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导读: 2015中考嘉定区英语一模卷答案篇一:2015年上海嘉定区中考英语一模试卷和答案 ...






Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar

II. Choose the best answer.(20%)

26. They will build a new bridge across the river soon. Which of the following is correct for the underlined part?

A./bju:ld/ B./bi:ld/ C./bild/ D./beld/

27. Which of the following underlined part is different in pronunciation from others?

ding out his hands and said, “Welcome to my home!”

B. People’s standard of living has gr 28. The boy asked his mother whether France is ______ European country.

A.an B./ C.a D.the

29. The 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games were held ______ August in Nanjing.

A.in B.on C.by D.at

30. The Century Park is far from here, indeed it’s about ______ walk.

A.two hours B.a two hour’s C.a two-hours D.a two-hour

31. A: Which of the two T-shirts would you like, Johnson?

B: ______. I don’t like their styles.

A. Either B. Both C. None D. Neither

32. A: The two young firefighters fell from the twelfth floor and died.

B: It ______ be a big loss to their families.

A.may B.must C.need D.should

33. Tom, could you please tell me ______ you father has gone to Sydney?

A.when B.how often C.how long D.if

34. The way of improving our spoken English is ______ it as often as we can/

A.speak B.spoken C.to speak D.to speaking

35. ______ important news is to everybody in modern society!

A. What B. How an C. How D. What an

36. This morning I got up early ______ be late for the English Exam.

A.in order to B.in order to not C.so as to D.so as not to

37. You will be out of date ______ you keep on studying from time to time.

A.until B.although C.or D.unless

38. Sending emails is much ______ than sending ordinary letters.

A.fast and convenient B.faster and more convenient

C.fast and more convenient D.faster and convenient

39. If people keep ______ the river, not fish will survive in the future.

A.polluting B.pollute C.polluted D.to pollute

40. The Harry Potter books ______ pretty popular since they were published.

A.became B.will become C.have become D.are becoming

41. A: My aunt said she called you yesterday morning, but there was no answer.

B: Oh, we were at home. Maybe my husband and I ______ my car in the garden.

A.have washed B.had washed C.were washing D.washed

42. A Disneyland Park ______ in Shanghai Pudong New Area in the near future.

A.has built B.will be built C.will build D.is built

43. A: Could you tell me ______?

B: Sure. Walk straight along this street and you will find it.

A.how can I get to the post office B.where is the post office

C.which is the way to the post office D.how far is the post office

44. A: Mum, I won the first prize in the school drawing competition.

B:______. I’m proud of you.

A. Have a good time. B. Good luck.

C. Best wishes. D. Congratulations.

45. A: How about holding a meeting to discuss how to spend pocket money?


A. Yes, we’d love to. B. Good idea.

C. Never mind. D. You’re welcome.

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word can only be used once.(6%)

What should you do if you see a group of people fighting? What if a robber(强盗)breaks into your home? The correct thing to do is to dial 110--- China’s emergency telephone number. In China, the number 110 originates from a __46____ day-Jan 10. Can you see why this day was chosen? The data of Jan 10(1.10)spells out the number itself.

Established in 1986, 110’s emergency service is mostly for the police. 110 has helped people a lot ___47___. During 2011, 110 emergency centers answered over 135 million phone calls. According to the Ministry of Public Security. With the help of 110, police have solved 1.22 million criminal cases(刑事案件).

When faced with __48____, most people know that they should call 110. But few of them, may know how to make a 110 call. “110” is a free call that people can make either by fixed telephone or mobile phone. There is no need to __49____ a city code before 110 when calling with mobile phone.

The most important thing when calling 110 is to keep calm. You need to say your name, location, your phone number and describe the situation as __50____ as possible. If you are too nervous to say anything, just follow the telephone operator’s instructions.

If the phone is busy, don’t hang up. You should hold on __51____ the operator answers it. As well as China, almost every country has its own emergency number. In the US, 911 links

callers to emergency services including police, fire and ambulance(救护车). The system is able to provide the physical location of mobile phones, which makes it __52___ to get to the scene. In the UK, people call 911 when they are in an emergency.

Next are some figures about the figure 110:

● “110” is a 24-hour emergency number.

● On average, every telephone operator answers 800 to1,000 emergency calls every day. ● Operators should __53____ an emergency call in 57 seconds.

● Police set off no more than one minute after receiving information from telephone operators. In cities, police are required to get to the scene in five minutes. In suburb, it is ten minutes. ● In China, 95 percent of cities and towns have 110 emergency centers.

● There are more than 24,000 telephone operators around the country.

IV. Complete the following sentences with the given words in their suitable forms.(8%)

54. Our English teacher told us that there were quite a few ______ in western countries.(church)

55. Jim said that a cheese roll couldn’t satisfy his ______ at all.(hungry)

56. Jack’s uncle will celebrate his ______ birthday in a month.(forty)

57. We should be careful about how we behave because people can identify us ______.(easy)

58. The people in that street hope that all their troubles can ______ soon.(appear)

59. I think Tom should ______ to the policeman for his rude behavior.(apology)

60. People usually decorate the Christmas tree with bells and ______ lights.(colour)

61. Jean’s success in drawing brought her parents lots of ______.(please)

V. Rewrite the sentences as required.(14%)

62. He had to confirm his plane ticket in two days in advance.(改为否定句)

He ______ ______ to confirm his plane ticket in two days i advance.

63. (对划线部分提问) ______ ______ is about how to protect the environment?

64. The new vacuum cleaner cost more than her expectation.(改为反义疑问句)

The new vacuum cleaner cost more than her expectation, ______ ______?

65. Peter would rather watch a competition than take part in one.(保持原句意思)

Peter prefers ______ a competition ______ taking part in one.

66. Amy was very careful. She noticed small changes around her.(合并为一句)

Amy was careful ______ ______ notice small changes around her.

67. Sherry asked , “Are you going to visit the Science Museum tomorrow?”(改为宾语从句) Sherry asked me ______ I ______ going to visit the Science Museum the next day.

68. of, allows, uniforms, to, the style, the students, our school, choose(连词成句)


Part3 Reading and Writing

I. Reading comprehension(50%)

A. Choose the best answer.(12%)

How do you like your school? Have you ever written to your headmaster to express your idea? Here are some letters written by students from different schools.

A.hobby classes B.personal classes

C.school uniform D.basketball playing

70. The reasons why Danny gives two suggestions are that ______.

A.students have too few classes every day and they love sports

B.studying basic subjects only is boring and students are too weak

C.hobby classes are interesting and students have no PE lessons at all

D.students want to cancel the basic subjects and they want to have more sports lessons

71. All the students except ______ write to the headmaster to complain about something.

A. Luke B. Danny

C. Sam D. Helen

72. Which of the following is NOT True in Sam’s letter?

A. Sam hurt himself when playing basketball.

B. The headmaster cared for Sam until his parents came.

C. Sam was really thankful to the headmaster.

D. The headmaster stayed with Sam after he knew what had happened.

73. The underlined sentence “I think it is more effective” means “______”

A. Regular classes will be more vivid and lively.

B. Regular classes will help students learn better.

C. Personal classes will be more vivid and lively.

D. Personal classes will help students learn better.

74. According to the passage, most students write to their headmasters about ______.

A.personal experiences B.how to make schools better

C.spare time activities D.how to deal with other students

B. Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage.(12%)

A mobile phone app(应用软件)has recently become very popular at the Middle School Attached to Guangzhou University. It is named Health Helper. Put your weight, height and

__75____ into the app, and it will give you suggestions on how to get healthier. ___76___, the app is not designed by a company but by two Junior 3 boys from the school.

The two boys are Yang Chengxi and Yang Zhenglin, both 14 years old. They learned to design apps by taking part in the school’s app-making course, which started last year.

“Electronic products are becoming increasingly popular,” said Wang Xiaopeng, the teacher of the app-making course. “It’s unpractical to block(阻隔)students from them. So why not guide them to use it in a __77____ way?”

As expected, the course has ____78__ many student including Yang Chengxi and Yang Zhenglin. As cell phone game lovers, the two brought great enthusiasm(热情)into their app-making project.

“It is much cooler to design a game than just playing a game,” said Yang Chengxi. They

decided to create an app to keep fit since obesity(肥胖)has become a problem for many teenagers. They searched standard health information on the Internet, put them in the app and wrote simple programs to make it work. __79____ app-making software, the two boys finished their Health Helper app after three weeks of hard work.

The taste of __80____ is exciting. After Health Helper, the two now plan to go a step further. They are working on a robot that can be controlled bu cell phone Bluetooth. Wish them good luck.

75. A.name B.class number C.address D.age

76. A.Clearly B. Surprisingly C. Luckily D. Terribly

77. A.more wonderful B.more difficult

C.more creative D.more fashionable

78. A.accepted B.attracted C.asked D.amazed

79. A. With the help of B. According to C. As a result of D. In return for

80. A.hobby B.winning C.success D.life

C. Fill in the blanks with proper words.(14%)

Edward Sims was born in 1892. He was the fifth child and only son of Herbert and Dora Sims. Herbert was a carpenter(木匠), and did a successful b__81____ making furniture. He decided that his first-born son would be a carpenter just like him. For this reason, Edward was kept away from school and worked with his father.

However, Edward was not born to be a carpenter. T__82____ he had a fit body, he didn't have strong arms like his father. When he tried to find another job, he found it difficult because he had never learnt to read or write.

One day, he went for an interview at a law office. The job was a runner, taking papers from the office to other offices in the city. The lawyer was pleased to see that Edward was physically fit, but when he discovered that the young man couldn't read or write, he d___83___ not to employ

2015中考嘉定区英语一模卷答案篇二:9. 2015嘉定区中考一模英语试卷


(满分150分,完卷时间100分钟) 2015.1



Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)

I. Listening comprehension (听力理解) (共30 分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6 分)

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的


7. A) 2. B) 3. C) 4. D) 5.

8. A) Basketball. B) Table tennis. C) Football. D) Tennis.

9. A) In Room 607. B) In Room 617. C) In Room 706. D) In Room 716.

10. A) The man's cousin. B) The man's brother.

C) The man's friend. D) The man's neighbour.

11. A) A waiter and a customer. B) A doctor and a patient.

C) A husband and a wife. D) A shop assistant and a customer.

12. A) A teacher. B) A dancer. C) A doctor. D) A singer.

13. A) Once a week. B) Every month. C) Every day. D) Twice a month.

14. A) Because she wasn't feeling well.

B) Because her son wasn't feeling well.

C) Because she has made quite a few typing mistakes.

D) Because her son doesn't do well in school.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断

下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (7分)

15. Franco took a trip to San Francisco last winter.

16. He took the train there because he really wanted to see the United States.

17. The train left for San Francisco at 10:30 a.m. on Monday.

18. It took him three days to get to San Francisco by train.

19. On Saturday he paid a visit to a museum and enjoyed himself.

20. He flew back to New York and saw the desert, mountains, farms, and cities below him.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每


21. Fangfang has just __________ __________ a new flat in the suburbs.

22. The air in the suburbs is much fresher and there are lots of __________ __________ and


23. Fang fang __________ to work every day and the __________ is not so heavy.

24. Li Lin thinks life in the city is __________ and more __________.

25. Fang fang thinks Li lin has his __________ __________. They can't convince (~J]l~) each


Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar

(第二部分 语音,词汇和语法)

II.Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) :(共20分) underlined part?

27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?

A) David made a gesture, spreading out his hands and said, "Welcome to my home!"

B) People's standard of living has greatly improved these years.

C) Mr. Li had milk and bread for breakfast at home.

D) The boy drove his expensive car to show off his wealth.

28. The boy asked his mother whether France is ______ European country.

A) an B) / C) a D) the

29. The 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games were held ______ August in Nanjing.

A) in B) on C) by D) at

30. The Century Park is far away from here, indeed it's about ______ walk.

A) two hour B) a two hour's C) a two-hours D) a two-hour

31. A: Which of the two T-shirts would you like, Johnson?

B: ______. I don't like their styles.

A) Either B) Both C) None D) Neither

32. A: The two young firefighters fell from the twelfth floor and died.

B: It ______ be a big loss to their families.

A) may B) must C) need D) should

33. Tom, could you please tell me ______ your father has gone to Sydney?

A) when B) how often C) how long D) if

34. The way of improving our spoken English is ______ it as often as we can.

A) speak B) spoken C) to speak D) to speaking

35. ______ important news is to everybody in modem society!

A) What B) How an C) How D) What an

36. This morning I got up early ______ be late for the English Exam.

A) in order to B) in order to not C) so as to D) so as not to

37. You will be out of date ______ you keep on studying from time to time.

A) until B) although C) or D unless

38. Sending emails is much ______ than sending ordinary letters.

A) fast and convenient B) faster and more convenient

C) fast and more convenient D) faster and convenient

39. If people keep ______ the river, no fish will survive in the future.

A) polluting B) pollute C) polluted D) to pollute

40. The Harry Potter books ______ pretty popular since they were published.

A) became B) will become C) have become D) are becoming

41. A: My aunt said she called you yesterday morning, but there was no answer.

B: Oh, we were at home. Maybe my husband and I ______ my car in the garden.

A) have washed B) had washed C) were washing D) washed

42. A Disneyland Park ______ in Shanghai Pudong New Area in the near future.

A) has built B) will be built C) will build D) is built

43. A: Could you tell me ______?

B: Sure. Walk straight along this street and you'll find it.

A) how can I get to the post office B. where is the post office

C) which is the way to the post office D) how far is the post office

44. A: Mum, I won the first prize in the school drawing competition.

B: ______ I’m proud of you!

A) Have a good time. B) Good luck.

C) Best wishes. D) Congratulations.

45. A: How about holding a meeting to discuss how to spend pocket money?

B: ______

A) Yes, we'd love to. B) Good idea.

C) Never mind. D) You're welcome.

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be


into your home? The correct thing to do is to dial 110--China's emergency telephone number.

In China, the number 110 originates from a day--Jan. 10. Can you see why this day

was chosen? The date of Jan 10 (1.10) spells out the number itself.

Established in 1986, ll0's emergency service is mostly for the police. 110 has helped people a lot . During 2011, 110 emergency centers answered over 135 million phone calls.

According to the Ministry of Public Security. With the help of 110, police have solved 1.22

million criminal cases (刑事案件).

When faced with may know how to make a 110 call. "110" is a free call that people can make either by fixed

telephone or mobile phone. There is no

need to a city code (区号) before 110 when

The most important thing when calling 110 is to keep calm. You need to say your name, location, your phone number and describe the situation as as possible. If you are too nervous to say anything, just follow the telephone operator's instructions.

If the phone is busy, don't hang up. You should hold on the operator answers it.

As well as China, almost every country has its own emergency number. In the US, 911 links callers to emergency services including police, fire and ambulance (救护车). The system is able to provide the physical location of mobile telephones, which makes it to get to the scene. In the UK, people call 999 when they are in an emergency.

Next are some figures about the figure 110:

● "110" is a 24-hour emergency number.

● On average, every telephone operator answers 800 to 1,000 emergency calls every day. ● Operators should 53 an emergency call in 57 seconds.

● Police set off no more than one minute after receiving information from telephone operators. In cities, police are required to get to the scene in five minutes. In suburbs, it is ten minutes.

● In China, 95 percent of cities and towns have 110 emergency centers.

● There are more than 24,000 telephone operators around the country.

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词

的适当形式完成下列句子) (共8分)

54. Our English teacher told us that there were quite a few __________ in western countries.


55. Jim said that a cheese roll couldn't satisfy his __________ at all. (hungry)

56. Jack's uncle will celebrate his __________ birthday in a month. (forty)

57. We should be careful about how we behave because people can identify us __________. (easy)

58. The people in that street hope that all their troubles can __________ soon. (appear)

59. I think Tom should __________ to the policeman for his rude behaviour. (apology)

60. People usually decorate the Christmas tree with bells and __________ lights. (colour)

61. Jean's success in drawing brought her parents lots of __________. (please)

V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填

一词) (共14分)

62. He had to confirm his plane ticket in two days in advance. (改为否定句)

He __________ __________ to confirm his plane ticket in two days in advance. 对划线部分提问) __________ __________ is about how to protect the environment?

64. The new vacuum cleaner cost more than her expectation. (改为反意疑问句)

The new vacuum cleaner cost more than her expectation, __________ __________?

65. Peter would rather watch a competition than take part in one. (保持原句意思基本不变) Peter prefers __________ a competition __________ taking part in one.

66. Amy was very careful. She noticed small changes around her. (合并为一句)

Amy was careful __________ __________ notice small changes around her.

67. Sherry asked, "Are you going to visit the Science Museum tomorrow?" (改为宾语从句)

Sherry asked me __________ I __________ going to visit the Science Museum the next day.

68. of, allows, uniforms, to, the style, the students, our school, choose (连词成句)


Part 3 Reading and Writing

(第三部分 读与写)

IX. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解):(共50分)

A. Choose the best answer (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12分)

How do you like your school? Have you ever written to your headmaster to express your idea?

A) hobby classes B) personal classes C) school uniform D) basketball playing

70. The reasons why Danny gives two suggestions are that

A) students have too few classes every day and they love sports

B) studying basic subjects only is boring and students are too weak

C) hobby classes are interesting and students have no PE lessons at all

D) students want to cancel the basic subjects and the), want to have more sports lessons

71. All the students except ______write to the headmaster to complain about something.

A) Luke B) Danny C) Sam D) Helen

72. Which of the following is Not True in Sam's letter?

A) Sam hurt himself when playing basketball.

B) The headmaster cared for Sam until his parents came.

C) Sam was really thankful to the headmaster.

D) The headmaster stayed with Sam after he knew what had happened.

73. The underlined sentence "I think it is more effective" means ______.





Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar

II. Choose the best answer.(20%)

26. They will build a new bridge across the river soon. Which of the following is correct for the underlined part?

A./bju:ld/ B./bi:ld/ C./bild/ D./beld/

27. Which of the following underlined part is different in pronunciation from others?

B. People’s standard of living has gr 28. The boy asked his mother whether France is ______ European country.

A.an B./ C.a D.the

29. The 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games were held ______ August in Nanjing.

A.in B.on C.by D.at

30. The Century Park is far from here, indeed it’s about ______ walk.

A.two hours B.a two hour’s C.a two-hours D.a two-hour

31. A: Which of the two T-shirts would you like, Johnson?

B: ______. I don’t like their styles.

A. Either B. Both C. None D. Neither

32. A: The two young firefighters fell from the twelfth floor and died.

B: It ______ be a big loss to their families.

A.may B.must C.need D.should

33. Tom, could you please tell me ______ you father has gone to Sydney?

A.when B.how often C.how long D.if

34. The way of improving our spoken English is ______ it as often as we can/

A.speak B.spoken C.to speak D.to speaking

35. ______ important news is to everybody in modern society!

A. What B. How an C. How D. What an

36. This morning I got up early ______ be late for the English Exam.

A.in order to B.in order to not C.so as to D.so as not to

37. You will be out of date ______ you keep on studying from time to time.

A.until B.although C.or D.unless

38. Sending emails is much ______ than sending ordinary letters.

A.fast and convenient B.faster and more convenient

C.fast and more convenient D.faster and convenient

39. If people keep ______ the river, not fish will survive in the future.

A.polluting B.pollute C.polluted D.to pollute

40. The Harry Potter books ______ pretty popular since they were published.

A.became B.will become C.have become D.are becoming

41. A: My aunt said she called you yesterday morning, but there was no answer.

B: Oh, we were at home. Maybe my husband and I ______ my car in the garden.

A.have washed B.had washed C.were washing D.washed

42. A Disneyland Park ______ in Shanghai Pudong New Area in the near future.

A.has built B.will be built C.will build D.is built

43. A: Could you tell me ______?

B: Sure. Walk straight along this street and you will find it.

A.how can I get to the post office B.where is the post office

C.which is the way to the post office D.how far is the post office

44. A: Mum, I won the first prize in the school drawing competition.

B:______. I’m proud of you.

A. Have a good time. B. Good luck.

C. Best wishes. D. Congratulations.

45. A: How about holding a meeting to discuss how to spend pocket money?


A. Yes, we’d love to. B. Good idea.

C. Never mind. D. You’re welcome.

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word can only be used once.(6%)

What should you do if you see a group of people fighting? What if a robber(强盗)breaks into your home? The correct thing to do is to dial 110--- China’s emergency telephone number.

In China, the number 110 originates from a __46____ day-Jan 10. Can you see why this day was chosen? The data of Jan 10(1.10)spells out the number itself.

Established in 1986, 110’s emergency service is mostly for the police. 110 has helped people a lot

___47___. During 2011, 110 emergency centers answered over 135 million phone calls. According to the Ministry of Public Security. With the help of 110, police have solved 1.22 million criminal cases(刑事案件).

When faced with __48____, most people know that they should call 110. But few of them, may know how to make a 110 call. “110” is a free call that people can make either by fixed telephone or mobile phone. There is no need to __49____ a city code before 110 when calling with mobile phone.

The most important thing when calling 110 is to keep calm. You need to say your name, location, your phone number and describe the situation as __50____ as possible. If you are too nervous to say anything, just follow the telephone operator’s instructions.

If the phone is busy, don’t hang up. You should hold on __51____ the operator answers it.

As well as China, almost every country has its own emergency number. In the US, 911 links callers to emergency services including police, fire and ambulance(救护车). The system is able to provide the

physical location of mobile phones, which makes it __52___ to get to the scene. In the UK, people call 911 when they are in an emergency.

Next are some figures about the figure 110:

● “110” is a 24-hour emergency number.

● On average, every telephone operator answers 800 to1,000 emergency calls every day.

● Operators should __53____ an emergency call in 57 seconds.

● Police set off no more than one minute after receiving information from telephone operators. In cities, police are required to get to the scene in five minutes. In suburb, it is ten minutes.

● In China, 95 percent of cities and towns have 110 emergency centers.

● There are more than 24,000 telephone operators around the country.

IV. Complete the following sentences with the given words in their suitable forms.(8%)

54. Our English teacher told us that there were quite a few ______ in western countries.(church)

55. Jim said that a cheese roll couldn’t satisfy his ______ at all.(hungry)

56. Jack’s uncle will celebrate his ______ birthday in a month.(forty)

57. We should be careful about how we behave because people can identify us ______.(easy)

58. The people in that street hope that all their troubles can ______ soon.(appear)

59. I think Tom should ______ to the policeman for his rude behavior.(apology)

60. People usually decorate the Christmas tree with bells and ______ lights.(colour)

61. Jean’s success in drawing brought her parents lots of ______.(please)

V. Rewrite the sentences as required.(14%)

62. He had to confirm his plane ticket in two days in advance.(改为否定句)

He ______ ______ to confirm his plane ticket in two days i advance.

63. (对划线部分提问) ______ ______ is about how to protect the environment?

64. The new vacuum cleaner cost more than her expectation.(改为反义疑问句)

The new vacuum cleaner cost more than her expectation, ______ ______?

65. Peter would rather watch a competition than take part in one.(保持原句意思)

Peter prefers ______ a competition ______ taking part in one.

66. Amy was very careful. She noticed small changes around her.(合并为一句)

Amy was careful ______ ______ notice small changes around her.

67. Sherry asked , “Are you going to visit the Science Museum tomorrow?”(改为宾语从句) Sherry asked me ______ I ______ going to visit the Science Museum the next day.

68. of, allows, uniforms, to, the style, the students, our school, choose(连词成句)


Part3 Reading and Writing

I. Reading comprehension(50%)

A. Choose the best answer.(12%)

How do you like your school? Have you ever written to your headmaster to express your idea? Here are

69. Luke gives some suggestions about ______ in his letter.

A.hobby classes B.personal classes

C.school uniform D.basketball playing

70. The reasons why Danny gives two suggestions are that ______.

A.students have too few classes every day and they love sports

B.studying basic subjects only is boring and students are too weak

C.hobby classes are interesting and students have no PE lessons at all

D.students want to cancel the basic subjects and they want to have more sports lessons

71. All the students except ______ write to the headmaster to complain about something.

A. Luke B. Danny

C. Sam D. Helen

72. Which of the following is NOT True in Sam’s letter?

A. Sam hurt himself when playing basketball.

B. The headmaster cared for Sam until his parents came.

C. Sam was really thankful to the headmaster.

D. The headmaster stayed with Sam after he knew what had happened.

73. The underlined sentence “I think it is more effective” means “______”

A. Regular classes will be more vivid and lively.

B. Regular classes will help students learn better.

C. Personal classes will be more vivid and lively.

D. Personal classes will help students learn better.

74. According to the passage, most students write to their headmasters about ______.

A.personal experiences B.how to make schools better

C.spare time activities D.how to deal with other students

B. Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage.(12%)

A mobile phone app(应用软件)has recently become very popular at the Middle School Attached to Guangzhou University. It is named Health Helper. Put your weight, height and __75____ into the app, and it will give you suggestions on how to get healthier. ___76___, the app is not designed by a company but by two Junior 3 boys from the school.

The two boys are Yang Chengxi and Yang Zhenglin, both 14 years old. They learned to design apps by taking part in the school’s app-making course, which started last year.

“Electronic products are becoming increasingly popular,” said Wang Xiaopeng, the teacher of the

app-making course. “It’s unpractical to block(阻隔)students from them. So why not guide them to use it in a __77____ way?”

As expected, the course has ____78__ many student including Yang Chengxi and Yang Zhenglin. As cell phone game lovers, the two brought great enthusiasm(热情)into their app-making project. “It is much cooler to design a game than just playing a game,” said Yang Chengxi. They decided to create an app to keep fit since obesity(肥胖)has become a problem for many teenagers.

They searched standard health information on the Internet, put them in the app and wrote simple

programs to make it work. __79____ app-making software, the two boys finished their Health Helper app after three weeks of hard work.

The taste of __80____ is exciting. After Health Helper, the two now plan to go a step further. They are working on a robot that can be controlled bu cell phone Bluetooth. Wish them good luck.

75. A.name B.class number C.address D.age

76. A.Clearly B. Surprisingly C. Luckily D. Terribly

77. A.more wonderful B.more difficult

C.more creative D.more fashionable

78. A.accepted B.attracted C.asked D.amazed

79. A. With the help of B. According to C. As a result of D. In return for

80. A.hobby B.winning C.success D.life

C. Fill in the blanks with proper words.(14%)

Edward Sims was born in 1892. He was the fifth child and only son of Herbert and Dora Sims. Herbert was a carpenter(木匠), and did a successful b__81____ making furniture. He decided that his first-born son would be a carpenter just like him. For this reason, Edward was kept away from school and worked with his father.

However, Edward was not born to be a carpenter. T__82____ he had a fit body, he didn't have strong arms like his father. When he tried to find another job, he found it difficult because he had never learnt to read or write.

One day, he went for an interview at a law office. The job was a runner, taking papers from the office to other offices in the city. The lawyer was pleased to see that Edward was physically fit, but when he discovered that the young man couldn't read or write, he d___83___ not to employ him. "How can you deliver documents to other offices," he asked, "if you can't read the addresses on them?"

Greatly d___84___, Edward left the building and went to wait for a bus to take him back home. Next to


2014 学年第一学期期末考试九年级英语试卷


Part 1 Listening(第一部分 听力

I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解) (共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6分)



1.______ 2 .______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______ 6.______

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选择最恰当的答案)(8分)

7. A) In a shop. B) At the restaurant. C) In the park. D) On the plane

8. A) Five hours. B) Six hours. C) Seven hours. D) Eight hours.

9. A) He will go to the doctor's. B) He will help the woman start the car

C) He will ask others for help. D) He will make a phone call. 10. A) ¥5 million. B)¥150

C) ¥42.

D) ¥ 10 billion

11. A) By taxi B) By underground C) By bike. D) By bus

12.A)Tues day B) Wednesday C) Thursday D) Friday

13.A) A clean river B) A nice quiet road C) Water pollution D) The girl’s grandfather

14.A) To say “hello” B) To ask for help C)To make a phone call D)To make into his house

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用T表示,不符合的用F表示)(6分)

15. The Browns went to a restaurant with Benton last night.

16. Bill and Eric wanted to wear jeans but the mother didn't agree.

17. They went to the restaurant by bus though it was nearby.

18. The waiter took them to a table next to the window.

19. Bill and Eric drank apple juice and tea before dinner.

20. The family were pleased with the food they had in the restaurant.

D. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks (听短文填空,完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(10分)

21. A Japanese scientist reported one bamboo (竹子) plant which grew______ ______in 24 hours!

22. Bamboo grows almost everywhere in the world ______ ______

23. Bamboo has been used to make many things such as hats and______ ______

24. They often use bamboo for buildings and ______ ______while building them.

25. These ______ ______ need cheap way to find water because they have no money and their

fields often die from no rain and no water.

Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 语音、词汇和语法) II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (共20分) the sentence?

A)/a:skd/ B)/a:skid/ C)/a:skt/ D)/a:skit/

27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?

A) Bill Gates is famous in the world. B) I am fond of riding horses.

C) He was an ordinary soldier before. D) May 1 take your order, sir?

28. We should give our seats to _______old when they get on the bus.

A) a B)an C),the D)/

29. We are in Junior Three. Every weekend we have________homework to do.

A) many B) quite a few C) huge amounts of D) a great number of

30. Water covers more than________of the Earth's surface.

A) three-fourth B) three-four C) three-fourths D) third-fourths

31. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is about________.

A) 320-meter-tall B) 320-meter tall C) 320 meter tail D) 320 meters tall

32. Alice is a________girl. She likes talking to her classmates about her childhood.

A) politely B) lovely C) happily D) luckily

33. Warm, water freezes________than cold water.

A) quick B) quicker C) quickly D) more quickly

34. Mike replied, with a big smile, "Oh, you_______to worry about them."

A) not to need B) needn't C) not need D) don't need

35. Many people________when the earthquake happened last week.

A) slept B) sleep C) are sleeping D) were sleeping

36.I________a chance to decide whether I should attend the lecture or not.

A) gave B) was giving C) was given D) had given

37. The librarian told us________the magazines out of the library.

A) don't take B) didn't take C) not take D) not to take

38. Bill spent too much time________on the online game-Happy Farm.

Millions of children in the United States ride safely to and from school on school buses each die in school bus-related(与巴士有关的) traffic accidents each year.

Most of those killed are five to seven years old. They are hit in the danger zone (区域) 车辆) or by the school bus itself. It is illegal (非法的) for a car to pass a bus with its red light flashing(闪耀).

and will wait for them to cross. And they don't always stay within the bus driver's sight.

Most students these days do not get enough exercise. They spend too much time sitting down down, there are still ways you can exercise. One way is to stand up and sit down again. Do this ten r exercises. Raise your hands above your head and then bring them down to your shoulders. Do this again and again ten times. Another way is to put your hands together in front of your body. Push your hands against each other for 30 seconds. Then, hold your hands together and pull for 30 seconds. One more way is to raise your shoulders, and then let them down again. Do this 10 times as well. Another good exercise that you can do while sitting is to move your head . Start by moving your saying "yes." Do each of these 10 times. In addition to exercising while you are sitting, here are some tips to keep in mind the next time you are studying. Do no! s down for more than 30 minutes at a time. Take lots of breaks. Get up and walk around. Get a drink of water or have something to Don't use the telephone on the desk where you are studying. Taking short exercise breaks will actually help you think more clearly when you study so that you can learn things faster.

V. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。62-67题每空格限填一词。68题注意句首大写) (共14分)

62.The new car will cost Mr. White a lot of money. (改为否定句)

The new car cost Mr. White money.

63. The red car belongs to my mother. (对划线部分提问)

______________________ belongs to your mother?

64. You must not waste water. (改为被动语态)

Water must not______________________.

65. We have fine weather today. (改为感叹句)

________________________weather we have today!

66. Mike's late for school. (改为反意疑问句)

Mike's late for school,_______________._____?

67. He frightened me because he made a strange sound behind me 5udcienly. (保持句意基本不变)

He__________ me a__________ because he made a strange sound behind me suddenly .

68. provides, victims, to, the Red Cross, medical services, the (连词成句)

Part3 Reading and Writing ( 第三部分 读与写 )

VI. Reading Comprehension ( 阅读理解)

A. Choose the best answer( 根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案) (12分)

People usually imagine they are much more likely to win the lottery(彩票) than they really are. The American lottery is promoted(促销)with the phrase(短语) "It could be you", which, of course, is technically true. To tell the whole truth it should be read: "It could be you, but it almost certainly won't be."

Recently thousands of people began pouring into(涌入) Pennsylvania from other states. They wanted to buy lottery tickets. The tickets cost only $ 0.9 each. But that small spending could bring them a reward of $ 90 million. That was the second largest lottery jackpot (积累奖金) in history.

More than 87 million tickets were bought for the Pennsylvania lottery drawing(抽奖). Those who bought tickets had to choose seven numbers from 1 to 80. The chance of winning was one in





Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力)

I. Listening comprehension (听力理解) (共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6分)

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) 7. A) She was watering flowers. B) She was reading books.

C) She was talking to the girl. D) She was doing housework.

8. A) John. B) Alice C) Mike D) Mary

9. A) By train B) By plane C) By ship D) By car

10. A) At home B) In the hospital C) In the school D) At the supermarket

11. A) Every day B) Once a week C) Twice a week D) Once a month

12. A) More sandstorms B) Less Pollution

C) Planting more trees D) Cutting down fewer trees

l3. A) Because he didn't have a red sweater. B) Because he forgot to pay for shipping.

C) Because he couldn't take the sweater back. D) Because he made a wrong delivery.

14. A) Mike's teacher is happy when he sees him. B)There is no clock in Mike's classroom.

C) Mike rarely goes to school on time. D) Mike finds an excuse for being


C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(7分) 15. A young man's father was old and always looked down on by his son.

16. One day they took a walk around a beautiful garden in the grove (果园).

17. The young man told his father that the young people were like beautiful flowers.

18. The father went into a store and bought a walnut (核桃) for his son.

19. The father thought the old had experienced many hard events in life like the walnut.

20. From the story we know that every flower can bear fruit in the end.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文完成下列内容,每空限填一词)

21. People call recreational vehicles (RVs) houses _______ _________. 22. This RV is________ for a family who has spent every hour of every day _______.

23. You can drive as long as you like without _______ _______ finding hotels and restaurant.

24. When you come across______ ______ on the road, you can go camping with them.

and you have to spend time mending them.

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法) II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (共20分)

word in the sentence?

A)/gəul/ B)/gaul/ C)/gæl/ D)/gɔ:l/

27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?

28. Cormorant fishing is _______ important traditional skill in ancient China.

A) a B) an C) the D) /

29. Yousafzai became the youngest ever winner of a Nobel Prize _______ October 10, 2014.

A) at B) in C) to D) on

30. The girl couldn't believe her eyes when she saw ________ in the mirror.

A) her B) herself C) hers D) she

31. Would you please give me some _____ on memorizing words quickly?

A) tip B) suggestion C) idea D) advice

32. If anything dangerous happens _____ you at school, let your teachers know.

A) at B) on C) to D) by

33. The twins look so similar that I always mistake the one for ______ .

A) the other B) the others C) another D) other

34. I like my mother's way of cooking fish because it tastes ______ .

A) well B)bad C) nice D) terribly

35. _____ Jenny was reading a book yesterday, someone knocked at the door.

A) Since B) While C) Although D) If

36. It's a pity that I didn't think of ringing you ______ .

A) earlier B) earliest C) early D) the earliest

37. Jane _____ be in the office. She has gone to the meeting room.

A) mustn't B) needn't C) can't D) shouldn't

38. _______ exciting music the recording is playing!

A) What B) What a C) What an D) How

him off at the airport next week.

A) see B)saw C) will see D) would do

40. Many people ______ of Ebola virus (埃博拉病毒) in the past a few months.

A) die B)died C) have died D) will die

41. To remember things accurately, we don't allow other thoughts ______ our mind.

A) enter B) to enter C) entering D) entered

42. _____ carefully, Lisa! There's a church ahead.

A) Drive B) To drive C) Drove D) Driving

43. — _______ will he finish reading the comic strips?

— In three minutes.

A) How far B) How long C) How fast D) How soon

44. — Would you mind if I open the door a little wider? — _______.

A) You are welcome. B) Not at all.

C) That's all right. D) Yes, you are right.

45. — The case is very heavy, Miss Wu. Would you like me to carry it for you?

— ___________.

A) With pleasure. B) No, you needn't.

C) Yes, I'd love to. D) It's very kind of you.

III. Complete the following passages with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once.

A) all B) centre C) spends D) including E) takes

One of the most interesting places to visit in Singapore is the bird park. It's located in the industrial area of Singapore, called Jurong (裕廊)- The bird park is about 12 kilometres from the ____46____ of the city and it's easy to get there by bus or taxi.

There are hundreds of beautiful birds from many different parts of the world, ____47____ penguins (企鹅), parrots, eagles and ostriches. The birds are kept in large cages. There's also a very large cage which you can walk inside to get a closer look at the birds. It ____48____ about two hours to see all the birds. You can walk around the park or ride on the bus. The best time to visit the nark is in the early morning or late in the afternoon when the birds are ____49____ singing beautifully.

A) remembering B)much C) easily D) little E) the name of

Some people have very good memories, and can ____50____ learn long poems by heart. There are other people who can remember things when they have said them again and again.

The famous English writer, Charles Dickens, said that he could walk down long street in London and then tell you ____51____ every shop he had passed. Many of the great men of the world have good memories.

A good memory is a great help in learning language. Everybody learns his own language by ___52___ what he learns when he is a small child. Some children don't live in their own country, and they seem to learn two languages almost as easily as one. At school it is not so easy to learn a foreign language because students have so ____53____ time for it and they are busy with other lessons, too.

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.

54. The tree which stands by the side of the river is about 35________ tall. (foot)

55. It is the ________ gold medal that Ning Zetao has won for China. (four)

56. The article tells us that sometimes money doesn’t bring ________ to us. (happy)

57. Mr. Black will make a ________ in our school hall at 12:00 tomorrow. (speak)

58. Do you agree “Often praising a child is a good way to make the


59. It was ________ of you to tell a lie about your age in the interview. (honest) 60. The air in Beijing is too ________ polluted for people to breathe. (serious)

61. These software will ________ us to connect computers to the Internet more easily. (ability)

V. Complete the following sentences as required.

62. Amily has finished the report on fighting against pollution.(改为否定句)

Amily ________ _________ the report on fighting against pollution.

63. 对划线部分提问) ________ ________ the Greeks manage to capture the city of Troy?

64. We care for our physical health. We also care for our mental health.(保持句意不变) We care for our physical health as _________ _________ our mental health.

65. Risa seldom makes a complaint when she finds something wrong.(改为反义疑问句) Risa seldom makes a complaint when she finds something wrong, ________ _________?

66. Students read some information about memory in the library yesterday.(改为被动语态) Some information about memory _________ _________ in the library yesterday by students.

67. When will the truth of the missing flight MH370 come out? Many people wondered.(改为宾语从句)

Many people wondered _________ the truth of the missing flight MH370 _________ come out.

68. a , we, communicate, so that, can, we, learn, language.(连词成句)


Part3 Reading and writing (第三部分读写)

VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解): (共50分)

A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): ( 12分)

After months of hard work, it's time to have fun during the summer holiday! If you are still planning what you are going to do during the days, why not enjoy a visit to a theme (主题

) park?

Lots of theme parks have roller coasters (过山车). A roller coaster is anything that may appear dangerous while in fact, it's perfectly safe for family fun as long as you are over the height of 48 inches. If you like heart-stopping thrills, this "scream machine" is your best choice. For example, Kingda Ka is a steel roller coaster located at Six Flags Great Adventure in the United States. It is the world's tallest roller coaster, the world's second fastest roller coaster. Riding this roller coaster makes you feel like you are flying. One second you may be looking at the sky and the next you are looking straight down at the ground!

Does this sound scary (惊悚的) to you? If so, we will take you to other theme parks around the world. Ocean Park in Hong Kong is the first stop. You can walk through an underwater tunnel as sharks swim overhead or watch a dolphin swimming show. Besides, cable cars will carry you more than 200 metres to the top of the park.

Europa-Park is another good choice. If you think a few' days are not enough to travel through Europe, this theme park in Germany will show you what other European countries are like. Europa-Park has 12 country-themed areas. You can first ride French bobsleds (雪橇), then eat Greek sandwiches and then take a roller coaster based on the Russian space station—all in one day! Besides, Europa-Park is very real. The street lights in the Spanish part are from Spain and the small houses in the Swiss part come from Switzerland.

Our last stop is Universal's Islands in the US, a world-famous dinosaur theme park. If you are a fan of dinosaurs, it is just the place for you. You can have an unforgettable experience and see dinosaurs in their natural homes. But be careful! Escaping from the terrible mouth of a hungry dinosaur is a 26-metre drop into the darkest darkness!

69. It's a good choice to ______ if you like heart-stopping thrills.

A) ride a roller coaster B) invent a machine to scream

C) look at the sky D) look straight down

70.______will take you to the highest point of Ocean Park?





Part I Listening (第一部分 听力)

I. Listening Comprehension(听力理解)(共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture.(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分)


1._______ 2.________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._______ 6.________

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分)

7. A) Happy B) Tired C) Busy D) Sad

8. A) A physics club B) A dancing club

C) A music club D) A movie club

9. A) To work in McKing B) To have lunch

C) To busy a hamburger D) To help others

10. A) A policeman B)A teacher C) A director D) An engineer

11. A) 10 yuan B) 60 yuan C) 70 yuan D) 80 yuan

12. A) In a restaurant B) In a library C) In a cinema D)In a hospital

13. A) Her father B) Her friends C) Her classmates D) Her cousins

14. A) She doesn’t like fish B) She isn’t interested in fish

C) She likes eating fish D) She has had enough

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用T表示,不符合的用F表示)

15. Nicholas is only four, but he is clever enough to go to college.

16. When he was very young, Nicholas could speak only one language.

17. The boy could stay in the schools because he felt happy there.

18. The parents didn’t know what to do with their son at first.

19. Nicholas studies both in a college and at home.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentence( 听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词)

21.On Halloween we should ______ ________ some candy for trick-treaters.

22. I have _____ ______ memories of Halloween as a kid.

23.My parents don’t want us to wander around ______ _______ in a strange place.

24. They are sometimes ______ _______ in a good way that they try to make us laugh.

Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary


II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)(共20分)

26. Which of the following words matches the sound /keis/?

A. kiss B. cake C. cave D. case

27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? B. The fish are removed from the birds’ mouths by Damin.

28.Guide dogs help blind walk free in the street.

A. a B. an C. the D./

29. A healthy diet is essential everybody. You should care more about what you eat.

A. for B. to C. in D.about

30.A friend of mine usually sells some vegetables and shares with his family.

A. another B. other C. the rest D. the other

31. My mother is a creative cook, so she often cooks for me every weekend.

A. anything different B. nothing different

C. something different D. everything different

32. As people get older, their short-term memory becomes and they can’t remember things clearly.

A. bad B. worse C. better D. good

33. When an earthquake happens, you should go outside as as possible.

A. quick B. quicker C. more quickly D. quickly

34. Jenny often thinks of herself, her sister, Mary is very friendly to others.

A. so B. but C. and D. or

35. The old man still coughed a lot he took some medicine.

A. if B. since C. because D. although

36. The summer holiday is coming, so he decides to Beijing for his holidays.

A. go B. to going C. going D. to go

37. The thief denied the mobile phone from the young lady when he was caught.

A. stealing B. to steal C. steal D. stole

38. I from Mr.Black since he moved to Beijing. I’ll visit him when I go there.

A. haven’t heard B. won’t hear C. don’t hear D. didn’t hear 39. My sister much charity work in her free time when she entered college.

A. has done B. will do C. did D. does

40. After the serious illness Ebola happens, more doctors to help save the patients in Africa.

A. needed B. are needed C. need D. are needing 41.Before taking a plane at the airport, all passengers go through safety check.

A. can B. must C. may D. ought

warm and rainy weather it was last November in Shanghai.

A. What B. What a C. What an D. How

43. Could you tell me ?

A. how could I protect myself from the air pollution

B. how can I protect myself from the air pollution

C. how I could protect myself from the air pollution

D. how I protect can myself from the air pollution

44. I think teenagers should be strict with themselves at any time.

A. I agree B. Not at all C. That’s all right D. That’s a good idea

45. Excuse me, I want to complain about this soya milk.

A. How do you like it? B. Do you agree?

C. What’s the problem? D. What do you think?

III. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can

Most of the time, people wear hats to protect themselves from bad weather conditions. Hats are also worn to politeness and as signs of social position. But nowadays, hats, especially women’s hats, are more than that. In fact, hats have changed into fashion and style symbols by many movie stars. What’s more, people now consider many different features (特点)when choosing even a simple hat. Many point out that, when choosing the right hat, it’s important to consider the color of your skin

49 your hair, your height, and the shape of your face.

First of all, the color of the hat should match the color of your skin and hair, 50 , black hats should be avoided if you are dark skinned. Second, the height of the hat is an important point. Tall women should not go for hats with tall crowns, just as short women should choose hats with upturned brims to give the look of height. Most importantly, the shape of the a small face. However, women with big, round faces should choose a 53 style. As the saying goes, “Fine feathers make fine birds.” A good hat can not only help your dress but also support your features, so why not choose the best possible one next time you want to be in public?

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable form(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)

54. The program introduced how the police dealt with two in the small town. (robbery)

55. Mr.Smith and his wife are preparing for their son’s birthday party. (nine)

56. Don’t always depend on parents because you have grown up. (you)

57. I haven’t received any letters from my pen friend in England (recent)

58. The street artists make the audience glad in a of ways. (vary)

59. Keep trying hard, and you will in making your dream come true.(success) 60. Paper cutting is a Chinese skill with a history of thousands of years.(tradition)

61. It is said that these students’ cards can us to travel half-price for a trip.(able)

V. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词)

62. The old girl has already copied all the new words on the blackboard.(改为否定句)

The old girl copied all the new words on the blackboard .

63.The nearest hospital is 对划线部分提问) is the nearest hospital from out school?

64. I will buy a T-shirt for my father. I don’t think of a better idea for a present.(保持句意基本不变)

I will buy a T’shirt for my father I of a better idea for a present.

65. Could you tell me how I can work out the problem as soon as possible?(简单句)

Could you tell me work out the problem as soon as possible?

66. People in our village threw away a great number of plastic bags last year. (被动语态)

A great number of plastic bags away in our village last year.

67. There are few new words in the comic strips for out students.(反意疑问句)

There are few new words in the comic strips for out students, ?

68. the way , they, the problem, haven’t found , to work out,(连词成句)

Part 3 Reading & Writing

A. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案)

Why think of road safety? It is because of the

accidents that occur every day on the road. These accidents

means losing life or wealth and more than traffic jams. So if

people aren’t educated on the importance of road safety,the

situation can’t be avoided.

Accidents have many causes. The simplest is people

slipping down on the road caused by a banana skin.

Without meaning any harm, a person may throw away the banana skin on the road. When a person steps on, he or she will slip down ending in broken bones and sometimes even more dangerous. So people must take care and throw them in a bin. In some countries, the are seriously punished. The second cause is careless crossing in busy road instead of crossing along zebra crossings. One should keep to the sidewalk of the road while walking and the vehicles must keep to their lanes in busy streets.

Also, there are many causes for the accidents about vehicles. One is trying to overtake. Another is not noticing the signals. “Stop, look and go” is the basic rule, it will save vehicles from accidents. Riding two or three side by side is always dangerous. Very often the cause of accidents is the failure of the brake system which means the owner of the vehicle does not keep the machine in good condition.

Road safety is a matter of education in which schools can share responsibility. Through class meetings, children can be taught the importance of observing the rules of the road. As soon as the bell goes, children rush out and accidents do happen. Therefore, teachers must feel it their duty to control the traffic near the school. The police can help schools at rush hours.

To make people aware of road safety, media can play a useful role. The newspaper, the wall poster and the cinema and now the TV can deliver information. There may be speeches over the radio by the police officials or advertisements about being careful on roads before films or TV programs.

69. Why do we talk about road safety? Because __________________________.

A) people obey traffic rules B) people like the topic

C) people meet traffic jams

D) people cause traffic accidents




Part I Listening (第一部分 听力)

I. Listening Comprehension

A . Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6分)



1._________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.______ 5._________ 6.________

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (8分)

7. A)Rainy B) Windy C) Sunny D)Cloudy 8. A ) Tuesday B)Wednesday C)Thursday D)Friday

9. A) 50 dollars B)100 dollars C) 150 dollars D)200 dollars

10. A) The 4th B) The 5th C) The 6th D)The 7th

11. A)On foot B) By bus C)By car D) By bicycle

12. A) At the railway station B) At the post office

C) At the library D) At the supermarket

13. A) Singer and listener B) Customer and shop assistant

C) Father and daughter D) Doctor and patient

14. A) It’s noisy in London. B) The weather in London is not good.

C) The bus services are not very good D) More trees should be planted

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分)

15. Over 750,000 visitors pay a visit to Stonehenge in Britain every


16. The largest number of visitors appears in July.

17. Historian(历史学家)Paul Stocker doesn’t think Stonehenge was a

temple where ancient leaders communicated with the gods.

18.Most people agree that Stonehenge was built to celebrate a success

over an enemy.

19. One visitor to the Stonehenge felt the energy pull him down.

20. A group of English volunteers tried to build another Stonehenge, but failed.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短

文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词) (10分)

21. Marco Polo ____ ____on a journey to Asia, and did not return home

until 24 years later.

22. He described Hangzhou as “ the ____ ____ in the world”.

23. While he was ____ _____, he told the stories of his travels to another

man there.

24. He told of many_____ _____ that were unknown to Europe.

25. Marco Polo died ____ _____. His last words were: “ I did not tell half of what I saw”.

Part 2 Phonetics. Grammar and Vocabulary

(第二部分 语音、语法和词汇)

II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案) (共20分)

A )/ra:lɪ/ B)/'reəlɪ/ C) /riəlɪ/ D) / ræli/

27.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?

A). For all his wealth, he is not happy.

B) Go straight ahead, and you’ll see the hall.

C) No one can lead me by the nose.

D)Even death couldn’t beat him down.

28. The iWatch will soon become _____ useful tool in the future and communicate and entertainment.

A)a B) an C) the D) /

29. The passengers on Air Asia Flight QZ8501 lost _____ lives because of the extreme weather.

A) they B) their C) them D) theirs

30. Let’s have a break___ the time being. We will further discuss the topic in ten minutes.

A) in B)on C) for

31. Stand up and give your answer _____ Question15,please.

A) with B) of C)to

32. O. Henry wrote a lot of novels but I’ve only read ____ of them.

A) few

D) at D) by D) a little B) a few C) little

33. Nowadays we can collect much____ either from books or on the internet.

A) suggestion B)idea

34. The little girl looks ____ wit her hair short.

A) lovely B) happily

35. Hainan Island is the second ____island in China. C) information C) attractively D)methodD)tidily

D) the largest

D) will get A) large B) larger C) largest 36. Smile every day, and your life ___a little happier. A) gets B) is getting C) has got

37. The old man was upset because his favourite vase____ by his grandson.

A) breaks B) is broken C)broke D)was broken

38. Reading provides me with fun and it also enables me____ the world around me.

A) understand B) understood C) to understand

39. Once you make a decision, you’d better ____your mind. D)understanding

A)don’t change B) not change C) not to change D)not changing

40. Jenny won’t tell the secret to anyone____ she knows many people are eager to find it out.

A) though B)since

41. -Must I finish the task in a week? C) because D) but

-No, you____. If you have any problem. Please tell me.

A) can’t B) mustn’t C) may not

42. _____can you hold your breath when you are swimming? D)needn’t

A) How long B) How soon C) How far D) How fast

43. The Spring Festival is on the way. Many shops have ___huge posters with the word “sales”.

A) put up B) put on

44. -I’m very worried about the rising cost of living. C)put out D) put off


A) So do I. B) So am I C) Neither do I.

45. -William fell down from his motorcycle and hurt his leg this morning.


A) That’s all right.

C) Never mind. D) Neither am I B)I’m sorry to hear that. D). Really? He’s too careless.

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word of

phrase can only be used once. (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每次只能填一次):(共8分)

It was a dark day in Canada in 1988 when rain began to fall from the sky. However ,this was not ordinary rain--it turned to ice as it fell _ 46__ the cold air. It rained for six days ,and was much as ten centimeters of ice _ 47__ on roads, trees and power lines.

On 5th January ,the people of Montreal _48__ to find they had no electricity in their homes. It was dark and cold. The roads were covered in ice,and it was very dangerous to walk or drive anywhere. Families had to stay inside and burn wood to keep warm. They expected the power to

come back_ 49__.

However, the ice kept falling. It caused branches and whole trees to fall down. More power lines fell down, and the roads became even more dangerous.

By the third day, many families had no food to eat. It was a difficult time. The _50__sent over 14,000 soldiers to help.

Finally, after six days, the ice storm stopped, but the trouble was not over. The huge amount of ice made the whole area very dangerous. As the ice started to melt, it fell from the roofs of buildings and trees like _51__. Most of the power lines were so badly damaged that they could not be __52_.

Some families had no electricity for a whole month. Many homes were damaged and many people, __53__ farmers, had to move away. The people of Canada will never forget how terrible nature can be . Everyone hopes that there will never be another ice storm like the one in 1998.

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词。)

54. Leaving the windows open is just inviting ______ to enter. (thief)

55. China is a developing country which belongs to the ______ world. (three)

56. As he walked on, Simon felt ______ getting more and more tired. (he)

57. There’re ______ ways of cooking an egg, but I like boiling best. (variety)

58. Success in study ______ depends on one’s own efforts. (main)

59. The new law doesn’t ______ in our favour. (operation)

60. Animals can bring us happiness, comfort and even ______. (safe)

61. Among the three boys Simon works the ______. (hard)

V. Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子。62-67小题每空格限填一词。)

62. Lonely Planet has become the world’s most successful travel publisher.(改为反意疑问句) Lonely Planet has become the world’s most successful travel publisher, ______ ______ ?

63. Shanghai International Art Festival brought us many wonderful performances.(改为感叹句) _______ _______ performances Shanghai International Art Festival brought us !

64. The fisherman’(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ the fisherman’s wife shout at him ?

65. Could you tell me ? Where can I change paper money into coins ?(合并为一句)

Could you tell me where ______ ______ change paper money into coins ?

66. Jane doesn’t have a plan to buy a flat unless she has enough money.(保持句意基本不变) Jane doesn’t have a plan to buy a flat _____ she _____ have enough money.

67. Each year, people add new records to the Guinness Book of Records.(改为被动语态) Each year, new records ______ ______ to the Guinness Book of Records.

68. on Chongming Island, we, our autumn outing, with our teachers, spent, a month ago(连词成句)


Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)

VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解) (共50分)

A. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案) (12分)

What’s My Line (台词)?

“One of my actors is sick! He has just one line and you’re the

only one who fits his clothes!” One afternoon, the school drama

director suddenly shouted to me. She seemed so nervous and worried

that I felt sorry for her and said, “Ok”.

“You will be fine. It's easy!” She said. But it wasn’t easy at all.

On the stage, four other actors and actresses spoke their lines, and I

opened my mouth. Nothing came out. I couldn’t even breathe. I just wanted to leave. The next thing I knew, I was running off the stage. As I was running off the stage, I accidentally knocked over a glass of grape juice that was on a table. The purple juice hit the girl next to me --- Andrea, the leading actress of the drama. She gave me a nasty look. I thought she was going to kill me!

But then, Andrea quickly said, “Darling, you’re so silly! Let's toast(干杯) to my darling’s silliness! Cheers!” She grabbed another glass of grape juice and drank it. The other actor quickly followed Andrea’s lead and saved the scene. The audience thought my mistake was part of the play!

I apologized to everyone after the play. To my surprise, they were not angry with me. They told me, “It’s all a part of being on stage.” I could be wrong, but I think I liked being on stage. I think I will try again.

69. Which of the following was a problem in the story?

A) Andrea was the leading actress of the drama. B) Andrea drank the grape juice.

C) The writer had only one line. D) The writer forgot his line.

70. There were ___________ actors and actresses on the stage.

A) three B) four C) five D) six

71. Andrea gave the writer a nasty look. At that moment she felt ___________.

A) afraid B) sad C) hungry D)angry

72. From the passage, we know that Andrea was a ___________ leading actress.

A) silly B) pretty C. quick-minded D) warm-hearted

73. Which of the following is NOT true?

A) The writer made Andrea’s dress dirty.

B) The audience knew something was wrong.

C) The school drama director asked the writer to play a role.

D) The writer said sorry to the drama club.

74. The writer will most probably _________ in the future.

A) join the drama club B. dislike Andrea

C) stay away from the stage D. help Andrea wash her clothes.




Part I Listening (第一部分 听力)

I. Listening Comprehension

A . Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6分)



1._________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.______ 5._________ 6.________

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (8分)

7. A)Rainy B) Windy C) Sunny D)Cloudy 8. A ) Tuesday B)Wednesday C)Thursday D)Friday

9. A) 50 dollars B)100 dollars C) 150 dollars D)200 dollars

10. A) The 4th B) The 5th C) The 6th D)The 7th

11. A)On foot B) By bus C)By car D) By bicycle

12. A) At the railway station B) At the post office

C) At the library D) At the supermarket

13. A) Singer and listener B) Customer and shop assistant

C) Father and daughter D) Doctor and patient

14. A) It’s noisy in London. B) The weather in London is not good.

C) The bus services are not very good D) More trees should be planted

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分)

15. Over 750,000 visitors pay a visit to Stonehenge in Britain every


16. The largest number of visitors appears in July.

17. Historian(历史学家)Paul Stocker doesn’t think Stonehenge was a

temple where ancient leaders communicated with the gods.

18.Most people agree that Stonehenge was built to celebrate a success

over an enemy.

19. One visitor to the Stonehenge felt the energy pull him down.

20. A group of English volunteers tried to build another Stonehenge, but failed.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短

文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词) (10分)

21. Marco Polo ____ ____on a journey to Asia, and did not return home

until 24 years later.

22. He described Hangzhou as “ the ____ ____ in the world”.

23. While he was ____ _____, he told the stories of his travels to another

man there.

24. He told of many_____ _____ that were unknown to Europe.

25. Marco Polo died ____ _____. His last words were: “ I did not tell half of what I saw”.

Part 2 Phonetics. Grammar and Vocabulary

(第二部分 语音、语法和词汇)

II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案) (共20分)

A )/ra:lɪ/ B)/'reəlɪ/ C) /riəlɪ/ D) / ræli/

27.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?

A). For all his wealth, he is not happy.

B) Go straight ahead, and you’ll see the hall.

C) No one can lead me by the nose.

D)Even death couldn’t beat him down.

28. The iWatch will soon become _____ useful tool in the future and communicate and entertainment.

A)a B) an C) the D) /

29. The passengers on Air Asia Flight QZ8501 lost _____ lives because of the extreme weather.

A) they B) their C) them D) theirs

30. Let’s have a break___ the time being. We will further discuss the topic in ten minutes.

A) in B)on C) for

31. Stand up and give your answer _____ Question15,please.

A) with B) of C)to

32. O. Henry wrote a lot of novels but I’ve only read ____ of them.

A) few B) a few C) little

D) at D) by D) a little

33. Nowadays we can collect much____ either from books or on the internet.

A) suggestion B)idea

34. The little girl looks ____ wit her hair short.

A) lovely B) happily

35. Hainan Island is the second ____island in China. C) information C) attractively D)methodD)tidily

D) the largest

D) will get A) large B) larger C) largest 36. Smile every day, and your life ___a little happier. A) gets B) is getting C) has got

37. The old man was upset because his favourite vase____ by his grandson.

A) breaks B) is broken C)broke D)was broken

38. Reading provides me with fun and it also enables me____ the world around me.

A) understand B) understood C) to understand

39. Once you make a decision, you’d better ____your mind. D)understanding

A)don’t change B) not change C) not to change D)not changing

40. Jenny won’t tell the secret to anyone____ she knows many people are eager to find it out.

A) though B)since

41. -Must I finish the task in a week? C) because D) but

-No, you____. If you have any problem. Please tell me.

A) can’t B) mustn’t C) may not

42. _____can you hold your breath when you are swimming? D)needn’t

A) How long B) How soon C) How far D) How fast

43. The Spring Festival is on the way. Many shops have ___huge posters with the word “sales”.

A) put up B) put on

44. -I’m very worried about the rising cost of living. C)put out D) put off


A) So do I. B) So am I C) Neither do I.

45. -William fell down from his motorcycle and hurt his leg this morning.


A) That’s all right.

C) Never mind. D) Neither am I B)I’m sorry to hear that. D). Really? He’s too careless.

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word of phrase can only be used once. (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每次只能填一次):(共8分)

It was a dark day in Canada in 1988 when rain began to fall from the sky. However ,this was not ordinary rain--it turned to ice as it fell _ 46__ the cold air. It rained for six days ,and was much as ten centimeters of ice _ 47__ on roads, trees and power lines.

On 5th January ,the people of Montreal _48__ to find they had no electricity in their homes. It was dark and cold. The roads were covered in ice,and it was very dangerous to walk or drive anywhere. Families had to stay inside and burn wood to keep warm. They expected the power to

come back_ 49__.

However, the ice kept falling. It caused branches and whole trees to fall down. More power lines fell down, and the roads became even more dangerous.

By the third day, many families had no food to eat. It was a difficult time. The _50__sent over 14,000 soldiers to help.

Finally, after six days, the ice storm stopped, but the trouble was not over. The huge amount of ice made the whole area very dangerous. As the ice started to melt, it fell from the roofs of buildings and trees like _51__. Most of the power lines were so badly damaged that they could not be __52_.

Some families had no electricity for a whole month. Many homes were damaged and many people, __53__ farmers, had to move away. The people of Canada will never forget how terrible nature can be . Everyone hopes that there will never be another ice storm like the one in 1998.

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词。)

54. Leaving the windows open is just inviting ______ to enter. (thief)

55. China is a developing country which belongs to the ______ world. (three)

56. As he walked on, Simon felt ______ getting more and more tired. (he)

57. There’re ______ ways of cooking an egg, but I like boiling best. (variety)

58. Success in study ______ depends on one’s own efforts. (main)

59. The new law doesn’t ______ in our favour. (operation)

60. Animals can bring us happiness, comfort and even ______. (safe)

61. Among the three boys Simon works the ______. (hard)

V. Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子。62-67小题每空格限填一词。)

62. Lonely Planet has become the world’s most successful travel publisher.(改为反意疑问句) Lonely Planet has become the world’s most successful travel publisher, ______ ______ ?

63. Shanghai International Art Festival brought us many wonderful performances.(改为感叹句) _______ _______ performances Shanghai International Art Festival brought us !

64. The fisherman’(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ the fisherman’s wife shout at him ?

65. Could you tell me ? Where can I change paper money into coins ?(合并为一句) Could you tell me where ______ ______ change paper money into coins ?

66. Jane doesn’t have a plan to buy a flat unless she has enough money.(保持句意基本不变) Jane doesn’t have a plan to buy a flat _____ she _____ have enough money.

67. Each year, people add new records to the Guinness Book of Records.(改为被动语态) Each year, new records ______ ______ to the Guinness Book of Records.

68. on Chongming Island, we, our autumn outing, with our teachers, spent, a month ago(连词成句)


Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)

VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解) (共50分)

A. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案) (12分)

What’s My Line (台词)?

“One of my actors is sick! He has just one line and you’re the

only one who fits his clothes!” One afternoon, the school drama

director suddenly shouted to me. She seemed so nervous and worried

that I felt sorry for her and said, “Ok”.

“You will be fine. It's easy!” She said. But it wasn’t easy at all.

On the stage, four other actors and actresses spoke their lines, and I

opened my mouth. Nothing came out. I couldn’t even breathe. I just wanted to leave. The next thing I knew, I was running off the stage. As I was running off the stage, I accidentally knocked over a glass of grape juice that was on a table. The purple juice hit the girl next to me --- Andrea, the leading actress of the drama. She gave me a nasty look. I thought she was going to kill me!

But then, Andrea quickly said, “Darling, you’re so silly! Let's toast(干杯) to my darling’s silliness! Cheers!” She grabbed another glass of grape juice and drank it. The other actor quickly followed Andrea’s lead and saved the scene. The audience thought my mistake was part of the play!

I apologized to everyone after the play. To my surprise, they were not angry with me. They told me, “It’s all a part of being on stage.” I could be wrong, but I think I liked being on stage. I think I will try again.

69. Which of the following was a problem in the story?

A) Andrea was the leading actress of the drama. B) Andrea drank the grape juice.

C) The writer had only one line. D) The writer forgot his line.

70. There were ___________ actors and actresses on the stage.

A) three B) four C) five D) six

71. Andrea gave the writer a nasty look. At that moment she felt ___________.

A) afraid B) sad C) hungry D)angry

72. From the passage, we know that Andrea was a ___________ leading actress.

A) silly B) pretty C. quick-minded D) warm-hearted

73. Which of the following is NOT true?

A) The writer made Andrea’s dress dirty.

B) The audience knew something was wrong.

C) The school drama director asked the writer to play a role.

D) The writer said sorry to the drama club.

74. The writer will most probably _________ in the future.

A) join the drama club B. dislike Andrea

C) stay away from the stage D. help Andrea wash her clothes.


上海市普陀区2014--15学年度第一学期初三质量调研英语试卷 II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)(共20分)

26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?

A. May I take your order? B. Monitors were used in the exam.

C. Luckily, I can afford the trip. D. Please wait for me in the corner.

27.Which of the following words matches the sound /pəʊl/?

A. pole B. pale C. poor D. pull

28.Are you in ________ favour of using an iPad in class?

A. a B. an C. / D. the

29.Our family celebrated Thanksgiving Day _________ November 28th, 2014.

A. for B. at C. in D. on

30.Each shop has _________ own way to attract customers.

A. his B. her C. its D. My

31.Here are _________ different methods to help you fall asleep.

A. few B. little C. much D. several

32._________ my opinion, kids should learn to do some housework.

A. On B. In C. Of D. With

33.Now I know your decision. Please ask _________ in your class about their ideas.

A others B the others C other D the other

34.Although Jack is _________ manager in the company, he is popular.

A serious B more serious C most serious D the most serious

35.The brave firemen didn‘t stop working _________ all people were saved.

A until B because C since D if

36.Years later, Sheldon, my cousin, realized the _________ of being a teacher.

A happiness B happily C happy D happier

37.The invention of Wechat(微信)makes it easier _________ in touch with friends.

A keeping B keep C to keep D keeps

38.More and more parents expect their children _________ on computers less.

A depend B to depend C depending D depends

39.My father denies _________ my mother, but I can see love in his eyes.

A to miss B miss C misses D missing

40.- Am I late?

- Don‘t worry. Your favourite broadcast _________ yet.

A doesn‘t start B didn‘t start C won‘t start D hasn‘t started

41.Those wounded soldiers _________ in a cave and waited for help.

A hide B are hiding C hid D will hide

42.- _________ are you leaving for the airport? - In about half an hour.

A How soon B How often C How far D How long

43.- Must I put on my coat, Mum?

- Yes, you _________. It‘s freezing outside.

A may B can C must D need

44.- You don‘t have to sing so loudly in the middle of the night, do you? - _________.

A I‘m sorry B My pleasure C Not at all D That‘s right

45.- Alice is not in. May I take a message for you? - _________.

A Never mind B No, thanks. I‘ll ring back. C You‘re welcome D No, you may not III. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格,每空格限填一词,每个单词只能填一次) A .thoughts B. ready C. common D .easily E .create

When you meet some new people, you‘ll keep silent, or speak like a fool. When a friend stops talking to you for a day or two, your mind will get crazy with the ____46_____ that perhaps you did something wrong. Is this your life? Are you getting nervous ____47_____? If you are suffering from any of the above, it‘s because you care too much about what others think of you.

Although this is not good enough, it‘s still a ____48_____ thing that happens among us. After all, we are human and we just want to be happy. We want to be well-liked by

those around us and not to ____49_____ any unnecessary trouble. More importantly, what will happen to us if we don‘t care about others? Sometimes it is a thing out of our control.

A B effects C various D rude E consider

When we pay high attention to others, we begin to worry about others‘ opinions and even try to besomeone else. It will have had ____50_____ on you as you start to focus your energy on others but not yourself. When caring about others‘ opinions is taking control of your life, maybe it‘s time for you to stop and ____51_____ what you really want and make some changes.

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable form(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)

54.The new CEO has already given three ____________ in public. (speech)

55.Jane said she enjoyed ____________ very much during the Art Festival. (she)

56.My sister is on the left and I‘m the ____________ one on the right.(ten)

57.He was quite ____________ in how to draw funny cartoon faces. (interest)

58.Damin hopes his son would like to be a ____________ like him. (fish)

59.The story is ____________ told in pictures instead of with words. (main)

60.The fans all felt very sad about the ____________ of the famous actor. (dead)

61.Father warns me that ____________ people always find excuses for their mistakes. (honest) V. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词)

62.At last, the case developed into a disaster. (改为否定句)

63.At last, the case ___________ ____________ into a disaster. 63.The seat with a red sign is for the old only. (对划线部分提问) ____________ ____________is for the old only?

64.Lind has a pretty wooden horse. (改为感叹句)

____________ ____________ pretty wooden horse Linda has!

65.The new chemistry lab can‘t be used for the time being. (保持句意基本不变)

The new chemistry lab can‘t be used ____________ ____________.

66.The students have performed the play ―Sound of Music‖ for years. (改为被动语态)

The play ―Sound of Music‖ ____________ ____________ performed by the students for years.

67.―Is the school library open at the weekends?‖ the visitor asked me. (改为宾语从句)

The visitor asked us ____________ the school library ____________ open at the weekend?

68.me, the, showed, to, they, operate, how, machine (连词成句)

________________________________________________________________________ Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部读写)

Reading comprehension A. Choose the best answer.

Happy Village big flat, 1 room ready for use immediately, with all necessary furniture and appliances. 3 minutes‘ walk to underground station, 2 blocks from shopping center, park view, $2100 including bills, female nonsmoker, no pet. Sara 25720836 or 10077809 2 armchairs, red/ brown at $400 each; coffee table, black, wood, $800; oil painting, big, $900; Tianjin carpet, green, 3*7, $600; double bed, $500‘ , mirror, big, square, $500, fridge, big double-door, $1000; old pictures, $140 each. Mr. Brown, Tel Weekend, 25216011, Weekday, 25245867 -time Lab Assistant Wanted Required by busy electronics company to help with development of computer, should have an electronic degree and some experience of working in an electronic lab. Hours 9:00am— 1:00pm, Monday – Friday Salary 6,598 – 10,230 dependent on experience

Letter of application to Mrs. G Chan NOVA ELECTRONICS, 45 Shanxi RD, Shanghai

69. Sara wants to ________________.

A. sell a flat B. find a roommate C. buy a pet D. decorate a room

70. From the above we can learn that the Happy Village flat _____________.

A. is near a park B. is beside the sea C. has no furniture D. can‘t be used now.

71. Mr. Brown wants to sell these things because __________.

A. they are too old or broken B. he has bought many new things.

C. he is moving to a new place D. he doesn‘t have enough money.

72. If you want to contact Mr., Brown on Sunday, you should call __________.

A. 25245867 B. 10077809 C. 25720826 D. 25216011

73. The salary for the part-time lab assistant depends on _________.

A. his experience of working in an electronics lab B. the variety of part-time jobs he has done

C. his ability of applying for different jobs. D. the degree he has got.

74. The above information can be found in ______________.

A. novels B. letters C. dictionaries D. advertisements

B. Choose words and phrases and complete the passage(12‘)

The word moblog is becoming familiar to more and more people. It is made up of _______

(75)words. The first word is mobile, which means a mobile camera phone or camera. The second word is blog, a website for posting words and pictures. Mobloggers are people who take photos and or videos with their phones and put them________(76). Moblogging has caused a lot of excitement and attention. With a picture phone and a moblog, anyone can be a reporter. Moblogging first got the world‘s attention during a terrorist attack on four London buses. People were posting photos online many minutes before________(77)reporters could get there. Similarly, information about car accidents has been broardcasted right away.

Moblogging is done just for fun, too. Posted on some moblogs you can find______(78)photos of friends making funny faces, or photos from people travelling and photos of new babies. Other moblogs might be food in restaurants or new clothes.

However, moblogs can be dangerous, too. Not long ago in Korea, a woman‘s dog made a mess on the train. But when she was asked to clean it up,

she_______(79),become angry, and left. Her picture was taken and posted online, along with the story, of what she did. People all around the country were angry with her. Imagine how she felt! Moblogging can be wonderful, but it‘s really impolite to post another person‘s picture online without asking for permission. One idea from Japan may help people can no longer _______(80)take pictures with their mobile phones. Japanese mobile phones make ―click‖ sounds like a real camera when you take a picture.

( )75. A. two B. three C. four D. five

( )76. A. in the magazine B. on the notice board C. on the Internet D. in the newspaper

( )77. A. new B. real C. foreign D. male

( )78. A. useful B. historical C. amusing D. famous

( )79. A. forgot B. refused C. escaped D. Suffered

( )80. A. immediately B. successfully C. carefully D. quietly

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. (14‘)

This month in Traveller‘s Corner read about three people‘s experiences in year-abroad program: A----Tokyo

My year abroad in the Unite States was truly awesome experience. I‘m not a (81)s______ person. I was very comfortable speaking to everyone, so I got lots of chances to (82)p_____ my spoken English. I also learned lots of interesting things about American culture. When I got home, my friends couldn‘t believe how much I had (83)i _____ in English! They were especially surprised at my spoken English. I hope to go back again in the future. B----Rio de Janeire

I spent last year studying in London. I ‘m from a small town, and London is a very big city.

Sometimes I felt it was too big. There were so many people to talk to, but I never felt (84) c______

enough when I spoke English. I was always afraid I couldn‘t make myself clear. I missed my family, and I terribly missed my two cats. My roommate was always using our (85)r______, so I almost had no chance for a nice long talk with my parents. I think it was a good experience for me, but I ‘m glad to be home. C----Hong Kong

Studying in New Zealand was a fun experience for me, but it was also lots of hard work! I (86)r______ had spare time from Monday to Friday. I had English classes six hours a day with lots of homework. Our English teacher asked us to write more in English, so I wrote one or two pages about my experience in my (87)d______ every day. On Saturday, my home stay family took me to lots of interesting places and showed me so many awesome things about New Zealand culture. I ‘m very glad I went!

D. Answer the questions. (12‘)

Hi Geoff,

Don‘t be shocked about what I‘m going to tell you. Last week, I became a parent! Calm down, Geoff. This was only a project we did at school, but let me explain. Every week, our teacher gives us a new topic to discuss in class. Last Monday, however, he asked us a very interesting question – ‗Do you think it is difficult to be a parent?‘ Some of the students said they thought it was easy, as parents never have to do any homework! Our teacher said he wouldn‘t tell us the answer. He said he would let us be ‗a parent‘ for a week. He was sure we would have the answer by the end

of the week.

The rest of the lesson was spent making flour babies. We first took some bags and filled them with flour in order to make the ‗babies‘ as heavy as real ones. We then tied the bay very tight, so the flour would not fall out. After that, we used cardboard to make some arms, legs and a face for our flour babies, and then dressed them in old pieces of clothing. My baby looked so strange, as I am not very good at art, but it was great fun.

When we had finished, our teacher gave us all notebooks and told us we had to write down our experience with the babies for the whole week. We were told we had to carry them round with us every day, and look after them like real babies! That was really difficult. For example, one of my friends has quite a bad memory, and left his flour baby on the bus by accident. Another of my friends carried the baby upside down (we are supposed to carry them like real babies, with our arms under their ‗necks‘ at all times.)

We also had to take the flour babies home with us, as well. My parents found it quite funny, as I was supposed to feed the baby in the evening, and then get it ready for bed. After doing that and finishing my homework, there was no time to chat with my friends on the phone, nor watch my favorite television programmes.

Every evening, I was so tired that I fell asleep very quickly. Yet only a few hours later my alarm clock woke me up. For that week, I had to get up three times every night to feed the flour baby! In the end, I got so little sleep that I had black bags under my eyes.

It was a difficult time, but now the project is finished. I feel I have learnt that ______________. I think it also gave me a new perspective on what my parents have done for me.

Let me know your news and hope to hear from you soon.

All the best


88. Did Rick take part in a project of ‗being a parent‘?

89. Why did the students make the ‗babies‘ by filling the bags with flour?

90. What did Rick think of the process of making the flour baby?

91. What happened to the forgetful student‘s flour baby?

92. How did Rick look after his flour baby like a real one at night? 93. Complete the sentence in the last paragraph according to the contest. Writing

94. Write a composition in at least 60 words on ― An important first in life for me‖ (写一篇题为―对我来说非常重要的第一次‖的短文,字数不得少于60词)

提示:每个人生活中都会有难忘的第一次, 例如;第一次参与某项活动,第一次尝试做某件事情,第一次获得某种荣誉等等, 请按题目要求写出对你来说非常重要的第一次。



(满分150分,完卷时间100分钟) 2015.1


Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)

I. Listening comprehension (听力理解) (共30 分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6 分


B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8分)

7. A) Action movies. B) Funny films. C) Cartoons. D) Romantic movies.

8. A) A pilot. B) A policeman. C) A doctor. D) A teacher.

9. A) In Beijing. B) In Shanghai. C) In New York. D) In London.

10. A) $8. B) $10. C) $12. D) $14.

11. A) Fine. B) Cloudy. C) Sunny. D) Rainy.

12. A) Three cups a day. B) Four cups a day. C) Two cups a day. D) One cup a day.

13. A) Doctor and patient. B) Husband and wife.

C) Teacher and student. D) Waiter and customer.

14. A) Peter likes doing something useless. B) The weather must be fine.

C) Peter always listens to his wife. D) Peter will not clean the car right now.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断 下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (7分)

15. Mary didn't sleep very well last night because she played music too late.

16. Jane and Mary weren't late for school as they went to school by bus.

17. Mary had dinner in a fast food restaurant with her parents.

18. The man near Mary was smoking during the dinner and this made Mary angry.

19. Some people didn't turn off their mobile phones because the movie was boring.

20. From the passage we know Mary didn't have a good time today.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词)(7分)

21. If you do not understand the question, you should put up your hand and ask the teacher to __________ __________.

22. Another custom is that there is __________ __________ for not doing your homework.

23. It is your responsibility to find out __________ __________ you have missed.

24. In America, it is thought __________ __________ be late, so you must be on time.

25. Entering a teacher's office or any other office with a closed door __________ __________ first is not polite.

Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar

(第二部分 语音,词汇和语法)

II.Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) :(共20分)

26. Mike played a on his classmates after class. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?

27. Farmers plant the seeds of hope in ______ spring and wait for their growing.

A) / B) a C) an D) the

28. Michael Jordan is my favourite basketball star and I like ______ very much.

A) he B) himself C) his D) him

29. Iphone products are becoming more and more popular in China ______ many reasons.

A) as B) on C) for D) about

30. Three gunmen broke ______ a book store and stole many great books last night.

A) up B) down C) out D) into

31. - ______ do you practice your English reading?

- Every day. You know, it is very important.

A) How often B) How soon C) How long D) How fast

32. The teacher asked what was happening, but ______ answered. We were all silent.

A) everybody B) nobody C) somebody D) anybody

33. The wonderful special effects make Transformers (变形金刚) one of ______ films of the year.

A) exciting B) more exciting C) most exciting D) the most exciting

34. The music from the next door sounded ______. It almost drove me mad.

A) beautiful B)sweet C) awful D) healthy

35. Ben ______ lift the heavy box by himself, so he asked his father for help.

A) mustn't B) needn't C) couldn't D) shouldn't

36. I failed in the driving test last time, ______ I have to take it again next month.

A) and B) but C) so D) or

37. You won't calculate faster than computers ______ you have a really amazing brain.

A) if B) unless C) when D) because

38. Perhaps there will be no cormorant fishermen in the world in 50 years, ______?

A) will there B) will they C) won't there D) won't they

39. Recently many young customers ______ to give up their old mobile phones and buy the new Iphone 6.

A) decide B) have decided C) had decided D) decided

40. Simon's father promised that they ______ a cruise trip to Europe the next summer.

A) will take B) are taking C) would take D) were taking

41. Many houses ______ during the earthquake happened in Yunnan, China this May.

A) were destroyed B) are destroyed C) has destroyed D) had destroyed

42. Volunteering is the only best way ______ about how the rest of the world lives.

A) know B) knows C) knowing D) to know

43. My little brother was keen on ______ stamps when he was young.

A) collect B) collected C) collecting D) to collect

44. - In my opinion, pictures can help us improve our memory, especially silly ones.

- ______

A) Congratulations! B) You're welcome. C) All fight. D) I agree with you.

45. - Would you like me to borrow the comic strips from the library for you?

- ______

A) Not at all. B) That's very kind of you.

C) I'm afraid not. D) That's all fight.

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be


A man goes into a pet shop and tells the owner that he wants to buy a pet that can do everything. The shop owner suggests a faithful dog. The man replies, "Come on, a dog?" The owner asks, " a cat?" The man replies, "No way! A cat certainly can't do everything. I want a pet that can do everything!" The shop owner for a minute, then says, "I've got it!

A centipede!(蜈蚣) " The man says, "A centipede? I can't imagine a centipede doing everything, but okay... I'll try a centipede. " He gets the centipede home and says to the centipede, "Clean the kitchen." Thirty minutes later, he walks into the kitchen and... It's spotlessly clean! All the dishes and bowls have been

, dried, and put away; the tables cleaned; the appliances sparkling; Twenty minutes later, he walks into the living room. The carpet has been vacuumed; the cleaned and dusted; the pillows on the sofa plumped; Plants watered. The man thinks to himself, "This is the most amazing thing I've seen. This really is a pet that can do everything!" Next he says to the centipede, "Run down to the comer and get me a newspaper." The centipede walks out the door. 10 minutes later.., no centipede. 20 minutes later.., no. centipede. 30 minutes later.., no centipede. By this point the man is wondering

So he goes to the front door, opens it... and there's the centipede sitting right outside. The man says, "Hey!! I sent you down to the corner store 45 minutes ago to get me a newspaper. What's the matter?! "The centipede says, "I'm going! I'm going! I'm just my shoes! "

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词

的适当形式完成下列句子) (共8分)

54. It is absolutely right that a good detective never jumps to __________. (conclusion)

55. On the __________ day of this year, I wrote to Dad to tell him I love him. (one)

56. Children should learn to look after __________ instead of depending on their parents. (they)

57. Surfing the interact, like reading, can also make us learn much __________. (know)

58. The speech __________ talks about how to have a healthy diet. (main)

59. Keeping pet dogs is a good idea, and we can learn about __________ from it. (responsible)

60. In the future, Joe would like to __________ a truck like his father. (driver)

61. We've got ready to __________ the unknown world with everything we have. (cover)

V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词) (共14分)

62. The young man denied stealing the purse from the old lady on the bus. (改为否定句)

They young man __________ __________ stealing the purse from the old lady on the bus. (对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ are you going to move into the newly-decorated house?

64. There were so many people that we couldn't enjoy the beautiful view. (改为简单句)

There were __________ many people for us __________ enjoy the beautiful view.

65. We're not able to give up the life of the poor girl for the time being. (保持句意基本不变) We're not able to give up the life of the poor girl, __________ __________.

66. People will talk about the safety of girls during the next meeting. (改为被动语态)

The safety of girls __________ __________ talked about during the next meeting

67. My brother asked, "Has Lin Dan won the game?" (合并成宾语从句)

My brother asked __________ Lin Dan __________ won the game.

68. easy, to, on the Internet, is, book, a ticket, it (连词成句)


Part 3 Reading and Writing

(第三部分 读与写)

IX. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解):(共50分)

A. Choose the best answer (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12分)

Dmitri is a 12-year-old student in Russia. We asked him about the things he does in a typical day.

What time do you usually get up ?

I usually get up at 7:30 a.m. for school. In winter, it's still dark and cold. You can see the vapour from your own breath! I am reluctant(勉强得) to get out of bed.

My family lives in a small fiat. Every morning, I fold up the bedclothes and mattress (床垫) and store them in the cupboard.

What do you have for breakfast?

We have breakfast in the school canteen. I like hot milk, bread with jam, or cheese and biscuits to keep me from being cold. And I felt quite satisfied after I have the breakfast.

How do you get to school?

My brother and I go to the same school. We either go by bicycle or we walk.

Why do you walk if you have bicycles?

We go by bicycle when there is no snow. When the weather is very bad, it is safer to walk.

Where is your school?

is about 30 minutes' walk from home, or 10 minutes by bike. And cycling is the quickest way to go to school.

What time do classes begin?

Classes start at 9 a.m. and finish at 2:30 p.m. We have a break at 11:15 a.m. and lunch break at 12:30 a.m.

What subjects do you study?

We study Russian language and history. And we study English, Maths and Geography. Boys have Manual Work classes while girls have Arts and Crafts.

Are you taking part in any after-class activities?

I have football practice on Tuesdays after school. The other days, I stay with my classmates and do homework for two hours because my home is in a very small space.

69. Dmitri finds it difficult to get up for school in winter because ______.

A) it is still dark and cold B) it is rainy

C) there is water vapour D) his family lives in a small flat A) unhealthy B) bad C) rich D) amazing

71. Dmitri feels ______ after breakfast.

A) sad B) satisfied C) hungry D) cold

72. Dmitri thinks cycling is the ______ way to go to school.

A) quickest B) safest C) most exciting D) best A) Izhevsk B) Dmitri's home C) Dmitri's bicycle D) the distance

74. You can probably find this article ______.

A) in a comic B) in a teen magazine C) in a movie review D) in an encyclopedia

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)

Emily Mason and George Peters have lived next door to each other as long as they can

remember. When they were little children, they used to play together. They were good friends, they sometimes fought over toys or argued about what games they would play. As they grew older, they played together less.

Emily preferred to be with girls and George preferred to play with boys. When they were about fifteen years old, they almost stopped speaking to each other, not because they had disagreed with each other about anything, but because they belonged to different groups. Emily had begun to study French, and she French so much that she began to write short plays in French. In addition, she liked television programmes, and she was interested in watching football games very much. Her mother used to say, "Emily, I've heard of a girl who likes football as much as you do." Mrs. Mason simply did not approve of her daughter's interest. Football, she felt, was for men and boys.

While Emily was working on her French lessons or watching football games on 'IV, George was working for his father in his store after school. He liked selling things to people. Mr. Peters found George so helpful that he thought about offering him a higher When George

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