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2016-02-26 10:18:21 编辑: 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读: 与经相关的词语(一)《经济的相关词汇和文章》 ...



1. economic recession

2. economic slump

3. economic downturn

4. U型经济衰退 U-shaped global recession


"The entire global economy will contract in a severe and protracted U-shaped global recession that started a year ago," Roubini said. "A hard landing for emerging-market economies may also be at hand."


上面的报道中,U-shaped recession就是―U型衰退‖。经济学领域常用U型、V型、W型、L型来描述经济衰退的形势。其中,U型衰退比V型衰退处于底部的时间较长,但不会出现W型衰退的反复。最可怕的是L型衰退,也就是说原有经济增长模式无法延续,而内需无法得到激发,导致国内生产能找不到出路,从而陷入长期低迷。目前经济界普遍认为此次经济衰退趋向于U型衰退。

hard landing,―硬着陆‖(采用强力的财政货币政策一次性在较短的时间内通过牺牲较多的国民收入将通胀率降到正常水平)

soft landing―软着陆‖(国民经济的运行经过一段过度扩张之后,平稳地回落到适度增长区间)。

5. V-shaped recession

6. W-shaped recession

7. (经济的二次探底)double dip a recessionary relapse

8. 希腊债务危机 Greece's debt crisis


1. economic revival

2. economic recovery

3. green shoots经济复苏的迹象(early signs of economic recovery)


"We have agreed that green shoots have emerged in the international economy and financial markets," said Zhu. However, the economic foundation is far from being sound, and the current situation remains severe, Zhu warned.


在经济领域中和颜色有关的形象表达还有很多,如red ink(赤字),black money(来源不正当而且没有向政府报税的钱),pink slip(解雇通知单),以及yellow pages(分类电话簿/黄页)等。

4. 其他

世界银行The World Bank

经济发展潜力 economic potential

扩大内需策略the strategy to expand domestic demand

抵抗全球经济衰退to combat the global economic slump.

点子公司consultancy company




全球经济正开始从自大萧条(Great Depression)以来最严重的衰退和金融危机中见底回升。2008年第四季度和2009年第一季度,多数发达经济体经济萎缩的速度,与大萧条初期国内生产总值(GDP)直线下降的速度相当。因此,去年年底,政策上一直滞后的政策制定者终于开始动用手头的大多数武器。

The global economy is starting to bottom out from the worst recession and financial crisis since the Great Depression. In the fourth quarter of 2008 and first quarter of 2009 the rate at which most advanced economies were contracting was similar to the gross domestic product free-fall in the early stage of the Depression. Then, late last year, policymakers who had been behind the curve finally started to use most of the weapons in their arsenal.


That effort worked and the free-fall of economic activity eased. There are three open questions now on the outlook. When will the global recession be over? What will be the shape of the economic recovery? Are there risks of a relapse?


On the first question it looks like the global economy will bottom out in the second half of 2009. In many advanced economies (the US, UK, Spain, Italy and other eurozone members) and some emerging market economies (mostly in Europe) the recession will not be formally over before the end of the year, as green shoots are still mixed with weeds. In some other advanced economies (Australia, Germany, France and Japan) and most emerging markets (China, India, Brazil and other parts of Asia and Latin America) the recovery has already started.


On the second issue the debate is between those – most of the economic consensus – who expect a V-shaped recovery with a rapid return to growth and those – like myself – who believe it will be U-shaped, anaemic and below trend for at least a couple of years, after a couple of quarters of rapid growth driven by the restocking of inventories and a recovery of production from near Depression levels.


There are several arguments for a weak U-shaped recovery. Employment is still falling sharply in the US and elsewhere – in advanced economies, unemployment will be above 10 per

cent by 2010. This is bad news for demand and bank losses, but also for workers' skills, a key factor behind long-term labour productivity growth.


Second, this is a crisis of solvency, not just liquidity, but true deleveraging has not begun yet because the losses of financial institutions have been socialised and put on government balance sheets. This limits the ability of banks to lend, households to spend and companies to invest.

第三,在经常账户赤字国家,消费者必须削减支出、增加储蓄,但由于房价和股价不断下跌,收入下降,就业市场日渐萎缩,债台高筑的消费者面临着财富大幅缩水的境地。 Third, in countries running current account deficits, consumers need to cut spending and save much more, yet debt-burdened consumers face a wealth shock from falling home prices and stock markets and shrinking incomes and employment.


Fourth, the financial system – despite the policy support – is still severely damaged. Most of the shadow banking system has disappeared, and traditional banks are saddled with trillions of dollars in expected losses on loans and securities while still being seriously undercapitalised.


Fifth, weak profitability – owing to high debts and default risks, low growth and persistent deflationary pressures on corporate margins – will constrain companies' willingness to produce, hire workers and invest.


Sixth, the releveraging of the public sector through its build-up of large fiscal deficits risks crowding out a recovery in private sector spending. The effects of the policy stimulus, moreover, will fizzle out by early next year, requiring greater private demand to support continued growth. 第七,全球失衡状况有所改善,意味着美国等大肆挥霍的经济体的经常账户赤字,将使得那些过度储蓄国家(中国及其它新兴市场、德国和日本)的盈余收窄。但如果盈余国家国内需求的增长不够迅速,将导致全球增长复苏更加乏力。

Seventh, the reduction of global imbalances implies that the current account deficits of profligate economies, such as the US, will narrow the surpluses of countries that over-save (China and other emerging markets, Germany and Japan). But if domestic demand does not grow fast enough in surplus countries, this will lead to a weaker recovery in global growth.

目前,还有两点原因能够说明,为何出现双底W型衰退的可能性正逐渐加大。首先,大规模货币及财政宽松政策的退出战略会引发风险:无论政策制定者是否决定退出,都会遭到指责。如果他们马上认真对待高额财政赤字,提高税收,削减支出,消除过剩的流动性,他们会破坏复苏,将经济拖回到―滞缩‖(stag-deflation,衰退和通缩交织在一起)状态。 There are also now two reasons why there is a rising risk of a double-dip W-shaped recession. For a start, there are risks associated with exit strategies from the massive monetary and fiscal easing: policymakers are damned if they do and damned if they don't. If they take large fiscal deficits seriously and raise taxes, cut spending and mop up excess liquidity soon, they would

undermine recovery and tip the economy back into stag- deflation (recession and deflation).


But if they maintain large budget deficits, bond market vigilantes will punish policymakers. Then, inflationary expectations will increase, long-term government bond yields would rise and borrowing rates will go up sharply, leading to stagflation.


Another reason to fear a double-dip recession is that oil, energy and food prices are now rising faster than economic fundamentals warrant, and could be driven higher by excessive liquidity chasing assets and by speculative demand. Last year, oil at $145 a barrel was a tipping point for the global economy, as it created negative terms of trade and a disposable income shock for oil importing economies. The global economy could not withstand another contractionary shock if similar speculation drives oil rapidly towards $100 a barrel.


In summary, the recovery is likely to be anemic and below trend in advanced economies and there is a big risk of a double-dip recession.

希腊债务危机恶化 银行流动性吃紧

Concern over a potential liquidity shortage at Greece's private-sector banks fueled a sharp selloff in Greek debt and equity markets Thursday, suggesting that the European Union's efforts to defuse the crisis with a vague promise for an International Monetary Fund-backed rescue have all but failed.


Markets signaled fresh worries that Greek banks are having trouble meeting immediate funding needs, after the country's top four banks on Wednesday asked Athens for access to an emergency government liquidity facility. Greece's banks have been widely viewed as one of the few bright spots in the country's financial infrastructure.


'This is clearly a sign that the Greek authorities have reached the end of the line and need to make a phone call to the IMF,' BNP Paribas analysts wrote in a note Thursday morning.

巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)分析师在周四上午的一份简报中表示,这明显说明,希腊当局已经走到穷途末路,需要给IMF打电话了。

Greek bonds fell for the seventh straight session on Thursday and the Greece's benchmark

stock index tumbled. The yield on Greece's 10-year bond, a reflection of both the country's borrowing costs and the risk investors associate with its debt, hit its highest level since the introduction of the euro.


More alarmingly, in a sign Greece may have difficulty finding money in the nearer term, investors drove the interest rate of the Greek two-year bond to 7.45% Thursday, 6.51 percentage points more than what Germany pays. That gap was 5.68 percentage points just a day earlier.


The euro slumped early in the day, though it rose after Jean-Claude Trichet, the European Central Bank president, said Greece wouldn't default.

欧元在周四上午急跌,不过后来出现回升,原因是欧洲中央银行(European Central Bank)行长特里谢(Jean-Claude Trichet)表示希腊不会违约。

The latest turmoil comes despite the EU's much-touted promise late last month to team with the IMF to intervene to save Greece from default if 'market financing is insufficient.'


Germany and France believed that the assurance would be enough to persuade jittery markets that the EU wouldn't allow Greece to default.

德国和法国曾经认为这一保证将足以使不安的市场相信欧盟将不会允许希腊违约。 Yet many investors expressed disappointment that the EU didn't offer a more detail on terms of the potential loans. Greece's equity and bond markets have been in a steady decline ever since. 但欧盟未就其可能提供贷款的条件提供更多细节,许多投资者对此表示失望,希腊的股票和债券市场从那时到现在一直稳步下滑。

In a sign of crisis's vicious-cycle nature, Thursday's bank worries helped sink the price of Greek government debt, which means the interest rate Greece must pay to attract borrowers was knocked higher. The yield on Greece's 10-year bond hit 7.38%. Bank stocks slumped 6% in Athens, dragging down the broader market 3%.


That reality may lead the EU to either offer Athens a bailout or force Greece to restructure its debt. The latter step would mean debt investors would have to accept painful losses on their investments, an outcome many in Europe have hoped to avoid for fear that it would undermine confidence in the euro.


ECB president Mr. Trichet offered a mix of verbal and concrete support Thursday for Greece and its banks. A Greek default 'is not an issue,' he said at his monthly news conference. He also confirmed the ECB would maintain its relaxed collateral rules into next year, removing a source of




















































活劳动:指劳动过程中劳动力的 脑力和体力的耗费。













AA制 Dutch treatment; go Dutch

艾滋病(获得性免疫缺损综合征) AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) 爱丽舍宫 Elysée Palace

安居工程 Housing Project for low-income families

按成本要素计算的国民经济总值 GNP at factor cost

按揭贷款 mortgage loan

按劳分配 distribution according to one's performance

暗恋 unrequited love; fall in love with someone secretly

暗亏 hidden loss

澳门大三巴牌坊 Ruins of St. Paul

奥姆真理教 Japanese Aum Doomsday Cult


巴黎证券交易所 Paris Bourse

把握大局 grasp the overall situation

白马王子 Prince Charming

白色行情表 white sheet

白色农业 white agriculture (also called white engineering agriculture; It refers to microbiological agriculture and biological cell agriculture.) 白手起家 starting from scratch

白条IOU note 注:IOU,债款、债务,由I owe you的读音缩略转义而来白雪公主Snow White

摆架子 put on airs

摆谱儿 put on airs; show off; keep up appearances

拜把兄弟 sworn brothers

拜年 pay New Year call

搬迁户 relocated families

半拉子工程 uncompleted project

棒球运动记者 scribe

傍大款 (of a girl) find a sugar daddy; be a mistress for a rich man; lean on a moneybags

包干到户 work contracted to households

包干制 overall rationing system; scheme of payment partly in kind and partly in cash

包工包料 contract for labor and materials

保持国民经济发展的良好势头 maintain a good momentum of growth in the national economy

保持国有股 keep the State-held shares

保健食品 health-care food

保理业务 factoring business

保护性关税 protective tariffs

保税区 the low-tax, tariff-free zone; bonded area

保证重点支出 ensure funding for priority areas

保值储蓄 inflation-proof bank savings

报国计划的实施 implementation of Dedicator's Project

北欧投资银行 Nordic Investment Bank

本本主义 bookishness

《本草纲目》 Compendium of Materia Medica

本垒打 circuit clout, four-master, round trip

本命年 one's year of birth considered in relation to the 12 Terrestrial Branches

奔小康 strive for a relatively comfortable life

笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start.

蹦极 bungee, bungee jumping

避免大而全的重复建设 avoid duplicate (duplicated, overlapping) construction of small and all inclusive projects

逼上梁山 be driven to drastic alternatives

比较经济学 comparative economics

比上不足,比下有余 worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst

闭门羹 given cold-shoulder

边际报酬 marginal return

边缘科学 boundary science

变相涨价 disguised inflation

便携式电脑 portable computer; laptop; notebook computer

标书 bidding documents

表演赛 demonstration match

剥夺冠军 strip the gold medal of somebody

博彩(业) lottery industry

博士生 Ph.D candidate

补缺选举 by-election

补贴与反补贴措施 subsidies and countervailing measures

布达拉宫 Potala Palace

布雷顿森林体系 Bretton Woods system

不败记录 clean record, spotless record

不承诺放弃使用武器 not undertake to renounce the use of force

不打不成交 No discord, no concord.

不到长城非好汉 He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man. 不分上下的总统选举结果 the neck-and-neck presidential election result 《不见不散》 Be there or be square.

不可再生资源 non-renewable resources

不良贷款 non-performing loan

不夜城 sleepless city, ever-bright city

不正之风bad (harmful) practice; unhealthy tendency

不准打白条 No illegitimate promissory notes (IOUs)

步行天桥 foot bridge


擦边球 edge ball, touch ball

擦网球 net ball

采取高姿态 show magnanimity

采取市场多元化战略 adopt the strategy of a multi-outlet market

菜篮子工程 the shopping basket's project (program)

参政、议政 participate in the management of State affairs

沧海桑田 Seas change into mulberry fields and mulberry fields change into seas——time brings great changes to the world.

What was once the sea has now changed into mulberry fields——the world is changing all the time.

仓储式超市 stockroom-style supermarket

草根工业 grass root industry (refers to village and township enterprises which take root among farmers and grow like wold grass)

层层转包和违法分保 multi-level contracting and illegal sub-contracting

差额投票 differential voting

差额选举 competitive election

茶道 sado

查房 make/go the rounds of the wards

拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul

拆迁户 households or units relocated due to building demolition

搀水股票 water-down stocks (ordinary stocks that can be bought by persons inside a stock company or a business at a cost lower that their face value)

禅 dhyana

产粮大省 granary province

产量比1997年增加了2倍 the output has increased 3 times (registered a 3-fold increase; increased 200%)compared with 1997

产品结构 product mix

产权明晰、权责明确、政企分开、科学管理 clearly established ownership, well defined power and responsibility, separation of enterprise from administration, and scientific management

产权制度、产权关系 property relations; property order

产销直接挂钩 directly link production with marketing

产业的升级换代 upgrading of industies

产业结构升级 upgrading of an industrial structure

长江三角洲 Yangtze River delta

长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共 long-term coexistence, mutual

supervision, sincere treatment with each other and the sharing of weal or woe 长线产品 product in excessive supply

厂长经理负责制 the factory director (manager) responsibility system 畅通工程 Smooth Traffic Project






保险业 The insurance industry

保证重点支出 Ensure funding for priority areas

补发拖欠的养老金 Clear up pension payments in arrears

不良贷款 Non—performing loan

层层转包和违法分保 Multi-level contracting and illegal subcontracting

城乡信用社 Credit Cooperative in both urban and rural areas

城镇居民最低生活保障 A minimum standard of living for city residents

城镇职工医疗保险制度 The system of medical insurance for urban workers

出口信贷 Export credit

贷款质量 Loan quality

贷款质量五级分类办法 The five-category assets classification for bank loans

防范和化解金融风险 Take precautions against and reduce financial risks

防洪工程 Flood-prevention project

非法外汇交易 Illegal foreign exchange transaction

非贸易收汇 Foreign exchange earnings through non trade channels

非银行金融机构 Non-bank financial institutions

费改税 Transform administrative fees into taxes

跟踪审计 Follow-up auditing

工程监理制度 The monitoring system for projects

国有资产安全 The safety of state-owned assets

过度开垦 Excess reclamation

合同管理制度 The contract system for governing projects

机电产品 Electromechanical products

积极的财政政策 Pro-active fiscal policy

基本生活费 Basic allowances

结售汇制度 The system of exchange settlement and sales

解除劳动关系 Sever labor relations

金融监管责任制 The responsibility system for financial supervision

经济安全 Economic security

靠扩大财政赤字搞建设 To increase the deficit to spend more on development

扩大国内需求 The expansion of domestic demand

拉动经济增长 Fuel economic growth

粮食仓库 Grain depot

粮食收储企业 Grain Collection and storage enterprise

粮食收购资金实行封闭运行 Closed operation of grain purchase funds

粮食销售市场 Grain sales market

劣质工程 Shoddy engineering

乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款 Arbitrary charges,fund-raising,quotas and fines


Obtain foreign currency under false pretenses, not turn over foreign currency owed to the government and illegal arbitrage

融资渠道 Financing channels

商业信贷原则 The principles for commercial credit

社会保险机构 Social security institution

失业保险金 Unemployment insurance benefits

偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税 Tax evasion, tax fraud and refusal pay taxes 外汇收支 Foreign exchange revenue and spending


语言最直接给阅卷者留下印象;不要用过于文学化、情绪化的语言,要用正规化、规范化的语言;用语要规范 多用一些官方语言点缀;格式要规范





















各级政府要坚持以人为本,切实解决人民群众最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题。 ……工作任重而道远。





















层面一 :句子中用排比句式





第三,同词+不同动词 排比加强












要加强制度建设和监督制约,努力构建“不能为”的防范机制。 要加大惩治****的力度,进一步强化“不敢为”的惩治机制。



汉英筳席菜名大全 A

鹌鹑蛋鲍鱼 Abalone and quail eggs 鹌鹑松 Minced quai B

八宝冬瓜汤 “Eight-treasures” winter melon(white gourd)sou

八宝饭 “Eight-treasures”rice pudding

八宝鸡 Chicken stuffed with “eight-treasures” 八宝扒鸭 Braised duck with “eight-treasures” 八宝全鸡 Roast chicken with “eighit-treasures” 八宝全鸭 Roast duck with “eight-treasures” 八宝鸭 Duck stuffed with“eight-treasures” 八个冷盘 Eight cold hors d′oeuvres

八珍冬瓜粒 Soup With Winter melon and minced pork 八珍扒大鸭 Braised duck with “eight-treasures” 巴东牛肉 Spiced beef

拔丝莲子 Lotus Seeds in hot toffee 拔丝苹果 Apple in hot toffee

拔丝山药 Chinese yam in hot toffee 拔丝香蕉 Banana in hot toffee 霸王肥鸡 Bawang chicken

白爆鱼丁 Fish cubes in white sauce

白菜粉丝 Chinese vermicelli with cabbage 白菜汤 Chinese cabbage soup

白豆焖*排 Stewed pork with white beans 白豆汤 White bean soup 白饭 Steamed rice

白果芋泥 Sweet taro with gingko 白烩大虾 King prawn in white Sauce

白烩鸡饭 Chicken in white sauce with rice 白烩蟹肉 Crab meat in white sauce 白烩虾子 Shrimp roe in white sauce 白鸡 Cold boiled chicken

白酒汁烩鸡 Chicken in white wine sauce

白酒汁蒸鱼 Steamed fish in white wine Sauce 白菌鲍脯 Braised abalone with fresh mushroom 白菌炒面 Fried noodles with mushroom 白菌鸽片 Sliced pigeon with mushroom 白菌龙虾王 King lobster with mushroom 白扒鲍鱼 Braised abalone in cream sauce 白扒鸭条 Braised sliced duck in cream sauce 白扒鱼翅 Braised shark′s fin in cream sauce 白扒鱼肚 Braised fish maw in cream sauce

白扒鱼肚菜心 Braised fish maw and heart of cabbage 白片鸡 Chicken slices

白切肥鸡 Cold steamd chicken 白切鸡 Boiled sliced chicken 白切肉 Boiled pork Slices

白切*肚 Boiled sliced pig′s stomach 白肉火锅 Pork cooked in hot pot 白煨鸡 Stewed chicken

白椰肉冰 Iced coconut with pork 白油鸡 Cold chicken with pork 白斩鸡 Sliced cold ckicken

白汁鲍鱼 Saute abalone with cream sauce 白汁鳜鱼 Mandarin fish with cream sauce 白汁鸡饭 Chicken with cream sauce and rice

白汁口蘑煎鱼 Fried fish with white sauce and mushrooms 白汁鱿鱼 Saute Squid with white Sauce 白汁鱼唇 Fish lip in cream sauce

白汁鱼肚 Fish maw with white Sauce 白煮蛋 Hard boiled eggs 白煮鱼 Boiled fish 白灼活肥蚝 Fried oyster with shrimp sauce 白灼螺片 Fried sliced whelk

白灼螺盏 Fried sliced whelk in a bowl 白灼中虾 Fried prawn

百花採鸡 “Hundred flower”steamed sliced chicken with shrimp sauce

百花煎瓤鸭掌 “Hundred flower”fried duck webs stuffed with shrimp

百花瓤北菇 “Hundred flower”mushrooms stuffed with shrimps

百花香酥鸭 “Hundred flower”crisp fried duck

百叶包肉 Leaf shaped bean curd stuffed with minced pork 百叶肉丝 Shredded pork with leaf shaped bean curd 拌海蛰 Jellyfish in mixed sauce 拌芹菜 Celery in mixed sauce

拌虾片 Shredded(sliced)prawn in mixed sauce 拌鲜坩 Scallops in mixed sauce

拌鸭掌 Duck′s webs in mixed sauce

瓣酱妙肉丁 Stir-fried diced pork in chili sauce 棒棒鸡 Bonbon chicken 炮糊 Stir-fried mutton 薄饼 Pancake 薄饼干 Crackers

宝宝全鸭 “Winter garden”duck 鲍鱼龙须 Abalone with asparagus 鲍鱼沙拉 Abalone salad 鲍鱼汤 Abalone soup

鲍鱼炆鸡 Braised chicken and abalone 爆炒鳝片 Quick-fried eel slices

爆鳝片 Quick-fried eel slices with sesame oil and garlic 爆烧鱼翅 Fried shark′s fin in brown sauce 北菰炒面 Fried noodles with dried mushroom 北菰蛋花汤 Mushroom and egg drop soup 北菰炖鸡 Stewed chicken and mushroom

北菰烩鸭丝 Braised sliced duck with mushroom 北菰扒鸭 Braised half duck with mushroom

北京酱牛肉 Beef cooked in soy sauce,Beijing style 北京烤鸭 Roast Beijing duck

北京泡菜 Pickled cabbage,Beijing style 北京豌豆黄 Beijing sweet pease pudding 荸荠糕 Water chestnut cake

荸荠肉丸 Water chestnut meatballs 比利时烩鸡 Belgian stewed chicken

碧绿川椒鸡 Fried chicken with peppers,Sichuan style 碧绿花子鸡 Spring chicken with green vegetables

碧绿鸡丝扒鲜菇 Chicken shreds with mushroom on a bed of green vegetables

碧绿椒鸡 Fried chicken with green peppers 碧绿生鱼球 Fish balls with green vegetables 扁豆炒蛋 Omelette with beans

扁豆肉丝 Shredded pork with beans 冰冻荔枝 Chilled lychees 冰棍儿 Ice-lolly

冰凌可可少司 Ice cream with cocoa sauce 冰凌三得 Ice cream sundae 冰淇淋 Ice cream

冰肉莲蓉粽 Glutinous rice stuffed with ground lotus seeds wrapped in reed leaves(Special fare for the Dragon Boat Festival)

冰糖莲籽 Sugar candy lotus seeds 冰糖肉 Sugar Candy pork

冰糖蜜炙火腿 Grilled ham with sugar candy 冰糖银耳 White fungus with sugar candy 冰镇果羹 Chilled fruit jelly

冰镇三果 Three chilled fruits 冰汁凉桃脯 Chilled peach slices 饼干 Biscuits

波兰式蒸鱼 Polish style Steamed fish

玻璃烧卖 Glazed shao mai steamed dumplings with meat fillings

玻璃酥鸡 Glazed deep-fried sliced chicken 玻璃酥虾 Glazed deep-fried prawn 玻璃蟹脚 Glazed fried crab claws

菠菜炒鸡蛋 Scrambled eggs with spinach 波菜泥卧果 Spinach with poached egg

菠菜烧豆腐 Stewed bean curd with spinach 菠萝杯 Pineapple cup

菠萝布丁 Pineapple pudding 菠萝冻 Pineapple jelly

菠萝醪糟 Pineapple in glutinous rice wine

菠萝凉醪糟 Cold pineapple in glutinous rice wine 菠萝龙眼 Pineapple and longan

菠萝梅酱鸭 Duck in plum sauce with pineapple 菠萝蜜烧鸭片 Sliced roast duck with pineapple 菠萝软鸭 Fried duck with pineapple 菠萝沙拉 Pineapple salad

波萝雪糕 Pineapple ice cream

菠萝鸭片 Sliced roast duck with pineapple 菠萝*排 Grilled pork chop with Pineapple 卜糟鸡块 Stewed turnip and sliced chicken 布丁 Crème caramel C

菜包肉 Minced meat wrapped in cabbage 菜炒肉片 Fried sliced pork with vegetable 菜炒鱼片 Fried fish slices with vegetable

菜豉油鸡 Poached sesame chicken with vegetable and fermented soya beans

菜胆鹌鹑脯 Fried quail breast with vegetable 菜胆炒明虾 Sauted prawn with vegetable 菜胆干鲍 Abalone and vegetable

菜胆龙利球 Frid macao sole fish balls with with vegetable 菜燉牛肉 Goulash

菜肝土鱿 Chicken liver with squid and vegtable 菜花北菇 Cauliflower and dried mushroom 菜花炒鸡蛋 Cauliflower omelette

菜奶油鸡 Chicken and vegetable in cream sauce 菜扒北菇 Stewed mushroom and vegetable

菜扒鲜菇 Stewed fresh mushroom and vegetable 菜片鹌鹑松 Minced quail meat with Chinese cabbage 菜青炒鸡球 Saute chicken balls with green vegetable 菜生鱼片饭 Steamed rice with sliced fish and vegetable 菜丝汤 Julienne soup 菜汤 Jardinière soup

菜心鲍片 Sliced abalone with heart of cabbage 菜心牛肉 Beef with heart of cabbage

菜心虾球 Saute prawn balls with heart of cabbage 菜远鲍脯 Fried abalone with vegetable heart

菜远北菇 Fried Chinese mushrooms with vegetable heart 菜远凤肝活带子 Sliced conch with chicken liver and vegetable

菜远根片 Sliced“shokkan”with vegetable

菜远鸡球 Fried chicken balls with vegetable heart 菜远鸡什汤 Chicken giblets and vegetable soup 菜远鲈鱼球 Fried perch balls and vegetable heart 菜远牛肉 Fried sliced beef with vegetable heart 菜远扒鲜菇 Fried mushroom with vegetable heart 菜远青衣球 Green fish balls with vegetable heart

菜远生鱼片 Sliced snakehead mullet fish with vegetable


菜远生鱼球 Fish ball with vegetable heart

菜远田鸡腿 Fried frog′s legs with vegetable heart 菜远虾球 Fried prawn balls with vegetable heart 菜远鲜虾脯 Fried shrimp with vegetable heart 菜远鸭片 Fried sliced duck with vegetable heart 菜远鱼球 Fish balls with ham and vegetable heart 草菇豆腐 Bean curd with dried mushroom

草菇鸡片汤 Sliced chicken and mushroom soup 草菇芦笋 Straw mushroom with asparagus

草菇蒸鸡 Steamed chicken with straw mushroom 叉烧 Barbecued roast pork

叉烧包 Steamed bun stuffed with barbecued roast pork 叉烧炒蛋 Barbecued pork with egg 叉烧炒饭 Barbecued pork fried rice

叉烧炒面 Barbecued pork with fried moodles 叉烧芙蓉 Barbecued pork with egg white 叉烧馄饨汤 Barbecued pork dumpling soup 叉烧肉 Barbecued pork

叉烧酥方 Barbecued crispy pork

叉烧汤面 Barbecued pork noodle soup 叉烧杂碎 Barbecued chop suey 茶叶蛋 Tea eggs

查理鸡饭 Charles chicken rice 拆骨鸡 Boneless chicken

拆焗鸳鸯鸭 Boned duck stuffed with minced shrimp 柴把鸭 Steamed sliced bamboo shoot,duck and ham 长面包 Loaf of bread

肠子三明治 Sausage sandwich

潮州烧雁鹅 Roast goose,Chaozhou style

潮州炒粉 Fried rice noodles,Chaozhou Special 潮州卤鹅 Spiced goose,Chaozhou style 潮州小米 Meatballs,Chao choustyle

潮州伊面 Fried noodles,Chaozhou style 潮州鱼粥 Fish congee,Chaozhou special 潮州炸鹅 Fried goose,Chaozhoou special 炒菠菜 Saute spinach

炒菜心虾球 Saute Prawn balls with vegetable heart 炒蛋三明治 Omelette sandwich 炒凤尾虾 Saute shrimps 炒芙蓉蛋 Scrambled eggs

炒芙蓉干贝 Fried Scallop with egg white 炒肝尖 Fried liver

炒格炸 Stir-fried skin of bean curd 炒桂花鱼翅 Fried shark′s fin 炒海蟹肉 Fried sea crab meat

炒荷兰豆 Fried sugar peas in the pod 炒荷兰豆仁 Fried podded sugar peas 炒核桃泥 Stir-fried walnut pur-ée

炒滑蛋 Scrambled eggs,Guangdong style 炒黄瓜酱 Stir-Fried cucumber purée 炒黄浦蛋 Fried eggs,Shanghai style 炒鸡蛋 Omelette

炒鸡片 Fried Chicken slices 炒鸡球 Fried chicken balls

炒鸡生肠 Fried chicken′s intestines

炒口蘑鸭心 Saute mushroom and duck heart 炒两式蛋 Scrambled eggs and preserved eggs 炒龙虾 Saute lobster

炒木犀肉 Saute pork shreds with fungus and eggs 炒牛肉丝 Fried shredded beef 炒牛腰片 Fried ox kidney slices 炒螃蟹 Fried crab meat 炒青菜 Saute vegetable

炒青豆 Fried green peas

炒青辣椒 Fried green pepper 炒肉末 Fried minced meat

炒肉末烧饼 Saute minced pork with sesame cakes 炒肉片 Fried pork slices 炒肉丝 Fried shredded pork

炒三不沾 Sauted three“non-Stick”(not stick chopsticks,plate and teeth)

炒三泥 Three purées stir-fried 炒三丝 Fried three slices

炒鳝糊 Braised eels with bamboo shoots 炒山鸡片 Saute sliced pheasant

炒生鸡片鲜椒 Saute diced chicken with green pepper 炒双冬 Stir-fried mushroom and bamboo shoots 炒双泥 Saute two purées

炒素三丝 Fried mixed vegetables 炒土鱿片 Fried sliced squid 炒豌豆苗 Fried pea sprouts

炒五丁 Five special ingredients 炒虾片 Fried Prawn slices 炒虾球 Fried shrimp balls

炒虾仁 Saute shrimp with peas

炒香菇笋片 Fried mushroom and bamboo shoots 炒雪冬 Fried salted vegetable and bamboo shoots 炒雪豆 Sauted China peas

炒鸭肠 Fried duck′s intestines

炒鸭舌掌 Fried duck tongue and web 炒腰花 Saute pig′s Kidney

炒腰片 Fried sliced pig′s kidney

炒野鸡红 Saute beef shreds with vegetable and hot sauce 炒油菜 Saute rape

炒油菜远 Fried heart of rape 妙鱿鱼卷 Fried squid roll 炒杂拌 Fried chop suey

炒榛子酱 Fried hazelnut purée 炒*肝 Fried pig′s liver 炒*脑 Fried pig′s brains 炒*肉片 Saute pork slices

炒竹笋脆虾 Fried prawns with bamboo shoots 陈皮炖鸭 Stewed duck with orange peel 陈皮鸡丁 Diced chicken with orange peel 陈皮牛肉 Beef with orange peel 橙汁汽水 Orange soda

豉椒爆活蚝 Quick-fried oyster with fermented soya beans and chili

豉椒炒肉排 Fried pork rib with chili and fermented soya beans

豉椒炒肉蟹 Crab with fermented soya beans and chili 豉椒炒鸭片 Fried sliced duck with chili and fermented soya beans

豉椒鸡球 Fried chicken balls with chili and fermented soya beans

豉椒鸡丝 Shredded chicken with chili and fermented soya beans

豉椒龙虾 Fried lobster with fermented soya beans and chili

豉椒田鸡 Fried frogs with chili and fermented soya beans 豉椒田鸡腿 Fried frogs′s legs with chili and fermented slya beans

豉椒蚬肉 Oyster with fermented soya beans and chili 豉油蒸瓤豆腐 Steamed stuffed bean curd with soy sauce 豉油蒸生鱼 Steamed fish in soy sauce 豉汁龙虾 Lobster with black soy sauce

豉汁排骨 Sparerib with chili and soy sauce 豉汁炆肉排 Braised pig′s rib with soy sauce

豉汁蒸肉排 Steamed spareribs in black soy sauce 川菜肉丝 Sliced pork with Sichuan vegetable

川鸡片冬菇 Sichuan sliced chicken with mushroom 川椒乳鸽 Sichuan fried sliced pepper and pigeon 川溜鸡条 Sichuan chicken mildly spiced

川茉莉银耳 Jasmine and white fungus,sichuan style 春卷 Spring roll

鹑蛋奶露 Custard cream with quail eggs 茨子菜汤 Puncture vine and vegetable soup 茨子蓉汤 Puncture vine and egg white 葱爆牛肉 Quick-fried beef with scallions 葱爆肉 Quick-fried pork and scallions

葱爆肉粉条 Quick-fried pork slices with vermicelli and scallions

葱爆烧鸭片 Quick-fried sliced duck with scallions 葱爆羊肉 Quick-fried mutton slices with scallions 葱爆*里脊片 Quick-fried pork fillet with scallions 葱花炒蛋 Omelette with chopped scallions 葱煎芋头 Fried taro with scallions 葱姜牛肉面 Mongolian beef noodles

葱烹白肉 Quick-fried pork with scallions

葱烧海参 Saute sea cucumber with scallions

葱烧酸鲫鱼 Stewed crucian carp with scallions in oil and vinegar

葱烧水鸭 Stewed teal stuffed with scallions 葱头炒牛肉片 Saute beef slices with onions 葱头炒牛肉丝 Saute shredded with onions 葱头炒羊肉 Saute mutton with onion 葱头牛肉扒 Beef steak with onion

葱油白鸡 Boiled chicken with scallions

葱油叉烧角 Barbecued pork pastry with scallions 葱油鸡脯 Fried chicken breast and scallions 葱油焗鸡 Baked chicken with scallions

葱汁炒*肉片 Fried pork slices with scallions 醋椒活鱼 Stewed live fish in chili and vinegar

醋椒三片 Three sliced ingredients in vinegar and chili 醋椒三鲜 Three vegetables in hot and sour sauce 醋溜仔鸡 Fried spring chicken with vinegar 醋排活鱼 Live fish cooked in Vinegar

氽鸡茸五丝 Boiled downy chicken with five shredded ingredients

氽鲫鱼萝卜丝 Quick-boiled crucian carp with shredded turnip

氽里脊片菜心 Sliced pork and Shanghai cabbage soup 氽萝卜鲫鱼 Quick-boiled crucian carp with turnip 氽生鸡片 Quick-boiled sliced chicken 氽四宝 Quick-boiled“fourdelicacies” 氽银耳 Quick-boiled white fungus 氽鱼肚卷 Quick-boiled fish maw rolls

氽鱼腐丸子 Quick-boiled fish balls and bean curd in soup 氽鱼卷 Fish rolls in soup

氽鱼片黄瓜 Sliced quick-boiled fish with cucumber 氽丸子汤 Meatballs soup

脆皮锅贴 Crispy fried dumpling 脆皮火鹅 Crispy goose

脆皮鲜虾煎饼 Crispy shrimp pancakes 脆皮炸鸡 Crispy deep-fried chicken 脆皮炸虾 Crispy shrimp

脆炸仔鸡 Fried spring chicken

翠竹生虾扇 Green bamboo with shrimps D

鞑靼式炸鱼 Fried fish in tartar sauce 大葱烧鸭 Braised duck with scallions

大地田鸡 Fried frogs with bamboo shoots

大鸡三味 Chicken with three special ingredients 大理石布丁 “Marble”pudding 大米布丁 Rice pudding 大米盒 Puff pie

大米鸡块汤 Chicken and rice soup 大米稀饭 Congee

大酿鸭脯 Stuffed duck breast in wine

大醸竹笋 Bamboo shoots cooked with wine 大拼盘 Hors d′oeuvres(extra large) 大千鸡 Daqian chicken Sichuan chicken

大上海拼盘 Shanghai style assorted cold dishes 大石斑二味 Grouper with two special ingredients 大蒜干贝 Steamed scallop with garlic 大汤黄鱼 Braised croaker soup 大王鸡肉饼 Minced chicken cakes 大虾 Prawn

大虾炒饭 Fried rice with king prawns 大虾冻子 Prawn jelly

大虾鸡蛋炒面 Fried noodles with prawns and eggs 大虾泥子 Minced king prawns

大虾肉丁炸酱面 Boiled noodles with fried soy bean paste with king prawn and pork 大虾沙拉 Prawn salad 大香槟 Champagne

担担面 Dan dan noodles,Sichuan style 蛋炒饭 Egg fried rice 蛋咖喱 Egg curry 蛋糕 Cake

蛋黄汤 Egg yolk soup

蛋煎虾饼 Fried shrimp cake 蛋酥花仁 Peanut cake

蛋笋煎干贝 Fried scallop with eggs and bamboo shoots 蛋煎笋虾仁 Fried shrimp with eggs and bamboo shoots 蛋笋煎蟹肉 Fried crab with eggs and bamboo shoots 蛋蟹炒翅 Fried shark′s fin with crab meat and eggs 德国面包 German bread 德国牛排 Hamburger steak

德式牛肉扒蛋 Hamburger steak and egg 灯笼大虾 “Lantern”King prawns

鼎湖上素 Vegetarian dish,Dinghu style

东江盐焗鸡 Hakka style braised chicken in gravy 东江盐烤鸡 Hakka style salt baked chicken 东坡火锅 Dongpo hot pot

冬虫扒鸭 Braised duck with Chinese caterpillar fungus 冬菇冬笋 Saute dried mushroom and bamboo shoots 冬菇豆腐 Bean curd with mushroom

冬菇鸡片 Chicken with Chinese black mushroom 冬菇*蹄 Pig′s trotters with mushrooms

冬瓜火腿汤 Winter melon(white gourd)and ham soup 冬瓜蓉烧饼 Fried pasty with sweet winter melon(white gourd)

冬瓜汤 Consommé with winter melon (white gourd) 冬蘑面 Mushroom noodles

冬笋北菇 Bamboo shoots and mushroom

冬笋炒肉丝 Saute shredded pork with bamboo shoots 冬笋炒鱿鱼 Fried squid with fresh bamboo shoots 冬笋鸡片 Saute sliced chicken with bamboo shoots

冬笋龙球 Fried macao sole fish balls with bamboo shoots 冬笋焖胗 Gizzard with bamboo shoots

冬笋肉丝 Shredded pork with bamboo shoots

冬笋烧海参 Stewed sea cucumber with fresh bamboo shoots

冬笋烧塌棵菜 Fried shanghai cabbage with fresh bamboo


冻茨仔什菜 Puncture vine with vegetables(cold) 冻大会 Mixed Chinese salad 冻糕 Parfait

冻火腿 Cold ham

冻火腿鸡 Cold chicken and ham 冻鸡肉什菜 Chicken salad 冻牛奶 Cold milk 冻牛肉 Cold beef

冻烧鸡 Cold roast chicken

冻烧鸡火腿 Cold roast chicken and ham 冻烧*排 Cold roast sparerib

冻腿芦笋 Cold asparagus and ham 冻虾子什菜 Shrimp salad 冻咸牛舌 Cold ox-tongue 冻蟹肉什菜 Crab meat salad 冻羊羔 Cold lamb in jelly

豆沙包 Steamed dumpling stuffed with mashed red beans

豆沙锅饼 Mashed sweet red bean cake 豆瓣黄鱼 Braised croaker with bean sauce 豆瓣鳜鱼 Mandarin fish in black bean sauce 豆豉龙虾 Lobster in black bean sauce 豆腐蛋花汤 Bean curd and egg drop soup 豆腐鲤鱼 Carp with bean curd 豆腐牛肉 Beef with bean curd

豆腐泡炒黄豆芽 Fried bean sprouts with bean curd puffs 豆腐泡塞肉 Bean curd puffs stuffed with minced pork 豆腐泡烧粉丝 Stewed bean curd puffs with bean vermicelli

豆腐皮 Bean curd shin

豆腐皮包肉 Bean curd skin rolls with minced pork 豆腐烧鱼 Fried fish with bean curd

豆酱焗鸡 Baked chicken with bean sauce

豆苗芙蓉蛋汤 Egg drop soup with bean Sprouts 豆苗黄耳汤 Yellow fungus soup with bean sprouts 豆渣鸭脯 Duck breast with bean curd milk 炖蛋 Egg custard

炖小牛肉 Braised veal

炖元啼 Trotters in brown sauce 多色冷拼盘 Hors d′deuvres E

俄国红菜汤 Borsch

俄国牛肉丝 Shredded beef(Russian style) 俄斯克 Vodka

鹅掌干鲍 Abalone and goose webs

鹅掌美鲍 USAbalone with gooses′ web F

法国炖鱼 Bouillabaisse

法国焗芝士汤 French onion soup 法国面包 French bread

法国浓汤 French thick soup 法国肉汤 Bouillon

法国椰子布丁 French coconut pudding 法国鱼汤 French fish coup

法式*排 French style pork chop

法式橙烩鸭 French style duck with orange zest and curacao sauce

蕃茄大虾 Prawns tomato sauce

蕃茄蛋花汤 Tomato and egg drop soup 蕃茄烩鸡 Stewed chicken with tomato

蕃茄鸡丁炒饭 Fried rice with diced chicken and tomato 蕃茄焖鸡 Stewed chicken with tomato 蕃茄奶油汤 Cream of tomato soup

蕃茄牛肉 Fried sliced beef with tomato 蕃茄牛肉面 Beef and tomato chow mein 蕃茄片 Tomato salad 蕃茄肉包 Stuffed tomato

蕃茄三味夹 Tomato sandwich

蕃茄茄虾片 Saute prawn slices in tomato and bean curd 方鱼焗鸡 Baked chicken with dried fish 翡翠羹 Vegetable soup

翡翠鸡柳 Stewed chicken with sliced vegetables 翡翠生鱼球 Fish balls with green vegetables 翡翠虾仁 Shrimp with green Vegetable 汾酒 Fenjiu liquor

粉果 Steamed dumpling with pork,mushrooms and bamboo shoots

粉丝牛肉丝 Beef with vermicelli 粉蒸肉 Steamed pork with rice 粉汁里脊片 Fried fillet in sauce

凤肝炒螺片 Fried whelk with chicken liver

凤肝鸽片 Fried sliced pigeon and chicken liver 凤肝鸡片 Fried sliced chicken and chicken liver 凤肝虾球 Fried prawn balls with chicken liver 凤凰炖鸽燕 Bird′s nest soup with pigeon 凤凰鲜奶露“Phoenix”milk 凤鸡 Salted chicken

凤尾鱼 Long tailed anchovy

凤眼鸽蛋 “Phoenix eye”pigeon eggs 凤足炖冬菰 “Phoenix leg”(chicken feet)with mushroom 凤足炖水鱼 Steamed soft-shelled turtle and“phoenix leg”(chicken feet)soup

凤足花菇 “Phoenix leg (chicken feet)with mushroom 佛手卷 Finger citron rolls 佛手酥 Crispy finger citron

芙蓉干贝 Scallops with egg white 芙蓉羔蟹 Fried crab with egg white 芙蓉鸽松 Purée pigeon with egg white 芙蓉鸡片 Chicken shreds with egg white 芙蓉虾仁 Fried shrimps with egg white 芙蓉蟹斗 Fried crab with egg white 芙蓉燕窝 Egg white with bird′s nest 芙蓉鱼角 Fish pieces with egg white 芙蓉鱼片 Fish slices with egg white 符离集烧鸡 Roast chicken,fuliji style

腐乳扣肉 Steamed pork with preserved bean curd 腐乳炆肉 Stewed pork with preserved bean curd G

咖喱炒羊肉片 Saute mutton slice in curry sauce 咖喱大会饭 Special mixed curried rice 咖喱豆腐 Curried bean curd

咖喱菇粒饭 Curried rice with diced mushroom 咖喱海鲜饭 Seafood curry rice 咖喱鸡 Curry chicken 咖喱鸡蛋 Curried eggs

咖喱鸡蛋丸子 Curried eggs with meat balls 咖喱鸡丁汤 Curried diced chicken soup 咖喱鸡饭 Curried chicken with rice 咖喱鸡块 Curried chicken

咖喱鸡配米饭 Curried chicken with rice

咖喱鸡丝饭 Sliced curried chicken with rice 咖喱鸡杂 Giblets curry 咖喱牛肉 Beef curry

咖喱牛肉饭 Beef curry and rice 咖喱牛肉汤 Beef curry soup 咖喱牛舌 Curried ox tongue 咖喱肉汤 Mulligatawny soup 咖喱肉末干豌豆 Pakistani minced beef curry with cried peas

咖喱虾 Prawn curry

咖喱虾饭 Prawn curry with rice 咖喱虾仁 Shrimp curry

咖喱羊肉饭 Mutton curry with rice 咖喱羊肉片 Curried mutton slices 咖喱鱿鱼 Curried squid 咖喱鱼 Fish curry

咖喱鱼饭 Fish curry with rice

咖喱元白菜牛肉 Curry beef with cabbage 咖喱元白菜羊肉 Cabbage and mutton curry 咖喱胗肝饭 Giblets curry with rice

干贝冬瓜球 Dried scallop and winter melon(white gourd)balls

干贝松翠丝 Scallop shreds with scallions 干贝汤 Scallop soup

干煸牛肉 Dry fried shredded beef

干煸牛肉丝 Beef shreds,Sichuan style;Saute dried beef shreds with hot sauce 干炒扁豆 Dry sauté beans

干炒鸡牛柳 Fried chicken and beef fillet 干炒牛肉丝 Fried Sliced beef

干炒野鸡块 Fried pheasant slices

干葱煎*肝 Fried pig′s liver with dried onion 干煎大虾 Fried whole prawn 干煎鳜鱼 Fried mandarin fish 干烤肥鸭 Roast skewered duck 干烤鱼翅 Roast skewered duck 干锅大虾 Griddle cooked prawns

干锅鱼翅 Griddle cooked shark′s fin 干牛肉片 Dried beef slices

干烧蚕豆 Dry fried dried broad beans

干烤蛋炸面 Dry fried soft noodles with egg 干烧冬笋 Dry fried bamboo shoots 干烧鳜鱼 Dry fried mandarin fish 干烧黄鱼 Dry fried croaker

干烧活鱼 Dry fried live fish in soy and chili sauce 干烧茭白 Dry fried wild rice stem

干烧辣鱼段 Dry fried fish slices with chili 干烧龙虾 Dry fried lobster 干烧明虾 Dry fried prawn

干烧牛肉丝 Dry fried shredded beef

干烧青鱼 Dry fried black carp in chili sauce 干烧石斑 Dry fried grouper 干烧虾仁 Dry fried shrimp

干烧伊面 Dry fried noodles,soft noodles 干烧鱼 Dry fried fish in hot sauce

干烧子鲍 Dry fried abalone with garlic and chili 干丝肉丝 Shredded pork with dried bean curd 干豌豆瓣肉汤 Split pea broth 干碗豆汤 Pea soup

干炸大蚝 Dry fried oyster

干炸鸡卷 Dry fried chicken rolls

干炸酱面 Dry fried noodle with soy bean paste 干炸虾枣 Dry fried prawn

干炸蟹枣 Dry fried crab meat balls 干蒸活鱼 Steamed live fish 干*肉片 Dry fried pork slices 肝糕汤 Liver paste soup 肝泥 Liver paste

高加索红焖鸡 Stewed chicken,Western style 高加索鸡块汤 Chicken soup,Western style 高加索牛肉丝 Sliced beef,Western style

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