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2016-09-26 10:40:20 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 肇庆蓝鸽英语学习平台答案(共6篇)肇庆学院蓝鸽校园网语言学科平台入口肇庆学院蓝鸽校园网语言学科平台入口地址是:http: 172 21 80 230 lgsoft index aspx各位肇庆学院的学生可以按照下面的操作步骤进入肇庆学院蓝鸽校园网语言学科平台禁行相关操作。  1 选择“按学号登录”或者“按快捷用户名登录”  2...



  1. 选择“按学号登录”或者“按快捷用户名登录”
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命题作文 Directions:For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the given topic. Your composition should meet the word limit set by the test syllabus at this level. You should base your composition on the outlines provided and then type your composition in the box below.[题数:1;分数:15分;参考时间:30分0秒]



Directions:In this section you are required to translate some English sentences into Chinese. Type your translation on the web page.[题数:10;分数:10分;参考时间:20分0秒]



地产咨询公司Atisreal UK的项目经理戴维?克拉克(David Clark)是该公司两只足球队的组织者之一。他表示,运动的主要目的是寻求乐趣与强身健体,但它还有其它的好处:“这让他们有机会认识其它部门的同事,一起放松。这会促进公司内部感情。” 他补充说,团队运动通常可以带来企业用其它方式难以获得的凝聚体验。




发or many managers, “team building” means two days spent doing role-playing exercises in a bleak conference hotel far from head

office. But perhaps a more effective way to build teams is simply by playing real team sports, such as soccer, cricket or softball.

David Clark, a project manager at Atisreal UK, a property consultancy, is one of the organizers of the company’s two soccer teams. He says the main point is fun and fitness but it also has other perks: “It gives the guys a chance to meet and relax with their peers from other departments. It promotes cross-department relations.” He adds that team sports in general can deliver the kind of bonding experience companies struggle to generate in other ways.

Another reason companies are keen to promote team sports is that team sports are relatively cheap.

An investigation reveals that workers who participate in sports score

highly on engagement and job satisfaction, have lower levels of stress, and there seems to be a positive effect on retention too



【参考答案】:Even though it is my firm belief that entrepreneurs are made, not born, running your own business is more of a calling than a conventional career. There is no standard training, as there is for so many other vocations, like music, art or medicine. Qualifications, family, connections – these are much less influential than the desire for independence and an appetite for adventure.


1. 电子交易是通过互联网进行产品和服务买卖的业务。

【参考答案】:E-commerce is the practice of buying and selling products and services over the Internet.

【学生得分】:0.9 查看得分明细 查看评语批注

2. A商店和B商店销售完全同样的产品,甲店比乙店多销五倍,原因是甲店工作更为努力,他们每天都在网上工作而且还做更多的促销工作。

【参考答案】:Store A and Store B are selling exactly the same

products. Store A sells five times as much as Store B. The reason is, Store A works a lot harder. They work on their site every day, and they also do more to promote it.

【学生得分】:0.9 查看得分明细 查看评语批注


【参考答案】:The meaning of the term “electronic commerce” has changed over time.

【学生得分】:1.0 查看得分明细 查看评语批注

4. G2C是政府对消费者或购物者个人销售交易。

【参考答案】:G2C implies retailing transactions from government to individual consumer or shoppers.

【学生得分】:1.0 查看得分明细 查看评语批注

5. C2C是消费者可通过网站的代理人在网上公开自己的产品以便其他消费者出价。

【参考答案】:C2C means consumers can post their own products online through some agent websites for other consumers to bid.

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【参考答案】:The e-commerce vendor must also perform such mundane task as being truthful about its product and its availability,

shipping reliably and handling complaints promptly and effectively.

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【参考答案】:As the information technology profession continues to expand, personnel in the industry are increasing in high demand, causing a work shortage crisis of many employers.

【学生得分】:0.9 查看得分明细 查看评语批注


【参考答案】:Some people enjoy talking to sales staff or to other shoppers. But this does not exist to the same extent in online shopping.

【学生得分】:0.9 查看得分明细 查看评语批注

9. 互联网是如此之大,有数以百万计的用户和成千上万的网站争夺着对它们的关注。

【参考答案】:The Internet is big. There are millions of users, and thousands of sits competing for their attention.

【学生得分】:0.9 查看得分明细 查看评语批注

10. 中国政府采取了一系列的措施来推动电子交易业务的发展,其中包括制定有关的法律和法规,逐步强化财政支援和组织电子交易项目的示范。【肇庆蓝鸽英语学习平台答案】

【参考答案】:The Chinese government has adopted a series of measure to facilitate the development of e-commerce business, including formulating relevant laws and regulations, gradually intensifying

financial support and organizing demonstration of e-commerce projects


1) 我们致力为客户提供优质的服务,以品质保证为承诺,精益求精,尽善尽美。

(devote to)

【参考答案】:We devote to work for our customers with superior services and qualities guarantees, perfect and satisfactory.

【学生得分】:0.9 查看得分明细 查看评语批注

2) 要将哪种消息与每个级别相关联,这完全由您来决定。(associate with)

【参考答案】:It is entirely up to you to decide what kind of message to associate with each level.

【学生得分】:0.9 查看得分明细 查看评语批注

3) 总统还坦称自己有点担心女儿们再大一些后将如何应对他的公众生活。

(cope with)

【参考答案】:The president also admitted he was concerned about how his daughters would cope with his public life as they get a bit older.

【学生得分】:0.9 查看得分明细 查看评语批注


Test 4

Part One Vocabulary

1. A mass of love was between us, and neither Ulick nor I knew


A. what B. how C. which

D. when

2. I am a seasoned and honorable English teacher with a ________ way to train both fellow teachers and office


A. unique B. uniform C. universal

D. usual

3. The auto plant now has an annual ________ of 12,000 cars.


A. capability B. capacity C.

competence D. volume

4. Scientific instruments have to be made with great ________.


A. delicacy B. elaboration C. precision

D. accuracy

5. The process of moving involves a real estate agent for


A. advocating B. advertising C. promoting

D. claiming

6. On no account should we ________ our fine traditions and


A. dissuade B. dismiss C. discard

D. discharge

7. Your ________ on the spot will be an inspiration to all.



A. presence B. absence C. attendance

D. incidence

8. Finding himself under fire from all quarters, he had no【肇庆蓝鸽英语学习平台答案】


________ but to abandon his scheme for the time being. [8].


A. security B. alternative C.


D. shelter

9. It is a pity that he doesn’t have enough money to ________


A. fold B. preside C. sponsor

D. auction

10. A ________ approach to the problem is to minimize the number【肇庆蓝鸽英语学习平台答案】


A. sound B. profound C. drastic

D. radical

11. If we do not know the facts, we are in no ________ to handle


A. ability B. mood C. position

D. situation

12. During the 1960s, scientists were optimistic that malaria could be ________ out, and in fact, great progress was made.


A. put B. wiped C. pulled

D. eliminated


A. all in all B. above all C. all but

D. after all

14. Property on which money has been lent is ________ when the


A. regained B. recycled C. reclaimed

D. redeemed

15. For one reason or another their holiday in France didn't


A. face B. come C. go

D. hold

Part Two Reading Compreshion

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a


the best choice to complete each question or unfinished statement. Then type the answer in the blank on the web page.[题数:5;分数:15分;参考时间:10分0秒]

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