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2016-04-15 12:37:07 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 全国交通安全日标语(共4篇)“122全国交通安全日”宣传口号附件:“122全国交通安全日”宣传口号1、珍爱生命、创建平安校园2、交通安全非口号,留住幸福无烦恼3、横穿马路:一看、二等、三通过4、珍爱生命、留住幸福,抵制交通安全违法行为、树立文明意识。5、带上平安上路,载着幸福回家6、高高兴兴出门去,平平安安回家来7、文明礼让安...


全国交通安全日标语 篇一:《“122全国交通安全日”宣传口号》














全国交通安全日标语 篇二:《2012年全国交通安全日标语大全》(全国交通安全日标语)


Net of business affairs of electron of interview of recreational originality character earns trends of home page news experience of dispatch promotion by-talk shares current position: Information home page > recreational originality > complete 2012 diplomatic relation connected encyclopedia of catchphrase of day of countrywide transportation safety 2012 encyclopedia of safe day catchphrase on November 30, 2012 14:14:00 origin: 0 people click time money net pay close attention to us: Time money net can offer all sorts of brand designs, VI design, product to pack originality of table of development of construction of design, application design, website, software, article, building to decorate for vast enterprise, businessman, the service such as sale of net inn promotion, network, want to carry the mission that the network can solve only, can be solved through time money net, a task clinchs a deal amount fixes a price freely by you. Needless ask full-time staff technically and need to pay many salary, and this this task is by the network power customer is finished, often a task can collect a lot of work, and the just chooses your satisfaction from inside numerous work work that you should do and pay work author to write cost. Release offer a reward instantly >> December 2, 2012 is day of safety of transportation of first whole nation of countrywide, about traffic safety the catchphrase of day will appear in all sorts of agency. In recent years, issues of all sorts of great liaison man appear often, appeared to weigh loss of big personal casualty. The occurrence of traffic safety accident, the relative that gives casualty not only brings endless bitterness, those who create countless families is broken, still meet country and oneself cause severe pecuniary loss. Why such frequency sends traffic accident, besides unpredictable nature and social element, the most important is safe to traffic consciousness is thin. Accordingly, establish complete diplomatic relation to open safe day this year, also be to let each district hold various propaganda, make all sorts of traffic safety day publicize catchphrase, in order to cause the attention of more person. Traffic safety publicizes catchphrase a collection of selected specimens: Although be level road,abiding by highway code is your quiet to the society devotion -- overspeed person Buddhist monastic discipline; Even if have shortcut -- the person that wear in disorder stops overtake overspeed is delighted temporarily, lead to comity of lifetime of traffic accident compunction 3 minutes to be in in safety, grab an one second to regret traffic of late slam the door is abusive across driveway sees new wind of Wei Ran civilization the lamp looks at driveway road ten million safety first heart the broad way ability is wide defend compasses talent beauty driveway is humane each go its civilization gives an on the safe side, arrest punish a heart to put again fluky, in needing code of come to harm writes down a heart, the person with lawful look before you leap is changed with the lesson bleed, illegal person changes homiletic speeding with bleeding is line of death of race to control 3 bowls love 3 pairs of chopsticks wife charming long for idea of reunion violate the rules and regulations strong safety factor is big 10 cause trouble 9 fast autocycle a group of things with common features when self-love is drunk (blame) destroy in wine (regret) in the cup, if you think those who individualize to collect, the propagandist catchphrase of extraordinary, let the people have deeper traffic safety consciousness, can go up time money net, here has division of 1 million outstanding stylist, originality to serve for you, sure and OK the propagandist poster that gets be perfectly satisfied.

全国交通安全日标语 篇三:《道路交通安全宣传标语》


标语大全网 > 安全标语 2010-11-28 浏览:25926 评论»

1、 遵守交通法规,关隘生命旅程

2、 以人为本,关爱生命

3、 铭记法规,善待生命

4、 享受通行权利,应尽安全义务

5、 维护交通秩序,争做文明公民

6、 道路交通安全法,伴您平安万里行(全国交通安全日标语)

7、 守法才能平安,平安才能回家

8、 良药苦口利于病,交通法规利于行

9、 安全与守法同在,事故与违法相随

10、 法规在心中,平安在手中

11、 树立交通文明意识,自觉维护交通秩序

12、 但愿人长久,一路共平安

13、 保障交通安全,促进改革开放

14、 道路千万条,安全第一条(全国交通安全日标语)

15、 行路慎为本,开车礼当先

16、 彼此让一让,路宽心舒畅(全国交通安全日标语)

17、 防灾求得平安在,遵章换得平安来

18、 路好车好安全最好,慢行快行平安就行

19、 发展以市场为本,生存以安全为先

20、 三思而后行,思命思家思社会

21、 道路连者你和他,安全系着千万家

22、 守交规迎春夏秋冬福,保安全纳东西南北财

23、 走过春夏秋冬,安全永驻心中

24、 交通安全进万家,出入平安你我他

25、 维护交通安全,关爱生命久远

26、 安全最佳效应,平安共同心声

27、 让道于人,安全于己

28、 车行万里路,走好每一步

29、 遵守交通法规,平安与你同在

30、 相会有缘,相让有礼

31、 金玉有值,生命无价,遵守交法,平安一生

32、 树立现代交通意识,养成良好交通习惯

33、 交通法规人人遵守,文明社区家家幸福

34、 交通法规人人遵守,文明城市处处安全

35、 红灯,绿灯,灯灯是令;弯道,直道,道道小心

36、 安全是生命之本,违章是事故之源

37、 行路守法法有情,平安回家家温馨(全国交通安全日标语)

38、 道路通行见形象,红绿灯前看修养

39、 开车一心一意,做人仁心仁意

40、 交通法规记心中,人身安全在手中

41、 走遍东西南北中,安全二字记心中(全国交通安全日标语)

42、 人在路中守交规,法在心中路畅通


43、 跨入校园,好好学习;走出校门,好好走路

44、 宁停三分为安全,礼让三先保平安

45、 文明行路路畅通,平安回家家温馨

46、 文明交通安全在,留住生命留住爱

47、 谨慎驾驶一帆风顺,遵纪守法十分安全

48、 大家小家是一家,交通安全靠大家

49、 道路连着千万家,安全连着你我他

全国交通安全日标语 篇四:《12.2全国交通安全日标语》

1、交通法规人人遵守 文明城市处处安全

2、交通出行要守法 安全出行要循规

3、文明行路路畅通 平安回家家温馨

4、横过马路 看灯望车

5、平安开车是大事 文明走路非小节

6、平安出行每一步 关爱生命每一天

7、宁走百步远 不冒一步险

8、车让人让出一分安全 人让车让出一分文明

9、秩序保障安全 规则守护生命

10、车道人道各行其道 文明出行安全可靠

11、摒弃交通陋习 蔚然文明新风

12、遵守交通信号 安全文明出行

13、斑马线 安全线 生命线

14、横过马路左右看 红停绿行保平安

15、过街先看灯 并线先打灯

16、树立文明交通意识 自觉维护交通秩序


18、心宽路才宽 守规人才美

19、文明传家久 守规幸福长

20、交规与安全同在 守法与幸福相连

21、人人需要文明交通 交通需要人人文明

22、遵守交通规则 让生活更美好

23、道路千万条 安全第一条

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