter

52. what season is it? I like summer I don’t like winter

53. It’s warm in spring.we often wear sweaters. I often wear my sweater.

54. It’s cold in winter.we often wear coats

55. It’s hot in summer.we often wear T-shirts

56. It's cool in autumn. We often wear jackets.. I like autumn, It's cool.

57. I like spring. I often fly my kite

58.what about you?Guo Yang? I don’t like summer. It's too hot.

59. I like summer.I can go swimming in summer

60. what season do you like? I like winter.I can go skating in winter

61. I like Wednesday. We have music on Wednesday

62.I like Tuesday and Friday. We have English.we have maths.

63.Me too. We have science.what subjects do we have on Tuesday?

64. we can play football this afternoon. I can draw pictures on Monday.

65.I can dance on Tuesday and Friday It's time for school

66.I can play the piano on Wednesday .Let’s go and play. OK

67.she likes playing the erhu.He plays well she likes singing

68.what’s your hobby,grandpa?My hobby is doing taijiquan

69. what’s your hobby,grandpma? My hobby is paper cutting

70.How beautiful! what’s your hobby,uncle? I like reading【山东省专用英语四年级上册】

71.I like cooking Do you like skipping? Do you like basketball?

72.Come and skip. This is the music room we sing here

73. we make things in the art room we often draw here

74.That’s the playground. We often play basketball there

75.we play basketball on the playground



Unit 1 School Life

Lesson 4 Again, please!





能听说并理解运用句型:What subjects do you have …? What’s your favourite subject?







句型What subjects do you have …? What’s your favourite subject?的综合运用。






Lesson4 Again,please!

What subjects do you have at school?

It's Chinese


Step 1 Warming-up

1 Greetings.

2 Guessing game:

(做动作猜活动,并结合图片描述句子。) Step 2 Presentation

1 Leading-in: What else do you do at school? Talk it with your partner. 请同学展示讨论。

T: Now let’s see what our new classmate Tom talk with his mother. 2 Text:

(1) Listen and look at the CD.

(2) 边听边划出你在本单元学到的新单词。

Check them in groups.

(3) Follow the new words by the CD.

T: Who wants to read the new words?


(4) Listen and follow the sentences.

(5) Can you find the questions in the text?

-What subjects do you have at school?

-What’s your favourite subject?

Who can answer the questions?用课文中的句子回答。

(6) Role play in groups, then show in class.

Step 3 Practice

Now let’s pay attention to some pronunciation:

(1) 板书字母及音标t /t/, d /d/, a /ei/并领读。

(2) 领读单词:按照t, t, t, ten.的格式,以拼音方式分解单词发音。


(3) Who wants to read “t”/ “d”/ “a”?

Step 4 Consolidation

Make your own timetable:

(1) Fill in the blanks with your favourite subjects.

(2) Share your favourite day with your partner.



This is my favourite day.

I have … in the morning. /in the afternoon.

(3) Show in the class.

Step 5 Song

Enjoy a song: Sing Together.


1 Listen and follow the tape about three times.

2 Share your favourite day with your parents.



部分学生对于what subjects do you have…?还是不太熟练。

但是what’s your favourite subjects?这语句掌握得不错,学生基本都会。【山东省专用英语四年级上册】



classmate[ˈklɑ:smeɪt]同班同学 复数:

subject[英]['sʌbdʒɪkt】科目,课程 复数:we[英][wɪ]我们 merrily[英][ˈmerəli】愉快地;高兴地


today[英][tə'deɪ】今天 favourite[英][ˈfeɪvərɪt]最喜爱的science[英]['saɪəns】科学 English[英][ˈɪŋglɪʃ]英语maths[英][mæθs]数学 computer studies[英][kəm'pjuːtə 'stʌdiz]计算机课 make[英][meɪk]制造,做 thing[英][θɪŋ]物,东西 often[英][ˈɔfən】经常,常常 basketball[英][ˈbɑ:skɪtbɔ:l]篮球 there[英][ðɛə]那儿;那里 music[英]['mju:zɪk]音乐 art[英][ɑ:t]美术

playground[英]['pleɪɡraʊnd】操场 sing[英][sɪŋ]唱歌 read[英][ri:d]阅读 tell[英][tel]告诉,讲述,说 dance[英][dɑ:ns】跳舞 door[英][dɔ:(r)]门 cake[英][keɪk]蛋糕 name[英][neɪm]名字 face[英][feɪs】脸 make[meɪk]制造,做 at[英][ət】在

[英][let】让 together[英][tə'ɡeðə(r)] 同时,在一起 let

山东科技版四年级上册 单词表

Unit 1

classmate subject we Chinese PE today favourite science

English maths computer make thing often basketball there

unit 2

run skip come piano dance drum well hobby paper cutting

uncle aunt cook

unit 3

day Wednesday Tuesday Friday Monday Thursday football

picture hurry up Saturday Sunday

Unit 4

season year spring summer autumn winter warm wear hot

T-shirt cool jacket cold fly kite what about swim skate

Unit 5

sunny climb hill cloudy windy put on snow weather rain

sorry dad raincoat tomorrow will shall can’t (can not )

Unit 6

tall strong has short hair long parent work businessman

cute nurse hospital policeman gardener park

Unit 7

speak may hold on call do some training write email sure

everyone winner jump long jump high high jump come on



Unit 1 School Life

Lesson 2 What’s your favourite subject?




1 能听说读写并理解运用单词:subject, science, English, IT.

2 能听说并理解运用句型:-What’s your favourite subject?-It’s science.







1 单词subject, science, English, IT的认读。

2 句型-What’s your favourite subject?-It’s…的实践运用。


在真实语言情境中运用-What’s your favourite subject?-It’s…询问别人





What's your favourite subject?

My favourite is maths.

I like Chinese


Step 1 Warming-up

1 Greetings.

2 Review: 出示不同科目课本,用英语说课本科目。

Step 2 Presentation

1 Leading-in:

Free talk: -Do you like Chinese?

-Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

师生对话:T: It’s your favourite?

S: …

T: Now let’s see what are our friends’ favourite subjects.

2 Text:

(1) Look at the CD and listen carefully.

(2) Listen again and answer the questions:

How many subjects are in the text? What are they?

(3) Talk about the questions in groups, then show.

以填空形式回答问题:Five, they are science, English, maths, computer (4) Listen and follow the sentences.


(5) 齐读板书重点句型,并个别检查。

(6) Read by yourselves in groups.小组展示读课文。

Step 3 Practice

1 Fill in the blanks with your favourite subjects.


并描述:My favourite subject is …

2 同桌用填写好的课程表练习口语交际:

-What’s your favourite subject?

-It’s …

Step 4 Consolidation

1 由小组长主持,小组调查彼此最喜欢的科目并填写课程表: -What’s your favourite subject?


2 学科俱乐部:由不同科目课代表询问并公布学科俱乐部成员: 课代表描述并询问:-My favourite subject is … What’s your favourite subject?

学生回答:-It’s …

课代表总结:-Chinese Club: …/Science Club: …


1 Listen and follow the tape about three times.

2 Ask each other about the subject club in English.




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相关热词搜索:四年级上册英语视频 四年级上册英语电子书


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