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导读: 八年级下册英语试卷听力MP3(共5篇)...



班级_____ 姓名_____ 成绩______

总分:120分 测试时间:90分钟)


听力部分 (第一节)


( )1.A. cold B. warm C. hot

( )2.A. plans B. planes C. player

( )3.A. different something B. something different C. anything different

( )4. A. September 22 B. September 23 C. August 22

( )5.A. by bus B. by plane C. by bike

Ⅱ. 情景反应。根据所听到的问句,选择最佳答案,句子听一遍。(5分)

( )6. A. I think so. B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, they are.

( )7. A. Yes, we are. B. OK, Let’s go. C. Oh, thank you.

( )8. A. Yes, it is far. B. Gook luck! C. Only a few kilometers away.

( )9.A. You are welcome. B. Gook idea! C. Sorry, I don’t know.

( )10. A. Nine. B. Eleven. C Twelve.

Ⅲ. 对话理解,听对话及问题,选择正确答案,对话听两遍。(5分)

( )11. A. In the shop. B. At school. C. In the post office.

( )12.A. Watching TV. B. Doing her homework.

C. Listening to the radio.

( )13. A. To the park. B. Home. C. To the bookshop.

( )14. A. Go boating. B. Have a picnic. C. Stay at home.

( )15 .A. Running. B. Swimming. C. Skating.

IV. 听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 听第一组对话,完成16-20题

( )16. Why do people all over the world play sports?

A. Sports are very interesting.

B. Sports can make people healthy and happy.

C. Sports are thousands of years old.

( )17. What do sports change with?

A. The season. B. The weather. C. The time.

( )18. Which of the following sports is the oldest?

A. Running. B. Basketball. C. Volleyball.

( )19. What do people in all countries near the sea prefer?

A. Football. B. Jumping. C. Swimming.

( )20. Why do people from different countries often become good friends after a game?

A. The game is exciting.

B. Sports help them understand each other.

C. They begin to know each other.


Ⅴ 单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)


21. Mum bought me ________ MP4 for my 15th birthday.

A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

22. Before you start to take photos, you should ________ the camera.

A. turn on B. turn off C. put on D. put off

23. --I really hope I can go to Beijing next year.

--So ______ I.

A. did B. do C. am D. was

24. -- Will you go to the net bar with me?

-- Sorry, my mother always warns me ________ there.

A. don’t go B. doesn’t go C. not to go D. not go

25. During the vacation, Peter often spends some time ________ computer games.

A. playing B. play C. to play D. play

26. Please remember ________ the letter for me.

A. posting B. post C. posted D. to post

27. There must be ________ with my clock. It often stops.

A. wrong something B. nothing wrong

C. anything wrong D. something wrong

28. He gave his life ________ the rare wild animals.

A. to saving B. saving C. to save D. save

29. We will have a picnic if it ________ tomorrow.

A. won’t rain B. don’t rain C. doesn’t rain D. didn’t rain

30.The question is ________ difficult ________ nobody can answer it.

A. such; that B. so; that C. too; to D. very; that

31. Our teacher says hobbies can make us ________ as a person.

A. to grow B. grow C. growing D. grows

32. We often write to each other to ________ in touch.

A. put B. take C. stay D. make

33. They asked ________ they could help us or not.

A. that B. what C. if D. whether

34. Lingtao is the best basketball player in our school. We are all proud ______ him.

A. to B. for C. at D. of

35. --Where does he come from, could you tell me?


--I asked where ________.

A. did he come from B. does he come from

C. he came from D. he comes from

36.She _______ a lot of money on clothes.

A. takes B. costs C. spends D. buys

37.I will stay at home and read books if it _______ tomorrow.

A. is raining B. rains C. rain D. will rain

38.The teacher encourages her students _____ English as much as possible.

A. to speak B. speaking C. speak D. spoke

39.His father _____ to Nanjing. He _____ back next week.

A. has been, is B has been, will be C. has gone, is D. has gone,

will be

40.The teacher said that they ______ hard-working students.

A. is B. are C. were D. was


One night a young American doctor was sleeping at home when his doorbell beoutside.

“Excuse me, Doctor,”said the man. “Can you come at once to a place out of to

wn. It’s you the way”

“Certainly,” said the doctor, “I’m ready. I’ll come soon.” a

few minutes, the car came. The man got into the car and they


“Here we are. This is my home. Now I can pay you and town.”

“Butthe patient,” the doctor said. “Where’s the patient?” “There’spatient,”answered the man. “Nobody is ill. I live here, you see, and I mu There are no taxis at this time of the night. Here’s the m( )41. A. listening B. standing C. sitting D. watching

( )42. A. take B. pass C. see D. show

( )43. A. After B. For C. In D. With

( )44. A. drove B. left C. got D. went

( )45. A. short B. long C. hard D. late

( )46. A. away B. quickly C. back D. slowly

( )47. A. watch B. look for C. see D. know

( )48. A. my B. no C. a D. your

( 49. A. go B. lose C. find D. ask

( )50.A. evening B. night C. idea D. for you

Ⅶ阅读理解 (共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)


These are the messages that Helen got yesterday. Read them carefully and find the

51. What’s “Happy Feet”?

A. A book. B. A film. C. A song. D. A pair of shoes.

52 What is Rover?

A. Helen’s friend. B. A dog. C. A cat. D. A kind of dog food.

53. What did Jenny ask Helen to do?

A. She asked her to buy a ticket. B. She asked her to buy some presents.

C. She asked her to call her student. D. She asked her to go to a party.

54. Who asked Helen to buy something?

A. Lisa and Steve. B. Jack and Alice.

C. Jack and Lisa. D. Jenny and Jack.

55. What did Mr. White do for Helen?

A. He mended her car. B. He decided to buy her car.

C. He prepared dinner for her. D. He found a new brand of dog food.


Have you ever seen snow? Many people in the world have not. Some countries never have snow; some have only a little on the tops of very high mountains. In the north of England, there is quite a lot of snow every winter, but in the south of England, there is usually little.

When a student from a warm country comes to England in autumn for the first time, he feels cold at first. There are often dark clouds, grey sky and cold rain in England in autumn; and most students from warm countries do not like this.

But snow is different. Though it is cold, it is also beautiful. Perhaps, after several dark mornings, the student wakes up one day, and there is a lot of light in his room. He thinks "Is it so late?" and jumps out of bed. But no, it is not very late. He looks out of the window and there is the snow on the ground and on the houses and everywhere. The light of his room comes from clean, beautiful snow.

56. In which part of England is there much snow in winter?

A. In the east B. In the south C. In the west D. In the north.

57. In the autumn of England, we can NOT often see______.

A. strong winds B. dark clouds C. grey sky D. cold rain

58. The writer thinks that in England both snow and autumn rain are________.

A. beautiful B. clean C. cold D. heavy

59. Why does the student ask himself "Is it so late?"

A. Because it's really late. B. Because he has some work to do.

C. Because it is bright in the room. D. Because he usually gets up early.

60. Which of the following statements(陈述) is right?

A. Every country in the world has snow in winter.

B. Many people in the world haven't seen snow.





I:情景反应。(只听一遍, 每小题1分,共5分) ( )1. A. B. C. ( )2. A. B. C. ( )3. A. B. C. ( )4. A. B. C. ( )5. A. B. C.

II:对话理解。(共5个小题, 每小题1分,共5分)

( )6. What test will the boy have?

A. English. B. Math. C. Chinese.

( )7.What team is Alice on?

A. Basketball. B. Volleyball. C. Football.

( )8. What will the girl do on Sunday?

A. She will have a violin lesson.

B. She will visit her grandparents.

C. She will have a piano lesson.

( )9. Did the girl watch TV last night?

A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. We don't know.

( )10. What does the girl do on Sunday afternoon?

A. She practices speaking English.

B. She plays computer games.

C. She reads books.

III:听下面一段长对话,完成11-15小题,念两遍。(共5个小题, 共10分)

( )11. What does the boy want to do?

A. Have a party at his house.

B. Have a party at school.

C. Have an exhibition at school.

( )12. What does the boy have to do?

A. Do his homework. B. Do the shopping. C. Do some chores.

( )13. Which room does the boy need to clean?

A. The bedroom. B. The living room. C. The bathroom.

( )14. What is the boy's father doing?

A. He is writing a report.

B. He is writing a letter.

C. He is writing a book.

( )15. What will the boy's mother buy for the party?

A. Fruit and drinks. B. Drinks and vegetables. C. Drinks and snacks.

VI. 选择填空 (20分)

( ) 16. — What’s matter?

— I have stomachache.

A. the; a B. /; a C. the; an D. a; the

( ) 17. The boy the hat is my best friend Bob.

A. to B. at C. in D. from

( )18. We have no coffee. Would you like tea ?

A. alone B. anyway C. neither D. instead

( )19.Sorry, I______my homework at home.

A.forgot B.left C.missed D.lost

( )20.— Did you go swimming with your brother last Sunday?

— Yes. We enjoyed .

A. myself B. ourselves C. themselves D.


( ) 21. I am a new student here. All my classmates are friendly to me, so I

don’t feel .

A. deaf B. wrong C. lonely D. strong

( ) 22. I don’t think that you should with your parents. They love you.

A. rest B. work C. argue D. agree

( ) 23. Jim didn’t allow me in the room.

A. smoke B. smoked C. smoking D. to smoke ( ) 24.I can hardly hear what it is saying on TV. Would you please

A. turn it up B. turn it down C. turn it on D. turn it off

( )25. Bob’s dream is to be a professional basketball player, and he never it .

A. looks; up B. gives; up C. wakes; up D. cleans; up

( )26.Mary used to_____interested in music, but now she’s used to ____tennis.

A. be, play B. being, play C. being, playing D.be, playing

( )27. Tim’s mother , and then she told him he didn’t have a fever.

A. made her bed B. took a shower

C. fold her clothes D. took his temperature

( )28. His alarm clock didn’t this morning, so he was late for school.

A. go off B. put off C. give out D. hang out

( )29. She dinner when there was a loud knock at the door.

A. has B. was having C. had D. is having ( )30. We are all at the news.

A.surprising; surprising B.surprising; surprised

C.surprised; surprising D.surprised; surprised

( )31. — Mary is ill. When shall we go to see her, tonight or tomorrow night?

— ________. Either night is OK.

A. I’m sure B. I’m afraid not C. I don’t know D. I don’t mind

( )32. –This boy is very clever.


A. So is he B. So he is C. He is so D. He so is

( ) 33. I’ll spend as much time as I can ____ after the flowers in the garden.

A. look B. to look C. looking D. looked

( ) 34. Forty minutes ____ for the children to finish all the work.

A. is quite a long time B. are quite long

C. was a quite long time D. were quite long time

( )35. Jack is good at drawing. I think no one draws __.

A. better B. best C. worse D. Worst

VII. 完形填空 (10分)

“Who did this?” asked the teacher. Thirty children made no answer. “Who did this?” she raised her voice and asked again. She 36 became angry, but she was this time. Charley 37 the window, but he did it by accident. He threw a baseball to the window. “ 38 I said I did it, I would get into trouble,” Charley thought. “How would I be able to pay 39 a big window like that?” But something much stronger in his mind pulled him up. “I did

it.” Charley 40 . It was 41 enough saying that. The teacher walked to Charley with a 42 in her hand.

“I know you did it, and I know 43 interested you are in birds,” she said. “Here’s a book about birds. It’s 44 now. I won’t punish (惩罚) you. But remember, it’s only for your honesty (诚实).”

Charley couldn’t 45 it! The teacher didn’t punish him, but gave him a book which cost much money!

( )36. A. never B. sometimes C. always D. often

( )37. A. opened B. broke C. closed D. cleaned

( )38. A. Because B. As C. If D. When

( )39. A. off B. for C. in D. at

( )40. A. left away B. came in C. took out D. stood up

( )41. A. angry B. happy C. hard D. friendly

( )42. A. book B. ruler C. knife D. pen

( )43. A. how B. when C. why D. what

( )44. A. mine B. yours C. ours D. hers

( )45. A. think B. agree C. hope D. believe

ⅤIII. 阅读理解 (30分)


In the Philippines (菲律宾), the Christmas season begins on December

16. People go to church (教堂) early in the morning every day during the season to celebrate their holidays.

People in the Philippines are very busy on Christmas Eve. Many families go to church at midnight, and they have a late dinner. Then Santa Claus delivers gifts to children.

On Christmas Day, people in the Philippines often visit their family members in the morning. The older members of the family often give gifts to younger ones.

On New Year’s Eve, people in the Philippines make loud noises to drive away bad luck.

The Christmas season often ends on Three Kings Day which is always on the first Sunday in January. Children often leave their shoes out, and they hope that the kings will leave candies or money.


( )46. In the Philippines, the Christmas season begins on .

A. December 6 B. January 10 C. December 16 D. January 16

( )47. The underlined word “delivers” means “ ” in Chinese.

A. 审查 B. 注视 C. 递送 D. 隐藏

( )48. On Christmas Day, people in the Philippines often visit their family members .

A. in the evening B. in the morning C. in the afternoon D. at noon

( )49. On New Year’s Eve, people in the Philippines make loud noises to .

A. show respect (尊敬) to Santa Claus B. drive away bad luck

C. give their neighbors a surprise D. show their


( )50. Three Kings Day usually falls on .

A. the first Sunday in January B. the fourth Sunday in January

C. the second Thursday in November D. the first Monday in November


The date was like any other day in his life. After school David walked past the shop on the street corner. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have a new pair for his birthday.

He sadly walked away and thought of how to tell his mother. He knew she would give him anything if she could. But he also knew very well she had little money. He decided not to go home at once, as he looked worried and he didn’t want to make his mother worry about it. So he went to the park and there he sat on the grass. Then he saw a girl in a wheel chair(轮椅). He found that the girl moved the wheels with her hands. David looked at her carefully and was surprised to see that the girl had no feet. He looked down at his own feet. “It is much better to be without shoes than without feet.” It was not right for him to feel so sorry and sad. He went away and smiled, thinking he was luckier in life.

( ) 51.David was so sorry that ____

A. He really wanted to have a new pair for his birthday

B. he forgot to bring any money with him.

C. his mother couldn’t buy him a pair of shoes.

D. he walked past the shoe shop.

( ) 52. From the story we know that ________.

A. David’s mother has much money.

B. David’s mother wouldn’t buy him anything.

C. David’s mother was not a poor woman.

D. David’s mother would give him anything if she could.

( ) 53. David didn’t go home at once ________.

A. because his mother was at work.

B. because he wanted to sit on the grass in the park.

C. because his mother wouldn’t give him any money.

D. because he didn’t want to give his mother any trouble.

( ) 54. In the park, David saw a girl________.

A. without feet. B. without hands.

C. walking slowly. D. looking down at his shoes.

( ) 55. At last David ________.

A. left the park sadly.

B. decided to buy a new pair of shoes.

C. thought he’s more lucky than the girl in the wheel chair. D. didn’t know what to do with his old shoes.


People are so busy these days that many people have no time to cook.




考试用时:120分钟 满分:150分) 第一部分 选择题 (85分)


第一部分 听对话回答问题 本部分共10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。(10分)


)1. What is Peter’s friend like?



( )2. Which charity helps blind people in poor areas see again?

A..C C.

( )3. Which person are they talking about?

A. B. C.

( )4. What can’t we do in public places?

A. B. C.



( )5. What does the man want?

A. A white skirt. B. A white shirt. C. A yellow shirt.

( )6. Where’s Jill’s grandmother?

A. At the store. B. In the hospital. C. At home.

( )7. Who did Mary’s father get a gift from?

A. Mary B. Lily C. Lucy

( )8. What is Daniel doing?

A He is asking Tony for help. B.He is helping Tony. C.He is repairing the computer.

( )9. What subjects is the boy good at?

A. English and Physics. B.Maths and Geography. C. History and English. ( )10. What was the woman doing when the man saw her just now?

A. She was searching for some photos on the Internet.

B. She was discussing a project.

C. She was talking with Lucy.

第二部分 听对话和独白回答问题 (计10分,每小题1分)



( )11. How long did David live in Shanghai?

A. For 5 years. B. For 6 years. C. For 7 years.

( )12. What is David’s father?

A. A surgeon. B. An artist. C. An engineer

( )14. A. $200 B.$300 C. $400

( )15. A. 7:30 B. 8:30 C. 9:30


( )16. Why is a bicycle sometimes better than a car in the town?

A.It has a basket at the front. B.It is much cheaper than a car. C.It is often faster than a car.

( )17. Who can the speaker take to school and the library by bicycle?

A. Her little son. B. Her little daughter. C. Her husband.

( )18. In what season does the speaker use her bike most?

A. In summer. B. In winter. C. In autumn.

( )19. When does the speaker’s husband use the bicycle?

A.When he goes for a picnic. B.When he goes to his office. C.When he goes to see his friends. ( )20. What can we learn from what the speaker said?

A. Riding saves her a lot of money.

B. Riding is good for her daily life and her health.

C. Riding is her husband’s favourite.

二、单项选择 从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。(20分)

( )1. –Excuse me, sir. Smoking ________ in the hospital.

--Oh, I’m really sorry.

A. isn’t allowed B. doesn’t allowed C. isn’t allowing D. doesn’t allowed ( )2. I hear a high-speed railway will be built to _______ Taizhou _________ Shanghai in the

following years.

A. connect; to B.connected; with C.connects; to D.connecting; with

( )3. He speaks _____ English ______ French. Instead, he speaks German.

A. either, or B. not only, but also C. both, and D. neither, nor ( )4.Smoking is bad for your health. You’d better ________________.

A.set it up B.give it up C.pick it up D.look it up

( )5. It’s generous __ ___ them to donate money to UNICEF. It’s important them to

help poor children go to school.

A. to; for B. for; of C. of; to D. of; for

( )6. –Would you like to go shopping with me ?

--I’m afraid I’m ________tired _________go.

A.so; that B.too; to C.very; that D .enough; to

( )7.We are planning to go for a picnic this weekend, but it _________the weather.

A.keeps on B.puts on C.depends on D.runs out

( )8.Dr Smith _______ live in a large flat before, but now he ______living in a small one.

A.used to;is used to B.is used to;used to

C.used to;used to D.is uused to;is used to

( )9. If you have a chance English, be brave and take it.

A. speaking B. to speaking C. speak D. to speak ( )10. —Our school is so big. We must clean it up together as soon as possible.

—Don’t worry. ________.

A. Put all your eggs in one basket. B. Practice makes perfect.

C. Each dog has its day. D. Many hands make light work. ( )11. Jack is always to wait for a long time without getting angry.

A. too patient B. patient enough C.enough patient D.very impatient ( )12. — Excuse me, sir. But you’re my way.

— Sorry. I didn’t know you were passing by.

A. on B. by C. with D. in

( )13.Jim is shy and he always avoids ____________ in front of the class.

A. speak B. speaking C. speaks D. to speak

( )14.—Can you come to have dinner with me this evening?

—I’m afraid not. I _______ take care of my grandmother. She is ill.

A. can’t B. have to C. may D. could

( )15. — What do you think of your trip to the Great Britain?

— Wonderful! And the best part was visiting .

A.Mount Fuji B.the Statue of Liberty C.the Tower Bridge D.the Little Mermaid ( )16. ---Mrs King, your necklace(项链) looks nice, is it new?

--- No. I ________ it for 2 years.

A. had B. have had C. bought D. have bought ( )17.—Where are the Smiths? I can’t see them.

— A. have gone to, have been to B. have been to, have gone to

C. have gone to, have been in D. have been to, have been in


( )18. You two live in the same community now. It’s too hard for you to avoid______her.

A. to meet B.to meeting C. meeting. D.met.

( )19. I think we must give up using plastic bags to ___________ our earth.

A. produce B. protect C. provide D. pollute

( )20. We’re very glad to know that a great basketball match ____ in Xinghua Stadium this July.

A. will hold B.is going to hold C. was held D.will be held

三、完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(15分)

When you were young, who rode you around on the back of his bike? Who played football and flew kites with you in the park? Who helped you your first difficult maths problem? Who taught you the Your dad. Now it is your turn to do something for him. This Sunday June 21 is Day. So why not do something to thank your dad?

The idea of Father’s Day came from an American called Sonora Smart Dodd in 1909. She wanted a special day to honour(孝敬his wife died during the birth of their child. Dodd thought there needed to be a day to honour great and loving dads. Her father was born , so she chose to hold the first Father’s Day celebration the idea of a national Father’s Day. Finally, in 1966, the third Sunday in June was named Father’s Day. There are many ways your love and thanks.

Send a greeting card. Usually fathers prefer cards that are not too emotional(易动感情的). So perhaps choose one that will make him 12 .

A small present, such as a photo of your family, make him feel like a king.

Send him —— the red rose is the official Father’s Day flower.

If he has a . cover his desktop(桌面) with words like ―I love you, Dad.‖

( )1.A.with B. to C. for D. by

( )2. A. difference B. report C. subject D. news

( )3.A.Mother’s B. Father’s C. Children’s D. Women’s【八年级下册英语试卷听力MP3】

( )4.A.easy B. special C. strange D. hard

( )5.A.man B. lady C. boy D. gentleman

( )6.A.while B. until C. after D. before

( )7.A.third B. fourth C. fifth D. sixth

( )8.A.on July 19 B. on May 19 C. on June 19 D. on April 19

( )9.A.liked B. disliked C. needed D. hated

( )10.A.to take B. to bring C. to show D. to say

( )11.A.her B. you C. me D. him

( )12.A.cry B. jump C. shout D. laugh

( )13.A.should B. can C. must D. need

( )14.A.flowers B. books C. must D. shoes

( )15. A.watch B. computer C. car D. bike

四、阅读理解 阅读下列三篇短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(30分)


One day, there was a blind man called John sitting on the bench with a hat by his feet and a sign that read,―I am blind.Please help me.‖

A creative publicist(广告员)named Tom was walking by the blind man and stopped to see that the man only had a few coins in his hat.He put a few of his own coins in the hat.

Without asking for permission(允许), he took the sign,turned it around and wrote a new message. Then he put the sign by the feet of the blind man and left.

Later that afternoon the publicist returned to the blind man and noticed that his hat was almost full of bills(钞票) and coins. The blind man recognized(识别)his footsteps and asked if(是否)it was he who had changed his sign. He also wanted to know what the man wrote on it.

The publicist said, ―I just wrote the message a little differently.‖ He smiled and went on his way.

The new sign read,―Spring has come,but I can’t see anything.‖

( )1. What’s the blind man’s name?【八年级下册英语试卷听力MP3】

A.Tom. B.John. C.Tony. D.Sorry, I don’t know.

( )2. Who wrote a new message?

A.The blind man. B.The teacher. C.The publicist. D.The farmer.

( )3. How did the blind man recognize the publicist?

A.By his sign. B.By his footsteps. C.By his voice. D.By his coins.

( )4. When did the story happen?

A.In spring. B.In summer. C.In autumn. D.In winter.

( )5. What can we learn from the passage?

A.Publicists are always curious about everything.

B.We can get more money by changing a sign.

C .The blind man is not clever, so he has little money.

D.The power of language is great.


It’s important to learn about protecting our environment. Here is a 5R rule for us:


If you want to reduce waste, you should use things wisely(明智地).A larger number of trees are cut down to make paper. If everyone uses paper carelessly, soon we will not have any trees left. Other things are also being wasted, and people don’t know what to do with the waste in big cities. So it is necessary to use things wisely.


You should always think of reusing the usable things before throwing them away. For example, you can give your clothes you do not wear any more to the poor. In a family, you may pass on such clothes to younger brothers or sisters.


Bottles, cans and paper can easily be recycled. By recycling them we save lots of time and money. For example, Coke cans are sent to a factory, where they are smashed flat(压平)and melted(融化)and the metal things are made for new Coke cans.


When you buy a box of apples, there may be a few rotten(腐烂的)apples, you have two choices(选择): one is to throw the whole apples away, or you can cut off the rotten parts and keep the good parts. In the way, you are recovering the eatable(能吃的) parts of food.


If one of the legs of your table is broken, you can repair it. If you want to change for better ones, it is better for you to sell the old things or give them to other people who can use them after doing some repair.

( )6.The“reduce”rule mainly wants us ___________________.

A. to use things wisely B. to cut down many trees

C. to use a lot of paper D. to throw away your old things

( )7. What’s the right order of recycling Coke cans?

a. collect the used cans b. melt them c. smash them flat d. send them to a factory

A. a b c d B. a d c b C. d b c a D. c a b d

( )8.The “recover”rule mainly wants us___________________

A.to throw waste things away. B.to cover waste things with earth.

C.to get back the useful parts D.to throw the whole things away.



第一部分 听力(共三节,满分30分)



1. I got a rabbit on my tenth birthday.

2. David has been playing golf for 4 years.

3.Xiao ming is sleeping ,please turn down the music.

4.we usually go home on Saturdays

5.wang lin said , “don’t argue with friends.”

第二节 听句子,选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语,句子听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

6. Are you free tomorrow?

( )6. A. I think so. B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, they are.

7. Shall we go to the park?

( )7. A. Yes, we are. B. OK, Let’s go. C. Oh, thank you.

8. How far is it ?

( )8. A. Yes, it is far. B. Gook luck! C.Only afew kilometers away.

9. Thank you for inviting me.

( )9.A. You are welcome. B. Gook idea! C. Sorry, I don’t know.

10. How many players are there in a football team?

( )10. A. Nine.

B. Eleven. C Twelve.

(答案:1-5 BBAAC 6-10 ABCAB)






1.M:The animal is from China and it is very lovely.

2.W:Yesterday was Lucy’s birthday.Her mother bought her a book.

3.M:Jenny played table tennis with her good friends last night.

4.W:Aunt Li is going to take her son to KFC.

5.M:Jim didn’t go to school because he fell off his bike and hurt his leg.




M:Amy,please turn on the TV.I would like to watch the evening news.



M:Look at that black cloud.When will the rain stop?

W:Yeah,but the report says it will be sunny tomorrow.

M:That should be better.Then we can go on a picnic.


M:When do you often go to school?

W:I often leave home at 7:30 and walk for 20 minutes.


M:Did you have a good time at Bob’s party last night,Mary?

W:Yes.And all the classmates came except Tom.


W:Excuse me.I want a single room and a double room for a night.

M:OK,120 yuan for a single room and 180 yuan for a double room.


W:Hello,Li Lei.You are early at school.What were you doing at eight o’clock last night? M:I was doing my homework.

W:How long did it take you to finish it?

M:About two and a half hours.


M:Lily! Where are you?

W:I’m in my bedroom,Dad.

M:Are you doing your homework?

W:No.I’m reading a book.

M:What book are you reading?

W:Harry Potter.It’s a very good book.I like it.

M:Could you come here,please? I need some help.

W:Certainly,Dad! I’m coming.What are you making,Dad?

M:I’m making jiaozi.

W:Oh,good! I like jiaozi.



Now everyone,before you start your Chinese exam,you must put down your name,student number and the number of your class on every page of your answer sheet.You must not write on the question paper.If you do not know your student number,there’s a list on the blackboard.If there’s any problem during the exam,just put up your hand.If anyone needs a pencil now or during your exam,I have some on my desk.You can have one.


Hello,everyone.Here’s some information about our trip to the West Lake tomorrow.It’s a long journey,about three hours,so we have to start early.That means we’ll have breakfast at half past seven.The bus has to leave at half past eight.When you finish breakfast,go to the car park to get on the bus.Remember to bring your red tickets for lunch.We’ll have lunch at a restaurant near the lake and you must have your red ticket or you won’t get any lunch! If you haven’t got a red ticket yet,you can get one from the office.

Oh,one more thing,I know it’s summer but it can get quite cold in the mountains even in July,so bring a jacket with you.You’ll need one in the evening.

OK! See you tomorrow morning.

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