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导读: 仁爱教育网八年级上下册mp3下载(共6篇)2015仁爱湘教版八年级下册英语听力mp3下载中国招生考试网给大家汇总的2015仁爱湘教版八年级下册英语听力mp3下载,欢迎广大师生们点击下面链接下载学习,提高英语成绩!2015仁爱湘教版八年级下册英语听力mp3下载Unit 5 Feeling excited同步听力音频素材 Unit 7 F...




Unit 5 Feeling excited同步听力音频素材
Unit 7 Food festival同步听力音频素材
Unit 8 Our Clothes同步听力音频素材



仁爱版八年级下册英语(Unit5) 课文译文








Michael: 哇!真是太棒了!烦请(替咱)向你妈道声谢吧。(Page1)


Mr Lee: 早上好。今早你们看起来很开心。为何都笑容满面呀?

Michael:我们的父母打算去看电影。而且我们孩子还要在康康家过夜。 Mr Lee:那真是令人兴奋。他们打算看什么电影呀?

Michael: 他们打算看《音乐之声》。

Mr Lee: 多好呀!他们真幸运。我也去买过票,但没有一张剩下(让我买)。我感到很失望。

Michael: 多遗憾的事呀!(Page2)



Jane:我希望他下次能看到这部电影。那也是我钟爱的影片。我觉得它很有趣。 Maria:我喜欢歌剧。我的最爱是《猫》。它是那么滑稽有趣。康康,你喜欢歌剧吗?


Maria: 那你最喜爱什么?


Mother: 康康,你在为你的朋友们摆餐桌吗?


Mother: 刚好摆三个位,Michael不能来了。他发烧了。他妈妈刚才打电话过来。 Kangkang: 真不爽!她听起来苦恼吗?

Mother: 是的,当然啊。


Mother: 你也可以打电话给李老师告诉他他可以跟我们一起去看电影。

Mother: 好的。我确信李老师会感到惊讶的!(Page 4)


冯〃特拉普女士去世后,整家人很伤心和疲惫。孩子们每天都哭闹。(他们的)爸爸孤单一人,经常由于吵闹的孩子们而生气。玛丽亚教孩子们唱充满活力的歌曲并且表演简短的滑稽剧来使他们振作起来。(他们的)父亲最初时几乎崩溃,但他的孩子们的笑脸取悦了他而且使他重新快乐起来。(Page 5)


Miss Wang: 喂,海伦。你看起来忧心忡忡,有什么不妥吗?

Helen: 那是李红。她不开心。

Miss Wang:噢---天呀!听到这我很开心。似乎是什么难题?


Miss Wang:谢谢你告诉我。我觉得我该跟她谈谈。(Page9)

Miss Wang:喂,李红。今天你觉得如何?

Li Hong:我正觉得好伤心,因为我英语考试考砸了。

Miss Wang:那太糟糕啦,李红!当你感觉伤心时为何不跟人说呢?

Li Hong:我想说,但是我不知道如何跟别人谈起。

Miss Wang: 别担心。在你这个年龄每个人都有这些感受。你想跟谁交朋友呢? Li Hong:哦,海伦不错。她总是说笑话给我听引我大笑。她似乎喜欢我。 Miss Wang:是的,我确信她想成为你的朋友。好啦好啦!这事会好的。

Li Hong:谢谢你,王老师。我现在感觉好多啦!(Page11)






没有人所有时候都快乐,有时你也会变得不开心,例如,当你考砸了考试;或者当你失去了你的一位朋友,你也许变得悲伤;有这些感受是很正常的。假如你不知道如何处理这些难题,你也许可以从Jeff 。身上学到一些东西。

当Jeff的哥哥在一次小车车祸中丧命时,Jeff变疯了。他拒绝踢足球或者跟他的朋友去看电影,相反,他只是坐在他的卧室里而没有与任何人交谈,甚至他的父母。Jeff 觉得这个世界不公平。他是相当地生那位司机的气,因为他的小车撞到了他的哥哥,尽管那只是一场意外事故。几个月之后,Jeff 开始明白生气是没用的。现在,他一直想念他的兄弟,但他不再恨那位司机。他开始跟他的父母交谈,那使得他们重新快乐起来。他不在独自一人呆在自己的房子里。取而代之的是,他去看电影或者跟他的朋友做运动。他现在感觉好多了。(P15)

Michael: 喂,康康吗?我是迈克尔。

Kangkang: 喂,迈克尔!你(的声音)听起来都不自在。

Michael: 也许我得了非典。这使得我感到紧张。我想我要死啦。

Kangkang: 镇定下来听我说,迈克尔。你像这样感觉多久了?

Michael: 一天。

Kangkang: 为你的病我感到抱歉,但那不可能是非典。你需要看医生。

Michael: 我讨厌去医院。我怕吃苦药。

Kangkang: 别害怕!勇敢点!听医嘱,你会很快好起来的。










Jane:别担心。我会告诉班长这件事。他可以叫我们班的一个同学代替你。 Michael:听起来不错!



Kangkang: 我为迈克尔感到非常开心。他现在感觉好多啦。

Jane: 太棒了!我们应该做些事来重新使他振作起来。






我觉得月亮会影响我的心情。有时它会使我感到开心。有时它使我感到悲伤,特别是当中秋节圆月当空的时候 。月亮是那么圆那么亮。但我不能和家人团聚。我感到非常孤独,热泪盈眶。








1、 每天锻炼放松;

2、 记得吃健康食品和休息好;

3、 经常跟你的朋友、父母或者老师交流。告诉他们你的想法和感受。试图从他们那里获得帮助;

4、 从新闻报纸、杂志、电视或互联网获得帮助;

5、 在做一个重要的决定之前仔细考虑;

6、 回归你的日常活动。I这将有助于你回到一种快乐的意识。


Miss Wang: 孩子们,我有一些令人兴奋的消息告诉你们!为了我们的春游,我们要去泰山做连续三天的参观。




Miss Wang:让我们一起做决定吧!太远了不能骑车去,但是我们有其他的交通方式可以选择。大家知道去那里的最好途径吗?


Michael: 让我们找出有关花销的一些信息吧。

Miss Wang:好的。康康和迈克尔,你俩找出坐火车的花销。海伦,你的任务是查找出坐公车的花销。


Miss Wang:好的。明天带上你们的信息而且我们要决定去野游的最佳方式。(P25)







Clerk:好的。21张硬卧票。请你在下午5点30分之前买票。能否告诉我您的名字和电话? Kangkang:可以。我叫李维康,我的电话号码是8250-2448。谢啦。

Clerk:别客气。 (P27)











达伦:很高兴收到你的贺卡,当你享受你的旅游时,我正忙于备考。但现在我在度假。 迈克:你愿意来中国度假吗?

仁爱英语八年级上册Unit 3 Topic 2 What sweet music

Unit 3 Topic 2 What sweet music !


1. I don’t like playing the v______________ at all. It’s very hard for me to play it well.

2. While listening to the teacher, we need to take some n______________.

3. I don’t like r_______________ music. It’s too noisy.

4. There are great differences between the two kinds of c_________________.

5. Please listen to our teacher c ______________, or you will miss the important lesson.

6. What kinds of musical i_______________________ do you like?

7. —Would you like to go to the c_______________ with me? —Sure, I’d like to.

8. Miss Wang told me the good news with a big s________________ on her face.

9. The Great Wall is one of the greatest Seven W ______________ in the world.

10. Chinese people is a great nation of loving p_________________.


( ) 1. —Do you know about Xu Beihong? —Yes. He’s famous _______ drawing horses.

A. at B. as C. with D. for

( ) 2. My brother used to ______ playing computer games, but now he hates ______ them.

A. enjoy; playing B. enjoying; playing C. enjoying; to play D. enjoy; play

( ) 3. It’s easy for the students ___________ the homework in half an hour.

A. finish B. to finish C. finishing D. to finishing

( ) 4. Look! ___________ beautiful girl!

A. What B. What a C. How D. What an

( ) 5. Mozart was able to play the piano by himself ________ the age of 3.

A. at B. in C. of D. with

( ) 6. Tom likes playing ________ volleyball, and his sister likes playing________ piano.

A. a; a B. the; the C. /; the D. the;/

( ) 7. Mary writes as _____________as Lucy.

A. careful B. carefully C. more careful D. less careful

( ) 8. I teach my son __________ table tennis every weekend.

A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play

( ) 9. —Could you ______me your bike, please? —Sorry. I’ll use it. You can ______Jack’s.

A. borrow; lent B. borrowed; lend C. borrow; lend D. lend; borrow

( ) 10. She likes ________ very much and she hopes to be a ______ when she grows up.

A. music; music B. musician; music C. music; musician D. musician; musician

( ) 11. —What are you going to do _______ the concert? —I’m going to perform ballet.

A. at B. after C. on D. of

( ) 12. Yesterday Once More was very _______ with the middle school students.

A. pop B. welcome C. lovely D. popular

( ) 13. The girl was excited, because she worked the math problems out ______ any help.


A. with B. without C. no D. for

( ) 14. I can’t hear you clearly because it’s too __________ here.

A. noisily B. noisy C. quiet D. quietly

( ) 15. —_______ kind of music do you like best? —I like country music.

A. How B. How much C. What D. How many

( ) 16. Lin Jie speaks ____________English __________.

A. every day; every day B. everyday; everyday

C. every day; everyday D. everyday; every day

( ) 17. The boy and I were both born in 1998. He is _________ me.

A. as old as B. not as old as C. not as heavy as D. as heavy as

( ) 18. Miss While was born _______England, _________ August 6, 1992.

A. in; in B. in; on C. on; on D. on; in

( ) 19. At the _________of twenty, my uncle __________ able to drive a car.

A. year; is B. year; was C. age; is D. age; was

( ) 20. The music sounds ________ and it makes us__________.

A. sweet; happily B. sweet; happy C. sweetly; happy D. sweetly; happily


1. Could you please teach me ______________ (play) the guitar?

2. —Can you _____________(lend) your bike to me? —Sorry, Li Hua borrowed it yesterday.

3. You should take _______________( note) carefully when you listen to the teacher.

4. Her hobby is _____________ (draw ) pictures , but she never draws in class except (除了) in art class .

5. Li Xiang thinks jazz sounds ________________ ( wonder ) and classical music sounds serious .

6. Pop music often comes and goes ______________ (easy ) .

7. We are looking for some _________________ (music ) . They can write music .

8. I could not sleep well last night . It’s so ______________ ( noise ) .

9. When I grow up , I want to be a famous _______________ ( sing ) .

10. We must do our homework __________________ ( careful ) . It’s a good habit .


1. We’(提问)

___________ ___________ you ___________ ___________ __________ this Sunday ?

2. Many young people like pop music . (用rock music 改为选择问句)

___________ many young people like pop music ___________ ____________ __________ ? (提问)

________ __________ __________ the meeting going to start ?

4. I like pop music very much . (否定句)

I ___________ like pop music __________ ___________ .

5. How clever the girl is ! (同义句)

_________ __________ ____________ ___________ she is !

6. I spent five hours doing my homework . (同义句)

It ________ me five hours _______ _______ my homework .

7. She lent a pen to me . (同义句)

I ___________ a pen ________ her .

8. We’(提问)

_________ _________ you __________ __________ __________ the concert ?

9. That is an interesting movie. (改为感叹句).

_______ ___________ _______ ___________ it is!

10. Miss Wang is very kind to us. (改为感叹句).

_________ ___________ Miss Wang is to us!


1. As we know, some film stars and singing stars _____ _____ ______ ______(来去匆匆).

2. —I’m afraid I can’t go to the party.—__________ _________ _________(多可惜啊)!

3. —Which do you prefer, pop music or country music?

—_________ _________ ________ ___________ (很难说)。

4. Tenger ______ _______ _______ (以….闻名 ) his folk songs .

5. You should finish the work ____________ _____________(独自).

6. Celine Dion is going to ________ _________ ______ (举行音乐会) at the Music Hall .

7. — Are you good at _______ _______ ______ (拉小提琴) ? —No , but I like playing it .

8. He works more than twelve hours for __________ ____________(日常生活)。

9. Folk music is ________ _________ _________(一部分) the working people’s songs.

10. He ________ ___________(决定) be a singer three years ago.


Louis Armstrong, a great American Jazz musician, was born in “the birthplace of jazz” —New Orleans in 1901. His father left home without a word and never returned. He had a life when he was young. Sometimes he had to make money by himself to help support the family. But he showed a great in music. He bought an old cornet (短号) the money he made and taught how to play.

In 1913, he was taken to a home for bad boys. There, he a band (乐队) and practiced very hard. In 1914, he left the boys’ home. A famous cornet player, Joe Oliver, found that he was a musician. Then he liked him and him a lot. Louis Armstrong followed Joe Oliver and played with his band in Chicago.

Two years later, he left Joe Oliver’s band and joined band started by Fletcher Henderson in New York. People there liked his playing very much. In 1926, Louis made his first under his name. His name and music were known by the people all over the world. He was called the of Jazz. He died in 1971. But he lives in people’s hearts forever.

( )1. A. hard B. happy C. sad D. interesting

( )2. A. hobby B. interest C. happiness D. fun

( )3. A. used B. with C. for D. without

( )4. A. people B. children C. himself D. father

( )5. A. found B. had C. liked D. joined

( )6. A. born B. good C. bad D. great

( )7. A. gave B. provide C. taught D. talked

( )8. A. other B. another C. the other D. one

( )9. A. record B. money C. card D. band

( )10. A. Lover B. Father C. Player D. Band



Avril (艾薇儿) Lavigne is an excellent teenage (十几岁的)singer. She made a great success because of her musical talent (天才, 天赋).

She wrote her songs by herself, played the guitar and had a wide range of voice (音域) when she was only 17 years old. She began to sing her own rock-and-roll (摇滚乐) music. She is a talent in the musical world. People in many different countries like her songs very much.

Avril Lavigne isn’t a quiet girl. She is a true, wild, active and crazy girl. She started showing her voice and character at around age 2. “I’m just coming out and I’m going to be myself. I write what I feel. I never worry about what others think. ” Avril said.

Her music can reach girls’ and boys’ hearts and even some adults’, too. I can’t wait to be out there; I want to rock the world! I want people to know that music is real and honest (坦率的) ——it comes from my heart. I am just being true to myself.


( )1. Avril became a singer when she was 27 years old.

( )2. She asked a famous writer to write songs for her.

( )3. Only Canadian people like her songs very much.

( )4. She wants to sing and rock all over the world.

( )5. Avril is a quiet and lovely girl.


Frederic Chopin was born in March 1810 near Warsaw in Poland(波兰). He was one of the greatest musicians in the world. In 1831, he went to Paris. No people but he could play the piano very well. At that time, people in Paris liked the Hungarian (匈牙利的) pianist Franz Liszt.

One night, at a concert, Liszt went to the piano and people shouted. As all the lights in the concert were turned off, a wonderful piano concert started. The music was so good that the listeners were all greatly interested. They kept praising (不停地赞扬) the pianist and thought that Liszt had reached something new in playing the piano.

Suddenly, all the lights were turned on again as the music came to an end. And there stood a young man instead of the famous Hungarian pianist Franz Liszt.

Liszt planned all this. As the lights went out, Liszt left his chair and let Chopin take his place. So with the help of Liszt and his own talent (天赋), Chopin soon became famous.


( )6. Chopin was _______.

A. the greatest musician in the world B. a famous Polish pianist

C. a famous Paris pianist D. one of the greatest musicians in Hungary


( )7. The wonderful piano concert started _______.

A. after all the lights were turned on B. when Liszt sat down at the piano

C. after the lights were turned off D. when Chopin went to the piano

( )8. When the music came to an end, _______.

A. Liszt stood at the piano B. all the lights were turned off again

C. Chopin stood at the piano D. people went out of the hall

( )9. Chopin became famous _______.

A. before he came to the concert B. because he was a student of Liszt’s

C. because people in Paris liked him very much

D. since he played so well at the concert

( )10. From the story we know _______.

A. Chopin could be famous because of his own talent and the help from Liszt

B. Liszt planned to make Chopin famous

C. Liszt was Chopin’s teacher

D. one could be famous only with the help of a famous pianist


Aleksander Kudajczyk was born in Poland. When he was four years old, he began to play the piano. He ① made a living by playing the piano in restaurants after he graduated(毕业) from a music school.

Then he left for Britain and wanted to find a job for teaching piano. But he didn’t. He had to work as a cleaner in a university (大学). ② He was always practicing the piano in an empty (空的) room when he was free. And the web camera (摄像头) in the room recorded (记录) it and many people in the university heard his playing. They couldn’t believe (相信) their ears because he played so well.

Later, he gave a concert in the chapel (小教堂) of the university and got great success. Now he is famous, but he hasn’t stopped working as a cleaner. There must be a good future waiting for him. 根据短文内容,完成任务。


( )11. He works as a piano teacher in a university in Britain.

( )12. He began to play the piano at the age of four.


13. _________________________________


14. _________________________________。


15. Is he still a cleaner after he was famous in the university?


2014仁爱英语八年级上册Unit 3 Topic 2 What sweet music重点

Unit 3Topic 2 What sweet music! Section A

I、单词、词组和句子: 1音乐会____________ 2借出____________

3歌手____________ 4小提琴____________ 5乐器 ____________

1. 这个星期天晚上_____________________2 在演唱会上____________

3 去听演唱会_____________________ 4 举办演唱会________________

5多么可惜呀!_____________________6 拉小提琴__________________


1听起来真优美! _____________________________________

2 你这个星期天晚上要干什么?我要去听演唱会。What _________________

____________________________________ this Sunday evening ?

3 我可以借给你一些她的歌曲的光盘。I can ____________________of her songs.

4 就来加入我们吧!Just __________________________________.


1 lend和borrow的区别: lend是借出,borrow是借入 词组:lend sb sth=lend sth. to sb. 把某物借给某人 borrow sth from sb 从某人那里借出某物

I __________a book _________Jane. 我向Jane借了一本书。

I __________a book _________Jane. 我借了一本书给Jane。

2 each 在这里是副词,意为“每,每个地”。 The ticket is $5 each. 每张票5美元。 each 还可做形容词,后跟可数名词单数,上句相当于 Each __________ is $5. each 又可以作代词,构成“each of + 可数名词复数”结构,作主语时视为单数, 故上句可换为:Each of the tickets ____________ $5.

3 感叹句:用以表示喜、怒、哀、乐等强烈感情的句子叫做感叹句。

how 型感叹句结构:How + 形容词 / 副词 + (主语+ 谓语)+ !

what 型感叹句结构: What +( a / an )+ 形容词 + 可数名词 + (主语+ 谓语)!






How blue the sky is!=________________________________________________

1.________a cute dog it is! 2.________ a honest boy Tom is !

4.________ exciting news!

6. ______ exciting the NBA games are ! 3.________ beautiful flowers they are! 5. ________ clever the baby is!

III .填空:

1 I used to like playing the piano, but now I prefer _______________ the ______________ (拉小提琴).

2 Could you l_____________ me your bike, please? —Sure, here you are.

3 Celine Dion is going to sing at the c______________.

4 Of all the ____________ ________________(乐器), I like guitar best.

5. Celine Dion is going to __________ ___________ __________(举办音乐会).

6. Are you good at __________ _________ _________(打鼓) ?

7 He _________ his bike __________ her.(借给)

IV. 单项选择。

( ) 1 The music _______ beautiful.A. looksB. feels C. hearsD. sounds

( ) 2 Jane, can you play _____ baseball?No, I can’t. But I can play ____ violin.

A. the; the B./; the C./; / D. the; /

( ) 3 _____ exciting news it is!A. What B. What aC. What anD. How

( ) 4 ____ exciting the news is!What B. What aC. What an D. How

( ) 5 Can you ______ your bike to me?Sorry. My bike doesn’t work. Maybe you can _____ a bike from Jane.A. lend; borrowB. borrow; lendC. lend; lendD. borrow; borrow

( )6.He isn’t good at English. So he has to_____ English lessons on weekend. A. is

B. does C. take D. give

( )7.Her songs sound______. A. well B. greatly C. beautiful D. beautifully

( )8.Each of the students _______a book quietly .It’s a good way to learn a language.

A. are reading B. read C. is reading D. reading

( )9. ____ lovely girls they are! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

( )10. ____ interesting the film is! A. What B. What an C. How D. How a

( )11.Hi, Linda. _____ a hot day! Let’s go swimmingA. How B. What C./ D. Which

( )12.We’ll go to Beijing for a visit. Could you please ___your camera ___us?

A. borrow, from B. lend .from C. borrow,to D. lend,to

Section B


1民俗的____________ 2古典的____________ 3摇滚乐____________

4爵士音乐____________ 5类型____________ 6迅速地____________

1 听音乐___________________ 2过去常常做某事

3讨厌做某事 4 日常生活___________________________

5受…的欢迎____________________ 6以…而著名__________________________


1 多么美妙的音乐啊!________________________________________!

2你喜欢哪种音乐?__________ __________ __________ __________ do you like ?

3那很难说。 _______ _________ _________ __________ .

4流行音乐来得快去得也快。Pop music often _________ and _________ __________

5 我不喜欢听古典音乐,因为它太严肃了。



I __________ __________ to __________ music ___________________________

7我喜欢流行音乐,因为它很美。 _______________________________________

8钢琴曲不是我最喜欢的音乐,但我也不介意。 _____________________________

Piano music is not my favorite, but _________ ___________ ___________ (不介意) it.


1 It’s hard to say. (It’s + adj.+ for sb. to do sth.)

It’s hard ___________________________ the match. 对我们来说赢得这场比赛很难。

It’s easy _____ Harry ___________________ it. 对哈利而言,记住它很容易。

2. 它们很受年轻人的欢迎。 They are very popular with young people.

be popular with…受某人的欢迎

Basketbll _______________________________the boys.篮球很受男孩们的欢迎。

3. Guo Lanying, Song Zuying and Tengri are famous for their folk songs.


be famous for… 因…而出名 be famous as + 职业/身份

e.g. China is famous for its long history. 中国以其悠久的历史而闻名。

Beijing Library is famous for having a large number of books. 北京图书馆以藏书众多而闻


be famous for„ 因„而出名 be famous as + 职业/身份 以某种身份而著名,被公认为 Suzhou___________________ the gardens. 苏州以园林著名。 Yao Ming _________________a basketball player. 教师复备栏/学生笔记栏


1 Mr. Lee is a s____________ teacher. He is always s___________ with us.

2 Do you often e__________ classical music at the concert or in a theater?

3 China is f______________ for the Great Wall.

4 The Voice of China is very p_______________ with young people in China.

5.What films do you like? _________ __________ __________ ___________(很难说).

6.Among the singers, I _______Song Zuying ___________(最喜欢).

7 Pop music is very popular ___________ __________ ____________ (在年轻人中).


( ) 1 Pop music is ____ music.A. serious B. exciting C. hard D. simple

( ) 2 Zhou Jielun is famous _____ his pop songs. A. as B. for C. with D. of

( ) 3 _____ bad weather!A.What B. What aC. What an D. How

( ) 4 I used to ____ to pop music, but now I hate _____ to it.

A. listen ; listening B. listening ; listen C. listen ; listen

( )5.He likes the ____of Mozart best . A. pop musicB. folk musicC. classical music

( )6.China is___ the Great Wall. A.famous as B. famous of C. famous for

( )7. ____kind of music do you like best? I like jazz. A.How B.Which C.What

( )8.Li Yuchun is very popular_____ young people. A.between B.for C.of D.with

( )9.Most fans want to know more about _____life of famous stars.

A. every day B. everyday C. daily D.B and C

( )10. Tom likes playing ____ volleyball, and his sister likes playing ____ piano. A. a; a

B. the; the C. / the D. the; /

( )11.Could you ____ me your bike, please? Sorry, I’ll use it. You can ____ Jack’s. A.

borrow; lent B. borrowed; lend C. borrow; lend D. lend; borrow

( )12.I don’t think rock music _____. A. sounds beautiful


B. sounds beautifully C. sounded beautiful D. sounding beautifully

( )13._____ the story is! A. What interesting B. How interesting C. How interested

( )14.Look! ____ beautiful girl! A. What B. What a C. How D. What an

( ) 15. It’s easy for the students ____ the homework in half an hour.

A. finish B. to finish C. finishing

( ) 16. I’m going to the concert. ___ exciting! A. How B. What a C. What D. How a

( ) 17. I’m sorry, I can’t go to the concert. I must take English lessons. — ____

A. What shame! B. What a pity! C. What a nice concert! D. You’re so nice!

Section C

I. 单词、词组和句子:

1年龄____________ 2想知道____________ 3音符____________

4按,压____________ 5微笑____________ 6令人惊奇的____________

1在四岁的时候_______________________ 2谱曲__________________________


4给某人上课_______________________ _______________________________

5 决定做某事________________________ 6和„ 一样好_________________



1 Mozart 1756年出生于奥地利。Mozart ________ _________ ______Austria in 1756.

2 三岁时他会独自弹钢琴。_____________________ of three ,he _________________ ________________________________ by _________________.

3音乐听起来如此美妙. The music ___________ ______________ .

4 沃尔夫岗无需任何帮助弹得非常好

Wolfgang ________ _________ __________ __________ any help .


Soon Wolfgang __________ _______ __________ ________ his sister .

6.他学得如此之快以致于他的父亲非常高兴。He __________ ________ __________ __________ his father was very happy .

7.没有人能相信一个五岁的小孩会写出如此优美的曲子。_______ _______ could __________ that a little boy of five could write _________ ________ ________ .


1 start writing 开始写 =begin writing start to write =begin to write

start\begin to do sth=start\begin doing 开始做某事 stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事 stop doing

sth. 停止做某事 He was very tired ,so he stopped (work)and stopped_________________ (have ) a rest .

2 He learned so quickly that his father was very happy. so+形容词\副词+that+从句 “如此……以至于……” so that 为了,以便于+从句 in order to do sth 为了做某事 too+形容词\副词+to do sth “太……而不能”

I can catch the early bus. The boy is____________young_____________go to school.

He studied hard______________ catch up with the other students.

He studied hard______________he could catch up with the other students.

III、填空: 1 I am from China. I am ________________ (China). My friend Tom is from America. He is _______________ (America)

2 She is as ________________ (好) as her elder sister at English .

3 He was an ______________ (amaze) child, a born _________________ (music).

4 The music sounds ___________________ (beauty)

5.He was a middle school student_______ _______ ________ _______14. (十四岁时)

6. The box is ________ heavy________nobody can lift it. (如此的重以致于)

7.Michael plays basketball________ ________ ________ tennis.( 一样好)

8.When he was five years old,Henry could learn to swim________ ________. (自学)

9.She is _____ _____ ______ ______,and she is glad to help others. (如此善良的女孩)


( ) 1Miss Gao gave us a music lesson ____ the piano.A. at B. on C. in

( )2My father was very____at what I said.A. surpriseB. surprised C. surprising

( ) 3______ hard he is working!A.What B. What a C. What an D. How

( ) 4Jane was ____ excited _____ she forgot her homework.

A. So…that B. such…that C. too…to

( )5.They___some books from the library last week.A.lentB.lends C.borrowed D.buy

( .

A.to have a rest B.having a rest C. have a rest

( )7.He was born ____England,____ August6,1992. A.in;in B.in;on C.on;on D.on;in

( )8.At the_____ of twenty,my uncle_____ able to drive a car.

A.year;is B.year;was C.age;is D.age;was

( )9.The work is so difficult.I can’t finish it________.

A.myself B.yourself C.by myself D.by yourself

( )10.Liu Mei can sing sons_____a singer.

A.as well as B.as good as C.so well as D.so good as

( )11.____of three,he began to learn English. A.At the old B.In the age C.At the age

( )12.Do you have any children? Yes,I have a son.He is ______high school student.

A.a 14 year old B.a 14-year-old C.14 years old D.a 14-years-old

( )13.____boys only have ______milk

A.A little;a little B.The little;a little C.The few;little D.Few;a little

( )14.He played_____beautiful music that we all lost ourselves in it.

A.so B.such a C.such D.so a

( )15.Little Tom wanted to ______ piano lessons,but his father didn’t_____him.. A.have;have

B.give;give C.give;have D.have;give

V.填空。 everyday, because, interest, one, grow, know,take they,answer,young

Almost everyone likes music very much.But do you__________who invented music?Who sang the ___________song?No one knows exactly the _____________to these questions.But we know that music is very important in our ____________life. Babies and _____________children would like someone to sing to them.When they ____________ up,they like to sing to themselves.Their children go to school,and _____________ world of music grows wide.At middle school,students ____________music lessons.They are ____________ in pop music,because it can make them happy. We can also hear music in the shop and bar___________ music help people relaxed.And music can bring us a lot of joy as well.

Section D

I 单词、词组和句子:

1和平____________ 2文化____________ 3 自己的____________4 南方_________

1 各种音乐________________________ 2教他弹钢琴________________________

3 使人们开心______________________ 4心灵的平静________________________

5 带给人们舒适_____________________________________________

6 不同的人有不同的品味______________________________________



1. My father and mother want to invite your

parents to go to the movies.

2. My mom will prepare some delicious food for


3. Please say thanks to your mom. 4. Why all the smiling faces?

5. I went to buy a ticket, but there was none left. I

feel disappointed.

6. He is very popular with the poor.

7. He is cruel to the poor, so he is unpopular with

the people.

8. He seems a little unhappy. 9. They are proud of their player. 10. He is pleased with the new bike.

11. Michael isn’t able to come. He has a


12. I’m sure Mr. Lee will be surprised!

13. It is a story about a young woman living in


14. The father was lonely and often became angry

because of the noisy children.

15. Maria taught the children to sing lively songs

and perform short, funny plays to cheer them up.

16. The father was almost mad at first, but the

smiling faces of his children pleased him and made him happy again.

17. What seems to be the problem? 18. She is very strict with herself.

19. She feels very lonely because she has no friends

to talk with.

20. Thank you for telling me.

21. I send this e-card to cheer you up.

22. You can work harder and do better next time. 23. I’m feeling really sad because I failed the

English exam.

24. Why don’t you talk to someone when you feel


test at the end of the month.

25. She always tells me jokes and makes me laugh. 51. We can take turns to help you with your lessons. 26. She seems to like me.

52. That’s very nice of you.

27. They may have unhappy feelings after some bad 53. He may ask one of our classmates to give the experiences.

speech instead of you.

28. Would you please talk about this problem and 54. I’m afraid we have to go now.

give your suggestions?

55. We should do something to cheer him up again. 29. It’s normal to feel sad when something bad 56. Illness usually makes us sad, worried and happens to us. frightened.

30. It’s all right to cry. 57. Many things can affect our feelings.

31. How time flies!

58. If we can’t get along well with our schoolmates, 32. I couldn’t sleep as well as usual. we may feel upset and unhappy.

33. I was not used to everything here.

59. 34. With the help of my teachers and classmates, I’m getting used to the life here.

60. 35. I’m not afraid to talk with others now. 61. Let36. I live as happily as before.

62. I feel very 37. Please give my best wishes to your parents.

38. If you don’t know how to deal with It’s too noisy for me to fall asleep. I have some exciting news to tell you.

39. Jeff almost went mad when his elder 65. It will take us a few days to get there by bike. was killed in a car accident.

66. You two find out the cost to go by train. 40. He refused to play soccer or 67. Your task is to find out the cost by bus.

with his friends.

68. I’d love to go by airplane. I’ll ask the airline 41. ’t talk with over the phone.


69. The train leaves at 11:45 a.m. and arrives at 42. Even though it was He was quite Taishan Railway Station at 6:44 p.m.

angry with the driver.

70. May I have your name and telephone number, 43. Jeff began to understand it was useless to be please ?


71. I want to make a room reservation. 44. Now he still misses his brother, but he doesn’t 72. Glad to receive your postcard.

hate the driver any longer.

73. While you were enjoying your trip, I was busy 45. He no longer stays in his room by himself. preparing for my exams. 46. It makes me feel nervous. I think I’m dying. 74. Now I’m on vacation.

47. Calm down and listen to me.

75. Would you like to come to China for your 48. I hate to go to the hospital. I’m afraid of taking vacation?

bitter medicine.

76. It would be great fun.

49. These days I feel very bored and lonely at home. 77. I’m looking forward to meeting him.


I missed a lot of lessons. I’m worried about the


Would you help me make a plan to explore Beijing?

79. Could you tell me something about the Ming


80. On both sides of the way, there are some stone

animals and stone officials.

81. It’s about two and a half hours by bike.

82. After they rode their bikes for two hours and a

half, they arrived at the Ming Tombs.

83. They walked through the passage into Dingling

and were surprised at the wonders.

84. While the crowd were pushing him in all

directions, someone stepped on Darren’s toes. 85. He noticed his friends were both out of sight. 86. He was too frightened to know what to do. 87. Slowly he walked toward a huge rock.

88. He didn’t raise his head until someone called


89. As soon as the three boys saw each other, they

all jumped up and down happily. 90. You’ll get used to it soon

91. I think traffic in Beijing is crazy. 92. I feel a little more confident.

93. If people obey the traffic rules, there will be

fewer accidents.

94. Now I like riding my bike around the city more

than before.

95. Cycling can help us save energy and it doesn’t

cause air pollution. 96. It’s easy to park bikes.

97. A young man was riding his bicycle very fast

while listening to an MP3.

98. Meters away, there was a sharp turn to left. 99. The young man didn’t slow down.

100. Suddenly a truck came from the opposite


101. To avoid hitting the truck, the young man ran

into the wall and hurt his arm badly.

102. The truck driver rushed to him, called the 122

hotline and took him to the hospital.

103. If we ride at night, we should have lights on the

bicycle or wear light-colored clothes.

104. We should also learn more about the traffic【仁爱教育网八年级上下册mp3下载】


105. If we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine

and even be in danger.

106. He is famous for his achievements and courage

in cycling.

107. By 1996, he was one of the top cyclists in the


108. His path to success wasn’t smooth. 109. Doctors told him that he had cancer. 110. In his life, Lance faced it head-on.

111. He went on winning the Tour de France from

2000 till 2004.

112. It seems impossible to beat his seven-time


113. I think money must be a problem for him. 114. I will turn to our teachers. 115. My task is to make a poster.

116. I’ll get in touch with Daniel on the Internet to

get more information.

117. I will think about how to organize the food


118. Let’s try our best to make it successful. 119. I’m thinking about that. 120. I have a sweet tooth.

121. What’s more, I’m sure that fried rice and

dumplings will be popular. 122. May I invite you to come? 123. What a surprise!

124. I’m pleased to hear that. 125. Keep up the good work.

126. Thank you for inviting me to your food festival. 127. I’m sorry I’m not able to go.

128. Let me tell you something about myself.【仁爱教育网八年级上下册mp3下载】

129. I’m very pleased with what you are doing for us. 130. Please give my best wishes to your friends. 131. I’m not sure whether I can cook it well.

132. I’m glad that you are trying to help others. 161. We’ll send your meal in 10 minutes. 133. I’m proud of you. 162. How are you these days?

134. It’s very kind of you.

163. I have some good news to tell you. 135. What do I need to do after that?

164. Healthy eating is important for us.

136. Would you mind if we learn to make it from

165. we need to have enough food, never too much


or too little.

137. Practice makes perfect. 166. The food must be clean and we should cook it

138. Help yourself to some soup.


139. I don’t know if it’s polite in Japan.

167. It’s very important for us to have a balanced

140. Do you know whether or not it’s impolite to


smoke during a meal in France?

168. Different kinds of foods are necessary. 141. I don’t know if there’s no need for knives, forks

169. We should eat regularly.

or chopsticks.

170. 142. If you go to a formal western dinner party for【仁爱教育网八年级上下册mp3下载】

171. In short, not only eat enough, good

the first time. You’d better know about western table manners.

172. I so much that my father bought it for

143. The dinner always starts with a small dish. 144. It’s polite to eat up the food on your plate.

old coats are so short that I want to buy

145. Maybe you don’t know whether it’some new ones.

to speak loudly at the table.

Do you have time tomorrow? Let’s go shopping

146. When you drink to somebody, you’together.

your glass and take only a sip. 175. Excuse me, could you tell me where to buy a

147. scarf?

148. If you can’t remember just do as

176. What would you like to buy? other people do.

177. What do you think of them?

149. People around the different eating

178. What size would you like to take?


179. It’s such a coo windbreaker that you should buy

150. Many different delicious foods are for sale. it immediately.

151. We’ll try to satisfy all the guests.

180. What people wear depends on their likes and

152. I hope everyone has a wonderful time! dislikes.

153. Here’s a table for two. 181. As soon as she walked in, a silk scarf caught her

154. Take a seat, please. eye, so she bought it.

155. May I take your order?

182. Can you tell me what Miss Wang says?

156. Which kind of drink would you like, beer, wine,

183. I like to wear my own clothes because school

or a soft drink?

uniforms will look ugly on us.

157. May I have the bill, please? 184. It depends on who will design our uniforms. 158. Here’s your change.

185. I think our school should allow us to design our

159. Could I order a meal by phone? own uniforms.

160. Where shall I send the meal? 186. It’s true that suitable uniforms can show good


187. You’d better make a survey about styles of


188. You can design your own uniforms, and you’ll

be glad to wear them.

189. Could you tell me when you wear your


190. Sometimes wear plain clothes to carry out

special tasks.

191. Uniforms can also show good discipline and

make you look important.

192. Uniforms have many uses in our lives.

193. We students wear uniforms at school to show

good discipline.

194. Firefighters wear special coats and elmets to

protect themselves from heat and falling ceilings.

195. Soldiers wear green clothes to help them to hide

in the forest.

196. Different jobs require different uniforms. 197. Some uniforms show good discipline. 198. Some protect those who wear them.

199. Many famous models will be there to model the


200. Do you know when it’ll start? 201. Here come another three models. 202. As for the others, I’m not sure. 203. Fashion is full of culture.

204. Chinese fashion is different not only from

western fashion, but also from that in other Asian countries.

205. Today people can design the Tang costume as

either formal or casual clothes.

206. It expresses both the wearer’s personal style and

China’s rich traditional culture.

207. Tang costume is different from western-style



仁爱版八年级下册英语(Unit5) 课文译文 (Page1)







Kangkang:这个星期六。我们可以在我家过夜。我母亲会为我们准备一些美味食品。 Michael: 哇!真是太棒了!我很激动。烦请(替咱)向你妈道声谢吧。


Michael: 多遗憾的事呀!(Page1)



Michael:他感到失望,因为他未能买到看《音乐之声》的票。我觉得他真的想去看。 Jane:我希望他下次能看到这部电影。那也是我最喜欢的影片。我觉得它很有趣。你呢,玛利亚?

Maria:我喜欢歌剧。我的最爱是《猫》。它是那么滑稽和有趣。康康,你喜欢歌剧吗? Kangkang:不,我根本不喜欢。那很乏味。但我父母很喜欢京剧。

Maria: 那么你最喜爱什么?


(Page 5)



玛丽亚教孩子们唱充满活力的歌曲并且表演简短的滑稽剧来使他们振作起来。(他们的)父亲最初时几乎发疯,但他的孩子们的笑脸使他重新快乐起来。(Page 5)

(Page 7)

京 剧


京剧是中国文化的重要部分。在中国它过去是老人中流行的,而年轻人很不喜欢它。然而,现在更多的年轻人和世界上更多的人正在学习京剧的唱腔,表演和脸谱。(Page 7)


Miss Wang: 喂,海伦。你看起来忧虑,有什么事吗?

Helen: 那是李红。她不开心。

Miss Wang:噢---天呀!很抱歉。似乎是什么难题?

Helen:她正在浴室里哭,由于她在英语考试中考得差。她对自己要求很严格。你知道,李红刚来这儿。她文静又害羞。她感到非常孤独,由于她没有朋友可交流。 Miss Wang:谢谢你告诉我。我觉得我该跟她谈谈。



Miss Wang:喂,李红。今天你觉得如何?

Li Hong:我正觉得好伤心,因为我英语考试考砸了。

Miss Wang:那太糟糕啦,李红!当你感觉伤心时为何不跟人说呢?

Li Hong:我想说,但是我不知道如何跟别人谈起。

Miss Wang: 别担心。在你这个年龄每个人都有这些感受。你想跟谁交朋友呢? Li Hong:哦,海伦不错。她总是说笑话给我听引我大笑。她似乎喜欢我。 Miss Wang:是的,我确信她想成为你的朋友。好啦好啦!这事会好的。 Li Hong:谢谢你,王老师。我现在感觉好多啦!(Page11)


3月1日 亲爱的小芳:


几个月前,我刚来这儿,你是知道的。在那时,我真的很苦恼和寂寞。而且,我不能像往常一样睡得好。我那时不习惯这里的一切。我当时觉得这里的路不如我们家乡那边的整洁。食物也不如我们家乡的好吃。似乎这里的人也没有你那么友好。但是现在,一切都已经变了。在老师和同学的帮助下,我习惯了这儿的生活。现在我不担心跟别人交谈。我的同学都接受了我。我像以前一样快乐地生活。 请把我最好的祝愿转达给您的父母。






没有人所有时候都快乐,有时你也会变得不开心,例如,当你考砸了考试;或者当你失去了你的一位朋友,你也许变得悲伤;有这些感受是很正常的。假如你不知道如何处理这些难题,你也许可以从Jeff(杰夫) 。身上学到一些东西。

当Jeff的哥哥在一次小车车祸中丧命时,Jeff变疯了。他拒绝踢足球或者跟他的朋友去看电影,相反,他只是坐在他的卧室里而没有与任何人交谈,甚至他的父母。Jeff 觉得这个世界不公平。他是相当地生那位司机的气,因为他的小车撞到了他的哥哥,尽管那只是一场意外事故。几个月之后,Jeff 开始明白生气是没用的。现在,他一直想念他的兄弟,但他不再恨那位司机。他开始跟他的父母交谈,那使得他们重新快乐起来。他不在独自一人呆在自己的房子里。取而代之的是,他去看电影或者跟他的朋友做运动。他现在感觉好多了。(P16) (Page17)

Michael: 喂,康康吗?我是迈克尔。

Kangkang: 喂,迈克尔!你(的声音)听起来都不自在。

Michael: 我担心。我们明天参加考试,我总是在考试前感到紧张。

Kangkang: 放松(下来),(听我说,)迈克尔。我相信你一定做得好。 Michael: 但是,康康,这是一次演讲考试。只要发表演讲,我就紧张。

Kangkang:我将会帮助你,迈克尔。我有一张关于演讲的碟子。我们能 在我家听。那么你也能练习。

Michael: 康康,现在我感觉放松多了,因为你的帮助。你真是我的好朋友。非常感谢。(P17)


Kangkang: 我为迈克尔的演讲感到非常高兴。他做得非常好。




Kangkang:咱们显示出我们为他骄傲。他害怕他的演讲,但是他尽管做了。 Jane:好主意。我们会显示出朋友彼此帮助。




我觉得月亮会影响我的心情。有时它会使我感到开心。有时它使我感到悲伤,特别是当中秋节圆月当空的时候 。月亮是那么圆那么亮。但我不能和家人团聚。我感到非常孤独,热泪盈眶。

环境可以改变我的情感。我居住在一个大城市。晚上,对我来说,入睡时太吵了。我希望某天能住在乡下。那里干净清静。我觉得在那里我会更快乐。 我觉得天气能影响我的心情。当下雨时,我总有悲伤的想法。当太阳照耀时,我又感到高兴。


重大的事件可以对我影响很大。当我与朋友谈到汶川地震时,这事总是使我伤心忧心。但是北京2008奥林匹克运动会这个话题总是使我兴奋而富有活力。 (P21)




1、 每天锻炼放松;

2、 记得吃健康食品和休息好;

3、 经常跟你的朋友、父母或者老师交流。告诉他们你的想法和感受。试图从他们那里获得帮助;

4、 从新闻报纸、杂志、电视或互联网获得帮助;

5、 在做一个重要的决定之前仔细考虑;

6、 回归你的日常活动。I这将有助于你回到一种快乐的意识。


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