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导读: 2015译林六年级上册Keep,our,city,clean,测试题(共5篇)...

2015-2016学年度牛津译林英语六年级上册Unit 6 Keep our city clean单元知识点归纳

Unit 6 Keep our city clean单元知识点归纳

Unit 6 Keep our city clean 知识点归纳

一、 词组

1.keep our city clean 保持我们的城市干净

2.these pictures of our city这些我们城市的图片

3. smoke from cars汽车的尾气

4.make the air dirty使空气变脏

5.black smoke from factories工厂里的黑烟

6.messy and dirty又乱又脏

7.take the metro to school=go to school by metro 乘地铁上学

8.dead fish 死鱼

9. walk to school=go to school on foot 步行上学

10. move„away from 把...从„搬走

11. put rubbish in the bin把垃圾放进垃圾桶

12.plant more trees种植更多的树

13.help keep the air cleam(help后的动词省略to)有助于净化空气

14.your ideas你们的意

15.well done干得好

16.also 也(放在句中) too 也(放在句末)

17 sweep the floor 扫地

18.by the river在小边

19.throw rubbish扔垃圾

20. on the floor 在地上

21..walk home=go home on foot步行回家

22.after school放学后

23.like living in the city喜欢住在城市 主河

24. many museums 许多博物馆

25. throw a banana skin on the ground把香蕉皮扔在地上

26. slip on the banana skin滑倒在香蕉皮上

27. go to hospital去医院看病

28、pick it up把它捡起 pick them up(把他们捡起)


1. What makes the air dirty? 什么使得空气变脏?

Smoke from cars makes the air dirty. 汽车的尾气使得空气变脏。

2. What makes the streets messy and dirty? 什么使得街道脏乱不堪? Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. 垃圾使得街道脏乱不堪。

3. What can we do to keep our city clean?我们能为我们的城市清洁做些什么呢?

We can take the bus and the metro to school. 我们可以乘公交车和地铁上学。

4 Billy slips on the banana skin and falls. 比利滑倒在西瓜皮上摔倒了。

5. To keep our city clean,we can move some factories away from our city. 为了保持我们的城市干净,我们可以把工厂从我们的城市搬走。


本节课我们学习了三个单词“make”’keep ”can”的新用法现小结如下

1、 make 原意“制作,”这里指使什么变的怎样,其结构为:make+宾语+形容词补语结构 make our city beautiful

make me angry make the children happy make the street messy and dirty

2、 keep 保持,保持什么怎么样,其结构为keep +宾语+形容词补语的结构。 keep the room clean

译林版小学英语六年级上册Unit6 Keep our city clean

Unit6 Keep our city clean


第( )课时 总第( )课时

一、 教学内容:Unit6 Keep our city clean

二、 教学目标

1.学生能够掌握三会单词:air、smoke、rubbish、messy、dead、move....away from|bin、plant、more。四会单词:keep、clean、make、dirty。


What makes ...dirty/messy?...make(s)...dirty/messy.What can we do ?We can ...及其答语。


三、 教学重点



What makes ...dirty/messy?...make(s)...dirty/messy.What can we do ?We can ...及其答语。



What makes ...dirty/messy?...make(s)...dirty/messy.What can we do ?We can ...及其答语。





Step 1 Free talk【2015译林六年级上册Keep,our,city,clean,测试题】


2、Sing a song 《Two little blackbirds》


Step 2 Presentation 1 .T:Do you like birds?

Where do they live?

What city do the birds like ?

Show two pictures of the cities to the Ss.The city A is beautiful .The city B is dirty.

2、Show the picture of The city A .

T:What do you think of the cities ?Is the city clean ?

Ss:Yes,it is.

Fill in the blanks.

The ___ is clean.The ___ is clean.

The ___ is clean.The ___ are ___.

学习新授单词 clean、air。

Show the picture of The city B .Ask and answer and fill in the blanks.

3、学习新授单词dirty、messy、 rubbish。


4、出示:Keep our city clean

5、 Watch cartoon and answer the questions:

Q1:What makes our city dirty?

Q2:What can we do to keep our city clean ?

6 、Read the story time and work in groups.








Step 3 Practice

1、Ask and answer

2、Read and write

3、Read in groups (小组内自己确定朗读方式,可以是齐读,组长带读,分角色读。)(学生自己选择学习的方式,更能调动他们的积极性)

Step 4 Consolidation

1、Look and act




2、Look and write

3、Look and say (出示房间的图片,小组讨论、展示)

A: What make(s )the ______ messy and dirty?

B: The ______ make/makes _______messy/dirty.

A:What can we do to keep the _______ clean?

B:To keep the _______ clean we can _______.

Step 5 Emotion education

Protect environment is to protect ourselves.


Step 6 Homework

1.Copy the new words .

2.Write a passage about Protect environment。

For example: Our city is ... ...The air is... ... The sky is ... ... The ... is ...The ...make(s) ... ... We can... ...

Let's try our best to keep our city clean.


Unit6 Keep our city clean

What makes ...dirty/messy? ...make(s)...dirty/messy. What can we do ? We can ...



第( )课时 总第( )课时

一、教学内容Unit6 Keep our city clean



makes ...dirty/messy?...make(s)...dirty/messy.What can we do ?We can ...及其答语。





makes ...dirty/messy?...make(s)...dirty/messy.What can we do ?We can ...及其答语。







2.学生准备:学生认真复习story time。


Step 1 Free talk and revision


2、Magic eyes(课件出示对环境有利和破坏的图片,学生看到图片时要大声的说出相应的动词短语,并作出手势,以判断该行为时否有助于环境保护。如果对环境有利,拍手两下。如果不利,双手交叉放在胸前。)

3、Read the phrase together.

4、Ask and answer use these sentences.

T: What makes the air dirty?

S: Smoke from the factory makes the air dirty.

T: What makes the street dirty?【2015译林六年级上册Keep,our,city,clean,测试题】

S: Rubbish makes the street dirty.

... ...

5、Read the sentences on page 61.

Step 2 Presentation

1、Look and say

What makes the city beautiful?

The air makes the city beautiful.

______make(s ) the city ___________

What makes the city dirty/messy?

______makes the city ___________.

(这一环节让学生看图造句,可以小组讨论,比一比哪个小组说的多,说的正确。教师要强调make 和makes的使用方法。)

2、T:The cities makes me sad !

出示:_____ make /makes you /us /her sad/happy/angry/cold......? 伤心/高兴/生气/冷。。。

3、Group work






Step 3 Practice

T: The messy classroom makes me angry.

What can you do to keep it clean ?

出示句型:We can_________________

Step 4 Fun time

Group work




Step 5 Homework

1.Copy the sentences on P61 .

2..Make a dialogue. The topic is “ Keep my room clean”.

2015-2016学年度牛津译林英语六年级上册Unit 6 Keep our city clean单元知识点归纳

Unit 6 Keep our city clean单元知识点归纳

Unit 6 Keep our city clean 知识点归纳

一、 词组

1.keep our city clean 保持我们的城市干净

2.these pictures of our city这些我们城市的图片

3. smoke from cars汽车的尾气

4.make the air dirty使空气变脏

5.black smoke from factories工厂里的黑烟

6.messy and dirty又乱又脏

7.take the metro to school=go to school by metro 乘地铁上学

8.dead fish 死鱼

9. walk to school=go to school on foot 步行上学

10. move„away from 把...从„搬走

11. put rubbish in the bin把垃圾放进垃圾桶

12.plant more trees种植更多的树

13.help keep the air cleam(help后的动词省略to)有助于净化空气

14.your ideas你们的意

15.well done干得好

16.also 也(放在句中) too 也(放在句末)

17 sweep the floor 扫地

18.by the river在小边

19.throw rubbish扔垃圾

20. on the floor 在地上

21..walk home=go home on foot步行回家

22.after school放学后

23.like living in the city喜欢住在城市 主河

24. many museums 许多博物馆

25. throw a banana skin on the ground把香蕉皮扔在地上

26. slip on the banana skin滑倒在香蕉皮上

27. go to hospital去医院看病

28、pick it up把它捡起 pick them up(把他们捡起)


1. What makes the air dirty? 什么使得空气变脏?

Smoke from cars makes the air dirty. 汽车的尾气使得空气变脏。

2. What makes the streets messy and dirty? 什么使得街道脏乱不堪? Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. 垃圾使得街道脏乱不堪。

3. What can we do to keep our city clean?我们能为我们的城市清洁做些什么呢?

We can take the bus and the metro to school. 我们可以乘公交车和地铁上学。

4 Billy slips on the banana skin and falls. 比利滑倒在西瓜皮上摔倒了。【2015译林六年级上册Keep,our,city,clean,测试题

5. To keep our city clean,we can move some factories away from our city. 为了保持我们的城市干净,我们可以把工厂从我们的城市搬走。


本节课我们学习了三个单词“make”’keep ”can”的新用法现小结如下

1、 make 原意“制作,”这里指使什么变的怎样,其结构为:make+宾语+形容词补语结构 make our city beautiful

make me angry make the children happy make the street messy and dirty

2、 keep 保持,保持什么怎么样,其结构为keep +宾语+形容词补语的结构。 keep the room clean

译林版六年级上册英语Unit6Keep our city clean

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译林版英语 Unit6 Keep our city clean练习

六上 Unit6 Keep our city clean微练


fish are in the dirty river. the metro to school. last night. makes the playground messy. the factory away from the city last year. your way in the large city because you didn’t take a map. 二、 单项选择。(6分)

( )1. What can I do you ? A.make;happy B.to make;happy C.mke;happily D.to make;happily ( )2. You can train to Shanghai. A.by B.take C.by a D.take a ( )3. Pick the skin and throw it the bin. A.up;on B.down;into C.up;into D.down;on ( )4. the room tidy and clean,you should the bed every day. A. Keep;make B. To keep;make C. Keep;to make D. To keep;to make ( )5. There any rubbish on the ground. A.is B.aren’t C.isn’t D.are ( )6. Please help me my homework. A.doing B.did C.does D.to do 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)

1. (make) her happy,you can (buy) her some presents. 2. (draw) ? Yes. And I (draw) a very nice picture last week. 3. Jim has many CDs, but his counsin has (many). 4. Hard work (make) 5. What can we do (keep) our city clean? 6. (put) rubbish in the bin? 7. 四、按要求改写句子。(10分)

1.We can go to school by metro.(改为同义句) We can to school. (对划线部分提问) the bed messy? 改为过去式) Bobby__________ a banana skin on the ground. 4.Bobby and Tina are walking home after school.(改为同义句)。 Bobby and Tina are __________ home __________ ______after school. 5.He’d like some water. (改为一般疑问句) __________ he like ___________ water? 五、根据中文提示完成句子。(7分)

1.你不应该将垃圾放到垃圾桶旁边。 the bin. 2.树有助于净化空气。 Trees help the air . 3.我们可以乘公共汽车去上学。 We can 4.我们现在可以看报纸。 We can _________ newspapers now.

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