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导读: 北师大版第二学期五年级下册英语期末测试卷答案(共5篇)...




听力部分( 80% ):

一、请根据录音内容,选择正确的图片,并把编号写在左边的括号里。( 20% )

1、( ) A、 B、

2、( )

3、( )

4、( )

5、( )

6、( )

7、( )

8、( )

9、( )

A、 A、 A、 蓝色 A、 A、 A、 A、 A、 B、 B、 B、 棕色 B、 B、 B、 B、 B、

10、( ) A、 B、

二、听录音,给下面的图画编号,并把编号写在对应的括号里。( 5% )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、判断听力内容是否与图相符,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。( 10% )

1、 2、 3、 4、 5、

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

6、 7、 8、 9、 10、

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

六、听录音,选出正确的单词,并把编号写在括号里。( 5% ) ( ) 1、 A、one B、red ( ) 2、 A、write B、white ( ) 3、 A、peppers B、purple ( ) 4、 A、green B、grey ( ) 5、 A、ladder B、rabbit 七、听录音,选出正确的句子,并把编号写在括号里。( 5% ) ( ) 6、 A、Is this a pear? B、Is that a peach? ( ) 7、 A、These are tomatoes. B、There are ten potatoes. ( ) 8、 A、What color are they? B、Look at all the colors. ( ) 9、 A、Can you see our house? B、Can you climb the tree? ( ) 10、 A、Can you sing? B、Can you swim? 八、根据听力内容画画。( 10% )




笔试部分(20% ):

一、根据图片找英语单词,并用编号写在括号里。( 5% )



姓名 得分



( )1.A. went B. send C. want D. what

( )2.A. play cards B. fly kites C. play football D. play chercks ( )3.A. arrive B. arrived C. arrives D. arriving ( )4.A. hand B. hurt C. head D. hurts ( )5.A. laughed B. wanted C. pointed D.walked 二.听录音,排顺序(5分)

( )Did you have a nice trip? ( ) Hello, Li Ming! I miss you. ( ) We walked to Wangfijing Street. ( ) Yes! I had a great trip! ( ) I miss you, too.



1.( )A. banana B. melon C. orange D. pop 2.( )A. glass B. milk C. tea D. water 3. ( )A. tree B. dog C. duck D. pig 4.( )A. eat B. drink C. point D. sandwich 5.( )A. draw B. see C. baby D. look 6.( )A. swim B. hot C. run D. jump 7.( )A. red B. good C. yellow D. black 8.( )A. cow B. mother C. brother D. father 9.( )A. pen B. pencil C. green D. ruler 10.( )A. cake B. fish C. noodles D. new 二.读一读,连一连(10分)

1.read A. lunch 1.take a picture A.买东西 2.go to B. the map 2.arrive in B.想要 3.look at C. school 3.go shopping C.照相 4.have D. a book 4.play cards D.到达 5.drink E. some tea 5.want to E.玩牌 三.反义词连一连(5分)

1.top 2.left 3.big 4.ask 5.same

A. small B. bottom C. right D. different E. answer 四.按要求写出单词的正确形式(5分)

1.child(复数形式) 2.woman(对应词3.easy(反义词) 4.eat(过去式 5.sun(形容词 五.情景对话(10分)

1. 询问对方是否需要果汁时,可以说:A. Would you like some juice? B. Do you like some juice? 2.当你要告诉别人你最喜欢的食物是鱼时,可以说: A. My favourite food is fish. B.I like dumpings.

3.你想知道这是什么,可以说: A.What is this? B.What is that? 4.你去买苹果,可以这样问价格:

A. How many apples? B. How much for an apple? 5.当你问对方最喜欢的颜色是什么时,可以说 A. What’s your favourite colour? B. What colour do you like? 6.你想知道对方的生日时,可以说: A. When is your birthday?. B. When is his birthday?. 7.别人向你借东西是,你毫不犹豫的说 A. No, thanks. B. Sure. Here you are.

8.你坐公交车去学校,告诉妈妈不要为你担心,可以说:A. Don’t worry. I can go to school by bus. B. Sorry. I can’t go to school by bus. 9.当你问对方感觉怎样时,可以说:A. How do you feel? B. How are you? 10.当你问对方想要喝什么时,可以说A. What would you like to drink? B. What would you like to eat? 六.问句答语连一连(10分)

1. Where do you live? A.I like green. 2. Which floor does she live on? B.I live in a house. 3. How tall is Jenny? C. The third floor. 4. How old are you? D. She’s 1.4 meters tall. 5. What colour do you like? E. I’m 14 years old. 6. Does Danny see it? F. This is a baby. 7. What is Danny looking at? G. No, he doesn’t. 8. What are you doing? H.Yes, he is quiet.

9. Is Danny quiet now? I. Danny id looking at some noodles. 10. Who is this? J.I am drawing a picture. 七.将下列单词补充完整(10分)

1. ( tter A. i B. a C. e D. o 2. ( r A. u; e B. u; a C. u; o D. u; u 3. ( ck A. iu B. ui C. ue D.ua 4. ( n A. i;i B. e;e C. e;i D. i;e 5. ( ple A. ee B. eo C. ie D .ei 6. ( pe A. a; a B. e; o C. o; e D .e; e 7. ( p A. am B. an C. en D. om 8. ( n A. o; i B. i; e C. o; a D. e; o 9. ( rd A. o; e B. o; o C. a; e D. q; a

10. ( dly A. ow B.au C. aw D.ou 八.单项选择(10分)

( )1.---What ? ---They are donuts.

A. is it B. are they C. are this

( )2.----Would you like some milk? A. Yes, thanks. B. Yes, give me. C. No, thanks.

( for one apple? -----One yuan. A. much B. many C.long ( )4.----I have many A. pear B. oranges C. pen ( )5.----May I have some pop? ----- A. Thanks. B. Sure C. Good. ( A. quiet B. loudly C. quietly ( A. an; computer B. an; letter C. a; computer

( )8.--- ducks are there?---Eight. A. What B. Where C. How many ( )9.---- is hungry? A. Who B. What C. Where ( )10.---- I take your picture? A. What B. Would C. May 九.翻译(10分)

1. Who is this woman? A.我妹妹正在画画。 2. May I take your picture? B.我步行去上学。 3. My sister is drawing. C.我上了我的胳膊。 4. Their tea is too hot to drink. D.这是左边。 5. I hurt my arm. E.这个女士是谁? 6. My mother is a doctor. F.这个礼物给你。 7. This gift is for you. G.我妈妈是医生。

8. This is the left. H.他们的茶太热了而不能喝。 9. I go to school on foot. I.我能给你照相吗? 10. I see some children playing. J.我看见一些孩子在玩。




一、 听录音,从每小题A、B、C中选出你所听到的词语,将其序号填入题前( )里,听两遍。 (10分)

( ) 1. A. January B. February C. March ( ) 2. A. weekend B. walk C. watch ( ) 3. A. ninth B. nineteen C. noon ( ) 4. A. rain B. run

C. May

( ) 5. A. fly B. fight C. first

二、听录音,判断下列图片与你所听到的句子是否相符,相符的在( )里写T,不相符的写F,听两遍。(10分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

三、根据你所听到的问句,将正确答语的序号写在题前( )里,听两遍。(10分) ( ) 1.A.She’s drawing pictures. B.He’s drawing pictures. ( ) 2.A.It’s 9:00. B.It’s September 1st. ( ) 3.A.I usually get up at 6:30. B.I usually get up at 6:20 ( ) 4.A.I often go shopping. B.I often go hiking. ( ) 5.A.No,they aren’t. B.No,they can’t.

笔试部分 70分

四、 从每小题A、B、C中选出不同类的词,填入题前( )里。(10分)

( ) 1. A. fall B. spring C. sometimes ( ) 2. A. November B. summer C. December ( ) 3. A. second

B. seventh C. seventeen

( ) 4. A. evening B. weekend C. noon ( ) 5.

A. season B. skate C. swim


1. answering the phone A B C

2. picking up leaves A B C

3. climb mountains A B C

4. make a snowman A



5. drinking water A B C

六 、从每小题A、B、C中选出最佳答案,填入题前( ) 里。(5分) ( ) 1. Can I speak _____ your mom?

A. to B. in C. on

( ) 2. _____ is your birthday?

A. What B. When C. Which ( ) 3. August is the ________ month of the year.

A. seven B. ninth C. eighth

( ) 4. ---- __________ ? ---- They are swinging.

A. What do they do? B. What are you doing?

C. What are the monkeys doing?

( ) 5.John is _________an e-mail.

A.write B.writing C.writeing 七. 根据问句选择恰当的答句。( 10分 ) ( ) 1. What’s your sister doing?

A. I often read a book. ( ) 2. Why do you like winter? B. She’s washing the clothes. ( ) 3. What's the date today?

C. They’re climbing.

( ) 4. What do you do on Sundays? D. Because I can skate. ( ) 5. What are the pandas doing?

E. June 1st.

八. 给下列句子排序。(10分)

( ) Winter.

( ) I like fall. Because I like collecting leaves. ( ) Because I can play with snow. What about you? ( ) Which season do you like best? ( ) Why do you like winter? 九、连词成句。(10分)

1. June is birthday my in .

2. she counting is insects ?

3. is my fall season favourite . 4. eat dinner you do when?

5. at 8:30 do I morning exercises usually .

十. 阅读短文判断正误。与短文内容相符的在( )里写T,不相符的在( )里写F。(10分)

My name is Zhang Peng. I'm from Yichang. I usually get up at 6:30, and I often play football on the weekend. I like winter best. Because I can play with snow. Today my family are having a picnic. My mother is listening to music. My father is watching insects. I can see animals. The rabbits are jumping. The birds are flying. We are having a good time.

( )1. Zhang Peng often plays football on the weekend. ( )2.. Zhang Peng and his parents are having a picnic. ( )3. Zhang Peng’s mother is watching insects. ( )4. Zhang Peng can see rabbits and birds.

( )5.Winter is Zhang Peng’s favorite season.



Hello, I am Mike. ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

You are super! 恭喜你完成了今天的知识之旅了!请记得检查哦!

北师大版五年级下册英语期末试卷 (2)

北师大版 五年级英语下册期末模拟试题



( )1. A. radio B. make ( )2. A. borrow B. hockey ( )3. A. study B. student ( )4. A. recorder B. red ( )5. A. trip B. ill ( )6. A. toothpaste B. too ( )7. A. elbow B. know ( )8. A. mouths B. months C. name C. observe C. excuse C. remember C. violin C. look C. flower C. bikes D. any D. on D. use D. eleven D. sing D. zoo D. window D. caps

(二)判断 ( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )1. gr pefr t

( )2. c nc t

( )3. h n ed

( )4. ght

( )5. fl er

( )6. nter sting

( )7. w k

( )8. la er

( )9. b sk tball

( )10. le on

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) B. a , ui B. o , ur B. u , dr B. ei , i B. ow B. e , i B. ee B. bb B. e , a B. c C. ai , ui C. o , ui C. u , pr C. ei , y C. ou C. i , i C. i i C. dd C. a , e C. ss 二、填字母,组单词,填序号。 A. a , u A. o , er A. u , gr A. ei , ty A. aw A. i , e A. ar A. pp A. e , e A. s


1. monkey(复数)

3. climb(分词)

5. much(同义词)

7. there(同音词)

9. good(反义词)

2. money(复数) 4. write(分词) 6. mice(单数) 8. some sports shops(单数) 10. do(第三人称单数)


1. Look at the . How big they are !(library)

2. Look ! The boy is to the classroom .(run)

3. There aren’t exercises on the paper .(some)

4. Children in often play ping pong .(Chinese)【北师大版第二学期五年级下册英语期末测试卷答案】

5. homework can you do today ?(how many)

6. There are some small near Tianjin .(city)

7. Do you know ?(where is he from)

8. Oh , your shoes are like .(Tom)

9. Can you a horse like that man ?(ride)

10. I want to buy two bags of for the children .(soap)


1. My little brother playing the computer .(喜欢)

2. Are you good at ?(做风筝)

3. My mother’ll .(带我去医院)

4. The women’s are very nice .(手表

5. Tom is interested in .(研究植物)

6. Where’s Lily ? She’s . Maybe she’s ill .(躺在床上)

7. your pen . You can it .(寻找,找到)

8. Thank you for .(帮助我妹妹)

9. One of the is in a red dress .(女孩)

10. Dick today . He can’t go to school .(患重感冒)


( )1. Hello , this is Betty .

A. speaking B. speak C. speaks

( )2. Milk is good you .

A. to B. for C. at

( )3. there an armchair there ? Yes .

A. Be B. Are C. Is

( )4. the boy play hockey ?

A. Can B. Do C. Is

( )5. What are these ? kittens .

A. It’s B. They’re C. The’re

( )6. the money on the right your son’s ?

A. Do B. Does C. Is

( )7. There is some under the tree .

A. sheep B. chick C. rabbit

( )8. , I can’t do it for you .

A. Excuse B. Sorry C. Excuse me

( )9. Don’t about me . I’m OK .

A. sorry B. carry C. worry

( )10. Don’t read . It’s bad for your eyes .

A. in the sun B. in sun C. under the sun

( )11. There aren’t people in the room .

A. a lot of B. many C. much

( )12. Where the medicine ?

A. are B. be C. is

( )13. Mary often helps us our English .

A. with B. to C. or

( )14. your books on the desk ?

A. Is there B. Are C. Are there

( )15. smart birds they are !

A. How B. How about C. What

( )16. I’ll you if I get there .

A. call B. calling C. calls【北师大版第二学期五年级下册英语期末测试卷答案】

( )17. There some toothpaste there .

A. are B. is C. be

( )18. The hippos have big .

A. months B. month C. mouths

( )19. Remember me a new dress .

A. to bring B. bring C. take

( )20. Let Rose go . Have supper together .

A. don’t B. not C. not to


1. The boy with a football’s Tom’s brother .(否定句)

The boy with a football .

2. Can the uncle in the car play rugby well ?(肯定句)

The uncle play rugby well .

3. There is a bag of bread in the basket .(复数)

There some of in the basket .

4. Tom can do it like this .(祈使句)

it like this .

5. Please buy a toy for Lily .(否定句)

buy a toy for Lily .

6. There are some boys and girls in the room .(否定句)

There boys girls in the room .

7. herself , go , let , the , school , to , girl(组句)

Let go to school .

8. Are these ducks or geese ?(回答)

geese .

9. What’s wrong with your bike ?(同义句)

What’s with your bike ?(同义句)

10. Miss Wang is a kind woman .(感叹句)

kind woman Miss Wang is ! (画线部分提问)

How blue there in your pencil-box ? (画线部分提问)

can you under the desk ?


John is a bookseller . He doesn’t like paying for anything . One day he leaves a box of books on his foot . “ Go to the doctor .” says his wife . “ No ,” he says , “ I’ll wait till the doctor comes into the shop next time . Then I’ll ask him about my foot . If I go to see him , I’ll have to pay for him . ”

The next day the doctor comes into the shop and buys some books . When John is getting them ready , he tells the doctor about his foot . The doctor looks at it , “ Yes , ” says the doctor , “ You must put the foot in hot water every night . ” “ Thank you , ” says the bookseller , “ And now sir , here are your books . ” “ How much ? ” says the doctor , “ Two pounds , ” answers John . “ Good , ” says the doctor , “ I shall not have to pay you anything . ” “ Why ? ” asks John in surprise , “ I tell you about your foot . I want two pounds for that . Goodbye . ”

( )1. John is a .

A. worker B. doctor C. book maker D. bookseller

( )2. The bookseller’s wife tells him to .

A. wait for the doctor coming

B. go to the doctor

C. be careful when he does things

D. ask the doctor to come

( )3. The doctor comes into the shop to .

A. buy some books

B. look at John’s foot

C. pay John some money

D. look at medicine books

( )4. When does the bookseller tell the doctor about his foot ?

A. When the doctor comes into the shop .

B. When he is getting the books ready .

C. After he hands the books to the doctor .

D. After the doctor has books in his hand .


There is a . Its is Venice . The man and , the and young don’t drive cars . are no streets . Only small rivers are and there . They look streets . People go to shops by boats . Young father

may take a bus or ride a bike work . The fathers there can only ride boats .

试 题 答 案



( D )1. A. radio B. make C. name ( C )2. A. borrow B. hockey C. observe ( A )3. A. study B. student C. excuse D. any D. on D. use

( B )4. A. recorder B. red C. remember D. eleven

( C )5. A. trip B. ill C. violin D. sing

( C )6. A. toothpaste B. too C. look D. zoo

( C )7. A. elbow B. know C. flower D. window

( A )8. A. mouths B. months C. bikes D. caps

(二)判断 ( √ ) ( √ ) ( × ) ( × ) ( × ) ( × ) ( × ) ( √ ) ( √ ) ( √ )


( B )1. gr pefr t A. a , u B. a , ui C. ai , ui

( A )2. c nc t A. o , er B. o , ur C. o , ui

( B )3. h n ed A. u , gr B. u , dr C. u , pr

( C )4. ght A. ei , ty B. ei , i C. ei , y

( B )5. fl er A. aw B. ow C. ou

( A )6. nter sting A. i , e B. e , i C. i , i

( B )7. w k A. ar B. ee C. i i

( C )8. la er A. pp B. bb C. dd

( C )9. b sk tball A. e , e B. e , a C. a , e

( C )10. le on A. s B. c C. ss


1. monkey(复数) 2. money(复数)

3. climb(分词) 4. write(分词)

5. much(同义词) 6. mice(单数)7. there(同音词) 8. some sports shops

9. good(反义词) 10. do(第三人称单数)


1. Look at the . How big they are !(library)

2. Look ! The boy is to the classroom .(run)

3. There aren’t exercises on the paper .(some)

4. Children in often play ping pong .(Chinese)

5. homework can you do today ?(how many)

6. There are some small near Tianjin .(city)

7. Do you know ?(where is he from)

8. Oh , your shoes are like .(Tom)

9. Can you a horse like that man ?(ride)

10. I want to buy two bags of for the children .(soap)


小学五年级英语下册 期末测试题

Name_________ No._________ Class_______


1.Listen and circle. (听录音圈出所听到的单词或者词组)(5%)

1)eat breakfast go to bed 2)January September 3) fall skate

4) listen to music answer the phone 5)swim plant trees

2.Listen and circle. (听录音圈出与所听到的单词或者词组相符合的词)(5%)

1)写信 第九 2) 二月 四月 3)洗衣服 洗碗

4)第五 去远足 5)弹钢琴 爬山【北师大版第二学期五年级下册英语期末测试卷答案】

3.Listen and choose (听录音,选出所听到的单词)(10%)

1) A.November B.January C.August ( )

2) A.fly kites B.visit grandparents C.at noon. ( )

3) A.June B.birthday C.ninth ( )

4)A.April 9th B.March 9th C.December 9th ( )

5) A.spring B.summer C.winter ( )

4.Listen and judge.(听下列对话,请在与你听到的内容一致的打勾。不一致的打叉)(10%)

1) 滑冰 ( ) 2)购物 ( ) 3) 写电子邮件 ( ) 4)打扫房间 ( )

5) 季节 ( ) 6) 种树 ( ) 7)弹钢琴 ( ) 8) 十月( )

9) 第二十 ( ) 10)7月16日 ( )


1、 Write the letters .(默写26个大小写字母.)(5%)

2、 1.Match.(连线题)(10%)

购物 弹钢琴 放风筝 夏天 秋天

summer play the piano go shopping fall fly kites

二月 第四 九月 五月 听音乐

September February listen to music fourth May

3、 Choose.(选择题,选择最恰当的选项填入( )中。)(30%)

1).( )When do you go to bed?

A.At 6:50 in the morning. B.At 9:00 in the evening.

2).( )Is John writing an e-mail?

A.Yes ,he is. B. No, he is .

3).( )When do you At 7:00.

A.eat lunch B.eat breakfast

4).( )Which season do you like best?

A、 Fall. B.I can swim.

5).( )What do you do on weekend?

A.I have English class. B.I usually visit grandparents.

6).( )When is your birthday?

A、 At 6:50 in the morning. B.It’s in February.

7).( )What are you doing?.

A、 I am cook dinner . B.I am doing the dishes.

8).( )What is the weather like in TAIZHOU(台州)?

A.I can play with snow. B.It’s windy and warm.

9).( ) .Is your birthday in October?

A、 Yes. B.It’s warm today.

10).( )When is Children’s day ?

A、 June 1st. B. It’s June 4th .

11).( )What would you like to do?

A、 Fly kites. B.I get up at 6:30.

12).( )Can I speak to your Mon? Sure , please________.

A、 hold on B.read a book.

13).( )What’s your favourite season?

A、 Winter. B.Because I can sleep a long time.

14).( )What are you doing?

A.I am reading a book. B.I can skate.

15).( )Which season does Zhang Peng like best?

A、 He likes winter. B.He likes season.

4、 Copy the sentences (抄写句子) (5%)

1).I usually do morning exercises at 8:30.

2). Brother is doing homework.

3).Usually I watch TV and go shopping.

4).Which season do you like best?

5).He’s writing an e-mail in the study.

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