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2016-09-19 16:55:48 编辑:zhangyanqing 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读:   五年制五年级的学生要面临初中考试,所以要认真学习,仔细复习以前学过的知识,不可以松懈。下面是中国招生考试网www chinazhaokao com ...

  五年制五年级的学生要面临初中考试,所以要认真学习,仔细复习以前学过的知识,不可以松懈。下面是中国招生考试网www.chinazhaokao.com 小编为大家带来的人教版英语五年级上册练习题,希望能帮助到大家! 


  1.What is your name ?___________________________ .

  2 How old are you ?______________________________

  3.Are you a student ?______________________________

  4.Is there a computer in your home ?________________________ 5.Is there a TV in your classroom ?_________________________ 6.Are there any maps on the wall ?__________________________ 7.Are there any flowers in your classroom?___________________ 8.Can you put flowers in your classroom?_____________________ 9.Can your English teacher dance?___________________________

  10.Can you sing ?________________________________

  11. Can you make a doll?____________________________

  12.What can you do ?_____________________________

  13.What can your mother do ?_____________________________ 14.Can your grandfather ride a bike ?_______________________

  5A Unit Three (2)Name___


  1. There is a piano in the music room.(Yes) _____________________________

  2. There are some students in the classroom.(Yes) _____________________________ 3. I am an English teacher.(No) _____________________________ 4. They are behind the sofa.(No) _____________________________ 5. Mike is in the bedroom.(Yes) _____________________________ 6. We are in the large sitting-room.(No) ______________________________ 7. I can sing and dance.(Yes) ______________________________

  8. Miss Li can play the violin.(Yes) ______________________________

  9. Helen can make a puppet.(No) _______________________________

  10. The bots can make a model plane.(Yes) _______________________________

  11. There is a reading room in the building.(No) ________________________________ 12. There are some flowers in the garden.(No) ________________________________

  5A Unit Four单词 name_______

  mask 面具 vase 花瓶 pumpkin 南瓜

  chicken 鸡 duck 鸭 horse 马

  pig 猪 family 家庭 buy 买

  things 东西 buy things 买东西

  Halloween 万圣节 party 聚会

  need 需要 tomorrow 明天

  lantern 灯笼 then 那么

  else别的 change 找头,零钱

  work 工作

  swimming 游泳 like swimming喜欢游泳

  evening 晚上 in the evening 在晚上

  Saturday 星期六 on Saturdays 在星期六

  Sunday 星期天 on Sundays 在星期日

  cook做饭 like cooking 喜欢做饭

  listen to music听音乐 like listening to music 喜欢听音乐

  play table tennis 打乒乓

  with our friends 和我们的朋友一起

  5A Unit Four 练习(1) name_______


  1喜欢面具____________ 2喜欢南瓜灯笼__________

  3喜欢唱歌 ____________4喜欢游泳______________

  5鸡和鸭 ______________6马和猪________________


  1.I like chocolate.___________________

  2.I can make a lantern.______________

  3.We like playing table tennis.________

  4.They can play the violin.___________

  5.I am a teacher.___________________

  6.He is a student.__________________

  7.There are some flowers in the vase._______


  1.Are you a teacher?______________

  2.Do you like English?____________

  3.Can you play the piano?_________

  4.Do you like drawing?____________

  5.Is there a map in your classroom?________

  6.Are there any masks on the wall?________

  7.What’s in your desk?_____________

  8.What do you like?_______________

  9.What can you do?_______________


  stand 站立 sit 坐 sleep 睡觉

  jump 跳 run 跑 walk 走路

  sweep 扫 floor地板

  sweep the floor 扫地

  clean 擦,打扫 window 窗

  clean the window 擦窗

  clean the classroom 打扫教室

  wash 洗 clothes 衣服

  wash clothes 洗衣服

  morning 早晨,上午 ring 铃响

  home 家 at home在家

  housework 家务劳动 do housework 做家务劳动

  homework 家庭作业 do… homework 做家庭作业

  free空闲 Maths 数学

  help 帮助 help me帮助我

  come and help me 来帮助我

  help me with my Maths 帮助我的数学

  help me with my English 帮助我的英语

  afternoon 下午 this afternoon 今天下午



  stand_________ sleep_________ jump_________ walk_________

  clean_________ wash_________ do____________ go__________

  listen_________ read_________ play __________sing__________

  have_________ write_________ come_________ dance_________

  skate_________ make________ ride__________

  sit___________ run__________ swim_________


  1.(do doing)

  What can you_______? What are you _________?

  2.(clean cleaning)

  I can _________the windows. I am __________the classroom now. I like ________

  3.(make making)

  We can _________a model plane. We are__________a model plane.

  4.(run running)

  They can _______. They are __________. They like___________



  _______you like animals? Yes, I ________

  What are you _________? I am ________ my homework.


  My sister likes __________. She can _________well.

  Now she is ___________


  Her parents can _______.They like ___________

  They are ___________now.







  ( )1. A. BD B. DB C. BP

  ( )2. A. HA B. HK C. KA

  ( )3. A. ge B. je C. gy

  ( )4. A. xo B. sv C. uf

  ( )5. A. music B. mouse C. mother

  ( )6. A. lake B. bridge C. flower

  ( )7. A. look B. cook C. pork

  ( )8. A. black B. bike C. bathroom

  ( )9. A. Tuesday B.Thursday C. Sunday

  ( )10. A. bird B. third C. cloud


  ( ) What is this in English?

  ( ) Your teacher is tall and thin.

  ( ) What colour is it?

  ( ) Is there a river in the park?

  ( ) What would you lik for supper?


  ( )1.   are they?   A.What  B.Where  C.Who

  ( )2.We have English Monday and Thursday.

  A.on B.in C.at

  ( )3.Do you like ? A.grapes B.bread C.fish

  ( )4.I can do at home.

  A homework B.housework C.dishes

  ( )5.The mirror is the closet.

  A Near B under C behind


  ( )1.A.. It's big and new B.It's my room. C.It's a panda.

  ( )2.A.It's Sunday. B.It's tasty. C. My name is Sarah.

  ( )3.A.Bye. B.Good morning. C.Thank you.

  ( )4.A.She's 10. B.He's a driver. C..He’s from Canada.

  ( )5.A.No,I can’t. B.Yes, I am . C.No, there aren’t. 笔试部分(55分)


  N    P     R     T

  c e g i k


  young black short big fat

  small thin white tall old


  ( )1 A pencil B eraser C ruler D plane

  ( ) 2 A pork B fruit C chicken D fish

  ( ) 3 A window B hotel C park D school

  ( ) 4 A blue B yellow C picture D green

  ( ) 5 A doctor B sister C driver D nurse


  ( )1Do you have a football ? a. It’s Saturday.

  ( )2 Can you wash the clothes? b. Yes, we do.

  ( )3What is seven and four ? c. No, there aren‘t.

  ( )4What day is it today? d. Yes, I can.

  ( )5Are there any fish in the river? e. .Eleven


  ( )1.晚上睡觉前和父母晚安,说:

  A. Goodbye, Mum and Dad. B. Good night, Mum and Dad.

  ( )2.你想知道对方能否拼某个单词,你问:

  A. What’s this? B. Can you spell it?

  ( )3.要值日生把教室打扫干净,你说:

  A. Clean the classroom, please. B. Let’s clean the classroom.

  ( )4.你想知道对方身体怎么样,说:

  A.What would you like? B. How are you? C. How nice!

  ( )5.想问同学周末做些什么,你问:

  A. What do you do on Sundays?

  B. What’s your favourite ?

  C. Today is Sunday.


  A do homework

  ( )B water

  the flowers

  ( )C sweep

  the floor

  ( )D clean

  the bedroom

  ( ) E cook

  the meals

  ( )

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