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导读: 英语Book4单词录音(共5篇)高中人教版英语书课后单词BOOK1~BOOK4BOOK1 Unit1 调查,测验 合计心烦意乱的,不安的,不适的| 使不安,使心烦 不理睬,忽视使平静,使镇定| 平静的,镇定的,沉着的使平静下来,使镇定下来 不得不,必须使担忧,涉及,关系到| 担心,关注,利害关系 关心,挂念 遛狗松的,松开的 兽医...



BOOK1 Unit1 调查,测验 合计

心烦意乱的,不安的,不适的| 使不安,使心烦 不理睬,忽视

使平静,使镇定| 平静的,镇定的,沉着的

使平静下来,使镇定下来 不得不,必须

使担忧,涉及,关系到| 担心,关注,利害关系 关心,挂念 遛狗

松的,松开的 兽医

经历,经受 阿姆斯特丹 荷兰


德国的,德国人的,德语的| 德国人,德语 纳粹党人| 纳粹党的 记下,放下,登记 连续,系列

一连串的,一系列,一套 在户外,在野外 迷住,迷惑 故意 为了

黄昏,傍晚 在黄昏时刻

打雷,雷鸣| 雷,雷声 整个的,完全的,全部的 完全地,全然地,整个地 能量,力量,权力 面对面地

窗帘,门帘,幕布 积满灰尘的 不再


安家,定居,停留| 使定居,安排,解决

遭受,忍受,经历 遭受,患病 孤单,寂寞 公路,大陆

痊愈,恢复,重新获得 对…厌烦

捆扎,包装,打行李| 小包,包裹

将..装箱打包 手提箱,衣箱 大衣,外套 十几岁的青少年 与..相处,进展 闲话,闲谈 相爱,爱上

确实如此,正是,确切地 不同意

感激的,表示感谢的 不喜欢,厌恶 参加,加入

提示,技巧,尖,尖端,小费| 倾斜,翻倒 第二,其次 交换



地下人行道;【美】地铁 电梯,升降机

【英】汽油(=美gasoline) 汽油,气体,煤气,毒气 官方的,正式的,公务的 航行,航海 征服,占领 因为,由于

本国的,本地的| 本地人,本国人


【美】公寓住宅,单元住宅 实际上,事实上 公元 以..为根据| 基部,基地,基础

现在,目前 逐渐的,逐步的 逐渐地,逐步地 丹麦语| 丹麦的,丹麦人的,丹麦语的

使富裕,充实,改善 词汇,词汇量,词表 利用,使用 拼写,拼法

较后的,后半的,后者的 本身,本体,身份 流利地,流畅地 新加坡

马来西亚,马来群岛 例如,像这种的 频繁的,常见的 常常,频繁地

使用,用法,词语惯用法 命令,指令,掌握 请求,要求 方言


中西部的,有中西部特性的 非洲的,非洲人的,非洲语言的

西班牙的,西班牙人的,西班牙语的| 西班牙人,西班牙语

扮演一个角色,参与 东方的,东部的

东南方的,来自东南的 西北方的,来自西北的 辨认出,承认,公认 {英}卡车(=美truck) 口音,腔调,重音 闪电

直接,挺直| 笔直的,直的,正直的

街区,块,木块,石块 出租车


日记,杂志,定期刊物 运送,运输

更喜欢,喜欢某事物 不利条件,不便之处 费用


流动,流出| 流动,流量 从那以后 说服,劝说+ 骑自行车

毕业| 大学毕业生 最后,终于

时间表,进度表| 为某事安排时间

喜爱的,慈爱的,宠爱的 喜爱,喜欢 缺点

顽固的,固执的 组织,成立

关心,忧虑,惦念 细节,详情 来源,水源

决定,确定,下定决心 坚决的,有决心的 改变主意 旅行,旅程 海拔高度,高处 下决心,决定 投降,屈服,让步 地图,地图集 冰河,冰川

西藏的,藏族的,藏族人的| 藏语,西藏人,藏族人 急流 谷,流域 瀑布

缓慢而行,踱步| 一步,速度,步调

弯,拐弯| 使弯曲| 弯身,弯腰

蜿蜒缓慢流动 三角洲 态度,看法 沸腾,开 预测,预报 小包,包裹 保险

羊毛,毛织品 照常

可信赖的,可靠的 风景,视野,观点,见解| 观看,注视,考虑 牦牛

枕头,枕垫 午夜,子夜 在午夜

火焰,光芒,热情 在..下面 老挝 老挝人 庙宇,寺庙 洞穴,地窖

Unit4 地震 地震

立刻,马上 并

裂缝,劈啪声| 使开裂,破裂

发臭的,有臭味的 农场,农家 管,导管

爆裂,爆发| 突然破裂,爆发 百万

事件,大事 仿佛,好像 结束,终结

民族,国家,国民 运河,水道 蒸汽,水汽 污垢,泥土

废墟,毁灭| 毁灭,使破产 严重受损,破败不堪 苦难,痛苦 极度的 损害,伤害

幸存者,生还者,残存物 破坏,毁坏,消灭 砖,砖块 水坝,堰堤


无用的,无效的,无益的 使震惊,震动| 休克,打击,震惊


使陷入困境| 陷阱,困境 电,电流,电学 灾难,灾祸 掘出,发现

埋葬,掩埋,隐藏 矿,矿山,矿井 矿工

掩蔽,掩蔽处,避身处 许多,大量的 标题,头衔,资格 记者

条,棒,条状物 损失,损害 使惊吓,吓唬 受惊的,受恐吓的 令人恐惧的


裁判员,法官| 断定,判断,判决


表示,表达| 快车,速递 要点,大纲,轮廓 报刊的大字标题 骑自行车的人


质量,品质,性质 热心肠的


积极的,活跃的 慷慨的,大方的 随和的,温和宽容的 自我,自身 自私的

无私的,忘我的 无私地,忘我地 献身,专心于 忠实的,深爱的 圣经 侵略者 建立,建设

共和国,共和政体 法则,原则,原理 民族主义,国家主义 生计,谋生

和平的,平静的,安宁的 巨大的,庞大的 飞跃,跳跃 人类 律师


法律的,依照法律的 费(会费,学费),酬金 南非共和国有色人种的身份证,护照 失业

怀有希望的,有希望的 青年,青年时期 同盟,联盟,联合会 青年团


投票,选举| 投票,选票,表决

进攻,攻击,抨击 暴力,暴行 事实上

使充气,爆炸 相等的,平等的 在危险处境中 乐意的,自愿的 不公平的,不公正的 求助于,致力于 引用语,语录 释放,发行 丧失勇气或信心 逃脱,逃走,泄露 毛毯,毯子 教育,训练

受过教育的,有教养的 当权,上台 请求,乞求 亲戚,亲属 恐怖,可怕人的,恐怖时期,恐怖活动 残忍,残酷

报酬,奖金| 酬劳,奖赏 设立,建立,创立 判决,宣判 被判处 反,抗,阻 反黑人的

总统,会长,校长,行长 意见,看法,主张

Book2 Unit1 文化的

遗物,遗迹,纪念品 稀罕的,稀有的,珍贵的 贵重的,有价值的 幸免,幸存,生还 花瓶,瓶 朝代,王朝 象牙 龙

琥珀,琥珀色 寻找

使吃惊,惊讶 令人吃惊的 挑选,选择 蜜,蜂蜜

设计,图案,构思| 设计,计划,构思

奇特的,异样的| 想象,设想,爱好

风格,风度,类型 装饰,装修 珠宝,宝石 艺术家

属于,为..的一员 属于

作为回报,回报 群,组,军队

接待,招待会,接收 处于交战状态 移动,搬开 少于 木制的

怀疑,疑惑| 怀疑,不信 以前的,从前的 值得的,相当于..的价值| 价值,作用| 值钱的 重建

本地的,当地的 分离地,分别地 拆开 绘画,画 城堡

审判,审讯,试验 目击者,证人 根据,证据 爆炸 人口

水手,海员,船员 下沉,沉下 少女,女仆 柏林

看重,器重 非正式的 争论,辩论


古代的,古老的 比赛,竞争 竞争者 参加,参与

奖章,勋章,纪念章 代表,象征,表示 吉祥物 希腊

希腊人的,希腊语的| 希腊人,希腊语

巫术的,魔术的,有魔力的 志愿者,志愿兵| 志愿者,义务的| 自愿 祖国,本国

规则的,定期的,常规的 基础,根据

运动员,运动选手 容许,承认,接纳 奴隶

现金,现在 体操,体能训练 体育运动,竞技 (露天大型)体育场 体育馆,健身房 也,又,还

做东,主办,招待| 主人 责任,职责


花圈,花冠,圈状物 取代,替换,代替 座右铭,格言,警句 快的,迅速的 相像性,相似点 雅典

收费,控诉| 费用,主管 主管,看管 物理的,身体的 罚款

海报,招贴 做广告,登广告 公主


讨价还价,讲条件| 便宜货 王子

没有希望的,绝望的 愚蠢的,傻的 女神 疼痛,痛苦

陆续地,一个接一个地 应受(报答或惩罚),值得 敲击者,(足球的)前锋

Unit3 算盘 计算器

个人电脑,个人计算机 手提电脑

掌上电脑,个人数码助理 分析的 计算

普通的,通用的,宇宙的 简化

总数,算术题,金额 电脑操作员,接线员 合逻辑的,合情理的


工艺,科技,技术 科技的 革命

人造的,假的 智力,聪明,智能 智能的,聪明的 解决,解答 数学的 从..时起

真实,事实,现实 设计师

私人的,个人的,亲自的 就个人而言,亲自 管,管子,电子管 晶体管 碎片,芯片 结果

总的,整个的| 总数,合计 完全地,整个地 如此..以致于.. 网络,网状物 网

应用,用途,申请 金融,财经

可以动的,机动的 火箭

探索,探测,探究 火星

(=anyhow)无论如何,即使如此(课课练P48) 目标,目的,球门,进球得分

幸福,快乐 人类

支持的,支撑的 下载

程序员,程序师 病毒 机器人

发信号| 信号 同伴,伙伴 类型|打字 在某种程度上 教练

出现,发生 在..帮助下 电子的

外貌,出现,外观 性格,特点

拖把| 用拖把拖,擦 处理,安排,对付 看守,监视 顽皮的,淘气的 侄女,甥女 损坏,宠坏


野生动植物 保护


栖息地,动植物的自然环境 恐吓,威胁

减少,使变小,或变少 危害,使受到危险 灭亡,逐渐消失 损失,遗失,丧失 保护区

打猎,猎取,搜寻 地域,地带,地区

和平地,和睦地,安详地 在危险中,垂危 种类,物种 地毯

回答,响应,做出反应 远的,远处的 毛皮,毛,软毛 羚羊


如释重负,松了口气 笑,笑声

突然笑起来,大声笑了出来仁慈,宽恕,怜悯 确定的,某一,一定 重要性 擦,摩擦

保护..不受..危害 蚊子

千足虫(=millipede) 昆虫

包含,容纳,容忍 强大的,有力的 影响,感动,侵袭 注意,关注,注意力 注意

鉴赏,感激,意识到 成功| 接替,继任 印度尼西亚 犀牛

安全的,可靠的 收入

雇用,利用(时间、精力)损害,危害 麋鹿

咬,叮,刺痛 灭绝,消亡 恐龙

形成,产生 县,郡 检查,视察

没料到的,意外的 事件,事变

灰尘,尘土,尘埃 按照,根据..所说 消失

凶猛的,猛烈的 以致于,结果 结局,结尾 忠诚地,忠实地



滚动,使摇摆| 摇晃,卷,卷形物,面包圈 摇滚乐 管弦乐队 说唱乐

民间的,爵士音乐 唱诗班的,合唱队的 音乐家





系上,缚上,附加,连接 认为有(重要性、意义),附上,;连接

使组成,形成,构成 名声,名望 过路人,行人 赚,挣得,获得 额外的,外加的 工具,器械,乐器 表演,执行,履行 表演,演奏 酒馆,酒吧 现金

用现金,有现钱 工作室,演播室 百万富翁,富豪 戏弄

男演员,行动者 依赖,依靠 依赖,依靠 广播,播放 幽默的,诙谐的

熟悉的,常见的,亲近的 熟悉,与..熟悉起来 大约

打碎,分裂,解体 再统一,再联合,重聚 吸引人的,有吸引力的 加,增加,加法 另外,也 分类



在晚上,在夜里,口很快,一夜之间 浸,蘸

百合,百合花 自信的,确信的

简短的,简要的| 摘要,大纲

简要地,短暂地 投入,热爱 然后,后来 邀请,招待 胡须



痛苦的,疼痛的 最重要,首先



主备: 辅备:高一英语组 日期:2015-5-14

Book4 Unit 3 A taste of English humour


Period 1 Words and expressions


I.预习课本P97 Unit3词汇。能根据音标准确读出单词,了解词语的汉语意思,特别是黑体词汇。然后听录音,纠正发音。


1.__________ n.幽默;滑稽→_____________adj.滑稽的;幽默的

2. ____________ adj. 满足的;满意的 n. 满足 vt. 使满足

3. __________n.表演者;演出者→_________ v. 执行;表演→____________n.执行;演出

4._______________ adj. 幸运的;吉利的 →________________ adj.不幸地

5._____________ vt.& vi. 战胜;克服

6._______________ adj. 突出的;杰出的;显著的

7.____________ v.使欢乐;款待→______________ n.娱乐→____________adj.愉快的;有趣的


9._________vt.& vi.导演;指示;指挥adj.直的;直接的;直率的→________n.导演→

__________n.指导→____________adv.& conj.直接地;径直地;一„„就„„

10._________ vt.& vi. (使)滑动;(使)滑行 n. 滑;滑动;幻灯片

11._________ n. 耳语;低语 vt.& vi. 低语;小声说

12.________ vi. 作出反应;回应→n. __________ →______________对„„作出反应/【英语Book4单词录音】

one’s reaction to 某人对„„的反应

III. 短语扫描

1.直到现在 ____________________ 2.对„„满足 ____________________

3.穷的;缺少的 ____________________ 4.挑出;辨别出 ____________________

5.切断;断绝 ____________________ 6.担任主角;主演 ____________________

7.对„„挑剔 ____________________



1.content adj.满足的,满意的;n. 满足,内容,目录,容量;vt.使满足

(1)feel/be well content with...对„„非常满足/满意 be content to do sth. 满足于做某事

(2)content oneself with 满足于

【提示】 content作形容词时,通常作表语、后置定语或状语,作前置定语时要用contented,如a contented expression满足的表情。

【应用】 (1)那位富人厌倦了城市生活,于是他对生活在乡下很满意。

That rich man is tired of city life, so he ___________________ in the country.


We should never ____________ ourselves ___________book knowledge only.


__________________, I ______________________my life at present.

2.(1) astonish sb.with/by sth. 用某事使某人惊讶 be astonished at/by sth. 对某事感到惊讶

be astonished to do sth. 惊讶地做某事

(2) astonished adj. 感到惊讶的 astonishing adj. 令人吃惊的

【拓展】astonishment n. 惊讶 to one’s astonishment 使某人惊讶的是

in astonishment 吃惊地

【应用】 (1)我真没料到他会来这么早。

It ____________ __________ _________ he could come so early.

(2) 汤姆竟能吃那么多,奶奶大为吃惊。

Grandma______ ____________ ______how much Tom could eat.


I_______ ___________ ______ _________that he had got the job.

(4) _____ _______ great _______________, the boss wasn’t ___________ at the ___________ news at all. 使我们非常吃惊的是,老板对这个令人吃惊的消息一点也不吃惊。

3.【拓展】entertainment n.娱乐 entertaining adj.有趣的;娱乐的;使人愉快的

【应用】 (1) The childentertained himself with his building blocks. 孩子在搭积木玩。

(2) Bob and Liz ____________ ________ to dinner(设宴招待了我们) last night.

4.(1)convince sb. of sth. 使某人信服„„ convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事

convince sb. that 使某人确信„„

(2)be convinced of/that... 确信„„ (3)convincing adj. 令人信服的;有说服力的

【拓展】常和of搭配的动词________/_______ /________ / _______ /_________ sb. of sth. 通知 抢夺 警告 治疗 提醒 某人某事某物

【应用】 完成句子


There is now_____________ _____________ that smoking causes lung cancer.


You need to convince your interviewer ____________________________ to master the work.


His mother has been trying to ___________ _______ _______ ________ a doctor.

5.(1)whisper to sb. 与某人耳语 It is/was whispered that... 据秘密传闻„„

(2)in a whisper =in whispers =in a low voice 耳语地,低声地

【应用】 完成句子

(1)她探过身去附耳给他说了些什么。She leaned over and ____________something in his ear.

(2)他们坐在房间的后面低声谈话。They sat at the back of the room, _______ _____ _______.

6.(1)direct sb.to do sth. 指示(令)某人做某事; direct sb.to a place 告诉某人去某地

(2)direction n. 方向;方位;<常用复数>指点;指示;说明书

in the direction of... 朝„„方向 follow one’s directions遵循某人的指示

under the direction of... 在„„指导下 in all directions(=in every direction)朝四面八方

(3)directly adv.直接地,也可作连词,引导时间状语从句, 意为“一„„就„„”

【巧记】 After school, she went direct in the direction of the cinema to see the new film directed by Zhang Yimou. 放学后,她径直向电影院方向走去,去看张艺谋导演的新电影。

【应用】 完成句子


It’s only a small improvement but at least it’s a step _______ _______ right ____________.

(2) 老师一进来大家就安静了。_____________ the teacher came in,everyone was quiet.

(3)Charlie Chaplin wrote,________and produced the films he starred in.

A.directing B.direct C.directed D.having directed


1.badly off穷的; 缺少的

(1)be well off 境况很好;富裕 be better off 境况较好 be worse off 更穷的

(2)worse and worse 越来越坏;每况愈下 go from bad to worse 越来越坏;每况愈下 to make matters worse=(and)what is worse 而更糟糕的是

【应用】 (1)这所学校相当缺乏书和设备。

The school is rather__________ ________ for books and equipment.


I went to her home and found her living condition was_________ _________ ______ mine.


_______________________________,it began to rain while we were marching.

2.pick out挑出;辨别出

pick ______ 拿起;学到;用车接人/物;收听到;(身体)好转;加速;整理

【提示】 pick out接代词作宾语时,要把代词置于pick与out之间。pick out接名词作宾语时,名词可以置于pick和out之间或后面。

【应用】 完成句子


He _________ _____ some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris.

(2) 玛丽在商店里花了好长时间才挑中一件新衣服。

It took Mary a long time______ _______ _______ a new dress at the store.

(3) 尽管他和妹妹有20年没见了,可她一下飞机他就认出了她。 Although he had not seen his sister for twenty years,he ______ ______ _______ as soon as she got off the plane.

3.cut off切掉,割掉;分离,隔离(常跟from),中断 cut down 砍倒;削减

cut in 打断(谈话);插话;强行超车 cut out 删除;裁剪 cut up 切碎;使伤心

【应用】 用cut短语的适当形式填空

(1)He ______________ a small piece of bread and gave it to me.

(2)She kept ______________ on our conversation.

(3)The doctor told him to ______________on his drinking.【英语Book4单词录音】

(4)They first ______________ the tree, and then _______it ______ for firewood.

(5)You’d better _______________ the unimportant details in the article.

(6)The village was ______________ from the outside because of the earthquake happening three days ago.


1. 我不知道应该做什么才能使她相信我的真诚。

2. 在王老师的帮助下,我们终于战胜了这个困难。

3. 虽然当时我们家很穷,但圣诞节时父母总是设法送我们礼物。

4. 你可能觉得很惊讶,一个六岁的孩子能说三门外语。(it)

新版PEP小学英语Book4 Unit4 At a Farm A

Unit4 At a Farm A Let's talk

授课教师:覃陆西觯 教学年级:小学四年级下册

教材版本:人教课标版(PEP) 授课时间:40分钟


四年级学生年龄在十岁左右,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象,爱唱、爱跳、爱玩、善于模仿,敢于开口。 通过一至四年级上学期的学习,他们已经掌握了一些常用的问候语和对话,有了一定的词汇量,能听懂简单的课堂用语,能根据老师的指挥作出适当的回应。设计课堂活动的时候要有一定的思考性、趣味性,能带给他们一定的新鲜感,才能吸引他们的兴趣,才能使每个学生参与到课堂学习活动中,使整节课活起来。


本课教学内容为PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit 4 At a Farm A Let’s talk.它以farm 为单元主题,本课时所学内容是我们日常生活所吃的蔬菜。主要语言结构为:What are these?/What are those? /Are these/those...? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.以及相关单词:potato, tomato, onion, greenbeans, carrot.通过本节课的学习,学生基本能用:What are these? They’re.... Are these..? Yes, they are ./ No, they aren’t.等句型询问复数。为下一个课时Let’s read的学习作铺垫。

在教学内容的处理上,为了更好地贯穿整节课,本节内容增加了句型:“What’s this /that? It’s a/an... ;How many...?”要求学生能用运用句型询问实物和数量,拓展学生的语言综合运用能力。



(1) 巩固蔬菜的单词potato,tomato,onion, greenbeans.引入几个蔬菜新单词:

(2) 能够掌握三会句型:What are these? Are these...?及其简略回答。能结合实际情景运用句型。


(三)、情感目标: 通过多种情景的活动,培养学生的合作交流能力和健康的饮食习惯。


本课的重点是能“三会”询问蔬菜的句型What are these? They are... Are these...? Yes, they are .No, they aren’t.从而开展一系列的活动和任务。难点掌握these /those的发音及其运用中的区别。



①、上课前把课室布置成一个“Vegetable Farm” 情景复习蔬菜单词,把全班分成2小组(Farm A ,Farm B ),创设真实学习的情境



②、准备A 部分的单词卡片.




本课时的教学内容以情景教学为主线。整个教学过程都在真实的情景中学习知识,巩固知识,使用知识。学生真正成为学习的主人。上课前把课室布置成一个“Vegetable Farm” 情景复习蔬菜单词,把全班分成2小组(Farm A ,Farm B),创设真实学习的情境。在做Let’s do中充分利用“Vegetable Farm”这一情景,让各组学生对自己各小组名称有充分的认识,学生容易进入角色,并提起了学生对本课学习的兴趣。在新课呈现同时也利用“Vegetable Farm”这一情景引入新课。在巩固重点句型时设计了蔬菜卡游戏,创设新颖的,富有儿童情趣的情境,这样引导学生用眼睛去看,用耳朵去听,用心灵去体验,收到良好的效果。




Free talk

T: How are you today

Ss:We’re fine ,thanks.And you?

T: I’m fine,too.Thank you.

T: How old are you,S1?

S1: I’m 13.

T:How many students are there in your class?

S2: 45

T: What’s your name?

S3: My name is ... .

T: What’s the weather like today ?

Ss: It’s sunny today.

意图:Free talk帮助学生适应英语语感,自然而然地进入学习状态,又复习了旧知,营造一个轻松欢快的课堂气氛,拉近师生间的距离。

Spet2: Revision

复习水果apples, oranges, bananas, watermelons等,Let’s chant


2)Let’s do

T:Now look, they are your farms. There are many vegetables on the farm.How many vegetables are there at the farm now?

Ss: Four.

T:What are they ?

Ss:They are tomatoes/potatoes/carrots/ greenbeans.

OK, now, let’s fighting. And get lots of the vegetable seeds for the farm,ok? 2


3) 谜语

教师说谜语,引导学生用Are these…?来猜猜是什么蔬菜。

They are red. They look like apples, but they aren’t apples. What are they? They are long and green. What are they?

They are long and orange. Rabbits like eating them. What are they?

They are round, pink and white. What are they?

They are brown. French fries are made of them. What are they?

学生猜对了,教师回答Yes,they are.并拿出相应的单词卡片请学生拼读和单词操练;如果猜错了,教师回答No, they aren’t. 再请其他人猜, 直到猜对为止

意图:对 4个蔬菜单词作进一步的巩固练习。


(1)PPT引出本课的主人公sara 和Mike一起去农场。让学生带着问题去看课文视频。PPT:What are they talking about? 然后follow课文,T范读课文,学生齐读。 意图:1)播放录音2遍。



2)找一成绩好的学生和教师一起扮演对话,使用“Vegetable Farm” 教室情景表演Let’s talk的内容(教师做相应的动作让学生明白课文大意)。


(2)教授Are these.. ? Yes, they are ./No, they aren’t.教师打开自制课件,guessing game游戏操练句型。

意图:采用Chant 的形式巩固所学句型,既起到巩固的作用,又营造出轻松愉快的英语课堂气氛。

(3)Group work小组操练对话。

B: Welcome to my happy farm.


A: What are these?

B: They’re….

A: Are these …?

B: Yes, they are.


/No, they aren’t.



Group work(小组活动): Four students in a group, choose(选择) one picture and make a chant.

Step5: Consolidation

Fill in the blank.

I go to the farm.

I see many vegetables.

I can see They are orange and long.

I can see . They are orange,they look

I can see . They are so big.

We are very happy.

What a beautiful day!

Step 6 Homework


4 like apples.

Book4 Module5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges

Book4 Module5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges

Period1 Introduction and Reading


1. To learn some important words and phrases about tour and scenery

2. To find the clues about the writer’s journey.

3. To describe the scenery of the Three Gorges with the target languages .

预习案: 1. 完成大聚焦P98的延伸阅读和P99的知识再现。

2. 预习课本P41- 43完成P41Activity 1- 3及P43 Activity 3-5。



Finish Activity 3 on P 43

II: Careful reading :

Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. Peter Hessler and his colleague took boats because they could stop at the temples.

2. The words “two more” in the third paragraph refer to the Wu Gorge and the Xiling Gorge.

3. The home of Qu Yuan, the 3rd century BC poet, is located on the Daning River.

4. There were many more foreigners in the town of Fuling besides Peter Hessler.

5. The ships like the Jiangyou boat are mainly for goods and people who trade along the river.

6. They missed the scenery of the Qutang Gorge.


Retell the passage according to the text and fill in the blanks below.

检测案: 关上书,完成语法填空题(每空所填单词不能多于3个)。

In August 1996, Peter Hessler, a young American teacher of English, arrived in the town of Fuling 1._____ the Yangtze River. He and a colleague were 2._____ spend two years there

3.________ (teach)English at a teacher training college.

They were the only foreigners in the town. The first semester finished 4.____ the end of January and they had four weeks 5._____ for the Spring Festival. They could go 6.________ they wished. They decided to take a boat downstream.

During the Spring Festive in 1997 , Peter Hessler , a young American teacher , 7._______(go) on a trip along the Three Gorges 8._____ his colleague . The first day, they9.____ (leave) Fuling and sailed downstream . They traveled the first narrow Qutang Gorge , 10._______the river rushed through high mountains . The next morning , they went 11.________the Wu Gorge . Then they passed the Xiang River , home of Qu Yuan .12.____ they13. _______(come) out of the Xiling Gorge , they sailed into the 14.____________(construct) site of the dam . They 15.______(take) some pictures there . They saw the Chinese flag 16.________(blow) in the wind . There was a large sign , which said ,"Build the Three Gorges Dam, Exploit the Yangtze River ."

Period2 Language Points


1. To master the usages of the important words and phrases in the passage.

2. To put the language points into use.

3. To be able to use the key points to describe the scenery .

预习案: 1. 预习并完成大聚P99--101 的典例迁移部分。

2. 预习课文,勾画出新单词、新短语及自己不理解的单词、短语或句子。


1.He and a colleague were to spend two years there teaching English at a teacher training college .


2.They are mainly for goods and people trading along the river .


3.We could see the sun setting behind the white pagoda .


4.The gorge narrows to 350 feet as the river rushes through the two-mile-high mountains .


5.“Oh , well ,” , my friend said , “at least we have two more left .”


6.The next day we went through the big Gorges on the Yangtze River


7.Every rock looked like a person or animal , every stream that joined the great river carried its

legends , every hill was heavy with the past .


8.On a distant mountain was a sign in 20-foot characters .


9.“Build the Three Gorges Dam, Exploit the Yangtze River ,” it said .

________________________________________________________________________________ 检测案:将下列句子汉翻英。

1. 河道在这里变窄了。(narrow)


2. 到那里你至少要花20分钟。(at least )


3. 不要站在水边, 那儿很危险。(at the edge of )


4. 这里的一草一木都有许多动人的故事。(be heavy with)


5. 现在中国与世界上大多数国家进行贸易。(trade )


6. 这个男孩每天看着日落,梦想有朝一日能飞到太阳上去。

The boy ______________ the sun _______________ , _____________ ___________ flying to the sun someday.

7. 很多游客喜欢乘竹筏游览三峡。

Many passengers like to __________ ____________ _____________ to tour the Three Gorges Dam .

8. 禁止学生进网吧玩游戏。

The children couldn’t find their ___________ _________ ________ the mountain .

9. 他指着那张画说那是一件稀有的艺术珍品。(point at )


10. 峨眉山有着丰厚的传统文化底蕴。(be heavy with )【英语Book4单词录音】


Period3 Listening and Speaking


1. To enable the students to practice their listening ability.

2. To enable the students to learn how to grasp the important information.

预习案: 预习听力材料中出现的新单词或短语并能准确发音。

探究案:1. 听听力材料完成Activity 1 & 2 on P45

2. 听录音填空。

(TO=tourist , TA = travel agent )

TO:I’m interested in 1.___________ a classic Three Gorges cruise . Can you tell me something about the boats ?

TA: Yes , certainly . They’re big 2__________ boats , and they all have professional English-speaking directors . You can choose between western and Chinese cuisine .

TO: Right . What about on-board 3_____________ ?

TA:Well,first of all there’s the welcome party . The captain lets passengers use his cabin for that .

TO:That sounds fun ....

TA: Then there are three lectures every evening 4 ______ history and culture -- but you don’t have to go to them , of course .

TO:Good , I’m glad they’re not compulsory . What about other entertainment ?

TA: Well , there’s an on-board disco every night .

TO: Great. And are there any 5____________ Chinese activities ?

TA:Yes , there are . You can do Tai Chi and kite flying , and you can even learn some Chinese .

TO:What about 6______________ in the Yangtze ?

TA; No, swimming from the boat is forbidden . It’s too dangerous .

TO: Oh , I see . Are there any other 7___________I should know /

TA:There aren’t a lot of rules . But the boats are non-smoking --so you’re 8_________________smoke anywhere except in your cabin and in the smoking lounge .

TO: I see.

TA: And passengers are required to take their passports with them 9____________________ they go on shore .

TO:Yes , of course . And we’re allowed to 10 ____________________ the dam ?

TA:Oh yes , there’s no problem about that .

Period4 Cultural Corner and Writing


1. To learn some important words ,phrases and sentence patterns .

2. To try to read the passage fluently and understand it better.

3. To write a passage similar to the passage in the Writing part.

预习案:1. 预习并完成大聚焦P106- 107的典例迁移部分。

2. 预习课文,勾画出新单词、新短语及自己不理解的单词、短语或句子。


1. What does writer like doing when he travels ?


2. Where is the writer from ?


3. On what condition does he stick a pin in the map ?

4. What does he take with him wherever he goes ?

5. What is the writer’s favorite place in Europe according to the text?

Period5 Revision


In the United States , there were 222 people 1___________(report ) to be billionaires(亿万富翁) in 2003 .The 2 ___________(rich ) of these is Bill Gates , worth at least $ 41 billion , who made his

money 3 __________ starting the company Microsoft . Mr Gates was only 21 years old 4_________ he first helped to set up the company in 1976. He was a billionaire 6 _______ the time he was 31 . 5 __________, there are still some other people who have made lots of money at even 7________

(young ) ages . Other young people who have struck it rich include Jackie Coogan and Shirley Temple . 8_____________ of these child actors made over a million dollars 9 ______________ (act ) in movies before they were 14. But 10___________ youngest billionaire is Albert Von Thurnund Taxis of

Germany , who , in 2001 , inherited (继承) a billion dollars when he turned 18!

二、短语回顾 : 将下列短语英汉互译。

1. 在..... 的边缘____________________ 8. be heavy with ___________________

2. 被 .... 包围_______________________ 9. rip off _____________________

3. 至少____________________________ 10. get a kick out of _________________

4. 休假, 不上班_____________________ 11. in the distance _________________

5. 上车,进展,相处_______________________ 12. take photos of ____________________

6. 穿过,通过,经历, 仔细查看____________________13. all the way ____________________

7. 利用____________________________ 14. ride bamboo rafts ________________

三、知识点运用 将下列句子汉翻英。

1. 上星期天当太阳落山时,我们的船驶进了江都港。(set , dock )

2. 船只不可以到长江的上游, 那太危险了。(dangerous )

3. 我同学说:“你不应该乘火车,那样太拥挤了。”(crowded )

4. 我们都知道,太阳从东边升起,从西边落下。(rise , set )

5. 在施工现场,记者遇到了那个负责的经理。(construction site , in charge )

6. 海边住着一位老渔夫。(用完全倒装句型)

7. 我从滑雪中得到乐趣。 (get a kick out of )

Book4 Module2 Traffic Jam

Book4 Module2 Traffic Jam

Period1 Introduction and Reading


1. To learn some new words about vehicles and travelling by heart.

2. To master the main idea of the passage and be familiar with details in the passage.

3. To gain the ability to choose the best means of transport in Beijing at different time.


1. 完成大聚焦P70-71的知识再现部分。

2. 预习课本P11-13,完成P11 Activity 1及P13 Activity 3。



(1). Who might find the information most useful?

A. the tourists to Beijing B. the tourists to China

C. the engineers to Beijing D. the businessmen to Beijing

(2). How many transports are mentioned in the text?

A. One B. Four C. Six D. Eight

(3). Which transport can you take if you want to explore the narrow alleys of old


A. Buses B. Undergrounds C. pedicabs D. minibuses

(4). In Beijing,the underground is opened from ____ to _____.

A. 3:00am;8:00pm B. 5:00am;11:00pm

C. 3:00am;11:00pm D. 5:00am;8:00pm


1. Finish Activity 2 on P13.

3. Post-reading

Retell the passage according to the chart as well as the questions above.



There ________ (be) 20,000 buses and trolleybuses in Beijing, but they can get very crowded. ________ (fare) are cheap, starting at I yuan. Air-conditioned buses cost more.

Tourists shouldn’t miss the 103 bus ________ offers one of the most impressive routes, past the Forbidden City and the White Pagoda. If you go on a double-decker bus, make sure you sit upstairs. You’ll have ________ good view of the rapidly changing city.

Most buses run from about 5:00 am to midnight. ________, there is also a night bus service, ________ (provide) by buses with a number in the 200s.

There are four underground lines in Beijing, and several lines are ________

construction. Trains are fast and ________ (convenience), but rush hours can be terrible.

You should talk to the driver, and make sure you know the price ________ you begin thee journey, for example, if it is per person, single or return. Tricycles are worth ________ (use) if you want to explore the narrow alleys (hutong) of old Beijing.

Period2 Language Points


1. To master the useages of the important words and phrases in the passage.

2. To put the language points into use.

3. To be able to use the key points to express the preference for vehicles.


1. 预习并完成大聚焦P71-74的典例迁移部分。

2. 预习课文,勾画出新单词、新短语及自己不理解的单词、短语或句子。



1. Simply raise your hand, and a taxi appears in no time.


2. It’s a good idea to avoid public transport during the rush hour.

_______________________________________________________ 3. Fares are cheap, starting at 1 yuan.


4. Buses numbered 1 to 100 are limited to travel within the city centre.


5. Tourists shouldn’t miss the 103 bus which offers one of the most impressive

routes, past the Forbidden City and the White Pagoda.


6. However, there is also a night bus service, provided by buses with a number in the 200s.


7. Minibuses with seats for 12 passengers offer an alternative to expensive taxi and crowded public transport in some areas.




1.我的祖父年事已高,不再到处走动了。(get around )


2.水坝在建设中。(under construction )


3.这本书值得一读。(be worth doing/be worthy to be done/be worthy of being done)


4.那你一定能从那儿看到很好的城市景观。(have a good view of )


5.对于我们来说乘公交车去市中心是很方便的。(It is +adj.+for sb. to do sth.) _________________________________________________________________

6.他所说的话给我留下了深刻的印象。(make/leave an/a +adj.impression on) _________________________________________________________________



Period3 Listening and Speaking


1. To enable the students to practice their listening ability.

2. To enable the students to learn how to grasp the important information.





Speaker 1

On my way home a few days ago, I ______ ______ again in the traffic. While I was waiting, I saw a group of taxi drivers ______ ______ ______ me getting out of their cars. They seemed to know each other. They had coffee cups and one of them carried a thermos flask and poured out some hot water to make tea. It was quite ______! But even after the tea party was over, the traffic was still jammed and we still couldn’t ______.

Speaker 2

A few weeks ago I had to ______ a plane to Sichuan Province. The plane took off at 5:30 so I ______ ______ at 2:30 pm to allow plenty of time to get to the airport. But it wasn’t enough time. At 5 pm I was still only at the third ______ ______. It was just ridiculous! There was _______ ______ I was going to catch the plane, so I told the taxi driver to turn back and go home.

Speaker 3

It’s only 7 kilometers from my home to my place of work. But every day, it is almost ______there will be a ______ ______ as I get near the west fourth ring road. It’s so annoying! It takes ______ ______ 15 to 20 minutes to get through it. I think the traffic jams are usually caused by people disobeying _______ ______. To get to the front line, they often take the bicycle lane. It’s the same with pedestrians and cyclists. They don’t ______ ______ the green light to pass.

Speaker 4

Beijing traffic seems to have got noticeably worse ________. The causes seem to be ________ as the city prepares for the Olympics, and a huge increase in new car owners and new drivers. Whatever the cause, it’s enough to drive you mad! Why not limit the number of cars, build more underground lines or follow Shanghai and build roads in the sky? Thse days I only go out in my car at night after 9 pm. That way I ______ the worst of the traffic.

Speaker 5

Going to the Summer Palace the other evening there was a big traffic jam at a ________ bridge, one lane in either direction. So obviously there were lots of cars overtaking on the wrong side of the road which then ______ ___ ___ ________ ______when a car came in the other direction. Result: no one was able to move for 10 minutes! As soon as it cleared the same thing happened again. It’s unbelievable!

Period4 Cultural Corner and Writing


1. To learn some important words and phrases.

2. To try to read the passage fluently and understand it better.

3. To write a passage similar to the passage in the Writing part.


1. 预习并完成大聚焦P75-77的典例迁移部分。

2. 预习课文,勾画出新单词、新短语及自己不理解的单词、短语或句子。 探究案:


1. Which city is the USA’s most congested city?


2. What is a congestion charge?


3. How much does the driver pay if they want to come into the city center?


4. Why are the most Londoners not happy with this ?


5. Does the congestion charge work?


6. Why do a few people think the charge should be much higher?



模仿Cutural Corner和 Writing部分的两篇文章,先谈谈你家乡交通拥堵的问题,然后再提出你解决方案,词数在100 词左右。


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