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导读: 苏教版最新版英语6B,unit2,,good,habbits试卷(共5篇)Unit2 good habbits知识点及课堂练习Unit2 good habbits知识点及课堂练习教学内容:英译中1 try to form good learning habits 2 Havemanygoodhabits3 get up early in the morning 4 ...

Unit2 good habbits知识点及课堂练习

Unit2 good habbits知识点及课堂练习



1. try to form good learning habits 2.Havemanygoodhabits

3. get up early in the morning 4. never go to bed late 5. brush his teeth

6.Beforebedtime 7.at home

8. put his things in order 9. finish his homework before dinner 10. listen to his teachers at school

11. do well at home 12. keep his room clean and tidy

13. help his parents 14. have some bad habits 15. do his homework late at night

16. go to bed early 17. feel sleepy in the morning

18. know Liu Tao well 19. went to bed late last night

20. I’m not sleepy .21. walk fast

22. You shouldn’t go to bed late.

23. What habits do Wang Bing and Liu Tao have? 24. walk fast in the street 25. have breakfast on time 26. do their homework in the evening 27. pick one

28. four short horses 29. run through the grass 30. run very fast 31. This is the way we wash our face. 32. come to see her

33. show you around our house 34. Let me show you around our house. 35. go into the living room

36. go into Tina’s bedroom

37. They are in Bobby’s bedroom.

38. see a lot of books and toys on the floor 39. Whose bedroom is this?

40. my brother’s

41. put your books and toys in order 42. under the bed

43. loot at the pictures 44. run slowly

45. walk slowly 46. sing badly / well 47. do badly at school

48. get up at six o’clock in the morning

中译英 1. 试着形成好的学习习惯

2. 有许多好的习惯

3. 早上早早地起床

4. 从不晚睡觉

5. 刷牙

6. 睡觉前

7. 在家

8. 把他的东西放的井井有条

9. 在晚饭前完成他的作业

10. 在学校听他老师的话

11. 在家做得好

12. 保持他的房间又干净又整洁

13. 帮助他的父母

14. 有一些坏习惯

15. 晚上很晚做他的作业

16. 早睡觉

17. 早上觉得困

18. 很了解刘涛

19. 昨晚睡觉很晚

20. 我不困。

21. 走得快

22. 你不应该晚睡觉。

23. 王兵和刘涛有什么习惯?

24. 在街上走得快【苏教版最新版英语6B,unit2,,good,habbits试卷】

25. 准时吃早饭

26. 晚上做他们的作业

27. 选一个

28. 四匹矮马

29. 跑过草地

30. 跑得很快

31. 这是我们洗脸的方式。

32. 来看她

33. 带你参观我们的房子

34. 让我带你参观我们的房子

35. 进入客厅

36. 进入蒂娜的卧室

37. 他们在波比的卧室。 38. 看见很多书和玩具在地板上 39. 这是谁的卧室?

40. 我哥哥的

41. 把你的书和玩具放的井井有条

42. 在床下

43. 看着图片

44. 跑得慢

45. 走得慢

46. 唱得不好/ 好

47. 在学校做得不好

48. 早上6点起床



always: 总是 usually: 通常 often: 经常 sometimes: 有时 never: 从不。 这些副词可以经常用在V.之前,助动词之后,be动词也是用在后面。

Sometimes也可用在开头。 它们的频率从小到大的排序为:never---sometimes---often---usually --- always.


2.early : adj. 早的。You are early. adv. 早地:She gets up early.

3.late: adj. 晚的,迟到的。He is late. adv. He never go to bad late.

4.before : prep. (介词) 后面接n. / V-ing.


Story time

一 中英文互译

1 好习惯___________ 2 早上早起_____________

3 从不迟睡____________ 4 把他的东西摆放整齐____________

5 保持他的房间干净整洁___________ 6 feel sleep____________

7 know me well__________ 8 have some bad habits___________

9 walk fast_________ 10 go to school late__________________

二 根据中文或字母提示填空


1 He has many good h______ .

2 Please put your things in o_____ .

3 He never goes to bed l_______ .

4 He also does w______ at home .

5 The girl keeps her room clean and t_____ .

6 This boy’s room is______( 凌乱 ) .

7 I’m not_______( 瞌睡 ) .

8 He usually______( 完成 ) his homework late .

9 That’s a______ ( 坏 ) habit .

10 He _____ ( 刷 ) his teeth in the morning .

三 单项选择

( ) 1 I can walk______ .

A fast B quick C good

( ) 2 He sometimes feels______ .

A sleep B sleeping C sleepy

( ) 3 He _____ goes to school early .

A alway B away C always

( ) 4 My mother puts her things_____ order .

A in B on C at

( ) 5 I know my friends______ .

A good B well C fine

四 按要求改写句子

1 He has many good habits .( 改为一般疑问句 )


2 she never goes bed late.(对划线部分提问 )


3 Wang Bing always puts his things in order .( 改为否定形式 ) _____________________________________________________

4 He didn’t finish his homework.( 改为肯定形式 )

5 He knows the students well .( 改为一般疑问句 )


五 根据中文提示完成句子

1 他在夜里很晚的时候做作业

He does his homework______ ______ ______ .

2 他保持他的桌子干净整洁

He______ his table______ and ______ .

3 他有时在早上感到瞌睡

He _____ _____ _____ in the morning .

4 我很了解我的朋友

I _____ my friends _____ _____ .

5 他通常在晚饭前完成作业

He _____ finishes his homework_____ _____ .

Grammar and Fun time

一 根据要求填写单词

1 before( 反义词 )_________ 2 late( 反义词 )________

3 messy( 反义词 )________ 4 clean ( 反义词 )________

5 good( 反义词 )________ 6 finish( 三单形式 )________

7sleep( 形容词 )________8put( 过去式 ) _________

9 habit( 复数形式 )________ 10 get( ing形式)_______

二 用括号内词的适当形式填空

1 Do you have______ ( some ) good habits ?

2 He always______ ( have ) breakfast on time .

3 He ______ ( sleep ) now .

4 I want______( finish ) my homework .

5 She usually______ ( walk ) fast .

6 They ______ ( go ) to bed late yesterday .

7 He does______( good) at home .

8 You _____ ( should ) go to bed late .

9 Liu Tao______ ( get ) up late yesterday .

10 Can you______( put ) your things in order ?

三 单项选择

( ) 1 Does Su Hai have______ habits ?

A some B any C a

( ) 2 He ____ to school from Monday to Friday .

A go B goes C went

( ) 3 The boy draws______ .

A careful B carefully C be careful

( ) 4 My key is on the floor . Can you _____ for me ?

A pick it up B pick up it C lift it up

( ) 5 Can you teach______ English ?

A I B me C my

四 从‖栏中找出▏栏正确的答案

▕ ‖

( ) 1 Does he do his homework late? A No, I didn’t .

( ) 2 Is he running in the playground ? B Yes, he does .

( ) 3 Don’t go to school late . C No, there aren’t .

( ) 4 Did you go to bed early ? D Yes , I do .

( ) 5 Can you help me ? E I’d like some pens .

( ) 6 Are there any rooms ? F OK

( ) 7 What time did you go to bed ? G Yes, he is .

( ) 8 Do you have a good habit ? H Yes ,there was .

( ) 9 Was there a ball on the floor ? I At nine .

( ) 10 Can I help you ? J Yes, I can .

五 按要求改写句子

1 Do you finish your homework early ?( 改为称述句 )


2 How often do you have breakfast on time ?( 根据实际情况回答问题 ) ____________________________________________________

3 What habits do you have ?( 根据实际情况回答问题 )


4 She goes to bed late at night .( 改为一般疑问句 )


5 Listen to your teacher .( 改为否定形式 )


一 中英文互译

1 进入起居室__________

2 看见许多书和玩具____________

牛津小学英语译林版6BUnit2 Good habits试卷(含听力材料)


班级_____________ 姓名:_______________



( ) 1. A. rabbit B. habit C. happy

( ) 2. A. think B. toy C. tidy

( ) 3. A. make B. messy C. mean

( ) 4. A. finish B. fish C. foolish

( ) 5. A. slow B. know C. show

( ) 6. A. never B. every C. clever

( )7. A. sleep B. sleepy C. sleeping

( ) 8. A. well B. windy C. with

( ) 9. A. bedroom B. bathroom C. living room

( )10. A. other B. order C. old


( ) 1. A . It’s six. B. It’s at eight

C. At seven.

( ) 2. A. She does it very well. B. Yes, she does.

C. No, she didn’t.

( ) 3. A. No, I don’t. B. I go to bed early.

C. I get up at six.

( )4. A. You did it very well. B. Good idea!

C. Well done.

( )5. A. Let’s play table tennis.

B. It’s in that hole.


( ) 1.Su Hai’s father’s brother is Su Hai’s ___.

A. grandfather B. uncle C. cousin

( ) 2. The boy runs ____________.

A. slowly B. bad C. good

( ) 3.Going to bed late is a ____________.

A. bad habit B. good habit C.good hobby

( )4. Mr Green sings very ________________.

A.good B..well C.much

( ) 5. ________ wash their face in the morning.

A. Child B. Childs C. Children

( )6. ____________ is it ? ——It’s my brother’s.

A. Whose bedroom B. Who’s bedroom

C. Whoes bedroom

( )7. You should put your clothes ________________.

A. clean B. tidy C. in order

( )8. They feel ___________today.

A. happy B. happily C. badly

( ) 9. I can see a lot of ______ in the street.

A. tree B. car C. people

( ) 10. Don’t run ____________ the grass.

A. go B. through C. cross


A. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(5分)

Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home. So he goes there on foot and comes back home on time(准时). But today he is late. His mother asks him, “Why are you late today?” “I was in the

teachers’ office.’’ “Why did you go to the teachers’ office?” “Because my teacher asked us a question in

unit2 Good habbits 练习



1. sleepy(动词)________ 2. my(主格)________

3. box(复数) ________ 4.never(反义词)________

5. bite(过去式)________ 6. doesn't(完全形式)________

7. two(序数词)________ 8. white(对应词) ________

9 before( 反义词 )_________ 10 late( 反义词 )________

11 messy( 反义词 )________ 12 clean ( 反义词 )________

13 good( 反义词 )________ 14 finish( 三单形式 )________

15 sleep( 形容词 )________ 16 put( 过去式 ) _________

17 habit( 复数形式 )________ 18 get( ing形式)_______

19 hit( 过去式 ) _________ 20 well( 反义词 )________

二. 中英文互译(10分)

1 好习惯___________ 2 早上早起_____________

3 从不迟睡____________ 4 把他的东西摆放整齐____________

5 保持他的房间干净整洁___________ 6 feel sleep____________ 7 know me well__________ 8 have some bad habits___________

9 walk fast_________ 10 go to school late__________________


( ) 1 I usually go to work by ____ bus , but yesterday I took___ Taxi .

A a, a B the, a C / ,a

( ) 2 The____ are behind the cat .

A mouse B mice C mouses

( ) 3 Miss Li______ a bag . I _____ a book .

A have, has B is, have C has, have

( ) 4 There_____ some bread and some apples on the tables .

A is B are C be

( ) 5 _____ you___ your homework last evening ? Yes .

A Did, do B Do, do C Do, did

( )6. ____________ is it ? ——It‟s my brother‟s.

A. Whose bedroom B. Who‟s bedroom C. Whoes bedroom

( )7. You should put your clothes ________________.

A. clean B. tidy C. in order

( )8. They feel ___________today.

A. happy B. happily C. badly

( ) 9. I can see a lot of _____________ in the street.

A. tree B. car C. people【苏教版最新版英语6B,unit2,,good,habbits试卷】

( ) 10. Don‟t run ____________ the grass.

A. go B. through C. Cross

( ) 11.Su Hai‟s father‟s brother is Su Hai‟s _______________.

A. grandfather B. uncle C. cousin

( )1 2. The boy runs ____________.

A. slowly B. bad C. good

( ) 13.Going to bed late is a ____________.

A. bad habit B. good habit C.good hobby

( )14. Mr Green sings very ________________.

A.good B..well C.much

( ) 15. _____________ wash their face in the morning.

A. Child B. Childs C. Children


A. 从A栏选出B栏相对应的答句。(10分)


( )1. Did your mother watch TV last night? A. Yes, but I‟m not sleepy.

( )2. Do you usually help your parents? B. I‟m brushing my teeth.

( ) 3. You shouldn‟t go to school late. C. It‟s here, under the table.

( ) 4. Did you go to bed late last night? D. Yes, we were.

( ) 5. Where is the basket? E. I‟m going to play the piano.

( ) 6. What are you doing, Wang Bing? F. It‟s my brother‟s.

( ) 7. What are you going to do? G. No, she didn‟t.

( ) 8. When did you get up this morning ? H. I‟m sorry.

( ) 9. Were you happy? I. Yes, I do.

( ) 10. Whose bike is it? J. I got up at six thirty.




1. I don‟t want to go to bed. I‟m not _____________ (困倦的)

2. I often help my _____________(父母) at home.

3. He ____________(感觉) sad that day .

4.Yang Ling ______________(了解) Nancy well.

5. You should go to bed _________________(早地)


1. We ________( finish) our homework early on Sundays.

2. Let‟s _____________( put) the desks in order.

3. The __________(happy) cat danced ______________( happy).

4. Su Hai is a _______________(Chinese) girl.

5. My friends came _____________(see) me this morning.

7. The boy is singing ______________(bad)

8. What about __________(go) ___________(fish)with me?

9. Do you have______ ( some ) good habits ?

10. He always______ ( have ) breakfast on time .


1. He goes to school late.(改为否定句)

He ___________ _____________ to school late.

2. My shoes are under the bed.(对画线部分提问)

_____________ _____________ _____________ shoes?

3. Let me show you my clothes.(改为同义句)

Let me __________ ___________ __________ __________ you. 对画线部分提问)

_________ ________ he _________?

5. I brush my teeth in the morning.(用Yang Ling 改写句子)

Yang Ling __________ __________ ___________ in the morning.

6.Sam brings some water quickly.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定的回答)

——__________Sam __________ ___________water quickly?

——No,_________ __________ .

7 He has many good habits .( 改为一般疑问句 )



9 Wang Bing always puts his things in order .( 改为否定形式 ) _____________________________________________________

10 He didn’t finish his homework.( 改为肯定形式 )


A. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(5分)

Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home. So he goes there on foot and comes back home on time(准时). But today he is late. His mother asks him, “Why are you late today?” “I was in the teachers‟ office.‟‟ “Why did you go to the teachers‟ office?” “Because my teacher asked us a question in class, and nobody(没有人)could answer it, but me.” “It‟s good to answer the teacher‟s questions.” “But the question was „Who put the ink(墨水)on my chair?‟”

( ) 1. Tom lives near his school.

( ) 2. He goes to school and comes back home by bike every day.

( ) 3. Today Tom went to school late.

( ) 4. Tom put some ink on the teacher‟s chair.

( ) 5. The boy is very naughty(调皮).

B. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(5分)

Long long ago, there was a cat and a mouse. They were good friends. They lived together.

One day, a cow came and said, “Hello, my friends. There is a football game in the forest tomorrow. Do you want to join us? If you win, you‟ll get much food.”

“Really?”The cat and the mouse were very excited. They wanted to take part in this match. So the cat said to the mouse, “My dear, I often sleep, sleep, sleep. You get up early every day. Please call me tomorrow.”

The mouse said, “Sure.”

The next day, the mouse got up. He went to the football match. But he didn‟t call the cat. At last, the cat was very angry with the mouse.

( ) 1. _______were good friends.

A. The cat and the cow B. The mouse and the cow C. The cat and the mouse

( )2. There was a _______game.

A. basketball B. football C. volleyball

( ) 3. _______often got up early.

A. The cat B. The mouse C. The cow

( ) 4. _______went to the football match.

A. The mouse B. The cat C. The mouse and cat

( )5. Did the mouse call the cat?

A. Yes. B. No C. Sorry, I don‟t know.

( )6. At last, the cat was _______with the mouse.

A. angry B. happy C. Sad

七、以“I‟m a good boy/girl.”为起始句,介绍自己好习惯。(不少于五句话)

I‟m a goodboy/girl._______________________________________________



6B Unit2 Good habits练习

6B Unit2 Good habits练习


after(反义词) _______ early(反义词) ________

messy(反义词)_______ dirty(反义词) _______

bad(反义词)_______ sleep(形容词) _______

finish(第三人称单数)_______ put(过去式) _______

get(现在分词)_______ habit(复数)_______









7. have some bad habits________________

8.before bedtime_____________

9. finish his homework ________________

10.walk fast________________

11.brush one’s teeth ___________________

12.feel sleepy________________


1. I like______(cook) nice food.

2. We must _______ (listen) to our teachers in class.

3. My grandpa is walking_______(slow) in the park.

4. Let me _______ (help) you look for your purse.

5. We are playing ________(happy).

6. Would you like ________(buy) things for your party?

7. ______ Liu Tao ______ (finish) his homework yesterday?

8. Don’t ______ (hit) the ball like this.

9. A lot of _______ (people) are playing in the playground.

10. He can _______ (skate) _______ (good).


( )1. ——_____ did he _____ to Shanghai yesterday? —— By plane.

A. How; go B.How; went C.When; go

( )2. I _____ presents for my parents tomorrow.

A.buy B.am going to buy C.will buy

( )3. They walk ______ to catch the bus early.

A.fastly B.fastily C.fast

( )4. ——_____ you at home this morning? ——No, I _____ at home.

A.Were; was B.Are; am C. Do; am

( )5. He never _______ his homework on time.

A.finish B.finishs C.finishes

( )6. ——Don’t walk here. My little sister_____. ——I’m sorry.

A.is sleeping B.are sleeping C.sleeping

( )7. ——______ does Liu Tao play football? ——He plays it______.

A. What; good B.How; well C.Where; bad

新译林小学英语六下6B Unit2Good habits练习卷 精编同步配套

Unit 2 Good Habits单元试卷

一、语音题:正确的写T, 错误的写F ) ) ( ) ) ) ) ) ( ) )


1.How ______(quick) Betty answered the teacher’s questions!

2. I’m ______(real)sorry I can’t go with you

3. Jack__________(study) for the English test last Sunday.

4.Last night it rained _______(heavy)

5.The Children clapped their hands _______(excited).

6.We _________(visit) the museum and went home.

7. This book will be _____(help) in your study

8.I have found my lost bike. How _____(luck)you are!

9.He always ________(have ) supper. Today he ______(have ) supper at school.

10.Do you think if it’s a ______(use) book?

11.I ________(be ) tired. I ________(go ) to bed tonight.

12.Can you see the picture on the blackboard______(clear).

13. Mary’s birthday is next Monday. Her mother ______________(give)

her a present.

三、句型转换: (对划线部分提问)

________ _________ they _______ last year?

2. He came here last month.(改为否定句)

He ________ _________ here last month.

3.There are two cinemas in that town. (用 next year来替换)

4.Tom watched TV last night.(改为一般疑问句)

___________ Tom ___________TV last night?

5.How can we protect forests? We should save trees.(合并为一句) We should save trees _________ protect ___________.


My family live in London. My father is a doctor. In the morning, my father takes us to school in his car and then goes to work. My mother goes to work on foot. She is a primary school teacher. In the afternoon ,we go home by bus. My mother gets home at about six. My father gets home at six thirty. After supper my brother and I always do our homework. My father and my mother usually read newspapers and watch TV. We can watch TV at the weekend. We go to bed at nine .

苏教版最新版英语6B,unit2,,good,habbits试卷相关热词搜索:6b unit2 good habits 苏教版牛津英语6b单词

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8、仁爱英语八年级上册Unit3测试卷篇一:仁爱版八年级上册英语Unit3单元测试试卷及答案 仁爱英语八年级上册Unit3测试卷(2016-01-11)

9、八年级上册仁爱英语unit4 topic2试卷篇一:仁爱版八年级英语上册Unit4 Topic2测试卷及答案 完整版 八年级上册仁爱英语unit4 topic2试卷(2016-01-11)

10、八年级英语上册unit3单元考试卷仁爱版篇一:仁爱版八年级上册英语Unit3单元测试试卷及答案 八年级英语上册unit3单元考试卷仁爱版(2016-01-12)

11、五四制鲁教版英语八年级上册unit1(共5篇)鲁教版五四制八年级英语上第一单元测试题鲁教版八年级英语(上) UNIT 1单 元 测 试 题时间:60分钟 满分:100分 第 I 卷 选择题(共60分)一.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(五四制鲁教版英语八年级上册unit1(2016-07-30)

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