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导读: 2016苏州工业园区七年级英语期末考试(共5篇)苏州工业园区2015~2016学年七年级下期末英语试题含答案2015~2016学年第二学期期末教学调研初一英语 2016 06注意事项:1 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。满分100分;考试时间100分钟。2 答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名、...




初一英语 2016.06


1. 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。满分100分;考试时间100分钟。

2. 答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名、考试号用0.5毫米黑色签字笔写在答题卷的相应位置上,并将考试号、考试科目用2B铅笔正确填涂。

3. 第I卷选择题的答案,用2B铅笔填涂在答题卷上。第Ⅱ卷非选择题的答案,请按题号用0.5毫米黑色签字笔在答题卷上各题目规定的答题区域内作答,不能超出横线或方格,字体工整、笔迹清晰,超出答题区域的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。

第I卷 (四大题,共56分)

一、听力选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

A) 听下面3段对话。每段对话后有三幅图,从A、B、C三幅图中选出与你所听内容相符的选项。每段对话读两遍。 1. Who is the boy’s hero?

A. B.

2. How does the man’s son usually go to school?


3. What’s the weather like in Jim’s city?

A. B.


4. What did Ricky play with just now? A. Books. A. It’s 9:30.

B. Toys. B. It’s 9:45.

C. Matches. C. It’s 10:15. C. About 45 minutes.

5. What time is it now?

6. How long does it take Neil to go to the office? A. About 15 minutes. 对话读两遍。


7. Why does the woman look unhappy today?

B. About 30 minutes.

C) 听下面2段对话。每段对话后有两个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段



C. C.

B) 听下面3段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段

A. Because she doesn’t have any activities. B. Because no one helps her move her fridge. C. Because she is not ready to help others. 8. Who is Peter?

A. The man’s brother. 9. How far will Daniel walk?

A. Ten kilometers.

B. Nine kilometers.

C. Eight kilometers.

10. What will Daniel do on his way home?

A. He will buy a nice meal. B. He will buy a mobile phone. C. He will buy a shirt for his wife.

D) 听下面的短文。短文后有五个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。短文读两遍。 11. When will they have a class trip?

A. On Friday. A. 45.

B. On Thursday. B. 46.

C. On Wednesday. C. 60. C. Five hours. C. Chinese history. C. Kites.

12. How many students will go on a trip? 13. How long is the museum open?

A. Two hours. A. World history. A. Paper.

B. Three hours. B. Local history. B. Books.

14. What can the speaker learn about in the museum? 15. What will the speaker buy in the museum?

二、单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


16. _____ good time we had at the park yesterday afternoon!

A. What

B. How

C. What a

D. How a

17. — Look! An old man is in the middle of the street. It’s too dangerous.

— Let’s help him go _____ the street. A. along

B. over

C. cross

D. across

18. — How can I get some _____ about Marco Polo? — Why not search the Internet? A. fact

B. message

C. trouble

D. information

19. — Why are you walking so quickly, Wilson? — There _____ a fashion show in ten minutes. A. are going to be

B. is going to have

C. will be

D. will have

20. — Excuse me, can I use your bicycle? _____ is broken. — Certainly. But remember to return _____ before lunch. A. My; it

B. Mine; it

C. My; one

D. Mine; one

21. On her way home Lucy saw a boy _____ in the street. She stopped _____ 110 at once.

B. The woman’s friend.

C. The man’s friend.


A. cry; calling A. Anybody; anything A. do; get

B. to cry; to call C. crying; to call D. crying; calling

22. _____ knows anything about him because he never tells us _____ about himself.

B. Anybody; nothing B. did; get

C. Nobody; anything D. Nobody; nothing C. have; got

D. will; get D. a three-hour D. put it away

23. What a surprise to see you here! When _____ you _____ back? 24. The bank is far away from here indeed it’s about _____ walk.

A. three hour A. put it up

B. a three hour’s B. put it down

C. a three-hours C. put it out

25. There was a big fire last night. But the local firemen _____ at last. 26. — Mum, _____ I visit the Movie Museum tomorrow? — I’m afraid you can’t. It is closed on Monday. A. may

B. must

C. should

D. need

27. — Where does he live?

— He lives in Room ______ on the ______ floor. A. Three; third A. to do; to A. trick — ____.

A. That’s right

B. That’s all right

C. Good idea

D. Good luck

三、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Many countries celebrate Father’s Day on the third Sunday in June. do people celebrate Father’s Day? Some buy their dad a gift. It may be to wear or a special treat. Others take their dad for a meal. Some people like to plan an activity. Then the family can spend time with their dad.

Why is there a day for fathers? Because fathers are important. They work their families can have food, clothes and a place to live. Fathers their families and keep them safe, too. Fathers are also teachers. They teach their children to 37 good decisions(决定). Good fathers believe in their children. They help them grow up to be good adults(成人).

Fathers are an important of their children’s lives. They help their children when life is. They are glad when good things to their children. Fathers always love their children and their children know that.

A good father makes life better for his children. Thank your father on Father’s Day! 31. A. What 33. A. out 34. A. famous 35. A. so

B. How B. in B. popular B. but B. make

C. Why C. above C. and C. pour C. need

D. When D. everything D. below D. usual D. or D. protect


B. Three; three B. doing; to B. treasure

C. Third; third C. to do; / C. trousers

D. Third; three D. doing; / D. treat

28. I’m too busy _____ my homework _____ walk my dog every day. 29. Which of the following words comes first in the dictionary?

30. — I will have an important exam tomorrow. I hope I can pass it.

32. A. anything B. nothing C. something C. special

36. A. practise 37. A. give

B. prepare

D. take

38. A. way 40. A. get

B. sign

C. key C. hard【2016苏州工业园区七年级英语期末考试】

D. part D. sweet D. reply

39. A. amazing B. easy B. happen

C. complain

四、阅读理解 (共8小题;每小题2分,满分16分)



My Favorite Sweater by Bonnie Highsmith Taylor

My favorite sweater grew too small. I love that sweater best of all. My grandma made it when I was three. She made that sweater just for me.

I picked the yarn(毛线), a special blue. The color of bluebells, wet with dew(露水). When I was three I was very small. But now I’m five and much too tall.

I have a new jacket now that’s green. So I gave my sweater to our cat Queen.

Queen just had kittens(小猫) out in the shed(小屋). My favorite sweater is now their bed.

41. The sweater is the girl’s favorite probably because _____.

A. the girl’s grandma made it for her C. the yarn is the color of the bluebells 42. The girl in this poem is _____ years old now.

A. three A. Blue. 44. Who is Queen?

A. The girl’s mother. C. The girl’s cat.

B. The girl’s grandma. D. The girl herself. B

All around the world, students go to school. But their schools are not the same.

Students in Australia go to school 200 days a year. Their school starts in late January. It ends in the middle of December. Their school year has four terms. Each term is nine to eleven weeks long. They have two weeks of holiday between terms. There are usually only about 18 students in a class.

The school day in Brazil lasts from 7 a.m. till noon. Students go home at noon. They eat lunch with their families. Lunch is the most important meal of the day in Brazil. Classes have 30 or more students. Most students must wear a uniform(校服).

In Costa Rica, school is free. Students go to public school(公办学校) for nine years. They start at age 6 and end at age 15. At age 15, students start college.

B. four B. White.

C. five

D. six D. Green.

43. What color is the girl’s new jacket?

C. Red.

B. the girl got it at the age of three D. the girl gave it to the kittens as beds

The school day in France starts at 8 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m. Students also go to school for half a day on Saturday. But there’s no school on Wednesday or Sunday. Students have a two-hour lunch break each day.

In Kenya, the school year is divided(分开) into three terms. Each term is 13 weeks long. Students have one month of holiday between terms. Many schools give students a free lunch.

What’s your school like?

45. How many countries of schools are talked about in this article?

A. Three. A. 7 a.m.

B. Four. B. 8 a.m.

C. Five. C. 9 a.m.

D. Six. D. 12 a.m.

46. What time do students in Brazil start school?

47. Which of the following is NOT true according to the article?

A. Students in Australia have two weeks off between terms. B. Students in Costa Rica must pay for school for 9 years. C. Students in France have to go to school on Saturdays. D. Students in Kenya can have a free lunch at school. 48. Which of the following is the best title of this article?

A. Students in Different Countries

B. Students around the World D. Schools around the World

C. School Terms in Different Countries

第Ⅱ卷 (五大题,共44分)

五、词汇检测 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

A) 根据首字母或汉语注释,在答题卷标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。 49. My brother is celebrating his (第九) birthday.

50. Helen couldn’t get out of the car because she (使受伤) her leg. 51. Ricky was (激动的) to hear from Mary. and can’t stand up.

B) 根据情景,在答题卷标有题号的横线上,写出一个语法上和语义上都正确的单词。每空一词。 54. — What did you learn today?

— The teacher told us to give to the old people on the bus. 55. — Jane, what are you looking for?

— My wallet. I think I it on my way to school. 56. — Don’t throw everywhere. Don’t you see the bin? — Sorry, I will pick it up.

57. — Can you it? Something is so sweet.

— No, I can’t. Something is wrong with my nose these days. 58. — Which road should we take, Mum?

— We just need to go on till we meet your daddy. 六、句型转换 (共4小题;每空1分,满分8分)



学年度第二学期期末考试试卷 初一英语










一、听力选择 (满分20分)







What does the boy like to eat?


Where does man want to go?


3.How old is Laura’

s grandmother?


What is the girl wearing?

5.When will Ben visit his aunt?

A.After shopping and eating lunch.

B.Before he goes shopping.

C.After shopping and before lunch.

6.How often does Cindy go to Shanghai?

A.Twice a month. B.Twice a week. C.Twice a year.

7.What does the man tell the woman to do?

A.Drive left. B.Drive one kilometer north. C.Drive one kilometer south and turn left.

8.Where does Katie want to put the new lamp?

A.Beside the table. B.Between the armchairs. C.Beside the sofa.

9.What will the weather be like tomorrow?

A.1t will snow. B.It will be cloudy. C.It will be sunny.

10.How many Chinese students are there in Mr.Smith's class?

A. 22. B.11. C.10.




11.How far is it from their school to the zoo?

A.It is a 45-minute walk. B.It is a 15-minute walk. C.1t is a 30-minute walk.

12.Where is the zoo?

A.On School Road. B.Next to a coffee shop. C.On Green street.


13.A.basketball B.football C.baseball

14.A.his brother B.a shop C.his friends

15.A.photos B.words C.names


16.Why does the girl enjoy going to school?

A.She has lots of friends and likes the lessons there.

B.She is good at most of the lessons.

C.Most teachers there are nice and friendly.

17.How long does the school day last?

A.8.5 hours. B.9 hours. C.8 hours.

18.When does the girl play sport?

A.On Friday afternoon. B.On Saturday afternoon. C.On Thursday morning.

19.Which subjects does Mr.Zhao help the girl with?

A.Chinese and PE. B.English and Maths. C.English and Chinese.

20.Why does the girl like the science lesson best?

A.She does well in the exam.

B.She can do fun experiments.

C.The science teacher is very kind.



2 1.A. B. C. D.22.A. B. C. D.23.A. B. C. D.24.A. B. C. 25.A. B. C. D.26.A.1arge B.age C.giraffe D.ground

27.A. B. C. D.28.A. B. C. D.29.A. B. C.. D.30.A. B. C. D.三、选择填空(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)



31.—people lost their lives after Dongfangzhixing sank on Changjiang.

—sad news it is!

A.hundreds of;What a B.hundred of;What C.hundreds of;How D.hundreds of ; What

32.—Excuse me,could I use your computer?

—My father is searching for some information on it.

A.Yes,you could.B.Yes,you can C.Sorry, you couldn’t D.Sorry, you can’t.

33.—use by the end of 2015.

—Really? It faster to get to Jinji lake from my home by car.

A./:will be B.the;is C./;is D.the;will be【2016苏州工业园区七年级英语期末考试】

34.—here.Please keep quiet. —OK,

A.too much noise;noise B.much too noisy;noise

C.too much noise;noisy D.much too noisy;noisy

35.— —Because I lost my ticket.

A.not B.don’t C.didn’t D.did

36.—at the door. —Oh,it must be Lily.

A.is knocking B.are knocking C.knocked D.will knock

37.— —Li Lei did.

A.put up B.grow up C.hurry tip D.pick up

38.—as the famous singer Na Ying. —.

A.good;well B.better;good C.well;well D.well;good

39.The film“Jurassic World”is really wonderful.Let’.

A.talking B.to talk C.saying D.to say

40.— —.

A.something;something B.anything;nothing

C.something;nothing D.anything;nothing

41.——I think it can make everything true.

A.popular;come B.interesting;comes C.amazing;to come D.funny;comes

42.—I can’t agree more.

A.trouble B.treasure C.trip D.traffic



A.Mother’s:on B.Mothers’;on C.Mother’s;in D.Mothers’;in

44.—English teacher? —No,Geography.

A.your;our B.your;us C.you;our D.you;us

45.—I will fly to Qingdao for my holiday this weekend.


A.Why not? B.I hope so. C.With pleasure. D.Have a good time.



A ten-yea-old boy from Howell,Michigan is thought to be a hero.He saved the life of an old

neighbor.on the evening on Saturday, January 26,when Danny was driving home with his


Near home,a dog outside a restaurant near his house.It was so cold that the young boy got

a feeling that something was not right.Dawn,to go to see what was going

on.The mother tried to make sure that no one would leave in such cold weather, and she

walked to the dog.

.Sure enough,

as she got closer to the restaurant opposite his house,she noticed a garage (车库) that was was lying on the floor.Getting there,she realized that it was not a dog,.but Kathleen

St.Onge.on some ice in her garage and had been lying there for two hours,

unable to get up.

.Though she still

.in hospital, the old woman is always saying thanks to Danny and his mother.

46.A.took B.happened C.brought D.came

47.A.saw B.1ooked C.hit D.called

48.A.father B.brother C.sister D.mother

49.A.cat B.man C.dog D.woman

50.A.wrong B.right C.big D.small

51.A.open B.closed C.opened D.off

52.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything

53.A.played with B.drove away C.fell down D.stood up

54.A.money B.food C.drink D.help

55.A.1ives B.stays C.plays D.rests






Comfortable family home with a large garden on north side of town.Three bedrooms,living-room,

kitchens,dining-room,bathroom.Offers (售价) over$35,000.


Some evening and weekend work.All meals free.Ring 3320178.


Boys and girls wanted to play in local football team.Aged 9-13.Meet in Green Park on Friday at



Small room to rent (租) in city centre flat above restaurant.Newly painted with modern furniture.Near main railway station.Buses pass front door.Phone 3322108.

Mr.Brown wants to live near his workplace.Mrs.Brown wants a house with four bedrooms.The Brown children don’t care what the house is like.They just want a big garden.Ann,their daughter, has always wanted to work in a restaurant.She thinks it is an exciting place.It’s hard work but she isn’t lazy.You have to work on Saturdays and Sundays,but you get other days off.It’s not very well paid.But who cares about money?

Tom is a middle school student.He is twelve years old.He stops school at half past three,so he has plenty of time to finish his homework.

Jack,Mr.Brown’s brother, is looking for a room to rent.He doesn’t care what colour the walls are or how old the furniture is.He is getting ready for his drawing.So the house must be quiet.

56.Why didn’t the Browns buy the house in Advertisement 1?

A.It was on the north side of town. B.There weren’t enough bedrooms.

C.There was no dining room. D.The garden was too big.

57.Why does Ann want to get the job in the restaurant?

A.It’s an easy job. B.It is an exciting place.

C.She thinks it is well paid. D.She likes working at weekends.

58.Why can’t Tom play for the new football team?

A.He’s not old enough. B.It’s in a different village.

C.School stops too late. D.He has to do his homework.

59.What’s wrong with the room for Jack in Advertisement 4?

A.It’s too small. B.The walls are the wrong colour.


C.The man likes old furniture better. D.It’s too noisy.


Michael Jackson is one of the world’s best singers.Michael Jackson was born in the middle west of Gary, in 1958.He began singing with his four brothers.They called the group“Jackson Five”.The group became very popular after appearing on a television program.They started singing in 1965.and became popular soon.In 1970,the group made their record the name of“I Want You Back”.It was very popular.One of their hit records was“Never Say Goodbye”.

Michael was good at dancing as well as singing.His moonwalk was liked by many people.He was asked to act in a film in 1978 for the first time.In the same year, he made a record on his own,which sold eight million copies all over the world.

Michael nearly didn’t go out because he was too famous.Once his fans went off in a faint (昏迷) when they saw him at the concert.No one can do it by now.He lived in a large house and kept lots of animals.He never ate meat.He often raises money for charity.This made him win the Guinness World Records in 2006.He died on June 25th,2009,but he would live in our heart forever.

60.What’s the name of their first record?

A.“Never Say Goodbye” B.“See You,See Me”

C.“I Want You Back” D.“On the World”


A.rock music B.street dance C.playing the piano D.moon walking【2016苏州工业园区七年级英语期末考试】

62.Why did Michael have to stay at home most of the time?



初 一 英 语





1. What is the weather like today?

A. B.

2. How does Li Lei’s mother go to work when it rains?

A. B.

3.Where are the two speakers?

A. B.

4.Where did Tom go last week?

A. B.

5. How much was the scarf last week?

A. 158 yuan B. 128 yuan

6. How often does Amy’s mother play table tennis?

A. Every day B. Once a week

7. What is the date today?

A. May 30 th B. June 1st

8. Which season may it be?

A. Autumn B. Spring

9. What’s in the tree?

C. C. C. C. C. 108 yuan C. Twice a week C. May 31 st C. Winter

A. A big bird B. A kite C. A model plane

10. What would the man like to drink?

A. A glass of milk B. A cup of coffee C. A cup of apple juice II听对话和短文回答问题(10分)


11.What does Bill Smith want to buy?

A. A small garden. B. An old house C. A small house.

12.When can Bill’s family have a good time in the park?

A. From Monday to Friday

B. From Monday to Saturday

C. At weekends

13.Who works as a manager in a company?

A. Bill B. Bill’s father

C. Bill’s mother. 14.Where does Bill’s mother go to buy things every day? A. the shop A. 85106338 B. the shopping center C. the supermarket. B. 85106938 C. 85109638 15.What is Bill Smith’s telephone number?


( )1.—-Did you see_______ film Where are We Going, Dad?

Yes, it’s ______ interesting film.

A. a; the B. the; an C. a; an D. the; the

( )2. Last year ________ teachers from other cities came to visit our school.

A. six hundreds B. six hundreds of C.hundred of D. hundreds of

( )3. ---Does the book belong to ? --- Yes, it’s .

A. yours; mine B. you; yours C. him; his D. his; mine

( ) 4. Lucy knew nothing about it ____________ her sister told her.

A. because B. until C. if D. after

( ) 5._________ wonderful works of art? They cost too much.

A. What a B. How a C. What D. How

( )6. When the light is red, you cross the road. You wait for the green light.

A. can; must B. can; must not C. can’t; must D. can’t; must not

( ) 7. Her story sounds ______. I want to listen to it once more.

A. good B. well C. bad D. badly

( ) 8. –Excuse me, __________________? --You’re right. You needn’t take a bus there.

A. where is the hospital B. is there a hospital nearby

C. how can I get tot the hospital D. is the hospital very far

( )9. He often helps her _____ the room.

A.cleans B.clean C.cleaning D.to cleans

( )10. A college student _______ my maths problems this evening.

A. will help him with B. is going to help

C. is going to help me with D. will help me on

( )11. Simon is looking forward to _________ the football match between Spain and Brazil on

TV this evening.

A. watch B. watching C. will watch D. watches

( )12. — —Sorry, I won’t go with you. My father will drive me there.

A. Who B. How C. When D.Where

( )13. Goldfish don’t know _______ to them three seconds ago.

A. what happens B. what is happening C. what did happened D. what happened

( )14.——You look excited. What happened?

——I saw a rabbit and ran _________ the field after it.

A.through B.cross C.across D.crossing

( )15.-Excuse me. Is the shop open all day? -__________. Only from 8 am to 9 pm.

A. Yes, of course

B. That’s right D. Sorry, I’m afraid not C. Sorry, I’m not sure


I love learning English because it's very important language.People in many countyies all over the world__1__it.For example,if you want to find a nice__2__,you may need to be good at English,and__3__you surf on the Internet,you'll see many interesting__4__useful things in English.If you don't know them,then you'll have to __5__ a lot of time looking them up in an English dictionary.So we__6__try harder to learn English and improve our English.

Now,I'm a middle school student.I try to __7__ many newspaper or magazines in English

every day.In fact,learning English is lots of fun.It's__8__learning Chinese.Just open your mouth and say__9__in English or read English stories.All in all,it's __10__for everyone to learn English

1.A.use B.speak C.like D.teach

2.A.work B.story C.job D.teacher

3.A.as B.when C.before D.though

4.A.with B.but C.so D.or

5.A.spend B.take C.pay D.cost

6.A.must B.could C.can D.need

7.A.watch B.read C.see D.look

8.A.for B.in C.at D.like

9.A.everything B.nothing C.anything D.something

10.A.diffcult B.interesting C.useful D.hard



Seven years ago, a small town in Changhua started to grow healthy rice. What surprised us was the ―farmers‖ were not really farmers. They were students from a small elementary school. Now everything on the farm grows well. And there are stories behind rice too.

The idea of growing rice came from the school teachers. When making teaching plans, the teachers decided to teach students how to grow healthy rice on the school land. They wanted the students to be close to the land and learn to help each other outside the classroom. The students and the teachers ate the rice. The school made money by selling the rice and giving farming classes to the community. With the money, the school could help some students go to foreign countries(外国)some day.

一the students are flying to Japan to share their special farming stories, and have fun over there. ―We all feel very happy that even students from a small town can make themselves stars,‖said one of the teachers.

( )1. What is the passage about?

A. A great teaching plan. B. A new way of cooking rice.

C. A farming class for farmers. D. A famous teacher from a small town.

( )2. What did the school do with the rice?

A. The student of the school ate all. B. It sold the rice to Japan.

C. Its teachers and students ate some of it. D. It gave all the rice to farmers.

( )3. What does the underlined part "the dream" refer to?

A. Growing healthy rice. B. Building more schools.

C. Going abroad. D. Learning outside the classroom.

( )4. What can be the best title for the passage?

A. Healthy rice B. Small rice, big dream

C. Small school, healthy life D. Growing rice, making money


Do your parents ever say ―act like a lady" or ―be a gentleman" to you? But in the eyes of today's teenagers, what should a lady or a gentleman be like? Let's take a look.

What is a gentleman? The girls have their ideas:

Huang Xiaoyu of Guizhou: A gentleman doesn't always get angry. He wants others to be well and happy. He is always ready to help. There is a boy in my class and I think he is a gentleman. If I don't do well in the English exam, he will say, "You will do better next time.‖ That makes me feel happy.

Chen Tingting of Shenzhen: A gentleman always says, ―Ladies first.‖ When students clean up the classroom, he does the heavy work. He lets girls go into rooms first. There are no gentlemen in my class. When there is something to eat, the boys in my class always get them before girls!

What is a lady? Boys tell us what they think a lady is:

Wu Yifan of Dalian: A lady is quiet and kind, but she’s not shy(害羞)and can talk about her ideas in front of others. To me, Dong Jie, a film star, is a lady. She is pretty and kind. She does a lot for others.

Wang Lichao of Tianjin: A lady is not just beautiful but clever. She never says bad words. She is quiet and kind. I don't think there is a lady in my class. Most of the girls are ,I think.

( )5. What does Huang Xiaoyu think a gentleman will do if she doesn't do well in the English








A) 根据你所听到的对话,选择正确答案。每个对话读两遍。

1.What do the students often do after school?

A.Play table tennis. B.Play football. C.Play basketball. D.Play badminton.

2.When does Nick often run?

A.At the weekend. B.Every morning. C.Every evening. D.Every afternoon.

3.What does Peter like doing?

A.Reading story books. B.Talking with others。

C.Listening to music. D.Playing computer games.

4.Where does Tom do his homework?

A.At home. B.In the library.

C.In the Reading Club. D.In the Computer Club.

5.What will Simon do then?

A.Help the girl do the exercise. B.Ask Daniel for help.

C.Ask Daniel to play with him. D.Ask Daniel to talk to him.


6.Who does Andy live with?

A.His cousin. B.His grandparents.

C.His parents. D.His sisters.

7.How many floors does the building have?

A.5. B.20. C.12. D.15.

8.How far is Andy’s home from the centre of the city?

A.Five miles. B.Twenty miles. C.Twelve miles.D.Twenty-four miles.

9.How many rooms does Andy’s flat have?

A.Five. B.six. C.Seven. D.Three.

10.Where do they often stay in summer?

A.In the living room. B.Outside the building.

C.In the study. D.On the balcony.


11.wallet on the floor when he goes home.S”on the corner .

A.a;an;the B.a;a;the C.an;an;an D.the;a:a

12.afraid of the dog.It’s very friendly to people.

A.Not do B.Don’t do C.Don’t be D.Not be


A.to;in B.on;to C.in:to D.to;to

14.—Mum, I go to the cinema?

—No,finish your homework first.

A.could;couldn’t;could B.may:can’t:must

C.can;can’t;may D.may;mustn’t;might


A.comes B.is coming C.to come D.coming

16.— —5,000yuan.

A.does;spend B.does;take C.did;pay D.did;cost

17.If the word“herself'”is on page 958 in a dictionary,“hurry”on page 1002,“hole”may

A.945 B.956 C.976 D.1007

18.her keys with her in the past.

A.forgets to bring B.forgets bringing

C.forgot bringing D.forgot to bring

19.The meeting room isn’We need a bigger one.

A.enough large;stay in B.1arge enough;to stay in

C.1arge enough;to stay in it D.enough large;stay in it

20.Which of the following is NOT right?

A.How clever boy he is! B.What great fun it is to skate!

C.What important work it is! D.How heavily it is raining !


A.another B.other C.the other D.others

22.pass the exams.

A.will can B.are able to C.will be able to D.could

23.travelers come to visit our city every year.

A.Hundred of B.About 5 thousands

C.Two hundred of D.Thousands of


A.10 minute’s ride B.20 minutes by bike

C.15 minutes D.15-minute’s on foot

25.—The man has few friends, does he?

—.He is rude.

A.Yes, he does B.No.he does

C.Yes,he doesn’t D.No.he doesn’t


Mr.Wang teaches English in a middle schoo1.He wanted to be a a young boy.

In his English lesson,Mr..He likes poems a lot,and he likes Shakespeare’.

In his fifth class today, Mr.Wang taught a poem.He wrote the poem on the and read it.the poem,the students began to ask questions.He answered all the questions.Then he told his students to talk about the poem.when the bell rang.

,Mr.Wang thought about the fifth class.He was happy about what he did as a teacher..When they started to talk,they forgot about the time..He only had to answer theh questions and help them

understand the poem.

26.A.very many B.too many C.very much D.too much

27.A.was B.is C.were D.are

28.A.never B.ever C.sometimes D.seldom

29.A.better B.worse C.well D.best

30.A.desk B.wall C.chair D.blackboard


31.A.reading B.to read C.read D.doing

32.A.Not B.No C.Have no D.Any

33.A.By the way B.To his way C.On his way D.In the Way

34.A.liked B.worked C.read D.wanted

35.A.learning B.to learn C.learn D.learnt



July is a month of different activities for kids and teens as 1ong as you know where to find them.When you want some fun activities in July, consider these ideas happening in this momh.

36.Alec is strongly interested in space life.

A.Magic Class B.Science with Me

C.Secret of the Dragon D.The Search for Life

37.John and his 10-year-old son want to watch Secret of the Dragon.How much money should they pay?

A.$7.40 B.$11.10 C.$14.80 D.$23.20

38.Rita plans to join Magic Class.



七年级英语 2016.06


1. 本试卷共9大题,满分100分,考试用时100分钟。


3. 答选择题必须用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案;答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡指定的位置上,不在答题区域内的答案一律无效,不得用其他笔答题。

4. 答题必须答在答题卡上,答在试卷和草稿纸上一律无效。 一、听力选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

第一部分 听对话回答问题

本部分共有5道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的作答时间。 1. What pet does the man have? A.

2. What outdoor activity did the man like? A.

3. What is James? A. A basketball player.

B. A sports lover.

C. David’s friend. C. London.

C. At the police station.

4. Which is Jack’s favourite city?

A. Paris. B. Tokyo. 5. Where are they? A. At the zoo.

B. On the street.

第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题


听一段对话,回答第6、7小题。 6. What happened to Mr. Wu last night?

A. His car hit another. A. Two.

B. Another car hit his. B. Three.

C. Two cars hit each other. C. Four.

7. How many people were there in Mr. Wu’s car?





8. A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday 9. A. drink B. talk C. sing 10. A. time B. sleep C. breakfast

听一篇短文,回答第11至15小题。 11. When did the story happen?

A. On a summer morning. B. On a hot noon. C. On a hot afternoon. 12. How was Mr. Read going home? A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By bike. 13. Why did Mr. Read feel hot? A. Because he was a fat man. B. Because he walked in the sun. C. Because a boy followed him too near.

14. What did Mr. Read do after the boy kicked his shoes some times? A. He asked the boy not to hurt his feet. B. He let the boy walk in front of him. C. He told the boy to stop walking behind him. 15. Why did the boy follow Mr. Read? A. Because he could find the way home. B. Because the sun wouldn’t be on him.

C. Because he wanted to follow Mr. Read home.

二、单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


16. As a girl, you should build ______ healthy lifestyle and don’t need to dream of ______ A4 waist (腰).

A. a; the B. the; 不填 C. a; an D. a; a 17. — I hear there’s a(n) ______ at the school gate. Do you know what’s it about? — Oh. It’s about the coming of some exchange students from the UK. A. invitation B. notice C. article D. message 18. — I don’t like my mother’s dishes.

— Come on. ______ can cook better, I think. At least, they are to my taste. A. Anybody B. Everybody C. Somebody D. Nobody

19. — Please sit up ______, children. We’re going to begin our lesson. — All right, Mrs. Williams. A. carefully

B. comfortably

C. straight

D. forward

20. — Which way ______ I take to go to the library?

— Just go ahead. It’s at the end of the street. You ______ miss it. A. should; can’t

B. must; mustn’t

C. can; may not

D. need; can’t

21. — You look unhappy. What’s the matter?

— I ______ down a hole but no one helped me out. I ______ hurt. A. fell; fell

B. felt; felt

C. fell; felt

D. felt; fell

22. — Be careful when you are going across the road. — OK. I’ll look out ______ cars.

A. of B. for C. at D. with

23. — Where is Suzhou Jinyi International Cinema? — It’s ______ of our school. A. southeast

B. the southeast

C. to southeast

D. in the southeast

24. — Who can read the number 10,206 in English? — Let me try. That’s ______. A. one zero two zero and six 25. — Look at the clouds. It ______ rain. — Oh, ______ home to close the windows. A. is going to; I’ll go C. will; I’ll go

B. will; I’m going D. is going to; I’m going

B. ten thousand, two hundred, six D. ten thousand, two hundred and six

C. one thousand, two hundred and six

26. — Your bedroom is so dirty. ______ all the rubbish, Peter. — OK, mum. I’ll do it right away. A. Put up

B. Tidy up

C. Pick up

D. Hurry up

27. — Why are you buying so much food?

— An old friend of ______ is coming to see him this evening. A. me

B. mine

C. my father’

D. my father’s

28. — ______?

— The students and teachers. They are really very nice. A. What is your school like

B. How do you find your school D. How do you like about your school C. What

D. How

C. What do you like about your school A. What an

B. What a

29. ______ exciting news report! Our class came first in the football match. 30. — Why not go shopping with me?

— ______. But I have a lot of homework to do. A. No problem

B. Sounds great

C. I agree

D. You’re welcome

三、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Snoopybabe, a shorthair, is now an animal star in China. He has more than 275,000 on Xinlang Weibo.

Snoopybabe is really very Cat Tardar Sauce on the Internet.

The Japanese cat Maru was once the most beautiful star cat and people the videos of her show over millions of times.

Grumpy Cat Tardar Sauce was also popular. A Friskies brand (品牌) of cat food him as ―spokescat‖.

But Snoopybabe’s fan team is quickly. The shorthair, born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, is famous his small nose and mouth and big brown eyes.

Snoopybabe’s owner Miss Ning says the cat’s ―pie is the most beautiful and that his sleepy eyes make him look lovely all the time. The look comes from his parents, one an American shorthair and the other a Persian cat. Snoopybabe is very lovely, but she is still to see many people are so friendly to Snoopybabe.

31. A. friends 32. A. lovely 33. A. watched 34. A. asked 35. A. falling 36. A. for 38. A. thin

37. A. nose 39. A. afraid

B. fans B. helpful B. made B. liked B. with B. face B. happy

C. photos C. lucky C. had C. as

D. replies D. popular D. checked D. fed D. coming D. of D. head D. special D. worried D. on line

C. bought C. raising C. mouth C. clean C. on TV

B. growing

B. interested B. in Japan

C. surprised

40. A. in America

四、阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)



When ______ comes upon us Filling freshness in the air Showing nature’s own beauty With flowers blooming everywhere.

Trees start slowly budding Opening to the sun’s warm rays Start the birds to singing

Touching our hearts in these ways. The grass starts turning greener Pushing up out of the ground. Nature is waking up

Sending forth her beautiful sound.

41. What word can be used in the blank?

A. wind

B. sound

C. spring

D. time D. Being soft.

42. What feeling does the poem give us?

A. Being bright.

B. Being noisy.

C. Being quiet. B

Do you want to know how to learn English words? First, make a list of them. A word list is a group of Here are some examples.

◆A list of verbs (be, go, do, have, like, etc.)

◆A list of weather adjectives (rainy, sunny, snowy, windy, cloudy, etc.) ◆A list of family nouns (mother, father, sister, brother, uncle, etc.) Now, how do you learn these word lists? There are something you can do:

Let’s say the verbs: be, go, do, have, and like. You can write a short story, such as:

―Sue is a student. She goes to school on foot. At school, the students have lots of homework every day. But she doesn’t like doing homework at all.‖

43. The underlined phrase ―part of speech‖ means ______.

A. 词义 A. Sunny

B. 词形 B. Ability

C. 词性 C. Snowy

D. 词根 D. Windy

44. ______ is different from ―rainy‖.

45. What does ―it‖ in the sentence ―‖ mean?

A. The story.

B. The word list. D. Writing the story.

B. How to learn English words. D. How to tell the part of speech. C

Barbara couldn’t take it anymore. Her neighbor upstairs was playing his stereo (立体音响) again. She had asked him twice already to turn the volume (音量) down. The first time she asked, he was surprised. He said he didn’t know that she could hear his stereo.

―Yes,‖ she said, ―it’s just like your stereo were in my living room. I can hear every note (音符).‖

He said he would keep it down. She hoped that he was telling the truth. Of course, he wasn’t. The very next day, he played his stereo. She went upstairs to remind (提醒) him of what he had said. He said the volume was so low that he could hardly (几乎不) hear it. She asked him to turn it lower. He said he would try. Barbara could know that when she entered her flat, the music was louder than when she had walked upstairs.

So, this was the third time. She took her baseball bat upstairs with her. She knocked very loudly on his door. When he opened the door, she shouted at him like crazy. She told him she would kill (杀) him if he didn’t turn the music down and keep it down. His eyes got big.

She went back downstairs. She couldn’t hear a note. ―I can’t believe I said that,‖ she told herself.

47. Barbara asked her neighbor to turn the music down ______.

A. once A. afraid

B. twice B. angry

C. three times C. surprised

D. four times D. worried

48. When Barbara walked upstairs with a baseball bat she was ______. 49. Which of the following is true?

A. Barbara didn’t like her neighbor.

B. Barbara wanted to kill her neighbor. D. Barbara never did things like that before. B. He didn’t think about others. D. He wouldn’t play music anymore.

C. Barbara wasn’t interested in music. A. He wasn’t afraid of Barbara.

C. Learning the words.

46. What’s the best title for the passage?

A. How to make a word list. C. How to make up a story.

50. What do you know about Barbara’s neighbor?

C. Something was wrong with his ears.

五、任务型阅读 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)



It was 7 pm. The White family — Mr. and Mrs. White, their sons Eric and Jack, and twin daughters Anna and Emma — sat at their dining table to have their Sunday dinner.

―What’s for dessert, Mom?‖ Eric asked his mother. ―Your dad made an apple pie,‖ Mrs. White answered.

―Great!‖ said Eric’s sister Emma from her high chair at the end of the table. ―Well, I want fifteen minutes of pie,‖ Eric said.Eric.

―Fifteen minutes of pie? What does that mean?‖ asked his brother Jack. He was two years younger than

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