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导读: pep五年级上册第二单元测试题(共5篇)...




Class_______ Name________ Marks______

一、选出下列每组单词中划线部分与其它三个读音不同的 ( ) 1. A sweater B great C heavy D breakfast ( ) 2. A read B seat C ready D tea ( ) 3. A eat B read C clean D head ( ) 4. A teacher B bread C meat D eat ( ) 5. A beef B feed C meet D ready

二、根据句意及首字母提示补全。 1. There are s days in a week . 2. I often listen to music on W morning . 3. I sometimes p foot on Saturday morning . 4. We h English and PE today .

5. Today is Thursday . Tomorrow(明天) is F .


( )2. We often do our ______.

A .homework B.homeworks C. homeworking

( )3. What do you have______ Mondays?

A. at B.in C.on

( )5.I_____ English on Mondays.

A.has B.having C.have

( )6.____do you do on Sundays?I often do my homework.

A.What B.Where C. How

( )9.Mr White and Miss Chen old teachers.

A.be B.is C.are D.am

( )10.He isn't an old teacher,he's .

A.slowly B.young C.tall D.funny

( )12.My mother is strict but 。

A.kind B.kinds C.old D.funny

( )13.Mr Chen is a good teacher.We all like .

A.him B.he C.his D.her

( )14 often play ping-pong _____ the weekend .

A . in B.under C.on

( )15--- Do you often read books on Saturday afternoon? --- I often listen to music .

A . Yes,I do . B.No, I don’t . C. Yes, I am.

( )16.---I often read books on Saturday afternoon .What about you ? --- _

A . I like music. B.I often watch TV. C. I look tired . ( )17.---- .----I have Chinese , English ,math and PE .

A . What do you have on Mondays ? .B. What do you often do on Mondays ? ( )18. The first day of a week is .

A . Monday B. Saturday C.Sunday ( )19.I often listen to music on the weekend .What you ?

A . do B. for C about ( )20. I often on Sunday morning and on Sunday afternoon .

A. play pipa ,play football B. play the pipa ,play football .

C. play the pipa ,play the football

四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. I (not)like sports . 2. I often (play)football . 3. What about (your), Alice ? 5. What you (do ) on Fridays ? 4.Do you (wash) your clothes on the weekend ?


( ) 1. No, I don’t . Do you often play football here ?

( ) 2.Yes, I do . I like this park very much .

( ) 3.It’s a storybook .

( ) 4.Hi , Sarah . What’s that ?

( ) 5.Do you often read books in the park ?


例:draw ---- draw pictures --I often draw pictures on the weekend . 1.do . 2.wash . 3.watch . 4.play . 5.read .


( )1.A.Monday B. today C.Sunday

( ) 2.A.draw B. tall C. short

( ) 3.A.art B.English C.homework

( ) 4.A.football B.play C.watch

( )5. A.PE B.Chinese C. Class



( )1.What do you have on Mondays? A. He is shy.

( )2.What day is it today? B. Great! I love music.

( )3.Do you have PE on Sundays? C.I have English and art on Mondays.

( )4.I have music. D. It’s Tuesday.

( )5 .What’s Mike like? E. No, we don’t.


1.My sister often w_________ TV on the weekend.

2.What does Tom have on M_______?

3.What do you do on the W___________(周末)?.

4.He often helps her mom w______clothes.

5.Do you have English on T________(星期四)?

十、英汉互译。 3.It’s 9:00. It’ 4.你们星期四上什么课 5.你星期三晚上做什么


1.What do you do on Saturdays? (翻译句子)

2. We have Chinese on Mondays.(对划线部分提问)

do you on Mondays?

3. I often do my homework on Saturdays. (对划线部分提问)

do you on Saturdays?

4. I often on Sundays. (看电视)

5. I often on Sundays.(读书)


1. see meet ( ) 2. head teacher ( ) _____________________________________

3. tea eat ( ) 5. read sea ( )

5. teeth coffee ( ) 6. feed beef ( )


( ) 1. A. eat B. meet C. teacher D. head

( ) 2. A. read B. bread C. repeat D. meet

( ) 3. A. bee B. feed C. beef D. great

十四. Read and match.读句子,连线配对.

1. What do you do on Sundays? It is Monday.

2. What day is it today? I often play football.

3.Who is your best friend? There are seven.

4.Where are you from? Wang Dong.

5.How many days are there in a week? I am from Shandong.

十五、读短文,判断正误。( 用T表示正确,F表示错误)

My name is Tom. I like Wednesdays. Because we have English on Wednesdays. I don’t like Thursdays. Because I don’t like P.E. I always draw pictures on Mondays. I can watch TV on Fridays. I often read books, play computer games and do homework on Saturdays. On Sunday I often play chess (下棋)with my father.

( )1.I like Wednesdays.

( ) 2.We have Chinese and art on Wednesdays.

( ) 3.I always play ping-pong on Mondays.

( ) 4.I often read books, play computer games and do homework on Saturdays.

( ) 5.We have P.E. on Thursdays.


同学们,大家已经学了关于你的一周的英语知识,请你在你的小作文中,以“My weekend”为题向大家介绍你的周末是如何度过的,试试身手吧。

提示词:often, wash clothes, play football, read books


Class_______ Name________ Marks______


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

A. watch TV B. Saturday C. Monday D. Friday E. play computer games F. Tuesday G. do homework H. play ping-pong I. Wednesday J. read books 二、选择正确的字母组合补全单词:

( ) 1. Th __ __ sday A. or

( ) 2. homew__ __ k A. or

( ) 3. Sat __ __ day A. ur

( ) 4. We __ __ esday A. nd

( ) 5. wat __ __

( ) 6. M __ __ day

( ) 7. T __ __ sday

( ) 8. F __ __ day

( ) 9. S __ __ day

( ) 10. d __ __


( ) 1. A. Sunday

( ) 2. A. watch

( ) 3. A. math

( ) 4. A. on

( ) 5. A. today


( ) 1. -- _____ do you have on Mondays ? -- We have P.E. and art. B. Monday B. read B. Chinese B. what B. tomorrow C. English C. today C. often C. who C. homework A. oh A. no A. eu A. ri A. un A. ae B. ur B. ir B. er B. dn B. eh B. om B. ue B. ir B. um B. ay C. ar C. ow C. ir C. mn C. ch C. on C. ua C. rl C. nu C. ya


五年级unit 2 单元测试 姓名: 等级:



( ) 1. A. Sunday B.strict C. Saturday


( ) 2. A. Thursday B. Friday C. Wednesday

( ) 3. A. weekend B. wash C. watch

( ) 4. A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday

( ) 5. A. What do you have on Tuesdays?

B. What do you do on Thursday ?

C. Do you often play football here?

( )6. A. PE B. art C. computer

( )7. A. homework B. TV C. clothes

( )8. A. read B. watch C. wash

( )9. A. beef B.meet C. read

( )10. A. I often play ping-pong.

B. I often watch TV.

C. I often read books.


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( ) 1. Tom likes Sundays.

( ) 2. On Sundays Tom often plays football.

( ) 3. On Saturdays Tom often read books and watches TV.

( ) 4. Tom and Mike are good friends.

( ) 5. Mike often plays ping-pong.



( )1.A.Monday B. today C.Sunday

( ) 2.A.draw B. tall C. short

( ) 3.A.art B.English C.homework

( ) 4.A.football B.play C.watch

( )5. A.PE B.Chinese C. class



( ) 1. 你想问“你星期四有什么课?”你应该怎么问?

A. What do you do on Thursdays?

B. What day is it today?

C. What do you have on Thursdays?

( ) 2. Today ____Friday.

A.is B. are C. am

( ) 3.We _____ have English, math and P.E.

A.have B. has C. had

( ) 4. What do you do ______ Sundays?

A. on B. in C. from

( ) 5.别人问你“What do you have on Wednesdays ?”

A. I like Wednesdays

B. I often read books and watch TV on Wednesdays.

C. I have English ,math, and music on Wednesdays.

( ) 6. Is he strict? _____ .

A. No, he is funny. B. Yes, he isn’t. C. No, he is.

( ) 7. The first day of a week is _______.

A. Sunday B. Saturday C. Friday

( ) 8. I often _____ ping-pong.

A. play B. have C. do

( ) 9.Do you often read books on the weekend? No, ___I often sleep.

A. but B. and C. so

( ) 10. Look ___ my picture.

A. for B. at C. /

( ) 11. I often ______ TV on Saturdays.

A. read B. watch C. see

( ) 12. Do you often play sports on the weekend?

A. Yes, I do B.No,I don’t C. Yes, I am

( ) 13. Is your mother kind ? ____________.

A.Yes, she is. B. Yes, he is. C. No, he isn’t.

( ) 14 .Who’s that young man? X k B 1 . c o m

-__________is our PE teacher .

A. He B. she C. She

X ( ) 15. 你想问“你星期五做什么?”你应该怎么问?

A. What do you do on Fridays?

B. What day is it today?

C. What do you have on Fridays?



( )1.What do you have on Mondays? A. He is shy.

( )2.What day is it today? B. Great! Ilove music.

( )3.Do you have PE on Sundays? C.I have English and art on Mondays.

( )4.I have music. D. It’s Tuesday.

( )5 . What’s Tom like? E. No, we don’t.


1.My sister often w_________ TV on the weekend.

2.What does Tom have on M_______?

3.What do you do on the W___________(周末)?.

4.He often helps her mom w______clothes.

5.Do you have English on T________(星期四)?


1.I do housework on Sundays 2.I play computer games on Monday evening 3.It’s 9:00. It’s time to read books 4.你们星期四上什么课? 5.你星3九、按要求改写句子。(10分)

1.What do you do on Saturdays? (翻译句子)



do you on Mondays?


do you on Saturdays?

4. I often on Sundays. (看电视)(根据汉语提示填空)

5. I often on Sundays.(读书)(根据汉语提示填空)

十、读短文,判断正误。( 用T表示正确,F表示错误)(10分)

My name is Tom. I like Wednesdays. Because we have English on Wednesdays. I

don’t like Thursdays. Because I don’t like P.E. I always draw pictures on Mondays. I

can watch TV on Fridays. I often read books, play computer games and do homework

on Saturdays. On Sunday I often play chess with my father.

( )1.I like Wednesdays.

( ) 2.We have Chinese and art on Wednesdays.

( ) 3.I always play ping-pong on Mondays.

( ) 4.I often read books, play computer games and do homework on


( ) 5.We have P.E. on Thursdays.【pep五年级上册第二单元测试题】

十一、作文( 5分)


以“My weekend”为题向大家介绍你的周末是如何度过的,试试身手吧。

提示词:often, wash clothes, play football, read books


Unit 2. My week

A. Let’s talk


1. I love English . (一般疑问句,肯定回答)

2. Mr Young is my music teacher . (一般疑问句) 3. I have music on Thursdays . (就划线部分提问)

4. We have Chinese on Tuesdays . (一般疑问句)

5. Is he very strict ? (肯定回答)新 课 标 第 一 网

6. I have art on Thursdays . (否定句)

7. My mother is strong . (写出问句) 8. Mr Zhang is my PE teacher . (就划线部分提问9. Mike is very funny . (否定句)

10. We are good students . ()

A. Let’s learn


标 第 一 网

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )( )

( )( )

( )( )

not ( )( )

Let’s spell

一、 找出下列各组单词划线部分发音与众不同的一个。

( ) 1. A. eat B. meet C. teacher D. head

( ) 2. A. read B. bread C. repeat D. meet

( ) 3. A. bee B. feed C. beef D. great

二、 判断下列各组单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,否则打“×”。

1. see meet ( ) 2. head teacher ( )

3. tea eat ( ) 5. read sea ( )

5. teeth coffee ( ) 6. feed beef ( )三、听音,选择你所听到的单词。新课 标 第 一 网

( ) 1. A.feet B. feed ( )( ) 3. A. tea B. eat ( ( ) 5. A. read B. red (( ) 7. A. tooth B. teeth ( ) 8. A. me B. meet

B. Let’s talk





4. It’写出问句)

-pong on Saturday . (写出问句)


7. We often play football . (一般疑问句)

8. What’s this ? (用“一本英语书”回答)

9. Is that a book ? (否定回答) X k B 1 . c o m

10. That’s a pencil . (就划线部分提问)

11. It’s a pencil . (就划线部分提问) 12. This is a pencil . (就划线部分提问)

B. Let’s learn


1、洗衣服 2. 看电视 3. 做作业 4. 看书 5. 踢足球

6. 在星期四 7. 在周末 8. Saturday afternoon

9. in this park 10. clean my room 11. play the pipa

12. draw pictures


Read and write

按要求写句子。 1. I have PE on Mondays .



X k B 1 . c o m


(否定句) (一般疑问句)

(写出问句) 9. They like apples . (就划线部分提问)

10. I often play ping-pong on Sundays . (写出问句)

11. Today is Monday . (就划线部分提问)

12. What about you ? (同义句)




( ) 1. A. need B. feed C. feet D. seed

( ) 2. A. Sunday B. Saturday C. sunny

( ) 3. A. week B. we C. weekend

( ) 4. A. watch B. what C. wash D. want

( ) 5. A. tea B. eat C. ate D. east

( ) 6. A. repeat B. teach C. teacher D. peach【pep五年级上册第二单元测试题

( ) 7. A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Wednesday

( ) 8. A. bedroom B. bathroom C. classroom

( ) 9. A. sport B. short C. shirt新课 标 第 一 网 D. T-shirt


( ) 1. A. We have Chinese . B. I Yes , I have maths .

( ) 2. A. It’s a pen . B. This is a pen . C. That’s a pen .

( ) 5. A. It. B. Is it Monday ? C. Yes , it’s Tuesday .

3. Do you __________ ____________ on ______________ ?

4. What do you do on the _______ ? I do my _________ and ___________ TV .


5. I have maths on ___________ and ___________ .

6. __________ is the last day of a week .

四、听读短文,判断正“T”,误“F”。 X|k | B| 1 . c| O |m

( ) 1. Mike likes Wednesdays .

( ) 2. They often play basketball on the weekend .

( ) 3. Mr Wang is tall and strong .

( ) 4. Today is Wednesday .

( ) 5. They have Chinese on Wednesdays .



1. know(同音词) 2. yes(对应词)

3. that(对应词) 4. I (宾格)

5. too(同音词) 6. book(复数)

7. Sunday(复数) 8. young(对应词)

9. tall(对应词) 10. clever(近义词)

11. help(形容词) 12. friend(形容词)新| 课 |标| 第 |一| 网

13. kind(对应词) 14. mother15. my(对应词) 16. he(宾格)

17. he(对应词) 18. play (名词)

19. here(对应词)(复数)

21. grandma(对应词)(同义词)

最后) day of a week .

第一) day of a week .

明天) is Monday .

4. do on the w___________ ? I often w__________ TV and r_______ 5. I like W_____________ . Because we have PE on that day .


( ) 1. What do you have ______ Mondays ?

A. on B. at C. in

( ) 2. ______ you have maths ? A. Do B. Are C. Is

( ) 3. Do you often read books in the evening ?________


Unit 2. My week

A. Let’s talk


1. I love English . (一般疑问句,肯定回答)

2. Mr Young is my music teacher . (一般疑问句) 3. I have music on Thursdays . (就划线部分提问)

4. We have Chinese on Tuesdays . (一般疑问句)

5. Is he very strict ? (肯定回答)

6. I have art on Thursdays . (否定句)

7. My mother is strong . (写出问句) 8. Mr Zhang is my PE teacher . (就划线部分提问)

9. Mike is very funny . (否定句)

10. We are good students . (一般疑问句,肯定回答)

A. Let’s learn


1. on Tuesdays 2. have Chinese and maths 3. our science teacher

4. computer class 5. your art teacher 6. have a cooking class

二、听音,选择你所听到的单词。 ( )( )

( )( )

( )( )

( )( )

( )( )

( )( )

( )( )

not ( )( )【pep五年级上册第二单元测试题】

Let’s spell

一、 找出下列各组单词划线部分发音与众不同的一个。

( ) 1. A. eat B. meet C. teacher D. head

( ) 2. A. read B. bread C. repeat D. meet

( ) 3. A. bee B. feed C. beef D. great

二、 判断下列各组单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,否则打“×”。

1. see meet ( ) 2. head teacher ( )

3. tea eat ( ) 5. read sea ( )

5. teeth coffee ( ) 6. feed beef ( )


( ) 1. A.feet B. feed ( ) 2. A. sea B. seat

( ) 3. A. tea B. eat ( ) 4. A. read B. repeat ( ) 5. A. read B. red ( ) 6. A. bee B. beef ( ) 7. A. tooth B. teeth ( ) 8. A. me B. meet

B. Let’s talk


1. I often read books in this park . (一般疑问句)

2. Do you often play football ? (肯定回答)

3. Yes , I often listen to music on Sundays . (写出问句)

4. It’s a storybook . (写出问句)

5. No, I don’t play ping-pong on Saturday . (写出问句)

6. I like this park . (一般疑问句,否定回答)

7. We often play football . (一般疑问句)

8. What’s this ? (用“一本英语书”回答)

9. Is that a book ? (否定回答)

10. That’s a pencil . (就划线部分提问)

11. It’s a pencil . (就划线部分提问) 12. This is a pencil . (就划线部分提问)

B. Let’s learn


1、洗衣服 2. 看电视 3. 做作业 4. 看书 5. 踢足球

6. 在星期四 7. 在周末 8. Saturday afternoon

9. in this park 10. clean my room 11. play the pipa

12. draw pictures


( ) 1. A. watch B. wash ( ) 2. A. homework B. housework

( ) 3. A. close B. clothes ( ) 4. A. week B. weekend

( ) 5. A. play B. plate ( ) 6. A. foot B. feet

( ) 7. A. watch B. what ( )8.A. picture B. teacher

( ) 9. A. book B. books ( ) 10. A. often B. after

( ) 11. A. that B. what ( ) 12. A. his B. this Read and write

按要求写句子。 1. I have PE on Mondays . (就划线部分提问)

2. I often play sports on Sundays . (一般疑问句) 3. We often read books on the weekend .(就划线部分提问)

4. I like sports .(否定句)

5. We have music on Tuesdays .(否定句)

6. I watch TV on Thursdays .(否定句)

7. I have a football class .(一般疑问句)

8. We have art on Fridays .(写出问句) 9. They like apples . (就划线部分提问)

10. I often play ping-pong on Sundays . (写出问句) 11. Today is Monday . (就划线部分提问)

12. What about you ? (同义句)




( ) 1. A. need B. feed C. feet D. seed

( ) 2. A. Sunday B. Saturday C. sunny

( ) 3. A. week B. we C. weekend

( ) 4. A. watch B. what C. wash D. want

( ) 5. A. tea B. eat C. ate D. east

( ) 6. A. repeat B. teach C. teacher D. peach

( ) 7. A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Wednesday

( ) 8. A. bedroom B. bathroom C. classroom

( ) 9. A. sport B. short C. shirt D. T-shirt

( ) 10. A. story B. sorry C. store D. shop


( ) 1. A. We have Chinese . B. I read books C. Yes , I have maths .

( ) 2. A. It’s a pen . B. This is a pen . C. That’s a pen .

( ) 3. A. Yes , we do . B. No , I do . C. Yes , I have .

( ) 4. A. I read books . B. Sometimes I read books .

C. Yes , I read books .

( ) 5. A. It’s Monday . B. Is it Monday ? C. Yes , it’s Tuesday .

( ) 6. A. Yes , I do . B. Me too . C. Yes , I watch TV.


1. We have Chinese on ___________ and ______________ .

2. I __________ my _________ and __________ ________ on Sundays .

3. Do you __________ ____________ on ______________ ?

4. What do you do on the _______ ? I do my _________ and ___________ TV .

5. I have maths on ___________ and ___________ .

6. __________ is the last day of a week .


( ) 1. Mike likes Wednesdays .

( ) 2. They often play basketball on the weekend .

( ) 3. Mr Wang is tall and strong .

( ) 4. Today is Wednesday .

( ) 5. They have Chinese on Wednesdays .



1. know(同音词) 2. yes(对应词)

3. that(对应词) 4. I (宾格)

5. too(同音词) 6. book(复数)

7. Sunday(复数) 8. young(对应词)

9. tall(对应词) 10. clever(近义词)

11. help(形容词) 12. friend(形容词)

13. kind(对应词) 14. mother(对应词)

15. my(对应词) 16. he(宾格)

17. he(对应词) 18. play (名词)

19. here(对应词) 20. picture(复数)

21. grandma(对应词) 22. grandma(同义词)


1. S____________ is the last (最后) day of a week .

2. S____________ is the first (第一) day of a week .

3. Today is _____________ . Tomorrow (明天) is Monday .

4. What do you do on the w___________ ? I often w__________ TV and r_______ b________ .

5. I like W_____________ . Because we have PE on that day .


( ) 1. What do you have ______ Mondays ?

A. on B. at C. in

( ) 2. ______ you have maths ? A. Do B. Are C. Is

( ) 3. Do you often read books in the evening ?________

A. Yes , I don’t . B. No , I don’t C. No , I do




( )1.A.Monday B. today C.Sunday

( ) 2.A.draw B. tall C. short

( ) 3.A.art B.English C.homework

( ) 4.A.football B.play C.watch

( )5. A.PE B.Chinese C. class


( ) 1. 你想问“你星期四有什么课?”你应该怎么问?

A. What do you do on Thursdays?

B. What day is it today?

C. What do you have on Thursdays?

( ) 2. Today ____Friday.

A.is B. are C. am

( A.have B. has C. had

( A. on B. in ( ) 5.别人问你“”



C. ( A. B. Yes, he isn’t. C. No, he is.

( B. Saturday C. Friday

( A. play B. have C. do

( ) 9.Do you often read books on the weekend? No, ___I often sleep.

A. but B. and C. so

( ) 10. Look ___ my picture.

A. for B. at C. /

( ) 11. I often ______ TV on Saturdays.

A. read B. watch C. see

( ) 12. Do you often play sports on the weekend?

A. Yes, I do B.No,I don’t C. Yes, I am

( ) 13. Is your mother kind ? ____________.

A.Yes, she is. B. Yes, he is. C. No, he isn’t.

( ) 14 .Who’s that young man?

-__________is our PE teacher .

A. He B. she C. She

X ( ) 15. 你想问“你星期五做什么?”你应该怎么问?

A. What do you do on Fridays?

B. What day is it today?

C. What do you have on Fridayss?

六、从B栏中找出A栏的正确答语。(10分)A ( )1.What do you have on Mondays?

( )2.What day is it today? ( )3.Do you have PE on have English and art on


( )4.I have music. D. It’s Tuesday.

( )5 . What’ E. No, we don’t.



星期四)? X k B 1 . c o m


1.I do housework on Sundays 3.It’s 9:00. It’s time to read books 4. 5.你星2?


1.What do you do on Saturdays? (翻译句子)



do you on Mondays? (对划线部分提问)

do you on Saturdays?

4. I often on Sundays. (看电视)(根据汉语


5. I often on Sundays.(读书)示填空)

十、读短文,判断正误。( 用T表示正确,F

My name is Tom. I like Wednesdays. Because English on

Wednesdays. I don’t like Thursdays. Because I P.E. I always

play chess with my father.

( )1.I like Wednesdays.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


My weekend”为题向大家介绍你的周末是如何度过的,

often, wash clothes, play football, read books

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