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导读: 呆在家很无聊的句子(共4篇)8A unit 3Unit 3重要知识点Comic strip:1 be going to +动词原形,一般将来时,表示打算或计划做某事。be随句子主语的人称和数量变化而变化。e g We’re going to buy a new TV tomorrow He is giong to play...

篇一:《8A unit 3》

Unit 3重要知识点

Comic strip:

1. be going to +动词原形,一般将来时,表示打算或计划做某事。be随句子主语的人称和数量变化而变化。

e.g. We’re going to buy a new TV tomorrow.

He is giong to play football with his friends this Sunday.

2. exercise 意为“锻炼、训练、练习”

(1)做动词:You don’t exercise enough.

(2) 做名词:作“练习”和“早操”讲,是可数名词

e.g. If you want to improve your English, you must do more exercises. They do morning exercises every morning.

3. need 意为“需要”,可作实义动词和情态动词

(1)实义动词:need + 名词/动词不定式

e.g. I need much more money.

You’re too fat, you need to exercise.

need + v.ing形式时表示被动意义

e.g. The flowers need watering.

Your clothes need washing.

(2) need 做情态动词时,不能单独作谓语, 只能和其他动词原形构成谓语; 在句中放在谓语动词之前, 谓语动词前若有助动词,则在助动词之前;疑问句中, 则在主语之前。 多用在否定句或疑问句中; 无人称和数的变化; 否定式构成是在后面加 "not"。 e.g. You need not attend the meeting tomorrow.

You didn't need to tell him the news; it just made him sad.

needn't + have + 过去分词 表示“过去做了没必要做的事情。 ”

You needn't have taken it seriously.


keep fit 保持健康,keep此处用作连系动词,意为“保持”,fit形容词,与healthy同义。

4. come on 的用法


Come on, Lucy. Don’t be so shy.

Come on, you can do it .

(2) 用来催促别人快走/做…时,意为“快点”,如:

Come on, it’s getting dark.

Come on, Mr Wang is waiting.

(3) 用来表示责备和不耐烦,意为“得了吧,行了,够了”,如:

Come on, don’t sit there dreaming.

(4) 用于体育竞赛等场合激励队友时,意为“加油”,如:

Come on, Come on,!


Come on, I’m not afraid of you.

5. enjoy onesflf 意为“玩的开心”,相当于have a good/great/wonderful time 或者have fun. onesflf是反身代词,它包括ourselves我们自己;yourself你自己;yourselves你们自己;themselves他/它/她们自己;itself它自己;himself他自己;herself她自己;myself我自己

e.g. They enjoyed themselves during the holiday.

拓展:enjoy sth./doing sth.,相当于like

e.g. My little sister enjoys reading picture books.

Welcome to the unit:

6. take a boat trip 意为“乘船旅行”。常用词组take a bus/taxi/plane to someplace





7. take care 意为“保重”或者“小心”

e.g. Take care not to hurt yourself.

拓展:take care of = look after

8. We are sitting in a little coffee shop by the River Seine.


By 此处用作介词,意为“在„„旁边,靠近”。

My house is by the river. 我家在河边。

9. be made of 意为“由…制成”,强调从成品中可以看得出原材料。

e.g. The desk is made of wood. 桌子由木头制成。

be made from 也是“由…制成”的意思,强调从成品中看不出原材料。

e.g. Paper is made from wood. 纸是由木头制成的。

拓展:be made in “由…制造”,强调产地呆在家很无聊的句子

e.g. This kind of machine is made in China.

be made by “被…(人)制造”,说明制造者是谁

e.g. This ship is made by the workers.





You like music, don’t you?

She isn’t going to buy a book, is she? No, she isn’t. 是的,她不打算买。

They won’t join us, will they?


10. weigh是动词,不及物动词,意为“重„„”


He wants to weigh the cotton.

I weighed myself just now. 刚才我称体重了。

Weight名词,意为“重量”。My weight is 150 pounds. 我的体重是150磅。


11. I’m doing fine here. 我在这里过得挺好。



12. invite sb. to do sth. 意为“邀请某人做某事”

e.g. I invited him to join our club.

Invite sb. to sp. 意为“邀请某人去某地”

e.g. Amy invited me to her birthday party.

13. join 意为“加入、参加”,表示加入某个组织、党派或社会团体从而成为其成员。 e.g. join the pioneer 加入少先队 join the army 参军

join in 也是“加入、参加”,多指参加比赛或活动

e.g. Why didn’t you join in the talk last night?

14. beginning 意为“开始、开端、起点”。 from beginning to end 自始至终

at the beginning = at first “起初,开始”,反义词组为at the end

at the beginning of…在…的初期 e.g. at the beginning of April 四月初

15.shining是动词shine的现在分词,shine, shone, shone在此处用作不及物动词,意为“照耀,发光”,shiny是shine的形容词形式,意为“光亮的,闪闪发光的”。

16. “It’s +adj. +动词不定式”句型,意为“做某事是…”

e.g. It's boring to stay at home. 呆在家很无聊。


To stay at home is boring.

It takes (sb.) some time to do sth.意为“花费某人多少时间去做某事”,这里的it作形式

主语,真正的主语是to do sth.

e.g. It takes me half an hour to walk to school every day.

17. arrive at 意为“到达”,arrive at +小地点(如村、镇、车站等)

arrive in 也是“到达”,arrive in +大地点(如国家、大城市等)


式,后者较口语化。两者之后均不可直接加宾语,但可接here, there, home之

类表地点的副词作状语。e.g. We got/ arrived here last night.

要表示“到达某地”,arrive要借助介词in或者at;而get其后需接介词to, e.g. When we got to the park, it began to rain.

reach是及物动词,后面直接跟地点名词作宾语,reach Nanjing 到南京。Reach之


18. can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事

We can’t wait to see the film.

19.whole 形容词,“整个的,全部的”,whole通常修饰单数可数名词,但是当复数名词前有具体的基数词是,也可以用whole来修饰,但whole位于基数词之后。

20. as…as意为“与„„一样„„”。当两个比较对象在某方面相同时,用“as +形容词/ 副

词原级+as”机构,表示(A与B)一样„„“not as/ so +形容词/ 副词原级+as”结构,表示“A不如B„„”

Our school is not as big as your school.我们的学校没有你们的学校大。


21. show,这里是名词,shows是它的复数形式可数名词。




Can you show me the way to the zoo?

3) on show 展览,展出

There are a lot of old things on show in the museum.

4) show a film意为“上映影片”

21.too much 太多 much too 太

22.The model Golden Bridge looked just like the real one in USA.


Look like 看起来像,like此处用作介词,意为“像”,后面接名词或代词作宾语。 She looked like her mother. 她看起来像她的母亲。

sound like 听起来像 feel like摸起来像,想要 seem like 仿佛„„似的

real 形容词,真的,真实的,真正的 really 副词


1.The bus is as comfortable as those in USA. 这辆公共汽车和美国的公共汽车一样舒适。

句中的those为了避免重复,that指代单数的人或物或不可数名词,those指代复数的人或物。 The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Shanghai in winter.

2.Simon is trying to pull himself up the rocks.西蒙正尽量把自己往岩石上拽。

Try to do sth.的否定是try not to do sth.

Try not to eat too much junk food.

4.You are lucky you didn’t hurt yourself! 你太幸运了,没有伤到自己。


That’ll hurt her feelings. 那将会伤害她的感情。


Does your leg still hurt badly? 你的腿还疼得厉害么?



e.g. The manager himself served the customers. (主语同位语)

The manager served the customers himself. (主语同位语)

I told them I wanted to see the manager himself.

(2) 反身代词作介词宾语

e.g. She finnshed the job by herself.

(3) 反身代词作动词宾语,有些动词与反身代词成固定搭配,翻译时“自己”多不译出。 enjoy oneself 玩的开心 help oneself 自便、自取

behave oneself 有礼貌、规矩

Intergrated skills:

1.Our school basketball team needs your support!


Support用作不可数名词,词组 in support of sb./ sth.支持某人或某物

She spoke in support of Tom’s plan. 她发言支持汤姆的计划。

Support 还可用作及物动词,意为“支持,赞助,供养”

I hope you can support me in this! 我希望你能在这一点上支持我。


2. take place 意为“举行、发生”。多指举行活动

e.g The school sports meeting will take place tomorrow.

happen 多指无计划,偶然发生的事。

happen to sb./sth.“遭遇”指不好的事发生在某人、某物上

e.g. What happened to you?

A car accident happened to him yesterday.

拓展:take one’s place或take the place of sb./sth. 意为“代替某人/某物”

3. Come and cheer for our team!

Cheer此处用作不及物动词,意为“欢呼,喝彩”,cheer for意为“为„„喝彩”,欢呼。 cheerful形容词,意为“愉快的”。

Let’s cheer for the winners. 让我们为获胜者喝彩吧!

拓展:cheer…on 为„„鼓劲 cheer up 使振作起来,高兴起来。

We tried to cheer him up.

4. forget to do sth. 意为“忘记做某事”(未做)

e.g. My mother often forgets to turn off the light.

Don’t forget to bring your homework here tomorrow.

拓展:forget doing sth. 意为“忘了做过某事”(已做)

e.g. I’ll never forget seeing her dance for the first time.

He forgot turning the light off.



6. Half –time is a 20-minute period for the players to rest.


Unit 1 词组和完成句子


1. 在世界上_____________________ 2. 用英语(介词短语)___________________

3.给……写信 ________________________ 4. 一部动作片_________________


1.考拉(Koala bears)来自于哪儿?考拉来自于澳大利亚。


2. 你住在哪儿? 我住在悉尼。


3. 他们讲哪国语言?他们讲日语。


5. 请告诉我关于你的好恶。


6. 瓶子里没多少水了。 ________________________________________________________________

Unit 2 词组和完成句子








Excuse me, _________________ in the neighborhood?


___________ First Avenue and enjoy the city’s quiet streets and small parks.


Next to the hotel is a small house ____________________.

4.大桥街是一个使人玩的愉快的好地方。Bridge Street is _______________________.


I know you are arriving next week. _________________________my house. 5. 拜访他的邻居 6.一条繁华的街道 7.步行横穿马路 8.参观大桥街


_______________________, turn right at the second turning.

7. 只要径直走左转就行了。 Just _______________and turn left.

8.花园之旅就这样开始了。 This is ___________________________.

9. 从机场乘出租,路过右边一家银行,穿过第四大街,然后再New Park左转。

Take a taxi from the airport, _____________________, go through Fourth Avenue, and then turn

left at New Park

10.希望你旅途愉快。 I hope you ________________.呆在家很无聊的句子

11. 你想来我家串门吗? Do you want ______________________________?



______________________________. They are my favorite animal.


Why does Henry want to see elephants? Because they are __________________.


___________________do you like? I like monkeys, too.


Molly _________________________________.

5.玲玲很害羞,所以请安静。 Lingling is pretty/very shy, so please _________.

6.难道它不可爱吗? __________________?


He _________________, but at night he gets up and ______________.

8.动物对我们很友好。 The animals are________________________.

9. 对别人态度要亲切。 _______________________.

10. 上学不要迟到。 Don’t _______________ school.

11.海豚表演令人很放松。 The dolphin show ________________


1.看报纸 2.抓小偷

3.一条新闻 4.外出吃饭

1.Peter的爷爷是做什么工作的? _____________________________________.

2.---你将来想从事什么工作?--- 当警察。那是一项激动人心的工作,但有时有点危险。

What do you_______________ in the future? A policeman. It’s an exciting job, but ______________________.


Tony doesn’t like being a waiter. He is ______________________________________________.

4. 我不想做银行职员,因为我不喜欢与钱打交道。那很无聊。

I don’t _____________________, because I don’t like ______________________. It’s very boring.

5.人们把钱交给我,同时人们从我这儿得到钱。People ____________________________________________.


__________________________________. We need you to star as a judge

7.我们可以为您提供一份作饲养员的工作。We ____________________________ a keeper.


An international school ________________________________________________________________.

9. 他想在杂志社工作吗? Does he __________________________?


As a nurse, Anna often __________________________ and helps doctors .

11. 我们对科学很感兴趣。We_________________________.

12. Sam在电视台的演播室工作。他总是许多新东西要学。

Sam works at the TV studio. He always _______________________________.

13.你想参演校园剧吗? Do you ___________________________________________?


1. 去看电影怎么样?______________________________?


I _____________________________________________ her friend.


______________________________on weekends. We should take part in more outdoor activities.


Is Andrew doing his homework? No. He __________________________________________.

5. 我每个月都给父母写信。 I write a letter to my parents __________________.

6. Mike和Lisa在等什么呢? What ______________________________?

7. 听起来不错。 ______________________________.

8.有只海狮正在水池中玩球。____________________________ a ball in the pool.

9. 史密斯先生在给全班学生讲话时,彼得和汤姆不停地说话。

While Mr. Smith is speaking to all the class, Peter and Tom _________________.

10. 感谢你的来信。这是我的一些照片。



___________________________________________ FengShang in the neighborhood.

12. David正在看照片。David ________________________________.

13. apartment in downtown Beijing.


Street sweepers work hard every day ___________________________.


_____________________, the story in the newspaper is about him.

Unit 6词组和句子


1. 玩电脑游戏

2. .看电视节目

3. 戴围巾


1. 今天那儿的天气如何?有风。 ___________________________ today there? It’s windy.

2.过得怎样?非常糟! ____________________________? Pretty terrible.

3. 我很惊讶他们能在这么热的天气里玩儿。

______________________________ they can play in this heat.

4.听音乐使人很放松。 ___________________________________________________.

5. 看这群学生,他们在打沙滩排球。______________________________________________.

6. 一些人在拍照,一些人躺在沙滩上。


7. 虽然今天天气又冷又潮湿,但现在大家玩得都很开心。

Although it’s cold and humid, everyone _____________________________.

8. 感谢大家参与中央电视台“周游世界”栏目。

___________________________________ CCTV’s Around The World show. 4. 一个美好的大晴天 5. 在度假

Unit 1 词组和完成句子答案

词组:1. in the world 2.in English

3. write to sb. 4. an action movie

句子1.Where are koala bears from? They are from Australia./

Where do koala bears come from? They come from Australia.

2. Where do you live? I live in Sydney.

3. What language do they speak? They speak Japanese.

4. Please tell me about your likes and dislikes.

5. There is little water in the bottle.

Unit 2 词组和完成句子答案


1.tour guide 2.welcome to Garden District 3.on the left 4.walk through the forest

5.visit his neighbor 6.a busy street 7.walk across the road 8. visit Bridge Street 句子

1. is there a new hotel

2. Turn left

3. a small house with an interesting garden

4. a good place to have fun

5. Let me tell you the way to

6. Go down/along this street

7. go straight

8. the beginning of the garden tour

9. pass a bank on your right

10. have a good trip

11. come over to my house


1. see the giraffes first

2. kind of cute

3. What other animals

4.likes to eat grass and play with her friends./ eating grass and playing with her friends.

5.be quiet

6.Isn’t it cute?

7.sleeps during the day, eats leaves.

8. very friendly with/to us.

9. Be kind to others.

10. be late for

11.is very relaxing/makes people relaxed

篇三:《新版8A Unit 3知识点及练习》

Unit 3知识

1. be going to +动词原形,一般将来时,表示打算或计划做某事。be随句子主语的人称和数量变化而变化。

e.g. We’re going to buy a new TV tomorrow.

He is giong to play football with his friends this Sunday.

2. exercise 意为“锻炼、训练、练习”

(1)做动词:You don’t exercise enough.

(2) 做名词:作“练习”和“早操”讲,是可数名词

e.g. If you want to improve your English,you must do more exercises. They do morning exercises every morning.

3. need 意为“需要”,可作实义动词和情态动词

(1)实义动词:need + 名词/动词不定式

e.g. I need much more money.

You’re too fat, you need to exercise.

need + v.ing形式时表示被动意义

e.g. The flowers need watering.

Your clothes need washing.

(2) need 做情态动词时,不能单独作谓语, 只能和其他动词原形构成谓语; 在句中放在谓语动词之前, 谓语动词前若有助动词,则在助动词之前;疑问句中, 则在主语之前。 多用在否定句或疑问句中; 无人称和数的变化; 否定式构成是在后面加 "not"。

e.g. You need not attend the meeting tomorrow.

You didn't need to tell him the news; it just made him sad.

needn't + have + 过去分词 表示“过去做了没必要做的事情。 ”

You needn't have taken it seriously.


4. come on 的用法


Come on, Lucy. Don’t be so shy.

Come on, you can do it .

(2) 用来催促别人快走/做…时,意为“快点”,如:

Come on, it’s getting dark.

Come on, Mr Wang is waiting.

(3) 用来表示责备和不耐烦,意为“得了吧,行了,够了”,如:

Come on, don’t sit there dreaming.

(4) 用于体育竞赛等场合激励队友时,意为“加油”,如:

Come on, Come on,!


Come on, I’m not afraid of you.

5. enjoy onesflf 意为“玩的开心”,相当于have a good/great/wonderful time 或者have fun.


e.g. They enjoyed themselves during the holiday.

拓展:enjoy sth./doing sth.,相当于like

e.g. My little sister enjoys reading picture books.

6. take a boat trip 意为“乘船旅行”。常用词组take a bus/taxi/plane to someplace





7. take care 意为“保重”或者“小心”

e.g. Take care not to hurt yourself.

拓展:take care of = look after

8. invite sb. to do sth. 意为“邀请某人做某事”

e.g. I invited him to join our club.

Invite sb. to sp. 意为“邀请某人去某地”

e.g. Amy invited me to her birthday party.

9. join 意为“加入、参加”,表示加入某个组织、党派或社会团体从而成为其成员。 e.g. join the pioneer 加入少先队 join the army 参军

join in 也是“加入、参加”,多指参加比赛或活动

e.g. Why didn’t you join in the talk last night?

10. beginning 意为“开始、开端、起点”。 from beginning to end 自始至终

at the beginning = at first “起初,开始”,反义词组为at the end

at the beginning of…在…的初期 e.g. at the beginning of April 四月初

11. arrive at 意为“到达”,arrive at +小地点(如村、镇、车站等)

arrive in 也是“到达”,arrive in +大地点(如国家、大城市等)


正式,后者较口语化。两者之后均不可直接加宾语,但可接here, there, home

之类表地点的副词作状语。e.g. We got/ arrived here last night.

要表示“到达某地”,arrive要借助介词in或者at;而get其后需接介词to, e.g. When we got to the park, it began to rain.

reach是及物动词,后面直接跟地点名词作宾语,reach Nanjing 到南京。Reach


12. be made of 意为“由…制成”,强调从成品中可以看得出原材料。

e.g. The desk is made of wood. 桌子由木头制成。

be made from 也是“由…制成”的意思,强调从成品中看不出原材料。

e.g. Paper is made from wood. 纸是由木头制成的。

拓展:be made in “由…制造”,强调产地

e.g. This kind of machine is made in China.

be made by “被…(人)制造”,说明制造者是谁

e.g. This ship is made by the workers.

13. “It’s +adj. +动词不定式”句型,意为“做某事是…”

e.g. It's boring to stay at home. 呆在家很无聊。


To stay at home is boring.

14. It takes (sb.) some time to do sth.意为“花费某人多少时间去做某事”,这里的it作形式

主语,真正的主语是to do sth.

e.g. It takes me half an hour to walk to school every day.

15. 反身代词。当主语和谓语是同一个人时,我们使用反身代词。


e.g. The manager himself served the customers. (主语同位语)

The manager served the customers himself. (主语同位语)

I told them I wanted to see the manager himself.

(2) 反身代词作介词宾语

e.g. She finnshed the job by herself.

(3) 反身代词作动词宾语,有些动词与反身代词成固定搭配,翻译时“自己”多不译


enjoy oneself 玩的开心 help oneself 自便、自取

behave oneself 有礼貌、规矩

16. take place 意为“举行、发生”。多指举行活动

e.g The school sports meeting will take place tomorrow.

happen 多指无计划,偶然发生的事。

happen to sb./sth.“遭遇”指不好的事发生在某人、某物上

e.g. What happened to you?

A car accident happened to him yesterday.

拓展:take one’s place或take the place of sb./sth. 意为“代替某人/某物”

17. forget to do sth. 意为“忘记做某事”(未做)

e.g. My mother often forgets to turn off the light.

Don’t forget to bring your homework here tomorrow.

拓展:forget doing sth. 意为“忘了做过某事”(已做)

e.g. I’ll never forget seeing her dance for the first time.

He forgot turning the light off.

18. as soon as possible 意为“尽早的”,相当于as soon as you can


e.g. Come back as soon as possible/ you can.



1. _______ 100 millions climbers come to the mountain.

A. Over B. Less C. More D. Under

2. The desk is made _______ wood, and the books are made _______ wood, too.

A. of; of B. from; from C. of; from D. from; of

3. He didn’t go to Australia, _______ he?

A. doesn’t B. didn’t C. does D. did

4. My grandfather is _______.He often exercises.

A. kind B. health C. fine D. funny 5. Would you like to _______ us?We are going to eat out.

A. take part in B. join C. attend D. help

6. He _______ the Sydney Opera House when it rained.

A. was visiting B. visiting C. visit D. visits 7. His mother arrived _______ Beijing yesterday.

A. to B. at C. in D. on

8. Lin Tao has _______ homework this weekend.

A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too

9. She got _______ the bus and left her parents.

A. off B. on C. up D. with

10. The roads in the town are as _______ as the ones in the city. Four cars can cross at the same time.

A. wide B. widely C. clear D. clearly

11. She enjoyed _______ in the park last weekend.

A. himself B. herself C. itself D. ourselves

12. Grandfather often _______ stories in the evening.

A. speaks B. tells C. says D. talks

13.The soup _______ a little salty.

A. looks B. tastes C. smells D. sounds

14. The teacher kept students _______ books for half an hour.

A. read B. reading C. reads D. to read

15. What’s the _______ of what he said?

A. meaning B. mean C. means D. to mean

1-5 ACDCB 6-10 ACABA 11-15 BBBBA



1. Koalas are from A_______ .

2. The p_______ of the USA lives in the White House.

3. The bridge is not w_______ enough to let three cars cross at the same time.

4. The window is made of s_______ , so it’s very strong.

5. It’s a long and boring j_______ from the village to Xiantai by train.

6 There are many places of i_______, like the Great Wall and the Summer Palace.

7. He tried to p_______ the cow out of the house.

8. Don’t take so much money. The tickets are f_______ for children.

9. Children c_______ for the exciting news.

10. There are no clouds in the s_______ .

Keys: 1-5 Australia president wide steel journey

6-10 interest pull free cheered sky


1. Help _______(you) to the fish, children!

2. _______(final) the mother found her lost son.

3. _______(luck) he wasn’t in the house when the earthquake happened.

4. Wang Yun is a great _______(climb). He arrived at the top of hill first in the climbing match.

5. I think computers are _______(use) in our daily life.

6. Her skirt has many colours. It’s a _______(colour) one.

7. He is a strange man because he _______(keep) a snake as a pet last year.

8. Do you know the _______(mean) of the word?

9. Jack is too young to look after _______(he).

10. Her mother _______(get) on the plane when she reached there.













































呆在家很无聊的句子相关热词搜索:无聊的句子 在家呆着无聊


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