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将其标号填在题前括号内,每小题读两遍。(2分×5=10分) )1.A.very

B. visit )2.A.afternoon B. morning

)3.A.early B. hurry )4.A.report

B.question )5.A.form B. farm

二、听录音,选单词,完成句子。将其标号填在题前括号内, 每小题读两遍。(2分×5=10分) )1.Let’s go _________. )2.Is there a __________ ?

)3.Here is the ________ report for tomorrow. )4.I feel very _________.

)5.He is a strong and _________ boy.


答案,并将其填入题前括号内,每小题读两遍。(2分×5=10分) )1.A.It’s Saturday. B.It’s Monday )2.A.It’s windy. B.A.It’s cloudy. )3.A.I often go to the park. B.I’m often in Hong’en School.

)4.A.They go swimming. B.They go to the park. )5.A.It’s Monkey King. B.It’s a monkey.


填写适当的词,完成句子。(2分×5=10分) 1. We don’t have enough money. We can’t___________the new pen. 2.Today is___________. And tomorrow is Wednesday.

3.Lily wants to see dinosaurs,so her mother takes her to the ___________(博物馆).

4.The zoo is near here.Let’s go there on___________(步行).

5.It’s going to be___________(下雨的).Please take an umbrella with you. 五、选择填空。为下列句子选择最佳答案,并将正确答 案的标号填在题前括号里。(2分×10=20分) ( )1.We _______ go to school ________ Sunday. A.aren’t,on B.don’t,at C.don’t,on ( )2.Her watch is ________ . He is _______ . A.slow,late B.late,slow C.slow,slow

( )3.He always gets up ________ 8:30_______ Sunday morning. A.at,on B.at,in C.at,at ( )4.---_________

---I often visit him after breakfast. A.When do you visit your uncle? B.What do you have for breakfast?

C.What does Fangfang do after breakfast? ( )5.---_______ watch a movie this Sunday? ---Good idea!

A.Let’s B.Shall we C.What time

( )6.I like riding horses,so I always go to the ________. A.farm B.hospital C.library ( )7.---_______

---I’m going to exercise.

A.What do you do on Sunday?

B.What are you going to do on Sunday? C.What are you doing?

( ( ( ( (

( ( ( ( (

( ( ( ( (

( )8.Beijing is going to be ________ tomorrow. A.sunny B.cloud C.snow ( )9.—________________. —It’s 7:00. A.What’s the time?

B.When do you go to school in the morning. C.What day is it today?

( )10.—I play football ________15:00________16:00. A.between, but B.not,or C.between,and


入短文呢中相应的四线格内。(不能规范书写的,每词扣0.5 分)(2分×5=10分)

It is __________.Mary and Tom are __________today. They get up late and have __________at eight thirty. They go out at ten o’clock. Then go to the __________ at eleven o’clock. They go to the swimming pool at four. They have __________there.

七、从Ⅱ栏中选出与Ⅰ栏中相应的答语,将其标号写在题前 括号内。(2分×5=10分)

Ⅰ 栏 Ⅱ栏 ( )1.Do we have enough time? A.It’s near our school. ( )2.Where is the hospital? B.No, we don’t. ( )3.Are there any birds in the tree? C.By taxi. ( )4.How do we go to school? D.Great idea! ( )5.Shall we play football now? E.Yes, there are.

八,补全对话:根据对话内容,从方框内选择适合对话 的句子,并将其标号填入提前括号内,使对话完整。(2

分×5=10分) ( )1,—___________________ —It’s Sunday.

( )2,—___________________ —I don’t know.

( )3,—___________________ —That’s a good idea. ( )4,—___________________

—We can go at two o’clock in the afternoon. ( )5,—___________________ —It’s next to the train station. It’s not far. Let’s go by bike. —OK.

九,阅读下面短文,判断短文后句子的正误,正确的在 题前括号内写T,错误的写F.(2分×5=10分)

It’s sunny today.Many students are visiting the Shanghai Zoo.They are having fun there. Look, some boys are watching the monkeys. There are eighteen monkeys there. They are lovely and naughty(淘气的).Some monkeys are sitting on the hill. The girls are watching swans(天鹅)now. The swans are black and white. They are swimming on the river. They are quiet and beautiful. The students like animals very much, because animals are our good friend. ( )1. The students are visiting the Shanghai Zoo on Sunday. ( )2. There are 17 monkeys in the zoo. ( )3.The swans are naughty. ( )4. The swans are black and white. ( )5. The students like animals very much.






镇 区 一、 Listen and choose


学 校


( )1. A.

B. C.

班 别 ( )2.

A. B.

C. ( )3. A.


C. C. 6:30

C. plant ( )4. A. 6 B. 6:13 ( )5. A. play B. plate

( )7. A. October 1

st( )6. A. May B. March C. April 姓 名 B. October 3rd C. November 1st ( )8. A. a letter B. an e-mail C. a report

( )9. A. picking up leaves B. collecting leaves C. counting insects

( )10. A The elephants are drinking water B. The elephant is drinking water.

C. The monkeys are drinking water. 学 号

二、Listen and judge




)2. (

)3. (


( )5. ( )6.


( )7. Mom is washing the clothes.

( )8. There are birds flying in the sky.

( )9. My birthday is in summer. ( )10. I often visit grandparents on weekends.

三、 Listen and choose【2015,-2016学年度五年级第二学期终质量检测英语考试卷答案】


( )1. A. I get up at 6:30. B. They go to bed at 9:30. C. I go to bed at 9:30.

( )2. A. They’re jumping. B. They like jumping. C. It’s jumping.

( )3. A. Yes, he is. B. No, she’s doing homework. C. No, she’s doing housework.

( )4. A. Today is June 9th. B. Today is Tuesday. C. Today is a fine day.

( )5. A. I like swimming. B. I like summer best. C. I can swim in summer.

四、 Listen and fill


1. Ben: My brother is _____________ to music. What are you doing?

John: I’m __________ my room.

2. Amy: Why do you like __________?

Chen: ___________ I can play with snow.

3. Student: What do your friends usually do on Saturdays?

Teacher: They often go _____________.





一、 选择你听到的单词,把序号填在括号内。(5分)

( )1.A.moon B. soon C. noon D. spoon

( )2.A.tall B. tell C. till D. tool

( ) 3. A. hers B. hear C. hair D. her

( ) 4.A.letter B.late C. litter D. later

( )5.A. fall B.phoning C. phone D. fell

二、 选择你听到的句子,把序号填写在括号内。(5分) ( )1.A.I go home at 5:00in the morning .

B.I go home at 5:00 in the evening .

( )2.A .Winter is too cold for me .

B.Summer is too hot for me .

( )3.A.My birthday is on June 13 th .

B. My birthday is on June 30th .

( )4.A.He’s writing an e_mail to Tom .

B.He’s sending an e_mail to Tom .

( )5.A.The tiger are running and eating .

B.The tiger are eating and running .


( )1.A.I play sports and do my homework on the weekend .

B.I like sports .

( )2.A.My birthday is on September 24th.

B.Your birthday is on September 24th .

( )3.A.I think spring is very beautiful .

B.My favourite season is spring .

( )4.A.The kangaroo is playing happily .【2015,-2016学年度五年级第二学期终质量检测英语考试卷答案】

B.The kangaroo is big and old .

( )5.A.I like to go fishing on the weekend .

B.I want to go fishing on the weekend .

四.Listen and choose the right questions:

( ) 1 A .Why do you like spring ?

B .Why do you like fall ?

C . Why do you like winter ?

( ) 2 .A .Is her birthday in June ?

B .What’s the date ?

C .When is the date ?

( ) 3 .A .What’s it doing ?

B .What’s she doing ?

C .What’s he doing ?

五.Listen and number :

( ) Because I can plant trees .Which season do you like best ?



满分:100分 时间:60分钟



A. February B.fight C.get up D. summer E.do an



( )1.A.morning B.evening C.dinner D.afternoon

( )2.A.usually B.best C.often D.sometimes

( )3.A.drink B.trunk C.swing D.fight

( )4.A.December B.February C.Sunday D.May

( )5.A.second B.eighth C.fifth D.which

( )6.A.swim B.play C.noon D.skate



1.September(缩写形式)_________ 2.third(简写形式)____________

3.one(序数词)_________________ 4.run(现在分词)______________

5.leaf(复数)___________________ 6.butterfly(复数)______________

7.are not (缩写形式)___________ 8.writing(动词原形)_________

9.November(缩写形式)_________ 10.spring(同类词)_________


( )1. ----What's your favourite season?


A.I like fall best. B. February is my favourite. C. I swim in summer.

( )2. My parents usually get up ________ 6:40.【2015,-2016学年度五年级第二学期终质量检测英语考试卷答案】

A.on B. in C. at

( )3 . ----What's the date today?


A.It's Tuesday. B. It's cool C. It's April 1st.

( )4 . ----Is Amy answering the phone?


A. Yes, he does. B. No, she is writing a letter. C. No, he isn't.

( )5. August is the ________ month of the year.

A. seven B. ninth C. eighth

( )6. ---- What is Mike doing?

---- He ____________

A. running B. swims in the river C. is walking


( )7. ----______ do you like summer?

----______ I can swim in the river.

A. Why, Because B. Why, And C. Which, Because

( )8. There is a call ____ you.

A. for B. on C. at

( )9. ----__________?

----They are listening to music.

A. What do they do? B. What are you doing? C. What are your grandparents doing?

( )10. Apples are sweet _______ fall.

A. on B. in C. at

( )11.---Can you see the monkeys ?----__________________.

A. Yes ,I can. B.Yes , she is . C.No, I don’t.

( )12.Do an experiment _____ ,please.

A. me B. I C. my

( )13.Amy is playing_______ piano , but Chen Jie is playing ______ chess .

A.the ; the B. the ; / C. / ; the

( )14.Come and have a look _______ the ants .

A. on B.at C. in

( )15.My mom ______ cooking. I ____ reading . We ______ busy now .

A.is ; is ;are B. is ;am ; are C. am ;is ;are


1.have English class__________ 2.弹钢琴__________________

3.collect leaves _____________ 4.五月____________________

5.climb mountains____________ 6.采摘树叶 _______________

7.eat breakfast______________ 8.捉蝴蝶_________________

9.over there ______________ 10.去远足________________


K.tiger 1.季节_______________________ 2.月份_______________________

3.动物_______________________ 4.现在分词___________________


( ) 1. What do you do on the weekend? A. No, I'm going hiking.

( ) 2. When is Children's Day? B. I'm doing homework.

( ) 3.Which season do you like best? C. June 1st.

( ) 4. Are you climbing the mountain? D. Winter. I can play with snow.

( ) 5. What are you doing? E. I often do homework and go hiking.


( )1.打电话时,你想说自己是张鹏,你应该这样说:____________

A.Hello!This is Zhang Peng . B. Hello!I am Zhang Peng .

( )2.当你想问“你在做什么的时候?”你应该说:__________________

A.Who is she ? B.What is he doing. C. What are you doing ? ( )3.你想问对方什么时候过生日,你应该说:_________

A.When is your birthday ? B.When is your mother’s birthday ?

( )4.你想说大象正在喝水,你这样说:__________________

A.The elephant is taking a bath . B. The elephant is drinking water .

( )5.你问“老虎真的会游泳吗?”你这样问:_______________

A. Can tigers really swim ? B. Tigers can swim .


( )1.He’s in the woods .

( )2.Yes , he is . They are playing together .

( )3.Where is Zhang Peng ?

( )4.Is John playing chess ,too ?

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