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学……三年级英语单元过关试卷 听力部分 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。听两遍。 (10分) ( )1.A. am B. up C. cap ( )2.A.is B.yes C. please ( )3.A. robot B. ruler C. rubber ( )4.A.black B.blackboard C.birthday ( )5.A.door B.ball C.your ( )7.A.drink B.milk C.talk ( )8.A.eat B.shout C.don’t ( )9.A.what. B.white. C.that. ( )10.A.sorry B.library C. parrot. 二、听录音,判断所听句子是否与录音内容相符,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。听两遍。(8分 ) ( )1.Don’t drink. ( )2.This is your book. ( )3.Helen, please close the window. ( )4.Come in, Mike. ( )5.Please listen to the parrot. ( )6.Yang Ling and Mike are in the library.

( )7.What’s that?

( )8.Don’t talk in class.


( ) 1.A.Good morning. B. Good afternoon.

( ) 2.A.No, thank you. B.No, I’m not.

( ) 3.A.I’m sorry. B.No,it isn’t .

( ) 4.A. It’s black. B. It’s a blackboard.

( ) 5.A.Yes, I am. B.OK.

( ) 6.A.It’s yellow. B.I’m sorry. 笔试部分


( )1.A. open B. close C. window

( )2.A. down B. up C. come

( )3.A.morning B. class C.afternoon

( )4.A.book B. rubber C. please

( )5.A.robot B. sit C. close

( )6.A.Sam B. Bob C. sorry

( )7.A.milk B.drink C. open

( )8.A.sweet B.talk C. shout




Listening Part(40分)

Ⅰ. Listen and number. 听录音,给下列图片标号。(8分)

图1:全班学生坐着等老师喊起立。 图2:一个男孩对另外一位说,关窗。

A.( ) B.( )

图3:一位女士对一位男孩说,这是你的铅笔吗?男孩摇手 。 图4:有只鸟在桌上。

C. ( ) D.( )

Ⅱ. Listen and number. 听录音,选择听到的单词。(8分)

( ) 1. That’s my__________.

A. school bag B. ruler

( ) 2. Don’t __________boys and girls.

A. shout B.sleep

( ) 3. It’s time for________

A. class B. lunch

( ) 4. Who’s that _____________?

A. man B. boy

Ⅲ. Listen and choose. 听录音,选择正确的答语。(8分)

( ) 1. A. He is Jim. B. She’s Su Yang.

( ) 2. A. Good evening. B. Goodbye.

( ) 3. A. They are pigs. B.This is a pig.

( ) 4. A. No, it isn’t. B. No, I’m not.

Ⅳ. Listen and circle. 听录音,判断你所听到的单词与图意相同。(12分)

1. 图:一位婴儿( ) 2.图:数字1( ) 3. 图:一杯牛奶 ( )

4.图:铅笔 ( ) 5. 图:一只鸡( ) 6. 图:一个苹果放在桌子上( ) Ⅴ. Listen and write. 听录音,写出所听到单词。(4分)

Writing Part(60分)

Ⅵ. Read and choose. 选出不同类的单词。(5分)

( ) 1. A. open B. close C. door

( ) 2. A. run B. one C. three

( ) 3. A. morning B. afternoon C. hello

( ) 4. A. apple B. cow C. pear

( ) 5. A. man B. woman C. crayon

Ⅶ.Read and write.写出下列字母相对应的大小写和中文。 (10分 )

1. rubber ( ) 2. drink ( )

3. DESK ( ) 4. FIVE ( )

5 .CHICKEN ( )

Ⅷ. Read and choose.根据情境,选出正确的答案。(12分)

1. 当你想要一个玩具汽车时, 你可以说 ( )

A. I want a toy car. B. I want a toy robot.

2. 你想问对方,那些也是水果吗?可以问: ( )

A. Are these apples? B. Are those apples?

3. 当你建议别人不要大声叫喊时,你可以说:( )

A. Don’t shout. B. Don’t sleep.

4. 当你想告诉别人那个东西在那儿的,你可以说: ( )

A. It’s a pen. B. It’s over there.

5. 如果你想喊别人坐下时,你可以说: ( )

A. Sit down,please. B. Stand up,please.

6. 你想问别人,你的书包在哪儿时,你可以说:( )

A. Where’s my school? B. Where’s my pencil case?

Ⅸ.Read and choose.看图选择相应的单词,将其序号填在横线上. (18分)

A. boy A. run

1. B. man 2. 图:一人在吃 B. sleep

C. woman C. eat

A. pen A. chair

3. 图:一支铅笔 B. pencil 4. 图:一只鸟 B . bird

C. ruler C. desk【苏教版三年级下听力】

A. eight A. pig



Listening Part(40分)

Ⅰ. Listen and number. 听录音,给下列图片标号。(8分)

图1:全班学生坐着等老师喊起立。 图2:一个男孩对另外一位说,关窗。

A.( ) B.( ) 图3:一位女士对一位男孩说,这是你的铅笔吗?男孩摇手 。 图4:有只鸟在桌上。

C. ( ) D.( )

Ⅱ. Listen and number. 听录音,选择听到的单词。(8分)

( ) 1. That’s my__________.

A. school bag B. ruler

( ) 2. Don’t __________boys and girls.

A. shout B.sleep

( ) 3. It’s time for________

A. class B. lunch

( ) 4. Who’s that _____________?

A. man B. boy

Ⅲ. Listen and choose. 听录音,选择正确的答语。(8分)

( ) 1. A. He is Jim. B. She’s Su Yang.

( ) 2. A. Good evening. B. Goodbye.

( ) 3. A. They are pigs. B.This is a pig.

( ) 4. A. No, it isn’t. B. No, I’m not.

Ⅳ. Listen and circle. 听录音,判断你所听到的单词与图意相同。(12分)

1. 图:一位婴儿( ) 2.图:数字1( ) 3. 图:一杯牛奶 ( )

4.图:铅笔 ( ) 5. 图:一只鸡( ) 6. 图:一个苹果放在桌子上( ) Ⅴ. Listen and write. 听录音,写出所听到单词。(4分)

Writing Part(60分)





( )1. A. how B. what C. who

( )2. A. chair B. tree C. here

( )3. A. ball B. black C. bird

( )4. A. stand B. brown C. under

( )5. A. my B. you C. your

二、听录音,给下面的图片标序号.(听两遍) (每小题2分,共10分)


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( ) 1.Who’s that girl ?【苏教版三年级下听力】

( ) 2.What are those under the tree?

( ) 3.It`s on your book.

( ) 4.Now it’s behind the chair.

( ) 5.How old is he?

四、听录音,选择与其相对应的答句。(听两遍)(每小题2分,共10分) ( )1. A. It’s a pig. B. It’s over there. ( )2. A. Yes, it is. B. It’s my desk. ( )3.A. I’m ten. B. It’s ten. ( )4.A. It’s a duck. B. They’re cows. ( )5.A.He’s behind the door. B. It’s under the schoolbag.


1. —Where’s the rubber? —It’s your pencil case.

2. —What are ? —They’re .

3. Who’s that ? my brother.

笔试 (60分)

一、将下列单词按照划线字母的读音进行归类,将序号写在横线上。 (每小题0.5分,共5分)

① milk ② man ③ not ④ behind ⑤pen

⑥cap ⑦ bed ⑧ meet ⑨ desk ⑩book 1.my ______ _______ 2.no _______ ______ 3.dog ______ _______ 4.pear ______ _______ 5.boy ______ _______


1.这支铅笔 _______ ________ 2.我的名字 __________ _________

3. 在课上 ________ ________ 3三支钢笔_________ _________

5.在椅子下面 ________ the _______


bird behind milk bed


( A. eat B. on C.window

( A. milk B. behind C.close

( A. green B.colour C. bed

( )4. I’m A. bird B. lunch C. twelve

( )5. Who’s that A.girl B. pig C. two

( A. this B.those C. it


( ) 1.________ a chicken? Yes, it is.

A. Is it B. It’s C. This is

( ) 2. What are these? _____ pigs.

A. These are B. They are C.It’s

( ) 3. Are these oranges? No, ________.

A. they aren’t B.they are C. it isn’t

( ) 4. ________ that girl?

A. Where’s B.What’s C.Who’s

( ) 5. Is the boy your friend?


A. Yes, he’s B.No, he is C.Yes, he is

( ) 6.This is ________ red apple.

A. an B.a C. some

( ) 7.Now open ________ book, Paul.

A. your B. you C.I

( ) 8.你想知道几点了,可以说:

A.What time is it? B. What’s the time? C.What’s time is it?

( ) 9.你想知道远处的东西是什么,你会问:

A. What’s this? B.What’s that over there? C.What’s this in English?

( ) 10. Tom向别人介绍自己可以说:

A.This is Tom. B.My name is Tom C.He is Tom.

( ) 11.当你接受别人的礼物时,可以说:

A.You are out. B.Thank you. C.OK.

( ) 12.你想对别人说是吃晚饭的时候了,你可以说:

A. It’s time for breakfast. B.It’s time for dinner. C. It’s time for lunch.

六、从II栏中找出与I栏相对应的答句,将序号填入题前括号内。(8分) (I) (II)

( )1. Are you Yang Ling? A. Yes,Mr Green.

( )2. What time is it? B. Thank you.

( )3. What are those? C. They are bags.

( )4. It’s time for bed . D. I’m nine.

( )5. How old are you? E. It’s behind the door.

( )6. This is for you. F. OK,Dad.

( )7. Where’s my car ? G. It’s eleven o’clock.

( )8. Don’t be late again. H. Yes,I am. 七、根据图片和上下文意思,完成下列对话,将单词写在横线上。


) 1.

A: ______ time is it, Mum?

B: It’s ______ o’clock.

It’s time _____ school.

A:Goodbye, Mum.

2. A:What’s _________?

B:It’s a ________.

A:What are_______?

B: They’re________.

3. A: Please open the ________ .

B : _______.

4. Is this your toy __________ ?


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

1. A:What time is it? 4. A:Where is my bag? B:It’s 12 o’clock. It’s time for lunch. B:Here’s your bag,Bobby!

2. A:Look at the blackboard, class. 5. A:Don’t run!

B:Yes, Mr Green. B:I’m sorry.

3. A:Wake up,taotao.

B:OK. Mum.

(4分) I’m eight years old (岁).

I got (得到)presents( 礼物):a doll ,a ball and a pen .

it can ( 会 ) talk ,sing ( 唱歌 ) and dance ( 跳舞 ).

It’s red and yellow .

It’s on my bed .

It’s nine o’clock,

See you next time !



1. how 2. here 3. black 4. stand 5. your

二、听录音,给下面的图片标序号.(听两遍) (每小题2分,共10分)


1.The bird is behind the desk .

2.Close the book, Liu Tao .OK.

3.Don’t eat in the library .

4What’s three and eight ?It’s eleven.

5.It’s time for lunch now .


1.Who’s that boy ?

2.What are these in the tree?

3.It`s on your book.

4.Now it’s under the chair.

5.How old is he?


1.What’s that ?

2.Is this your desk ?

3.How old are you ?

4.What are those over there ?

5.Where’s my crayon ?


1. —Where’s the rubber? —It’s in your pencil case.

2. —What are those? —They’re chairs.

3. Who’s that boy ? He’s my brother.



Class_______ Name_______



( ) 1. A. sleep B. stand C. shout

( ) 2. A. door B. ball C. desk

( ) 3. A. two B. three C. twelve

( ) 4. A. rubber B. crayon C. ruler

( ) 5. A. look B. listen C. guess

( ) 6. A. my pen B. my pencil C. my pencils

( ) 7. A. behind B. under C. in

( ) 8 A. pigs B. cows C. apples

( ) 9. A. aunt B. man C. girl

( )10. A. lunch B. breakfast C. dinner


( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )

三、听录音,选择合适的答句, 把序号写在题前括号内。(10分)

( ) 1. A. It’s on the chair. B. No, it isn’t.

( ) 2. A. How beautiful!. B. Thank you.

( ) 3. A. Yes, it is.

B. Yes, Miss Li.

( ) 4. A. I’m two. B. It’s two o’clock.

( ) 5. A. Make a wish. B. Thank you

( ) 6. A. I’m sorry. B. No, thank you.

( ) 7. A. It’s a apple. B. It’s an apple.

( ) 8. A. It’s a pig. B. They’re cows.

( ) 9. A. Yes, he’s my father. B. Yes, they’re apples.

( ) 10. A. He’s my uncle. B. She’s my aunt.


1. ---- Please don’t run ________ the lidrary.

----- _______, Miss Li.

2. ---- What _______ is it?

---- It’s eight o’clock. It’3. ----What are _______?

---- They’re _______.

4. ---- My _______ is Su Hai. This is my sister, Su Yang. We’re ________.


一、判断下列单词的划线部分是否相同,相同的打“√”,不同的打“X”。(8分) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )


( ) 1. A. beautiful B. these C. lovely

( ) 2. A. drink B. eat C. rubber

( ) 3. A. two B. nice C. nine

( ) 4. A. eat B. cake C. milk

( ) 5. A. under B. close C. behind

( ) 6. A. woman B. Bobby C. man

( ) 7. A. apple B. ice cream C. cow

( ) 8. A. dinner B. eleven C. breakfast

( ) 9. A. window B. book C. pen

( ) 10. A. open B. door C. blackboard


7. 喝牛奶 the 8. 在门后面_ 9. 这个男人。this

4. You’__ 10. 三只鸭

11. 八个梨

12. 站在书桌上


( -- Yes.

A. I B. you C. your

( ) 2. --______ he? --He’s my uncle.

A. Who’s B. What’s C. Who are

( ) 3. --_______________. -- Yes, Miss Li.

A. Close the door. B. Good morning, Miss Li. C. Where is it?

( ) 4. –Are these apples? --_______________.

A. No. They’re oranges. B. Thank you. C. Yes.

( ) 5. --_______________. – It’s on the chair.

A. Is this a chair? B. Where’s the book? C. What’s this?

( -- I’m eleven.

A. What’s that? B. How old are you? C. What time is it?

( ) 7. --_______________. – It’s nine o’clock.

A. What’s that? B. How old are you? C. What time is it?

( ) 8. –This is for you. --_______________.

A. No, thank you. B. Thank you. C. Yes, please.

( ) 9. --_______________. – I want a robot .

A. What a nice cake! B. Happy birthday! C. Make a wish!

( ) 10. –Look at the toy dog! A. How lovely! B. How old are you? C. Thank you.


( ) 1. Please don’t sleep in class. A. It’s on the chair.

( ) 2. Where is my schoolbag? B. I’m sorry.

( ) 3. Who’s she? C. No. They’re oranges.

( ) 4. Are these apples? D. They’re chickens.

( ) 5. What are these? E. She’s my aunt.

( ) 6. Is that your pencil? F. It’s seven o’clock.

( ) 7. What time is it? G. Nice to meet you.

( ) 8. How old are you? H. No, it isn’t.

( ) 9. Grandpa, this is Mike? I. It’s an apple.

( ) 10. What’s that? J. I’m twelve.


1. ①How ②you ③are ④old (?)

2. ①time ②is ③it ④What (?)

3. ①lunch ②It’s ③for ④time (.)

4. ①meet ②to ③Nice ④you (.) ⒌ ①cake ②a ③nice ④What (!)


A: Liu Tao, Who’s he?

B: He’s my grandpa, Helen. Welcome to the farm.

A: What are those under the tree? Are they cows?

B: No, they’re pigs. Would you like some apples?

A: Yes, please. What time is it now?

B: It’s eight o’clock. It’s time for dinner.

A: Ok. Let’s go!

( ) 1. A is Liu Tao.

( ) 2. Helen and Liu Tao are on the farm.

( ) 3. The pigs are under the tree.

( ) 4. Helen would like some oranges.

( ) 5. It’s eight o’clock. It’s time for dinner.

荆溪小学三年级综合卷 听力资料


1. shout 2. desk 3. three 4. rubber 5. listen

6. my pencil 7. behind 8. pigs 9. girl 10. breakfast CCBAB BAACB


1.How old are you? I’m nine.

2.It’s seven o’clock. It’s time for breakfast.

3. Close the book, please. Yes, Miss Li.

4. She’s my sister, Su Yang. We’re twins.

5. What are these? They’re pigs.

6. Don’t eat here. I’m sorry.

5 6 1 2 34

三、听录音,选择合适的答句, 把序号写在题前括号内。(10分)

1. Where’s my ruler?

2. Look! A bird!

3. Please listen to me!

4. How old are you?

5. This robot is for you.

6. Would you like some oranges?

7. What’s this?

8. What are these?

9. Is he your father?

10.Who’s she?



1. ---- Please don’t ---- It’s eight o’clock. It’ ---- They’We’

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