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2016-01-15 10:56:13 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

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We always think it’s never too late. But the reality is not always like that. Life is made up of lots of regrets. When you finally have to face the death, you will find it that in your life, there are too many things worth trying, but you just missed them cruelly. I’m thinking about those things because of the film: the Bucket List I saw in the class with my classmates. The two men with completely different positions, experiences, characters, beliefs, finally had intersections in the last months of their lives. And they went to finish their “bucket list” together. However, as the wishes on the list being crossed out one by one, there were more wishes to be added to it. The last few months in their life made Carter and Edward truly understood the meanings of life. They used the insights and humors given by the time to make their lives complete. And at the same time, they also discovered the true selves which had always been hidden. At the end of the film, their ashes were placed - on top of the mountain which is close to God's place! This may be the best ending.

When I was in my childhood, I usually chatted with my friends talking about many interesting or great things that I want to do. But in the following days, I always found different kinds of excuses for not trying to do those I want to. I always talked to myself that I’m too busy to do them, thinking it’s never too late. However, when you finally decide to do all these things, you couldn’t find the initial enthusiasm and yearning you ever had and everything has changed. In fact, what we want is really little. Maybe we can not do bungee jumping in the air, racing or visiting the pyramids just as Carter and Edward did in the film, but we can still finish the simple dreams from the bottom of our hearts.

My dear friends: don’t hold the view that it’s never too late to do anything; don’t be fettered by reality. Hurry up! Make your own “bucket list”, and just do what you always want to do. Everyone, take action right now!



民商法学院2012级7班 2012011348 余玮娜








我忽然想,如果我的生命只剩下最后六个月,我想要做的是什么?是每天准时上班准时下班,绞尽脑汁想着办公室里的那些尔虞我诈,还是找时间陪着爸爸妈妈说说话,带孩子去江滨公园放风筝,然后去那些想了无数遍的地方去旅行?我想,也许我还会找到那些久不联系的大学舍友,给她们打一个电话,问一下她们过的好不好,她们的孩子是否都可爱一如当年的她们。但这些事情,为什么我平时却总是抽不出时间做呢?因为,我总觉得我的生命还很漫长,我有足够的时间来做那些重要的事情,然后生命就这样一天一天的流过去了。 也许,我们应该换一个角度来看待我们的生活。也许,我们应该用最后六个月的眼光来重新审视自己的生活。是否,我们过着的是我们需要的生活?我们是否都在为自己活着。那些我们曾经想做或者现在仍然想做的事情,是否我们都一一做了?这个问题,有多少人可以给自己一个满意的答案?把看似漫长的生命看成短暂的有限的,也许我们会发现生命里真正重要的事情。


In the movie 《The Bucket List》,two old man with incurable disease travelled around the world together,performed skydiving,and achieved many dreams that had just been dreams once during the last few months of their lives. It was not a simple journey,but also a challenge to life. Because maybe their life would have to stop in a certain time and a certain place far away from home. However,they marched on happily and bravely. In the last few months of their lives,they chose to start off instead of trying to struggle another few months in hospital. It’s obviously that they didn’t want to feel regret for their life. The black man Carter said to his wife that he had lived all of his life for his family,which was contrary to his initial dream,therefore,he desired to live just for hinself in the end of his life.

It made me think of myself. What if my life had only six months?What do I really want to do?To go to work on time every day,intriguing against each other;to spare more time chatting with my parents;to fly a kite in the park with my kids. Probably I would contact my roomates,asking whether they lived happily or not,and whether or not their kids were lovely taking after them. But why didn’t I do them in my daily life?It’s because that I had an inherent idea that it’s still a long way to go before my life come to the end,and I have enough time to do the things I considered important. Hence,the precious days fly away unconsciously.

Maybe we should treat our life with another attitude. Maybe we should inspect our own lives again with a view that there are only six months left. Are you living the life you dreamed of?Do you live for yourself?Have you finished doing the things you desperately want to do when you are young?How many people can give themselves a satisfactory answer to these questions?Maybe we will find the most improtant thing in our life only when we regard the endless life as short and limited.

Have you found joy in your life?Has your life brought joy to others?I quote the two sentences from 《The Bucket List》movie lines to reflect on myself. Just as the classic lines of the movie “our lives are streams,flowing into the same river,towards whatever haven lies in the mist beyond the falls. Find the joy in your life,my dear friend,close your eyes,and let the waters take you home. ”,I will make effort to be an optimistic person with brilliant smile and caring,and do many meaningful things. Hopefully,whenever I have to face the termination of my life,I won’t have a lifelong regret.










时候没有真真的好好对待自己吗?爱德华选择从商,他从来没有失败过;卡特虽然为了家庭而放弃了自己的理想——成为历史教授,但至少那时他选择了自己觉得应该真确的抉择,如果他当时选择继续攻读历史,那么他现在或许会有另一番的遗憾。世事无常,总有遗憾。好好珍惜现在这么简单的一个道理怎么会愚倒一片众生呢?作者要说的并不在此。事物在发展,但是是变化的发展,没人清楚它最后会发展成什么,就像自然不曾想过会创造人类,只有到了完成阶段,才会知道到底遗憾什么,幸福什么。如此一来,珍惜现在是重要,但更为重要的是要有勇气去除自己的遗憾(很多人到死时才有觉悟去完成遗愿),就是在自己死前那短暂却又实在的时间里完成自己的遗憾。毕竟你无法预料将来,无法世事随意,无法避免遗憾。作者所要说的就是尽力完成。 关于影片结构,有这样的评论:影片给人的感觉既好像是一部加长版的电影预告片,而且结尾处有着明显的缺陷。——《今日美国》显然这种说法是十分对的,但也有片面性。高度的思想内涵已经超越了电影本身结构所能给观众带来的心灵上的巨大感受。

Carter Chambers: You measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you.

卡特•钱伯斯:你权衡自己的方式,是通过那些被你权衡的人来完成的。 Edward Cole: We live, we die, and the wheels on the bus go round and round.


Edward Cole: Do you hate me?

Carter Chambers: Not yet.



Edward Cole: Just because I told you my story, does not invite you to be a part of it!


Thomas: I'm proud of you.

Edward Cole: Nobody cares what you think.



Edward Cole: I want my own room.

Thomas: You run hospitals, not health spas. Two beds to a room, no exceptions.


托马斯:这是医院,不是健康疗养院,一个房间两张床,没有例外。 Thomas: What the hell are you doing here?

Carter Chambers: Fighting for my life. You?



Carter Chambers: You once said you're not everyone. Well, that's true. You're certainly not everyone. But everyone is everyone. 卡特•钱伯斯:你曾经说你不是普通人。哦,的确。你当然不是普通人.但每一个人都是凡人



Bucket List

1.What is the movie about?

The Bucket List is sentimental but it's not so phony .And the simple information is about how Edward and Carter who are two terminal cancer sufferers face the facts the cancer brings and how they spent their final lives.The movie talks about the value of life、faith、and belief and it is directed to tell us that live with a positive attitude and help others who need as possible as you can. Certainly it is also about the theme that if you want to do something, it’s never late to do.

There are many kinds of possible life.The whites have a lot of money, status but no one love him .The black man lost his first decent job for the responsibility .but He has a wife who love him very much 、three children whom is proud of by he and a happy warm family. I think the black man’s life is a true happiness life. 2.What do you think of the white man ,Edward?

He is selfish,he likes money and joyful.he has a lot of money, status but no one love him . 3.What do you think of the black man ,Carter?

He is kind,wanted to help others.He is proud of his children. The black man lost his first decent job for the responsibility .but He has a wife who love him very much 、three children whom is proud of by he and a happy warm family. I think the black man’s life is a true happiness life.

4.What do you think of the black man’s wife?

She loves her family very much.she is a Luck and happiness women Because of the black man’s love .

5.What do you think of the white man’s family life?

Uncomfortable,for he married four times.He loves his daughter in his own way,but his daughter feels burden.The house is his house,but the family is not his family.House means the room,but the family means relationship.His life is in mess and can’t get warm from his family.

6.What do you think of the black man’s family?

The black man’s family is warm and full of love.Let others feel comfortable and peaceful.

7.What do you think of the meaning of life after watching the movie?

Joy is a kind of feeling and find joy is our life.We can’t change the fact,just don’t refuse,and open our hearts,don’t think much about that.Just thought the nice things.Try to forget the bad things,open the heart and be peaceful.If you have something to do,don’t hesitate to much,just to do it and never be late.Find the joy in your life and help more people if you can.

8.What do you think of “close eyes,open heart”? 9.What do you think of family responsibility?

family responsibility is To work for the family life better、their children to school.Responsibility is of great significance to the family, it

can be said that means all of the family. It's hard to imagine a man without sense of responsibility will make family harmony and happiness.Responsibility is the business of both sides of husband and wife, need to trust each other, each other is responsible for .Responsibility is relative, in the emphasis on responsibility at the same time, give each other their own space, is not harsh.


1.What do you think of the boy?

The boy don’t know how to refuse others.But it’s a kind of ability.With the help of his grandpa,he became brave instead of shy.

He is always feat to do anything.For example,when his mother let him give the eggs back to July.He said yes but thrown them away instead.The ways he solved the problems were refuse,and couldn’t solve them directly.

He can’t face the problems directly.When he find himself loved the girl,he always hided his feelings and didn’t want others to know.And he can’t say the real thoughts of himself,and just thought in his heart.

2.What do you think of the girl?

The girl is considerate and optimistic.

She loved the bright eyes of the boy.And loved the boy in her own way. Everything in her eyes always has good aspect.She is kind and considerate.She was brave and insistence,to insistent her dreams.And she could expand perspiration to make her dreams come true .

3.What do you think of their relationship?

4.What do you think of the girl’s father?

He is a good painter and can use the really things to teach his daughter .He said that only a sky or a grass or a cow can’t looked so beautiful,but if combine them together,it turns out to be a beautiful picture.And so do the person.Just look the whole aspects of him,don’t just be attracted by one thing,like his eyes.And the whole being greater then the sum of its parts.He treated his brother very well.Although he was not rich,but he always tried his best to let him got the best treatment.And the reason he did like this was just his responsibility.

5.What do you think of the girl’s family?

It is a family which is full of love and understanding.The have a very transparent way to solve the problems.And the parents loved their

children from the details of the life.Her parents taught them how to solve and face the problems.They encourage them to speak out and don’t hide it in the heart.

6.What do you think of the girl’s brother?

7.What do you think of the boy’s father?

He looks down upon others,and impolite to his father-in-law.And he always try to control his family members’ ideas.He always played a fun on the girl’s family.And actually he is a coward.And can’t face the fact.


The girl send eggs to the boy’s family is just want to thanked the them.For sometimes the boy’s mother rode the girl’s mother back.But the boy’s family were afraid that the eggs were dirty.And let the boy sent back.And the boy was refuse to do anything and the way he solved the problems were just escaped.So he chose to throw the eggs away to achieve the task which his family gived him.


Temple Grandin

1.What do you think of Temple?/What do you think of Temple’s success? God is fair, when he created after everyone, he would give people on the road to happiness. Like tianbao autistic let her can't very good to communicate with people, but gave him a look at the world unique different point of view.No matter who you are, we should try to struggle and insist on.

2.What do you think of Temple’s mother?/What do you think of the nature teacher?/What do you think of Temple’s experiences of her first degree? The effects of education on one is .The effects of education on people is very large.This video, let me see the greatness of a mother's teacher’s love. There would be no tempo without tianbao mother's achievement. His mother's perseverance, hard work and dedication, let I was moved.Education should not be prejudiced. As teachers we should accomplish fair, justice.


Bucket List The Bucket List is sentimental but it's not so phony .And the simple information is about how Edward and Carter who are two terminal cancer sufferers face the facts the cancer brings and how they spent their final lives.The movie talks about the value of life、faith、and belief and it is directed to tell us that live with a positive attitude and help others who need as possible as you can. Certainly it is also about the theme that if you want to do something, it’s never late to do. He is selfish,he likes money and joyful. He is kind,wanted to help others.He is proud of his children.

4.She loves her family very much.


Uncomfortable,for he married four times.He loves his daughter in his own way,but his daughter feels burden.The house is his house,but the family is not his family.House means the room,but the family means relationship.His life is in mess and can’t get warm from his family.

6.The black man’s family is warm and full of love.Let others feel comfortable and peaceful. Joy is a kind of feeling and find joy is our life.We can’t change the fact,just don’t refuse,and open our hearts,don’t think much about that.Just thought the nice things.Try to forget the bad things,open the heart and be peaceful.

If you have something to do,don’t hesitate to much,just to do it and never be late. Find the joy in your life and help more people if you can.


Flipped The boy don’t know how to refuse others.But it’s a kind of ability.With the help of his grandpa,he became brave instead of shy.

He is always feat to do anything.For example,when his mother let him give the eggs back to July.He said yes but thrown them away instead.The ways he solved the problems were refuse,and couldn’t solve them directly.

He can’t face the problems directly.When he find himself loved the girl,he always hided his feelings and didn’t want others to know.And he can’t say the real thoughts of himself,and just thought in his heart.

The girl is considerate and optimistic.

She loved the bright eyes of the boy.And loved the boy in her own way.

Everything in her eyes always has good aspect.She is kind and considerate.

She was brave and insistence,to insistent her dreams.And she could expand perspiration to make her dreams come true . He is a good painter and can use the really things to teach his daughter .He said that only a sky or a grass or a cow can’t looked so beautiful,but if combine them together,it turns out to be a beautiful picture.And so do the person.Just look the whole aspects of him,don’t just be attracted by one thing,like his eyes.And the whole being greater then the sum of its parts.

He treated his brother very well.Although he was not rich,but he always tried his best to let him got the best treatment.And the reason he did like this was just his responsibility.


It is a family which is full of love and understanding.The have a very transparent way to solve the problems.And the parents loved their children from the details of the life. Her parents taught them how to solve and face the problems.They encourage them to speak out and don’t hide it in the heart.



He looks down upon others,and impolite to his father-in-law.And he always try to control his family members’ ideas.

He always played a fun on the girl’s family.And actually he is a coward.And can’t face the fact.

8.The girl send eggs to the boy’s family is just want to thanked the them.For sometimes the boy’s mother rode the girl’s mother back.But the boy’s family were afraid that the eggs were dirty.And let the boy sent back.And the boy was refuse to do anything and the way he solved the problems were just escaped.So he chose to throw the eggs away to achieve the task which his family gived him.


Temple Grandin





爱德华和卡特,影片的主角,他们相遇的地点似乎有些尴尬:正是在这样充斥着死亡暗示的病房。尽管他们的生活迥异:一个是白手起家的亿万富翁,一个是默默在车下干了四十五年的汽车修理工,命运在他们面前却是同样的吝啬。也许,令人恐惧的不是死亡本身,而是死亡带走的人的体验。所以,他们决定在自己有生之年做完自己遗愿清单上的事情。于是,故事开始了;于是,生命又变得鲜活温热,告别了冷冰的手术台与日夜不断的绝望。虽然卡特的妻子竭力阻止,但是他们还是踏上旅程。 他们俩开始环游世界,高空跳伞,赛车,金字塔,非洲打猎,攀登喜马拉雅山。路途中,两人交心的谈论了自己家庭的问题。当年,艾德华发现了他女儿被丈夫虐待,所以他派了一些人去好好地“招呼”她女儿的丈夫。艾德华的女儿知道以后就与她爸爸脱离关系。艾德华一向对此事非常伤心。 后来,为了答谢艾德华,卡特私下地与艾德华的助理协定,在回到美国的时候帮艾德华与他的女儿修补关系。但是,艾德华没有勇气面对他的女儿,所以他一时发难,离开卡特。卡特就这样地返家,与妻子和家人快快乐乐地重聚,爱德华孤零零的一个人在办公室哭泣。 然而,快乐的时间非常短暂,卡特的癌细胞很快就扩散到了脑部,不幸手术失败,他临终前叮嘱爱德华一定要找到自己的幸福。爱德华最后找到了自己的女儿,并亲吻了世界上最美丽的女孩:他的外孙女。爱德华参加了卡特的葬礼,并且告诉来参加的葬礼的人:他拯救了我的生命,他比我更早知道了生命的真正涵义。

故事的最后,随着他们的骨灰葬在了喜马拉雅山上,最后一项遗愿也完成,此生因此而圆满。 “死是一件无须乎着急去做的事,是一件无论怎样耽搁也不会错过了的事,一个必然会降临的节日。”悠扬的音乐响起,有生之年,能完成自己想做的所有事,死变得多么神圣而庄严,宛若漫漫撒落的无声大雪,一如偶尔邂逅的纯白蒲公英。 我以为,死亡本身不可怕,可怕的是我们面对死亡变得消极厌世,肆意挥霍剩余不多的日子。也许我们都

应该像片中的爱德华与卡特一样,即使明白剩余日子不多,也应该保持乐观的心态,正如卡特告诉爱德华关于麝香猫咖啡是他们笑到流下眼泪。因为离死亡太过遥远,空虚成了常态,迷茫成了主流,似乎不迷茫不空虚就不算是真正的青春。记得备战高考时有人说过,考场中最缺少的便是“阳刚”作文,多的是吟诵风月辞藻华美却没有实质内容的作文。我以为这正反映了中国青年人的现状,相比于长辈,我们缺少的是阳光健康的心灵。 也许,把每天都当成生命的最后一天,我们才会记起自己的初衷,才会放下所谓的“明媚的忧伤”,才不会因为小事选择跳楼。 毕竟,我们所挥霍的今天,正是昨天死去的人所奢望的明天;我们所虚度的现在,是未来的自己回不去的曾今。









《遗愿清单影评 中英对照 原创》

遗愿清单 影评


人生,就是由一个遗憾、再加一个遗憾,一个一个的组合而成的,当你最终即将面对死亡时, 就会发现这一生中,有太多值得尝试的事情,却被你无情地错过了.

把所经营上,经营的汽车房、医院、公司……经营的家庭、学业,周遭的关系网……当忙碌在,日夜不停的忙碌,忘记了的流淌,忘记了岁月在不知不觉中增长了许多的年轮。的脚步总是匆忙的,像敢死队一样的冲着,勇往直前……直到有一天,满头的黑发浸染成银白,开始一根根脱落;发黄的牙齿被磨得参差不齐,开始慢慢松动掉下;明亮的眸子开始泛白,模糊得要靠触觉判断。或者是有一天突如其来的绝症挡在面前……才开始不知所措,才会慢慢地一点一点停下,也放下挣扎,开始去回想走过的人生轨迹,或享受或追悔,也才会去反复 地地去思考的一生走过的路。


Grab the last second of your life---the review of «the bucket list»

In the movie «the bucket list», when Edward accidentally picked up the list Carter threw onto the floor, it suddenly struck him that this was the last chance for him to enjoy life. So why not to make the list true? The two lonely old men got to know each other while they were on their joyful way.

Life is made up of one pity after another. When you are faced with death eventually, you will discover that there are so many things that are worth trying in your life, but you have missed them without a second thought.

We are always busy, day after day, busy running our companies, hotels, hospitals. We move forward, with our eyes fixed on our goals. Time flies even though we don’t realize it. Until one day, our black hair turns to white and falls, our eyesight begins to fail, and cancer gets into our way. Not until these events happen would we learn to slow down our busy steps, to recall our life trace, to enjoy or regret, and to think of the path we go across.

We ought to think of how to live our life seriously. When we are healthy and young, why can’t we just regard ourselves as creatures living on this planet? Why can’t we cherish what nature brings us, and fully enjoy the freedom and happiness life brings about. There are plenty of creatures coming to this world with the mission of living happily. They live to discover joy, and die after they have witnessed the cheerfulness of life. So are we. When so many people sacrifice their life without hesitation for money or power, have they ever wondered why they came to this world?

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